All These Things That I've Done by Rae
Summary: (Background) Constantly overshadowed by his past, Spike has learnt to accept that he’ll never be any better than his low life friends, no matter how hard he tries. One such friend, out to show his father he can make a name for himself in the city, drags Spike further into a vicious world of crime. Whilst Angel wants to finance his underhanded businesses Spike can think only of making a fresh start somewhere else...(Story starts) Aligning their separate goals temporarily they decide to exchange their more sinister misdeeds for an innocent bank job, but when they have to take a young girl named Buffy hostage in order to escape, things get more complicated. After she finds out Spike’s identity he realises he can’t let her go, and is forced to lock her away in his house whilst he decides what to do with her. Ignited by their mutual attraction, as well as their fear that he may never be able to let her go alive, their dangerous relationship evolves.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Completed: Yes Word count: 77343 Read: 29149 Published: 07/15/2010 Updated: 05/14/2012
Cooperation by Rae
Author's Notes:
Here it is, as is usual I’ve had a stressful month, but purely because my fiancé has had a lot of bad luck the last few weeks and that has been upsetting me. But everything’s good now, and writing has been letting me take my time off worrying about him. I’m so sad to tell you this but the next Chapter will be the last! Unless it gets ridiculously long and I have to divide it into 2 (although saying that this Chapter is over my normal length, sorry!), so stick with me and see where it goes. Enjoy!

She let the water beat down on her face, each drop hitting her harsh, but refreshing her at the same time. She had to be clear today, she had to be lucid.

She combed her hair, still wet, in front of the mirror and with each stroke she went over what she was going to say; the action giving her a calming rhythm to rehearse to.

She fastened an earring into each hole along her ear, when she was done she let out a breath. She slipped on her shoes, slung her bag over her shoulder and then as she was reaching for the door someone knocked on it.

She almost jumped out of her skin, but she’d already committed to opening it, so she did. On the other side was a young man in a suit.

“Hi, you must be Miss Summers?” he said.

“Buffy.” she corrected.

“Buffy.” he smiled, “Are you ready to go?”

Buffy nodded.

The man spoke again, “Officer Giles sent me, he thought it might settle you to have an escort, and he can’t come himself because of his position in the case, but he will be at court when we get there.”

Buffy hesitated, “Can I see your badge?” she knew she was being difficult, but as well as lending her a shoulder to cry on, and helping her and Spike with his deal and the trial, Giles had also been making Buffy just the kind of paranoid that was sensible for the situation she was putting herself in.

“Of course.” he said, suddenly turning serious and getting it out to show her, as if seeing his own badge made him turn into cop mode.

“Okay,” she said hesitating, “I’ll just lock up, and we can go.”

“I’ll be down at the car.” he said, sensing she needed a minute to herself.

As she turned to retrieve her keys from her bag she thought about everything that had happened in the last 4 months. How crazy her life had been, how awful it had been not being able to see Spike in case it called her testimony into question before the trial. However she knew today would be just as challenging, seeing him but not being able to talk to him. It would almost be worse.

And of course she had to sit through the account of everything that happened, from several people, some of whom would be lying, and then tell her own version. Then there were the questions about her and Spike, which for the most part she had been told to answer truthfully in case it came out, it would look better if the court knew that she had feelings for him from the beginning, they were actually going to try and use it as a positive for Spike’s character.

She thought endlessly about what she would say; how she would deal with this question, and that question. She hadn’t been coached because that wasn’t allowed, but Giles had gone through her statement with her a few times to make sure everything was right, and she knew she couldn’t go off track or it could lead her into the unexpected question. Giles said they did crop up, things she wouldn’t have considered, lines of questioning that seemed innocent, but had a purpose. She couldn’t do anything about that, she just had to take whatever happened.

It was a long time coming, but 4 months of hell and today she would finally get it over and done with, then after that it was out of her hands.

* * * * *

“Can you state your name for the record please?” Charles Gunn, Spike’s lawyer asked.

The start of the trial had taken forever, and the longer it took the more nervous Buffy became, sat in her seat watching things unfold she felt helpless.

“Spike Henry Pratt.” Spike answered.

When she saw him take the stand a few minutes ago, she felt it didn’t matter whether she was testifying or not, because she still couldn’t stop him from having to stand there and defend himself in the first place. She wasn’t naïve, she knew what he’d done and he was going to be punished, but it all seemed cruel to her because she didn’t want him to be, and she didn’t care about the law, or the lawyers, or the policemen sat either side of her.

