Someday Soon by Slaymesoftly
Summary: Buffy runs into some trouble and Spike is there for more ways than one.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: Yes Word count: 13743 Read: 11175 Published: 02/07/2005 Updated: 02/09/2005
Four by Slaymesoftly
Chapter Four

Buffy was trying to digest what Spike had said about being around her, and he was trying to relax and enjoy her nearness without getting so turned on that she would notice and pull away again.

Gradually they relaxed against each other and drifted off to sleep. The Slayer with her head on the vampire’s chest, the vampire with both arms loosely cradling her and his chin resting on her head.

Buffy woke up slowly, smiling to herself as she snuggled into the strong arms holding her. Mmmmm. This is such a good fit. As she became more awake, she remembered who she was snuggled up to and wondered why it didn’t feel more wrong. It occurred to her that if Riley or any of the Scoobies were to walk in now, there would be some serious ‘splainin’ to do and she reluctantly stirred and tried to stretch.

“Spike,” she said softly, “Spike, my arms and legs are falling asleep. I need to move.”

He lifted his head and sat up straight, dropping his arms and stretching. “Sorry, love, guess I dozed off. So much for keeping you safe, huh?”

“I felt pretty safe,” she said shyly, looking up at him from under her lashes, “but I really need to move or stretch or something.”

His undead heart lurched in his chest at the look she gave him and he had to fight the urge to lean down to her lips.

Instead, he stretched himself, then stood up and pulled her to her feet. He held her steady as she reached up with both arms and stretched as well as she could with two casts and taped ribs. He noticed her wince as she reached overhead and touched her face gently, “Ribs still sore, eh, pet?”

“I think they’re healed. Just sore and stiff from being taped so long. I feel like I can’t breathe.”

“Do you want to take the tape off? If you’re sure they’re not still cracked…”

“I’m sure,” she said firmly. “Unwrap me. Please,” she added uncharacteristically.

Spike raised his eyebrow at her unusual politeness. “Whoa! A request instead of an order? You must still be feeling weak.” He smirked at her.

“Not too weak to kick your ass, “ she snapped back. “There’s no sense trying to be nice to you, is there?”

“Dunno, love. 's not like it’s something you try very often,” he snarked.

“Well, don’t hold your breath until it happens again,” she muttered. “Come on. Get this tape off me. It’s wet from my shower anyway and feels gross.” Buffy pulled up her shirt and waited expectantly.

Spike couldn’t help the sharp intake of breath at the sight of her smooth skin and cute belly button. He pushed his demon down and began to gingerly unwind the tape from around her torso. Each time he reached around her to switch the lengthy bandage from one hand to the other, he had to fight the urge to pull her closer and bury his face in her neck. For her part, Buffy found herself responding in a totally unexpected way to his nearness and each time his arms went around her for more tape, she had to fight the urge to lean in to him so those strong arms would stay around her. She rested her good hand on his shoulder to help keep her balance as he worked.

Eventually, the last piece of tape was unwound and pulled off, but neither one moved to step away from their near-embrace. Spike looked down at her face and said in a husky voice, “Alright, Slayer, you should be able to breathe better now. How does that feel?”

“It feels much better, thank you,“ she whispered back, not taking her eyes off his, or her hand off his shoulder. “

“Are you sure they’re okay?” he asked slowly. “Maybe I should check them and see if they’re really healed.” His eyes continued to bore into hers – willing her to see the feelings behind the cocky visage.

“Y – yes, that might be a good idea,” she agreed, searching his face for any trace of evil intent or guile. All she saw, however, was something that looked suspiciously close to adoration and she blushed and looked away briefly. Spike gently put his fingers under her chin and turned her face back to his.

“Do you trust me?” he asked.

Buffy looked into his eyes again and nodded slowly. With hands that were trembling, he ran his fingers over her sides, feeling gently for any trace of broken bones or swelling. As he felt along the ribs right under her breast, he almost moaned out loud as his thumb brushed against the bottom of one breast. Buffy’s gasp made him snatch his hand back – but then he felt the heat coming off her body and realized she was having the same issues with their proximity as he was. The sound of her increased heartbeat and smell of her arousal pushed his control to the absolute limit.

Resting his hands gently on her bare rib cage, he placed his forehead against hers and said urgently, “Tell me to move away, Slayer. Tell me now!”

Buffy leaned into him and whispered, “Don’ wanna”.

“Bloody hell, Buffy! Do you know what you’re doing to me?” he groaned. “Got to touch you, love, got to kiss you.” He leaned down and captured her mouth, which she was already tilting up to his. There was nothing tentative about the kiss this time. He crushed his mouth down onto hers, forcing his tongue into her willing mouth and meeting her equally eager response. For minutes they stood toe to toe, touching nowhere but their mouths and where Spike’s hand rested gently on Buffy’s ribs. The warmth coming from her skin felt like it was burning his hands as it traveled up his arms into his body.

