The Genesis Project by Petra
Summary: In the middle of the night our two heroes are captured and tortured. Then suddenly the lights go out and they are running--they don't know who from or where to, but a battered slayer and a half broken vampire cling to each other, biding their time. Slayers are not meant to cower and this Slayer is never on her own.

Disclaimer: All rights belong to Joss Whedon I'm just kidnapping them and putting them through an awful, terrible ordeal.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action
Warnings: Child Abuse
Series: None
Chapters: 31 Completed: No Word count: 167560 Read: 65356 Published: 12/05/2012 Updated: 12/02/2015
Chapter 9 - The Girl in Question by Petra
Author's Notes:
I fixed everything! I'm not sure what was going on but I'm going to blame it on rainstorms on the East Coast.


OKay, I'm going to go ahead and dodge the rotten fruit. I know its been forever but I was waiting for a BETA and then the BETA sort of fell through. Some of this chapter is pretty ambitious s I'm going to need a lot of encouragement because there are a lot of cross roads here.
Chapter Nine - The Girl in Question

“Your heart’s goin’ a mile a minute, pet,” the vampire said softly. He studied her, trying to get a read on the slayer was not usually difficult, but right now he wasn’t sure what she was going to do. She looked like a mess. Her hair was everywhere, her eyes were red, puffy, and fixed on her feet. It was very clear she had been crying, crying over him.

“Be careful, a bloke might think you actually cared.”

It was something to say, just a little joke to show her he was okay, but her head popped up and she looked like he had punched her in the face. She actually looked like she might start crying again. Spike immediately cursed at himself. For the unlife of him, he couldn't stop himself from constantly putting his foot in his mouth. He quickly tried to change the subject but his mind was still fuzzy and he was drawing a complete blank. He tried to encourage her with a smile, but she wouldn't meet his eye.

“Well, these are posh digs. Bed feels good.” He said studying his dim surroundings. “How’d we get here?”

That managed to snap her out of it.

“We lugged you in with a little help from Wesley and Alex.” She said. She had stood from and was now walking aimlessly around the hotel room, clearly uncomfortable and unsure what to do with herself.

Spike nodded. The grim set of Buffy’s face made him wonder just how out he was and for how long. He was so worried about how she looked, he realized that maybe, he didn't look much better.

“Where are we then, pet?”

“We’re in Vienna.”

The vampire nodded. “Should have figured. Only one place in the world this bloody pompous’n perfect lookin’.”

They lapsed into silence for a second. Spike experimentally shifted in the bed, his body felt sluggish and everything ached, but the true pain was in his head. It felt like a truly spectacular hangover possibly the worst he had ever experienced. He wonderedif bits of his skull had been bashed in and then inflated and then hammered back into place. There was some sort of fuzz behind his eyes, his mouth felt dry and sour at the same time. He looked ack at her to see she was taking his quiet self-assessment very badly. Spike wondered if he was bleeding out of anywhere strange. He didn't feel anyhing, but there was some tell tale stickiness on his cheeks and on his neck.

Bugger, that wasn't a good sign.

“I was more worried about you than--So don't want to go there.” Buffy finally said in a small voice. She looked up at him and her eyes were shiny with tears. Spike wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms. “You didn’t breathe even. Nothing. God, Spike, even in your sleep you always breathe, you always talk. You fidget and hog the bed and suddenly you just didn’t--you weren't! You were just gone! And- And- And-”

He couldn't help it. He reached out to pull Buffy into his arms, but she shoved him away. He tried not to be hurt, she looked shattered. She looked like everything that had happened to her was finally hitting her, and he understood that better than anyone. She couldn’t bear the thought of Spike comforting her--of anyone comforting her.

Buffy slid off the bed. She was so sick and tired of being comforted and coddled. She wanted to feel like herself. She wanted to wreak some havoc and burn something down. Preferably something to do with those ghouls at Genesis, but burning them would be more merciful than what Buffy had planned.

“And I have never been so mad at you!!” She stopped short of thumping him on the chest for which he was grateful. “Just when I thought I was finally starting to be back to work Buffy again you made with the deader than your average blondie bear.”

Spike bristled at the nickname but Buffy looked so distraught he just chuckled and shook his head which only enhanced the pounding. He grimaced and Buffy was immediately on the bed, her hands pressed to his temples. Spike allowed himself to lean into her touch. For a second they sat on the bed, both of them silent. Her hands on his head made eased his migrane somewhat, which only served to make his other injuries to the forefront.

