I'll Never Not Need You by Jerzeyanjel
Summary: Spike Channing, a new face at Sunnydale high has the girls intrigued by his good looks and British accent. Buffy Summers has taken an active interest in him, trying every trick in the book to get him to notice her and getting stung every time he rebuffs her. She finally admits defeat, thinking he hates her when finally he opens his past to her and his heart. I have read the Vampire Diaires and while my fic is not based on it it might unconsciously include aspects of the series. I didnt even realize it until someone asked me. LoL. Hows that for letting a fic take over you? =)
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: No Word count: 16607 Read: 19085 Published: 03/21/2005 Updated: 10/02/2005
Chapter 11 by Jerzeyanjel
“Is there something you need? Cuz the school, well it’s kinda closed for business right now,” Willow said trying to shake the fear that had started to settle over her.

The man chuckled as he moved closer to her. Willow managed to take a step back as he neared her.

“Tsk tsk. No need to be afraid little girl. I won’t hurt you,” he told her as he clicked his tongue behind his teeth.

Willow gazed at the man as he looked her over. He was gorgeous; he had dark brown hair that made the blue gray color of his eyes stand out. He was of medium height with perfect almost picturesque facial features. Never in her life had Willow seen a man as good-looking as he was. It didn’t even occur to her that he had the same accent as Spike.

“Yeah…so you keep saying,” she replied.

He smirked at her and continued to move towards her.

“I wouldn’t come much closer,” she said shakily as she produced a stake from behind her back.

“Now now. There’s no reason for threats.”

“Who’s threatening?” she asked, pointing the stake at him.

“You won’t hurt me…Willow.”

“Wha? How do you know? I could hurt you, you know. I may be small and meek but I’m a tough girl under all these colors. And how do you know my name?”

The man was on her in an instant, his hands on her shoulders as he forced her to look at him. Willow felt herself getting sucked into his eyes. The swirling grayish blue looked like the sea after a particularly bad storm. She felt herself being pulled to him, her body flush with his as his eyes continued to torment her. Sucking her into him. The fear she felt melted away and was replaced by a sweep of passion making her blush.

“What do you want with me?” she stammered as his hands gripped her to him.

He answered her with a smile, his eyes twinkling slightly.

“Who are you?” she whispered as his mouth neared hers.

“Who do you want me to be?”

“James Marsters would be nice.”

“Sorry. That’s not me. You wouldn't want me to be him anyways.”

“You are pretty sure of yourself aren’t you?”

“Have to be,” he said plainly.
He was watching her lips intently. Willow’s tongue snuck out of her mouth to wet her dry lips. He gasped as the pink of tongue ran along her bottom lip. He knew that she probably had no idea how erotic the action was.

“Tell me,” she demanded softly.

“Wesley…” he murmured as his lips touched hers.

He kissed her softly, gauging her reaction. Her cold mouth melted under his as she began to return the pressure of his lips. Wesley made a soft growl as he deepened the kiss, his lips moving demandingly over hers.

Willow couldn’t stop him if she tried. The sensations he was weaving around her was making her dizzy with passion. She knew she had to stop. Knew this was wrong, but she couldn’t make herself tear her lips from his. It was as if he had woven a spell around her, making her see nothing but. Want nothing but him. It didn’t even matter that she had no idea who he was. She just flat out wanted him.

His hands moved through her hair as his mouth drifted from her lips to her ear. He licked at the shell of her ear before kissing her under her lobe, trailing down to her neck. He sucked at her neck tenderly, his lips moving leisurely against her skin.

Wesley was in total control. He knew it and so did Willow. There was nothing he couldn’t do to her. She was completely under his thrall. The taste of her skin, her fear and her passion was driving him crazy. How he craved it, how he craved her even before he knew who she was.

Willow with her fiery red hair and the mystical power flowing through her veins. What Wesley wouldn’t do to taste that, to taste her. He doubted she even knew the amount of energy she had. She had probably dabbled in the magicks but had no idea she was a natural born witch. The power coursing through her was very old and very powerful.

Just a taste. It was something he was trying to resist but he couldn’t. Her skin hummed under his mouth, his tongue making lazy circles up and down the column of her throat. He didn’t want to hurt her. He opened his mouth against her neck, licking at her, biting her gently. He felt his fangs start to grow against his tongue and he opened his mouth to strike.


Willow opened her eyes sleepily as she felt a hand on her arm.

“Hmm? Xander?” she questioned as her eyes focused on her friend.

“You ok? I’ve been calling your name for five minutes.”

“Huh?” Willow asked as she sat up. She glanced around herself and ran a hand through her hair. “I must have fallen asleep.”

“I guess so. Can’t imagine that table is too comfy.”

“It’s not,” she agreed.

“Come on, I’ll walk you home,” Xander said as he helped her to her feet.

I must have been dreaming, Willow thought as she brought a hand to her mouth. But what a vivid dream it was. She could still feel his mouth on hers. His fingers in her hair, his lips on her neck. A rash of goose bumps broke out on her skin as her cheeks turned pink.

“Who’s Wesley?” Xander asked as he opened the door for her.

“What?” Willow laughed nervously as her head jerked up.

“You were moaning his name in your sleep,” he told her as the door shut behind them.

Wesley waited until the library door shut before he melded out of the shadows. He smirked and touched a hand to his mouth. He could still taste her on him; still feel the pressure of her lips under his.

Willow walked along silently next to Xander as he talked on and on. It was astounding the amount of words that spewed from his mouth.

Willow closed her eyes grateful that Xander had insisted on looping his arm through hers. As soon as her lids closed she saw him, smiling at her. His blue-gray eyes laughing as he beckoned her to come to him. Her hand lifted to her mouth and she could feel his kiss there.

She shivered involuntarily as she remembered how she felt. Remembered how she completely surrendered to this man. She wondered if she would see him again. But she knew that was silly, he would come for her. She was sure of it.

And also afraid of it.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=9673