Whispers in the dark by Spikes_slayer08
Summary: Set end of season 2 goes off canon just before Becoming Part 1.

When Spike finds he can walk again, he goes to Buffy to make a truce, coming together to put a stop to Angelus and Drusilla's plans but when Spike shows up at Buffy's house one night to talk strategy he is horrified to find Buffy beaten, bloody and raped on the bathroom floor a snarling Angelus standing over her.

After saving her life he finds the once vibrant slayer is now broken and scared. Will he be able to save her? Or will she be lost forever?

You can also find the trailer i made for this fic here:

Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst, Horror, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Character Death, Rape, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes Word count: 24183 Read: 28196 Published: 03/05/2009 Updated: 06/02/2010
Laying Claim. by Spikes_slayer08
Author's Notes:
Buffy gets her birthday wish.

A HUGE thanks for my Beta Pixiecorn (Kelly) for going over this chapter and getting it back to me so fast *hugs sweetie* Also a MASSIVE thanks to Edgehead (Mel for the awesome banner, i love it hun!
Chapter 11

Laying claim.

The drive home had been made in silence. Buffy was slowly starting to feel better and could feel the drugs finally starting to leave her system as they got out of Spike’s car. She watched as her mother, Willow and Xander ran out of the house, both wrapping their arms around her in a big group hug before pulling back.

“Oh sweetheart, are you okay?” Joyce asked, studying the patch of Buffy’s forehead.

“I’m fine mom, just tired.”

“Buffy, I’m so sorry!" Willow sighed. "They were just too strong.”

“It’s not your fault Will, I’m just sorry I couldn’t protect you.” Buffy frowned, touching the bruise that was now on Willow’s check.

“It’s not your fault… I can’t believe Giles was involved.”

“Sorry Buffy, I told them.” Xander piped in.

“It’s okay, yes he was involved but in the end he showed where his loyalties lie when he decided to tell me about the test," she met her friends eyes. "So while he isn’t totally forgiven, he has made the first step.”

“Well, I've called Andrew at the gallery and told him I won’t be in tonight, so would you like me to make you some chicken soup?” Joyce asked.

“Mom," Buffy met her mothers determined face. "You have that huge show casing tomorrow night and Andrew can’t do it all alone, you need to go and before you say anything, yes, I’m sure I’m going to have a hot shower and go to sleep.”

“My brave girl.” Joyce sighed, touching Buffy’s face. “Okay but I’m only a phone call away if you need anything."

“Can you drive Willow and Xander home too please. I don’t want them walking tonight, not with both Spike and I at home, it’s not safe.”

“Of course sweetie, you just get some rest.” She smiled, kissing her daughter on the head.

“Bye Buffy.” Both Willow and Xander said before following Joyce to the car.

“Come on luv, lets get you inside.” Spike said, ushering her into the house and closing the front door behind them.

“I’m going to have a shower.” She whispered almost meekly.

“Okay.” He nodded, watching as she moved up the stairs and disappearing from sight before he let out a deep sigh. He ran a shaky hand through his hair. While Buffy was showing a brave front he could tell she was far from okay, she was clearly shaken, something was on her mind, he just wished she would tell him what.

He pushed the thoughts from his mind and moved up stairs into her room. Sifting through her drawers and pulling out some comfortable pajamas for her, he laid them on the bed before shedding his leather duster. He could still hear the water running in the bathroom and sat down on the bed waiting for her to return.

Ten minutes later he heard the shower turn off and the bathroom door open. When she stepped into the room, she didn’t seem surprised to see him sitting there waiting for her. His breath caught in his throat at the sight of her.

Long, wet blonde hair hung loose, clinging to her back and shoulders. She wore nothing but a fluffy pink towel that was tightly wrapped around her, he felt himself go hard and instantly felt ashamed of himself. “You git! She's been through hell and back tonight and all you can think about is shagging her!!!” His mind yelled at him. Clearing his throat and quickly standing, he moved around her and towards the door, desperately needing to put some distance between them.

“Um… I was just getting you some pajamas ready, they're on the bed, luv.” He said nervously, walking quickly towards the door. The small hand grasping his arm stopped him.

“Wait… don’t go. I-I want you to stay.” she whispered, her eyes pleading him.

“Wasn’t leaving, luv." He glanced down at her toweled state. "Was just going down stairs to give you some privacy… Can’t leave remember, I live here.” he smiled.

“No, I meant don’t leave the room," she met his eyes. "Stay here with me.” She whispered, taking a few steps closer to reach around his body and push the door shut.

“Buffy, luv…”

“It’s still my birthday and I believe you still haven’t given me my present yet.”

“Actually pet, I did this morning remember?” He smiled, pointing at the gold chain bracelet that was clasped around her wrist.

“Don’t play dumb, Spike… you know what I want.”

“Kitten your're tired, been on the run all night fighting a crazed vamp. You’ve been weakened and me claiming you would be dangerous.” He explained, cupping her check lovingly.

“Is that the only reason?” she whispered, hurt.

“What do you mean?”

“Is it because of the drug? Me being weak? Is that the only reason you won’t claim me tonight?”

“Luv, I would make you mine in a second if that’s what you want. I love you and there is no one else for me in this universe of that I’m sure but I won’t put you at risk either…The drugs have weakened you, made you like a normal human, maybe even weaker and when a vampire claims someone…” sighing, he tried to find the best words to describe it.

