Twinlets by Xela
Summary: Sequel to Singlets: Will and Spike are twins who have been lusting after their new, but sadly taken, roommate. What happens when Buffy comes home drunk one night and announces her split with one Riley Finn? Adult fun with twins--Spillfy of course!
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky
Series: None
Chapters: 45 Completed: Yes Word count: 92138 Read: 81349 Published: 07/11/2006 Updated: 07/19/2007
Part III by Xela
Author's Notes:

Disclaimer: The characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer are owned by Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and Fox studios. This story is not meant to infringe upon anyone's rights, only to entertain.
Will was having the most fantastic dream. He was laying on the beach, naked as the day he was born, getting a rather amazing blowjob from Buffy. Her golden hair was running over his sun-kissed chest, tickling him in the most delicious ways. He fought against his rising wakefulness, desperately trying to keep hold of his dream.

“Buffy,” he moaned groggily. Waking up to his cock being masterfully sucked off was a great way to start the day, and a hell of a lot better than the dream. He thrust lightly into the welcoming mouth.

“Not exactly,” a feminine voice giggled in his ear, teeth clamping down on the side of his throat. Will’s entire body arched as his cock was taken fully into the magic mouth around him. Fuck, he wanted to wake up like this every day! Bloody buggering hell! Will’s vision swam as his cock was literally swallowed, the intense sensation driving him out of his mind. He let loose a stream of colorful curses when cold air attacked his throbbing cock.

Spike released his brother and crawled up his body, a self-satisfied grin on his face. He nuzzled into a giggling Buffy, enjoying the look of tortured frustration splashed across his brother’s face.

“Told you that’d wake him right up,” he said smugly, plating soft kisses on her lips. Buffy giggled again, the sound causing his own erection to twitch against her.

“I suppose I should give you your winnings.” Spike cocked an eyebrow at her and Buffy blushed deeply. She wasn’t usually this...forward, but there was just something about these boys that drew it out of her. She blushed again when Spike laughed at her. He should so not be laughing at her! Especially not in bed! He could give a girl complex! And then he looked at her with those smoldering cobalt eyes and she was hit by a wave of lust that threatened to cripple her.

With a growl, she tackled Spike to the bed, kissing him possessively. She moved down, bypassing the deliciousness of his chest (which she’d make a point to explore later), and took his pulsing erection completely into her mouth. Turn about’s fair play and all that...even if she was exacting revenge on Will’s behalf. Spike gasped and gave into the pleasure her delectable mouth was bringing him. Everything with Buffy seemed fresh and intense, and Spike felt like a schoolboy getting his first blow job. She brought her hand up and wrapped it tightly around his shaft, the tip of his dick on the receiving end of her amazingly talented and undeniably naughty tongue.

Will slowly came back to himself, sliding back from the edge, swearing a blue streak in his head. Those two were so going to get it! He heard a deep masculine moan to the left and sluggishly turned his head towards it...and almost came again. Buffy was on her hands and knees, apparently giving Spike the blow job of his life. Her beautiful ass was waving around in front of him, tempting him with glimpses of her pink, moist center. Casually, Will reached over and slid one finger into her glistening pussy, searching for the spongy spot inside.

Buffy froze at Will’s touch, a moan escaping unbidden from her lips. Spike felt the vibrations travel through his sensitive dick and let out an answering groan of his own. It was all Buffy needed to get back to the task at mouth. She ran her tongue along the tip of Spike’s penis, her touch light and teasing. She slowly pumped him up and down, her hand tight and warm, licking the tip with every down ward stroke. Will added a finger continued pumping her, Buffy moving her hips in time with him.

Will’s cock was rock hard, and the deep ache he’d awakened with was only getting stronger. And there was only one way to fix it. He rose up on his knees and positioned himself behind the golden goddess in his bed. He rubbed the blunt tip against her clit, eliciting another moan that went straight into Spike. He positioned himself and slowly pushed into her, inch by agonizing inch, savoring the feeling. She tried to thrust back against him, but he would have none of it, grabbing her hips and stilling his movements. He waited until she was whimpering around Spike’s cock for more.

He knew he wouldn’t last long; the sight of her, on her knees, in such a submissive position and blowing Spike wouldn’t allow it. He resumed stroking her, slowly at first, and Buffy’s mouth matched his rhythm. Their pace built, Buffy trying hard to concentrate on Spike despite the incredible feelings Will was creating in her. Using all of her will power, she went down once, twice, before taking Spike all the way in and swallowing around him. Spike’s strained cry and tightened muscles were all the warning she had.

Buffy moved with his hips as they rose, Spike’s seed hot and salty. She continued sucking on his softening member, extending his orgasm, releasing him only when she was sure that he was completely spent. She took a moment to assess the taste and the act; she’d never swallowed before, because honestly, she’d never been caught up in the moment enough not to. She’d also never been quite so...enthusiastic about giving blow jobs. She typically felt somewhat obligate to give them, and tried to find a way to make the experience end as quickly as possible. But Spike and Will...well, they were nothing if not inspiring.

