The Shadow Gallery by ViciousRejects
Summary: Buffy is a waitress at a popular bar that happens to be the home to the famous band Flesh of the Passions whose front man, Spike Pratt, has taken quite a liking to her. Is love in the works, will she be another fling? READ! Spuffy. AU. AH. NC17 for future chapters.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 26 Completed: No Word count: 150404 Read: 26364 Published: 03/31/2011 Updated: 10/11/2011
Chapter 5 by ViciousRejects
Chapter 5.

Buffy had given up trying to figure out where Spike was driving about five miles back. He was twisting and turning through the streets like he was some sort of homing pigeon on the way back to his owner. Buffy had no idea how he was so sure of where he was going with all of the streets looking so much the same to her, but then again, that was probably why Buffy didn't drive.

“Where are we going?” Buffy asked.

“Just an old place I used to hang out in, my old stomping ground.” He said glancing over at her. “I think you'll like it.”

Buffy didn't ask any more questions, she just let Spike drive them wherever his heart felt was right. She never would have expected him to turn in to an old dirt driveway and drive straight in to what seemed to her like nothing but woods. Scenes from slasher movies she had seen in the past popped in to her head briefly, but she shook them off when she realized how ridiculous the thought of Spike taking her somewhere to kill her would be after he had put on quite the show with her not even twenty minutes before.

Suddenly, the trees broke apart and Spike drove in to what Buffy could tell had once been a drive-in theater. The large screen was still standing, but was full of holes and streaked with colors ranging from white, to brown, to even a little bit of green. The grass had never seemed to full recover from so many cars driving over it and brown patches were littered all throughout the area.

Spike drove up to the screen and stopped only about ten feet away from it. He jumped out of the car and quickly made his way over to the passenger side, tearing the door open in the way only he knew how. He extended his hand out to her, relieved when she took it and let him help her from the car. He began walking through the dry grass and led her underneath the screen. She was a little bit confused until she saw the set of swings sitting behind it.

She smiled. “Swings?”

Spike nodded. “Swings.”

He motioned toward one of the swing seats, meaning for her to take it. She did as he suggested and sat down, careful to not lose her balance as she sat lower than she thought she would have. Spike sat on the swing next to her and started to rock himself back and forth absentmindedly.

“You wanted to talk?” Buffy asked after a few moments of nothing.

“Give me a second,” he said, “I'm not exactly sure how to say this.”

“Well that doesn't sound reassuring at all.” Buffy commented.

Spike let out a low chuckle. “Sorry, pet.”

“It's okay.” She said.

“No, I mean I'm sorry, sorry for everything.” He said, leaning forward and lacing his fingers together as his elbows sat atop his knees.

Buffy's brows furrowed, unsure of what he meant. “What do you mean everything?”

“Just like I said, everything.” He said nodding slowly to himself. “The argument earlier tonight, I didn't understand why it was such a big deal to you that we'd kissed.”

“It seemed like it was a pretty big deal to you, too.” Buffy said quietly.

“Well, it was.” He said. “I was happy that it had happened, downright giddy if you want the honest truth.” He said. “And now I'm here apologizing for it.”


“No, listen Buffy, please?” He said turning and looking her in the eyes. “I'm sorry for kissing you the other night, you'd been drinking and I knew that. I didn't know that you and alcohol related displays of affection had such a sordid past.”

“What do you mean?” Buffy asked softly.

Spike sighed. “You didn't tell me what had happened between you and Angel.”

Buffy felt her blood run cold and her heart drop to her feet as her eyes widened in panic. He couldn't possibly know. “What do you mean what happened with me and Angel?” She asked.

“Don't play games, Buffy, this is serious right now.” He said, eyes pleading with hers to just let him say his piece. “Willow told me, she told me everything.”

Buffy's jaw dropped in shock, her mouth attempting to form words that her mind just couldn't come up with. “Willow?”

He nodded. “Yeah.”

She scoffed. “Wow, just wow. She had absolutely no right to tell you that. That's my business, she shouldn't be running around telling people things that I've trusted her with.”

