All These Things That I've Done by Rae
Summary: (Background) Constantly overshadowed by his past, Spike has learnt to accept that he’ll never be any better than his low life friends, no matter how hard he tries. One such friend, out to show his father he can make a name for himself in the city, drags Spike further into a vicious world of crime. Whilst Angel wants to finance his underhanded businesses Spike can think only of making a fresh start somewhere else...(Story starts) Aligning their separate goals temporarily they decide to exchange their more sinister misdeeds for an innocent bank job, but when they have to take a young girl named Buffy hostage in order to escape, things get more complicated. After she finds out Spike’s identity he realises he can’t let her go, and is forced to lock her away in his house whilst he decides what to do with her. Ignited by their mutual attraction, as well as their fear that he may never be able to let her go alive, their dangerous relationship evolves.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Completed: Yes Word count: 77343 Read: 29135 Published: 07/15/2010 Updated: 05/14/2012
Hostage by Rae
Author's Notes:
So here's the second Chapter, think this sets the tone of the story better so I've tried to edit it as best I can in time to be up as a companion Chapter for the first one...Updates may be slower now but I've got a detailed plan done for every Chapter (there will be 20 and no budging on that unlike usual, I'll stay with 20 only) so don't worry too much about updates, its just finding the time, I shouldn't have a problem with writing other than that...I'm trying to remember all the things I should say about this story...oh yeah I'm making the banners myself, a different one for each Chapter (because strangely the difference between this and my other Spuffy story is it seems that pictures have replaced songs as my muse so I felt inspired to make banners) hope you guys like them, if not they're something I've found I enjoy doing, but they take A LOT of work on the crappy programs I have at the minute...
They hadn’t spoken one word to each other. Obviously Buffy didn’t know what to say and didn’t want to step out of line, and Spike was lost deep in thought about what he was going to do next.

He couldn’t believe he’d gotten into this mess, or more specifically he couldn’t believe that Angel and Andrew had gotten him into this mess. If Angel hadn’t have shot that guy he wouldn’t have crawled away and hit the panic button in spite, and if Andrew hadn’t have said his name in the car he could have dropped this chit on the sidewalk somewhere like he’d wanted to. These thoughts didn’t pass through his mind for very long, he of all people knew obsessing over past mistakes, whether they were his own or someone else’s, never did any good. You couldn’t turn back time, you couldn’t take anything back. It was time to stop thinking about the past and concentrate on the future. In a few weeks he’d be out of here, a new place, a new start, and a new life. None of this would matter. He just had to think about how he could still have all that now he was stuck with this girl.

Buffy sneaked a glance at him a few times on the way. She couldn’t help herself, she was confused and scared. This man was taking her somewhere, she didn’t know where, and she didn’t know what would happen to her once they got there. The only thing she could do was try and figure him out, see if his behaviour or expression would give anything away, but she couldn’t even guess at what he was thinking. He looked as if he was miles away, almost distant, too distant for her to read.

Eventually they drove up what looked like the back end of a street, and stopped directly in front of one of the back gates along a high wooden fence. Spike switched off the engine, and straight away Buffy tensed, realising this was the end of the road so to speak, and that whatever happened in the next few minutes was going to let her know what she was really in for.

He looked over at her and hesitated, and if she hadn’t known better Buffy could have sworn he looked nervous for a moment, then his determined face was back and wrenching his door open he was suddenly out, round the car and at her side in a flash. He opened her door and jerked her out of the car awkwardly like he had done before. “Get out.” he growled.

He shut the door flippantly as he was preoccupied with dragging her towards the gate. He unlocked and opened it, throwing her onto the other side of the fence, and then turned around to relock it behind them. When he turned back to her he realised he had shoved her a little too hard and she was on the ground on all fours. He took a few seconds to appreciate her ass, then scooped her up by the waist like a weightlifter, and holding her to him carried her across the lawn towards what looked like a very classic and homely house.

This was when panic suddenly hit Buffy and all the intelligence and calm she had relied on up ‘til now went out of the window. At this point she forgot he was strong, dangerous, had a gun, and had threatened her more than once, all the above didn’t matter; all that mattered was getting away from him. He still had her by the waist so her legs and arms were free. She kicked and swung her limbs about until she unbalanced him and he had to put her back on the ground to stop himself from falling over. Seeing her chance she pushed away from him, getting free from his grasp and then trying to pass him to get to the gate.

