It Matters to Me by Ashlee
Summary: Buffy Summers has had a crush on Spike Giles since she moved to town. However, Spike never acknowledged Buffy while they were in school together. When Buffy starts working with Spike at the Magic Box, a tentative friendship is formed. The two grow closer until....
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes Word count: 43033 Read: 61958 Published: 09/27/2004 Updated: 10/27/2004
Prologue-Chapter 1 by Ashlee
A/N Okay, based on the difference of the number of reviews between "Fire and Ice" and "Secrets of the Heart" I've decided that angsty stories are my strong suit. So, I hope you like it!


“Giles, I’m pregnant.”

The words were out of Buffy’s mouth before she had a chance to think
about them, leaving a stunned Rupert Giles in their wake. Slowly, he removed
his glasses and began vigorously rubbing the lenses. “Buffy…I’m afraid I
have to ask this…”

“Yes…it’s his, Giles.”

“Does he know?”

“No. And he’s not going to-“

“Buffy, it’s his child, too. He has a right to know about it.”

“I’ll tell him, just not now. Right now, this baby is in my body. He
doesn’t need to worry about it. I just thought I should tell you you’re
going to be a grandpa.”

“I appreciate that sentiment, but don’t you think he’s going to figure
it out when you start showing?”

“That’s another reason that I’m here. I’m quitting.”

“Buffy, you’ve been working at the Magic Box for the past two years.
You have a baby on the way- I can’t let you quit.”

“I have another job lined up, Giles. I just…I just can’t work here with him coming in all the time. He doesn’t love me the way that he used to, and it’s just too hard.”

“Buffy, I’ve been arranging that you don’t work the same shifts. I
know it’s hard facing him sometimes, but-“

“Giles, he has a new life now. He doesn’t need me in it.”

“Buffy, that’s not true, and you know it. He obviously still cares
about you-“

Buffy sighed. “To some extent, yes, I know. I also know that he never
even looks at me anymore. He has a new job that and I
know he’s still going to work nights for a while, so the best thing is a
clean break. I just need to get away from here, and that has nothing to do
with you. I love this job, but I can’t be here anymore.”

Buffy got up to leave. As she got to the door of the office, she could
hear Giles’ quietly uttered question. “Do you still love him?”

Buffy turned to face him with tears in her eyes. “I never stopped.”

Chapter 1

2 Years Ago

Buffy Summers dusted shelves in the Magic Box her first day on the job.
Her mother had been lecturing her for the past six months that a senior in
high school should learn a little responsibility. Buffy was now in her
final semester and had gotten the job in Mr. Giles’ store because her mom
announced she was cutting off her allowance. Buffy was none too thrilled,
but she realized it could be worse. It was just a few hours after school
and a shift on Saturdays. There were most definitely worse things.

She finished dusting her section of shelves in the upper level of the
store when she heard the bell above the door chime. Looking over the railing,
she saw William ‘Spike’ Giles walk in. Spike was a few years older than
Buffy. He had been a senior at Sunnydale when Buffy transferred from Los
Angeles more than halfway through her sophomore year.

Spike was a notorious womanizer, but much to Buffy’s frustration, had
never given her the time of day, leading to resentment on her part. Buffy
realized that was probably a good thing- she really wasn’t into the love ‘em
and leave ‘em type. There was just something about Spike that seemed
to draw her in. She never seemed to be able to talk to him whenever he
was in close proximity.

‘But that was almost two years ago,’ Buffy thought. ‘Maybe you’ve
grown a backbone since then, Summers.’ She felt the blush rise in her cheeks
as Spike glanced up to her and then continued talking to his father. ‘Maybe
not. Besides, he’s a first class snob who has never even smiled at
you. Don’t fall for him now.’

Buffy sighed and descended to the lower level, which was no easy task
since she had chosen to wear a short gray skirt and tank top today. Reaching
the floor, Buffy turned and made her way to the back of the store to help
her friend Willow with inventory. Willow was the one to give Buffy a good
recommendation to Mr. Giles and get her the job there. Buffy was grateful
that she wouldn’t have to be flipping raw meat on a grill to earn a few
bucks an hour.

