My Immortal by Paige Conners
Summary: All Buffy plus a few of the Angel Cast are Vampires first off. Second they live in New Orleans. There has been a string of vampire murders and Giles "The Master Of The City" has decided to put his two best vampires on the investigation.
Categories: Fantasy/AU Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: No Word count: 16003 Read: 12896 Published: 09/12/2006 Updated: 02/06/2007
Five by Paige Conners
Author's Notes:
hey everyone please leave a review and let me know what you think. please (sad puppy eyes)
When Buffy woke the next night she was still in spikes arms. Not wanting to wake him she tried to slip out of his embrace. Unknown to her was that he was awake so every time she would try to wiggle out he would tighten his hold on her. When he thought she was not looking he would look at her with a smile on his face but when she would look at him it would be gone and his eyes would be closed I love to mess with her he thought.

On the third attempt her hand slipped to what she thought was the only awake part of him startled spike jumped at the sudden contact. “Oh I am sorry to wake you” she said

“’S okay luv if that is how you wake a bloke up I have no complaints” he said with a wink giving her a tempting smirk “wanna really wake me up” he continued.

With that the cool vixen he loved returned she moved so fast that before he knew it she was straddling him he in turn grabbed her ass. “Ooh” she said leaning towards his ear she whispered “sorry but once is all you get I would not want you to become addicted to me” she said with a seductive tone in her voice that drove Spike crazy. Then she got up wrapping herself with the sheet and headed to the elevator that lead to the rest of the house.

“That was bloody cold you evil chit” he said as he grabbed her arm swinging her back into his embrace and kissed her. He picked her up then she wrapped her legs around his waist when they managed to pull away then Buffy slowly got down. He looked in the eyes “but I am addicted to you so are you gonna give me my fix” he said grabbing her ass pulling her against his chest. Then Spike picked her up again bringing her back to the bed he pulled the sheet off her. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen pet like a goddess someone to be worshiped rather than loved” he said as he stood in aw.

“Spike get real I am not the most beautiful woman in the world we both know that” she said

“Well you are to me and that is all the matters” he retorted. She laughed but before she could comment he silenced her with kiss that made her arch into his embrace. As he pulled away he showered her with kisses all down her body finally stopping when he reached her thighs he gently spread her legs apart and began to run his finger up her slit then replaced his finger with his tongue slowly lapping at her opening. She started to raise her hips to give more friction but he moved his hand and pushed her down again. Moaning she grabbed his hair and began to entwine her fingers in his curls.

“More” she moaned “oh god spike more” he then replaced his tongue with two fingers that he plunged in to her as his tongue went to her clit he sucked it into his mouth and began to nibble sending her in to ecstasy. When he finally stopped she was shaking, then before she could notice what was going on he plunged in to her.

“You are so beautiful pet I can’t believe that you are mine” he said then he looked into her eyes “tell me you are mine Buffy please I need to hear that you are mine” he continued

“Yes yours always yours” she said breathlessly.

As he came spilling his cold dead seed deep within her he shouted “I love you Buffy Summers!”

Then to his amazement she leaned up to his ear then she whispered “I love you too William Addams”.

Then when he rolled off of her he finally realized what she had revealed. He pulled her into his arms “really pet?” he asked.

“Well yea do you honestly think I would just jump into bed with just anyone” she said looking up into his perfect blue eyes.

As he looked in to her eyes he broke the silence “you know that you really do have incredible eyes like deep emeralds I know that I have told you before but I can’t help it every time I see you, you still manage to shock me by being more beautiful than the last time I saw you” .

“I am not going again.” she said shaking her head.

“That’s not what I meant why is it so bloody hard for you to take a compliment” he said with a huge sigh.

“I don’t know” she said with a shrug. “Riley always said that I was nothing special he would say that I was lucky to have him for a husband” she said not looking at him.

Then he tightened his embrace “That stupid wanker did not know what he was talking about I love you Buffy and I will till I become dust” then he kissed the top of her head.

“I love you too forever” she said running her fingers over his strong arms.

“Why did you never tell me before Goldilocks you have always known about my feeling but I was never sure about yours I always thought I could never have your love that I was never worthy of it”.

“How could I not love you Spike you are everything that completes me you are kind and caring and well... you” she said as she entwined her hand with his and kissed his hand.

“Well it sure took you long enough to say it and I think I am not a soft as you make me out to be remember I am the big bad” he said with a smirk.

“Right I forgot the big bad” she said rolling her eyes. “You are nothing but a big fluffy puppy with bad teeth” she said as she smiled trying not to laugh. “See I will show you” before Spike knew what was happening she started to tickle him as he squirmed she laughed “see I told you a puppy”.

“Evil chit you are in for it now” he said as he flipped them over and began to kiss her. Hours later they drifted off to sleep once again in each others arms they did not notice their phones once again vibrating.

Sitting in his office Angel continued to call his brother. “Damn it Spike answer your phone!” On the fifth try he threw his phone across the room.

“Wow I hope you never get pissed at me” Angel looked up to see Faith in the open doorway.

“What do you want Faith at the moment I am busy as you can see.” he said glaring at her

Putting up her hands in surrender “hey I am not the enemy here don’t get pissed at me just because your brother is getting laid” she said trying to lighten the mood of the room. Faith truly liked her boss and hated to see him upset in her opinion if anyone deserved to be happy it was Angel.

Sighing Angel looked at the brunette “I am sorry Faith it is just Giles is furious he expected that they would have gotten on the job last night and now Anya Jenkins has gone missing.”

“Wow the old mans mistress no wonder you are frazzled he gets pissed when he dose not get any” she said laughing noticing he was not amused she stopped. “Okay here is the deal give them till tomorrow night if you don’t hear back from either of them go over to Spike‘s house and see what is up it is that simple in the mean time you need to get some sleep I am worried about you”

“Why is it faith that you always know how to put things in perspective what would I do without you.” he said then got up and kissed her on the cheek. “Thanks faith I will get some sleep on one condition you go straight home tonight with the killing I don’t want you wondering the streets by yourself”.

“Alright consider me the good little girl and Angel don’t mention this conversation to anyone I mean that I have a reputation to protect.” She hugged him and walked out when she got downstairs she made sure that everything was in order before locking up. As she was walking to her car she heard a noise behind her “you can come out now I have great hearing” turning around she saw a tall man looking at her. “What can I do for you?”

“I am looking for someone and was wondering if you knew where I could find her” he said admiring the woman in front of him

“That depends, who are you looking for?” she said leaning against her car door

“Well I don’t see as it would be any of your business” he said getting rather annoyed

“Have it your way” she turned to get in when he rushed her pinning her to the car with his body one hand over her mouth the other pulling a syringe from his pocket.

“Now this might hurt vampire you should have answered my question now I have to kill you. It seems like such a waste you are a hot little thing maybe you will get lucky and I’ll have some fun with you before I kill you.” he said as he stuck the needle in her neck licking the blood that came up when he removed the needle. As she was dozing in and out of consciousness she could barley make out a picture on the mystery mans dashboard.

The last sight faith saw before her whole world went dark was the picture when a passing car had shined its headlights the face was revealed. “Buffy?” she said before passing out.
This story archived at http://