Even with Slayer enhancement, there came a point where Buffy had to stop to catch her breath, and she reluctantly pulled away. Spike allowed her two quick breaths and then he was kissing her again. This time slowly and with infinite tenderness. With a sigh, Buffy melted against him – as best she could with one leg encased in plaster from hip to ankle. He slid his hands around her back and spread his fingers, pulling her closer to him and moving his hands up and down her spine, leaving tingles everywhere he touched. With only one useful arm and one leg, all Buffy could do was hang from his neck and moan in frustration. The urge to run her hands over his cool, hard body was overwhelming but impossible in that position.

She pressed up against him as close as she could, whimpering as his hands continued to move around her body. Somehow they found themselves back on the couch and Buffy’s only useful hand was suddenly free to move. She pulled Spike’s shirt from his pants, ripping the buttons in her eagerness to feel his bare chest.

Meanwhile, he was tugging her sweatshirt off and moving his hands to her breasts, eliciting more moans and whimpers as he slid cool fingers across her hardened nipples and followed them with his mouth. While his tongue swirled around her nipples going back and forth from one breast to the other, his hand slid down her flat stomach and into the warm wetness in her pants. As his fingers slid into her, thumb working at her clit, Buffy almost cried with frustration at having one leg immobilized. “Spike,” she gasped, “I want – I can’t..”

“Yes, you can, love. Leave it to me,” he said as his mouth slid down her body, licking, kissing and tasting her as he went. “So beautiful, so warm, so wet for me.” He kept up a whispered string of words as he put her unrestrained leg over his shoulder and began licking her clit with long, slow strokes. Buffy could feel her orgasm building as his tongue moved faster and faster, sending shudders of pleasure through her whole body and turning her moans to cries of ecstasy as she got her release in waves that kept coming for minutes. As she came down from the incredible heights, she tried to form a coherent sentence, but could only manage, “Wha? How did you...”

Spike smiled up at her from where he was planting light kisses all along the inside of her bare thigh. “What’s the matter, love? Soldier boy never…?”

“Um, uh, no – I mean, none of your…. Oh!” she gasped as he captured her still sensitive clit in his mouth and tugged on it gently. “What are you…: No, I can’t….not again…”

“Oh yes you can, love. You’re going to come for me so many times you won’t remember Captain Cardboard’s name when I’m done with you,” Spike growled as he slid two fingers into her while continuing to worry her swollen clit with his teeth and tongue. Moving his fingers in a way that caused her to gasp every time they touched a spot she didn’t even know she had, he brought her to the edge again so quickly she barely had time to think. He kept her on the edge of release by slowing down and taking his mouth off her time after time until she was throwing her head from side to side and begging him to let her come.

At last Buffy could stand it no more and she grabbed his hair with her free hand and shoved his face hard against her crotch growling, “Now, dammit, now.” She clenched her Slayer muscles around his fingers at the same time, effectively immobilizing them. The vampire obediently stopped teasing her and pulled her into his mouth, massaging it with his tongue until she screamed his name and collapsed into complete jelly. As her breathing gradually returned to normal, she saw that he had pulled himself back up beside her and was looking into her face with a very self-satisfied expression. Buffy just stared back at him in a daze. “How did you…? I never…”

“Oh, Slayer, the Poof and Captain Cardboard just haven’t done right by you, have they?” he said, running a finger down her cheek and touching her lower lip with it. “What else haven’t they taught you? Hmmm?” he murmured as he rained kisses on her neck and shoulders. To her amazement, Buffy felt herself responding to the feel of his lips on her neck by becoming aroused again.

Ohmygod, I’m nympho-Buffy! She could feel Spike’s erection pressing against her thigh and realized with a guilty start that so far their session of love-making -- sex! Buffy thought quickly, just sex -- had been all about her.

Using her free hand, Buffy reached for the waistband of Spike’s jeans and tried to open them while not breaking lip contact of another bone melting kiss. As soon as he realized what she was trying to do, Spike reached down and opened his pants, allowing his erection to leap out and press against her bare leg. At the touch of her warm skin, he groaned and pressed against her as hard as he could. Buffy’s hand was still down there and she hesitantly touched the tip and ran her thumb across it. Spike’s gasp of pleasure emboldened her and she moved her hand down the shaft and rubbing the ridge along the back gently. Spike groaned again and bit gently down on her neck with blunt teeth.

“Slayer, Buffy, touching me, feeling me… love you, want you…” While her one-handed ministrations were clearly making the vampire very happy, Buffy knew she wasn’t going to be able to give him any release using one hand, and not her best one at that. Blushing furiously, she said, “Spike, what can I do – I mean can you show me how to….”

Spike grabbed her and kissed her again; making all conversation impossible for a while but showed he hadn’t forgotten her request. “Ah, Buffy, I want to show you everything – but only when you want me to.”

“I do want to,” she said, smiling shyly. “I’m just not sure what to do or how to do it.”

