The Lady In Red by PaganBaby
Summary: AU/All Human. WIP. Buffy Finn is unhappy in her marriage, and plans on having a passionate fling with a stranger. William is a shy young thing whom Buffy sets her sights on.

Best NC-17 (Het)
Runner Up for Best NC-17 (Het) at the Sunnydale Memorial Awards!
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Completed: Yes Word count: 44119 Read: 18888 Published: 03/24/2009 Updated: 05/20/2009
Chapter 3: Going Down? by PaganBaby
After waving goodbye to the friendly cabbie, Buffy started walking to the hotel with William's hand in hers.

There weren't all that many people shuffling about around the hotel, surprising for a Friday night. That was fine with Buffy; there was less of a chance of her running into someone she knew. Not that people she knew would have reason to stay at the hotel...unless they were up to the devil's business like she was. And if that were the case, they wouldn't be too anxious to admit they'd been at the hotel either.

Buffy had chosen this particular hotel, in part because of how ritzy it was, an expensive hotel bought a certain level of confidentiality. The staff knew how to keep their guests' secrets and they didn't ask questions.

She usually never got to go to expensive places, money wasn't exactly falling out of her ass. She'd saved up money for a long time. At first, Buffy had thought it could be an emergency fund for the family. Then the money was put away for a treat for herself, a shopping spree on Rodeo Drive, perhaps. But then she'd just called it 'The Rainy Day Fund', for any item or activity that was urgently needed.

Another attractive feature: glass elevators. There were two glass elevators, one on each tower, that ran up the sides of the building. They made the hotel more pleasing to the eye, and also made naughty thoughts run through Buffy's head.

Buffy smiled at him knowingly, "Ever done anything like that before?"

William laughed. "Uh, no! I never...did anything quite like that." He'd almost confessed to having been a virgin, he didn't want her to know. His lack of experience would embarrass him. She hadn't asked if it was his first time, so he must be doing okay so far going with what he'd read and using instinct. "Have, uh, you done that before?"

She shook her head, "I never did it in a cab either. Wanted to, but I was too modest. I've learned that life's too short not to take chances and do something crazy once in a while. I'm glad my first time was with you." She squeezed his hand.

"Me too." He didn't know if she was telling the truth, but he chose to believe her. "Are you from out of town?" William asked.

"Hmm? Oh -- yes I am," she lied. "I'm here visiting my cousin. I'm actually staying with her. Not tonight though, I wanted to go out and have some fun of my own. I got a hotel room for tonight for some privacy, I didn't want to bother her with all the noise we're going to be making." She giggled and squirmed a little.

"What?" he asked with a raised brow and questioning smile.

"Your deposit is leaking out... Ohh that feels weird," she giggled again, rubbing her thighs together.

He stopped in his tracks, "Oh! I d-didn't even think -- We didn't use anything! Oh dear lord!"

Buffy slipped her arm through his. "Don't freak out. I'm taken care of as far as birth control goes. And you don't have to worry about me giving you anything bad, I recently got a clean bill of health."

"Oh... well... yeah, that's good..." He didn't want to offend her by asking how many sex partners she'd had. Did she make a habit of seducing men? She was certainly good at it! "I'm, uh, healthy too. You don't have to worry either." It would be a miracle if she contracted any disease from him, considering that he'd never had sex before.

Buffy had a feeling she knew some of the questions that were racing through his mind. "I want you to know that what we did in the cab, and what we're going to do upstairs, that was the first time I've ever done anything like this. I've never had sex with someone I just met."

William blinked, wondering how she'd known what he was thinking. "Really?"

She nodded and nudged him into resuming their walk toward the elevator. "Really. I wanted to have one night where I could do whatever I wanted. Not worrying about what might happen, or how wrong it might be considered by some people." She laughed and said, "I'm not a total slut, no matter how much I look and behave like one tonight."

"I-I didn't say you were a --"

She leaned up and kissed his cheek. "I know you didn't. I just want you to be at ease about not using a rubber. I wanted you to go in bareback, and it felt just as wonderful as I'd hoped it would."

