Moving into my heart by lindsay
Summary: NEW UP TO DATE SUMMARY!!!! Well it's done. Earlier then i hoped but i lost the feel for it. Plus i wanted to leave as is in case i do a sequel. Please let me know what you thought, love you guys!!!disclaimer- i own nothing to do with Buffy the vampire slayer, i'm just inspired by it
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 19 Completed: Yes Word count: 20032 Read: 30083 Published: 03/18/2005 Updated: 03/23/2005
Time for a change by lindsay
“Buffy wow!” Xanders eyes popped when he the change in his friend. He got up and gave her a hug. Willow did the same.

“So what’s with the new look Buff?” Xander asked.

“It was time for a change.” She said simply.

“Well you look great Buffy.” Willow added.

“Thanks Will, so do you, you’re glowing. What have I missed?” she asked excitedly.

Willow pointed to the guitarist getting ready to play on stage. Buffy had seen him around school and he seemed nice enough.

“We’ve been dating for two weeks, his name is Oz.” Willows eyes were sparkling as she told her. She hadn’t talked to Buffy since their last phone call, right before Oz had approached her. Buffy had told Willow what Spike had done but had made her promise not to tell Xander since he was so over protective. She tried to be mad at Spike for her friends sake but couldn’t help but feel that there was more to what happened that met the eye. But only Spike knew what was going on in his head so there was nothing she could say.

The band started playing and Buffy, Willow and Xander hit the dance floor.

Spike walked into the bronze, his eyes taking in the crowd. Frowning when he didn’t see Buffy he went in search of Xander and Willow. He reached the dance floor and spotted them right away with someone he didn’t recognise. She was a sexy little bint though. Layered blond locks that flowed freely down her back. Well toned body. The lower half was clad in black, form fitting leather pants and the upper was sporting a skimpy red tube top. God she could move. He didn’t see the harm in blowing off a little nervous energy and decided to ask the girl if she’d like to dance until Buffy got there.

Buffy could feel somebody’s presence right behind her and decided to have a little fun, she was feeling naughty. Without turning around to see who it was she looked at Xander and Willow walking off to get something from the bar and closed her eyes. She swayed against him provocatively.

Spike was hard as hell and for some reason he couldn’t move away. There was something about this girl other then sex appeal and he couldn’t put his finger on it. He groaned and put his hands on her waist, pulling her in and putting more pressure on his throbbing dick.

Buffy was lost in the moment and something about the mystery man behind her made her feel more brazen than usual. She could feel his hard on pressing against her ass and felt herself get wet. It was nice to know someone thought she was sexy. Sure guys had hit on her when she’d gone clubbing when she was with Faith but she’d been to uptight to even talk to them for more then a minute.

Spike was gonna lose his mind. This little vixen had no idea how close he was to cumming. Just then she wrapped her arms around his neck and thrust her ass into his groin. God he wanted her. Wait. No he didn’t, he wanted Buffy. He was just about to thank her for the dance and leave in search of Buffy when the music stopped and she turned around to see who she’d been dance fucking.

His heart skipped a beat. It’s her he realised with a jolt and a smile lit up his face.

Her heart skipped a beat. It’s him she realised with a pang and a frown marred her features.

She moved away as if she’d been hit and the smile left his face.

“Buffy.” His hand reached to touch her face and she backed away. “We really need to talk luv.” A pleading look in his eyes.

Buffy felt herself almost give in, almost.
“As much as I’d love to go out with you and catch up, I don’t think I’m your type.” A smirk twisted her face and she added “Actually I know I’m not.”

“Buffy please, I want to make it up to you. There’s so much I have to explain.”

“Sorry Spike. Even if you realised I am your type, maybe your not mine. I’ve changed.” She hissed this last part and stormed out of the club, Spike fast on her heels.

*please review. Your opinions help inspire :)*

Thanx to all who have already reviewed, please keep doing it lol!!!!!!
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