The vamp squirmed up a little higher on the couch so she could reach his throbbing cock with her mouth and said, “Just do what you want – whatever seems natural.”

“But I don’t want to do it wrong,” she said hesitantly.

“Trust me, love,” he grinned. “There IS no wrong way. Just do what comes naturally.”

Shrugging her shoulders, she leaned down and tentatively licked the tip of his cock, sliding her tongue around the top and pushing the foreskin back and forth with her tongue. Spike’s hiss and the way his fingers clenched the couch cushions told her she was on the right track and she went back to her task with more confidence. The more things she tried with her mouth and tongue, the more vocal the vampire became. By the time she had taken as much of his cock in her mouth as she could, he was practically incoherent and his hips were moving so much she had to pin him down with her good hand. Just as he reached his release and roared his pleasure, his eyes went golden and he went into game face. By the time Buffy looked up, he was back to his human face and lying on the couch slack jawed and exhausted.

“Did I do okay?” she asked perkily, sliding back up his body to rest her chin on his chest. “Spike? Was I okay?”

“You’re a bleeding’ natural love,” he gasped. “A bleedin’ natural.” He continued to take deep, totally unnecessary breaths.

For several minutes they just lay quietly together, her head on his chest, his arms holding her protectively. Once again she noted how well their bodies fit together – not like Riley or Angel, she thought disloyally. They always made her feel really small and child-like.

Thinking about Riley - and Angel , who would freak if he knew Spike was anywhere near her - brought her back to reality and she began to shake as she realized what she had just done.

Spike felt the change in her body and breathing and figured out what was going on. Sighing, he sat up and pulled up his pants. Buffy was bright red and couldn’t meet his eyes as she tried to get her sweat pants up over her cast.

“Here, pet, let me,” he said quietly and helped her get back into her clothes. She moved away from him and sat huddled up at the end of the couch, clutching her good leg to her chest and staring straight ahead. Spike tried not to be hurt by her refusal to look him in the eye, but her obvious dismay at what they had done was breaking his heart.

“Buffy, Slayer, love, please. Don’t….”

She cut him off with a sharp gesture. “No! Don’t…don’t talk! We, we’re never going to talk about this – not to each other and definitely not to anyone else! It never happened!”

Growling, he grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. “It bloody well did happen! And it was wonderful and I won’t have you being ashamed of it or trying to deny it. I lo-“

“No!” the vehemence of her denial shocked him. “No! Don’t say that. You can’t love. You have no soul.”

Spike’s face was flashing back and forth between human and vamp. His whole body was trembling and Buffy didn’t think she’d ever seen him so angry.

“The bloody poof can’t love without his soul! I am not Angel! I love you so much it makes me weak and strong all at the same time. I love you for what you are –not in spite of it like soldier boy. I love your strength and your power and I love your softness and your kindness. I love your courage and I love your loyalty to the ones you love.” He stopped for an unnecessary breath, glaring at her and shaking all over.

Buffy stared at him in disbelief. She’d known he was attracted to her, but had chalked it up to a displaced urge to kill her. Since the chip prevented that from happening, he chose to obsess about her in another way. “But, Spike,” she started. “I don’t….”

“No! Don’t say it, Slayer. You feel something. I know you do. Whether you want to admit it or not, you feel something. Two people don’t have the kind of experience we just did if they don’t care about each other.”

“Oh, I thought that was because you’re so good at it.” She tried to lighten the mood and peered up at him to see if it worked.

“I AM good at it Slayer. But that isn’t why I get hard when you just walk in a room. And it’s not why just this,” he ran a hand up her arm and smiled when she shivered, “makes you all tingly.

“We're good at it. You and me together. And we’ll be even better when you get those casts off. This isn’t over yet.” He tried to leer at her, but she could see his heart wasn’t in it.

“Yes, it is. It has to be. I can’t deal with this right now, Spike. I need you to be fighting beside me, not mooning over something that never should have happened.” Her lips trembled and she struggled to hold back tears.

He stepped back to the couch and knelt down in front of her. “OK, love, we won’t talk about it again until this whole business with Glory is over. But once we’ve saved the world, all bets are off. Deal?”

“Okay, deal,” she agreed and put her hand out to shake on it.

“Oh no, we’re not sealing this deal with a handshake, Slayer.” He smirked and leaned in kissing her slowly and sensuously, not breaking the connection until he felt her pulse increase and could smell her response. As soon as he knew she was reacting the way he wanted her to, he broke it off and smiled at her. “Later, pet” he said, standing up and putting on his shirt and coat.

“Where are you going?” she asked anxiously.

“Home, to get another shirt,” He said, gesturing at his missing buttons. “I’ll be back soon. Try not to miss me too much.”

“As if!” she snarked back, but when the door closed she sank back onto the pillows with a small smile on her lips. “As if I would,” she said softly.

The End
This story archived at http://