Summary: What happened between Smashed and Wrecked - inspired by the uncensored ending of Smashed and an answer to Nauti's challenge on One Good Lay. NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 2
Completed: Yes
Word count: 6354
Read: 11171
Published: 10/12/2003
Updated: 10/12/2003
1. Part 1 by Sarah Aless
2. Part 2 by Sarah Aless
Title: When Did The Building Fall Down?
Author: Sarah Aless
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: B/S
Spoilers: Season 6 Smashed/Wrecked
Disclaimer: Y'know I wish they were mine. Unfortunately it still hasn't happened. Joss and ME own them I'm just using them for my own smutty ends.
Distribution:, One Good Lay, StS, Near Her Always & Anyone else.....Put it where you like ;-) but please tell me where it's going.
Summary: I never really had any inclination to write the scene between Smashed and Wrecked. However I just saw the original unedited version of the ending of Smashed and there is now no way that I can't write this. Just hope that I can do justice to the steam and smut that is the original ending.
Alsodecided to incorporate the challenge specs from Nauti's challenge on One Good Lay
Challenge Specs:
* NC-17. Serious NC-17. Not for the feint of heart NC-17.
* Keep in mind the line (paraphrasing here): "most depraved and perverted
night of my life" and his "Me too." So, the more depraved, the better.
(And you'll get a gold star from me.)
* The 'little nasties' they whispered to each other during.
Things to remember
* "Sometime between the first time and..." IE, LOTS of times. So many even he lost count. You don't have to write them all, just the ones that grab ya.
* Spike is 'bent' and uh... this apparently made her 'scream'. Hello? Anyone willing to write that one out?
* Limpy and sore Buffy. Hm...why is that? ;D
* Anything else I've forgotten that leave clues as to what
happened, please, include, include!!
As they crashed through the floor Spike was just about able to form one thought. Said thought being 'Shit! That's it, the fall will bring her to her senses and she'll be off'. His back thudded onto the concrete floor of the basement closely followed by the thud of her knees and the delicious weight of her body pressing down on him for a second. He felt her straighten up and was astounded when, rather than her jumping off him and looking for a way out he saw her throw her head back as she began to move on his dick again. His jaw dropped open at the sight of Buffy panting and groaning as she rode him, a look of pure almost animalistic ecstasy on her face. Apparently the show wasn't over just yet.
Buffy ground herself on his cock, rotating her hips and gasping out her pleasure. He wanted to grab her hips and pound her up and down on his shaft but he just couldn't hang on to a thought long enough to translate it into movement. Her gaze locked on his for perhaps three or four seconds and he lost himself completely in her eyes. How long had he waited for this? And now that it was happening he was just too stunned to take it in. Back went her head again as she seemingly simultaneously gasped and groaned, clenching her pussy on his cock. Spike let out an enormous groan himself as he just about managed to process the feeling of his cock engulfed in her heat.
The groan seemed to remind her that he was there and she leaned forward now, their eyes locking onto each other again. Bracing her hands on either side of his head she continued moving herself on his hardness. Rotating her hips as she moved up and down his length. Spike's astonishment began to wane as she stared deep into his eyes all the while fucking herself on him. He had been doing none of the work up until now. Her intense gaze was like a challenge. She was staring him down all but saying 'you wanted to get fucked by me Spike? Well you're getting it. I'm fucking you and myself stupid here. Think you can handle it?' Through his haze he remembered what she had said to him in the bronze just after he was chipped, still unaware that it hadn't actually been Buffy talking. His mind replayed it 'I could ride you at a gallop until your legs buckled and your eyes rolled up. I've got muscles you've never even dreamed of. I could squeeze you until you popped like warm champagne and you'd beg me to hurt you just a little bit more.' Now the infinite number of wet dreams that little speech had given him finally seemed to be coming true. The challenge he saw in Buffy's eyes caused a flare of anger and lust in him.