William smiled shyly, then looked up at the hotel, admiring the architecture. "This is the fanciest hotel in town. Lovely, isn't it?"

"Mmmhmm. Only the best for me...and my special guest for the evening."

"You mean just me...right? There's not...another person waiting upstairs?" He'd only just been introduced to one-on-one sex for the first time, he didn't know if he'd be able to 'do' groupsex.

"I meant only you. You're more than enough to keep me entertained."

He laughed with relief, "Phew! I'm having a great time -- an unbelievably great time! -- with you, but I wouldn't want to, um, add someone else to the mix. The cab driver, Mr. Gunn, watching us was almost too difficult for me..." He felt his face flaming just thinking about what he'd done in front of another person.

"There's not an orgy going on in my room." She laughed. "It'll be just the two of us. Not even anyone else watching."

The walk to the elevator seemed to take forever as far as Buffy was concerned. There was too much talkin' and not enough shaggin' goin' on. Her cute waiter was asking a few too many questions, and it was harshing her buzz a bit.

They finally reached the polished metal doors, no other people waiting to board the elevator -- perfect.

With a sly wink, Buffy pressed the Call button.

William gulped and smiled, wondering what other sinful delights lay ahead of him in the immediate future.

Buffy could see that he was anxious. Some smoochies while waiting for the elevator to arrive would help soothe his nerves. She pulled him to her for a soft, wet kiss, then moved her lips along his jaw.

William's eyes closed, tingles shot through his body. "When can I see you again?"

She giggled. "When you open your eyes."

He opened his eyes and smiled, "I meant, when can I see you again, after tonight?"

She blinked. "I...thought you knew what this was..."

"What is it?"

" night stand."

He felt his face flush with embarrassment, feeling like a fool for believing it could be anything other than a brief dalliance. "Oh."

Buffy felt guilty when she saw disappointment cloud over his handsome face. She gingerly fingered his curls, "Don't most guys dream of spending the night with a woman without there being any strings attached? To go their separate ways in the morning?"

"I, uh., yes, I suppose you're right. But...don't you want to do this again?"

She smiled sadly, brushing a lock of hair back from his forehead. "I need for this to be a one time thing."

"Why can't it be more? I-I don't want to sound like a ponce, but..."

Buffy almost said that she wanted more too. He was so beautiful, and looked so sad that it was hurting her heart. But she stuck to the plan. "Besides this being me living out a fantasy, there's the fact that I'm...married," she confessed with a sigh.

William raised his eyebrows, "Oh!" His conscience nagged at him, telling him to end things right now before he could compound his immoral behavior tonight by knowingly having sex with a married woman -- did that make him an adulterer too, or was it just the person who was married? "Maybe...I should just go home," William said dejectedly.

"No, don't go! Stay with me, baby." Buffy slid her arms around his neck and gave him a passionate kiss.

William groaned, but it only took a few seconds of her special (and damn effective!) method of persuasion before he answered her plea, wrapping his arms around her. Apparently he would do anything the Lady in Red commanded him to do, he was a tower of Jell-O when it came to her.

Buffy nibbled at his bottom lip and moved her hands down to his hips. "You have no idea how much I need this... How much I need you. My husband barely knows I'm alive."

He shook his head, not able to comprehend how a red-blooded man could ignore her. "How is that possible? You're so..." His deep blue eyes roamed reverently over her face, and in a soft, awe-tinged voice he added, "You're the sexiest, most beautiful woman in the world..."

Buffy's breath hitched, not just because of his words, but because of the sincerity and affection she saw on his face. He really did think she was what he'd said: the sexiest, most beautiful woman in the world. After so long a time being ignored and taken for granted by the man in her life, it was astonishing and flattering as hell to have a man see her as so desirable.

She couldn't stop herself, not even if she'd wanted to, from latching onto his lips and kissing him deeply, conveying her thanks.

She pulled back and smiled at him, "You're so sweet... Thank you."

