Moving into my heart by lindsay
Summary: NEW UP TO DATE SUMMARY!!!! Well it's done. Earlier then i hoped but i lost the feel for it. Plus i wanted to leave as is in case i do a sequel. Please let me know what you thought, love you guys!!!disclaimer- i own nothing to do with Buffy the vampire slayer, i'm just inspired by it
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 19 Completed: Yes Word count: 20032 Read: 30078 Published: 03/18/2005 Updated: 03/23/2005
Honey I'm home by lindsay
He couldn’t even be home when I got her Buffy inwardly grumbled but wasn’t surprised that Hank had been too busy with work. That’s the way it always would be. At least I have my credit card Buffy thought as she went to sleep, images of Spike dancing in her head.

“Oh my god B, I haven’t heard from you in ages.” Faith screamed into the phone. “We totally have to catch up and go shopping. Is in an hour alright?”

“Ya I missed you. Of course we can meet. My dad left me his credit card and I’m totally in the mood for a new look.”

This is gonna be fun. Just like old times. She shivered remembering what Spike had said the day before. Reaching the mall she saw Faith there waiting and smiled, pulling out her credit card. Faith did the same.

“So then I packed up and came here.” Buffy had just filled her in on everything that had happened up until today.

“Okay Riley and Angel need to be castrated and Spike needs to go fuck himself.” Faith said heatedly. “Why didn’t you go to the police?” she asked Buffy in regards to the attack.

“My mom’s working for Riley’s dad and she really needs the money right now. She won’t accept any from my dad so it’s her only means of income. As for the Riley and Angel part they graduated so I won’t be seeing much of them once they start coolege in the fall.”

Faith grinned and flashed her credit card. “You ready for this? I hope so cuz when I’m done you’ll be a whole new Buffy.”

“Ya. I am.” Buffy said with conviction, wanting nothing more then to let go of the Buffy that got herself walked on by assholes like Spike. He’s not an asshole though he’s just hurting the voice in her head told her but she pushed that thought away. She wasn’t going to be the same girl he’d pushed away and crushed when she got back.

“I’m sorry Spike she went to see her father for the rest of the summer.” Joyce explained to the crestfallen boy.

“Oh, I see. Best be on my way then.” With his eyes never leaving the ground she put a hand on his shoulder.

“Do you want to come in for some hot chocolate with marshmallows? I owe you one.

Da’ seems to like the lady too so it gives me a chance to get to know my possible future step mum. This last thought made him smile, his Da’ deserved to be happy, maybe I do too he realised and thought about the blond vixen briefly.

“I’d love some Joyce” he said stepping into her house.

(7 weeks later, the weekend before school starts again.)

Buffy had just finished putting her new clothes away and that had taken quite some time seeing as how she went way overboard with her father’s credit card. She’d bought a whole new wardrobe and had gotten her hair done in the mot expensive salon in L.A. Her already golden hair was lighter now with honey streaks and her once straight hair fell in layers around her face starting at her chin. She’d also added make up to her shopping spree’s and now had almost every shade of lipstick one could dream of with an assortment of eyeliners.

“Come in.” she said to her mother after the soft knocking on her door had interrupted her thoughts.

“Hey sweetie.” Joyce looked at her daughters closet and although disapproved of it’s new contents chose not to say anything. Buffy was turning 18 in three weeks and had the right to dress however she wanted to.

“Everything okay mom?” Buffy was looking at her strangely.

“Just want to have a little talk about two very important things to me before you go out to the Bronze tonight with Willow and Xander honey.” She patted the bed in a motion suggesting Buffy sit down beside her. “You’re a young woman now sweetie and as much as you don’t want to hear what I have to say you’re going to listen okay?”

Buffy’s eyes bulged. She was gonna get “The Talk”, she’d been dreading this since 15 years old. “Okay mom” she answered looking at the carpet.

“You’re smart enough to know that sex is a beautiful thing that you share with someone you love and I’m smart enough to know that I can’t stop you from having it. Just please refrain from having it while I’m nearby. I know you’re on the pill so I know you’ll be safe. I’m not going to tell you to keep it out of the house either.”

Buffy’s eyes widened at that and Joyce smiled.

“Well I certainly don’t want you having it in the street or in some seedy hotel honey.”
“Thanks mom, what about sleepovers?” Both woman laughed at that.
“We’ll see when that time comes. The second thing I wanted to talk to you about was Rupert.” The older woman was blushing now.
“We’ve gotten very close these past few weeks and well….”
“Well what?” Buffy was dying to know what her mom was holding back.
“We’re in love.”

Buffy squealed and held her mom in a tight hug.

“Oh my god I’m so happy for you two. I really like him mom, he seems like a great guy!”

“Speaking of great guys do you have anyone special in your life Buffy?

Buffy let herself think of Spike which was something she’d managed to avoid for the last few weeks.

“No mom.”, there was a hint of sadness in her voice, not that I’m special to anyway she finished in her head.

“Well what about William? Joyce asked immediately regretting it when she saw the anger in her daughters eyes.

“What about him?” Buffy answered defensively.

“Well he’s going to be a big part of our lives from now on and he’s a very sweet boy.”

“Ya well with the way things are going between you and his dad he’ll be my step brother soon, gross much!” Buffy wasn’t about to go into details about why she didn’t think her and Spike would ever work out.

“Buffy, Rupert and I haven’t even discussed marriage yet and even if it happened it’s not a blood relation. If you and Spike had met and fallen in love before Rupert and I did would you deny me the happiness of loving your husbands father?”

“No but it’s different.”

“No it isn’t Buffy. If Rupert and I had met and married while you were still a little girl and you and Spike had grown up in the same house then it would be weird. But were all adults now and the circumstances are very different. Have a good time tonight baby.” With that Joyce got up and left Buffy’s room. She had a date tonight with Rupert.

Buffy got out of the shower, she had an hour before she was going to meet her friends and she was gonna use that hour to get ready.
“Watch out Sunnydale, here comes the new and improved Buffy.” She said to no one as she started on her hair.

Spike was on the couch. He was thinking about the dream he’d had the night he had found out Buffy had left.

“I’m happy where I am William, you and your father should be happy where you are too.”
He was looking at his mom and Dru, they were beautiful angels.
“My sweet Spike, why have you pushed away from the gift we’ve given you?” Dru asked.
“I don’t’ know what you’re talking about luv’.” He was so confused. “We brought you to the light I promised before I passed, do you remember my promise?”
“Yes.” He cried. “But I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“ I gave you the light but you pushed it away. You threw my gift away.” She put her hand softly on Spikes face and images of Buffy flooded his mind.
“Buffy” he whispered.
“Fight for her my darling, win her back and live in sunshine.” Dru whispered as she and his mum faded away.

Since that night he’d been eagerly waiting her return. He needed to apologize. He needed to tell her he was sorry, he needed to make things right.

His fathers voice broke into his thoughts and he gave his son a knowing look. When Spike hadn’t been at school or with him or Joyce he’d been moping around the house since Buffy had left.

“She’s back and she’ll be at the bronze tonight.” He said as he closed the front door behind him, not wanting to be late for his date with Joyce.

“Oh bollocks.” Spike said as he rushed upstairs to take a shower.

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