He reached down to her hips and grabbed them with bruising force, stilling the rotating movement and lifting her up and down his dick. Apparently he hadn't misread her eyes. This was a fight to her. Spike came to the realisation as, sitting up again she pried his hands from her and pinned his arms to the floor at either side of him. "This what you wanted Spike?" She panted almost exactly echoing what he'd imagined she was thinking. "If we're gonna finish this.......uuunnggghhhfuck!....... we're damn well gonna do it my way." She groaned before trapping his arms beneath her knees and leaning back down over him. She slammed her lips down onto his, kissing him with brutal force. Spike fought back the only way he could kissing her back ferociously. He bit at her lips with blunt teeth as she did the same to him all the while humping him like there was no tomorrow.
Their kiss/fight continued neither willing to give up before the other. Spike went into game face and used a fang to make the tiniest of cuts in her tongue as it was snaking back out of his mouth. Slipping back into human visage he used her momentary shock at the slight pain to free his hands and flip them over so that he was on top. Buffy quickly realised what had happened and pushed at his shoulders even as she thrust her hips up against him. "I said we're doing it my way Spike" she grunted. It took Spike just a second to capture her wrists and pin them by her head.
"Not bloody likely pet" he smirked down at her as he increased his tempo.
"Bastard!" Buffy shouted struggling to free her hands but getting nowhere, his weight pinning her effectively.
"Bitch" Spike shot back. His face showing his amusement at her struggles.
"Oh yeah Buffy" he grinned as he pounded into her "Keep saying those luscious words, you're turning me on."
"Fuck off Spike" Buffy managed as he suddenly stopped pounding with his dick all the way in her and ground his hips in a circular motion brushing her clit as he moved. She gasped as Spike did it again and lowered his mouth to hers.
"Kiss me" he demanded his lips inches from her own, still grazing her clit as he circled his hips.
"Fuck you" Buffy panted turning her head so that he couldn't kiss her. Counting on him releasing at least one hand to force her face back round to his.
Spike wasn't playing her game however, he merely buried his face into her neck which was now open to attack. "Thought that's what was already happening pet" he said as he proceeded to suck and bite on her exposed flesh with blunt teeth. He briefly considered biting her but he didn't want this to end too soon and he knew he would cum as soon as he tasted more of her blood than the tiny amount he'd just had. Besides, despite the name calling and fighting he wasn't actually about to do something like that unless he was sure she wanted it.
Buffy groaned helplessly under him as he settled for giving her a huge hickey just below her jaw line. Although he hadn't actually bitten her the thought of it had driven Spike closer to climax very quickly. He managed to manoeuvre Buffy's hands above her head and trap both of her small wrists in one large hand. If he was going to come he was going to make damn sure she did too. He knew his only chance of a repeat performance of this was to make it bloody good for her. His free hand moved down and found its way through her skirt to her clit. He began to rub feverishly at the little bundle of nerves as he began a quick steady rhythm with his cock once more.
The verbal sparring was over for the time being as they both rushed towards their inevitable peaks. All that could be heard was their belaboured and increasingly fast breathing, punctuated now and again by a growl from Spike or a curse from Buffy. Buffy felt her stomach flip and the delicious warm feeling move from her chest, down through her stomach and suddenly she was seeing stars. Her eyes closed and her mouth fell open as she screamed her orgasm, legs flailing wildly and pussy clenching and unclenching on Spike's cock. A particularly hard clench sent Spike rocketing into orgasm. His hips jerked as he shot his load right up into her. Shouting "ohh.....uunnngghhh.....fucking hell......yes.....yesssssssss" he threw his head back and as his final spurts shot out of him his body began to relax. Buffy immediately seized the opportunity to free one of her hands. He'd barely finished coming when her fist connected with the side of his face.
To her consternation, her own orgasm seemed to have taken some of her strength. She'd been anticipating knocking Spike half way across the room. As it was he merely put his hand to his face before backhanding her own cheek. As he hit her he said "What the fuck was that for you psycho?"
"You're a pig Spike" Buffy spat back
"Watch your mouth Slayer" Spike warned " Us vampires don't take as long as humans to recover. You keep sweet talking me like that you might well find yourself getting 'staked' again."
