Aloha My Love by Isabel
Summary: Some summer fun to cure winter blues. After Buffy suffered a nasty knee injury on the job, her friends think it would be nice to pay for her to take a little vacation. The problem is, all of her friends are too busy to go with her, except Spike. But what would a vampire do in sunny Maui for two weeks? Heat things up, what else.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 29 Completed: Yes Word count: 84250 Read: 55504 Published: 03/21/2005 Updated: 04/16/2008
Dessert by Isabel
Author's Notes:
Hot smut for Valentine's day. Enjoy and have a happy V-Day

CHAPTER 12: Dessert

Buffy's bare foot was resting on Spike's thigh under the table, the whole display hidden by the floor length table cloth. She was massaging his tight muscle with her toes, a sly smile on her lips while she was casually sipping coffee from an expensive looking china cup. Spike couldn't hide the look of amusement and lust in his eyes at her action. Her small foot traveled further until it came to rest on the growing bulge in his pants. Her smile turned into one of satisfaction at getting the reaction she wanted. She was obviously pleased with herself.

"Having fun, pet?"

She batted her eyelashes innocently. "What do you mean? In general tonight, or right now?"

He didn't answer, merely raised an eyebrow at her.

She shrugged her bare shoulders, the smile never leaving her face. "It would be a yes to both questions anyway, so I guess it doesn't really matter, does it?"

She curled her toes, gently kneading his cotton covered erection, and got rewarded by a quiet groan.

"What do you say I pay the check and we bugger off, kitten? This evening is just getting even more interesting." Spike asked in a strained voice.

"Mm Hmm."

She smiled and Spike couldn't help wondering what she was up to. He waved the server over.

Buffy stood up, taking her evening purse as she did.

Spike gave her a questioning look.

She turned to leave, then stopped and looked at him over her shoulder. "I'll be in the bathroom... if you need me."

She grinned and walked away, making her hips swing seductively, knowing he was staring at her retreating back.

Spike gaped in amused shock, almost not believing that she might have implied what he thought she implied. But he wasn't a man to look a gift horse in the mouth. He quickly pulled his wallet out of his pocket. When the server came back with the check, Spike had the money all ready for him.

"The only charge is for the wine, sir. Of course you'll understand that the hotel..."

"Yeah, I know. Here..."

He gave him enough money to cover the bill, and an extra fifty for the tip, then stood up, almost knocking his chair over in his haste.

"Thank you, sir, and have a good evening." The server said before walking away to attend to another customer.

"Oh, I think I will." Spike mumbled under his breath while making his way to the ladies' room.

He hesitantly pushed the door open and peeked inside. Buffy was sitting on the counter by the sink, her bare legs crossed in an enticing way. She crossed her arms over her chest, pretending to be annoyed.

"Took you long enough." She said, matter of factly.

Spike walked inside and shut the door behind him. He leaned against it, looking her up and down with a predatory look in his eyes.

"Sorry, pet. The bloody waiter took forever to come back with the check." He hooked his thumbs in the waist of his trousers, his fingers framing the object of Buffy's lust. "Feeling naughty, kitten?"

She pouted, one hand coming up to twirl a strand of her blonde hair. "I haven't had dessert yet." She complained in a girlish voice.

"Is that so? Well that just won't do."

She crooked a finger and motioned for him to come towards her. Spike was happy to oblige. With a swagger to his steps, he crossed the posh, richly decorated bathroom. He came to stand in front of her and she automatically wrapped her legs around him.

"Never pegged you as the public sex kinda girl, Slayer. I must say I'm pleasantly surprised." He whispered against her ear before gently biting her ear lobe and sucking it into his mouth.

Buffy closed her eyes, enjoying the attention.

"You bring that out in me. But... maybe this is a bit too public?"

She tilted her head towards the stalls and Spike chuckled.

“More privacy. Got it."

He wrapped his arms around her and carried her to the bigger stall at the back of the bathroom where they would have a bit more privacy in case somebody walked in.