“Trust you, pet, to make my horrible injuries all about you.” He said without venom, he managed a soft chuckle. He tried to get up, wincing at the pain from at least one broken rib. Buffy frantically tried to move the pillows around to make him more comfortable. “And don’t bloody call me that.”

“Crap!” she muttered, contrite now after her outburst. “Sorry. I default into bitchy Buffy.”

Spike hissed again as he shifted into a sitting position.

“God, Spike, they really did a number on you.” She studied him worriedly, but she had not felt so helpless since she was in that place. That thought sent her into a panic. “Do you need more blood?” She didn't wait for him to refuse her, she had her dagger out and was making an inch long cut on her palm. She felt Spike’s hands on her shoulders, forcing her to look at him. And suddenly he was the one looking at her as if she was the one who had almost died.

It was so hard not to take the offering. Her blood was like a drug. The scent of it was heady and it took every inch of his self control not to take it, but she pressed her hand to his lips. All the aches and pains suddenly ebbed. Everything in his world was the scent and taste of Buffy's blood. He tried to ignore everything else in the room. He knew the effect he had on her, especially when he was drinking from her. Usually he would breath deeply, take it all in, but now was not the time.
“Luv, slow down.” He said as he began to lick her palm. “You don’t have to keep cutting yourself open.”

“No, it’s okay.” She said simply. She was looking at him now, studying him. She didn't remove her hand.

“Slayer, you need to be in tip top shape. You can’t do that if you keep bleeding everywhere.”

“What I need, Spike, Iis for you to be better. I can’t be better unless you’re better so please. It's slayer blood, I've got it and you need it. Just a little?”

Spike made a big show of rolling his eyes, but he took her hand reverently and took a few quick pulls before licking her palm clean to let slayer healing take over. It was tempting as hell too just keep going, but there was something odd about it. Even the demon side of his vampiric nature was placated after a few more small mouthfuls. Usually he would have to battle that side of him down to pull away before he bled her dry, now all he had to do was keep himself from spouting bad poetry. Her blood was the richest, most delicious thing in the world and her constant offering meant more to William than he ever would want to admit–he tried to remind himself the she might not know how much the simple act meant. All she wanted to do was keep him alive, so they could keep moving, he was the only one she really trusted. It wasn’t what his stupid human side kept wanting it to be. He had to keep reminding himself that. After closing up the wound he straightened up and mentally thanked whatever god there was for the low lighting so the slayer wouldn’t notice anything odd with the sheets.

“Where is the rest of the menagerie?”

Buffy smirked. “You know I don’t think I’ll ever get used to you talking with the Giles accent.”

“Thought the same thing when you came boundin’ through the door the other day as a brunette.”

Her hands flew to her disheveled dark mane. She had not thought about her hair since she had first had it done, the whirlwind that was the past few days made her forget she had even done it. Her reflection still gave her pause.

“Is it that bad?” She asked self-consciously.

“Gorgeous in any color, pet, you know that”

She wasn’t sure what she had expected him to say. It wasn’t as if he was going to say she looked like a witch, but him saying it made Buffy feel oddly better about it. She hadn’t realized how much his opinion had come to mean to her.

Her heart was still going like a jackhammer even though the slayer had visibly relaxed. Spike sighed. That means that he and the watcher were right. That would also explain why his demon wasn’t immediately insisting he drain the slayer–vampiric nature recognizes family and right now she was in that way. Spike immediately realized that he was going to have to tell her and quickly. Whatever that package was that they had picked up it must have something to do with her situation.

Her situation that had a deadline. How the fuck was he supposed to tell her about that? He knew without a shadow of doubt that he had to be the one, she was worried about him he could tell, he had now taken too long to say anything after a strange complement and no matter what he said it was going to be awkward, maybe now was the best time.

“Slayer, we need to talk about something.”

The air around them suddenly got heavy.

Buffy was about to reply when there was a knock on the door.

Both the vampire and slayer jumped a little. It occurred to them suddenly that they were seated on the bed, Buffy half on Spike's lap, the lights dim. Buffy scrambled to the door being sure to adjust the lighting so that it was less intimate, she cracked the door open.

It was the teenager, Alex. Now that Buffy could actually takea good look at her, she was a compact, maybe an inch taller than Buffy herself with a shock of fire engine red air. she padded into the room holding a cup of steaming blood.