“And Mr. Pratt can you please start by telling us the events of April 6th.”

“That day me and Angel…

“That would be the defendant Angelus O’Connor right there?” his lawyer clarified by turning to face Angel.

“Yes.” Spike agreed.

“Please continue, Mr Pratt.”

Spike briefly turned his gaze to Angel, he held it long enough to send him a message that he wasn’t backing down. His old ties, his old life, his old code; he was breaking it all today. “That day we went to the first national bank.”

“With the intension of robbing it?” Gunn asked.

Spike didn’t hesitate, “Yes.”

“And Mr O’Connor was he aware of that intention?”

“He was, it was his idea. He told me he wanted to do something without his dad, something to set his own business up and he asked me to help.”

“And why did you?”

“I wanted to get away from him and his dad. I wanted to start again somewhere else, stop doing what I was doing, but I didn’t have the money to.”

Spike looked back at Angel, as his lawyer continued, “Was it your decision to bring firearms into the bank?”

“No it wasn’t.” Spike said, “Angel brought the guns. If I’m honest it didn’t bother me much, and I did use it to our advantage, but I didn’t think Angel would shoot anyone, and it was him that fired. I told the bank manager if he didn’t calm down I’d hurt the girl, but I never even pointed my gun at him. I did at Buffy, and I was stupid and I’ll go to jail for it as I should. But I wasn’t the one who shot that man; I’ll do my time for what I did, but not for what Angel did.”

Charles Gunn looked pleased enough with that, “No further questions your honour.”

The judge took over, “Mr McDonald do you have any questions for Mr Pratt?”

Lindsey McDonald smiled as he got up, and that was never a good thing. “Yes your honour I do.”

He took his time walking out from behind his desk and circled the floor in front of the stand. Finally he spoke, “So by your accounts it was my client who shot the bank manager and not yourself?”

“Yes.” Spike said firmly.

Lindsey looked confused; he was a good actor when he needed to be, “Even though there are no witnesses to support your claims?”

“There’s Buffy, and the banker manager.” Spike insisted.

“They are witnesses to the crime, but the criminal was wearing a mask.” Lindsey said bluntly.

Spike said nothing this time.

“So why did it take you so long to come forward?”

Spike sighed, deciding to be straight, “Honestly I didn’t see a reason to.”

“You thought you could get away with it?”

Gunn interjected, “Objection. Leading question.”

“Overruled.” the judge said dismissing him.

“At the time I thought that things like that didn’t matter.” Spike explained, “I was wrong.”

“Really?” Lindsey seemed amused.

“Buffy made me realised that.” Spike smiled, hanging his head as the smile grew infectiously at the thought of her.

“Buffy?” Lindsey said now focused as he turned to the court, “the same girl who you kidnapped?” He now turned to the jury, “The same girl that plans to testify in your defence and to incriminate my client?”

Spike was doing his best to keep his cool up until then, but his smile disappeared suddenly. Lindsey was hitting a nerve with Buffy and he couldn’t help himself, he raised his voice when he argued back this time, “He incriminated himself when he shot that man, and whatever Buffy says today is up to her…even if she wants to say nothing at all.” He didn’t say it suggestively, not enough for anyone to pick up on, but he sent her a look silently begging her not to get involved. She looked away, her mind was made up and she wouldn’t let him sway it.

“It’s highly unusual for a victim of a crime to come and testify against one of the criminals and not the other.” said Lindsey, “What’s the reason, considering that you had never met her before April 6th, that Miss Summers is testifying on your behalf?”

Spike hesitated, he knew why, but it wasn’t his place to out Buffy’s feelings, “You’d have to ask her that wouldn’t you?”

“Indeed.” Lindsey said calmly, “But I’m right in saying you do have feelings for one another, you mention them in your statement?”

Spike thought carefully before he began, “I did mention I had feelings for her. They’re very strong, and they’re very real, but I can’t ignore where they came from or how we discovered them. I need to be honest before we can start anything between us.”

Buffy shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

Spike continued, “What I did to her I can’t undo. I kidnapped her; I kept her locked away, all because I was scared, but I did think about her, towards the end she got through to me. I let her go.”

“So it that why she’s testifying?”

“If you’re trying to ask if I’m playing a game with her, no I’m not.” Spike said angrily.

