The Shadow Gallery by ViciousRejects
Summary: Buffy is a waitress at a popular bar that happens to be the home to the famous band Flesh of the Passions whose front man, Spike Pratt, has taken quite a liking to her. Is love in the works, will she be another fling? READ! Spuffy. AU. AH. NC17 for future chapters.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 26 Completed: No Word count: 150404 Read: 26404 Published: 03/31/2011 Updated: 10/11/2011
Chapter 3 by ViciousRejects
Chapter 3

Two hours and one hundred and fifty questions later, Buffy left the classroom and made her way over to the cluster of tables across the hall. She sat down in one of the chairs and sat her bag on the table in front of her to wait for Willow. She pulled her phone out of her bag and turned it back on, smiling as the text from Spike greeted her eyes again. It was a small gesture, but for some reason it meant a lot to her.

Just as she was about to respond her phone vibrated in her hand with a text from Xander.

Xander :
Celebratory Willow-and-Buffy-passed-their-mid-term Party Night?

Buffy laughed to herself, typical Xander.


Yeah, Riley's working at The Fame tonight.

That Hollywood themed bar in the city with drinks named after celebrities?

Free drinks are free drinks. You in?

Buffy thought for a moment, she hadn't drank in quite a while and she could use a break from school work, studying, and working. As if on cue, Willow walked out of the classroom and began walking toward Buffy. She smiled as she sat down in the chair next to her.

“How did you do?” Willow asked.

“I think I did okay,” she said, “I completely forgot the positions on the meaning of life.”

“That's okay, I skipped both questions about art.” Willow said reassuringly.

“Xander wants to take us out for drinks tonight at The Fame.” Buffy said.

“Really?” Willow asked, messing with a loose string on her t-shirt.

“Yeah, Riley's bar-tending so it'll be a pretty cheap night.” Buffy explained. “So what do you think?”

“Well, we are done our one and only mid-term.” Willow said. “But I think we're in need of a little consumer therapy, too.”

Buffy couldn't help the excited smile that climbed across her features. “Mall time?”

Willow nodded. “Mall time.”

The two friends grabbed their things off of the table and walked out of the building, Buffy sending a quick text to Xander as they went.

We're in. See you there at 7. :)


To say that their shopping trip was a success would be an extreme understatement. They had both spent far more than they really should, but using their school stress as an excuse made neither of them really care. They had gone through the first floor of the mall before eating lunch at the sushi restaurant there and, armed with some Starbucks, took on the rest of the mall. They had gotten outfits specifically for tonight as well as some everyday clothes and some work clothes for Buffy. They got a few things for their dorm and had a great day hanging out the way only best friends could.

As they got ready to go the club, Buffy couldn't help but think about what had happened a few nights ago at The Shadow Gallery. She hadn't seen Angel since then, but she knew it was only a matter of time. He always had the supernatural ability to show up at the very worst times. She wondered what would happen next time they'd meet, and what would happen if he came face to face with Spike again.


He was another thing she couldn't seem to get off of her mind. She tried to justify it to herself by saying it was just because he was a celebrity, that she was just a bit star struck, but she had an awful feeling that that wasn't the case. She didn't want to fool herself in to thinking that there could be anything between the two of them, he was a rock star for God's sake! He'd be gone soon enough and she hoped that him leaving would be enough to get him out of her head.

She quickly put the finishing touches on her makeup and looked herself over in the mirror. She was wearing a pair of dark blue straight legged jeans, a deep red top, and cropped leather jacket all topped off with a multi-chained silver necklace and black clutch bag. She was wearing a little bit more eye makeup than normal, but when a girl wanted a smokey-eye look there really was no other alternative. Her jeans were tucked in to her favorite black boots and her blonde hair was done in a sort of cute crimp.

She turned and looked at Willow who was wearing a long gray tunic shirt and black leggings with a light blue, unbuttoned long sweater on top. She was wearing a pair of black heels and carrying a silver bag. She, too, had decided to go for a smokey-eye and her hair was stuck out in some places giving her a borderline punk style.

“You ready?” Buffy asked.

“Sure am.” Willow said standing from her vanity and walking over to Buffy. “How do I look?”

“Wonderful.” Buffy said smiling. “Let's go.”

- - - -

The bus ride had taken a little longer than normal and by the time Buffy and Willow arrived it was almost 7:30. They walked inside and instantly spotted Xander sitting at one of the high top black tables across the room. They made their way over to him, the strobe lights and disco ball making it a little difficult to see where they were going at first. As they made their way across the dance floor and their eyes began to adjust, they could feel eyes on them and knew Xander was going to have his hands full playing bodyguard tonight.

