Mixed Emotions by Ashlee
Summary: Buffy is in a committed relationship with William Lawson. Everything is going great - until his twin brother Spike comes to town.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Completed: Yes Word count: 29527 Read: 30263 Published: 10/06/2004 Updated: 10/21/2004
Epilogue by Ashlee

One Year Later

Buffy laughed as Spike chased her through the ocean surf, squealing when she
felt his strong arm catch her around the waist and spin her around in
circles, kicking up water as they laughed. She quickly wriggled out of his
grasp, running back to their friends, spread out around the picnic area they
had out.

Xander and Faith sat, arguing about some mundane issue, while Anya and
William lay side by side, stretched out to watch the sun begin to set.

It had taken a while, but eventually William and Spike had gotten over their
issues, forming a friendship again. It had taken even longer for everyone
to feel comfortable being in the same area together, but once they had all
gone out together a few times, they found it easier.

Buffy and Anya had even formed a tentative friendship, once Buffy got used
to Anya’s very direct way of speaking, and Anya was assured that Buffy was
in love with Spike.

Out of breath, Buffy collapsed on the blanket next to Faith as Spike came
up behind her, laying down as well. She smiled when she heard Anya and Faith
begin a conversation on how to achieve the perfect orgasm.

“Got any tips for them, luv?” Spike whispered, panting slightly from running
for the last ten minutes.

“Nope,” Buffy said, rolling over to face him as she gently traced the jagged scar on his eyebrow. He’s acquired it a few months ago, working at the construction site, giving him an even more rugged look than he already had. “They’re on their own, because my secret is you…and I sure as hell won’t share.”

Spike chuckled, leaning in to leave a gentle kiss on her lips. The three
couples separated after a few minutes. Anya and William walked hand in hand
along the beach while Faith and Xander went to play in the water.

Spike sat up, dragging Buffy into a sitting position and pulling her onto
his lap. Buffy leaned her head back against his bare chest as Spike rested
his chin on her shoulder, his arms encircling her waist, holding her to him
protectively. Both stayed quiet as they watched the sunset begin to turn
more vivid, the brilliant colors casting a glow over the happy couple.

“Marry me.”

Buffy turned slowly to face Spike, not sure if she heard him right. “What
did you say?” she asked, a slight smile on her lips.

“Marry me,” he repeated, kissing her neck.

“Are you serious?” Buffy asked, turning to fully face him.

“Completely,” Spike said, staring deeply into her eyes. “Will you?”

Buffy paused for a moment before a huge smile took over her face. “Of
course,” she said, leaning forward to press her lips to his. The move was
so forceful, Spike soon found himself laying in the sand as her lips
attacked his.

Pulling away, Spike tenderly pushed the hair out of her face as he stared
into the eyes of the woman he loved. “I’m going to make you so happy,

Buffy snuggled closer to him, kissing his cheek. “You already have.”


A/N I’ve gotten quite a few e-mails and a couple of reviews from people, wondering what Spike’s real name would have been. I didn’t write it, because I thought it would have been a bit too tongue-in-cheek. For those wondering, it probably would have ended up being James. The other option was Randy, but Spike never looked like a Randy to me :-) Anyway, thank you for reading and reviewing. I should have a new WIP out soon.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=4802