The Lady In Red by PaganBaby
Summary: AU/All Human. WIP. Buffy Finn is unhappy in her marriage, and plans on having a passionate fling with a stranger. William is a shy young thing whom Buffy sets her sights on.

Best NC-17 (Het)
Runner Up for Best NC-17 (Het) at the Sunnydale Memorial Awards!
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Completed: Yes Word count: 44119 Read: 18884 Published: 03/24/2009 Updated: 05/20/2009
Chapter 9: Hold On Hope by PaganBaby
Author's Notes:
Last chapter! Enjoy!
Buffy awakened and stretched. She groaned at the aches present in every muscle in her body.

She smiled softly when she opened her eyes and saw him sleeping next to her. She was still curled up against his side. She'd slept like a log, more soundly and peacefully than she could remember sleeping in years. Buffy gently rubbed his hard chest, taking just a few more moments to enjoy the serenity she felt at being with him like this. Those confounding emotions she had about him were still present. She'd hoped that maybe when the afterglow wore off, she would be able to dismiss any gooey feelings that remained. But she still wanted him. She still wanted to stay with him forever, just like this.

Buffy placed a soft kiss to his chest, then carefully sat up and climbed out of bed.

'Oww! Shit! My body hurts! She winced and stretched some more.

A long soak in a hot bathtub, and then the application of ointments would be necessary when she got home. She had never felt so well-fucked. Her vagina was tender from all of the handling and pounding it had taken the night before. It felt like she'd been riding a horse all night -- in a way, she had. Mmmm, her stallion was just as insatiable as she'd prayed he would be.

She quietly gathered up her clothes and purse, then tiptoed into the bathroom.

It was about that time. Time for the 'walk of shame' back to her house. Buffy used her cell phone to call for a taxi, calling from the bathroom so as not to disturb her exhausted young lover. She was surprised at first by how rough her voice sounded when she called for the cab. Though she could understand how it had gotten that way. She had screamed and shouted in ecstasy more last night than she ever had.

It would be better if he didn't wake up until she was gone, it would be an awkward goodbye. But...part of her wanted to talk to him, kiss him, one more time. Part of her wanted to do a lot more than that.

After making herself look presentable, she came out of the bathroom. She sighed and looked at him, he was still asleep. He was so damn beautiful. Would she be able to do the right thing if he woke up? The right thing being: saying thanks, and then leaving. Or would she crumble if those deep blue eyes were fixed on her?

Buffy walked over to where she'd left her shoes and stepped into them. She picked up her black fur coat and slipped it on.

William woke up, stretching and yawning, noting how very sore his body felt. But all of his attention went immediately to her -- seeing her dressed again and putting on her coat. She was once again the 'Lady in Red'. He felt groggy, but was now fully awake. William rubbed his sleepy eyes, then went up on his elbows and looked at her, drinking her in with his eyes for what appeared to be the very last time.

"Hey," Buffy said with a small smile. So much for this being easier... But this is what she'd really wanted, for him to be awake for an appropriate goodbye.

"Hey," William said, then cleared his throat. "My throat hurts a bit..."

"Mine too," Buffy chuckled. "Too much shouting in pleasure. I haven't been this raspy since I went to my first concert when I was 17."

"You were going to leave... without saying goodbye," William said sadly.

Buffy sat down on the edge of the bed next to him. He looked so unhappy that it broke her heart. "I... thought that would probably be the best thing to do. No awkward goodbyes..."

"... Like the one we're having now... yeah." He looked down.

Buffy touched the side of his face, turning him to look at her. "Awkward or not, I'm glad you woke up."

"You don't have to say that..." he said, smiling a little.

"It's true. I want you to know just how...incredible you were last night. You did everything so perfectly, it was like a dream. You made me feel so good."

"You were incredible too..." William wanted to tell her the truth about him being a virgin before last night, because he was more than a bit proud of how well he had performed, and just because he didn't want to have any lies between them. But... he couldn't make himself admit it. What if she got angry that he'd lied? Those things she'd said about how horrible it would be for someone's first time to be so... dirty, told him that she wouldn't be happy by his admission. And then he'd confess to lying about his age, and she'd be angrier. Best to hold back on the truthiness for the time being. "I can't tell you how... It was just amazing." He sighed, frustrated with himself for not being able to say what he really wanted to say.