Will thrust intently into Buffy; her mind was wandering and that just would not do. He set a blistering pace, thrusting wildly into her. Fuck, she was breathtaking. Being buried inside her was like nothing on earth, warm and wet and welcoming. He was so wrapped up in his silent worshipping that he missed the signs of her impending orgasm, and yelped when her inner muscles grabbed greedily onto his cock. Suddenly, Spike was at his back, touching and nibbling on his ear, whispering unthinkable suggestions. Will let loose an animalistic roar as his conniving twin slipped two fingers into his ass, the unexpected penetration making Will’s eyes cross and everything double. A brief, random though flitted through his orgasmic haze--“Two Buffys...there’s a fantastic thought!”--before he collapsed, completely spent, across Buffy’s beautiful back, still balls-deep in her delectable cunny.

Spike watched him collapse with a grin. He’d definitely pay for that later but sod it. That had been worth it.

Will finally found the strength to leave Buffy’s welcoming heat. He rolled over onto his back with a contented sigh. Buffy stretched out on her stomach, a smile on her lips. Spike immediately insinuated himself between his lovers.

“A girl could get used to this,” she murmured sleepily. Will and Spike were immediately tense. Did she really mean that? Spike curled into Will, settling right underneath his chin. Will wrapped comforting arms around his brother and placed a small kiss on his head. Buffy shivered at the display of intimacy and solidarity, and tried to ignore the small twinge of jealousy. She felt like she was on the outside, despite the incredible night...and day...they’d just shared.

“You mean that, pet?” Will asked in a deceptively light tone of voice. Spike placed a soft kiss on his collarbone, trying to alleviate the tension that filled his brother’s body. Not that he was faring much better.

Buffy paused. She knew that Will wasn’t just asking a question; he was asking THE question. And she needed to think about her answer. Did she? Did she really want to pursue this? Engaging in this sort of relationship, as a Relationship, was not going to be a walk in the park. They would be scrutinized and judged where ever they went, mostly being met with disapproving glares and disgust. Not to mention dealing with her friend and *shudder* Mom. There were going to be obstacles she couldn’t even begin to fathom. And what about the whole American Dream with the 2.5 kids and pretty white picket fences and houses in the suburbs. A.K.A. a life sentence with Riley as her warden.

Oh, she definitely meant it. This, right here, with Will and Spike, was completion. Peace. Serenity, happiness...amazing sex. It was what she’d wanted since she’d set eyes on them, but had been to afraid to acknowledge. Because honestly,, who wouldn’t want two devilishly handsome British twins at their disposal? Yeah, she meant it. That and more. Because she had a feeling it wouldn’t take much for her to fall for the two gorgeous, *naked* blondes waiting for an answer. Buffy let a smile stretch across her face. HER gorgeous naked blonde twins.

Buffy’s silence was starting to get to Spike. He wasn’t very good a waiting. He started drumming his fingers against Will’s stomach, every second of silence driving him crazy. Will was rubbing soothing circles across his back, but it wasn’t helping, because the tension in Will’s own body gave him away. What if Buffy wasn’t sure about them? What if she just wanted a quick roll in the hay? Worse, what if she didn’t want anything to do with them ever again? Doubts and fears and rejection swam through their heads. And then she smiled. It lit up her whole face, transforming her from the prettiest girl they’d ever seen to something...ethereal and effulgent. And it gave them hope

“I--“ They were all startled by the garish ringing of the bedside phone. They stared at it without comprehension, and jumped when it rang again. With a colorful curse, Spike yanked the phone off the receiver, toppling the bottom part to the floor.

“What?” he growled. “Sorry. Yeah, she’s here, hold on.” Spike handed the phone to Buffy. “It’s Red.” She paused a moment, watching Spike settle back into Will’s embrace, their eyes boring into her soul. How did they make her feel so...transparent?

She impulsively launched herself at them, laying on top of their entwined forms. She cupped Will’s cheek affectionately and planted a soft kiss on Spike’s full lips. With a blinding smile, she was off, chatting animatedly to Willow about how she was fine, happy, and didn’t miss Riley a bit. Actually, she had some great news to tell Willow, and that Bronzage tomorrow night was just what the doctor ordered. She fixed them with smoldering jade eyes, and they both felt their cocks begin to stir.

Spike looked at Will excitedly, planting an exuberant kiss against his lips. Their girl (THEIR GIRL!) was...well, theirs. She may not have said it yet, but it was there. She was even planning on telling Willow, getting it out in the open.

Buffy gave them an endearingly shy smile as they cuddled, eager to get Willow off the phone so she could show them just how sure she was...and how much she wanted them.

A/N: Thanks so much for the reviews and support. WOW. I've changed the category of this story because these three won't be a one-shot PWP. I've got so many stories to tell, so be on the look out for more.
(And remember, reviews feed ALL authors, so let us know if you appreciate our writing!)
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