Lessons In Love by Im_bloody_English
Summary: Sequel to ‘Language of Love’. With the language barrier still intact, as well as William’s virginity, our couple is now on the road driving back to Buffy’s summer residence in France. Will they make it there before their hormones get the better of them? I strongly encourage you to read ‘Language of Love’ first, (3 chapters long), it will help make sense out of this story. This is pwp.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: Yes Word count: 30221 Read: 13301 Published: 10/18/2006 Updated: 12/06/2006

1. Me Conduire Fou (Drive me Crazy) by Im_bloody_English

2. Puissance de Deflower (Power of De-Flower) by Im_bloody_English

3. Le Contact D'une Femme (A Woman’s Touch) by Im_bloody_English

4. Cabane d’Amour (Love Shack) by Im_bloody_English

5. Porn et Circonstance (Porn and Circumstance) by Im_bloody_English

6. L'amour Trouvera Une Manière (Love Will Find a Way) by Im_bloody_English

Me Conduire Fou (Drive me Crazy) by Im_bloody_English
Author's Notes:
Here it is, as promised. I do hope you enjoy the beginning of a summer full of love and sexual discovery between a Frenchman and his American princess. Don’t forget, wherever you see ‘F:’ it means only French is being spoken. I’ll apologize upfront to say that I’m not sure when I’ll post the next chapter of this story or chapter 19 of ‘Tailored Encounters’ (for those of you following that story as well). I am going out of town this weekend and Monday and Tuesday of next week are filled with RL obligations that won’t, unfortunately, allow for time to write. My very special thanks to Karbear57, Dusty273 and Beasleysmom for their help in editing this chapter.
Settling into his car, they drove off. Buffy had indicated a few turns before sitting back to relax. Since they were headed out of town, he guessed it would be a few more miles before they reached where she was staying. He still couldn’t believe this lovely creature sitting next to him had not only enjoyed his amateur attempt at pleasing her, but she had, quite literally, blown his, er, mind. His erection still had yet to go away, and he was sure if she looked at him in just the right way, well, he’d have one hell of a mess on his hands.

A thought came to Buffy and she immediately pulled a pen and a scrap piece of paper from her purse.

He looked over in curiosity as she scribbled something down then handed him what she’d wrote. Glancing at it, he instantly recognized the address and had to gasp. Her father must have money for her to be staying at Château de La Trousse. It was a beautiful mid-17th century castle nestled in the rolling countryside of Seine et Marne district, about 50km east of Paris. When he looked over at her, she had a questioning look on her face as if to ask if he knew of the place. He nodded, still too dumbfounded to speak... beautiful and wealthy, he surely didn’t deserve this kind of girl, yet here she was in his car all golden and smiling and... HEY!!!

As soon as he nodded, knowing where to take her, she couldn’t resist. It was a bit of a drive so she took the opportunity to move a little closer to him and place a hand on his lean hard thigh. He jumped immediately then closed his eyes and groaned as she started sliding it up towards his groin.

He was surely going to crash if she touched him ‘there’.

F: “Miss Buffy, please... p-please don’t... AHHH.” Her hot little hand had found its way to his raging hard on and began stroking it up and down. His foot immediately pressed against the accelerator, forcing the engine to his tiny blue Peugeot to fire and take off.

Smiling at the way it affected him, she giggled when he started driving faster. She wasn’t about to argue, she wanted to get to the Chateau as fast as possible herself. She kept her eyes glued to his manhood while she rubbed it affectionately, never noticing how the car started swerving when Spike couldn’t keep his eyes open. Leaning over to lick his ear she whispered.

“I want you, Spike... want you inside me so bad.”

Suddenly, she found her forearms leaning against the dash for support as he slammed on the brakes and the car slid to the side of the road. She didn’t have time to see if maybe he’d ran over an animal or perhaps they’d been in a minor accident.

There was no possible way he could continue to drive under these conditions without seriously crashing his car and killing them both. When she licked at his lobe and filled his ear with her whispers he couldn’t take it anymore, sure that she’d said something truly naughty to him. That’s when he made the decision to pull over.

As soon he threw the car into park he turned towards her and grabbed her by the waist, hauling her close to kiss her hard, stifling her cry of surprise.