“Don't get upset with her,” Spike said calmly, “she was only trying to help.”

“Trying to help?” Buffy asked, getting up off of the swing and standing in front of him. “How could that be trying to help? She barely even knows you.”

“Yeah? Well, neither do you.” Spike said standing up, coming face to face with her again.

Buffy crossed her arms over her chest. “I know you better than she does.”

“Oh yeah?” He said. “What's my first name?”

Buffy raised her eyebrow, he did have a point. “Spike.” She answered.

Spike rolled his eyes. “My real name.”

Buffy looked around her for a moment, trying to find something to change the subject, as he stared at her expectantly. “I don't know.” She said finally.

“See that, you don't even know my first name. It's William, by the way, and you didn't know that because the only person that calls me that is my mum when I'm in trouble and I hate it.” He said quickly.

“Do you have a point?” She asked, clearly annoyed.

“You didn't even know my name and yet you're willing to punish me for the actions of some bloody git who screwed you over and threw you to the lions den.” He said calmly. “I'm not Angel, and not every other guy. I'm William 'Spike' Pratt and I'm here to make you a promise.”

“Yeah?” Buffy asked. “What promise is that?”

He took her gently by the shoulders and moved her to sit back down on the swing. She did as he was silently asking and was a bit thrown off when he knelt down in front of her.

“Willow and me,” he said, “we talked. She told me what he did to you and she told me how terrified you are of it happening again. She said you needed proof that I'm serious, that I'm not just going to hurt you or use you.” He took one of her small hands in to his and rested it gently on her lap. “And I swear to you, Buffy, I'm going to prove it to you. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday soon I'm going to take away all that fear and hurt, and I'm gonna be in it's place. I can't promise that we'll fall in love, or that we'll be together forever and have a bunch of little midgets running around that look just like us. Hell, I can't even promise that you'll want to keep me around for much more than a couple of days. What I can tell you is that I'm gonna try my hardest, though, pet. I want to be there through thick and thin, and all I'm asking is that you give me a chance. Give me a chance to prove to you that there are some good ones out there, let me prove to you that I'm one of them.” He took a deep breath. “Can you do that for me?”

Not trusting her own voice and knowing that at any given second tears could fall from her eyes, she nodded. He leaned forward and pulled her body to his, hugging her tightly to him. He couldn't help the smile that dawned on his lips as he felt her arms slide around him, returning the embrace just as passionately as he was giving it.


When Buffy awoke the next morning she was half convinced that the night before had been a dream. She pulled her phone off of her nightstand and looked at the last text she had gotten the night before.

Sweet dreams, pet.

Yeah, last night really had happened.

She heard the bathroom door open and saw Willow peek her head out. “Morning.” She said.

“Good morning, blabber mouth.” Buffy greeted, eyebrow raised and a sly smile on her face.

“Spike told you about that, huh?” Willow asked, emerging from the bathroom and moving toward her dresser.

“You bet he did.” Buffy said, uncovering herself and sitting on the edge of her bed.

“So, uh, how mad are you?” Willow asked.

Buffy sighed. “I'm not mad at you, Wills.” Buffy said.

“You're not?”

“No,” she said, “you were only doing what you thought was right, and this time it was.”

“So are you guys okay now?” Willow asked.

Buffy nodded. “Yup, we're good.”

“Good enough to maybe go and see a movie with Oz and me tonight?” She asked, nervously biting her lip between her teeth.

Buffy cocked her head to the side. “Willow, if this is one of your secretly-a-date-for-Buffy plans...”

“No, it's not! I promise!” Willow said quickly. “Oz called me after their show last night and asked me if I wanted to go out to dinner and a movie tonight.”

“So why don't you go out on your date, just the two of you?” Buffy asked.

“Well, you know, first dates can be kind of awkward, I would just feel better if you were there. It would kind of take the pressure off a little bit.” Willow explained.

Buffy eyed her friend, she could tell something was going on. “I don't know...”

“Oh, come on, Buffy, please!” Willow begged. “When you're around I just feel better about myself, you make the fun Willow come out, you're my better half!”

Buffy laughed. “Alright, fine, I'll go.”

