The Shadow Gallery by ViciousRejects
Summary: Buffy is a waitress at a popular bar that happens to be the home to the famous band Flesh of the Passions whose front man, Spike Pratt, has taken quite a liking to her. Is love in the works, will she be another fling? READ! Spuffy. AU. AH. NC17 for future chapters.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 26 Completed: No Word count: 150404 Read: 26402 Published: 03/31/2011 Updated: 10/11/2011
Chapter 26 by ViciousRejects
Sorry about the wait, my dears, I had a gnarly case of writers block and couldn't seem to shake it for a while. For some reason I was sitting in the lounge at my college, got an idea, and now I can't seem to keep from writing. I've outlined the next million or so chapters through this burst of inspiration and seriously can not wait to write them.

After this, there will be one more tour chapter and then it's back to Buffy's real life. I know, I know, you all want to stake me but things are going to get pretty rad when she gets back home, quite the roller coaster. :)

Also, we're going to pretend that Buffy's birthday is a couple of weeks later than it is in canon. Why? BECAUSE I FXXKING SAID SO!

Favorite typo from this chapter: "There was a wave of applesauce..."

SONG ALERT! I Have A Date by The Simpletones.

Chapter 26.

Buffy stood in the long line staring blankly at the Starbucks logo that had slowly but surely began to mock her patient waiting. The line was hardly moving and people continuously hooked themselves on to the back despite the fact that it had grown through the doors. She let out a subtle sigh as she pulled her phone out of her pocket and resigned herself to playing Word Mole as she waited for her desperately needed this early in the morning. The show the night before had gone on a little long and none of the band had gotten a chance to sleep between wrapping up and heading to the airport.

It had been about two weeks since the fight that that they had agreed to blame on temporary insanity due to lack of sleep and everything had quickly gone back to normal. Buffy was thoroughly enjoying her time on tour and both she and Spike were dreading the day that she had to leave. The first day of classes was quickly approaching and, thanks to a best friend that was still back at home, she was all signed up and ready to go. Spike had not so subtly tried to convince her to take the semester off, to continue to tour with him, but she was determined to get her last semester out of the way and graduate on time.

"Welcome to Starbucks," the tiny girl behind the counter said with just a little too much pep in her voice, "what can I get for you this morning?"

"I need a Salted Caramel Espresso and a Pumpkin Spice Latte." Buffy said almost automatically. She had become accustomed to ordering early morning coffees for both Spike and herself and she had quickly picked up on his love for the seasonal pumpkin specials.

"What size?"

"Grande, please." Buffy said as she handed over her debit card.

The barista took the card from her hand and swiped it through the computer. She gave the screen a sideways glance as she swiped the card again. Buffy heard a series of strange beeps come from the monitor as the girl behind the counter handed her card back to her with a frown. "I'm sorry ma'am, but the card isn't going through."

Buffy felt her heart drop as she took the card back from the girl but smacked a smile on to her face nonetheless. "Oh, silly me," Buffy said cheerily as she pretended to look the card over, "this is my old card." The cashier giggled as Buffy put her card back in to her wallet and quickly pulled out a ten dollar bill. "There you go."

The cashier smiled, typed something in to the register, and quickly handed her back her change. "There you go, they'll call you when it's ready."


Buffy walked to the side and joined the rest of the crowd that was waiting for their orders and she could feel the blush rising to her cheeks. She had never had a card declined before and she was currently thanking God for her quick thinking to avoid further embarrassment. She knew that due to her touring that money would be tight for her until she got her check when it was all over, but she had no idea that she was quite that low on funds. She got a little bit of relief when she realized that she hadn't put in her scholarship distribution form yet and she knew that when she did all of her tuition money would be put back in to her checking account, but that wasn't much either.

Of course this would happen to her on her 'special day'.

"Salted Caramel Espresso and Pumpkin Spike latte!" The man behind the counter said loudly as he put her order down on the table for her to pick up. She gave herself a mental head shake and moved to grab her drinks, she could save the worrying for later.