"I don't understand how your hus--"

"Shhh," Buffy said, giving him a small kiss. "Let's steer clear of that subject, okay? I don't want to talk about him, or our everyday lives. We have tonight to tease and please each other until we're both too exhausted to blink. Let's go up to my room and make some more delicious memories that we can cherish for the rest of our lives. I know I'll think about it and get a huge grin...and that's just the memories from the cab ride to the hotel. There are tons more fun things we can do in the privacy of my room."

He wanted to say more, but bit his tongue, settling for just nodding at her. She clearly didn't want to talk about her husband or what the hell was wrong with the man. The husband had to be a gigantic fool not to appreciate this beautiful, intoxicating woman. If she were William's woman, she would know what it was to be worshipped by a man, never left wanting for a thing...

Buffy glanced up at the elevator. "And this has to be the world's slowest goddamn elevator!" She laughed. "We're busy people, we've got things to do and places to be."

William chuckled. He'd thought it just seemed slow to him because of how anxious he was to get on with the evening.

The more Buffy thought about what might be coming next if she got her way (and she did plan on getting her way), the more she realized that a slow moving elevator might be of the good -- of the very good...

There was a *DING!* as it arrived, at long last, on the ground floor.

They grinned at each other, joined hands and went in.


Once inside the elevator, Buffy pushed the button for floor #14. Then she put her arms around his neck and kissed him hard on the lips.

William kissed her back, winding his arms around her. He couldn't get enough of her lips, of her petite, firm body pushing against his, feeling her fingers sliding through his hair or caressing his skin.

The moment Buffy had seen the hotel's glass elevators, she had recalled a younger man/older woman thing, the movie 'Class'. Bad movie, but it did have a fun sex in an elevator scene (as well as a very young, very yummy Rob Lowe, whom her waiter reminded her of a bit. They both had such gorgeous blue eyes).

William dragged his lips down to her neck, breathing in her sweet perfume again as he kissed the side of her throat. Buffy purred in contentment while her lusty knave pulled on her with his hot, soft lips, his hard body pressed against her. She couldn't get enough of him and, thank God, he couldn't seem to get enough of her either.

William smiled, her pulse thumping on his lips. "I love that noise."

"Hmm, what noise?"

"That little...purr-y thing you do. Sounds like a naughty little kitty cat."

Buffy tittered then purred loudly on purpose.

His cock jumped at the sound. "Mmmm, yes that's it...Kitten."

"Oooh, Kitten! I like that!" Since she was trying on a seductive sex kitten persona tonight, that nickname seemed very fitting. And the word 'kitten' just sounded so good coming out of his mouth. "Did you like licking my pussy?" Buffy asked, brushing her lips over his ear.

"Ohh yesss," William moaned, then licked his lips, salivating at the prospect of having his tongue inside her again. He tightened his hold around her, pulling her close. "You taste so bloody sweet, Kitten."

She purred in his ear, queuing up naughty activity #2 on the agenda.

"Ever do it in an elevator?" she asked, pulling back, waggling her eyebrows, and tossing her purse to the floor. She wanted to have both hands free.

William shifted nervously. "Do you mean you want"

"Well, now does seem like a good time to bring it up -- with us being in an elevator and all," Buffy smiled and used her body to press his back against the elevator doors.

William laughed, "You are outrageous! Do you know that?"

"Does that mean you don't want to?" She slid her hands down over his ass and squeezed. "Or that you can't?"

He couldn't believe it, but he was horny again. He'd cum twice in the taxi and yet he was ready to go again.

"Is there anything that you won't do?" he whispered, smiling adoringly at her.

"Hmmm, I guess we'll have to do some experiments to figure out the answer to that one." She chewed on his earlobe and pressed the Emergency Stop button on the panel to their right.

The elevator car halted its ascent with a jostling bump.

"You don't want to wait until we get to the room?"

She smirked. "Waiting's overrated."

William wanted her badly, but couldn't totally repress his anxiety. "Won't they try to find out what's wrong with the lift? What if they --"

Buffy put her fingers to his lips, "Shhh. No 'what ifs'. Tonight is a fantasy, remember? Step outside of yourself, don't think things to death... Just do what your body's telling you it wants for once." That's what she'd been reciting to herself, it applied to him too.

