Double Jeopardy by Kimber
Summary: This is a first of a series named "Who I Used To Be." It is my redo of season six. Buffy and Spike have issues and someone's plotting Buffy's demise, while others are have been waiting for her return.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: Yes Word count: 25100 Read: 9218 Published: 12/09/2004 Updated: 12/25/2004
Chapter Three by Kimber

Kyia hung up the phone and dialed a familiar number.


“It is time for you to prepare to become her guardian. I refuse to call you her Watcher, for that would be an insult.”

The man chuckled and replied. “Then tell me what is expected of me and how I can guard my charge?”
“Just be her friend and help guide her with simple life decisions…she will need to learn to live again until it's time to do more.”

“Vague much.”

“I cannot tell you more, for I wish not to influence the future,” She sighed. “I will be your guide and help you as we go. It will not be easy, but if we work together, we will succeed.”

“Where do you want to meet?”

“The abandoned airfield where we first met, say in about 2 hours? I have to allow Crystal time to come and be with Kellen.”

“Okay, I will meet you there.”

“Be careful- they have become suspicious of your disappearance,” she warned.

“Don’t worry, I will be very careful,” he promised.


Spike looked at the female that was rubbing herself against him in a more than friendly manner. He could feel his demon responding to what the human chit was offering with her sweet smell, telling him of her aroused state. The Bronze was packed, making it easy for bodies to intimately touch without meaning to, but he knew this one was initiating the touching all on her own.

His demon kept telling him to forget the damn Slayer that the bitch was not worth the pain he was going through. Telling him he was a fool for letting himself get so lost again because of a girl. ‘This one is offering her body for sinful pleasure. No need to beg, ask, or plead for it.’

The blond vampire shook his head to clear away the thoughts of lust that kept trying to intrude. Yes, he had told the Slayer goodbye, but he knew himself he would not be able to stay away from her for very long. ‘She’s in my blood, and I haven’t even had a taste of hers yet.’ Just the thought of him sinking his fangs into her lovely neck, thinking how responsive she would be, made him hard with the wanting of it.

Vicki smiled as she felt his body’s response to her touch. ‘Finally, he's taking notice.’

She looked around the Bronze, making sure there were no blonde female distractions that would prevent her from getting this man’s undivided attention. She grew up in Sunnydale and understood the unusual nature of the town. Her mother was a gypsy that could read palms and tarot cards accurately, and her father, a normal American male, all brawn and no brain. She got her mother’s smarts but her father’s normal American looks.

Her mother taught her all about the occult and the underworld of the Hellmouth. She knew the man that she was interested in was a vampire, but that did not hold back how obsessed she was with wanting the said creature of the night as her very own. She also knew about Slayers, having read everything she could get her hands on concerning the slayer of vampires since she was a small girl. It was her family history and her knowledge that had gotten her the job of a lifetime, working for those of great power and influence recently.

She had some knowledge about creating potions but had never had the courage to dabble with one until recently. The young woman had found a simple love spell in her mother’s papers she had recently uncovered. ‘He will be mine tonight and forever.’

She had paid the bartender working tonight rather well to drop the odorless powder in the vampire’s beer when she gave him the sign. The method of payment was with money and sex with the promise after tonight neither would mention it again. She looked over and gave the wave that signaled for the next drink would be the one with the potion.

Spike moved away from the tempting body and made his way over toward the bar. His bottle was empty, and he had a plan tonight that involved drinking until he could not think about her anymore. ‘Want to get right pissed. Maybe I can rest in peace for a time.’

The little voice inside his head reminded him of the tasty morsel that was offering him something good to eat a few minutes ago. ‘Not gonna go there…’

“Hey, Matt, can I have another?”

“Sure, Spike,” Matt, snorted. ‘Man, is he going to wake up a new man.’

Spike nodded his appreciation and handed over the money. ‘Damn, used to be I didn’t have to pay for a damn drink of any kind.’

Matt sneaked a wink over toward Vicki, letting her know he had done his job. “Bottoms up there, mate.”

“Cheers,” Spike shrugged as he tipped the bottle between his lips and took two large swallows. He turned and noticed the whelp and his bird making out, over across the way. ‘Wish I could snog my girl like that, all out in the open.’

Vicki smiled as she watched her man finish his spiked drink. ‘Oh, that is so funny- spike for a Spike.’

Spike made sure to keep his distance from the dark-haired temptation of sin. There was nothing special about her looks, but the energy she was putting into trying to seduce him made up for it. ‘She just ain’t the one for me.’

She noticed the glazed look that came over the vampire, telling her it was time to make her move. From what she had read and understood, whomever he would see first after the spell took hold would be whom he would want. If this worked, then she would make sure she made more, and one day, he would not need it. He would love her and only her. She had plans in the making to ensure that any distraction from that goal would not be interfering with her having him for the rest of her life. 'If all goes as planned tomorrow, then he will be mine for the taking.'

“Eww….” Xander shuddered.


“Spike, kissing. I MEAN, really kissing.”

Anya looked over, where her man was staring. “Lord, why don’t they get a room?”

“Room, him…her…should we, like, stake him or something?” Xander looked over at Anya with a shocked look on his face.

“I think he is going to stake her,” Anya just shrugged. “No big deal, Xander. It’s not like he can hurt her, and maybe she's one of his kind. I mean, that slutty behavior is more vampire-like.”

“Anya, maybe we should make sure?”

“Xander, leave Spike alone…he deserves orgasms, too.” Anya patted his arm in sympathy. “Which gives me an idea.”

“What, go over and separate them?”

“No, silly…we can go home and play a new sex game…I will be the Slayer, and you can be the vampire that makes me want to-”

“Anya, that is soooo not right, no matter how you look at it,” Xander yelled as he put his hand over her mouth before yelping when she bit his hand.

“That was not nice, Xander.”

Xander leaned over and kissed her softly. “I’m sorry, but no slayer/vampire sex games for us…just too close for me.”

“I know. You have always been attracted to Slayers, I hear.”

Xander looked like a deer caught in a car's headlight. “What do you mean?”

“I have heard about you and Faith, and I have always known you have been attracted to Buffy…in a kind of 'more than wanna be friends' kind of way.”

“Honey, I love you.” Xander quickly kissed her to try and close the subject. Neither of them noticed the vampire and the girl leave the Bronze with the blond male dragging the young woman behind him.


Buffy sat in her bed and stared at the empty cartoon of cookie dough ice cream. "I can't believe I ate the whole thing."

No matter what she did, or tried to forget, she could not get the hurt look that her words and actions had placed on Spike's face. Since coming back, she had a hard time with all of her feelings. She didn't know what was real or imagined. 'Whom do you talk to about coming back from the dead and feeling more dead inside than when you were dead?'

"God, does that even make any sense?" she spoke aloud, looking upward, praying for an answer that she knew would not come.

The young woman continued to stare unblinking at her ceiling, letting her tears of frustrations fall. She looked down at her journal- she had written everything down that had happened tonight. 'Every night and day since right before I received my damn calling.' The words begged for her to read them, and as she did, she felt some things she had written make sense. "GOD, I love him...I really do love him," she whispered.

Before she knew what hit her, she stood up and began to dress. She was going to see him, talk to him, and try and get things settled once and for all. 'For some reason, he made feel again, want to live again. I just let the fact he was a vampire without a soul keep me from facing how I feel.'

She picked up a stake and left to go to Spike's crypt. For the first time since she had returned from the dead did she feel a spark of hope, hope that her life would finally have meaning, other than saving the world.
This story archived at http://