She walked back to the terminal and couldn't help but let out a quiet laugh. Spike was slumped down in his seat, black booted feet spread out in front of him, sound asleep. His hands were dug deep in to pockets of his leather jacket and his head was tilted back with his mouth hanging wide open.

She quietly put the drinks in to their respective cup holders and turned her body to face him. "Spike."

The moment her hand touched his arm he jolted awake. His head shot up and quickly turned to look in her direction with a look of confusion, shock, and anger all mixing on his sculpted face. Buffy could actually see the realization of where he was and what was going on wash over him as his expression softened and he finally began to breathe.

"Did I startle you?" Buffy asked with a laugh.

"Little bit, yeah." Buffy shook her head as she handed him his latte. "Thanks, pet."

Buffy smiled. "No problem, sorry it took so long."

"Really didn't notice."

"Yeah, I've heard you don't have a concept of time when you're knocked out in an airport terminal."

"Growing boy," he said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her to lean against him, "need my rest."

"As long as it's not your ego growing I think we'll be okay."

"Ouch," he said as he placed a kiss on her temple, "you wound me."

"You'll live."

As the affectionate banter settled in to a comfortable silence Buffy turned her gaze to the large wall of windows that Spike conveniently always sat in front of, and for good reasons. No matter how many times she saw it and regardless of what city or state she was in, the sun rising over an airport was always a breathtaking sight. The long, flat surface of the runway would reflect the various colors in a way that just couldn't be described as the beautiful ball of light rose behind the far distant trees.

"Never gets old." Spike murmured, his cheek resting against the top of her head. "Sorry we have to spend your birthday jumping from plane to plane."

"It's okay." Buffy said with a shrug. "How many people can say that on their birthday not only did they see the sun rise in Chicago, but got to see is set in Vegas, too?"

Spike smiled and placed another kiss on the top of her head, his girl was truly one of a kind.


"Okay, look at your card and memorize it, just don't tell me what it is."

Buffy turned the card over in glanced at the queen of diamonds looking back at her. She felt the warmth of Spike's body as he leaned in closer and took a look for himself before sitting back up in his own seat. Bob was turned backwards in his seat and everyone was watching intently as he tried out his new magic trick with Oz sitting next to him. Darla and Andrew were in the row behind Buffy and Spike and it was clear that everyone had gotten their second wind.

"Put your card back in the deck," Bob said, "and I'm going to shuffle for a minute."


"Now," Bob said as he cocked his head from side to side and took a deep breath, "you're going to spell out the name of your card-"

"Including the 'of'?"

"Including the of, and let each card represent a letter."

"Okay, go."

Q.U.E.E.N. O.F. D.I.A.M.O.N.D.S.


"Okay, okay, now watch this." With all the excitement of a kid in a candy store, Bob turned over the next card. "Is this your card?"


"What?" Bob quickly recollected the cards and shoved the discarded ones back on the top of the pile. "Let's try again."

Q.U.E.E.N. O.F. D.I.A.M.O.N.D.S.

"Done." Bob turned the next card over and looked at her expectantly. "Sorry, still no."

Bob looked at the upturned card angrily. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah." Buffy said as she turned to Spike for support.

"Not her card, Bob."

With a look of defeat Bob turned back around and began shuffling through the cards again. Buffy shook her head and turned toward her boyfriend. "Scoot in for a sec?" She asked as she began to rise to her feet.

"You okay?" Darla asked.

Buffy smiled and nodded. "Yup, just one of the negatives of having coffee."

"Powerful diuretic." Oz said.

"Preaching to the choir."

Spike moved his legs to the side and let her by, grinning up at her when she felt her hand rustle his gel-free hair as she walked by. Everyone kept their eyes on her as she walked to the restroom and the moment the door shut behind her they all quickly turned and went in to complete business mode.

"So, is the plan in motion?" Darla asked.

"Yeah, Chris and Amy flew out after the show last night." Spike answered.

"What about the venue?" Oz asked.

"Anya took care of it," he said, "decorations and everything."