He couldn't refuse her. He didn't want to refuse her. They kissed again and Buffy pulled him backwards with her until they came up against the back of the elevator.

"I...can't help but notice that this elevator is made of glass," William said, looking out at the darkened landscape through the glass wall. He saw a few jags of lightning in the distance from the storm that had been raging not long ago.

"You're observant, I like that in a man," Buffy joked, kissing then sucking on the soft skin of his throat.

"Are -- Ahhh! Dear Lord that feels good! Are you one of those people who can only achieve, um, maximum pleasure if someone's watching?"

She chuckled. "No, I just think it's hot and always wanted to try it. I like non-public sex behind closed doors, too. Doing it in an elevator is just another fantasy of mine." She pouted, "You don't want to make my fantasy come true?"

He replied by kissing her and cupping her breasts in his hands.

"Going...down?" Buffy asked with a giggle. Buffy wanted to do lots of different things in the elevator, but time was of the essence. She decided to go with the first kinky fantasy that'd popped into her head the moment she saw the glass elevators.

"We're going to the basement?" William asked, not getting what she meant right away.

She giggled again -- she hadn't giggled that much since she was a carefree teenager. "No, silly! I would've said 'going up' but there's no double entendre in that. " She flicked her hips and waved the front of her dress in the air.

Her inner thighs were shiny and sticky with cum. The load he'd recently shot into her pussy was leaking down, giving her thighs a shiny finish. The thought of eating his own jizz gave him pause.

Buffy ran her fingers through his hair. "What's wrong? Don't start getting too shy on me now, baby."

"There's, um... My...stuff is still inside of you... Most of it, anyway..."

"You never ate your own cum? Not even a taste? Take it from me, in every sense of the phrase, it's deeelish!"

William remembered tasting himself in her mouth and his dick twitched, hardening again. He went down on his knees and smiled sheepishly up at her. He pushed her dress up to get at her crotch. The thong had definitely seen better days! It was soaked and the material was slightly stretched out.

He hooked his fingers into the sides of the pretty red undies and looked up at her for permission before he removed them. Buffy gave him an avid nod, switching her hips. She thought it was cute that he wanted to know if taking her panties off was okay.

Getting the go-ahead, William pulled the soggy garment down her tanned legs. Buffy stepped out of them when he got them to her ankles, careful to keep her red pumps on.

"You can keep them, if you'd like them as a souvenir," she said, bringing her left leg up to rest over his shoulder.

He scrunched the panties up in his hand, feeling the dampness of the crotch. Yes, he most definitely wanted to keep them. He put them in his jacket pocket, then attended to her now exposed pussy.

William started by licking her sticky inner thighs -- the combination of their juices was delicious! He had been squicked for nothing, he'd gladly eat all of it up. The strokes of his tongue were more assured as he moved up to slather her dewy folds. His right hand massaged her thigh as he feasted on her.

"Mmmmm! So good!" Buffy moaned, pushing her pelvis harder to his mouth and pressing her shoulders back against the glass. She smiled widely when he began lapping at her pussy in earnest. It made her shiver at the sheer kinkiness of it, he was licking and sucking up their combined cum from inside of her. Boring old Riley would probably puke even contemplating doing this -- that passionless, unadventurous little prick.

William couldn't wait any longer to shove his tongue up her pussy to get to the more substantial stuff. He wiggled his tongue between her lips, quickly located her hole, and wedged his tongue in as deep as it would go.

Buffy gasped, gripping his hair in one hand, and the handrail in the other to keep her balance. His tongue was so long, so strong, and so agile! Fantastic! His hot, quick breaths on her pussy added more fuel to the fire blazing in her loins.

"Ohhh yes, baby! Love your tongue! Eat my cunt!" She gyrated against his mouth. Her pussy was wetter than it had ever been, it was virtually drooling into his mouth. She creamed hard on his waggling tongue and thanked God (or was it Satan she should thank?) for delivering the cute waiter into her sex-starved clutches. He was exactly what she'd needed and prayed for.