Their conversation was cut short when three loud bangs echoed from their door. Willow rushed back in to the bathroom and Buffy groaned. She stood up and ran her fingers through her hair, trying to smooth it out a little bit before facing whoever was at the door. Three more loud bangs rang throughout the room as Buffy made her way to the door.

“I'm coming!” She called, reaching for the doorknob. She was hardly prepared to deal with who was standing on the other side of the thick piece of wood, but she didn't really have a choice. “Angel?” She asked as she looked him over. His nose was bruised and he had a sling wrapped around his neck, supporting the arm that Spike had twisted the other night.

He let out a soft chuckle. “Nice outfit.” He said.

Buffy looked down and realized she was wearing a pair of tight, black workout pants and a red tank top. “You don't look too hot yourself.” She shot back. “What do you want?”

Without even asking for permission, Angel pushed his way in to the dorm room and began walking around, almost inspecting everything. “Have you seen the entertainment section of the paper today?” He asked, flicking Willow's swaying hula girl she had gotten on her family vacation to Hawaii with his good hand.

Buffy closed the door and put her hands on her hips, obviously not wanting her ex boyfriend there. “No, I haven't.”

“Hmm,” he said, “well lucky for you I happen to have a copy of it right here.” He pulled a rolled up newspaper out of his sling and handed it over to her. “Do you recognize anyone on the first page?”

With a furrowed brow, Buffy unrolled the paper and was surprised to see a picture of her and Spike plastered across the page. It was from when he had sung to her the night before on the floor of the bar. He was standing mere inches from her face, looking down at her with an locked gaze as she looked back at him with one of her own. Under any other circumstances it would have been a wonderful shot.

She handed the paper back to Angel. “Yeah, he sang to me, so what?” She said, crossing her arms over her chest.

“See, that's what I thought at first, too, but the more I looked at it the more I felt like I'd seen this guy somewhere before. Then it hit me,” he said snapping his fingers for effect, “this is the same bleached bastard that attacked me at The Shadow Gallery.”

Buffy's heartbeat started to race, but she refused to let him notice it. “Okay?” Buffy said.

“Well, as you can see he did some pretty extensive damage with those cheap shots he threw, and someone has to pay for that.” He said, taking a few steps closer to her.

“So what are you going to do, sue Spike Pratt?” Buffy asked sarcastically.

Angel smiled. “That's exactly what I'm going to do.”

Buffy rolled her eyes. “Angel, you can't be serious. It was a bar fight, get over it.”

“It was not a bar fight, Buffy, that freak attacked me.” Angel said, voice raising slightly.

“He didn't attack you.” Buffy said, rolling her eyes.

“I have a broken nose and a dislocated shoulder, Buffy. I didn't lay a finger on him.”

“Because you were too busy manhandling me.” She said, somehow managing to keep her cool.

“You didn't mind it last year.” Angel said, stopping Buffy in her tracks. She glared at him from across the room as a victorious smile appeared on his face. He walked over to the door, turning the knob and opening it calmly. “Tell lover boy we'll be in touch.” With that he slammed the door and he was gone.

Willow opened the bathroom door slowly and saw Buffy standing across the room in shock. “Did you hear that?” Buffy asked her.

Willow nodded. “What are you going to do?”

“I've got to tell Spike.” Buffy said moving toward her phone.

“You're going to tell him over the phone?” Willow asked.

Buffy shrugged. “Do you have a better idea?”

“I think if you're going to tell someone that your ex is going to sue them,” Willow said, “it should probably be in person.”

Buffy nodded. “You're right.” She quickly typed in Spike's name and called his number. It rang quite a few times before he finally answered.

“'Ello?” His tired voice said through the receiver.

“Hey, Spike, it's me.”

She heard him roll over on his bed and let out a soft cough. “Morning, luv.” He said.

“Morning. Did I wake you?” She asked.

He chuckled. “It's only eight in the morning, pet, of course you woke me.”

“I'm sorry.” She said.

“Don't worry about it, are you okay?” He asked.