"Everyone got there okay?" Darla asked.

"Yeah. Got the call while she was getting coffee this morning."

"Cool," Darla said, "so when we land we'll run to the hotel, check in, and run over to Crave. You have a plan for getting her away for a while?"

They all turned their heads back to the restroom as the door opened and Buffy stepped out. "I'll take care of it."


"This has got to be the best hotel we've stayed in."

It wasn't a lie, Spike had made sure to call ahead and shell out quite a bit of his own money to secure this room. The far wall was a large sheet of glass looking over the famous Vegas lights. The bed was a California King and covered head to toe in gold linens. The carpet was soft and spongy even under her leather stiletto boots and was such a pure white that she feared dropping anything and ruining the spotless color. The bathroom had all white floors but was accented with a black shower, sink, toilet, and tub big enough to hold a small dinner party but what had really sold him on it was the large hot tub on the balcony looking over the strip.

Call him old fashioned, but he felt his girl deserved to spend her birthday in the most luxurious room he could afford.

He watched as she walked over to the bed and expected her to sit her things down on it, what surprised him was when she flopped down on it face first and hugged one of the fluffy pillows to her chest.

"What are you doing?" He asked as he walked towards her, hands on his hips and a skeptical look in his eye.

"I'm so tired." Her muffled whine came from the bed.

"You took a nap on the plane." He said as he sat down next to her.

"Did not."

"Yes," he said slowly, "you did."


"On the connector from New Mexico." He said. "You were out for a good hour, luv."

"Not enough," she said rolling over and plopping her head in to his lap, "can't we just sleep?"

"We're in Vegas," he said softly, "and it's your birthday. Do you really want to sleep that away?"


"Buff." His tone was warning and her eyes opened to peer up at him.

"If it's my birthday why can't we do what I want to do?" She asked.

"You're twenty two years old," he said with a raised eyebrow, "you should know by now that your birthday isn't really about what you want to do."


Spike chuckled as he let a hand gently rest against her cheek. "Get up, get ready, and let me take you out to dinner."

Buffy looked up at him from her spot in his lap, his blue eyes were pleading and his features had softened in a way that made him look like a little kid begging his mother for some shiny new toy. "Can we get Chinese?" She asked quietly.

Spike chuckled. "Anything you want."


"No, what the hell are you doing?" Anya yelled at the stage hands who were currently screwing up her entire plan. "Why would we have the food table in the middle of the floor? Have you ever even been to a party?"

"Of course I've been to a party."

"Then why would you try and put the food table in the middle of the floor?" Anya marched over and grabbed the table by one side before proceeding to drag it over toward the wall on the far left. "I have to do everything myself around here. Go help bring the food boxes in or something else that you can't screw up."

"Anya," Giles said from his spot leaning against the stage, "don't you think you're being a bit too hard on them?"

The heels of her shoes clicked against the linoleum floor as she practically stomped across the room and over to the box holding the cutlery. "No, I am not being too hard on them, Rupert."

"You nearly bit Brad's head off for having the streamers uneven."

"Streamers are very important."

"And what about when you kicked Alex in the shin for leaving the ice cream on the table?"

"We paid good money for that!"

"Let's not forget that you kicked Ally out because you felt her outfit was too revealing."

"It's Buffy's day!" Anya yelled. "Nobody should be getting more attention than her at her own birthday party!" Giles crossed his arms over his chest and gave her a sideways glance that made his glasses slide down on his nose, a look that Anya always referred to as his 'dad look'. "Okay, maybe it's not about Buffy."


"No, I'm serious," Buffy laughed as she told Spike the horrendous story of her tenth birthday party, "we got locked inside the roller rink because one of the older kids thought it would be cool to call in a bomb threat. The police showed up and everything."

"What happened?" Spike asked as he shoved a California roll in to his mouth.

"They came in and apparently checked it out, but at ten years old and after seeing far too many movies my entire party was convinced that it was the zombie apocalypse and that we were all going to die. All the girls were crying while me and the boys were finding any type of weapon we could to defend us against the undead." Buffy explained. "That was the last of Buffy's birthday bashes."