“Of course.” Lindsey said turning away, and then held up a hand and pulled a face as if he’d forgot to ask something. Lindsey McDonald never forgot to ask a witness anything, it was all part of the façade. “One last thing Mr Pratt. Who drove the car?”

Spike didn’t let it show that that question had caught him by surprise, “Why?”

“Well in your version of events, that you claim to be so accurate, you don’t mention who drove the car. I believe you did after some reluctance give the police his name and whereabouts.”

Spike wasn’t worried just yet, but he was wary why this was being brought up, “It was a friend of ours,” he said, “Andrew. He sat in the car; he didn’t have a gun, so I didn’t think it was important.”

“A Mr Wells, is that right?” Lindsey asked.

Spike nodded. As Lindsey had said he was reluctant to turn Andrew in at first. The kid couldn’t handle something like this, but the police made it clear he had to give them everything or there was no deal, and Andrew was easy to get rid of. He’d put him on a bus to Mexico and as soon as he’d checked into a motel on the other side of the boarder he’d given him up, knowing full well they’d never catch him.

“Mr Wells conveniently couldn’t be located to stand trial with you both.”

“Conveniently?” Spike repeated back.

“Well it seems an extraordinary coincidence, doesn’t it? That you refuse to hand this man over at first, and then as soon as you do he’s nowhere to be found. If that was the case all along why worry about giving the police his name? Because as soon as you do he can’t be prosecuted?”

“I suppose coincidence is the right word.” Spike said calmly.

Or was it that you had pre-arranged with Mr Wells when you would talk to the police about him, and in your hesitation you were simply giving him time to run?”

“Objection!” shouted Gunn.

Lindsey continued regardless, “And in fact, you and Mr Wells are in this together, and you have paid him the amount you claim my client has from the robbery to run away so that you can pin your crime on my innocent client? After all, the only other person involved isn’t here so we have to take your word, don’t we Mr Pratt? A word of someone who has allowed a criminal to evade arrest.”

This was how he knew Lindsey played, it wasn’t by the books, and it wouldn’t win him any favours with the judge, but he painted the picture he wanted for the jury and he didn’t let the rules stop him from showing it to them.

“Objection! Hearsay!” Charles Gunn said leaping to his feet this time.

“Sustained,” said the Judge, “Mr McDonald, watch yourself.” The judge then asked for the last question to be taken off the record.

“Yes your honour. No further questions.” he said seriously, but he couldn’t stop the Cheshire cat grin that grew across his face as he took his seat.

The prosecution wouldn’t ask Spike any questions because they’d agreed with his testimony, but Angel’s defence had taken him down enough. Whether it was on the record or not the jury had heard it; the idea was planted that Spike wasn’t to be trusted.

* * * * *

The first questions by the prosecution lawyer were fairly painless, and Buffy had been allowed to tell her version of events relatively uninterrupted. She’d explained about the robbery in more detail than Spike had, and she’d talked about her captive time as well. Spike’s lawyer too was nice, although he did have to push her when it came to Angel; it made her uncomfortable, but she knew it was necessary.

“Miss Summers, is there any doubt in your mind that the man who shot the bank manager is in this court room today?”

Buffy shook her head and swallowed, “No doubt, it was Angel.”

Charles Gunn continued, “But you didn’t see his face on the day of the robbery?”

“I didn’t,” Buffy took a much needed breath, “but a few weeks later, while I was at Spike’s I saw him again and I know it was him.”

“How did you know it was the same man from April 6th?” Gunn pressed, needing more from her.

“His eyes,” she said, hoping the ball in her stomach would die down as she thought of them, as they were then and now, burning into her, “I would never forget those eyes.”

“And tell us what happened when he confronted you while you were kidnapped.”

Buffy hesitated, but she knew she had to do this. “I was being held in the attic by then, and I heard a noise downstairs. I shouted to whoever it was and they came up. Mr O’Connor broke into the room I was in and he recognised me immediately. He told me Spike should have gotten rid of me by now. He threatened me; he was scared I’d tell the police about the robbery and about him.”

Lindsey stood up, calmly but almost annoyed, “Objection, did he say that or is the witness simply guessing?”

“Sustained.” the judge said, although she wasn’t Lindsey McDonald’s biggest fan she had to follow the rules. “Just try to stick to what he actually said and did, Miss Summers.” she said softly.

Buffy nodded and paused to collect herself, trying to remember his exact words so she could be clear. “He said I’d better think again if I thought he’d let me live now I’d seen his face as well. That Spike had until the money date to get rid of me, or he would.”