“Yeah, I'm fine.” She lied. “Um, I was just wondering if you'd have time to get breakfast of coffee or something with me this morning.”

She heard the springs of his mattress as he moved again. “Yeah, sure, when are where?”

“How about the diner down the street from the bar?” She asked.

“I can do that. Give me about an hour?” He asked.

“Sure, see you soon.”

“Can't wait.”

Buffy hung up the phone and quickly went to take a shower and get ready. She pulled her hair in to a ponytail and put on a simple outfit of light blue jeans and black, long sleeved shirt. She slipped a pair of black flats on to her feet and rushed out of her room carrying her purse and a simple black jacket along with her.


Buffy had gotten to the diner first and sat in one of the front booths so that she could see when he came in. She wasn't sure exactly how she was going to bring up the entire Angel thing, but she was even more unsure of how Spike was going to react. If he hadn't hated him enough already after talking with Willow, this was sure to be the nail in the coffin.

Buffy noticed him before he had even opened the front door. His hair was a little wild, obviously from sleeping on it the night before, and he was wearing a dark pair of sunglasses, but other than that he was typical Spike. He had a black t-shirt on and dark blue jeans, all pulled together by a leather jacket.

He walked in to the diner and looked around, a crooked smirk appearing on his face as he found her. He pulled his sunglasses off, folding them up hanging them from his belt loop, and went to join her at the table.

“Hey, luv.” He said pulling a menu out from behind the salt and pepper shakers. “You order yet?”

She shook her head. “Not yet, I was waiting for you.”

Spike nodded as he looked over the menu quickly before folding it up and putting it back in its respectful place. As if on cue, the waitress appeared. She didn't seem interested in them whatsoever and Buffy knew Spike was relieved when she didn't seem to notice who he was. They ordered their breakfasts and the waitress scurried off without hesitation.

“Not that I'm complaining or anything,” Spike said lacing his fingers together and resting his elbows on the table, “but why did you ask me to come here?”

“Well,” Buffy said as she wiggled uncomfortably in her chair, “Angel stopped by this morning.”

Spike clenched his jaw, a stone cold look on his face. “And?”

“And he showed me this.” She pulled the copy of the entertainment section from where it had sat next to her and pushed it over to him.

He looked it over quickly and his lip twitched in a ghost of a smile as he took in the picture on the page. To say Buffy was simply beautiful was an understatement, even in the photo taken with horrible lighting and what could have been a very unflattering angle. He read the title of the article.

Spike Pratt Serenades Mystery Woman at Surprise Show.

“He knows who you are now,” she said quietly, “he's going to sue.”

A sharp laugh escaped Spike's throat. “Sue?” He asked. “For what?”

“He said you attacked him.” Buffy said, very nervous about what his reaction may be. The last thing she expected him to do was laugh. “This isn't funny, Spike.”

“Yeah, luv, it really is.” He said through his amusement. “Is that what had you upset enough to call me out here for?” She nodded. “Buff, stuff like this happens all the time. Do you know how many times random blokes have tried to say we've stolen a song from them or how many bar fights we've all allegedly gotten in to?”

“No.” She said, feeling kind of stupid now that he had pointed that out.

“Trust me when I tell you it's quite a few.” He said. “The record company will deal with it, they always do. Usually the lawsuits get dropped and every other time it's settled out of court. Wam bam thank you, ma'am.”

Buffy didn't look too convinced. “Are you sure?”

“Yes, Buffy,” he said, “you have nothing to worry about.”

She nodded. “Okay.”

They sat in silence for a few moments as their food was placed on the table. Buffy had gotten the french toast and Spike had gotten the breakfast platter complete with eggs, toast, bacon, and home fries. They each fixed up their food with butter and syrup and whatever else they wanted before beginning to eat. This had always been a secret favorite place for Buffy and some small part of her was happy to share that with Spike, even if he didn't realize the significance.

“So, you hear about that movie date tonight?” Spike asked.

Buffy nodded. “Yeah, it sounds like a set-up to me.”

“I thought the same thing.” Spike said, taking a bite of his bacon. “You're going though, yeah?”

Buffy nodded, mouth full of french toast. “Do you know what movie they want to see?”