Buffy punched him again saying "Euuurrghhh - god why did I even start this? Spike you're disgusting. I can't believe I let you......" Her words faltered as her mind replayed their almost brutal coupling.
"Let me what Slayer?" Spike smirked from atop her rapidly reheating body "Stick my dick in your hot little pussy?............Cos you know pet I don't really think it was a case of you letting me. I didn't have a lot of choice in the matter, you took it out and shoved yourself......"
"That's it" Buffy interrupted him, knowing that if she didn't distract her mind from the thought of what they had just done she would become far too turned on to move again "get the hell off me so I can get out of here"
"Now, Buffy you don't mean that." Spike said dropping a hand to her crotch where his hardening dick was still inside of her. He rubbed leisurely at her clit as he spoke. "I can smell you getting wet again luv and I know you can feel how happy I am about our current position."
Buffy whimpered when his fingers left her clit and lightly stroked her glistening pussy lips. Her hips seemed possessed, as she fought to control herself, they pushed towards him trying to pull his dick further inside her. When she squirmed against him again Spike moved his hand back to her clit and using the tip of one finger gave it three or four quick flicks back and forth. Buffy groaned and mentally gave in to at least one more round with the infuriating vampire.
Spike saw the change in her expression from fighting for self control to acceptance of the pleasure he was giving. 'Hah' he thought 'gotcha Slayer. Knew that prissy attitude was hiding something.' "Glad to see you seem to be seeing sense for once luv" he congratulated her "because I plan on fucking you until you scream my name and beg me never to take my dick out of you."
"Yeah, you talk a good fight Spike" Buffy shot back "personally I've got a feeling you're all talk and no trousers. You never managed anything impressive when you were trying to kill me, why should this be any different."
"Oh you really need to watch your mouth luv" Spike glowered above her "you have no idea the things I can do to you, the things I can make you feel."
"Yadah yadah yadah. Just get on with it already" Buffy sniped back rolling her eyes at him.
"Oh I see your plan" Spike smirked starting to slowly thrust into her. One hand again slowly stimulating her erect clit. "goad me into fucking you 'good' and 'long' and 'hard' eh?" The words good, long, and hard, were each accompanied by a particularly deep thrust and a pinch to her throbbing nubbin, making Buffy whimper under him. "Quite the little slut aren't we Slayer?"
At the word slut Buffy groaned and bucked helplessly against him feeling a flood of moisture in her sex and a powerful twinge in her clit. 'Huh!' She just about managed to think 'dirty talk gets me horny - who knew.........Not just dirty talk apparently either - some of the things he's saying now are just nasty!'
"Always knew you'd be a whore in the sack luv." Spike grinned leaning down now to whisper in her ear "you always had the 'I love a good fucking' glint in your eye. Shame for poor little you that none of the ridiculous specimens of men you chose before had what it takes to give you a proper seeing to. I know what kind of girl you are Buffy, I'm going to fuck you like the wanton little bitch you are and you're going to love every minute of it."
Buffy knew she should be outraged at what he was saying to her. She wasn't though. If anything she was getting hotter with every word. Her instinct to fight with Spike was not easily quashed however. Groaning as she ground against his infuriatingly shallow thrusts she whispered back, not sure of where the words were coming from but carried away on the wave of lust flying through her.
"You really think you're man enough, you pathetic asswipe" she whispered as if it were sweet nothings "sure you just gave me a bit of a happy, but you're a pathetic bastard at best, at worse you're useless. Always making your mouth go but I bet that's the only part of you that you know how to use for more than 2 minutes straight."
Spike was nothing less than thrilled that Buffy was joining in. "Let's see it then Spikey" she continued, her whispers punctuated by the occasional groan "lets see how much of a 'big bad' you are. Fuck me 'til I scream if you think you can manage it. Fuck me until my pussy is milking your dick and taking every drop of your cum. Quit talking and do it asshole, you annoy the shit out of me, always mouthing off cos that chip made you impotent, I bet fighting's not the only thing your it took away your prowess at."