“Do you know what the money date meant?”

“No.” she said honestly.

Gunn walked towards her slowly, “Why didn’t he kill you, Miss Summers, did he say?”

“He told me,” she tensed her body, she wouldn’t cry, she wouldn’t, “he told me he was going to have a little ‘fun’ with me first.”

“Its okay, Miss Summers take your time.”

“I tried to fight him off, but he was too strong,” Buffy looked into the court room, everyone’s faces were painted with concern, they looked sympathetic, but also scared of what she was going to admit, none of them seemed to want to hear it because it sounded so awful, but at least they believed her. “He didn’t get a chance to really hurt me, because I brought up Spike. I told him if he touched me, if he hurt me in anyway Spike would kill him.”

“Why did you say that, Miss Summers?”

The next part was easy to admit now, “Because I knew Spike would protect me. He cared for me; I didn’t want to accept that then, but I had to admit it to myself to convince Angel. There was something there between us, and it was awkward and wrong at the time, but it was there, and I knew he’d save me if he could.”

“And once Spike found out about Mr O’Connor hurting you, what did he do?”

“He got into a fight with him about it,” Buffy said, hurting at the memory of seeing Spike the day of the fight, “but he lied to Angel and told him I was dead so that he wouldn’t look for me.”

“How do you know he got into a fight?”

“Because he came home to me afterwards and he could barely stand. Angel had beaten him to a pulp.”

“Your honour, objection.” said Lindsey, “Miss Summers can’t prove it was my client, she wasn’t there.”

“I’m telling the court what Spike told me.” Buffy snapped.

The tension in the court room broke for a second and a few people laughed at her outburst, which was lucky. Spike smiled, that was his girl.

Charles Gunn continued, “Just to be clear Miss Summers, this time did he lock you in the house?”

“No,” Buffy said, “he’d already let me go. I could tell he didn’t expect me to be there when he got home. He didn’t want me to worry about him, or Angel.”

“What is your relationship with Mr Pratt, Miss Summers?”

“I’m in love with him.” The court room all looked shocked, there were gasps and it made Buffy cringe, she flinched for a second, but held firm overall. “I don’t expect people to understand it, I don’t fully understand it. But he’s handed himself in for me, he wanted to make sure I was safe from Angel. I asked him to run away, but he wanted to face up to what he’d done, so that he could protect us both. He’s a good man; he’s just trying to get away from his past, like everyone else.”

“Thank you.” said Gunn.

As he sat down Buffy braced herself, it was Lindsey’s turn next.

He approached her with a swagger she instantly disliked.

“Good afternoon, Miss Summers,” he said, his Texas drawl thick on his tongue, “If we accept the very slim chance that you could have recognised my client as one of the robbers simply from his eyes, how do you know when both were masked which was Spike and which you claim to be my client? Wasn’t there a lot of noise, a lot of confusion?”

Your client was the one who shot someone.”

“Do you really know that, or are you just wishful thinking?” Lindsey asked quickly.

“I know that.” she said through gritted teeth.

“And to go back to the night you were released. Did you actually witness Mr Pratt telling my client that you were dead? Or did you see the altercation that allegedly happened because of you?”

“No I didn’t.” Buffy said, her annoyance was obvious.

“So you can’t really say that my client had any disagreement with Mr Pratt about you?”

“I told you he told me if Spike didn’t get rid of me he would.”

“But how do you know he meant killing you?”

She sighed, “He was on top of me, holding me down, he tried to assault me.” her voice became sarcastic, “Saying I wouldn’t live. That kind of gave me a clue.”

Lindsey didn’t miss a beat, “But if this did happen as you say it did, he never said anything about killing you, he let you go; he never specifically said anything about remembering you from the robbery either?”

Buffy thought about that for a while, of course she hadn’t said he had in her testimony, but Lindsey seemed so sure. It clicked with her in that moment what kind of person he was. He was exactly the kind of person who would defend Angel not only against what he’d done, but knowing full well what he’d done. “You’re right,” she said slowly, “You seem to be able to tell my story pretty well to say you’ve only heard it once from me. I wonder who else you’ve heard it from?”

Lindsey couldn’t help smiling, he knew if he brushed past that quickly enough the jury wouldn’t get suspicious, but he enjoyed that she was trying to play with the big boys, “I apologise Miss Summers, I’m sure this whole thing must be very upsetting for you. They say stressful situations like this can make it hard to recount things, I shouldn’t have pushed.”

