Birds Suddenly Appear by Bella Morte
Summary: Okay my summarys suk but here we go...Buffy and Spike have been going to the same highschool for years, and have never met even though they share mutal friends....when they finally do meet, sparks fly, if only spike had gotten the pretty blond girls name!
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Buffy/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Completed: No Word count: 8375 Read: 17912 Published: 03/22/2005 Updated: 10/14/2005
Authors Note!!! by Bella Morte
Guys I am so sorry, but I wont be able to post for quite a while. My home computer has been without a virus scanner for a while and it must have caught something because the thing totally crashed on me. it wont even turn on. So I have to use my nieghbors puter to send this out. So if I do get anymore chapters on they will probably be few and far apart till after summer, cuz if my computers not fixed by then Im just gonna have to get a new one....I am SO sorry! If you would like me to e-mail you when I m going to post just e-mail me and I'll put you on a list.......SORRY!! again...

Luv and kisses,
This story archived at http://