Instinct took over in Spike when she came past him, first he tried to grab her, then she turned and slapped him, then as quick as breathing he hit her.

He’d done many, many bad things over the years, things he wasn’t proud of and things he had tried very hard to forget, but of all the things he’d done Spike had never hit a woman before.

He didn’t know why he’d done it, he’d always had a temper, and he knew that. He wasn’t like Angel, someone who would hurt people just for the hell of it, someone who took pleasure in it. He could never be like that, but he was capable of violence. It was the reason he’d dug himself in this hole in the first place, the reason he was no good. He could keep his temper under control most of the time, only because he didn’t want to be a slave to his anger, but ever since that day years ago he’d known what he was truly capable of. That’s why he wanted out of here, away from Angel and all his wannabe friends, because things would only get worse if he stayed.

This was proof enough of that, but for a second he couldn’t believe he’d actually hit this girl. If a guy hit him or pushed him he would hit back, but he’d always kept his cool if it was a girl, and he’d been slapped by many a girl. Except this one was different, she was standing between him and an easy life, she was the only thing tying him to this crappy existence, here where he was trapped in Angel’s bullshit. He panicked, if she got away he faced jail and he had no time to think before he acted.

Buffy had fallen to the floor and being incredibly strong he had knocked her out. Spike leant down to make sure she was okay, cupping her cheek in his hand and turning her face. He brushed a lock of hair from where it had fallen over her eyes, and as he moved his hand away he felt her steady breath puff out against his skin and relaxed, at least she was okay, just out for the count.

Sighing he rolled her onto her back and bent over to pick her up, one arm underneath her knees and the other supporting her head. He walked her into the house, still trying to decide what to do with her.

* * * * *

When Buffy woke up she didn’t know where she was, and she didn’t remember everything at first. She opened her eyes but wherever she was it was quite dark, empty, and she couldn’t find anything familiar. It looked like a basement or cellar, but there wasn’t anything there, anything to ground her or give her a clue as to where she was. It was just a room, a dusty, disused space.

She tried to get up from the chair she was sat on, but something at her wrists stopped her, it felt like they were glued down. She dropped her head and saw she was tied to the chair, and it wasn’t just her wrists, but her ankles too. Fear hit her like a bolt of lightening.

As she tried to violently pull herself free she felt the burn of the ties on her skin. Pain seemed to be the first of her senses to come back to her clearly, and as she struggled and twisted more pain came. Then pain started throbbing in her cheek bone. That’s when it all came back to her, initially in fragments. The robbery, the car, the garden, him…him hitting her…Oh God.

She was wrenched away from her thoughts by a heavy clanging, and then she saw a burst of light spread over what she could now tell was a set of stairs along half of the far wall in front of her. The staircase extended above the basement ceiling so she couldn’t see anything at the top, only that strip of light, then she heard footsteps. Her heart rate picked up and she started to helplessly fight against her bonds once more, whimpering as they cut into her further.

As Spike finally succeeded in forcing the basement door open it made a harsh sound as the lock unclicked, and he openly cringed hoping the noise hadn’t woken her up or caught her attention. He then proceeded to make his way slowly and as silently as possible down the stairs.

His heart sank when he saw her looking right at him, awaiting his arrival. Bloody bint was awake; she was going to cause him even more trouble now. He saw her open her mouth, possibly to scream, but he stopped her. “Don’t bother.” he said bluntly.

After initially halting her plan she screamed anyway. She was shaking with fear, struggling to get loose, and shouting help and get away from me and all manner of things Spike didn’t bother to pay attention to. He simply rushed down the steps and behind her, reaching a hand forward swiftly to cover her mouth. He could feel her agitated breath on his palm and her whole body heaving beneath it with the force of her distress. He had to calm her down, even if it was an attempt in vain he had to try, because she was going to be so much more trouble if she was screaming and crying all the time.

“Shhh” he tried to sooth, though a soothing noise from her kidnapper obviously did nothing to quiet her. “Look, I said don’t bother.” he continued, “Don’t bother screaming, there’s no point. No one else lives here but me, no one from outside the house is going to hear you all the way from down here. Besides, check the walls, sound-proofing.” he pointed out brusquely.

Buffy looked to her right and saw the walls were indeed honeycombed with a thick layer of insulation or foam.

