Twinlets by Xela
Summary: Sequel to Singlets: Will and Spike are twins who have been lusting after their new, but sadly taken, roommate. What happens when Buffy comes home drunk one night and announces her split with one Riley Finn? Adult fun with twins--Spillfy of course!
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky
Series: None
Chapters: 45 Completed: Yes Word count: 92138 Read: 81349 Published: 07/11/2006 Updated: 07/19/2007
Part II by Xela
Author's Notes:
There is S/W slash at the end. It's set off from the rest by two "***", so for those of you with delicate sensibilities can enjoy your hetero porn (with a twist) ;)

Disclaimer: The characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer are owned by Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and Fox studios. This story is not meant to infringe upon anyone's rights, only to entertain.
“Ah, hi guys!” Buffy squeaked. She took a step back from Will and ran into a hard chest. Spike chuckled and nuzzled her neck. A shiver raced down her spine, and goose bumps covered her arms. Oh, oh! Spike lips! Lips of Spike. Umphf. Lips of Will!

Will used her distraction to kiss her. Fuck, this was brilliant. And when she overcame her shock and started kissing him back...Will thought he was about to implode. She was fiery and demanding and so incredibly hot. Her mouth was warm and inviting. This was better than he dreamt it would be. He allowed his tongue to gently coax her lips apart, and groaned in blissful satisfaction when their tongues met. He was loosing himself in the kiss, and God help him, he didn’t want to be found. Breathing became an issue, and he reluctantly wrenched himself away, eyes glaze and cock throbbing. The world was spinning in some very interesting ways.

Buffy blinked, trying to clear her lust-addled mind. Will was a really good kisser. Actually, that wasn’t doing him justice. He was...phenomenal. Really. The world slowly began to return to normal, Buffy taking large gulps of air. She noticed Will’s glazed look and smiled with feminine pride. I did that.

“My turn,” a voice whispered sensually in her ear. Before she had time to think, Spike spun her around. His lips smashed into hers, demanding and claiming them. The force of the kiss pushed Buffy further into Will’s embrace as Spike’s tongue boldly plundered her mouth, his hands tangled in her hair. Strong hands wrapped around her waist.

“You’re beautiful pet,” Will whispered. His low, husky voice sent bolts of lust straight to her core. He started nibbling on her neck, tickling her over sensitive flesh. “You’re beautiful” kiss “and sexy” kiss “and we’ve wanted you for so long.”

Buffy gasped, released from Spike’s intoxicating touch, but enthralled by Will’s words. Will rubbed his cotton-cover cock against her firm, round ass, drawing a moan from her ruby lips. God, she would be the death of him, he just knew it.

“The second you walked into our lives, Goldilocks, we knew we were doomed,” Spike continued. He caught one ear between his lips. Buffy’s legs collapsed, but she didn’t care. She was wedge too firmly between two extremely aroused males to notice anything but them.

“We’re drownin’ in you, Summers,” Will whispered, starting on her other ear. Her guttural moan went straight to their cocks. With a growl, Spike grabbed her hips and ground himself into her mound.

“You’re in our our throats...” A hand skimmed over her breasts, another dorwn her sides. There were hands roaming over her towel-covered hips and down her thighs. They were everywhere, touching every part of her with blinding speed. God, she needed more.

“We’re drownin’...and we don’t want to be saved.” Buffy cried out when a hand snuck under her towel and tweaked her throbbing clit. She’d never been this turned on in her life. The hand disappeared and she whimpered in protest, completely dependent on the twins to keep her upright.

“I think we broke her,” Will said to his brother. His laughter reverberated deliciously through Buffy’s overly aroused body.

“That’s too bad,” Spike responded. “We could have had so much fun.” He punctuated his remark with a slight thrust of his hips that had Buffy moaning for more. They laughed again, and Buffy felt her hackles rise. Oh, they thought they broke her, huh? Well, she’d just have to show them a thing or two.

She pushed Spike away from her, and stepped towards the shower stall. Spike growled his displeasure and reached out to grab her. Buffy batted his hands away and pinned them both with a heated glare. She turned on the shower and with an impish grin, slowly began unwinding her towel. Two pairs of stormy blue eyes were riveted to her impromptu striptease. She held the towel in front of her, hiding her naked body from their hungry gazes. She stretched the material taut and slowly rotated her hips, her movements outlined by the towel and giving her twinlets a glimpse of tanned upper thigh. Spike’s eyes glazed over at the scene, and Will swallowed hard. God DAMN. With a saucy wink, the minx dropped the towel and disappeared behind the shower curtain in the blink of an eye.