Stepping around the crates, Buffy saw the perky redhead sitting on the
floor, surrounded by papers and forms.

“Hey, Wills! Whatcha doin’?”

“Hi, Buff. I’m trying to sort out these documents. The shipping company
sent us double the order of eye of newt and completely left out the crystal
balls.” Buffy raised an eyebrow at her friend as Willow continued, “I
know, I know. Crystal balls aren’t exactly the type of thing that we do, but
they do sell to a lot of beginners. Anyway, how’s your first day going?”

“So far, so good. Nothing strenuous or gross, just a little sweeping
and dusting. Giles said he’d show me how to work the cash register

“That’s great, Buffy. It’s really easy, too. So no exciting customers
out there?”

“Not really,” Buffy said, sitting down on a nearby crate. “Giles’ son
is out there. Didn’t look at me twice, though. What else is new,” she

Willow frowned at the sad note in her friend’s voice. “Buffy, don’t act
like that. You’re a completely different person than you were two years
ago. I mean, he probably didn’t even recognize you, what with the blonde hair
and the tighter clothes.”

“Thanks, Will, way to perk me right up,” Buffy said with a half-smile.

“You know what I mean. It’s just you look so different these days, and
hey, you’re eighteen now. At least it’s not jail bait anymore.”

Buffy laughed along with her friend. “Yeah, I guess. Besides, he
hasn’t changed at all, and I bet he’s still the same ‘use them and lose them’
kind of guy. I don’t need to be with someone like that…right?”

“Absolutely,” Willow agreed with a firm nod.

“But he’s just so cute!” Buffy cried as she put her head in her hands in
exasperation. “And infuriating,” she mumbled into her hands.

Willow smiled. “You’ll find a great guy, Buff.”

“Easy for you to say,” she said, raising her head to look at her friend.
“You found Oz. I think he’s the pick of the litter.”

“That he is, but he’s so not your type, Buffy.”

“Yeah, I know. I’m just getting all mopey. I mean, look at me, I’m
eighteen years old, and I’ve never even had a serious boyfriend.”

“There’s always Xander,” Willow offered helpfully.

Buffy gave her a look. “Wills, you know Xand is a friend, and that’s
all. There’s just nothing there between us.”

“How do you know if you’ve never even tried? He’s dropping by after
work today- maybe you should see if he wants to go to a movie or something.”

“Willow, you’re not trying to play matchmaker, are you?” Buffy asked
with an accusing stare.

“Me?” she asked with faux innocence. “Of course not.”

Buffy let her eyes trail over the room as she thought of what Willow
had said. Slowly, her eyes fell back to Willow as she shrugged. “What the
heck, it’s not like I have to marry him. I guess I never have given Xand a
fair chance.”

”That’s great, since you did shoot him down for the Spring Fling.”

“That was almost two years ago. I can’t believe you’re still using that
against me!”

“Sorry, it’s just that he was so heartbroken.”

“Okay, maybe I won’t ask him out. I don’t want him to think I’m leading him
on or something.”

“Buffy, just do it. Go as friends and see if it leads anywhere.”

“But Willow-“

“Resolve face,” Willow said, pointing to her stern look.

“Okay, I guess I can do that. It’s better than sitting around, feeling sorry
for myself.”

“Yay! Now, he’ll be here any minute. Go out there and ask him when he
gets here,” Willow said, gesturing toward the door.

Buffy sighed and nodded. ‘Well, at least I can have fun with my friend
tonight. And while I’m waiting, no one ever said I couldn’t admire the
hottie talking to his dad,’ Buffy thought with a smile as she walked
out of the room. ‘Even if he is a first-class jerk.’

A/N Despite what the prologue suggests, neither Buffy nor Spike cheated on the other! So, rest assured and please review!
This story archived at http://