He continued, “So it’s not going to get you anywhere. All it’s going to do is piss me off and tire you out. Okay?” he leaned his head to get a brief look at her face and noticed the panic was still there but less than before, and he also noticed her body was a little more relaxed. He risked it and pulled his hand away, standing still for a moment in case he needed to replace it.

Satisfied she’d given up on the yelling he walked slowly in front of her. First he turned her head and examined her face, seeing the bruise which had formed on her cheek whilst she was unconscious. He noted that it wasn’t too serious, just would probably cause a nasty ache for a few days. After spending practically all his life in one fist fight or another he knew the difference. Then he bent down, she made a muffled whimper and he felt her body jump. He leaned back a bit and raised his hands. “Not going to hurt you love, just checking you’re tied up okay.” She stopped making a sound, but her body stayed tense as he used one hand to loosen the shoelace which tied her left wrist, whilst holding it down firmly with his other hand so she couldn’t get away or strike out at him.

She saw Spike’s face flinch slightly at the sight of her reddened skin, and then he tied it back tight again and she gasped. “Sorry.” he mumbled genuinely, before repeating the same thing with her other wrist, and then bending low to check her ankles. He saw that they weren’t as bad, because the ties there weren’t directly on her skin.

“I’ll get you something at the store for your wrists.” he said almost awkwardly.

Buffy was slightly intrigued. He’d seemed so rough and calculated up until now, apart from when he’d reassured her and the driver in the car, but then he’d still threatened her, and been rude to him so she hadn’t taken his concern seriously. This was the first time he’d seemed to give her anything more than a cool, cold front.

“It’s Buffy right?” Spike asked looking up at her.

She nodded and looked away, and he looked back to what he was doing.

“They’re gonna find you, you know.” she said defiantly, his slight tenderness making her unafraid of him for a brief moment.

Spike looked up for a split second then hung his head in silence for a while before speaking. “No, they won’t pet. I know you want them to, but they won’t.” He sighed and it almost sounded to her as if he was pitying her, because she wasn’t getting out of this, she wasn’t getting rescued. And then suddenly fear hit her again, worse than ever and she tried to bite it back.

“They will.” she whined, almost stumbling over the words as she felt tears sting her eyes.

“Sorry sweetheart. No one’s going to come looking for me.” He paused, knowing there was a very important exception, “Not as long as you’re here, anyway. You’re the only thing tying me to that robbery.”

Buffy was suddenly not liking where this conversation was going. Her mind raced, replaying the events in detail, or as best she could remember them. “The car!” she suddenly stuttered out. His head shot up for a minute and she thought she had him, but it was only her sudden outburst that had shocked him and nothing more, because as she continued to babble about how the police had followed them for a few blocks and had probably identified the car, he began to relax and even smirk.

“I’m not tied to the car in any way, none of us are. It was stolen and I got rid of it after. That’s where I’ve been since you passed out last night, so don’t think anyone’s gonna tie me to that. That’s not your way out of this sweetheart.”


“Where what?” he asked shaking his head in confusion.

“Where did you take the car?”

“Look love, I know it’s not exactly been the best day so far to showcase my intellect, but I’m not dumb, okay? Far from it, so I’m not going to give you more to tell the cops than you already have.” He huffed, pulling her ankle bonds tighter once more and then standing up. “This isn’t a bloody bond movie, where I gloat and tell you all my plans for no reason. This is real life…fucked up real life.” He turned around so he wasn’t facing her anymore and put his hand over his forehead in frustration.

He was angry now, but she wasn’t scared. She could tell he was more mad at himself and what had gone wrong than he was at her. Though she was still very aware that she didn’t know him, it was a possibility he could take it all out on her anyway, but at that moment for some reason she thought she could tell what he was thinking.

Without looking at her, as if he couldn’t or didn’t want to remember she was there right now, he stormed across the room to the stairs and began to leave.

“What are you going to do with me?” she called out, making him halt his climb.

He didn’t look back at her, or even turn slightly. He dropped his head a little and closed his eyes, “I don’t know, Buffy…I really don’t know.” And then he left.

* * * * *
End Notes:
So folks thats all for a while, I will desperately try to get another update done early this week, but my graduation ceremony is next Monday so we'll see, but afterwards should be okay (for any of you who read my last story I blamed Uni and student life for a lot of missing updates so I'm admitting freely that I no longer have that in the way)...
This story archived at http://