One second she was bracing herself for some invisible impact, the next he had her struggling to breathe. His kisses were hot, demanding, almost brutal in the way he forced his tongue inside her mouth. Once her mind registered what was happening she responded back with equal fervor, the ache between her thighs returned, burning her with white hot intensity. One of his hands found her right breast and groped at it desperately. She moaned unable to get enough even after arching into his hand; she needed to feel his skin against hers... now.

He needed to slow down but couldn’t, his brain had effectively cut off all efforts to restrain his body the second she kissed him back. Suddenly he felt himself being jerked sideways by her arms. He opened his eyes to find her straddling his lap. He broke the kiss and froze as she stared at him through hooded lids that said how much she wanted him too. Reaching behind her neck, she untied the bow to her halter top and let it fall; revealing creamy white breasts framed within a bikini tan line. Clearly she didn’t seem to care if anyone drove by and saw.

After he latched onto one of her breasts, she clasped her hands around his head, holding him close. He wrapped one arm around her while the other came up to cup the neglected mound. She felt as if he were consuming her whole, his attentions switching wildly back and forth from suckling her one moment to nibbling her hardened peaks between his teeth the next. Her hips began to rock back and forth, grinding her center into his erection. As soon as she felt the first few stabs of his shaft and the delicious friction it created against her clit, she shuddered. Her body wanting to cum so bad it began to spiral out of control.

It didn’t take long to understand the fascination men had in a woman’s chest. The smooth, plump flesh of her mounds filled his mouth and senses alike as he swirled his tongue over and around her rosy tips before worrying them with his teeth. So rapt in what he was doing he hadn’t even noticed two cars drive by until they honked their horns in recognition of what the couple was up to. He pulled her tight against his body wanting to shield his beautiful princess from any onlookers... she was for his eyes only. Judging from her moans, she hadn’t even heard them; that’s when he noticed both their hips were moving in time to one another.

She pulled her hands away from his head and anchored herself by grabbing his waist. Looking deep into his eyes she moved against him thrust for thrust. If she’d only worn a skirt today she would have drawn his cock out and pulled her underwear aside to give them both what they wanted. She was getting closer and closer to orgasm, shocked she could even have one while still being clothed. She’d never been so hot for anyone like this and it drove her madder by the second, forcing her to take drastic measures.

There was no way he was going to be able to hold back, he knew it. The heat of her center riding him in mock fornication had his eyes rolling up into the back of his head. She was too much woman for any man to handle as she began to whimper, sending him reaching out for any thought that would prevent him from cumming. He opened his eyes for a moment to look at her and was transfixed with what he saw.

She threw her head back and bit her lip, her tits bouncing up and down the more frantic her movements became in her body’s search for release. She reached between them and tore at his fastenings with both hands, surprised she actually got his pants open as quick as she did. Placing one arm on the ledge of the seat behind him, she gripped his cock with the other and began pumping him in time with her hips, angling her body to maintain as much contact between her pussy and the base of his shaft as she tried to bring him off with her.

F: “Buffy, kitten, I’m gonna cum.” His mind went blank the second he knew she came. He felt her body go rigid as her hips jerked back and forth, her hand stroking him even faster than before.

“Oh God, Spike, ahhh yes!” He sent her body spiraling head long into a state of euphoria, her pussy tingling with every spasm. A few more tremors passed through her before she heard him begin to groan. She saw his eyes close and felt him thrusting against her hand; his face a beautiful picture of pained and twisted ecstasy not wanting to release itself. She understood instantly that he didn’t want to cum this way, here, in his car, in her hand. In a quick decision, she moved with lightening speed.

When she suddenly tore her hand away he thought he’d die. There was nothing in the world, however, that could have prepared him for the reason as to why she’d decided to let go. Before he knew what was happening, she’d crouched into the seat next to him on her knees and wrapped her lips around his cock, one hand massaged his aching sac while the other worked the base of his shaft. That was all it took, several blinding strokes later he came hard with a roar that could have woken the dead in all of France. One hand gripped the steering wheel while the other found purchase on her backside. There was no time to think where his spendings were going to fall, so when she began a swallowing motion around him and hummed, the realization she was drinking his cum coupled with the vibrations her voice sent through his body had him gripping her ass tight as he hissed out his pleasure.