How could he let a challenge like that go? He'd planned not to fall for her goading, not to give in and pound her through the floor. He wanted to draw it out, make sure she had time to take full stock of what she was doing and who with, whilst making her so hot that there was no way she'd even contemplate stopping. She'd gotten to him though and with a roar he pulled back a little shoving one of her legs up by the back of her knee and holding it so her thigh was almost flush to her chest. His other hand now rubbed frenziedly at her clit as he drove into her with all his vampiric strength, the new position offering much deeper penetration.
"Oh shit!" Buffy screamed as he began to hammer into her, the intense stimulation to her clit causing her body to quiver as she felt an orgasm building very rapidly.
"You feel that Slayer?" Spike almost yelled "That man enough for you? You feel my dick fucking your hot tight little pussy? Tell me you love it" he demanded.
Buffy merely grunted in response slamming her hips against his thrusts. She knew this was the best sex she'd ever had but there was no way in the world she was going to give Spike any more fuel for his ego.
Using every ounce of self restraint he had Spike stopped thrusting. Holding himself inside her and tweaking viciously at her sensitive bud. Buffy shrieked and desperately tried to move herself up and down on his shaft. She was so close, he just couldn't stop now. Her efforts were to no avail however as his weight pressing down on her prevented any movement that would be useful in getting her the release she now desperately needed.
"Tell me you love it" Spike demanded again "Take back all you just said, tell me how much you love me fucking you." As he said this he allowed his fingers to brush randomly over her pussy lips and clit making her squirm all the more and quickly bringing her to the realisation that she was about to do whatever it took to get off.
"All right you dickhead. I love it. I love you fucking me. I want nothing but your big hard dick slamming into me. I love it Ok. Now for gods sakes fuck me or I swear I'll kick your ass into the middle of next week."
"Don't have to tell me twice love" Spike gritted out as he resumed his relentlessly ferocious thrusting, secretly relieved that she'd caved. Any longer and he would have just had to give in and start fucking her again.
Buffy and Spike were panting and completely lost to the fact that her back and his knees were rubbing painfully against the rubble that they had landed on. All that Buffy was aware of was that her wetness and his cum from earlier were spilling out of her as she grew wetter and wetter. Spike drove into her so hard she thought she was going to split open. She opened her eyes as Spike began to howl hammering faster and faster into her inviting heat.
"Oooh Spike.......fuck......fuck me.......oh.......i'm......gonna.....gonna"
"Do it Buffy" he managed to grunt out as he thrust for all he was worth knowing if she didn't cum soon he was going to go without her. He dropped his head and bit down lightly on her breast through her clothes.
She screamed as she did exactly what she had described earlier; her contracting inner muscles milking him as he spurted into her once more. He withdrew from her and rolled off to lie next to her as they both recovered from the second screaming match of the night.
"You know what Slayer? That was good and all but you could have at least showed me your tits."
Part 2
He fully expected another slanging match to ensue but it seemed Buffy was temporarily too worn out for more verbal fisticuffs. "I'll get mine off if you get yours off" she sighed before winking at him and peeking her tongue out of the corner of her mouth saucily.
At the same time they both rose and began to strip. Despite the fact they'd both just cum Spike was not about to sit back and let this come to an end. If she wanted to go again he was more than willing. He was also increasingly close to being ready again as he watched her strip off her blouse and tank top. He had pulled his top off and paused with his hands on the top of his trousers ready to push them down but mesmerised by the sight of her breasts bouncing as she quickly rid herself of her skirt. She looked up at him and laughed at his slack jawed expression, staring at her now naked body. She sauntered over to him and snapped his mouth shut before pushing him on his back on top of a large section of wall that had fallen through the floor with them. She made short work of his jeans and licked her lips as she saw that he was hard again just from the sight of her.
Buffy jumped on top of him and began to ride him again. Spike didn't fight her this time, just revelled as she engulfed him and dragged her nails down his chest, blood welling up in the trail of her fingers.
Two hours later they lay next to each other temporarily spent again. They had fucked in all kinds of positions, they had sucked and eaten each other and explored every inch of each others bodies. They had made love slowly and they had made love frantically. They had torn at each others bodies in their passion and both were bruised from the violence they had done each other (violence which had turned them both on) and also from the constant banging and bumping into parts of the building to which they were oblivious that continued to rain down on them at regular intervals.