“Not sure,” he said, “but I heard rumors of dinner beforehand.”

“Dinner and a movie,” Buffy said nodding slightly, “classic.”

“Hard to beat.” He commented.

They each ate at a leisurely pace, but were soon finished with their meals. The waitress brought over the check before they had even realized it.

“It's on me, luv.” He said pulling out his wallet.

Buffy shook her head. “I can pay my share.” She said.

“Gentleman always pays.” He said, throwing a twenty dollar bill on the table.

“No,” Buffy said as she pushed the bill back at him, “this isn't a date and I have a job, there's no reason you should have to pay for my breakfast.” She put a ten on the table and Spike unhappily did the same.

“I'm paying for dinner tonight, though.” He said.

“We'll see about that.” She said, standing from the table and beginning to make her way out.

Making sure her back was to him, Spike picked up the money from the table before throwing the original twenty back down on top of it. She never even noticed when he quickly slid her ten dollar bill back in to the pocket of her purse as he followed her out of the diner.

Once they were outside, Spike put his sunglasses back on and only then did it dawn on Buffy that this was his way of hiding in plain sight. She hadn't really thought about it until now, but being recognized everywhere you go every day of your life must have gotten annoying to him after a while. A gust of wind swept by as Buffy zipped up her jacket and stuffed her hands in to the shallow pockets.

“So what are you doing the rest of the day?” Buffy asked.

“Band meeting,” he answered, “got to go over some details for the next leg of our tour. Venues and guest lists and whatnot.”

Buffy nodded. “When are you guys leaving?”

“As of right now, December first.” He said, pulling out a cigarette and lighting up. “The date changes a lot, though.”

“That has to be crazy,” she said, “never really knowing when you're going to be leaving or even where you're going.”

“I wake up sometimes on tour and don't even know what state I'm in.” He said taking a drag. “You get used to it, though. The bus becomes your home, your bands your family. You should see us for holiday dinners, it's quite the experience. You wouldn't know it, but Oz is a wonderful cook, his secret little talent.”

Buffy laughed. “And what's your secret talent?” She asked.

“Other that being so good looking and drop dead sexy?” He asked, earning a sideways glance from the girl standing beside him. A sly grin spread across his face. “Guess you'll have to stick around to find out.”


Buffy and Willow were sitting in their dorm getting ready for the dinner and movie plans they had made with Spike and Oz. Buffy had chosen to wear a deep blue silk top complete with thick black belt wrapped around her midsection. She was wearing a pair of black straight legged jeans tucked in to her favorite knee high boots. She had straightened her hair and had decided to go with a more natural looking makeup with just a hint of black eyeliner and mascara adorning her lashes.

Willow was wearing a sheer chiffon top decorated with a colorful floral design that complimented her red hair perfectly. She matched it with a tight pair of dark gray jeans and black flats to keep her from being taller than her date. She had done her hair in a sort of wavy style and had also decided to forgo wearing a lot of makeup.

It had been a running joke to them since their freshman year at Roth that their makeup for the day had always somehow managed to match.

Just as they were putting the finishing touches on their looks, Buffy's phone rang. Assuming it was Spike telling them that they were on their way, she answered it without even checking to see who it was. “Hello?”

“Do you mind telling me exactly what you think you are doing there?” Her father's angry voice answered her.

“Oh, my God, Dad,” she said sitting down on the edge of her bed, “how are you?”

“Answer the question, Buffy.” He said sternly.

Willow looked over at her from her spot at their shared vanity, concern coating her face.

“Um, I would if I knew what it was you were asking me about.” She said, sounding like a little girl being scolded for taking the last cookie.

“Your mother and I let you go to college to get an education, not hook up with musicians.”

Buffy's blood ran cold and her eyes widened. “How did you know about that?”

“Dawn was on her laptop in the living room and was looking at an article as I walked by. Imagine my surprise when I saw my oldest daughter on the screen staring at some punk.” He said angrily.

“Yeah, about that...”

“We trusted you, Buffy. After everything you have put us through we trusted you to go to Roth and make good choices.” He said.

