Don't Sleep to Dream by Allison
Summary: Buffy is plagued by dreams of a man she's never met before. When suddenly he becomes a part of her life, she has to decide whether to give him a chance to prove himself or to walk away before she gets hurt. It's a twist on traditional dream it to find out why:)
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Completed: Yes Word count: 19505 Read: 21148 Published: 12/26/2004 Updated: 01/12/2005
A Midnight Stroll by Allison
William walked across the hallway to Willow’s room and knocked on her door. She opened it after a moment and looked at him, surprised.

“Where does Buffy live?” he asked quietly, shoving his hands in his jeans’ pockets.

“Close by,” she answered. “Why?” He looked down. “Don’t tell me you want to go over there.”

“I want to talk to her,” he replied. “And maybe she’ll give me an idea of what’s going on because I don’t think you’re going to budge, are you, Red?” She shook her head. “Exactly. So, what’s her address?”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to go over to Buffy’s house, especially right now,” she answered, looking at her clock. “It can wait until tomorrow.”

“I don’t want it to wait until tomorrow,” he said sternly, looking at the girl standing across from him. “Just give me her address. If she doesn’t want to see me, then I’ll come right back.” Willow sighed. “Scout’s honor.”

“You were a boy scout?” she asked in disbelief. He frowned. “I thought you once said that they were ‘poncy’.”

“They are,” he said quietly, and she noticed that he was blushing.

“Did you wear the little uniform, too?” she asked, giggling. He shot her a look and crossed his arms. “Fine, her address is 1630 Revello Drive. It’s a couple of blocks west of here. Make a right and two lefts, and you should find it.” He smiled at her and headed to the stairs. “William?” He turned to look at her. “Don’t push her to talk about anything, okay?” He raised an eyebrow. “If she wants to disclose something, she will. Don’t try one of those fancy psychology techniques I know you have, and that charming smile you have can only make so many girls come undone.”

“But apparently not you,” he said, winking at her and leaving the house. He walked down the path to the sidewalk and took a deep breath.

‘I just want to understand some things,’ he said to himself. ‘But it must be pretty serious if Willow wouldn’t talk to me about it.’ He paused. ‘And for all I know, she probably won’t talk, either.’ He sighed and began to follow Willow’s directions, navigating his way to Buffy’s house. When he got there, he saw her sitting out on the front porch, painting her toenails. He smiled at the sight and watched her for a moment before slowly approaching her. She looked up at him in surprise and closed the nail polish bottle.

“Hi,” she said quietly. “What’s up?” He sat on the railing of the porch and looked down.

“I was kind of hoping you’d tell me what’s going on,” he answered before looking at her again, seeing the odd expression on her face. “Come on, Buffy- I know something’s not right, and when I asked Willow-”

“What’d she say?” she asked quickly, sounding worried. He sighed and crossed his arms.

“She didn’t say anything,” he said, noticing how relieved she seemed. “But she said something about nightmares.” Buffy frowned and shut her eyes.

‘I don’t have to be honest with him,’ she thought. ‘Not like he’d know the difference.’ She paused. ‘But if he talked to Willow about it, there would probably be confusion, and then he’d find out I lied, and that would just be…not good.’ She opened her eyes and looked at him.

“So? Will you talk to me about whatever is going on?” he asked. She saw the concern in his eyes and realized that he really wasn’t like the man in her dreams.

‘He has compassion- the bastard I dream about is a monster,’ she said to herself. ‘I can trust him, can’t I? Willow does, and out of anyone, she seems to make the best judgments about people. “

“Fine,” Buffy conceded, which somewhat surprised him.

‘I thought I’d have to grovel a bit more to get her to cave in,’ he thought. ‘But this works even better.’

“What do you want to know exactly?” she asked, looking down.

“Well, Willow mentioned that you have a bad history with men, and then she said something about nightmares shortly before I came over,” he said. “So you can pick where you’d like to start, I guess.”

“I guess I’ll start with the guy portion then,” she said, hesitating and looking away. “Well, I guess it started with my dad. He wasn’t around too much, and when he was, he wasn’t father of the year by any means. Not that he was abusive or anything- he just wasn’t Mr. Brady.” She sighed. “My parents got divorced a few years ago, and he moved to L.A. Last I heard, he was in Spain with his secretary.”

“I’m sorry,” he replied, shifting uncomfortably. “Sometimes fathers are a bit…unseemly.”

“You really are British, aren’t you?” she joked, her tone light. He raised an eyebrow. “I don’t know the last time I heard someone say ‘unseemly’.” He smiled slightly. “And then about four years ago, I was dating this guy named Parker. I guess it wasn’t really that serious, considering we were only sophomores in high school, but I thought he was a really great guy.”

“Let me guess- he wasn’t?” William asked, already knowing which direction her story was going to go in.

“Nope, he wasn’t Prince Charming at all,” she answered. “One night, he came over when my mom was at work to watch a movie with me, and at some point, he tried forcing himself on me, and ever since then, I’ve been skittish of dating. I was with a couple of guys since then, but things haven’t really changed. I still am kind of afraid of trusting men in general.” Spike nodded, understanding what she was saying.

“I don’t blame you, pet,” he said. “But not every guy out there is evil. There are some pretty nice fish in the sea.”

“Like you?” she asked, looking at him with an unreadable expression. He shrugged.

“I like to think I’m a nice guy, yeah,” he answered. “I’ve never had anyone say I was evil or anything before.” She looked down as images from her dream swirled through her head. “Buffy?” She looked at him. “Are you okay?” She nodded and looked away. “So now that we’ve covered the dating history part of the conversation, what’s this about a nightmare? Willow alluded to it involving me somehow, which doesn’t really make sense considering we first met this afternoon.”

“I don’t really know how to explain it,” she said quietly. “But I swear that the man in my dreams is you, William. I don’t know how it all works, but it’s you, down to the scar you have on your left eyebrow.” He raised the aforementioned eyebrow. “I’ve had dreams about you for four years now, and none of this makes sense to me.”

“Well, what happens in this dream?” he asked. “I mean, Red mentioned it being a nightmare, so what happens that’s so scary?”

“You rape me,” she answered simply, ducking her head.

A/N As always, you can expect an update tomorrow...probably. This week has been super hectic for me, and I have a feeling that's not going to let up anytime before New Year's Day. Reviews would be very kind, and thank you to everyone who has left one (or several LOL)!:)
This story archived at http://