Shooting stream after stream down her throat, she drank greedily until he was spent. A normal Buffy back home in California with any of her prior boyfriends would have never dreamed of doing something like this, but Spike had awoken something in her; a craving to experience anything and everything there was to be had between a man and a woman. Once his body went limp, she continued licking the tip of his cock while slowing the motions of her hand. She wanted every last drop he had to offer her, his taste was delicious, all salty and all man.

The feel of her tongue darting over his sensitive head had his body jerking and twitching until she finally relented. His ragged breaths had just begun to slow as he felt her move to tuck his softening cock back into his pants. All he could do was sit there as she carefully zipped him up and placed a gentle kiss and a loving pat to his crotch which forced his eyes open.

Buffy was immensely proud of herself that Spike seemed pleased with what she’d done. She hoped he couldn’t tell that she’d never done that before. Wait a minute, on second thought, she did wish he knew, wished there was someway to tell him or convey that he’d been her first in this. This shy boy she’d met not one hour ago had awakened a different side to her she hadn’t known existed before, a side she wanted to explore further as soon as she got him back to her place.

When he finally came around after collecting his wits he stared at her with a huge goofy grin. He immediately gathered her into his arms to kiss her mouth, her chin, eyes, nose and every inch of her face over and over while muttering ‘merci’ repeatedly. He decided right then and there if he had to beg on his hands and knees or crawl over a hot bed of coals to continue seeing her through the summer he would, no two ways about it.

She giggled against the onslaught of his kisses and ‘thank you’s’. When he finally released her she slid herself sideways onto his lap and wrapped her arms around him, snuggling into his neck.

“That was so wonderful, Spike. But I haven’t nearly had enough of you yet. Oh, the wicked things I’m going to do to you when I get you home. Ahhhhhhhhh... if you only knew how much you affect me.” She slid from his lap and fastened herself back into her seat belt.

Taking her cue, he moved over and immediately put the car into drive and took off. He was grateful for what had happened in more ways than just the obvious. If she hadn’t afforded that opportunity for them both to find release, he knew he would have came within seconds of being inside her, both humiliating himself and alerting her to the fact he was a virgin. Of course it still could happen, seeing that he still had no ‘real’ idea what it felt like. That sudden thought and the image it produced of her riding him had his manhood stirring again. Damn, he seriously prayed he wouldn’t make a fool of himself. He stepped on the gas and decided to speed. Damn his hormones, and damn the beautiful vixen next to him that had them raging beyond control.

A/N: A sneak peek into the beginning of our favorite couple’s summer. Am I being evil again? Uhmmmm... yeah. I figure why stop now. Hate me, love me, but I know you wanna read the next chapter as Buffy WILL be deflowering our shy young bartender. Those of you who know me know that I always deliver. As always, reviews are a must for the muse, he can be so terribly naughty at times if he doesn’t have some encouragement, *giggles*.
Puissance de Deflower (Power of De-Flower) by Im_bloody_English
Author's Notes:
Alrighty then. So, first off, I know the title is completely corny, but hey... that’s the mood I was in at the time plus I’m a twisted bunny anyway. Here we are, the moment you’ve all been waiting for, drum-roll please.............. Stripping poor William of his innocence... and oooooh how sweet it will be. I must say, after the reviews started coming in for chapter one, the muse got incredibly psyched and inspired (it’s really what happened, honest). So much so he made me write chapter 2 immediately – meaning all my housework and other chores took a complete backseat for a day (he can be equally as naughty to me too ya know). He wanted to thank everyone for the absolutely wonderful reviews by rewarding you with chapter 2 before taking off for Detroit. So, again, thanks to the reviews, you now have it about four or five days earlier than would have been. Special thanks to Karbear57, Dusty273 and Beasleysmom for all their great help in shaping and editing this chapter... I love you guys *kisses*.
The rest of their trip couldn’t go fast enough for either of them. No sooner had William parked the car than Buffy was already out the door, beckoning him to follow her with a finger and a saucy grin before she took off running.

She laughed as he sprinted to catch up with her and then squealed in delight when his strong arms grabbed her by the waist to try and stop her.

Turning into his embrace she kissed him deeply, whether unaware or uncaring of the eyes of those around that now stared at the couple. He smiled inside... she didn’t seemed embarrassed one bit to be seen with him, making him feel indescribably happy and more confident.