Spike and Will took a moment to process the glimpse of Buffy flesh they’d been graced with before realizing the real thing was the shower...waiting for them. As one, they began scrambling to get rid of their shorts. Spike accidentally elbowed Will in the ribs, sending his twin tumbling to the ground. Will growled and carefully toppled his sibling (wouldn’t do to actually hurt him), wrestling him to the floor. They started a full out war of one-up-man ship. Spike managed to get Will in a headlock and was happily giving his struggling twin noogies.

Buffy’s nerves hit with full force the second she was out of their view. What was she doing? She had just made out with both of her roommates and loved every second of it. Both of once. And there was naughty touching. Oh yeah, and she was in her towel, which she had dropped on the floor AFTER doing a naughty striptease. Which she had NEVER done before. And now she was standing here, naked, with only a curtain between her and them. She’d never been more aroused in her life and...wait, where were they? Why weren’t they here, with their devilish blue eyes and sexy smirks that stopped her from thinking? She was about to start truly freaking out and that would put a most unfortunate stop to all this fun. Sounds of a scuffle reached her ears and with a fortifying breath, she wrenched the curtain open, facing the objects of her lust in all her glory. The objects of her lust who were currently rolling around the floor like a bunch of five year olds instead of jumping into the shower with a naked her. Seriously?

“You kept me waiting,” she said with a pout. She was absolutely breathtaking. Her green eyes sparked with irritation, her hair damp, beads of water clinging to her skin. She was completely and utterly fuckable. Will slowly stood up, pulling his gawking brother with him. Bloody hell.

“Well, we’ll just have to make up for that, won’t we luv?” he purred. Buffy gulped and plastered herself against the tiled wall. Maybe she shouldn’t have interrupted them. They were both looking at her like she was their last meal, and the throbbing between her legs intensified. They stepped into the shower, Will pulling the curtain shut behind them. Maybe she shouldn’t have interrupted.

Spike stepped through the water, drenching himself. Mmmmm wet Spike. Buffy’s brain started short circuiting. The water was glistening of his chiseled chest, begging for her to just lick it off. He reached out and dragged her unresisting body to him, his back shielding her from the direct spray. He kissed her, devouring her lips. Will slid behind her, his erection rubbing against her bottom, his hands roaming across her body, leaving fire in their wake. His hands traveled lower to cup her mound. She gasped and threw her head back when he flicked her clit with the tip of a finger.

Spike began kissing his way down her body, sinking slowly to his knees. He kissed down the column of her throat, licking at her pulse point. Will drew one finger along her slit, hissing at the heat and wetness he could feel. He was hard as a rock and rubbed his erection against the cleft of her ass. Spike continued his journey downwards, slowly moving down her neck. He took his worshiping her prefect breasts. He teased her, flitting from one breast to the other, alternating between feather light, barely there nips and hard, demanding bites. He had Buffy mewling, unable to form coherent words, and fuck if it wasn’t one of the most erotic things he’d ever heard.

Spike looked up from between Buffy’s breasts and his eyes locked with Will’s, daring him to look away. Will felt his balls tighten at the sight of his brother kneeling at Buffy’s feet, his head framed between their girl’s breasts, a mischievous smirk on his lips. Spike slowly stuck out his talented tongue and laved Buffy’s naval, in and out. Goddamn. With a leer, sure that he had his brother’s undivided attention, Spike sunk onto his haunches and turned his attentions to the apex of his golden goddess’s thighs.

“Spread your legs kitten,” Will hoarsely instructed, rubbing along her sopping channel. Buffy blindly obeyed, her senses focused solely on the physical pleasure coursing through her. Her hips jerked forward when Will spread her lips and Spike’s warm tongue plunged deeply into her pussy. She leaned against the hard chest behind her, and sank into the sensations Spike’s mouth and Will’s hands were creating. Spike slipped two fingers into her sopping cunny, and Buffy arched into his touch. Will teased her clit, slowly rubbing it in lazy circle. She was writing in his arms, her soft round bottom wreaking havoc with his pulsing cock. Spike found the soft spot inside her, savoring the cry he wrenched from her lips.

“Please. Please more,” Buffy gasped. Will and Spike exchanged a brief look. Will gently righted the achingly aroused blonde and when she was secure, stepped back, glad that the shower had a broad ledge where someone could sit. He grasped his throbbing cock and slowly began pumping himself.

Before Buffy could protest Will’s absence, Spike stood and lifted her off the floor. She instinctively wrapped her legs around him, and could feel his large cock pressing against her. She reached between them and grasped him, guiding him unerringly home. With a contented sigh, she slowly sunk down, reveling the way he filled and stretched her. Spike hissed and tried to bring himself under control, her heat and wetness driving him close to the brink, but Buffy had other ideas. She’d waited far too long for this moment.

