Drown with me by lindsay
Summary: Spike Giles meets Buffy Summers and uses her before she can him, teaching her a lesson it would have taken her years to learn otherwise. They don't belong together, or so they try to tell themselves, but no one can resist the pull of the current forever before succumbing to the inevitable and accepting the fact that they're drowning
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes Word count: 16475 Read: 19483 Published: 07/10/2009 Updated: 06/22/2011
Chapter 7 by lindsay
Author's Notes:
I'm sorry that I took such a long sabbatical from my fics, I have not been well and between that and trying to get my ass out of university I've been swamped. I forgot how much this place helps alleviate my stress lol
I hope I am forgiven and that some people can get some enjoyment out of this update
Buffy walked down the street, not denying the extra swagger in her low-cut faded blue-jean clad ass. The black corset top did wonders for her not too small but not too big breasts, pumping them up into the ‘just right’ zone of her idea of perfect. Her hair was giving her a confidence she hadn’t felt in years. No, hadn’t let herself feel was a more fair assessment after seeing how her friends had her back no matter what after all. Once she had slipped on her large aviator sunglasses she had barely recognized her reflection. All the bad-ass she’d ever wanted to be with a new haircut and a different ensemble, “Who’d have thought.” she muttered to the warm just-turned night air.

She finally caught sight of her jeep and took a deep breath. “You can do this Buffy…come on.”

She noticed the glow of a cigarette and smiled, an idea forming while she grabbed her keys out of her purse and jingled them to get Spike’s attention. “Go put some shoes on William; we’re going for a ride.”

She held her breath and waited for a nasty comment and couldn’t help the smile that blossomed across her face when he put on his shoes and ran down the steps, stopping less than a foot away.

“That for me?”

“Huh?” She toyed with her hair and was about to answer when he cut her off.

“Not the hair ducks, though words can’t describe what I want to do to you and your new look” he said giving her a languid once-over. “I was talking about the smile.”

“Yup, that’s all for you. And it’s free…unlike the hair.” she added as an afterthought.

“I’ll pay you back for the hair.” he purred.

She laughed lightly and quirked an eyebrow, “What makes you think I would take your money?”

“What makes you think I was talking about money?” he asked, the tip of his tongue coming out to run along the tip of his canine.


“You love it.”

“Not yet.”

“You will.”

An uncomfortable moment passed, neither one willing to acknowledge that less than 24 hours ago they had said they wouldn’t see each other again and here they were talking about the future.

“We’ll see…are we done talking in two syllable sentences?”
“Maybe, perhaps, might be.”

She couldn’t help but laugh as she nodded her head towards the car, signaling that it was time to go but instead of getting in he wrapped his arms around her tightly.

“What’s your favorite color?” he whispered in her ear.

Without a second thought she answered “blue” and couldn’t help but smile at the knowing smile on his face.

She nodded to the car, “You gonna’ get in?”

“In a mo’. Think we can talk for a bit first?”


They walked over to his balcony and sat down while he lit another smoke and looked at the dark sky.

“I’m sorry about the way we started off; I was a bad, rude man.”

“It’s okay, really it is. I was a selfish bitch.”

Spike took a deep breath before continuing, “That doesn’t mean I want the white picket fence or a relationship though, to tell you the truth, I don’t know what I want, except that I want you and I don’t know what that means for me right now.”

Buffy smiled at him softly, “Maybe it doesn’t have to mean anything, right this instant. Ok – I’m cookie dough”, she risked a glance at him and swatted him playfully, “and let me finish before you judge”, she waited for his nod – which did nothing to conceal his amusement – and continued, “I’m not done baking. I’m not done becoming whoever the hell it is I’m going to become. But, maybe, while I’m baking, I can get to know you, as a friend and more if that’s what comes of us, and if you’re still around when I’m done baking we can talk about…fences.”

“And if I’m around when you’re done baking, do I get to eat some cookies?”

Buffy laughed, “Raw cookie dough is still good, so you can have some whenever you like.”

“Minx. So, friends friends, or more than friends friends?”
“As much as I don’t wanna’ back-track in the sex department, because I can’t deny we’re good together and the things you do are mind-numbingly fantastic, I don’t want that to be all we’re about, you know?”

“I do, and I understand, but that won’t really deter me from wanting to touch you.”

“Well that works out fine cuz’ I don’t want to not touch you either. But maybe we can get to know each other a little better? See if we fit in each others worlds, find out why we were both at that club that night being assholes?”

Spike chuckled and stuck out his hand for her to shake. “My name’s William, but my friends call me Spike. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Buffy Summers, and likewise.”

“Would you like to get a cup of coffee with me tonight Miss Summers?”

Buffy bit her lip and smiled, “Sounds like a plan, I’m driving.”

2 hours later:

Buffy threw her head back and laughed, the people in the small coffee shop smiling to themselves over the obviously new couples interaction.

They had been talking for hours, about nothing of importance really, but he was quick witted and funny, still, his sharp tongue couldn’t hide that little bit of sweetness that came out quite frequently. She was pretty sure she wasn’t supposed to notice them but how could she not.

Sweetness 1: He paid for her extravagantly overpriced girly drink
Sweetness 2: He didn’t order a coffee; instead he got a hot chocolate and sulked because they didn’t have mini-marshmallows
Sweetness 3: He tilted his head whenever she said something he found interesting

Okay, so maybe it wasn’t the most impressive list she’d ever mentally built but this was their first real outing as human beings and not fuck-bunnies who were hating on each other, so all things considered this was going really well.

“What are you thinking about?” Spike asked, his voice cutting through her inner dialogue.

“Honestly? I’m surprised at how well this is going.”

“So am I if we’re being honest. I was half convinced that once we started talking we’d lose interest pretty quickly.”

Buffy nodded, “I know, and I don’t mean it badly it’s just that we’re so….” She struggled to find an appropriate word when Spike interjected.


“No, unlikely is more the word I’d use.”

He smirked and nodded in agreement. “I concur.”

A moment passed, one of those silent ones that seems to burn itself into your memory – a soft smile on both their faces as a flicker of understanding went through them both, they could probably be good together, given the chance to get past all the bullshit, it wasn’t a certainty, but that flicker was there none the less – and then like all moments, it passed and the conversation resumed.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=35182