I'll Never Not Need You by Jerzeyanjel
Summary: Spike Channing, a new face at Sunnydale high has the girls intrigued by his good looks and British accent. Buffy Summers has taken an active interest in him, trying every trick in the book to get him to notice her and getting stung every time he rebuffs her. She finally admits defeat, thinking he hates her when finally he opens his past to her and his heart. I have read the Vampire Diaires and while my fic is not based on it it might unconsciously include aspects of the series. I didnt even realize it until someone asked me. LoL. Hows that for letting a fic take over you? =)
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: No Word count: 16607 Read: 19094 Published: 03/21/2005 Updated: 10/02/2005
Chapter 8 by Jerzeyanjel
They drove along in silence, neither daring to say a word that would wreck the feeling of urgency they had over one another. Buffy scooted closer to him on the wide seat and he draped an arm around her shoulder as he sped out of town. He had no idea where he was going he just wanted to be alone with Buffy.

There was a sign rapidly approaching in front of them and Spike squinted his eyes so he could read it. In all the hurry to get out of the school he forgot to grab his sunglasses from his locker.

“The beach,” Buffy breathed as she read the sign before he had a chance.

Spike smiled and pulled into the parking lot. In front of them was the deep blue of the ocean; the sun’s reflection on the water seemed to be playing and dancing amidst the waves. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore was soothing as was the wind off the water as the couple exited the black Desoto.

They were lucky living in California, even though fall was here it was still very warm. There were people surfing in the waves, families having a picnic dinner in the warm sand, old men fishing off the pier. Buffy smiled as a trio of children played in the sand, building sand castles for their barbies and legos.

Spike appeared next to her and grabbed her hand. In his other hand he had a blanket, together they walked towards a grassy area over looking the beach. Spike spread out the blanket and patted at a spot next to her. As she sat down in front of him, he moved his legs on either side of her and wrapped his arms around her. Buffy sighed and leaned back against his strong frame.

Buffy touched his hand, lacing her fingers through his as they watched the people on the beach. A lone surfer expertly riding the waves as his buddies cheered on, the family cleaning up as the kids complained that they didn’t want to leave their sand castle, the single men who were banded together on one side of the pier bringing in fish after fish. Buffy closed her eyes as she touched Spike’s ring. It was cold and a rash of goose bumps broke out on her arms.


“What’s wrong love?”

“Your ring, it shocked me,” Buffy said as she turned around in his arms.

Spike looked at her with a quizzical look on his features.

“Hmm must be the dryness in the air,” he said as he rubbed at the stone. He knew why it had done that but he wasn’t ready to tell Buffy yet. That was one more secret he wasn’t ready to tell her.

Soon, he promised himself as she settled back in his arms.

Spike pressed a kiss to the top of her head as they went back to watching the sun drop low on the horizon. Just as the sun touched the water Spike felt something in the air. A change. It was something familiar. He felt his demon start to emerge, wanting to protect the girl wrapped oblivious in his arms to the danger that surrounded them.

He could feel someone around them, their strength powerful, far succeeding Spike’s in that moment. He lifted his head and breathed deep trying to get a grip on the scent and signature the demon was giving off. The sun had dipped low enough in the sky that
he allowed the demon side of him to slip on, his amber eyes scanning the area.

Spike was just about to make an excuse to Buffy in order to look around when the demon left, his scent, everything just disappearing as fast as it had come on. Spike glanced around a bit more before relaxing and letting his human face come back.

“This is so beautiful,” Buffy breathed totally unaware as to what Spike had just gone through.

Spike murmured as yes as she turned in his arms and looked in his face. He lowered his mouth to hers, his lips brushing against hers languidly, taking his time, telling her everything he wished he could voice in a single kiss. Buffy turned a little bit more and put her arms around his neck, pressing her lips against his, her mouth opening giving him entrance. Spike rested his hands on her hips, his fingers digging into her jeans, pulling her closer. He couldn’t get enough of her kiss, her mouth, her taste, her scent. She was all around him and damn it he liked it.