Hand in hand with Buffy in the lead, she hurriedly led him towards her suite. He didn’t have time to take in the beauty of the castle’s interior, too anxious to get to her room where they could be alone. As she fumbled through her purse for the keys, he looked left and right to make sure no one was about then placed his hands on the door in front of her face, trapping her body so he could press himself flush against her backside.

Feeling his cock pressed into her bottom, she absentmindedly dropped her keys on the floor, her eyes closing while she moaned his newly given nickname. Resting her forehead against the door, she reached back and grabbed his hips, encouraging him to move as she wiggled her backside, desperate for more contact.

He wished he could ask what this word ‘Spike’ meant... she seemed to say it with increasing frequency. Pushing the thought aside, her hands on his hips was all the permission he needed to begin rubbing against her sensually. He was, again, so hard for her he couldn’t help the animal instincts that took over his body as he pushed himself into her exquisite ass. Leaning in closer, he placed his mouth near her ear, determined to subject her to the same torture she’d dealt him earlier in the car.

F: “Sweet Buffy, can’t wait to shove my cock so far inside that delectable pussy of yours... gonna make you choke on it once I start slamming into you,” he gave a forceful thrust of his hips to drive the point home, “Hurry and open the door, kitten.”

Normally he would never have said anything like that to a lady such as Buffy, but he was beside himself with lust and she couldn’t understand him anyway, plus he’d always harbored a secret liking for dirty talk. In an unexpected move, she pushed against him slightly to bend over and retrieve her keys, placing her in a very submissive position. His arms dropped to grasp her hips firmly and gave her a couple short strokes, making her gasp at his surprising move.

“Damn key.” After his little show of dominance, she stood and struggled to get the key in and turn the lock, not wanting to waste a second more by fooling around with their clothes on.

The door opened and they stumbled through it. Stepping to the side, she closed the door and locked it. When he turned to face her, the wicked grin that had his lips curled back made her legs quiver as she dropped both keys and purse on the floor right before he dove at her.

Pressed against the door, she entwined her limbs with his, teeth clashing together desperate for control of the other’s mouth. She shoved at him aggressively and turned them both 180 degrees so that it was his back against the wall. His hands grabbed her hips, but she quickly took hold of them, bringing them to the front of her shorts. Clumsily, they both pulled at her fastenings and managed to push them down her hips until she could kick them free from her body. Her expression suddenly turned to one of fright, making William immediately stop what he was doing.

“Oh my God!” It finally dawned on her that she wasn’t wearing her underwear, which meant, of course, they were still somewhere in the basement of the Bistro. Looking into his confused face, she tried desperately to get him to understand the problem. Pointing frantically at the shorts, his face only grew more confused, so she took a step back and picked them up.

It wasn’t until she’d shown him her shorts and kept pointing back and forth between them and her lower body a few times before it dawned on him. His face suddenly relaxed and he began to chuckle. Uh-oh, his laughter only seemed to upset her when her eyes narrowed on him, glaring at his amusement.

F: “Not to worry, Miss Buffy... here.” Reaching for his back pocket, he pulled her thong out and held it up in the air. She instantly breathed a sigh of relief and went to reach for them. Holding them high in the air, he dangled them and laughed at her attempts to retrieve them. When she finally did, she jumped back and swatted him on the arm before breaking into giggles herself.

“You are one veeeeeeeeeeery naughty boy, Spike. Had me all worried your boss was going to find these.” She twirled her underwear in circles on one finger. A dirty thought crossed her mind as she walked towards him. “Here, why don’t you keep them since I have plenty. And in the meantime, I think I’ll keep yours hostage as well.” Shoving them into his back pocket she smiled at his surprise then went to work on ridding him of his pants.

Wow, she actually gave them back??? Oh, he would most certainly be spending the summer with her, even if he had to tie her down to do it.

When she finally had his pants down around his ankles, her eyes went wide with surprise. Not only had she not noticed he wasn’t wearing underwear, but now that she had an unhurried look at him, well, let’s just say it was a wonder she was able to fit the whole thing in her mouth. Inside, she jumped up and down for joy; if he was as good at sex as he was at eating her out, she was sure she’d be walking funny for days.

She stripped him bare of his pants and then stood to begin taking off his tie, vest and shirt. He felt kind of stupid just standing there, so he reached to do the same to her, pulling on her top until she raised her arms so he could drag it over her head.

