Drown with me by lindsay
Summary: Spike Giles meets Buffy Summers and uses her before she can him, teaching her a lesson it would have taken her years to learn otherwise. They don't belong together, or so they try to tell themselves, but no one can resist the pull of the current forever before succumbing to the inevitable and accepting the fact that they're drowning
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes Word count: 16475 Read: 19492 Published: 07/10/2009 Updated: 06/22/2011
Chapter 8 by lindsay
Buffy looked at the clock and tossed uncomfortably. She had driven Spike home four hours ago, at 11, and still couldn’t find sleep.

She had had such a good time, had learned so much about him.

He had an ex named Druscilla who had really done a number on the inwardly soft man, turning his life upside down when she’d walked away. He had grown up in London, could be very well mannered when he chose to be and he could – and this was her favorite part – refine his accent when he wanted to, making the voice seem terribly out of place with his looks causing her to choke on her coffee when he’d told her that U.S affairs were “a terribly dreadful thing, terribly dreadful indeed”.

2 minutes had passed since she last looked at the clock, it wasn’t that she had to get up early that was bugging her about not being to sleep, she didn’t know what it was exactly.

Her phone rang twenty seconds later.


“You have such a sexy voice” came the purring voice and she withheld a giggle.

“I could have been sleeping”

“Frankly my dear I don’t give a damn”, she laughed and he continued, “I couldn’t sleep, wanted to hear your voice.” he admitted softly.

She smiled into the phone, “That’s okay, I couldn’t sleep either.”

“I could come over, wear you out…” his tone suggestive.

“I thought we covered this earlier” she answered softly, but not without a teasing lilt.

“Get your head outta’ the gutter Summers, I was thinking more along the lines of a game of twenty questions.”

“Oh”, he could hear the embarrassment in her voice and chuckled, “Ask away”

Spike smiled, “Question the first: what are you wearing?”

Buffy laughed loudly, “Jogging pants and a Sunnydale High tee-shirt, aren’t you just going ‘oooh’?”

“Any lacy panties underneath.”



She smiled, “What are you wearing?”



“What’s the matter kitten; am I making you nervous?” he whispered seductively into the phone.

“No, and that counts as your second question” she shot back, giggling and Spike repressed a groan at the sound of it, feeling himself grow hard.

“What are you doing right this second?” she asked, loving the sound of his voice and growing bolder.

“Honestly, I’m thinking about how much I’d love to be there so I could run my hands all over you, where would you want me to start Buffy?”

“My neck” came her silken reply, “Are you hard for me William?”

“Fuck yes.” his voice sounded strained and a rush of womanly pride and confidence engulfed her.

“Touch yourself for me” he groaned out, the sound of her breathing alone had him fighting the urge to grab his dick.

“Where do you want me to start William? Do you want me to touch my breasts?”

Buffy couldn’t believe how brazen she was being; she’d never done anything like this before but had heard stories from friends about how good it could be when the real thing wasn’t an option. And also, she had ears, and no one in their right mind could ignore the sheer sexiness that was the sound of Spike’s voice whispering into the phone hours before a sleepless night would soon turn to dawn.

“Please, yes”

“They’re so soft William” she moaned out, reaching a hand up to gently squeeze her small but well-suited to her body's breasts. “Are you touching yourself?”

A heated pause before his gruff voice sounded out, “No”

“Good, I want you to hold off for awhile, can you do that for me?” The idea of him sprawled across the bed, free hand fisted in the sheets to keep himself from succumbing to his desire turning her on to no end.
“I’ll do anything, just please keep talking” he pleaded hoarsely.

“My nipples are hard, I wish you were here sucking on them”

If he was here he would have laughed at the deep blush that stained her cheeks, but he wasn’t, and for the time being she was a vixen.

“Running your tongue over one, biting it gently while your other hand squeezed the free one.”

She pinched her nipple roughly, arching her back and letting the sound of her moan travel to his ears.


It was a strangled plea but she ignored it, she wanted him to burn for her pseudo-touch.

“I’m already wet and you haven’t even begun to touch me William”

“Lick your finger Buffy”

Without hesitation she did, “I want you to run that finger over your clit lightly, and spread your legs.” As though in a trance Buffy followed his instructions.

“Tell me how it feels, what you’re wanting it to be”

“It feels good, cold and warm at the same time”

He was fighting a losing battle, hips pumping slightly into the air, wanting to touch himself desperately, free hand reaching behind him to grab the headboard until his knuckles were white with restraint.

“I’m picturing it’s you, head between my legs, tapping your tongue against my clit, I’ asking you to give me more, I need to feel you inside me”

Spike squeezed his eyes closed at the thought, remembering the taste of her as she’d cum around his tongue their first night together.

“You’re going to be the death of me”

Emboldened she continued, “Your fingers dig into my thighs, leaving their marks on my skin while they spread my legs open even wider, fingers pushing into me roughly.”

There was only the sound of heavy breathing on the line and she smiled, “William?”

The sound of a grunt the only answer he could provide at the moment.
“Grab your cock”

Her free hand flew to her mouth in shock – she really couldn’t believe she was doing this but shyness be damned.

Spike’s eyes stayed closed as his hand released the headboard.

“Describe it to me William”

“’m taking my time kitten, hand rubbing down my chest, anxious”

Buffy moaned.

“Fuck, I wish you were here, nails digging into my back, teeth scraping across my nipples while you made your way down my chest, I’d have my hands tangled in your gorgeous locks, make you look at me while your tongue licked a trail down my stomach.”

“God William, grab your cock now” she demanded, her own fingers itching to slide inside her wet folds, desperately wanting to be filled, but she would wait.

A strangled moan hit her ears and the noise made her twitch, “Am I holding your cock now William?”

“Yes…so good Buffy, fuck, you’re teasing me, minx”

“Am I?” she asked breathlessly, fingers running the length of her stomach in anticipation.

“Fuck yes, pumping me slowly but tightly”

“William please” she begged.

“I’m on top of you now Buffy, pushing into you, you’re so wet”

“Yes” she gasped out, fingers delving between her folds, her hips thrusting into her own hand.

“Can you feel me?”

“Everywhere” she answered honestly.

“M’not going to last long, feels too good” he managed to gasp out.

“Me either, fuck me Spike”

Words were no longer needed, the sounds of their moans and heavy breathing enough to stimulate their imaginations, and their bodies.
Spike’s hand was gliding over his cock roughly, giving him the pleasure-pain he knew would soon have him spilling his load onto his stomach.

“William...I’m cumming Spike…fuck” he heard her cry into the phone and came undone, his hand pumping his length furiously and a growl escaping his lips as he too found his release.

A few moments of silence passed before either one spoke and their breathing returned to normal.

“That was nice” came her soft voice followed by a contented sigh.

“Just nice?”

“Monumental then, feel better?”



“Stay on the phone with me?”

“I’m going to fall asleep though, I’m exhausted” she replied.

“Me too…”

She smiled, “Goodnight William”

“’Night Buffy”

They feel asleep listening to the sounds of their breathing.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=35182