To Forgive or Forget by Kimber
Summary: Spike loves Buffy, Buffy loves Spike. Is their love enough to face what is about to happen. Dark fiction with implied child abuse (sexual), drugs, mind control, with something akin to date rape....
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Rape, Child Abuse, Freaky/Kinky
Series: None
Chapters: 22 Completed: Yes Word count: 82557 Read: 37488 Published: 02/07/2005 Updated: 04/29/2005
Chapter 19 by Kimber
William slowly entered the kitchen, wondering how the conversation about his scar was going to start. His greatest worry was how it would end. Would she scream at him and call him a loser, or would she just look at him with disappointment?

"Come over here and have a seat. I made us both grilled cheese and tomato soup." Buffy said with a welcoming smile.

"My favorite, lunch time meal."

"I know, now come and eat while it's still hot." Buffy waved him over as she took her seat at the kitchen table.

"I've really enjoyed myself today." William told her as he sat across from her.

"I did too, and it's not over. They won't sleep for very long." Buffy said before she took a bite of her sandwich.

They became silent as they ate their first meal together since he's left her to go on tour.
The conversation concentrated on William catching her up on their mutual friends, and his career. Seems Angel's Redemption was about to go back into the studio and cut their second album.


"Yes, I do believe he is William's father." Giles answered his wife's question on if he thought Eric was their nephew's father

"Why wouldn't Annie have told me?" Jenny sighed, "I thought we told each other everything."

"Maybe by telling you it would've made it true, and she had to believe he was Ethan's in order to move on with her life."

"Maybe, but we never kept secrets from each other before."

"We will never know the truth, and I don't think your sister would want you worrying over this. Only she knows why she made the decisions that she did." Giles tried to comfort his wife the best that he could over the phone. "You know she loved you and that's all that's important."

"You’re right, that is something no one can take away." Jenny sighed, "You will call and let me know how things go with Eric and William?"

"Yes, I will call you."

"I know that was a silly question."

"But understandable considering what you've found out today." Giles reassured her he understood her need for verbal reassurances, after finding out her sister had kept a very important secret from her.

"I will call you tomorrow, my dear."

"Give Angel and William a kiss for me."

"I will tell them you send your love, but I will not kiss them." Giles mocked, being offended, "I'm not that kind of man."

"I know dear."

"Give Abby a kiss for me."

"I will, take care of our boys Rupert."

"I promise."

Both said goodbye missing each others company as soon as they each hung up the phone. Giles turned his attention preparing himself to be there for William when he found out about Ethan's death, and that Eric was really his father. Jenny worried about her nephew and felt saddened that her sister had not trusted her with her secret.


Riley sat next to his best friend and legal advisor Graham Forester. He continued to stare out across the water and contemplate what he should do. It was the fact he kept changing his mind that was driving him mad.

"You need to shit or get off the pot, Finn." Graham offered his best advice as a friend he could.

"Graphic as always." Riley snorted.

"Riley, you need to make a decision and stay with it. You're making it worse for you and for Buffy going back and forth about this."

"I just think it's too soon, to really have to make up my mind."

"Bullshit! If you didn't know something needed to be done now, you wouldn't be so conflicted."

"What would you do?" Riley turned to his friend not expecting an answer.

"They say if you love someone, set them free. If it was meant to be they'll come back to you. If not then it wasn't meant to be." Graham replied, as he gave Riley a meaningful look. "Let Buffy be free to choose, give her that freedom from being the perfect little wife. Offer her a way out of being held to you by her vows."

"Okay! I get it." Riley growled as he rolled his eyes. "I know what you're telling me is true. I just have to prepare myself to let her go, knowing in my heart she won't be coming back to me."

"This way you both can still part as friends. To let her stay because of her honoring her promise would only make you enemies in the end. You deserve someone that loves you as deeply as you love Buffy. In fact I wonder if and when you find her you find out just how much you were not in love with your wife."

"I'm in love with my wife."

"I believe you do, I'm just saying you might come to find out there's someone else out there for you. I'm just glad things happened when they did."

"Excuse me!" Riley shouted as he glared at his friend.

"Come one Riley, think about it. Today it's just you, Buffy, and this William fella. If it happened down the road it would involve the twins." Graham explained calmly. "Just think if this came about when they really believed you to be their daddy. How hard would've this have been on them? "

Riley took a deep breath and let it out slowly, knowing Graham was right. "Yeah, you're right. Buffy even said they would've grown to hate us if we'd kept the up the pretense."


"Okay, fine, lying."

"Riley, dude, you came to me because you knew I'd tell you what I really think and not sugar coat it for you."

"Yeah, so."

"I'm telling you what I think, not it's up to you to do with it what you want." Graham said as he patted his friend on the back. "I can also honestly say I'm proud at how you are handling this. Not all men would be this understanding, letting their wife be there alone with the father of her babies."