"Can't say I blame you," Spike said, "apocalypses can be terrifying."

"We had quite a few of them when I was growing up." Buffy said. "You should have seen what happened when Dawn thought that I took her Ipod."

"Did you?"

"Well yeah," Buffy said as she finished off her lo mein, "I went to a magnet high school and had a two hour bus ride. I needed something to entertain me."

Spike watched her finish off her meal with as much interest as he would have watching his favorite movie. It kind of fascinated him how even when she was slurping in a stray noodle that had somehow managed to escape her mouth she still managed to look as graceful and perfect as a primo ballerina. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and quickly pulled it out to inspect the text he had received.

"Who's that?" Buffy asked.

"Darla," he lied, "we have to go."


"What kind of emergency?" Buffy asked as Spike pulled her along the streets of Vegas toward the club they would be playing at the next night.

"She didn't say." He answered as he pulled her a little bit closer.

"Well, what did she say?" Buffy asked. "What were her exact words?"

"She said that we needed to get to Crave, right now, and that it was important." He explained.

"Did you tell her that we were at dinner?"

"It's Darla," Spike said, "do you really think that would have mattered to her?"

Buffy didn't argue, he had a point there, she merely let herself be dragged along by her boyfriend who seemed particularly excited about this particular emergency. The flashing red lights of the club came in to view and she was promptly pulled inside. She had expected to see the rest of the guys, the girls and the Andrew of Glory Wire, and the rest of the tour staff running around in a tizzy. The last thing she expected was to walk in to a pitch black, empty club.

"Spike," Buffy said in a near whisper, "what's going on?"

"I don't know," he said as he released her hand and began to feel for the light switch, "let me find the-"


Buffy jumped out of her skin as the lights went on and everybody that she had been touring with for the past few weeks jumped out of various hiding places around what she could now tell was a very intricately decorated main floor of Crave.

"Oh, my God!" Buffy yelled as her hand flew to her heart in shock. She could hear his laughter immediately and spun on her heel to face him. "You!"

There was a wave of applause as Spike took a step forward and threw an arm around her neck. She began to laugh along with him as he pulled her close and her arms involuntarily went around him. "Had to do it, luv."

"I'm going to kill you." She muttered against his chest.

"Haven't even seen the best part yet."

Buffy pulled away just enough to look up at him. Before the question in her eyes could reach her lips, however, she heard a familiar squeal come from somewhere behind her. She turned and her eyes instantly grew wide as her jaw dropped in total surprise. "Willow? Xander?" The two girls were wrapped up in bone crushing hugs from one another in a matter of seconds as Xander waited patiently for his turn with the Buffster. "I can't believe you guys are really here!"

"Thank your boyfriend." Xander said as the petite blonde threw herself at him.

"What?" Buffy asked as she pulled away.

"Yeah," Willow confirmed, "he flew us out here just for your birthday."

Buffy turned and looked back at him leaning leisurely against the door frame that they had just entered through. He gave a slight shrug as he put a hand in his back pocket. "Your birthday is far too close to Christmas and I already did the jewelery thing," he explained, "figured you might like a few things from home."

Buffy smiled at him as tears formed in her eyes, words couldn't express the wide array of emotions she was feeling at this particular moment but she had a feeling he could tell just by the look on her face how much she appreciated this.

"I heard this was a party," Darla said as she sauntered her way up to the small group, "so let's dance, mother fuckers!"


What everyone had assumed would be a mid sized shindig had quickly turned in to a full blown hootenanny. Anya had really sprung and gotten the best DJ in town and had managed to talk Giles out of using the party as an extra practice for the two bands present. The food that she had ordered from Caleb's Catering was delicious and everyone seemed to be having a great time, everyone but her.

She wasn't sure what it was about him, maybe it was his boyish mannerisms or all around immaturity, but something attracted her to him like a moth to a flame. Every time she had glanced in his general direction she had seen him talking with other people, dancing with Buffy and Willow, she'd even seen him flirt with a couple of the other girls.