“About time you got here.” Xander said laughingly as the girls walked up to the table.

“Sorry,” Buffy said, “the bus was late and then it had to stop every other block.”

“Apparently everyone wants to get out tonight.” Willow said.

“Happens every mid-term and finals week,” Xander said, “even The Shadow Gallery gets a little crazy.”

“Well, let's not just sit here,” Buffy said, “let's get dancing!” Buffy said grabbing Willow's hand and leading her to the dance floor.

“I'm gonna go get us some drinks.” Xander said standing up and moving toward the bar. “I'll meet you out there.”

“Okay.” Buffy called over her shoulder.

- - - - -

The time, songs, and drinks kept flying by as Buffy, Willow, and Xander drank and danced together. The tipsy girls were gaining quite a bit of attention and Xander did his best to watch their backs. Sure, they had each danced with a couple of guys, but the second any of them got a little too comfortable all they had to do was send a look to Xander and he'd waste no time shooing them off.

“I'm having so much fun.” Willow said as the three danced in a circle together.

“Me, too.” Buffy said. “We need to do this more often.”

“As long as Riley's at the bar I'm in.” Xander said. Suddenly, his phone began ringing and the three laughed as they realized his ring tone was the same song that was currently playing through the club's speakers. “It's my landlord, I've got to take this.”

“Okay.” Buffy said.

“We'll be right here.” Willow said. Xander nodded and quickly made his way out of the club's front doors. “I want another drink, want anything while I'm up there?”

Buffy shook her head. “No, I'm good.”

“Okay, I'll be right back.” Willow said as she turned on her heel and began the short walk over to the bar, leaving Buffy alone in the crowd of people. She continued to dance to the bouncy beat of the song, being alone had never stopped her before.


She looked over her shoulder and was surprised to see none other than Spike making his way through the crowd. He had his blonde hair slicked back and wearing his normal full black clothing. He had a beer bottle in his hand and took a quick swig of it as he walked toward her.

“Spike?” She said smiling.

“How are you?” He asked as he reached her.

“I'm good,” she said.

“You here by yourself?” He asked, raising an eyebrow and glancing around.

“No, Xander and Willow are here.” She said. “How about you?”

“Oz is around here somewhere.” He answered.

The bouncy dance song ended and a the beginning of a slow one filled its place as the crowd surrounding them paired off in to couples and began to sway slowly to the music. Buffy tucked her hair behind her ear, feeling a bit of awkward nervousness in the now intimate surroundings. Seeing this as his perfect opportunity he handed his beer bottle to some random person and cleared his throat.

“Miss Summers,” he said, a small grin lighting his face as he extended his hand to her as he tucked his other behind his back, leaning forward slightly, “may I have this dance?”

She smiled shyly before placing her hand in to his and letting him take her in to his arms. He raised her hand to his shoulder and she let her other follow in suit. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him as they began to sway back and forth to the music.

“So,” Buffy said, “what are you doing here?”

“Well, right now,” he started slowly, “I'm dancing with the most beautiful girl in the club.”

Buffy felt a blush rise in her cheeks. “Quite the charmer, aren't you?” She joked.

“Depends,” Spike said, “are you charmed?”

“Not yet.” She said with a sly smile.

Spike let out a low chuckle. “Actually, I thought I wouldn't get recognized here. Not a normal crawl for a guy like me.” He explained motioning toward the strobe lights and flashy decorations.

Buffy laughed. “Sorry to crush your dreams on anonymity.”

“Nonsense,” he said shaking his head slightly, “running in to you has undoubtedly made my night.”

“Oh my God!” Someone yelled from next to them. “Are you Spike Pratt?!”

Spike sighed. “Bloody hell.” He whispered so only Buffy could hear. He turned and glanced at the girl who was currently staring at him wide-eyed, a polite smile plastered on his face.

“Oh my God! It is you! I am your BIGGEST FAN!” She yelled.

Spike looked at Buffy, giving her an apologetic look as he removed his arms from her waist and turned toward the girl. He extended his hand to her, intending to shake her hand. “It's very nice to meet you.”

“I can't believe this is happening!” She said clapping her hands together like a delighted little girl.

Buffy felt as if she were intruding on some type of moment for the girl and decided to take her leave. She made her way over to the bar and could hardly believe her eyes when she saw Willow sitting next to none other than Oz Osbourne. She walked up to Willow and put a hand on her shoulder.