“I thought that if there was yelling you’re probably feeling better.” She said with a hesitant smile. “I–uh–Also figured that you might want this maybe.” She thrust the cup of blood at Spike. “Hi, I’m not sure if you remember because you kind got taken down like a second after we met. Kinda. Not really." She shrugged. "You saved me I guess? Um, I’m Alex, I’m the package.” She paused awkwardly and smiled. “Tadah!” her face clouded over at her audience’s reception which she didn’t wait for. “Sorry. I’m not sure why I did that. Uhm, Thank you for saving me from that place I heard that you were taken by them too so know that they’re really, really not nice people but you know that and you came anyway and with the chip and all I–shit, sorry.” Her deluge slowly trickled to a stop when she saw both Buffy and Spike’s amused faces.
“Sorry. I’m babble girl when I get nervous.”

Buffy eyed Alex for a second. Last night, the teenager had been so cool about all of this. She had basically taken everything in stride. This was the first Buffy had seen show any sort of unease. Maybe she was in that shock Wesley had told her about.

“I remember you.” Spike said graciously accepting the blood. He took a long drink and took care to nod at her appreciatively. Alex beamed. Buffy looked at her weirdly, maybe it was teenager moodiness but this version of Alex was a lot more eager to please than her incarnation last night had been. She looked like she had been holding her breath until Spike took a drink. “You must have taken out those two large buggers. No way Oxford could have done that on his own.”

Alex nodded blushing a little at the praise.

“But you’re just a little chit.” Spike peered at her closely. She didn’t smell all human. “What are you then?”

Alex gave him a weird look.

“She's a Potential.” Buffy supplied.

“Potential Slayer?” Spike asked. That might have explained the skills, but from what he recalled when he was studying slayers, the potentials didn't have the strength of their calling until they were called. He made a skeptical click with his tongue. “Sure.”

He turned his attention back to Alex who was standing at the foot of the bed fidgeting nervously. She couldn’t be more than fifteen. Spike tamped down on the hatred he had for Genesis, fed by their audacity to mess with a little girl someone who should be worried about fripperies and the boys whose hearts she could break.Even with all the evil he had seen, he felt his stomach lurch just thinking of what they had done to him and if they had applied the same treatments to this child. He felt his face soften.

“Alex, yeah?” Her attention snapped to him at his mention of her name. “What’s your last name,bit?”

There was something about her. Something familliar that he couldn't place.

Alex looked uneasy for a second but Spike didn’t budge. He just sat there studying her with his penetrating eyes. After a few seconds she started to fidget.

Buffy didn’t envy her; she knew Spike could be a little intimidating. It hadn’t really occurred to her to find out the girl’s last name but it made sense, after all, they were going to need to bring her home at some point.

“Uh-K-Kardashian.” She blurted out.

“Like OJ’s lawyer Kardashian?” Buffy asked. Maybe that was why Alex looked familiar?

“Oh, Is that why they’re famous?” she asked stupidly. And then she shook her head seemingly recovering from her momentary lapse. "No. Er, Another Kardashian."

Buffy and Spike traded looks and Alex shifted her weight from one foot to the other.

“Okay, so I am not sure how much I should really say.” She was very clearly begging them to drop it. "it's kinda complicated and I'm not sure what the right thing to do is."

Spike studied the girl, she was not much older than Buffy had been when he had first met her, she looked almost as if she was going to cry. her face was starting to turn blotchy and he knew if he pressed her now she would blurt everything out, from the look on her face perhaps that was not the best idea. Though, he was curious.

Alex was staring anywhere but at them. She finally rested her gaze on her boots.

Buffy did her best to smile at the girl encouragingly. While she was clearly lying about the name and keeping something important from them, she was all for chalking the teenager's jumpiness to finally being out of the facility and trying to maintain her footing, unsure if she was safe or in the fire-frying pan situation. She remembered when everything felt odd and large and every question from everyone felt like some sort of interrogation. Maybe it would be better to try and ask her some other questions, like if she would like to contact anyone or if she needed something to eat. Spike, however beat her to the punch.

“Where are you from?”

Buffy elbowed Spike more violently than she should have and he winced. He wasn’t helping her support idea with the actually interrogating.

“Cleveland.” Alex answered finally looking up from her boots.

“Cleveland, is nice I hear. I’ve personally never been. Please ignore, Spike.” Buffy said. The vampire was clearly not getting the be kind to the volatile and clearly uneasy teenager message.

“How old are you?”



The vampire was ignoring her. Something was definitely up with him because he was peering at Alex with an intensity that even she was a little uncomfortable with.

“Alex, don’t let Spike be a bully.” She said as kindly as she could. “We just want to help you. We were there too we know how–there isn’t even a word for how how-y it was.” She then sent Spike a warning glare. “Do Wes and Raj have breakfast-y things?”