Spike broke the kiss and trailed kisses down her neck as Buffy clung to his shoulders. His lips passed over her jugular, the racing pulse of blood rushing through the vein. He couldn’t help himself as he clamped his mouth over the vein and sucking hard. Buffy whimpered as she ran her hands through his hair, unconsciously pulling him closer, giving him better access to her neck.

Spike continued to suck on her vein, eliciting a series of moans and whimpers from Buffy. Spike’s hand moved to her hair as Buffy’s head leaned back. Her eyes were closed, her mouth open. The sensations filling Buffy were something she hadn’t experienced before, they overwhelmed her, sending tingles of pleasure all through out her form.

Spike felt the shift in Buffy and his demon rejoiced in it. Loved the feel of total control over the situation. The demon made himself known and Spike felt his fangs elongate in his mouth. Before he knew what was happening he had lifted his head and opened his mouth preparing to strike. Just as he was about to bite he glanced at Buffy. Her face was flushed and filled with so much trust and love that it made Spike want to die.

He pushed her away from him with a growl and jumped to his feet. He turned his back to her and ran.


Buffy was flabbergasted. What the hell made him leave like that and to shove her away. Buffy didn’t need to think about it a second more when she decided to run after him. She would not let him push her away, not when they had made so much progress. Spike hadn’t gotten very far when Buffy caught up to him. She reached out her hand and touched his shoulder causing him to flinch away.


“No! Don’t touch me. Don’t look at me,” he growled at her.

“What? Why? What’s wrong?” Buffy’s voice trembled as she grew frightened.

“Go Buffy. Run away from me RIGHT NOW!” Spike demanded still turned away from her.

She could see Spike clench and unclench his hands trying obviously to gain some kind of control over himself. Gain control over what she didn’t know.

“No. I’m not leaving Spike,” she stated defiantly placing her hands on her hips.

“This is not up for debate you silly bint. If you know what’s good for you you’ll leave right now.”



“No Spike. Whatever it is, whatever your problem is right now we can get through it.”

“I don’t think this is something you are going to get over.”

“Well that’s your opinion. Try me.”

Spike’s shoulders seemed to slump as he knew he wasn’t about to win this argument. Damn bint was soo bloody stubborn. Maybe that was why he loved her.

“Fine. You bloody well asked for it. I’ll tell you but stay right where you are. Don’t come any closer.”


Spike took a deep breath and spun around. Buffy gasped and brought a hand to her mouth as his ridges and fangs were illuminated in the moonlight.

“Oh my god,” she whispered a feeling of panic floating over her.

“Just remember curiosity killed the cat,” Spike taunted as he lunged towards her.

Buffy stood her ground and stared at him even as he grabbed her shoulders roughly.

“What…What are you?” She stammered.

“Vampire, bloodsucker, creature of the night.”

Buffy stared at him, unsure if she should run but not wanting to.

“Why didn’t you listen Buffy? You should have left me alone when I asked.”

“Didn’t want to,” she said defiantly a sparkle shimmering in her green eyes. “Is this it? The other part of your secret?”

Spike nodded slightly.

“I’m not leaving.”

“Are you crazy? You do know I could kill you.”

“Yeah…keyword being could here. You wouldn’t hurt me Spike.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because I do. You love me too much to hurt me.”

His amber eyes locked with hers and she felt her panic melt away. Somewhere in there was her Spike and she was damned if she was let his demon intimidate her.

“Don’t you understand Buffy? I’m a vampire! I drink blood, animal blood, human blood. I’m a killer.”

Buffy stared at him with a mixture of emotions on her face. He watched them as they flashed by. What was left astounded him even more so then the words that came from her lips.

With perfect understanding and knowing she moved her hair to the side and locked eyes with him.

“Go ahead.”
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=9673