“Buffy!” Willow said excitedly. “Come here, I want you to meet Oz. Oz, this is Buffy.”

“We've met.” Oz said sending a smile Buffy's way. “Spike find you?”

“Spike?” Willow asked excitedly looking at Buffy.

“Um, yeah,” Buffy said, “but some fan came up and I decided it was time to walk away.”

She noticed his eyes jump behind her as a lopsided grin graced his lips. “He'll shake her soon enough. He can't stand those fangirl types.”

“Hey guys.” Xander's voice said from behind them. Buffy and Willow both turned and saw him looking rather perplexed.

“You okay, Xan?” Buffy asked.

“Yeah, you look a little upset.” Willow said.

“Well, apparently the apartment next door caught fire and spread to mine.” He explained.

“Is everything okay?” Buffy asked.

“I don't know, I'm about to head home now and see what damage was done.”

“Do you want us to come with you?” Willow asked.

“No, I'll be fine.” Xander said. “I'll call you guys later and let you know what happened.”

“Alright.” Willow said.

“We'll see you later, then.” Buffy said.

Xander nodded. “Bye guys, look out for each other.”

“Don't worry,” Oz said from his seat, “they're in good hands. Right Spike?”

At the mention of his name, Buffy spun around and only then noticed him standing behind her. How long had he been there?

“Right, good luck with the apartment, mate.” Obviously long enough to hear that.

“Thanks.” With that Xander turned around, said goodbye to Riley, and made his way out of the bar.

Oz turned and looked at Spike. “I see you got rid of that fan.” He said.

“Yeah.” He said before turning his attention to Buffy. “I'm really sorry about that, pet.”

She shrugged and smiled. “It's okay, I'm sure it happens a lot.”

“You have no idea.” He said. “Let me buy you a drink to make it up to ya?”

She shook her head. “I think I'm done for the night, actually.” She saw the disappointment clearly in his face for just a second before he shook it off in pure pro fashion. “I'd love a soda though.”

He nodded and motioned for the bartender. “What'll it be?” Riley asked.

“A Spike Pratt for me,” he said, “and a soda for the lady.”

Riley nodded and turned away to make their drinks.

“Did you really just order yourself?” Buffy asked, a laugh lacing itself between her words.

“Yeah,” he said with a chuckle, “always wondered what I taste like.”

Buffy laughed and looked back over to Oz and Willow. The two were sitting very close to one another, engaged in conversation, Willow grinning like a fool. Buffy smiled, genuinely happy for her friend. She had to admit, they would make a cute couple if it ever got to that.

Buffy turned her attention back to Spike who was quickly sucking down his drink. “So how do you taste?”

He shrugged. “I'm alright.” He said.

“Just alright?” Buffy asked.

“Yeah,” he said glancing down at her, raising a scarred eyebrow at her as he leaned his elbows against the bar, “you want a taste?” Feeling a bit bolder that usual due to the consumption of alcohol, she leaned forward and grabbed his drink, taking a long, smooth drink. “What do ya think?”

It was Buffy's turn to raise an eyebrow at him now as she cocked her head to the side. “Wouldn't you like to know?” She hopped off of her stool and waltzed past him and back out to the dance floor.

Spike watched her walk past and let his eyes linger on her backside as she walked away from him. “You have no idea.” He growled, stalking behind her with long strides like a lion on the hunt.

- - - - -

Buffy hadn't realized just how much she had had to drink until she was back out on the floor. Her head was spinning and she felt a little warm, but it was nothing she couldn't handle. She stopped in the middle of the floor and began to dance to a song she didn't recognize, but could move to nonetheless. She knew Spike was following behind her without even looking and the thought of that excited her a little more than she should.

She wasn't at all surprised when she felt arms lock around her waist from behind and begin to move in time with her. “It's not smart for a cute little thing like you to walk off alone like that, pet.” He whispered in her ear. “Never know what kind of terrible beasties are out waiting in the shadows of a club like this.”

She spun and turned to face him, throwing one arm over his shoulder. “I knew you'd follow me.”

“Oh, yeah?” He asked wrapping his arm around her waist.

“Yeah.” She answered.

“And how'd you know that?” He asked.

“Because I never answered your question.” She said smiling.

He grinned his trademark grin. “You gonna answer me now?”

Buffy shook her head. “For me to know and you to find out.”

“Oh, baby,” he said moving his free hand to tangle in her blonde hair, “I plan to find out,” he pulled her face closer to his and spoke only a few inches from her lips, “right now.”

With that, his lips crashed down on to hers in a searing, passionate kiss.

- - - - -

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