Alex nodded; clearly relieved. “Raj got the blood this morning I think maybe something’s wrong with him.” At Buffy’s look of concern she shrugged. “He looks like he’s tweaking out. It’s probably just coffee. I shouldn’t make light of any out of the ordinary things in present company I guess. But um, there’s jam and bread and coffee and things.”

“Do you think you can get up?” Buffy asked Spike, just the mention of food made her think she could smell the butter and carb-tastic yumminess and her stomach rumbled.

Spike shook his head.

“I’m not sure, slayer.” He said. “I’ll give it a go, but you should get some breakfast.”

Buffy nodded. She glanced at Alex intending the red head to come with her but Spike stopped her.

“Go ahead, luv,” he said. “Me and the bit here are going to have a chat.”

He locked eyes with Alex who swallowed oddly. Buffy hesitated, glancing in between the two of them. Her focus was on Alex who, to her credit, was holding her own in the staring/pissing contest. Alex finally looked away from the vampire and nodded at Buffy.

“Go ahead, Buffy.” She said. “I can hear your stomach growling from all the way over here.”

Buffy nodded. “Don’t let him bully you. I’ll be right back.”

The door shut behind her leaving Alex alone in the room with Spike. Alex shifted uncomfortably under Spike's intense x-ray gaze.

“What are you?” He asked. His voice was low but still dangerous, he has tilted his head to the side, scarred evebrow raised,studying her intently. She was steadfastly refusing to squirm.

“Well, I am a slayer.” Alex said without a moment’s hesitation. "A potential. The training and the Watcher weren't a bit of a gimme?"

Spike was clearly unconvinced. He continued, “Don’t say slayer, I know you aren’t a slayer. You don’t smell human."

For a long moment no one said anything, Spike just waited patiently, not saying anything.

“I’m just not only a slayer.” Alex said finally cracking. “I’m just also a damphyr. Half vampire, half slayer. Neither human nor undead. Of two worlds, the chosen and the undead to save the universe–I think was how the prophecy went when I was born. Listen, Spike, I was going to tell everyone but I only want to explain it all once.”

His eyes narrowed.

“So it’s true then.” He said. “What I was worried about? What they were after.”

Alex narrowed her eyes and shrugged sullenly.

“I can’t really read your mind, bleach boy.” She lifted her chin and only just served confirm his burgeoning suspicious. She looked exactly like The Slayer.

“About what they were doing back in that hell hole” he said ignoring for a moment the obstinate tone she had taken with him. “About Genesis making more of you.”

“I have no idea.” She said softening a little “all I got was poked and watched. There was no prodding.”

Spike let go of the breath he realized he had been holding. He wasn't sure of it yet, there were some hints as to who this girl could be and just the thought of the Project doing to her what they had done to him and Buffy made his blood boil. The rage much have shown on his face because the girl took a step back. Spike relented immediately.

“It really is Alex, then?” He said gently.

“Yeah.” She said quietly.

“Alex Kardashian? That was the best you could think of?”

“It’s Armenian.” She explained weakly.

“You don’t look Armienian.”

Alex straightened her spine.

“You don’t look intimidating interrogating me from your sickbed.” She snapped back without a moment's hesitation.

To her surprised though Spike smirked.

“Well, if anything was going to convince me, bit, that’d do it.” His tone was lighter but not completely congenial just yet. He still wanted to know why she was lying to them. “You going to tell me why you have my eyes and my baby sister’s Christian name?”

Alex arched an eyebrow.

“You didn’t think I would suss it out, Alexis?” he said. "You're mine."

She stared at him in surprise. She had known she wasn't exactly flying under the radar, but she had thought the sheer ipossibility of her existence would keep him guessing just a tad longer. She had been told about Spike, of course. He was stubborn as hell and more intuitive than anyone had ever given him credit for. He still didn’t have everything but he already had half the story and she knew that he would not let this drop. She weighed her options. Buffy Wes and Raj were pretty content that she had helped them but Spike had been around too many people who wanted to kill him over the years. And letting him know before the others did little to mess with anything, at least any more than she was already messing with everything.

“My name is Alexis Anne Joyce.” She said saving the trump card. “Pratt.”

Spike's jaw dropped. Pratt. He hadn't heard that name in a long time.

“Another dimension?” He said with a quirk of his eyebrow, as if alternate dimensions were things that happened everyday.

Alex deflated like a tiny, red headed balloon. She began to pace.