“You don't even know him, Dad.” She defended.

“He's a guy in a band and he's a lot older than you.” He shot back. “I knew this would happen, as soon as you told us you got that job at some stupid bar.”

“It's not some stupid bar, Dad, and the people there treat me great.” She said.

“That's what you said when you started hanging out with the cool crowd in high school. Next thing we know you're sneaking out of the house and running around with all kinds of boys we didn't know.”

“I was not running around with boys!” Buffy yelled back.

“I told your mother letting you go to Roth was a bad idea. I knew you'd end up getting lost and caught up in some type of bullshit, I just didn't think it would be this.” He said.

“Dad, nothing has happened with us. He sang me a song and that's it. It was no big deal.” She said.

“What else have you been doing, Buffy, huh? Drinking? Drugs? Are you pregnant yet?” He asked.

“Why are you being like that?” Buffy asked.

“All I ever wanted was for you to be successful and you seem hell bent on destroying that!”

“No!” Buffy yelled. “You wanted me to graduate high school, get a full time job, marry some rich doctor or lawyer or something and be a perfect little housewife just like Mom!”

“That's what you should be doing!”

“So you're saying I made a bad decision by furthering my education and going to college?” Buffy asked.

“Who are you kidding, Buffy? You'll never make it through there. How many classes have you dropped the past two years?” Buffy didn't say anything. It was true she had dropped two classes the year before, but with everything that had happened with her it was understandable. “Why don't you just come home, Buff? Give up on this silly dream you have in your head and just come home.” He asked, now calm and serious.

“No.” She said, voice faltering as the sting of his words set in. “I want to make someone of myself, I can do it, I know I can.”

She heard him sigh heavily through the phone. “You always were a disappointment.” Without another word, the line went dead and Buffy was left staring blankly at the wall in front of her. She hardly even registered Willow come and sit down next to her until she put a small, unsure hand on her shoulder.

“Buffy,” she said quietly, “what happened?”

“I want,” she whispered standing up and walking over to the door, “I want to be alone.” She opened the door to their dorm and walked briskly and almost blindly through the hallway, hardly seeing anything through the unshed tears threatening to fall.

Willow nearly sprinted to the door after Buffy ans was surprised to see her practically running through the hallway. She heard the door to the stairway open and turned her head quickly in that direction. She silently mused over how Spike and Oz had the absolute worst timing before calling down the hall to her friend.

At the sound of her name being called, Spike looked down the hallway and saw the back of the retreating girl. Without a word he took off after her, leaving Oz and Willow to watch after him in surprise, neither really knowing what to do.


Spike followed Buffy down the hallway and finally reached her at the door to a stairway at the other end. He put a hand on her shoulder and was shocked when she turned around with tears running down her face. He had seen this girl go through a run in with an abusive ex and she had not shed a single tear, even as he pushed her to the floor, yet here she was with enough of them falling from those beautiful eyes to fill a small glass.

“What happened?” He asked, searching her red eyes for some sort of an answer. “Was it Angel? I swear if that bloody ponce-”

“It wasn't Angel.” She said quietly.

He licked his lips, noticing that his mouth had suddenly become very dry. “What is it, luv, tell me what happened.”

She glanced around the hallway, noticing that a lot of the girls were starting to emerge from their rooms for dates and other social occasions. “Not here.” She said, taking him gently by the hand and pulling him in to the stairway. She led them down the floor below and exited the stairway before quickly pulling him through another hallway and pushing herself through a set of large glass doors leading to a large cement balcony. There were multiple sets of tables and chairs scattered all around and Buffy quickly walked over to the only one not bathed in the light of the outdoor lamp that resided there.

“Why are we out here, pet?” Spike asked.

“Those girls,” Buffy said as she stole a quick glance at the glass doors behind them, “if they catch the smallest bit of drama, they will blow it up to this huge thing and all of a sudden it's all over campus.”

Spike nodded, understanding completely the viciousness that was a large group of females. “Now what happened, what's got you so upset?”

She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly before diving right in to it. “My Dad just called me, he saw the picture of us from the bar and he wasn't too happy. He jumped to conclusions and was really laying in to me about it.”