Both now completely naked, they stared at one another. As he took in the soft curves of her petite figure, he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt she was by far the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen; his sweetest of dreams come true. Tan lines highlighted her pale breasts and the small triangular patch of her womanhood, creating a milky contrast to the buttery tones of her California kissed skin. To think this magnificent creature was willing to give herself to him had his breath catching in his throat, his brain struggling to come to grips that all of this was really happening to him. Everything about her seemed almost angelic, the only thing belying the innocence of such a holy being was the smoldering look in her eyes as she ran them over his own body; he could practically feel the lust rolling off her like a tidal wave. His cock twitched in anticipation, and he wondered exactly what she thought of him, if she found him as handsome as he did her lovely.

She’d seen only two guys naked in her life; however, neither could hold a candle to the vision that stood in front of her now. Unlike their boy-like faces that sat atop a bulky frame, here stood a man. Fine chiseled features with a strong, lean, well-defined body, tightly corded muscles that rippled with every move he made. His sculpted image surpassed anything she could have imagined lay beneath the clothes now scattered on the floor. No wonder they seemed to fit so well when in each other’s arms. There was only one word to describe him... perfect.

He watched, mesmerized by the graceful sway of her hips as she slowly approached him, moaning when she reached out to run a single finger along the full length of his swollen shaft.

“Condom!” she gasped.

After she spoke, she withdrew her hand and took a step back. When he reached for her, confused by her actions, she placed a hand to his chest while the other pointed to his erection.

With a reassuring smile she whispered, “Stay.”

She darted off towards Anya’s bedroom. Surely her sexually active friend would have packed some condoms, right? Please be here, she thought as she rummaged through a couple of dresser drawers. Wait. If I were Anya and I expected to use one, where would I... oh right, DUH! She checked the night stand next to the bed. Yup, there they were, large as life, er well, hopefully large enough to accommodate her man.

Curious as to what she was up to, he was about to go find her when she returned, holding something in her hand. When she finally stood before him, he saw what she had and nodded in complete understanding. Uh-oh, he’d never had to put one on before and the only time he’d seen it done was in one time sex education class back in grade school.

Quickly tearing the package open, she took it upon herself to align it on the helmet of his cock. Using her fingers, she gently rolled it all the way down, taking care that there was enough room at the tip to collect his cum once he’d orgasmed. She wasn’t scared of getting pregnant since she was on the pill, but she didn’t want to risk any chance of disease either.

His nervousness rose once more. They were moments, no, seconds away from doing the deed and saying goodbye to his innocence. It’s not that he didn’t want to, but he was unsure of how ‘exactly’ to proceed. She walked back to him slowly and pressed her soft body against his, forcing his erection to rub against the smooth skin of her taut belly. He groaned as she slid her arms around his neck and began kissing him gently. They spent a few moments kissing like this until she reached between them to grab his shaft, pumping him slowly while pushing her hardened nipples into his chest.
Between the kisses and her attentions to his cock, the flare of his need renewed itself, forcing the boy within to step aside... time to become a man.

Placing his hands on her bottom, he lifted her. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, threw back her head and pushed herself higher so that he could position himself. When he didn’t, her head snapped back and looked into his eyes. There were several things to be found in their beautiful blue depths; want, need and lust. But among them, however, one emotion clearly stood out more than the rest. Was it... awe? She couldn’t understand why it was there, but yes, it was awe. Not wanting to break the moment, and unable to ask, she reached between them and took hold of him again, watching him glance down between them then back to her several times until she had the tip against her opening.

This is it, this is it. The impact of the moment caught up to him again, rendering him immobile as she guided him. Looking repeatedly from between their near-joined bodies and her beautiful face, he willed himself to move with her. With a silent goodbye to the boy, she ushered in his manhood within her soft body. His eyes remained fixed to hers now, memorizing everything from the flecks of gold in her lovely green eyes to the soft whimper that escaped her throat as she lowered herself completely on him.

This had to be heaven; the physical sensation of her surrounding him was unlike anything he’d ever expected. She was warm and wet, the muscles inside her gripping every inch of him tightly. She began to rise and fall over him slowly, massaging his shaft in the most erotic manner making his balls tighten and tingle. When her head rolled to the side and he heard her whisper his name, he snapped out of his daze and began moving with her.

