Don't Sleep to Dream by Allison
Summary: Buffy is plagued by dreams of a man she's never met before. When suddenly he becomes a part of her life, she has to decide whether to give him a chance to prove himself or to walk away before she gets hurt. It's a twist on traditional dream it to find out why:)
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Completed: Yes Word count: 19505 Read: 21128 Published: 12/26/2004 Updated: 01/12/2005
Here With Me by Allison
Two weeks passed, and Buffy didn’t have the dream again. The part of her that was in disbelief decided to wait two more weeks to see if it had stopped once and for all. When a full month had passed since she had seen Parker and didn’t have the dream, she concluded that maybe it was indefinitely over. She couldn’t help but thank William because when she really thought about it, he was the reason the dream ceased. If he hadn’t made her confront Parker, she figured that she would still be having the dream, and the thought alone scared her. Four weeks spent sleeping peacefully in William’s arms without once having a nightmare involving him was a gift that she could never thank him enough for. When she finally was willing to give herself to him completely, William considered it to be the greatest reward he could receive.

“I want to do this,” Buffy whispered as she slid off her blouse, revealing her naked upper body to his gaze.

“Are you sure?” he asked, slowly running his hands down her sides as he placed soft kisses across her neck and shoulders. She nodded and kissed him as she unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off of his arms.

“I’ve never been more sure of anything,” she replied, looking into his eyes.

When the first week of August came to a close, she realized that within weeks, she was supposed to return to UCLA for her fall semester of her sophomore year. She dreaded going back, and not solely because school was starting up again- she wanted to be with William. She knew she had to make a decision, the quicker the better. It hit her one afternoon what she wanted to do, and without thinking twice about it, she dialed Joyce’s number at work, suddenly excited for the upcoming school year. Joyce answered, and Buffy took a deep breath. “Mom, I need a favor.”

* * *

On the same afternoon, Willow went to William’s room and knocked on the opened door, trying to get his attention away from the book he was reading. He looked at her and smiled. “Hello, Red.”

“Hi,” she smiled. “Can I come in?” He nodded and patted the edge of the bed. She walked in and sat beside him.

“What’s on your mind, luv?” he asked, putting the book on his bedside table. “Is something wrong?”

“No,” she answered, looking around the room. “Can you believe it’s been almost three months?”

“Time flew by,” he replied sadly. “And as much as I enjoy going to classes, I don’t fancy going back.”

“Yeah, I completely understand,” she agreed. “Have you talked to Buffy about the distance thing?”

“We’ve been putting it off,” he said quietly, looking down. “I don’t think either one of us wants to admit that we’re going to be a couple of hours away from one another.”

“I don’t blame you,” Willow said, sighing. “But whether you want it to happen or not, she’s leaving in a couple of weeks for the semester. Are you two going to be able to handle it?”

“I guess we’ll find out,” he replied, looking at her. “I just wish it could be different. I mean, she can come home whenever she’d like, and I can always go visit her, but it just won’t be the same. Not having her here with me is going to be difficult.”

“Undoubtedly,” Willow said. “It’s hard enough for me to not have her around, but I’d imagine it’ll be worse for you.” He frowned. “But no matter what happens, I’m thankful that you two are together. You helped her more than you can even begin to imagine, and Buffy’s a very lucky girl for coming across a prince like you.”

“Yes, well, I am quite charming,” he joked, his tone light. Willow laughed and stood up.

“Are you seeing her tonight?” she asked as she walked to the door. He nodded. “Just be sure to tell her how you feel, William. Who knows, maybe things will work out better than you expect.”

‘One can only hope,’ he thought sadly, grabbing his book again and opening it as she returned to her room.

* * *

Buffy walked downstairs as her doorbell rang, a wide smile on her face.

‘I can’t wait to tell him,’ she said to herself. ‘He’s going to flip out.’ She opened the door, and William smiled at her, noticing that she seemed excited about something. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. He returned the gesture and wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close to him.

“Hello to you, too, kitten,” he smirked. She giggled and pulled him inside the house, towards the living room. “Are we still going out tonight?” She nodded, still smiling. “What’s got you so smiley, pet?”

“Can’t I be happy that you’re here?” she asked, sitting on the couch. He chuckled and sat beside her.

“Yes, and I love the fact that you’re so happy, but are you going to give me an idea why?” he asked, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. She turned to face him, taking his hand in hers. He raised an eyebrow. “Is everything okay?” He paused, paling. “Luv, are you pregnant?” She couldn’t help but giggle at the terror in both his eyes and voice.

“No, I’m not with child,” she answered, and he sighed, relieved. She squeezed his hand. “I’m going to college at UC-Sunnydale this year.” He froze, staring at her. Her smile only broadened when he embraced her tightly before kissing her passionately. She broke away from him to breathe, the smile slowly fading. “Is that okay?”

“Are you kidding?” he asked, chuckling. “It’s the best bloody news I’ve gotten in a long time.” She giggled, curling up against him. “So you and I will still be together? This isn’t just a summer fling?”

“What? No,” she answered, looking at him. “I love you, Will. You know that, don’t you?”

“Yeah,” he said, grinning. “I just like hearing you say it.” She smiled and kissed him softly. “You know, pet, maybe we should consider renting an apartment together.” She smirked.

“Yeah? You’d want to live with me?” she asked. He nodded, grazing her cheek. “Even when I’m all bad-moody?”

“Even when you’re hell on wheels,” he affirmed, kissing her temple. “So what do you say? Want to live with me?”

“Forever,” she answered quietly, resting her head on his shoulder and smiling contently.

A/N Okay, I know I said there would be another NC-17 chapter/sex scene, but the truth is, I suck at writing them, so I opted instead to just allude to their first time. At any rate, the epilogue should be posted tomorrow hopefully, so if anyone has something they want to see happen, please tell me. I’ve got a pretty fabulous idea for it, but I’m willing to work in anything that people are dying to see happen. I hope everyone liked this chapter, and reviews would make a pretty dreary day so much brighter:)
This story archived at http://