"Told you I'd make you scream luv" Spike said smugly, lighting a cigarette as he lounged against a ceiling beam which had landed at a bizarre angle and was wedged among the rubble.
Buffy rolled her eyes at him and reached over and snatched his cigarette from his mouth, snapping it in two and throwing the halves away. "You were doing a fair amount of yelling yourself Spike" she pointed out, now leaning over him one hand on either side of his head. "I also seem to remember you telling me I'd be begging you but I don't recall that happening."
She was goading him, she knew it but his comment had put ideas in her head and she wanted to test him. "Don't worry sweetheart" he said "I will have you begging, especially after you just took my cigarette from me - you really shouldn't do that to a smoker you know, makes us all cranky."
"Don't be stupid Spike" Buffy said, "You don't even breathe smoking can't even......"
"She didn't get to finish the sentence because Spike suddenly leapt up and threw her face down on her stomach. A hand on the nape of her neck held her down and Buffy began to rub her clit on a conveniently placed piece of rubble, her body immediately awakened by Spikes rough treatment. His free hand slapped down hard on her ass, "Did you just call me stupid?" he asked.
"Maybe" Buffy answered wanting to see how he would react.
"That's not the correct response from a slut who wants me to let her come" he answered slapping her again.
Buffy pushed herself up on her arms, dislodging the hand that was holding her neck down. "What's with the spanking Spike" she said breathlessly "who do you think you are?"
"The person that's going to put you in your place before you get to cum again." He answered matter-of -factly. Buffy's heart skipped a beat and her stomach filled with butterflies at his words. Spike moved over to where his jeans had been discarded earlier and retrieved his belt. He curled his tongue behind his teeth in a way that made Buffy melt as he moved back over to her. "Now be a good girl and get on your hands and knees so I can punish you"
Buffy rolled over and lay on her side one arm supporting her head. "Yeah right Spike, course I'm gonna"
"C'mon Slayer" Spike turned on his sexiest smile "You know you want to play"
"Dream on Spike, I told you you hadn't come close to hurting me, I'm not going to actually give you the opportunity and just sit there all passive."
"Trust me luv" Spike leered, "sittings the last thing you'll be wanting to do when I'm done with you." He crouched near her now and snapped the doubled over belt, causing a twinge in Buffy's sex and a distinct catch in her breath. When she still didn't move he pushed her back onto her front and pulled her up onto her knees.
"What do you think you're doing?" Buffy half-heartedly protested, already positioning herself a little more comfortably and taking the rest of her weight on her hands.
"What?" Spike returned, watching with glee as her lovely rounded ass shifted before him. "You think I'd start shagging you, knowing that chip wouldn't stop me from hurting you, and not take advantage of it? Maybe you need a reminder of what I am pet."
"Like you haven't had your little 'give it to the slayer rough' fantasies fulfilled. I'll be bruised for days, even with Slayer healing" She whined. Her voice then hardened as she said "and trust me Spike I know what you are, I just don't particularly care right now. All I care about is you shutting your mouth and fucking me again before I decide to stake your ass."
"No point in staking my ass luv" Spike smirked "hearts not there. Didn't that watcher of yours teach you anything? Jeez there's no standards these days, Slayers used to have to have a bit of sense about them."
Buffy looked over her shoulder, still on her hands and knees and retorted "Just shut up and give it to me."
"Ok. You asked for it pet."
He swished the belt down hard on her ass.
Buffy gasped at the burning sensation and said "I didn't mean *that*. Fuck me you idiot"
"You know sweetcheeks you're sending out some pretty mixed signals. You say you don't want this but you were a perfectly obedient little puppy getting into position and I smelt how wet you got when I picked the belt up. I think you have a little kinky streak Slayer, otherwise we'd be fighting by now. So you may as well give in and apologise for calling me stupid and being so forward then I might let you cum."