Spike ran a hand through his platinum hair. “Oh, God, Buffy, I'm sorry.”

She shook her head. “It's not your fault. He's always been kind of crazy about my sister and me.” She explained. “He brought up a bunch of stuff from when I was younger and threw it all in my face. My Dad, he's really old fashioned. After high school he wanted me to go straight in to working, meet a nice, successful guy, get married and pop out a bunch of kids.”

“He wasn't too happy when you decided to come to school, I take it?”

“Not at all.” Buffy said. “And then he told me that I'm never going to make it through school, that this is just some silly dream I have and that I'm not cut out for it.” She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, willing the tears not to start up again, but it was to no avail. Before she even realized it they were falling slowly from her eyes. She looked up at Spike and her face nearly broke his heart. “He told me I was a disappointment.”

He wrapped his arms around her tightly and pulled her close to him, slowly moving his fingers through her hair in a calming way. “How anyone could see you as a disappointment is beyond me.” He whispered. “You're smart, you're strong, and forgive me for saying so, but devastatingly beautiful and any man would be lucky to have you in their life in any way.”

Buffy let out a small, bitter laugh. “You hardly know me, Spike.”

“Which is exactly how I know it's true. All that damage you have to you, nobody would ever know it because of how you've coped with it. You've gone through a lot that I know about, and I'm sure a lot more that I don't, but you don't let your past define who you are. You're a fighter, a survivor, Buff.” He said, placing a light kiss on the top of her head.

“I don't deserve this.” She whispered.

“You're right, you don't.” He agreed.

“No,” she said pulling away from him, “I mean I don't deserve you.”

Spike laughed. “How do you figure?”

“Look at everything I've put you through in the short time I've known you.” She said. “First night, I basically call you a man whore and don't even give you the time of day. Next night, you get in a fight because of me. We kiss and I turn in to scary Buffy, and now I'm throwing all this daddy-issues baggage at you.”

“What did I tell you last night?” He asked. “I told you I wanted to be here, thick and thin, remember? We all have our baggage to carry, skeletons in our closets, yours just decided to come out of hiding all at one time. Better that way, I figure, get it all done and over with.” Buffy smiled, one last tear making its way down her face. He gently wiped it away with his thumb before letting his hand rest against her cheek. “No more tears, luv, they're not worth it.”

Before Buffy could say anything, Spike's phone went off from inside his pocket. He pulled it out and quickly checked to see who was ruining this moment for him.

“Who is it?” Buffy asked.

“Oz,” he answered, “wants to know if we're still on.” He looked up at her, hope shining in those baby blue orbs. “Your call, pet.”

Buffy thought for a second. “Tell them to go ahead, I'm not really feeling up to it tonight.” She saw the look of disappointment cross his face as he typed a quick reply to his friend and band mate before shoving his phone back in to his pocket. “I'm sorry.”

He shook his head, looking back up at her. “Don't be.” He gazed in to her eyes for a moment longer and had to resist the urge to kiss the girl again, she was just too damn perfect.

“Um, hello?!” An annoyed voice said from the glass doorway. Spike and Buffy turned around and saw Harmony standing there, struggling to see them in the dim light. “We have to lock these doors so can you, like, come inside and do whatever your doing?” Buffy rolled her eyes as the girl made her way over to where they were sitting, lighting her way with her cell phone. “You and your boyfriend shouldn't be- woah oh my God. You are not who I think you are.”

Spike groaned. ”Can we have a minute?”

Harmony looked back and forth between the two of them. “Are you Spike Pratt?” She asked. He didn't answer, he just kept glaring at the intruding girl. “And you're here with her?”

Buffy didn't even let the comment phase her, Harmony was as bitchy as they came and she had learned a long time ago not to take the girl seriously. “Tell you what,” Spike said in the same voice someone would talk to a five year old with, “you go get your Passions CD and I'll sign it for you.”

Harmony's face lit up like a Christmas tree. “Okay.” She said, twisting a piece of her hair on her finger and walking back inside the dorm building quickly and awkwardly on her too high heels.