William found that sometimes just moving his head, as opposed to working his tongue or jaw muscles, was just as effective at making her shudder. And it kept his jaw from getting too tired too fast. He would have to store away that bit of on-the-job training for future use.

Buffy bumped the back of her head on the glass wall as another orgasm spiraled through her, "Ohhh fuck! Mmmmm--Ahhh!"

William felt her inner walls shaking around his tongue, along with a new flood of moisture pouring into his mouth. He slurped up her nectar, wishing he could have a sip from her sweet pussy anytime of the day or night. He was quickly becoming addicted to her taste, to feeling her quiver from his actions, to hearing her make those beautiful sounds... He was becoming addicted to her.

Buffy humped his mouth, impaled on his probing tongue for a minute longer.

"I need your cock!" she yelled, tugging on his hair. "Fuck me now! Please, baby! Give it to me hard!" She wasn't too proud to beg; she needed to be filled with his big slab of man-meat again.

Lust was surging through William's body, making him dizzy with it. He felt like a primitive, a caveman, underdeveloped brain, overpowering sex drive and all. All he wanted to do was get his cock inside of her as fast as possible. He stood swiftly, lowering her leg to his hip and holding it there, and mashed his mouth to hers.

Buffy helped him unzip and pull his stiff cock out. She knew they had to hurry, but wanted to examine his dick in the bright light. But William was on an urgent mission to fuck her. He grabbed the back of her thigh and hoisted her other leg up to his side. Buffy wobbled, quickly locking her ankles under his ass to keep from falling.

And then, in one swift, hunching movement, he was balls-deep inside of her.

"Ahhhh! Unnghha! G-GOD!" Buffy wailed, her eyes slamming shut. She kept a tight grip on the handrail behind her, her other hand wound around his neck, her fingernails digging in.

William buried his face in her lustrous blonde hair, driving in and out of her spasming pussy wildly, his body possessed by some naughty demon. To his surprise, thinking that there might be someone on the ground below looking up and seeing them shagging...was exciting. He never thought he would get off on something so kinky -- so bad -- and yet he did.

Buffy just held on for dear life and let him fuck her brains loose. One of her red 'fuck me' pumps slipped off her feet and landed on the floor, unnoticed. She was too consumed with desire, only aware of the big cock hammering into her and battering her pussy.

"Yes! YES! Ohhh! Just like that, b-baby!"

He grunted, pistoning his hips, his cock slamming its way home over and over again.

"Ohhhh--YES! Fuck me! Fuck me!" Buffy moaned as he pounded her against the glass. She looked behind her, out the window, and thought her eyes were playing tricks for a second. The scenery was changing, getting smaller. The elevator was moving again -- there must be an override for the elevator in a control room somewhere. The doors could open any second to let more passengers in. "Ohhh--It's moving! It's moving!" she exclaimed.

"Ahhh! Yes, I know!" William didn't falter in his quick, demanding rhythm. He thought she was saying she felt his cock pushing and pulsing inside of her. He wasn't aware that the elevator itself was moving.

Buffy was about to tell him to stop, that they had to quit and fix their clothes before they were busted by hotel security, or even just a group of guests wanting to go to the lobby, when he started fucking her even more furiously.

Wouldn't it have been funny if the vigorous fucking had caused them to crash through the glass wall and plummet down to the pavement together? Everyone in Sunnydale -- Hell, it would probably be a headline on Yahoo! -- would know she was a philandering slut. Oh well, it wasn't like she'd be alive to bear the shame... and what a way to go!

But Buffy was enjoying it too much to make him stop. She held on to him and whimpered, letting him fuck her senseless.

"Ohh--Ohh god!" William panted urgently. "Ohhh, Kitten! I'm--Unnhha!"

Buffy felt his body tensing, his cock throbbing madly inside of her. Then he grunted loudly in release, hips jerking as he spilled more of his hot seed in her pussy.

Like back in the cab, his climax set hers off again. "Unngghh! Cumming! Ohh baby! YES!" Her body shook, she grasped the back of his neck with her hand, and tightened her legs around him to push his cock in deeper.

The elevator continued smoothly on its upward journey.
This story archived at http://