"Thanks, it's not been easy."

"How about we go and shoot a few rounds of crazy eight down at the Down Under? Give your mind a break for now."

"Sounds like plan, let's go."

Both men stood up and brushed off the back of their pants. Riley closed his eyes and with his decision made, he followed his best friend as they left to go shoot pool.


Buffy reached down and picked up his empty bowl and plate, noticing how nervous he'd become. Her heart raced and her mouth became dry as she wondered what could have happened to make him feel so insecure about the scar on his wrist.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Buffy asked, giving him the options to back out.

"Not really, but I think it's some thing you should know about." William answered, as he stared out the kitchen window, avoiding her eyes.

Buffy noticed the faraway expression on his face, watching him withdraw within himself by the second. She hoped she was not pushing him too far too soon.

"Do you want to talk here, or go back to the living room?" Buffy asked as she returned to the table, after putting the dishes in the sink.

"Here would be fine." He answered, thinking he'd have a better view of the outside where he presently sat.

Buffy looked at her empty chair and then back at William. The forlorn expression made her need to comfort him led her to his side.

"Scoot back."

William looked up at her with a confusion expression, "Pet?"

Buffy smiled as she waved him to move his chair away from the table, "Scoot on back, Mister."

William did as he was told, moving his chair back. The big surprise was when she straddled his lap and took his right hand between her two petite hands.

"You will not push me away or make me think less of you." Buffy reassured him as she lifted his wrist and removed the leather band. "Please tell me what you feel comfortable sharing about how you got this scar."

William watched her fingers softly stroke the permanent reminder of his fall from grace, as he said, "I only can tell you what Angel told me."

"So it was during your bad time with Fred?" She asked.

"Yeah, seems I couldn't handle all the confrontations and finding out about Fred's betrayal. Angel said I broke a glass and cut myself." William's said, his voice had started out strong, only to end in a whisper.

"Can you still play?" She asked genuinely concerned, as she leaned in and kissed the old wound.

William gasped at the quick light touch of her lips, as he answered, "I can still play. Everyone pushed my ass in physical therapy. Eric still comes by a lot and goes through some rifts with me as exercise. He has been there since the beginning."

"Good, I know how you love to play. You'd be so lost if you couldn't have played." Buffy sighed as she reached up and gently cupped the side of his face and said, "Thank you for telling me."

William smiled through the tears as he confessed his greatest fear, "God, Buffy. I was so scared you'd tell me to leave and never come back."

"Never, I would never judge you for this," She reassured him as she traced his scar with the tip of her finger.

Neither knew who made the first move. Their lips met, and the passion flared as they kissed as if they both would die without the other. Her hands thread through his soft hair before using them to pull him deeper into the kiss. His hands pulled her hips closer to his, feeling as if they had a life of their own.

He felt like his body was on fire, feeling her move her lower body against his. The feel of her skin as his hands drifted up under her shirt, feeling the warmth of her of her body against his overly sensitive fingers. The way her tongue mated with his, pushed all logical thoughts away.

She had never felt so out of control, not since the day they'd last made love. The feel of his hands on her skin, sent her senses in a state of turmoil. The more they kissed, the more she wanted it all.

The sound of babies waking up pulled them apart. Their breathing was fast and irregular. All they could do was stare at each other in amazement. They continued to gaze into each others eyes as the babies' voices continued to coo and laugh in the background.

William was the first to talk as he tried to apologize, "Buffy, I'm sorry."

"No, don't." Buffy shushed him placing her finger over his lips. "I need time, Will, please give me time to get my head together. I have so much to think over. Do you think you can give me some time?" She knew she could no longer ignore her feelings for this man, but didn't know how to deal with them.

William felt a spark of hope as he reached up and gently stroked her hair as he replied, "I can wait until the end of the world if you ask."

Buffy giggled, "I don't think it will take that long, unless the end comes tomorrow or next week."

Will sighed, "I can wait for as long as it takes for you to figure out what it is you want."

"Thank you, Will." Buffy sighed as she moved off his lap, ignoring the evidence of his arousal. "I think your children are calling you. They want more Daddy time."

William groaned, as he stood and gave her a shy glance, "I think Daddy needs to have a few moments alone."

Buffy tried to hold back her giggle as she replied, "Go get yourself together, and I'll go and do diaper duties until you can join us."

"Just need to take a walk around a bit and I'll be right up."

"Okay." She said, feeling like she needed a few minutes alone as well.

She walked quickly out of the kitchen, trying to ignore the tingly warm sensation at the juncture between her thighs. Her appointment with Dr. Walsh on Monday would not come soon enough. She had something she needed to talk to an impartial person about, and Maggie was as impartial as she was going to get.

William fought the urge to go and relieve himself because his erection was so far gone. The thought of doing something like that before going up to hold his babies was unthinkable. Before long, he was comfortable enough to go be with his family.

This story archived at http://