“William.” He filled her completely, stretching her wider than she thought possible, there was a hint of pain involved but the pleasure he mixed with it had her body singing in ecstasy. They gently moved together, his eyes on her, face still full of awe.

He simply couldn’t give this woman up now. He would find a way, maybe through Xander or her friend Anya, to tell her he would do whatever she wanted if she would only agree to be his for as long as she was here. He moved a little faster, testing the strength and force with which he could take her. She seemed to catch on to what he was doing and encouraged him. Placing her hands on his shoulders, he felt her walls suddenly squeeze him, forcing him to close his eyes momentarily and gasp. When he opened them, she threw him her playful smile, telling him that she’d done that on purpose.

She couldn’t help herself, he felt sooooo damn good. She wanted him to move just a little bit faster, so she let him know in her own way without words by clamping her body down around him. It didn’t take him long to get the message. He spun her around, pushed her into the wall and used the leverage to start driving himself harder inside of her. Now this is more like it. She closed her eyes and cried out, arms holding on tightly as he plunged into her body over and over.

The new and incredibly overwhelming sensations to his body had his head spinning. It felt, no, she felt amazing. All he could think was more. He wanted more of this feeling, more of her moaning his name, more of her. His untrained body began moving frantically in an effort to obtain that elusive ‘more’.

With every thrust came a guttural grunt of pleasure from deep in his throat. His movements became somewhat jerky and erratic, as if he couldn’t establish a rhythm, completely inconsistent to what she was used too. It almost felt like the time when she and her first boyfriend had lost their virginity together. It was probably just the heat of the moment that was getting to him. Still, she didn’t want this to be over too quickly, so she tried a different tactic to get his attention.

She was pushing against his shoulders now, alternating between the word ‘Spike’ and his name. It finally broke through the single-mindedness of his actions and he stopped. The second he did, her body wiggled in an obvious effort to be let down. It scared him. Had he hurt her? Did she no longer want to continue? The answer to his questions came swiftly when she took his hand in hers and winked at him. Turning him around, she pulled him towards the couch then dropped his hand. Now he was confused. What did she want?

Boy, did he look beyond frustrated when she made him stop. She came close to laughing until a new look crossed his features... one of utter confusion. He looked as if he had absolutely no idea what she wanted for him to do. Most men understood enough to either sit down or lead her to lie down underneath them. This confused her as well, but perhaps he was waiting for her to decide what position she wanted to try. That’s probably it; he’s just being a gentleman about it.

Thank God she took the initiative to gently push him backwards until he fell back into sitting on the couch. He wasn’t sure why he hadn’t tried to do something to help the situation along; after all he knew what to do. Maybe it was just nerves at having to actually put it into ‘practice’ that had rendered him useless at the moment.

Straddling him as she had in the car, she slid her body up and down against his, enjoying the feel of his cock as it glided effortlessly along her folds. When she smiled, he smiled back and placed his hands gently on her hips. She thought she’d never met anyone quite as handsome or charming or considerate or... that’s enough. Right now she wanted him back inside, the time to go gah-gah can wait. She cupped his face in her hands and turned her own sideways, engaging him in a passion filled kiss. Raising her hips up, she tried to reposition him back to her opening. It wasn’t quite happening though, the slipperiness of their body parts worked against them, forcing his cock to the side each time she tried. She broke the kiss and nodded her head while taking one of his hands to move it further down then underneath her bottom.

What exactly was she doing? Did she mean for him to guide himself? To bring them together? Dear Lord he felt dumb, but he did his best, fumbling awhile until he felt the tip against her opening. Once there, she sank her luscious body down onto it, making him groan out her name.

She set the pace and placed her hands on the back of the couch. He was truly mystifying, acting as if he was clueless as to what to do. Didn’t matter, they were moving together now with perfect ease. The way he was striking her clit and the bundle of nerves inside, she knew it wouldn’t take long until he had her coming undone.

Building her tempo, he felt himself going deeper inside her, striking a barrier he guessed was her womb. The feeling this angle produced to his cock felt beyond anything he could describe. The faster she rode him, the more her breasts bounced up and down, beckoning his hands to grasp and fondle them.

F: “So, uhh-ahh, beautiful, Buffy. Feels so good to finally, finally... with you.”