"I called a cab. It's probably waiting for me downstairs..." Buffy leaned over and gave him a kiss. She started to pull away.

William's heart pounded; he couldn't let her go without saying how he felt. It was now or never!

He reached out and put his hand on her arm. "Wait. I-I want... need to say something. I know you only want this to be a one time thing... but I don't."

Buffy closed her eyes and whispered, "Don't... please..." She felt so very weak when it came to him. She thought she was going to be able to get away without this discussion.

"Even if I do look like a pathetic wanker by saying this, I have to say it. You were probably right that most men would want a no strings attached night... but I'm not most men. What happened between us meant something to me... You mean something to me. And I don't want it to end. I-I have feelings for you. I can't help it." He held his breath.

"I don't know what to say..." Buffy prayed for strength. Ha! Like God would listen to her now?

His chances weren't looking good so far... but he pressed on. "Was this... Did being with me mean more to you than a one-night stand? Don't you feel... anything at all for me?" William braced himself for the crippling emotions that were sure to come with her answer...

Buffy bit her lip and looked into those beautiful, soulful eyes of his, nodding slowly. "I tried keeping it purely physical... I really, really tried. But... you're so sweet... and so damn hot. I felt things -- you made me feel things -- that I haven't felt in a long, long time."

William smiled uncertainly, not sure if there was going to be another 'big but'. "I want to see you again."

Buffy waffled for the 100th time. She needed to keep it an isolated incident, the way she’d planned it from the beginning. But... it was much more difficult than she thought it would be. Looking into his eyes weakened her determination. Vividly recalling the mind-blowing sex wasn’t helping her to be strong either.

“Pet?” he prodded.

"I told you... I'm married. It's so... complicated."

"I know... and I feel guilty that I don't feel guilty enough for wanting to be with you again. I don't want to go back to the way I was before I met you. You make me feel so... alive. My heart only began beating the moment I saw you... I don't want to let you go."

Buffy smiled, he was describing how she felt too -- how he made her feel alive, vital, desired... loved. She thought, 'God, maybe we *are* supposed to be together...? Now what the hell am I going to do? I should've known I couldn't have one night of mindless passion without any consequences. In this case, the first consequence is that I'm falling in love with my anonymous stud...'

She bowed her head and sighed. An affair was a lot different than a one night stand. Affairs required a big commitment to being unfaithful, they required planning and a campaign of continuous lies and deception. But... she was a weak, weak woman. She couldn't bear the thought that she might never have another night like last night. That she would never touch him or feel his lips pressing against hers...

"I have some really serious thinking to do..."

"So... there's still a chance that you'll... decide not to see me?"

Buffy ran her fingers through his disheveled hair. "I'm really confused about everything right now. This was not how this was supposed to go." She laughed weakly. "I was supposed to have amazing sex -- which I did -- and then say 'Nice meetin' ya!'. But I like you so much... so now I don't know what to do."

"I don't want to cause you any... distress, but I really want to be with you again."

“I... really want to be with you again too...” Buffy admitted, squeezing his hand. “But I have to think about this. It's a big decision.”

William nodded, “I-I understand. I’m not going to ask you to leave your husband or anything... I won’t make demands of you. I just want to be with you. Please just... consider it?”

Buffy smiled and went into his arms for a deep, long kiss. “Give me your phone number, I’ll call you in a few days.”

His heart leapt for joy in his chest. She wanted his number! "How long are you staying in town?"

"Hunh?" she asked, forgetting that she'd told him she was only visiting Sunnydale. Another lie...

"How long are you going to be visiting with your cousin?"

"Oh, until the, uh, end of the week. But she'll probably try monopolizing my time..." She would feel too stupid if she told him the truth right now. The truth could wait until she made a definite decision about seeing him again.

“If you don’t want to see me again..." William tried keeping his voice from breaking too much. "Please just tell me now? I’d rather be hurt now than be hurt and disappointed that you never called.”

She traced his cheekbone with her fingertips. “I meant it. I promise that I’ll call you, no matter what my decision is. You deserve that, baby.”