Buffy decided to push him a little further, rolling onto her back and spreading her legs she began to finger herself and play with her clit. "I don't need you to *make* me or *let* me cum Spike" she panted out working herself up into a nice lather as she stroked and teased her body.
"Buffy Anne Summers, get your hands away from there NOW!" Spike bellowed.
Buffy obeyed immediately, mostly from shock that not only did he know her middle name but he was using it in exactly the same tone of voice as her mom or teachers used to when she was small and in big trouble.
"Good girl" Spike praised before grabbing her and bending her over a nearby breeze block. He snapped the belt down on her ass until it reddened and she was squirming trying to get some contact on her clit. As she began to squirm Spike discarded the belt and slapped a hand on her ass saying "Are you sorry Buffy?" She didn't answer so he smacked her again and ordered. "Lie on your back, spread your legs"
Buffy did as she was told, her hands automatically attempting to delve between her legs. "I told you no!" Spike said taking one of her wrists and administering a series of slaps to the back of her hand. Grabbing up the belt again he used it to tie her hands together before lifting them above her head and telling her to leave them there. Buffy squirmed again. Bossy Spike wasn't exactly a new thing but her actually doing what he said was and she was very much enjoying the submissive role. It felt like she was on fire between her legs and she desperately needed Spike to touch her. Before he did however, he rooted around in the pile that their clothes had become tangled together in, bringing something behind his back then placing it on the floor out of her line of sight.
She stopped thinking about it however when without any preliminaries Spike plunged two fingers into her molten core. Her hips immediately lifted to try to drive his fingers deeper but Spike slammed them back down saying "Stay perfectly still, or I'll tan your arse again."
"Yes Sir" Buffy breathed, not knowing where the words had come from but finding the sound of her voice saying it turned her on even more. All thought disappeared however when Spike began to curl his fingers up towards the top wall of her vagina and stroke her g-spot. Buffy gasped and fought not to move her hips in case he stopped doing what he was doing. Her arousal was such that fluid was running out of her entrance and pooling on the floor when Spike suddenly stilled the fingers inside her and flicked her clit with the very tip of his pointed tongue. She wanted to scream as he kept up the assault on her most sensitive outer body part whilst beginning to thrust his fingers hard and fast in and out of her hole. Every thrust stimulated her g-spot as he alternately curled and twisted his fingers, then thrust with them ramrod straight into her. He stopped the tongue action as he added two more fingers. "You feel that?" He questioned, never letting up on the relentless finger fucking, stretching her now with four digits.
"Yes Sir" she breathed again
"You wish that was my dick in you? Fucking you senseless?"
"Oh god yes" she gritted adding "Sir" as he shot her a warning look and drew his hand back to slap her thigh.
"Who's pussy is this Buffy" he asked knowing he was pushing it
"Yours, Sir......ohgod......yours" she replied instinctively knowing what he wanted her to say
"That's right" he grinned "mine, I own this pussy, to use when I want to, do whatever I want with." This statement nearly sent Buffy over the edge and Spike, sensing this, abruptly withdrew his fingers and broke all contact with the slayers body. Buffy frowned and began to bring her bound hands down to attempt to get herself off even with the restraints. Before she could manage it Spike had sat back with his legs crossed indian style and grasped her arms pulling her onto his lap so that she was straddling him. From the floor he picked up the stake he had retrieved earlier holding it up for her to see he said "Since you agree I own your pussy, and I can do whatever I want with it, I'm going to fuck you with this."
It was like Buffy suddenly woke up. "Ewww Spike, no! That's gross I kill things with that. You're bent!" Quick as a flash Spike had stood them both up, sat himself on a fallen beam and pulled her over his knee. "Stop the silliness and I won't spank you" he offered "I'm going to fuck you with your stake and you are going to love it. Do you have anything to say about that?"
"No Sir" Buffy mumbled upside down.