Pushing her against the wall, her legs still wrapped tightly around his hips, Spike attacked her mouth with his. It didn't take long for the kiss to heat up and things to get out of control.

With one hand holding Buffy’s back firmly, he let the other one trail from her waist to her thigh, then back up underneath her dress. He broke the kiss to give her a surprised look when no underwear obstructed his exploration.

"And the surprises just keep on coming. Going without knickers, pet?"

"Just thought I'd speed things up... Took it off while I was waiting for you." She said in a breathless voice before forcefully pulling his head back to her to resume the kiss.

Spike chuckled against her lips, then gasped when he felt her reach between them to grab his cock through his pants. She squeezed him rhythmically, feeling him grow harder beneath her palm.

She hurriedly fumbled with his zipper. When she didn't manage to get the button open fast enough, Spike helped. He pushed her hand away and opened it himself, afraid she'd let her impatience get the best of her and rip his pants open. Wouldn't do to have to walk out of the restaurant with his pants hanging open when he didn't have his duster to cover himself with.

Buffy reached into his trousers and pulled his throbbing erection out, giving it a few loving strokes. Spike braced himself against the wall, meanwhile still holding her to him. She guided him to her already wet opening and he pushed in with a groan of pleasure.

"God, Buffy. I've been thinking about this all night."

"Me too." She admitted unashamedly.

She moaned and threw her head back with abandon, banging it against the unforgiving wall. "Ouch." She chuckled lightheartedly, too relieved at feeling him inside her again to care about a bit of pain.

“You OK?” Spike asked with concern, slowing his movement.

“Don’t stop... I’m fine.”

He bent his head to suck on the tender skin of her neck, pumping his cock inside her in long, deep strokes.

Buffy was panting, the pleasure steadily building inside of her. Her nerve endings were on fire and she knew she wouldn’t last much longer. Suddenly, there was a noise in the bathroom and they both froze.

They heard the bathroom door closing, then the sound of another stall door opening and closing could be heard. A thrill went through Buffy at the idea of getting caught. She bit her lip to stop a nervous giggle from coming out.

But the pleasure of Spike’s thick cock filling her quickly made her forget her fear and she teasingly flexed her muscles around him, earning a gasp and a warning look.

She snorted lightly and hid her face against him, biting his shoulder to keep the giggles at bay. Spike inhaled sharply, clearly enjoying the light biting. He retaliated by thrusting inside her. She whimpered and shut her eyes tightly, praying that whoever was in the bathroom with them would just hurry up and leave.

They heard the water running, then the bathroom door shut with a click.

Instantly, Spike resumed his thrusting in a nearly desperate rhythm. That little pause in their love making had not been welcomed by either of them and they were glad to be alone again. Having to stay still for so long had been near torture.

“Spike...” Buffy whispered, her head still buried in the crook of his neck, “I need...”

“I know, luv. Come for me... I’m so close.”

Buffy sighed and moaned, doing her best to be quiet but not doing a great job at it.

The door opened again, and this time, someone cleared their throat.

Buffy’s eyes widened and she blushed furiously. Spike narrowed his eyes and failed at holding back the growl.

There was a nervous voice that Spike identified as belonging to their waiter. “Uh... You know... Well, this isn’t... a motel. You, huh, someone complained. Please leave...”

Buffy let go of Spike and hid her burning face in her hands. “Ohgodohgodohgod...” She mumbled under her breath, not believing this was happening.

She saw Spike reaching for the lock on the stall door and snatched his hand away. “What the hell are you doing?” She hissed as quietly as she could.

Spike broke her hold on his wrist and put her down. He pushed her in the corner of the stall and cracked the door open.

“What the bloody hell do you want?” He snapped at the red faced server. “Didn’t I give you enough tip to keep your bleedin’ trap shut?”

“Oh.. uh... sir... It’s just that...”

Spike pulled out his wallet and got a fifty dollar bill out. He handed it to the waiter. “Here. Give us a minute. And watch the bloody door!”

“Yes sir.” The young man hurried out of the bathroom and Spike turned back to Buffy.