“Yes. Maybe?" She said. "I had my suspicions when I saw the equipment and then when we got out I was pretty sure. None of this happened where I’m from, nothing like this happened. ” She collapsed onto the foot of Spike’s bed,cradling her head in her hands. "It’s a lot to explain and I only want to have to do it once."

“And in your dimension the slayer named her little girl after my baby sister?”

Alex looked up at him pleadingly.

"Good takeaway, there, Spike, not that you have a kid, not that it's with Buffy. But if you must know, yes, I was named after your sister. Yes, I’m from a different dimension and I think me coming here has royally fucked everything up and I am not sure what to do and it’s 2001 and Wesley is in the other room is talking about taking me home and now I’m trying to think about prophesies because maybe I’d actually believe them if they predicted this.”

Spike smirked. "I'm sure they could find a way to read that way.”

“I am just so sure that everything I’m saying is ruining something or making the world explode in some sort of cosmic bloody I don’t know.” She said. “And you are staring at me which I get, I really do but do but-what the hell are you doing?”

He was shuffling. Shifting his weight and testing his limits.

“I need to tell the slayer about–” he paused and put his hand on his rib cage. He shook his head, it was almost too much to believe. “your siblings.”

That took the winds of hysteria out of her sails. For a second she was clearly able to realize just how much Spike was taking into stride here. She had had a car ride and a few hours to wrap her mind around it. Alex chewed on her bottom lip and nodded. She moved to help him but Spike had already torn a piece of one of the sheets and was tying it around his mid-section. The rasp in his breath quieted immediately and he flinched .

“You know what you’re doing.” He observed.

Alex nodded. “Have had some experience.”

“Good, let’s see if I can get up on m’own without the ol’ noggin doing some Bolshoi ballet spinning then we need to get the hell out of here. “


Once Buffy’s Spike-based worry had been assuaged some sort of switch got pulled and suddenly all the things that had been on the back burner came right up to the forefront. First and foremost, she was starving. Raj’s credit card had done its magic and the hotel had sent up an impressive spread–cold cuts, different cheeses, so many different jams Buffy had no idea which fruits were which, enough breads that Buffy ran out of names and assortedmbeverages. Raj plopped down and began to help himself to the fruit platter. Buffy grabbed a few croissants and began slathering jam on them.

“You going to sit down?” Raj asked wryly, a little alarmed at her ferocity.

The slayer shook her head. “Feel weird and fizzy and hyper.”

She began to pace unconsciously. Raj and Wes traded looks, the younger watcher reached for one of the porcelain cups. He was about to fill it with coffee but Wes swiftly intercepted the drink. Raj glared at Wes and turned his attention back to Buffy.

“Christ, Summers, when was the last time you ate?”

She shrugged a mouthful of jam and croissant. “Don’t think it was yesterday–was worried about the whole being in the belly of the beast thing.” She said with a vague gesture with a hand full of carbs.

“I’m sorry.” Wes said looking worried himself now. “I had thought you–I mean have you determined–” he paused and seemed to realize how stupid he sounded. “Nevermind, are you feeling better now?”

“There is kipper so I am chipper.” Buffy said with a grin, pouring herself a glass of orange juice. “I love kipper. Really. I need it.” She found another danish with some sort of gooey filling oozing out of it. That went in whole. “This slayer is a kipper shipper. I should put that on a t-shirt!”

Raj smirked.

“Do you know what kippers are?”

“I thought it was British for breakfast.”

“Yeah.” Raj replied with a shake of his head. “kippers are oily herring.”

Buffy made a face and both Wes and Raj started to chuckle. It was a small trickle that turned into a deluge. It had been a while since any of them had properly laughed–a few days at least which felt like a few weeks. The tension had broken for the moment and Buffy chucked a few of her croissants at them. Wes halfheartedly tried to dodge them but it only served to make them laugh harder. After a few moments, though, the mirth came to a stop.

“British breakfast is gross.” Buffy said in her own defense. Raj and Wes’s smiles faded and for a long beat the room was silent Buffy looked down at her feet. All of them knew what was coming next and why the slayer was hesitant to forge ahead. “We are going to have to move aren’t we?” she said. “We need to get out of here. Stay one step ahead of them right?”

Wes sighed and Raj got up to distract himself with his computers. It was a conversation that neither of them had really wanted to have but both of them knew would have to come eventually. At least Spike was up and not out cold and six inches from true death.

“It would be prudent to.” Wes said softly. “But if you think perhaps Spike needs sometime to–”

“Maybe just a minute, watcher.”