"Good" he said standing her up and plunging the stake up into her. Buffy moaned at the violation. Spike moved the weapon in and out a couple of times then, much to Buffy's confusion pulled it out entirely. She already knew better than to question him though. He repeated the same action quickly with two fingers then lifted her up as he stayed sitting and sank her down on his dick. Her confusion over what Spike was up to was forgotten as she felt his cold girth stretching her and filling her completely. She clung on as he began to thrust up into her one hand teasing between her legs, the other, which was covered in her secretions crept round to her backside.
Her eyes widened as she felt his slick fingers probing at her back entrance. She opened her mouth to protest but was silenced as Spike said "Trust me Buffy, I'm gonna make you scream and beg at the same time." Buffy nodded slowly and tried to relax as her body was invaded in a new way by his fingers. Once he had penetrated her asshole he began to move his fingers ever so slowly. Moving them in and out with a slight twist to his motion, readying her for the intrusion he was planning. The hand holding the stake still worrying at her clit and his dick pumping in and out of her had Buffy keening and whimpering. Spike thrust hard and let up with the stimulation of his left hand between her legs. She was damn close and he knew she was. Slowly swapping hands he brought the stake still covered copiously in her inner fluids round to her ass. Lifting her up he turned them and lowered her so that her back was resting on the beam he had been sitting on. It wasn't wide enough for her to lie across fully, her head dangled down on the far side and her ass hung off the side nearest Spike. It was a position that a normal mortal girl probably couldn't have sustained for long but the discomfort was just adding to Buffy's arousal at the moment.
Spike continued his ministrations with his dick and fingers until they were both panting. As he heard her breathing become extremely quick he pushed the stake gently up into her ass. Buffy screamed right there as his dick rubbed the hard wood of the stake through the thin membrane inside her. She'd never felt so full in all her life. He moved the stake in and out once testing that there was enough lubrication. The effect this had on Buffy was electric, screaming again she began to beg "Oh......please....please.......please......keep doing that.......oh god......feels so good........."
"Keep doing what luv?" Spike ground out as he fucked her, concentrating on the three way movement of his dick and both hands. "This?" He asked pulling the stake in and out in an opposite rhythm to his dick so that they rubbed against each other inside of her as one entered and the other withdrew.
"Oh shit......." Buffy screamed "yes please......please......."
The fact that her head was hanging down made Buffy extremely light headed and she didn't quite understand at first when Spike said "Do you want permission to cum?"
'I have to have permission?' She thought 'can't hold....on' She just about managed to squeak out "Please.....please...need to cum."
"You may cum" he said, Buffy did, screaming to god and heaven and using obscenities that would make a sailor blush.
Spike wasn't done however and he just kept up the three point torture until she was screaming again. "Oohgodspike........."she wailed "no more.....i........can't......i can''s too's...........aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh". The last was a deep guttural sound as she spun into multiple orgasm and she just kept on coming and coming as Spike finally reached his peak and slammed brutally into her the rhythm completely lost as he once again filled her burning quim with his sticky nectar.
When he'd finished cumming he looked down to see Buffy was draped bonelessly over the beam. Completely spent it seemed, at long last, god only knew how many times they'd both cum tonight but he felt that maybe even he'd reached his limit. He slowly withdrew the stake and his cock from her body before picking her up and laying her on the only piece of semi-clear floor he could see. Laying down next to her he saw her smile sleepily at him and start to speak before her eyes slid shut "thank.." was all she got out before sleep claimed her. Spike looked down on his sleeping beauty, she was covered in easily as many bruises as he was from their wonderfully violent couplings. A perverse part of his brain hoped they wouldn't fade too quickly, he was under no illusions that she'd be anything but mad for letting herself give in to this pleasure when she woke up. As long as the bruises were there he could see that this HAD actually happened. He was sure she wouldn't forget it, Slayer healing or not she'd just had her first anal experience, that would probably smart a little tomorrow, not to mention the spanking and strapping. 'Oh yeah she'll remember it all right' he thought 'bet I'm the first bloke to give her multiples, maybe if I can get her mad enough again she'll let me put my dick in her ass next time. Ooh but he felt good, he'd definitely gotten his rocks back. Unfortunately the thought of anal sex with Buffy had impossibly caused another erection that he just didn't have the energy to deal with.
The End
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.