“I would have to feed from you," he met her eyes trying to make her understand. "You would need to be able to bite me and with how weak the drugs have made you, feeding off you could be dangerous.” She nodded in understanding.

“So your're 100% sure that once I’m back to full strength you'll want to claim me?”

“Yes, luv." Spike smiled bringing her in close for a hug. "A million times yes.” Spike couldn't see it but he could feel her smile into his shoulder.

“Well, we should get started then.”

“Buffy I just explained…” He started but was abruptly cut off when she grabbed him by his shirt, lifting him into the air effortlessly and tossing him across the room and onto her bed. With a grin she let her towel drop to the floor and stalked across the bedroom to a stunned and clearly aroused Spike. She grawled up onto the bed and slid her way up until she was straddling him.

“You were saying?” She smiled cheekily.

“Little minx.” He growled before smashing his lips onto her’s. The kiss was demanding and strong, full of passion, intensity and love. Not taking the time to undo his buttons she ripped his shirt open, tearing it from his body. He was stunned by her actions, she had never been so forceful with him before.

Buffy was relishing in it, loving the feel of her strength coursing through her again. She couldn't help to admit that she had missed this, missed having the power and strength.

Moving down his body, she undid his belt and pants before pulling them down his body. She was thankful that he had removed his boots at some point. Crawling back up his naked form, she hissed when he sucked a perk nipple into his mouth, twirling it around skillfully.

She felt his hand move south and let out a gasp as he brushed over her cleanly shaven pussy and across her sensitive clit making her hips jump. She couldn’t wait, no time for foreplay. She simply needed to feel him with her, in her and all around her. She had come so close to death tonight, to losing him forever and the thought brought tears to her eyes. Spike saw the change in her attitude and stopped his wandering hands.

“Luv, what’s wrong?” He brushed a hand across her checks and turned her head towards him. The moment his eyes met her tearful ones he started worrying. “Luv, please talk to me.” He begged, pulling himself up into a sitting position, Buffy still in his lap.

“I’m sorry," she brushed the tears from her eyes. "It’s stupid,” she whispered.

“If it’s upsetting you then it’s not stupid, is it about me claiming you? Because if you've changed your mind…”

“No!" Her eyes widened, shaking her head. "No I want this more than anything.” She sniffled, wiping her tears. “It’s just… I almost lost you tonight." Her hands sought out his and she gripped them tight. "I didn’t think I was going to get out of that house alive and all I could think was how much I wanted to see you just one last time.” She whispered, letting her tears fall.

“You will never loss me, luv." Spike kissed her. "Not even in death. I would follow you to hell and back if it meant being with you forever, that’s how much I love you.” Buffy nodded as she wiped her tears away.

“I love you too.” She whispered, kissing him hard and passionately. “I need you.” She moaned a few minutes later into his ear before pushing him back down onto his back. Spike didn't hesitate, he positioned himself at her entrance and grasped her hips, pulling her down onto his length.

Buffy let out a gasp and flung her head back in pleasure. Spikes eyes rolled back at the feel of her incasing him in her warmth and stilled her hips.

Moving up and down slowly at first, he let Buffy control the pace. He met her eyes and smiled. They had always been amazing together, he slid his hands from her hips and up her body to cup her breasts, flicking her swolen peaks.

She could feel her orgasm nearing, burning deep in her belly.

“Please,” she whimpered, meeting his eyes.

Spike knew that look and without breaking their rhythm, flipped their positions. He slipped into game face when she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him in close. He met her eyes, and the demon in him growled when she slipped her hand around his head and brought his face down to her neck. Spike sped up his thrusts, loving the sounds she was making as he kissed and sucked on the pulse point on her neck.

Buffy readied herself for the pain bliding pain, remembering when the master had bitten her but it never came. When she felt his fangs slip into her neck and the first pull of her blood flow into his mouth she gasped. It was like door after door slammed open, intense pleasure coursed through her causing her to gasp in shock.

“Oh god, Spike!” She gasped, her legs keeping him locked in as her hands scraped down his back, leaving red marks. His demon growled in pleasure, loving the feel of his mates skin against his.

“Mine.” She heard him growl possessively against her neck as he retracted his fangs, licking the wound closed.

“Yes!" Buffy gasped, her hands sliding up and down his back. "Yours, only yours.” She knew what she had to do next and wasted no time before slipping her blunt human teeth into his neck. As soon as the first drop of his blood entered her mouth it was like she had finally found home. She felt him, not only in and around her in the physical sense but she could feel him. Like he was a part of her being.

His pace quickened and she removed her teeth, kissing his neck before letting out a scream as he kissed his mark, making her come undone.

“Mine.” She moaned, riding out the end of her climax.

“I'm yours luv, only bloody yours.” He moaned, filling her with his seed before collapsing in a sweaty heap next to her. They happily lay in each other arms, side by side, cuddling each other.

“I love you, Spike." She met his eyes and kissed his lips sweetly. "All of you.”

“I love you too pet, so bloody much.” He caught her lips and prepped her with kisses before laying back. They both feel into a dreamless and peaceful sleep, close and happy in each other’s arms.
End Notes:
So?? what do you think??? feed my muss and let me know ; )
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=33857