Spike’s control snapped when she tightened her inner muscles, squeezing his cock unmercifully, and bit down on his chorded neck muscles. With a roar, he slammed her against the wall and started pounding into her without restraint. Buffy could feel the warmth building in her, his cock filling her completely, stretching her in the most pleasurable of ways. She clung to him, her back pressed against the cool tiles, Spike starting an inferno inside her womb.

God, she was making the most delicious noises. Spike buried his head in the crook of her shoulder, trying to hold on for a little longer. He was almost undone when he glanced at his brother, hand wrapped tightly around his pulsing cock, his face a picture of exquisite torture. With a growl, Spike renewed his efforts, sensing Buffy was close.

“Sp-iiiike!” He swore to make her say his name that way as often as possible. “Oh,’t...ugh!” The world shattered around her, and Buffy felt herself falling endlessly. He inner muscles fluttered around him, pulsing and searing him. Spike drove himself as far into her as he could get and let his orgasm wash over him. His body was literally shaking with pleasure. Buffy was boneless and limp in his arms, and he slowly lowered them to the bottom of the tub, using the wall for support. Buffy’s body was pulsing with aftershocks and she felt completely and utterly satiated. Spike was still buried deep inside her, his sensitive cock throbbing. He reached over and cut of the now-cold water that was soaking them, trying to catch his breath.

“Bloody fuckin’ hell that was hot,” Will gasped. His dick was red and angry, a testament to just how aroused he was. Buffy felt bad that they’d forgotten all about him. Spike gently coaxed her off of him, though he desperately wanted to stay encased in her heat. Seeing her settled comfortably on the floor, he crawled deliberately towards his aroused twin.

Buffy’s eyes widened as her mushy post-sex brain caught up with what was about to happen. And Lordissa help her if she wasn’t feeling a stirring in her womb again. Spike reminded her of a cat, predatorily stalking towards its prey, a deadly intent in his movements.


Spike placed one hand on either side of Will’s legs and rose purposefully up to meet his lips. They shared a languid, unhurried kiss that left Buffy panting and fully aroused despite the mind-blowing orgasm she’d had, oh...two minutes before. Spike’s hands slid up Will’s legs, kneading and massaging, but never quite touching his pulsing member. Will’s eyes closed, savoring the sensations Spike was creating in him. Spike gently broke their kiss.

“Look at me,” he instructed. Will’s eyes snapped open and with a wicked leer, Spike slowly lowered his head and gently licked the tip of Will’s penis. Spike smirked as he held down Will’s uncontrollably bucking hips. A helpless whimper escaped from his captive.

Spike’s talented tongue snuck out and teased the underside of Will’s over-sensitized dick, building a torturous friction. Suddenly, Will was encased by a searing heat and wetness, a shout betraying his surprise. His hips once again lifted up of their own accord. Fuck, he wasn’t going to last long.

Buffy’s breathy pants infiltrated his lustful haze, and he opened his eyes to the incredible sight of one Buffy Summers getting herself the image of him getting sucked off by his twin. He glanced down, watching the erotic scene playing out before him. Buffy’s moans were getting louder, and his own release was building. God, he just needed--Spike gently rolled his balls between his talented fingers, and Will came with a hoarse shout.


Seeing Will tense on the ledge, riding out his orgasm was all Buffy need to come pulsing around her fingers, a choked cry on her lips. Her orgasm seemed to go on, the erotic images on repeat in her head. She came down from her high to two highly satisfied males. Spike’s head rested against Will’s thigh, his hands idyll running through Spike’s hair. They wore matching grins that made Buffy feel like she was a canary. Buffy blushed from head to toe at being caught in such a compromising position.

“I like you in red kitten,” Will said playfully.

“Shut up!” Buffy responded without vehemence. She was enjoying the moment, though her uncertainty of how to act now that it was over was cutting into her post-sex glow time. Plus the bottom of the bath tub? Not the most comfortable place to enjoy the afterglow. Though then they would have to figure out which bed to get in, and what if she feel asleep and they didn’t want her there? Her stomach growled loudly, interrupting her thoughts before they could turn into a full blown panic.

“Suppose we should feed her. Need her strong for tonight,” Spike purred. OH! He was doing that tongue-behind-the-teeth thing! No fair. She was pulled up by two strong arms and her formerly discarded towel wrapped around her. They made quick work of toweling her dry, playing a game of who could sneak in the naughtiest touch. Before she knew it, she was bundled up and whisked to the kitchen where the twinlets began whipping up a delicious-smelling meal. A girl could really get used to this.

A/N: This isn't the end. I plan of writing a series of these sort of one-shot PWP (ok, occasionally a little bit of plot might pop up, but mostly for the sake of making the smut that much better) So don't despair! There will be more action from our favorite trio.
This story archived at http://