Why the hell wasn't he talking to her?

She had slept with the stupid pig, she'd made him squirm in ways that she knew he had never even thought of before being with her, and he was just going to ignore her like that? She was Anya Jenkins, damn it! She did the ignoring, not the other way around!

She applied another layer of lipstick, flipped her hair around a little bit, and raised an eyebrow at herself in the mirror. "Saddle up, Jenkins," she said to her reflection, "get out there and show him who's boss."

With a new sense of confidence she opened the door to the bathroom and stepped out in to the hallway... and straight in to Xander Harris' chest.

"Jesus Christ!" She screamed as she jumped away. "Don't sneak up on people like that!"

"I was just going to the bathroom, Anya," he said with a laugh, "didn't mean to scare you."

"You didn't scare me," she said angrily, "I just wasn't expecting to see you there."

They stood together in an awkward silence for a few moments as they both searched their brains for something, anything, to say. "Well, I've gotta, ya know..." he said as he motioned toward the men's bathroom door.

"Right," Anya said as she side stepped out of his way, "go ahead, drain the main... whatever."

She watched as Xander stepped around her, opened the bathroom door, and quickly disappeared inside. She looked up and down the hall a couple of times without the slightest idea of what she was looking for before she let out a frustrated sigh and walked straight in to the bathroom after him.

"Alright, you listen you big oaf-"

"Anya!" Xander yelled as he quickly zipped himself back up and turned away from the urinal. "What the hell are you doing?"

"What the hell am I doing?" She echoed. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Well, I was trying to-"

"We spend an entire night together having mind blowing, multiple orgasm inducing, all around incredible sex and you don't even say hello when you show up?"

"You said you didn't want to make it some big thing." Xander said as he slowly inched away from the yelling woman and toward the stalls.

"I didn't want to make it some big thing."

"Then why are you coming after me in the bathroom?" Xander asked.

"Because it is a big thing!"

"You just said-"

"I know what I said!" Anya yelled. "I don't want it to be a big deal but it is. I can't stop thinking about you, Xander, all the time. Every time I see Buffy and her stupid face running around here all I want to do is say 'hey, have you talked to Xander? Did he say anything about me? Is he screwing someone new?"'

"Anya, I-"

"No, I'm talking now." Xander shut his mouth and let her go on. "I thought it would stop after we had sex the last time but it just got worse. I made this big party, I wore my fuck me heels and my porn star lipstick and you didn't even have the decency to notice."

"I did notice." He said quietly.

"Then why didn't you say anything?" She whined. "I did all this prettying up to impress you and you just ignore me like the retarded cousin that eats paste."

"Anya, I'm sorry," he said as he walked toward, "I just thought that this was what you wanted."

"I thought it was what I wanted, too." She pouted.

"And now?"

With a deliberate shove he was pushed in to the bathroom stall behind him and Anya followed quickly in suit. She slammed the door and locked it quickly before straddling her legs around his middle and pulling his face to meet hers.

If this was what she wanted he would gladly give it to her.


The party was in full swing and Buffy was having the time of her life. Her birthday parties had never quite gone as planned, but so far this one hadn't turned disastrous. Nobody had gotten hurt, everyone was having fun, and they hadn't been quarantined by a SWAT team.

So far, so good.

"So you're staying for the rest of the tour?" Buffy asked Willow as they danced together to the beat of some random song that the DJ had put on.

"Yup," Willow answered, "Oz wanted me to be here for the record release show tomorrow night and since the one after that is in LA I figured I might as well stick it out. It's only a couple of days but at least it's something."

"That's awesome!" Buffy yelled over the music.

The girls continued to dance, talk, and laugh together just like they always had back at home. Buffy had missed her best friend terribly and tonight outlined all of the reasons why. They had often joked that the other brought out the best in them, whether it be the party girl in Willow or the carefree side of Buffy, and the statement had been proven true time and time again. Tonight was no exception to that rule despite the lack of their usual body guard.

