It Matters to Me by Ashlee
Summary: Buffy Summers has had a crush on Spike Giles since she moved to town. However, Spike never acknowledged Buffy while they were in school together. When Buffy starts working with Spike at the Magic Box, a tentative friendship is formed. The two grow closer until....
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes Word count: 43033 Read: 61928 Published: 09/27/2004 Updated: 10/27/2004
Going Home by Ashlee
Chapter 25 – Going Home

Spike walked through the hospital a few days later to pick up Buffy and the
babies. He made sure to be with her as much as he could, though usually, she
was sleeping, trying to revitalize her energy from the long labor.

Spike smiled when he turned into the hallway and saw that Giles had beaten
him there. His father stood at the nursery window, smiling at his

“So,” Spike said, walking up behind him. “I guess I don’t exist anymore,
now that these two are here,” he finished with a smile.

Giles turned and smiled at his son. “That about sums it up, yes,” he

Spike chuckled as he looked through the window to see the nurses preparing
the babies to leave.

“How’s Buffy?” Giles asked a moment later.

“She’s doing better. Still tired, but that’s to be expected.”

“And how are the two of you?”

“Dad, don’t start, okay?”

“I’m merely asking a question, not voicing any opinions…even though it would
be nice if my son was actually with the woman he loves.”

“Dad,” Spike said in a warning tone.

“I’m not saying anything, son,” Giles replied, a smile playing on his lips
as he cleaned his glasses.

“I’m going to see if Buffy’s ready.”

“Good idea.”

Spike shook his head as he walked down the hallway. Standing in front of
Buffy’s door, he gently tapped on it before walking in. He saw her
tentatively getting to her feet, clutching her abdomen in pain. Spike
quickly made his way to her side, holding her arm to support her as she
settled into the wheelchair that was left.

“Thanks,” she said with a smile. “You know, I didn’t want to have to leave
in this thing, but now, I think it’s a pretty good idea.”

“Probably so, luv,” Spike said, steering her out in the hall. “I’m going to
leave you in my father’s capable hands while I load up the bags, alright?”

“Okay…and thanks again for picking us up, Spike.”

Spike stopped the wheelchair and turned it, kneeling down in front of her.
“Buffy, you know I’m going to be there, right?”

“Of course,” she said with a soft smile.

“I think we need to talk later, luv.”

Buffy frowned at the serious tone. “Okay.”

* * * * *

Spike helped Buffy through the front door an hour later as Giles trailed
behind them, holding a car-seat in each hand. Both babies were asleep, and
he gently set them next to the couch.

Spike helped Buffy sit down before dropping to his knees to begin unbuckling
the babies. Buffy eagerly reached for Lauren as she was removed from her
seat, while Giles took Brandon before Spike could make a move for him.

Spike frowned when he realized he didn’t have a baby. “Maybe we should have
had triplets, luv.”

Both men laughed at the glare that Buffy sent his way. “You would have had
to carry it to term, because there was no way a third was fitting in my

Spike smiled, sitting down next to her and tenderly playing with his
daughter’s foot as she slept.

“Well, I best be off,” Giles said, handing Brandon to his son.

“You’re leaving?” Buffy asked. “You know you’re welcome here, right?”

“Of course, Buffy, I just need to get back to the shop. I’ve left Anya in
charge far more than I would have liked.”

Buffy smiled. “Okay, I’ll see you later, though?”

“I’ll drop by tomorrow.”

“Alright, thanks again, Giles.”

Spike slowly stood up, careful not to wake the sleeping baby, as he made his
way over to one of the matching bassinets that Buffy had gotten at the
shower. Gently placing Brandon in one, he turned and took Lauren from
Buffy, smiling when she pouted at him for taking the baby.

Spike walked back over to the couch, sitting down and taking Buffy’s hand as
she looked at him curiously. “I don’t really know how to say this, so I’m
just going to say it…I want to stay here, Buffy.”

“You are here.”

“That’s not what I mean. I want to be with you. I want to wake up with you
every morning and help with our children. I want us to be like we were

Buffy took a deep breath as the grip on her hand tightened. “Spike-“

“Please, don’t say no,” he whispered. “I know what you’re going to say-
you’re not sure about my feelings for you- but you know I love you. I have
for years, and I’ve never stopped. Please don’t shut me out.”

“And if we don’t work out? What about them?” she asked, gesturing at the
two sleeping babies.

“The only reason we didn’t work out was because we didn’t try. You kept me
at a distance, and I ran away too fast. We both should have tried harder,
but I know that now, Buffy. And I think you do, too.”

“I want to be with you, Spike,” she whispered with tears in her eyes. “I
want us to be us again.”

Spike felt tears enter his eyes as he stared at her. Lovingly, he reached
out and tucked a long strand of hair behind her ear. “I want to start
again, Goldilocks.”

She smiled at the name before nodding. “Let’s start over.”

A brilliant smile lit up Spike’s features as his hands cupped Buffy’s face
to bring his lips to hers. As their lips met, both felt that they were
complete again. Buffy wrapped her arms around his neck as her mouth opened
slightly, accepting his tongue as it brushed against hers. Both felt the
electricity that seemed to flow through them as the kiss deepened. Buffy
pulled away after a minute as the kiss escalated. Spike looked at her
quizzically. “What’s wrong?”

Buffy smiled and reached out to trace his defined cheekbones. “Nothing, I
promise,” she whispered. “But if this went much further, I would be
willing to do something that I’m not supposed to be doing for several

Spike smiled. “Sorry, pet. What about dinner?”

“Spike, it’s not even noon.”

“I mean, just the two of us, sometime soon.”

“You want me to leave the babies already?” she asked, slightly panicked at
the thought.

“I guess not,” Spike replied, looking at her curiously.

“I’m sorry,” Buffy said, looking sheepish, before turning her gaze to the
sleeping twins. “It’s just, they’ve been inside me for so long, and now that
they’re not, I don’t want to be away from them very long.”

“Understandable,” Spike said, softly kissing her forehead. “What if I make
you dinner? We can have Dad come over and watch the kids so we can eat in

“Now that I can live with,” Buffy said with a smile.

“Plan for Friday night,” Spike said, getting up and heading to the front
door to get the bags and gifts out of the car. “Oh, and Buffy?” He waited
until she turned around to face him. “I’m staying the night.”

Spike ran out of the house before she could argue, chuckling to himself as
he shut the door behind him.
This story archived at http://