The second the door closed Spike looked to Buffy. “Come on, let's get out of here before she gets back.” Without a moments hesitation, the two rushed through the doors and made sure to go in the opposite direction of the bubbly blonde.


After escaping the monster that was Harmony Kendall, Spike walked Buffy back to her dorm. She was happy to see that Willow had left it unlocked and the two quickly slid inside. With the door closed, Spike sighed in relief from escaping the close encounter.

“She is going to be so pissed.” Buffy said with a laugh.

Spike shrugged. “She'll get over it.”

Buffy smiled, giving him a curious look. “Do you want to stay?” She asked.

Spike was shocked, this was honestly the last thing he had expected her to ask, especially after the type of day the poor girl had been having. “Um, yeah,” he stammered, “I'd love to.”

Buffy smiled. “Let's watch a movie.”

Spike smiled, a genuine smile that lit up his eyes and made him look like a delighted little boy. “Saturday night, gotta be something decent on, yeah?”

Buffy nodded. “I'll go get some popcorn.”

As she made her way out in to the hallway, the unmistakeable sound of Harmony's heels filled the halls as she made her way toward the commons area. She had just gotten to the vending machine when the girl caught up to her. “Um, where is Spike Pratt?” She asked.

“Oh,” Buffy said, “about that. He, uh, he left.”

Harmony raised an eyebrow. “He left?”

Buffy nodded. “Yeah, some sort of band meeting, really important. He said he'd get to you next time he comes around, even said he'd take a picture with you to make it up to you.”

Harmony jerked her head to the side in an annoyed way. Without another word she turned and stormed off, mumbling something about 'stupid natural blondes' the entire way.

She microwaved the popcorn and quickly made her way back in to her dorm. Spike was standing at the edge of her bed, remote in hand as he looked at the television screen. “Find anything?” Buffy asked.

“Yeah,” he said putting the remote down on the dresser, “the original Scream movie. You okay with horror?”

Buffy nodded as she walked over to the bed. “Yeah, that's fine.” He eyed her curiously as she sat at the top of the bed against her plethora of pillows. He looked around quickly, looking for some sort of a chair or something. “Spike,” Buffy said, “you can sit with me.”

Spike looked at her, eyebrow raised in an almost nervous way. “You sure?” Buffy nodded and that was all the reassurance he needed as her climbed up the bed and sat next next to her, arms folded across his chest.

Buffy reached over and pulled the string on her bedside lamp, turning the light off. Spike glanced at her curiously. “Can't watch a slasher movie with the lights on.”

He grinned. “Girl after my own heart.”

As the commercials ended and the movie came back on, the two fell in to a comfortable silence. They shared the popcorn and eventually Spike ventured out to grab them a couple of drinks, praying to high heavens that he wouldn't run in to Harmony. His prayers were answered when he returned to the room unscathed and undetected, but he thanked a higher power even more when he reached across the back of Buffy's pillows and she let his arm wrap around her small shoulders without a moments hesitation. He could have sang the holy gospel when she turned in to him, resting her head on his chest as an arm wrapped around his waist.

If this wasn't heaven, he didn't know was.


Oz and Willow stared at the couple on the bed, heads tilted to the side, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. The two were sound asleep, cuddled up close together on top of the covers, content as could be.

Oz looked over at Willow, amusement clear in his eyes. “Didn't see that one coming.”


Holy crap, this story has completely taken over my life. All I want to do all the time is write this silly thing and I'm so happy that you all are enjoying it.

Side Note: My absolute favorite band (My Chemical Romance) is doing a wonderful thing by re-recording a song from their newest album (SING from Danger Days) with oriental orchestration and donating so much of their time and money to help with relief efforts in Japan. If you haven't visited SINGitforJapan . Com , I full recommend it. They took an amazing song and put it to work for an awesome cause. Please keep in mind that this is not me asking you to donate whatsoever, I just think they did an amazing job with the song and it was such a wonderfully sweet gesture on their part. This just completely explains why I love these guys.

Anyway, reviews please, this is the start of something great. :)
This story archived at http://