He held her hand lightly against his face and breathed deeply, then pressed a soft kiss to the inside of her wrist. Buffy held in a tremulous sigh. He was so beautiful, so gentle, and possessed so much passion. She had that strong feeling again, the feeling that told her they could be much more than anonymous sex partners. Oh, she wanted to be bad with him, and she wanted him to be hers and hers alone.

Buffy opened her purse and took out a piece of paper and a pen. "Write down your cell number."

William smiled and scribbled down his number then handed the paper and pen back to her. "I'm really looking forward to hearing from you, pet. You will call even if it's after you leave town, won't you?"

She wanted to tell him everything at that moment. But... she'd lied her ass off. He might not be so anxious to see her again, and it would sully (if not outright ruin) their tender goodbyes. She wanted to tell him right now -- yes, she definitely wanted to get together with him again. She felt such a strong bond with her young buck, and the way he was looking at her -- with so much hope and affection -- made her heart flutter like it hadn't in years. She could easily fall in love with him... if she wasn't already. But there was the still being married thing to consider... Before last night, she hadn't thought it possible that Riley could seem any more pathetic than he already did, but after the night of fantastic sex, and how adored her waiter had made her feel... just the thought of letting Riley touch her made her sick. Riley, with his teeny-weeny, sub par (virtually nonexistent) pleasuring skills, and emotional indifference. Yuck. Big fat yuck.

Buffy had a lot of thinking to do.

Wanting to give him something to let him know he wasn't just a great fuck and she meant what she'd told him, Buffy stroked his cheek and smiled, "What's your name?"

The way he smiled made her heart dance again. It was the most delighted, optimistic smile she'd ever seen.

"You... really want to know?" For a moment, he thought he might still be dreaming. And he almost forgot his own name.

She nodded. "I really want to know."

"William," he said softly.

"William," she repeated his name. "I always liked that name. I'm Buffy, pleased to meet you."

"Buffy... it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance too."

She loved the way her name sounded on his lips, even if he was a bit hoarse like she was.

"Buffy," he said again, "I like Buffy... the name and the incredibly beautiful girl to whom it belongs."

They laughed lightly and kissed again.

"Okay, the cab driver is probably getting impatient now... I have to go."

William swallowed hard, nodding. "Yeah... yeah, don't want to keep the cab waiting." He was afraid to let her leave. Despite the shreds of hope that she'd given him to hold on to, he was scared that he would never see her again once she walked out the door.

Buffy stood, picked up the bag o' fun, and walked to the door. She looked back at him. "I'll call you. With any luck, on Monday, if I can get a few minutes to myself."

"Okay... Careful going home, Kitt-- Buffy."

They smiled at each other one last time before she left the hotel room.


He let out a nervous breath when the door clicked shut behind her.

William had wanted to say "I love you" so many times over the course of the night, and again just before she left. That would've surely guaranteed that he'd never hear from her again. William was a romantic fellow, and when he fell, he fell hard.

But she wasn't looking for a relationship, she already had one in the form of a marriage, she'd only wanted a fling. If that was the only way she'd have him... then that's the way it would be. But... what about the husband? Even if the man were a certifiable idiot for not showing her love and adoration... that didn't make it okay to carry on behind his back... Did it? Having an affair with her wasn't the moral thing to do.

William waxed poetic in his head, 'Why does a man do what he mustn't? For her. To be hers...' He would do anything...anything to be hers. To be Buffy's.

He had discovered some truths about himself. He absolutely loved having sex, in every position and location, at any time, for as long as possible, and kinky stuff was fun! Some of the truths he'd discovered were off-putting. He was far less ethical and upright than he'd thought. He enjoyed having sex in public places while other people watched, or with the prospect of being observed. He loved being kinky: being tied and tying up, spanking, using sex toys -- it was all good. And, of course there was the desire to continue sleeping with a married woman thing too, which was a BIG moral no-no.

There was more to his feelings for Buffy than just orgasmic bliss -- though that was a big selling point too. When he was touching her, kissing her, inside of her... a peace and sense of rightness filled and washed over him, just like the sentiments in the song that had popped into his head before he'd fell asleep. William now knew and understood what all those poems and songs he loved were about now. He thought he had before, but he didn't know, not really. Now he understood what Masters such as Lord Byron, Shelley, Keats, and Lennon/McCartney were talking about.

He was a fool for love, and he was sure he had found it last night in the form of the Lady in Red, aka Buffy.