The fast paced dance song ended as a slower one began and both girls glanced at one another. The rest of the dancing crowd around them coupled up and began to sway to the beat. "Come here, Wills!" Buffy called as she extended her hand toward the red head.

"Miss Summers," Willow said mocking shock, "are you asking me to dance?"

"If I told you that you had a nice body," Buffy said dramatically, "would you hold it against me?"

"As interesting as this is," Spike's accented voice said from beside them, "would you mind if I stepped in?"

Willow glanced at Buffy and gave her a quick wink before puffing out her chest and walking toward Spike with her chin raised defiantly in the air. "If you want to dance with the lady," she said in her best manly voice, "you'll have to get through me."

Spike raised an eyebrow. "That so?"

"Yeah," Willow continued, "you wanna make something of it?"

Spike raised his hand and gave Willow a slight push to the side, one that she pretended was much more forceful as she began to fake a stumble to the side before simply walking off to find Oz. "Quite a fighter, that one."

"Yeah," Buffy said with a laugh, "she's pretty protective."

Spike's tongue met the tip of his teeth as he draped an arm around her waist and pulled her flush against his chest. "Better be careful with you then, yeah?"

"Yeah," Buffy answered as she placed a hand on his shoulder, "otherwise big buff Willow might come back over here and kick your ass."

"Wouldn't want that to happen, would we?" He asked as he grasped her hand firmly in his and began to lead her in dancing to the soft music of a song he had never heard before. His hand found the small of her back

and she resisted the urge to let her head fall to rest against his chest. "Are you having fun?"

Buffy nodded, her smile faltering as she quickly turned away.

"Hey, look at me," he said quietly as his brow furrowed, "what's wrong?"

She shook her head. "Nothing."

"Something," he said firmly, "is bothering you. Tell me what it is so that I can fix it."

Buffy's eyes found his as she cocked her head to the side and a sweet smile rose back to her lips. "It's you."

"Me?" He asked. "What did I do?"

"You threw me this party," she said softly, "you flew my friends out here and invited all of these people."

"I thought you would like it, Buffy, I didn't mean to-"

"It's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me." She said quietly.

"Don't you get it Buffy?" Spike said with a smile as he shook his head. "I would do anything for you."


Willow watched from her seat at the bar as her best friend had what appeared to be a very tender, intimate moment with her boyfriend. "Look, look," she said as she gently hit at Oz's arm, "here it comes in three... two... aww! Aren't they so cute?"

"Sure are." Oz said turning back around and motioned toward the bartender for another drink.

"Are you okay?" Willow asked as she turned around in her own chair.

"Yeah," Oz said as he leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest, "just a little jet lagged."

"Do you want to dance?" Willow asked, instantly perking up at the thought. "We could get them to play-"

"I'm alright." Oz answered as his drink was placed in front of him.

Willow frowned as she watched him take a large swig from his glass, he had been acting strange all night. She understood that he was probably tired and that it was probably nothing personal but she couldn't shake the feeling in her gut that something was wrong.

"Do you want to go back to the hotel?" Willow asked. "I mean, we have tomorrow, if you're tired then we could just call it a night and head back."

Oz turned to face her, a look of nothing but adoration on his face as he raised a hand to lightly caress her cheek. "I'm fine, Will, don't worry about me."

"But you're-"

"You're here for your best friend's birthday," he said, "go have some fun."

Willow smiled as he leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips before she got up and made her way back to Buffy's side. When she was gone Oz let out a deep sigh and turned his attention back to his beer.


Buffy laughed as Spike danced along with the newest punk song to come blaring out of the speakers in the most comical way that he could. He looked so suave and debonair when he was on stage, when he was taking it seriously, but right now he was jumping and wobbling around in a way that made him look like more of a toddler than a glorified rock star. Just when she thought his dancing couldn't get any more ridiculous or embarrassing he grabbed her by the hand and forced her to dance with him as he began to sing along with what was no doubt one of his favorite songs.

