It Matters to Me by Ashlee
Summary: Buffy Summers has had a crush on Spike Giles since she moved to town. However, Spike never acknowledged Buffy while they were in school together. When Buffy starts working with Spike at the Magic Box, a tentative friendship is formed. The two grow closer until....
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes Word count: 43033 Read: 61960 Published: 09/27/2004 Updated: 10/27/2004
Reality Check by Ashlee
Chapter 2

Buffy walked out of the back room and glanced around the visible area
of the store. Spike was nowhere to be seen. Hearing a noise closer to the
front of the store, Buffy made her way over to it. Walking past the shelves
to her right, she saw Giles handing some of the heavier objects to Spike,
who was balancing on a ladder next to the door, displaying them on some of the
higher shelves.

“Ah, Buffy,” Giles said with a smile. “You’re settling in well, I hope.”

“Yes, I am. And thanks again, Giles, for letting me work here.”

“It’s not a problem, Buffy. Oh, by the way, have you met my son, William?”
he asked, gesturing to the bleach-blonde on the ladder.

Before Buffy could respond, she heard a growl as Spike heaved the last
object onto the top shelf. “It’s Spike!” he said as he jumped to the
floor and gave Buffy a look. “Don’t I know you?”

“We went to school together,” she said.

Spike narrowed his eyes and tilted his head at her. “You’re younger. I
guess that’s why I don’t remember you.”

Buffy felt resentment course through her at his callous words. She
watched as Giles made his way to the back of the store before responding.
“Yeah, I was a sophomore when you were a senior. Transferred in with only a few
months left,” she said, feeling her courage come back to her. “Honestly, I
didn’t really expect you to remember me, considering you were too busy
trying to sleep with half the senior girls.”

Spike continued to watch her in slight admiration as she stared back
into his sapphire eyes. Buffy saw the beginning of a smirk on his face
before the door opened behind him. Buffy gave Xander a bright smile as he
came in the store. “Hi, Xand!” she said happily as she went to stand next to
him. She hid a smile as Spike glared at her friend before remembering Willow’s
advice. “Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to catch a movie tonight?”

“Sure thing, Buffster. Is Willow going?”

“Nope, just you and me.”

Buffy had to restrain herself from jumping up and down at the look of
jealousy on Spike’s face. ‘You don’t want him, Buffy,’ that little
inner voice said to her. ‘But it is nice to be noticed for a change.’

“Sounds great, Buff. What time do you get off?”

“Actually, Buffy, you can go ahead and take off for the day,” Giles called out.

“Thanks, Giles!” Buffy said brightly. “Just let me grab my jacket, and we
can be off, okay?”

“Okay, I’ll be here.”

Buffy made her way to the back of the room, hearing the clanging of the
ladder being taken down as she went. Clocking out in the office, Buffy
grabbed her coat off the hook just as Spike walked in, blocking the
door. Buffy tried to make her way around him, but he stayed where he was,
leaning casually with his arms crossed over his chest. “Excuse me,” Buffy said
with as much courtesy as she could muster. When all Spike did was raise an
eyebrow at her and smirk, Buffy crossed her own arms over her chest.
“Don’t you have a ladder to put away or something?”

Spike smiled. “It’s fine where it is, luv.”

“And where’s that? Outside the door?”

“As a matter of fact-“

“That’s great. Now, if you’ll let me get by, I have a date.”

Spike’s smile fell as he stared at the girl in front of him. “What, with the
whelp out there? Yeah, you’ll have a grand ole time with him, pet.”

“I didn’t ask you,” she replied casually.

“So, if you’re going on a date with him, where does that leave us?”

“There’s an us?” Buffy asked, seemingly shocked. “You didn’t even know my
name until five minutes ago, and now there’s an us?”

Spike smirked again. “Not yet, but I was kind of hoping we’d see where the
evening takes us.”

Buffy was thrilled at his words until the memory of Spike’s reputation came
back to her full force. She realized that he had probably never heard the
word ‘no’ in his life, and Buffy Summers was just the person who needed
to give him a reality check.

“Thanks, but no thanks. I already have plans,” she said as she pushed
past him. “And besides,” she said as she passed him. “You’re really not my
type.” Spike stood in shock as she sent a saucy smile over her shoulder.
“Nice meeting you, William.”

Spike stared after her as she headed to the front of the store. Without a
look back at him, Buffy called a good-bye to Giles as she grabbed the boy’s
arm and headed out the door. Spike watched until the door shut behind her
before smirking. “So, kitten wants to play? Well, we’ll play.”
This story archived at http://