William sighed and rubbed his eyes. Sleeping with a married woman was wrong and immoral... but he wanted her so badly. She'd only just left and he was missing her already.

Despite his attempts at brave talk with her, he felt that he would die if she didn't call him. Once she had a few days to think about it she might decide that having an affair with him was crazy and dangerous... But she was a wild one, wasn't she? She got off on crazy and dangerous. Shagging him in the taxi with the driver -- Gunn, he remembered the man's name was -- watching and listening to the entire thing. And then in the glass elevator... where anyone walking below could have looked up and seen them fucking like rabbits.

An affair wasn't a shrewd business to involve oneself in. But, if she would have him, William would jump at the chance to share another passion-filled evening with her... and hopefully many more after that.

William laid down on his back, cataloguing every sensation, every sore muscle in his body. He'd never had so much fun making his body ache. As good as laying there immobile felt, he needed to get up, shower, and dress, then head home before checkout time.

He bolted upright in bed. "Bloody hell! I never called home last night!"

His mother would be beside herself with worry -- she probably already had the police dragging the river to find his corpse. And then she'd be furious when she confirmed that he wasn't dead or dying, that he was just an inconsiderate little prat.

William jumped out of bed, his body groaning in protest at every movement, and ran to take a quick shower washing the pungent smell of sex from his skin. That would be all he needed... for his mum to smell sex on him and know what he'd been doing all night.

He tried coming up with an excuse that didn't sound totally lame as he quickly showered, dried off, and then dressed. What was he going to tell his parents? They were going to be very, very brassed off.

Ready to leave the room, William pulled on his jacket, sticking his hand in the pocket. He grimaced, "Bloody hell..." He pulled out his glasses which had apparently broken at some point, probably back in the taxi cab. A new pair of glasses would run a few hundred dollars. His parents were going to kill him, pure and simple. Well, he still had his spare pair of glasses back at home... His parents might not even have to know about the original pair being broken.

He momentarily looked at the phone and considered calling to say that he was on his way. But maybe they weren't even aware that he hadn't come home...? Now he was being downright delusional -- of course they noticed he never came home from work. But he grasped at that oh-so-tiny bit of optimism that they were blissfully unaware, and that he could perhaps sneak into the house through his bedroom window...

William started for home, and his mind went back to Buffy. His parents' wrath and everything else in the world seemed so inconsequential compared to his thoughts of Buffy. He held on to the hope that she would call, and that they could be together again.


Buffy sat in the back of the taxi, looking out of the window and letting her mind wander.

The driver wasn't Mr. Gunn as last night. She was glad it wasn't him, even though he'd been very nice about the whole thing. Her brazenness from last night had worn off for the most part. The way she'd acted... that wasn't like the real her at all... All of the frustration and hopelessness she'd felt over the years had built up and made her temporarily insane, so it seemed. She'd done things in front of other people, like she'd wanted to get caught. She'd pounced on a man she didn't know and fucked his brains out all night long. If William (she couldn't help smiling a little thinking of his name) hadn't taken her up on her offer for sex in the taxi, he could have had her arrested for sexual assault -- she'd been crazed with lust.

But he had enthusiastically accepted her offer -- and how! William made her feel like no man ever had. This morning he'd told her he had feelings for her... And she unquestionably felt more for him than she should.

To call him, or not to call him -- that was the question.

Buffy clutched her purse a little tighter and smiled again. His number was tucked safely into the purse, just waiting for her to use it.

There was still a lot to think about, a lot to consider, but... Buffy knew she would end up calling him. And not just to say thanks for a wonderful evening.

Buffy didn't want to think about going the rest of her life without seeing William again. Having him hold her in his strong arms, having him gaze at her with those soulful blue eyes, having him kiss her with those soft, pouty lips...

Whether it was the smart or right thing to do, she would definitely be calling him on Monday to plan another get-together.

End Notes:
End Notes: Huge thanks to all of you who read and enjoyed my big comeback story :D I loved your reviews, and believe me, they really help encourage me to write more! So don't be shy about reviewing (my stories, and all of the other great authors out there).

I have to give one last shoutout to CallMeKitten, without whom I doubt I would've been able to complete this story. Love you, Buttercup! *huggles*

Ah, it's good to be back :)
This story archived at http://