It Matters to Me by Ashlee
Summary: Buffy Summers has had a crush on Spike Giles since she moved to town. However, Spike never acknowledged Buffy while they were in school together. When Buffy starts working with Spike at the Magic Box, a tentative friendship is formed. The two grow closer until....
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes Word count: 43033 Read: 61974 Published: 09/27/2004 Updated: 10/27/2004
Delivery by Ashlee
Chapter 23 - Delivery

Hours later, there was very little change. Buffy was more comfortable, but
the speed of the contractions was slowly wiping her out. Spike hadn’t left
her side once since he’d entered the room.

It was mid-afternoon, and Buffy had tried to get some much needed rest. She
was so exhausted that she was able to nap for five minutes between each
contraction. She had been in labor for over eight hours and was more fatigued
than she had ever been in her life.

“Spike,” she whispered hoarsely. “I can’t do it.”

Spike gave her a gentle smile. “You’re strong, Goldilocks. You can do it.”

“Maybe if it was one, but Spike, I don’t have the energy to push out two

Spike didn’t say anything, just leaned forward and kissed her forehead
tenderly, holding her hand as she had another contraction.

“It’s almost over, pet,” Spike said quietly as he watched the monitor,
waiting for the worst of the pain to diminish. “Okay, it’s dropping,”
he murmured as she looked up at him with pleading eyes.

Spike felt like crying, knowing that there was nothing he could do for her.
He slowly propped his elbows on the side of the bed, securing her hand
between both of his and bringing it to his lips. Buffy managed a small
smile at the tender gesture when he didn’t kiss her hand, just held it
against his lips as he stared into her eyes.

“Did I ever tell you when I fell in love with you?” he asked quietly.

Buffy breathed heavily through the pain as she shook her head.

“That night that I came over to your house. Brought you ice cream. We got to know each other.”

Buffy nodded, remembering the night.

“When you were saying goodnight to me and kissed me on the cheek…I knew I would never be the same again.”

Buffy felt tears fall from her eyes at the love and affection that seemed to pour from him. “Thank you,” she whispered.

* * * * *

Spike felt helpless as he watched Buffy’s struggle several hours later. Dr.
McDonald had been in there for over an hour while Buffy tried to push
either of the babies out. She was so weak, she didn’t know how much longer
she could last, and neither of the babies had moved into the laboring

“Alright, Buffy,” Lindsey said. “It looks like you’re going to have to get
a C-Section.”

Spike had to restrain himself from putting the doctor in a chokehold. “And
you couldn’t have decided this twelve hours ago?” he asked through gritted

“Spike, I know you’re worried, but it’s major surgery. We don’t like to risk
it unless absolutely necessary. Now, follow the nurse, and she’ll show you
where you can get some scrubs so you can be with her.”

Spike turned to Buffy. “Not much longer, luv.”

Buffy nodded, attempting to smile.

“I’ll be back soon.”

As Spike went to get changed, the anesthetist came in to give Buffy the
medicine for the surgery. Buffy relaxed as it seemed to take effect
immediately. For the first time all day, she felt like she could breathe.
It no longer seemed as if something was crushing her chest with every breath
she was taking.

Buffy vaguely remembered being wheeled into a sterile room where she could
see doctors and nurses setting up the things necessary to perform the

A few minutes later, Buffy saw Spike come in and reached for him. He was
virtually covered from head to toe, but she would recognize his eyes

“Okay, Buffy,” Lindsey said. “We’re about to start.”

Buffy watched as a curtain was put up over her chest so she couldn’t see the
actual surgery.

Spike held her hand as he stood next to her, trying to hide his fear as he
watched the doctors cut into the woman he loved. “You okay, pet?” he asked,
tearing his eyes away from the sight in front of him to look at her.

Buffy nodded. “Just a little pressure, but I’m fine.”

“That’s normal, Buffy,” Lindsey reassured her as he worked.

Spike watched in amazement as a tiny head appeared, staring as Lindsey
pulled out a baby. From his viewpoint, Spike couldn’t see which it was, but
he felt panic grip his heart when the baby didn’t make a sound. Biting his
tongue so he wouldn’t worry Buffy, he stared as the pediatrician stepped up
to clean off the baby, suctioning fluid out of the tiny mouth and flipping
it over to rub the neck.

Buffy breathed a sigh of relief as a tiny wail erupted.

“It’s a boy,” Lindsey said with a smile in his eyes as the other doctor took
the baby over to the warmer to finish cleaning him.

Buffy strained to see her son as they cleaned him while Spike tried to
alternate his gaze between Lindsey busily working to get the other baby free
and his baby boy being wrapped snuggly in a blanket.

“Six pounds, one ounce,” a nurse called happily. “Big baby, for being a

Spike smiled, looking down at Buffy who had tears streaming from her eyes.
A second later, his gaze shot up as he heard a tiny whimpering cry and saw
the pediatrician now working on the little girl, and Lindsey began repairing

Spike gripped Buffy’s hand tighter as the baby girl was carried over to go
through the same treatment that her brother had just received. A nurse
brought the boy over to hand to Spike, who in turn leaned down so Buffy
could see him. As they talked to their baby, they heard the nurse announce
that the little girl was five pounds, two ounces.

“You ate all your sister’s food, didn’t you, big guy?” Spike asked his son as
he felt tears stinging his eyes.

The baby girl was soon brought over to be placed in Spike’s other arm as
Buffy reached out to touch her children.

After a minute, a nurse approached them, telling Spike it was time to take
the babies to the nursery.

“Do you want me to stay with you, Buffy?” he asked with a worried

Buffy shook her head. “No, I’ll see you soon. You take them to show off to

Spike nodded. “I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

Spike walked through the halls, staring down at his children in his arms.
Before leaving the unit, one of the nurses was kind enough to remove the cap
and mask for him since he had his hands full.

Spike stepped out into the hallway and laughed as he was nearly attacked by
his father and friends. He smiled as everyone cooed over the babies.

“How’s Buffy?” Giles asked, barely taking his eyes off his grandchildren to
look at his son.

“She’s doing fine, she’ll be out in a little while. I better get these
little bits to the nursery.”

Spike followed the nurse through a door and nearly laughed when everyone
seemed to push their noses against the glass to keep an eye on the babies.

Once they were weighed again, measured, and washed off even more, Spike
looked at his watch and realize that twenty minutes had gone by. Giving his
children a kiss, he walked out of the nursery and saw Giles.

“Any word on Buffy?”

“No one’s come out, just-“

Spike turned around to see what Giles was staring at and saw Lindsey walking
through the double doors.

“Hey, Doc, how’s my girl?” Spike asked with a smile.

“Spike, I think maybe you should sit down.”

Spike’s heart dropped into the pit of his stomach at those horrible words.
“What’s wrong?”


“Tell me!”

Giles put a restraining hand on Spike’s shoulder as he stared at the
doctor. “Is Buffy alright?”

Lindsey took a deep breath. “She’s lost consciousness.”
This story archived at http://