I saw a girl and she drove me wild,
She looked at me and I looked and smiled.
The cutest girl you could ever see,
I never dreamed she'd go out with me.

He spun her around and she nearly lost her footing as he pulled her back to him and continued his ridiculous show.

We met at school so I asked her out,
The only girl I ever thought about.
She's 16 and she's so divine,
I never thought I would make her mine.

I'm in love, I just can't wait.

Tonight, I have a date.

I have a date,

With the cutest girl in town
I have a date,

And I'm the happiest boy around.

I'm in love, I just can't wait.

Tonight, I have a date.

Buffy laughed as he continued to spin her, rock her, and force her to jump around with him. She had nearly fallen twice already as he forced her to keep up with him and she was suddenly regretting wearing her new favorite pair of high heeled leather boots.

"Spike, I'm going to-"

"You're fine," he yelled over the music, "just go with it."

Went to the movies in my parents car,
I never dreamed I'd get that far.
I picked her up at a quarter to eight,
I got there early I didn't want to be late.

Another dizzying spin.

I never thought it would come to this,
I drove her home and she gave me a kiss.
I'm in love and it's here to stay,
She said she really wants to see me again.

I'm in love, I just can't wait.

Tonight, I have a date.

I have a date,

With the cutest girl in town.
I have a date,

And I'm the happiest boy around.

I'm in love. I just can't wait,

'Cause tonight, I have a date.

"Spike we should-"


I have a date.

"No, I'm serious, my boot-"

"Is doing fine."

I have a date.

"The heel, it's gonna-"

He ignored her completely as he pulled her to him before spinning her under his arm and pulling her back again.

I have a date.


I'm in love, I just can't wait.

Tonight, I have a


"Spike!" Buffy cried as the heel of her boot began to slide across the floor. She lost her balance and fell to the side, successfully knocking him off of his feet and on to the ground before landing on top of him with a thud.



Buffy and Spike stumbled in to the alleyway behind Crave laughing uncontrollably about the doomed musical number he had just forced her in to. Buffy was limping along beside him as he kept a protective hand on her hip to keep her from teetering or tottering to either side due to the now missing heel of her boot. He usually liked to take his smoke breaks solo, second hand smoke was bad for the lungs of Buffy and all that, but tonight he was particularly happy to have her come along.

"I tried to get you to stop," she said between her laughter, "you wouldn't listen."

"Wanted to dance," he said as he pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his jacket pocket, "can't fault me for that."

"And you thought I could dance around with you, like this," she said bopping up and down on her heel-less boot and waving her arms around like an excited chicken, "would work in six inch heels?"

He quickly lit up and took his first drag. "Don't worry, luv, I'll buy you a new pair of heels."

"You'd better," she said as she watched him lean against the wall, "they were my favorite."

"I was quite fond of them, too," he said as he let out a slow exhale, "especially when that was all you were wearing."

"Well, here," she said taking off her good boot and handing it over to him, "you can have it."

"What?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Keep it," she said as she removed her broken shoe and threw it toward the dumpster, "you can make it all sentimental."

"Now, now kitten," he said calmly, "it's your birthday. You should be getting gifts, not giving them."

She cocked her head to the side and moved toward him, all the while looking him up and down with bedroom eyes. "Well, what if I want to give you something?" Her hand clasped his belt buckle suggestively as her lust filled eyes moved up to meet his.

"Well," he said grabbing her around the waist before moving his hand down to cup her ass, "wouldn't want to upset the birthday girl, would I?"

"I should hope not." She whispered as her lips hovered mere centimeters away from his. Just as she was about to go in for the kill her eyes flicked over to a flashing red and blue neon sign. She stared at it for a few seconds, her mind whirling at a mile a minute, before flicking her eyes back over to meet Spike's. "I want to do something crazy."

"Crazier than a blowjob in the alley?" He asked.

"A little bit." She answered with a soft laugh.

"Well out with it baby," he said expectantly, "I'm all ears."


This story archived at http://