“Are you implying I’m making it up?” Buffy instantly felt like she’d took one step forward and two steps back, she was letting him get to her.

“That’s for the jury to decide.” he said smugly, “I’m simply stating the facts, and the facts are that you were held at gunpoint, kidnapped and kept for a month by a dangerous criminal, and pushed by the police for a statement for weeks. I know this time has been stressful Miss Summers and there are many people putting pressure on you to say your part.”

“Objection.” said the prosecution lawyer, “Is there a question anywhere in the near future?”

“Sustained,” the judge said dejectedly, “Please stop wasting our time Mr McDonald.”

“Again, I apologise your honour.” Lindsey said charmingly, “I’m simply trying to show I understand where the witness is coming from.”

“No,” said Buffy, suddenly, surprising everyone, “you’re trying to make it look as if I’m saying what I am because I’m crazy, or scared, or trying to please people. I’m telling the truth; 100% what happened, because if Spike is going to stand up for what’s right, so am I. Spike and Angel robbed the bank, Spike threatened me, Angel threatened the bank manager. Spike took me home, but it was Angel who made a real threat to my life, and it was him I saw shoot the gun.”

Lindsey didn’t know what to say for a second, but only a second. “Just make it clear for the jury Miss Summers. You never saw my client’s face during the robbery?”


“You never heard him say he took any part in it?”


He smiled, “Thank you Miss Summers.”

Lindsey went and sat down. Buffy looked over at Spike, his eyes were warm and he smiled at her, but it didn’t comfort her one bit. She still smiled back.

“Mr. McDonald, are you done with this witness?” the judge asked.

“I’m done.” he said.

“Very well, this court will reconvene at 9am tomorrow morning.”

* * * * *

Angel and Spike were told to stand, and they did so. They were facing the firing squad together, but Spike didn’t look at Angel, all his thoughts were on himself and Buffy. Whatever was said in the next few minutes would be out of his control, and it would affect everything.

The judge paused for a few minutes, gathering her papers in front of her while the court room settled, and then directed the jury members, “Would the foreperson please read the findings of the jury with regards to Mr O’Connor.”

“On the count of armed robbery.” the woman on the end read clearly, “we the jury find the defendant, Angelus O’Connor, guilty.”

There was uproar, but it was soon quashed by the judge. “And now with regards to Mr Pratt.” she motioned when there was silence.

“On the count of armed robbery we find the defendant, Spike Pratt, not guilty.”

Buffy smiled, but the young cop next to her put a hand on her shoulder, signalling they weren’t finished. She looked over to Spike confused and then realised he was still stood stiff, bracing himself for another verdict to be read.

The foreperson continued, “On the count of aggravated robbery we find the defendant, guilty.”

With that Spike’s shoulders fell, he shouldn’t have expected anything less, but his heart ached for Buffy and the hope she had given him. It had been pointless.

The judge took off her glasses and readied herself to address the court with her verdict. “Mr O’Connor, I am appalled by everything I have heard today, by the account of your cruelty, your malicious behaviour, and also the disrespect for the law and this court that I have witnessed with my own eyes. I am dismayed at your lawyer’s cheap tricks and poorly constructed defence. I have no hesitation, taking into account your previous convictions irrelevant of how minor...”

Minor thought Spike. Angel could thank his daddy’s lawyer for that.

The judge continued, “…in sentencing you to 15 years without parole. You will be taken to start this term immediately, but any other pending charges unrelated to this case will be settled at a later date, and will not be included in my sentence.”

Angel flew into a rage, but no one heard what he said because the court room filled with noise, everyone’s reaction just as violent at first.

He turned to Spike briefly, “You’re a dead man.” he yelled.

“Whatever mate.” Spike said, brushing him off, until Angel rushed him and grabbed hold of him.

Policeman rushed towards them both and dragged them apart, being just as rough with Spike as Angel even though it was obvious who was at fault.

“This is a fucking joke!” Angel shouted towards the judge.

The judge banged her gavel, and everyone went silent after a while. “Council, please settle your client or he will be held in contempt.”

Lindsey gave him a grave look and Angel retreated back to his original position.

The judge raised an eyebrow, as if waiting for something else to kick off, but when it didn’t she turned to Spike.

