Moving into my heart by lindsay
Summary: NEW UP TO DATE SUMMARY!!!! Well it's done. Earlier then i hoped but i lost the feel for it. Plus i wanted to leave as is in case i do a sequel. Please let me know what you thought, love you guys!!!disclaimer- i own nothing to do with Buffy the vampire slayer, i'm just inspired by it
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 19 Completed: Yes Word count: 20032 Read: 30090 Published: 03/18/2005 Updated: 03/23/2005
The perfect costume by lindsay
Thanx to all who left reviews I love you guys, I command you to add more! Or maybe i should ask nicely.....PLEASE REVIEW IF YOU WANT THE NEXT CHAPTER SOON (I PROMISE SPUFFY HAPPINESS IN IT!!!)

Buffy woke up early to the sound of her mother making breakfast. ‘Wow if this is how Rupert influences her then amen to him.’ Her mom hadn’t cooked breakfast in years but now that she was going to be partners with her fiancé at her new job she had the time again. There was no need to rush to get to work in time so she wouldn’t be yelled at.

Grabbing a quick shower and heading downstairs she sat down in front of the chocolate chip pancakes that were waiting for her. “God mom you’re an angel” Buffy said as she shoved a forkful down her mouth.

Joyce looked at her daughter, a smile on her face. “I thought I’d drive you to school today so that we have more time to talk. Is that okay hun?”

“It’s better then ok mom, I didn’t sleep long enough and wasn’t really up for the million mile march to school.”

Joyce laughed. “Sweetie it’s 15 minutes away.” Buffy finished eating and rinsed off her plate. After putting it in the dishwater she sat across from her mom at the table. “So what’s up? What’d you want to talk about?”

“Well I just wanted to tell you more about the engagement.” Buffy smiled and she continued. “Since Rupert just bought the art gallery we’ll only be having a small wedding. About 50 people only. You can bring a date of course but he better have a sexy nickname……like Spike.” She finished with a smile.

Buffy laughed too, her mom knew her so well. “We’re just friends for now but there is something there. I’ve decided to take it slowly though. I love him mom.” She blurted the last part out.

“I know sweetie. Rupert and I are older but we still have good eyesight. We’ve known since the very beginning that there was something there, even if you two hid it from yourselves.”

“I love you mom.”

Her simple statement caused Joyce’s heart to swell. Buffy was an amazing girl, she was proud to be her mother. “Rupert and I have set the date for the 15th of June. I would like you to be my maid of honor and Rupert will ask William to be his best man.”

“You know I’d love to mom, I’d be honored.” Buffy couldn’t wait to go shopping for her dresses, not only did she have a wedding to attend to in June but a prom as well. Thank the lord her father had sent her a no limit credit card for her birthday. ‘Probably making up for the last 5 he missed.’ Her mom interrupted her thoughts, she had that “shopping” look on her face again and that was never good. Well at least it’s not my money this time Joyce thought, relieved when she remembered the credit card Hank had sent his girl. “There’s also the matter of living arrangements. Ruperts house is smaller so the logical deduction would be to live here.”

‘Oh my god, me and Spike are gonna be living together with our lust filled parents. Eww much.’ Joyce saw Buffy’s grimace and suppressed a laugh before continuing. “But we decided to throw logic to the wind. I’ll be moving in with him and you and Spike will be living here. We want to have some privacy and I’m sure you two will want some too.” Mentally adding to herself ‘no way were we going to be living with our two lust filled children’ as she shuddered at the thought. She knew what Spike and Buffy had was something you would only find once in a lifetime, or twice if you were being watched over by angels, just like her and Rupert.

Buffy didn’t know what to say. Her mom obviously approved of Spike and she really appreciated the trust that showed for her in her mothers last statement. Looking up she saw tears in her mothers eyes and went over to her to encompass her in a hug. “What’s wrong mom, aren’t you happy?” Buffy was worried.

“Of course I’m happy, I’m so happy I can’t describe it.” Buffy relaxed glad to know that she’d misunderstood her mothers tears and continued to hold her. “You’re not my baby anymore, you’re all grown up.” Joyce sniffed.

“I’ll always be you’re baby mom, that will never change.” Giving her one last squeeze she went and picked up her schoolbag. “Now lets get me to school before I’m late!” and with that they were off.

A similar conversation had just transpired between Spike and his father. When he heard that he’d be moving in with Buffy he’d politely waited for his father to finish and ran upstairs to take care of his throbbing dick. After cleaning himself off he dressed quickly and rushed off for school.

The next few weeks passed quickly, Buffy and Spike hanging out more and become close friends (without fringe benefits you pigs lol), Xander and Anya announced they were a couple, well Anya had announced it by telling the gang “Xander gave me our first orgasm last night.” One day during lunch and Oz and Willow were doing great. Halloween was tomorrow and they were all gonna hit the bronze.

Willow, Buffy and Anya went shopping at the last minute for costumes. The guys had theirs already picked out, the girls refused to tell the boys what they were going as and vice versa. They were all going to surprise each other.

The girls were going through the racks at Ethans Halloween Store when Anya let out a loud “Yes!” Buffy and Willow snapped their heads up. She was holding a pair of roller skates with SHORT shorts and a cute little tank top. “It’s perfect she breathed.”

“Um what is it?” Willow asked.
“Don’t be silly, it’s an angel costume.” She said as if it was obvious.
“What kind of Angel would that be Anya?” Buffy cut in.
“Why a Charlie angel of course. The kind of angel that saves the day and then has sexy orgasms with a hot guy.” The girls cracked up. Willow picked out a Joan of Arc costume, ignoring Buffy and Anya’s pleas not too. Buffy kept scanning the row and gasped when she saw it. It was perfect. It was a dress modeled from the 1800’s. It was blood red with black seems. The bodice was tight with a low cut for maximum cleavage and the bottom flowed, the whole thing screamed “Damsel in Distress”. Spike was gonna love it, ‘It’s not for Spike’ Buffy self chided. ‘Ya right.It’s totally for him and you know.’ She had to admit to herself. 'I cant wait for tonight.' and with that the three girls went to pay for their costumes. It was going to be one hell of a night.

*come on guys leave a review, im needy lol*
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