None of them had noticed the door open. Spike was standing in the jam He shot both watchers a meaningful look.

“Need to speak to the slayer, Oxford.”

Over Spike’s shoulder Alex caught Raj’s eye and jerked her head towards the bedroom. Raj quickly grabbed Wesley’s shirt and dragged him into the bedroom.

Buffy glanced toward them a little confused about their wordless acquiescence.

“What’s going on, Spike?”

“How’re you feeling?”

“I’m a little wigged actually.” She replied very quickly. “Everyone keeps asking me that. And I really should be asking you that but you–God, I’m so psyched that you’re up and about, Spike, but you’re usually all bratty bleach boy unless its serious and now you’re suddenly taking it like a man. vampire. Whatever. Something is serious.” She was suddenly panicked. “Wait you haven’t suddenly forgotten everything about yourself since you were a human have you? Are you going to start talking about occupations and ladies and finding ways to insult me in some sort of Jane Austen British craziness because I have enough trouble with the Giles talk as it is. Also I effuse to explain what toilets are to you.”

Spike looked at her like she was insane.

“Quick what year is it?”

“You mean it’s not 1880? And you are not some sort of she-devil tempting me with all of lucifer’s god-less electricity?”

Buffy gave him a blank look.

“You’re bloody hilarious.” He said, despite the tension he chucked. “Why would you think I had forgotten everything, pet? Last I checked the only one of us that has ever had that sort of problem was you.”

Buffy scowled at him.

“this is the memory you want to bring up right now?”

“No.” Spike said. “but it was a good one, I can still–”the look she shot him was poisonous and Spike realized belatedly that bringing up their shared past was not a good way to maintain this sudden camaraderie they had been enjoying. “Right well, the bit and I had a chat. And She was able to confirm something for me.”

“Spike, you remember what it was like after we were out of that place.” She said crossing her arms in front of her. “you aren’t exactly being helpful guy by cornering her and making her defend herself like she’s some sort of plant and they’re using her to come after us. Oh my god, you think she’s a plant! How twisted is that? You think they found themselves a fifteen year old spy?”

Spike peered at Buffy. “Slayer, is that a question or a suspicion of yours?”

Buffy immediately looked guilty and waved her hands in front of her as if she was wipe away what she had just said.

“Sorry after my psych teacher’s little shop of horrors last year and Dracula showing up in sunnyhell I’m starting to make mohra demons out of mole hills.”

“Right.” He said. “I always have to be stuck with the batty ones.”

“Spill, bleached wonder.”

“listen, Summers, this is going to be a tad unbelievable.”



She stopped. She’s so rarely heard him use her name.

“Got the little birdy to sing. She is not just a potential-slayer. She’s a hybrid. Half-Aurelian vamp and half-do gooder bloody supergirl.” He paused to let that sink in. Buffy just stared at him. “She’s a hybrid. A vampire child born to a human woman. That’s what they’re doing, Buffy, Genesis used us biblically. They are making hybrids.”

“Hybrids.” Buffy repeated. “as in plural.”

Spike nodded. “they brought Alex in from another place.” He said. “not quite sure on where in particular just yet, but she’s some sort of prophesy girl and they figured out its possible and they wanted to make more.”

It took a few seconds for Buffy to put it together. She stood in the pretty plush room going over the last few weeks in her head. She had thrown up last night but she had figured that was stress, and suddenly everything made sense to her. She felt the floor drop from under her feet, for a second she was just floating and everything made sense in the worst way possible. She pressed her hand to her tummy, it was as flat as it usually was, she could feel the tense muscle underneath.

“I’m pregnant.”

Spike stilled. “Yes.”

“They did this.”

Spike nodded.

“It’s yours.”

“It’s mine.”

Buffy sank into a chair.

Spike was good at reading people. He was good at getting the tone of any situation. He could get out of it if he needed to, to turn it the way he wanted. But for the moment he was completely floored. He had no idea how she felt how she wanted him to react. She was sitting staring straight ahead her hand resting on her abdomen.

“I knew it.” She said softly.


“I’m not an idiot, Spike.” She snapped. She clenched her hands in her lap, clearly she was trying to keep herself from breaking something Raj would be charged for later. Spike was about to tell her they would be in the wind before they came to call but just at that moment Raj’s computer started beeping.

End Notes:
What do you think?? I took a bunch of risks here and I'd appreciate knowing if I pulled it off? let me know because I'm having some trouble with my next few moves in the games. ---

x Petra

Thanks, guys!

This story archived at http://