“Mr Pratt,” the judge sighed, “although I do count you as a valuable prosecution witness in the cases against Mr O’Connor, that is not my concern today, and I cannot ignore your part in this crime. I cannot either ignore that a citizen of this state was severely wounded through your scandalous actions and your total disregard for the law, and although you were not the one to fire the shot, you threatened him and have been found guilty of aggravated robbery. And while I do believe as your lawyer has argued, that you wish to start a new legitimate life with Miss Summers, which in itself shows your remorse for the pain you have caused her and those effected by your crimes, it cannot be before you have been punished for those crimes. The point of justice is to be unbiased, and so even though I feel for you and your situation I am unwavering in giving you a sentence of 6 years imprisonment.”

The crowd in the court room made a loud dull noise; it was hard to tell whether it was outrage because of the high sentence given his deal the highest he could face, or outrage at the judge’s reluctance to give it. Either way the only thing Spike heard was the number 6. His head fell down at first, and then he looked over to the side were Buffy sat. He expected to see her hiding from him, but she looked straight back at him and wouldn’t turn away. Her expression seemed to be one of determination, maybe that she was confident that she could be there for him despite the time, but he found no comfort in it, because she didn’t know what she was promising.

The judge continued, “This is to be served in a federal prison and therefore there will be no chance of an early release despite any good behaviour. However the sentence may be increased by bad behaviour, so I would suggest Mr Pratt keeps his head down and does his time quietly.”

Buffy hated the glazed look in Spike’s eyes, as if he was looking at her but didn’t want to see her at all.

“For the both of you we will take into consideration time already served in county jail and this time will be deducted from your total sentences.”

4 months off a total of 6 years didn’t give him any comfort now, and with that Spike stopped listening, turned away from Buffy and just waited to be taken down from the dock. As he was he saw the detective he’d made his initial deal with standing at the back of the room, he remembered now the protective glances he’d made at Buffy during her testimony. As he passed him he touched his jacket sleeve gently so as not to get the attention of the policemen either side of him, and said, “Take care of her.”

Rupert Giles couldn’t help the surprise etching across his face; in his gut he believed Spike didn’t deserve the sentence, but every piece of evidence told him this was a heartless criminal stood in front of him. To have his last wish be such a sincere unselfish request did surprised him, but he knew it was important, so he nodded.

Looking behind him one last time Spike saw Buffy, she had moved as close to him as possible, but they weren’t letting her through. He knew he shouldn’t give her anything to hold onto, it was unfair to her to give her anything she could use as a reason not to let him go. But seeing her there stood so sadly, wanting something from him, he found as always he couldn’t deny her, and he smiled. As if everything would be alright, and they would be together soon, he smiled.

* * * * *

“Can I see him?”

“I’m afraid not, Miss Summers.”

Buffy’s face cracked a little for a second, her smile heavy and uneasy, “Please, Giles. When can I get you to call me Buffy?”

Giles didn’t waver, but he did give in to her request, “Buffy,” he said, “we have to talk about Witness protection. There’s still much we have to sort out with them, but now the trial’s done everything will move very fast, and it might seem very sudden. You have to see them later today.”

“Will you come with me?” she asked vulnerably.

“I can come into certain meetings with you, but there will be times when I won’t have the authority.” Giles said truthfully, then he saw the expression on her face, she hadn’t wanted specifics, she’d wanted overall support. “I’ll come with you this afternoon.” he clarified.

She let out a breath she didn’t even know she was holding. Giles was right, they hadn’t even talked yet and she felt things were moving too quickly. Spike had been there, then he hadn’t, and soon she wouldn’t be here either.

“Spike was accepted too.” Giles’ voice broke through her mind’s wanderings, “Conditional on his behaviour in prison.”

“Good.” she nodded, relieved.

Giles sighed, unsure of how to say the next part without overwhelming her, “About Spike’s deal, if it’s okay with you we’ll contact you when he’s released, and if you wish there is a chance we can come to an arrangement and factor Spike into your new identity. Of course that will be your choice at the time.”

“In six years?” she asked.


Buffy felt numb; a lot could happen in six years. An awful lot.

* * * * *

End Notes:
I was trying to search through all my notes and see if at any point I had used a date or seasonal clue in my story, I panicked a bit having to make up the exact date of the robbery for fear I would mess up continuity. I really should get a beta to double check things for me, but I’m a control freak so if you guys are more observant than me and I’ve overlooked mentioning the date before and it’s different now I REALLY apologise. Also I had to fight the urge to write in a joke or a Buffy quote about Andrew and Mexico once I put him there, but it would have gone too far off track from the trial…so tempted tho!
This story archived at http://