“Now, where were we?”

“W-what?!” Buffy spluttered, turning even redder. “Did you just give this guy money so we could... finish what we were doing?”

Spike frowned, pretending not to understand what the problem was. “Well... yeah.” He smirked at her. “C’mere kitten.”

She shook her head vehemently. “No way! This is too embarrassing.”

He growled playfully. “C’mere before my soddin’ balls turn blue and fall off. You wouldn’t want that to happen now, would you?”

She pouted, glancing from the stall door to Spike. He could see she was tempted.

He got closer to her and tenderly kissed the side of her face. “Come on... I know you want to. You’re all shivering and unsatisfied. I can make it all better.”

His words made Buffy more conscious of her unfulfilled state and she trembled slightly.

Teasingly, Spike closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. “It turns you on, doesn’t it?”

“What? No! Of course not...”

He smirked sexily. “Don’t deny it, I can smell it. You’re all hot and bothered at the idea that there someone in the hallway who knows what we’re doing in here.”

The hands that had been resting lightly on her waist slid down to her ass and he lifted her up. As soon as she was in his arms again, she forgot all about the waiter standing vigil outside the bathroom. Spike rubbed the head of his cock against her wetness and she was lost in him again.

Right away, Spike started pounding into her. She met him thrust for thrust, both desperate for release. When he felt her body shudder against him, he reached between them and rubbed slow circles on her clit with the tip of his fingers.

“Let it go, kitten. Come for me.”

Seeing her opening her mouth, he pressed his lips to hers, swallowing her loud moan and desperate pleas. Her inner muscles clenched around him, clamping down on his cock with a strength that only a Slayer could possess.

As she rode the waves of her intense orgasm, he started pumping faster inside of her in a pace that only she could take without pain. He came, holding her tightly to him.

They calmed down, both a little stunned by the intensity of their orgasms, then Spike put Buffy down. She was staring at him, mouth slightly opened as if trying to understand what had just happened. Then they burst out laughing.

“Oh my God!” Buffy said while brushing tears of hilarity from her eyes. “I can’t believe you gave money to that poor guy so he would give us time to come!”

“Hey, a vamp’s gotta do what he’s gotta do, pet. No way I was leaving you unsatisfied; it would have ruined my reputation. And,” he added with an amused grin “can you see me walking out of here with a raging hard on?”

That got more giggles from Buffy.

He helped her smooth down her hair and her dress, then opened the stall door.

Buffy froze.

Spike turned and gave her a puzzled look when he saw she wasn’t moving.

“What now?”

“...I’m not walking out of here.”

“Why the bleedin’ hell not?”

“The server...”

Spike scuffed. “Who gives a toss about that wanker?”

“And he probably told all his little server friends...” She continued, biting her lip nervously.

Spike grabbed her hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. “So what? They’ll just be jealous. They’ll all wish they’d be me.”

She couldn’t help smiling at that. “And you like that idea, don’t you?”

“Love it.”

He pulled her towards the bathroom door. “Come on. The trick is to look more confident than you feel. Head held up high, smirk a little if you can... like the cat who ate the mouse. They’ll never know you’re faking it.”

She nodded hesitantly and did as he said. Spike opened the door and walked out. She followed him with confident steps. The waiter was still standing there, still red in the face. Spike nodded in his direction.

“Have a great evening.” He told the blushing waiter before walking away, Buffy by his side. “As good as mine, I hope.” He added, a satisfied smirk on his face.

That got Buffy to chuckle and forget about her embarrassment long enough for them to make it out of the restaurant under the stares of the staff members. As soon as they were on the side walk, they burst into side splitting laughter.

When the laughter died down, Spike put his arm around Buffy’s shoulders and led her down the street. They stopped for ice cream, enjoying the warm and quiet night, truly comfortable in each other’s company.

Spike never told Buffy that he saw the strange Italian woman standing on the other side of the street holding a box and staring intently at them. No need ruining such a perfect night.

This story archived at http://