The warmth of his hands soon spread through her chest. He massaged her breasts, every now and then pinching her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers which sent her spiraling higher. She was almost there when he abruptly changed the pace. His hands left her chest to grasp at her hips forcefully.

It was getting to be too much. He could feel her walls closing in around him and knew, from talk with friends, that it was the signal of a woman’s release. Knowing that he would, unavoidably, be following her, he took matters into his own hands, hoping he could bring them the rest of the way to completion.

“Spike! Spike! William, what are you, OH, oh my. What are you doing?” she asked, exasperated at this change in, er, well, lack of any real rhythm or pace, or... whatever it was he was doing.

Her bafflement was starting to interfere with her pleasure. He seemed to lack the finesse of someone that knew what he was supposed to do. She’d dropped him more than enough hints as to what she wanted, but he just wasn’t ‘getting it’.

He could sense her frustration and it made him try that much harder to give her what she needed. But how could he do that if he wasn’t sure exactly what that was? It’s not as if she could tell him, and he couldn’t very well ask her either. It was then he realized he was simply too inept at reading all the smaller, more subtle clues her body provided. If he told her the truth, would it make a difference? Would she stop what they were doing or, worse, laugh at him? He suddenly felt he had no choice. He certainly didn’t want to continue frustrating her, and so he made the decision and braced himself for whatever response she gave him.

Without any warning he ceased all movement and tightened his hold on her, signaling for her to do the same. Uh-oh, this can’t be good. They were both breathing hard and she could tell he was just as frustrated as she was, but why stop? Surely they could figure out a way to... why does he suddenly look so frightened?

There was one word in English whose meaning he knew for sure. It was the one Xander, his college buddies and fellow employees all used to taunt him with frequently... ‘virgin’. Dredging up the courage to look her in the eyes, he removed one of his hands to point a finger into his chest and whispered his confession.

“Virgin.” She didn’t react right away, so he repeated himself in a normal tone of voice, hoping he had indeed pronounced it correctly.

WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! I know he didn’t just say what I thought he said. Ooooh but he did.

“You’re a virgin? Virgin?” He nodded, repeated the word then lowered his eyelids and head as if in shame. She looked for any trace of deception but found none, why would a guy admit that kind of thing anyways? She didn’t know how to react. Should she feel guilty, or proud? It definitely made sense concerning his performance, but it really wasn’t... bad by any means. Sure, a few jerky, heedless movements had thrown her off, but THIS new information had thrown her off with an obstacle of a different kind. She thought quickly. If this was his first time, then he was merely trying to do things right, and now she’d gone and made him feel like shit, forcing him to admit his, well, loss of innocence now. Well, she wasn’t about to stop if he wasn’t, but this was definitely a very delicate matter that needed to be treated with all the honesty and kindness she could convey without being able to understand one another.

“William, please look at me? Please?” She raised his chin up in one hand and smiled even though he grimaced as if struck in the face. If she’d only known the truth before hand she would have, would have... well, since the time for that was now gone, she would show him patience, tenderness and guide him the rest of the way through properly. He deserved that much.

She got up from the couch and tugged on his hand until he did so as well. Taking the condom off him, she threw it into a nearby wastebasket. It’s over; she’s going to kick me out. He damn near thought he’d cry, expecting her to erupt into laughter any second before ushering him out the door.

“Guess we don’t need that.” Buffy had always been careful in the past to stay on top of her doctor appointments and, of course, to be tested regularly. Knowing that Spike was clean, that they no longer needed any barrier between them made her eager to experience the pleasure they would both receive from the intimate contact. She would also show him her pills, so he would understand that she couldn’t get pregnant.

Catching him off guard, she unexpectedly wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him tenderly. He responded hesitantly, thinking perhaps this was a goodbye kiss, but when she smiled, a glimmer of hope filled him that maybe the knowledge of his status didn’t bother her; maybe she hadn’t changed her mind.

“Let’s go do this right.” She would take him to her room. A soft bed and a woman’s gentle touch was just what he needed right now, and she’d be damned if she wasn’t going to take her time, show him what it was all about. She had to tug on his arm a bit to get him moving, but soon he was walking behind her all the way towards the back of the apartment.

She opened a door to reveal a bedroom, hers he guessed. Turning back to face him, she gestured her arm forward for him to enter.

His eyes did the asking for him when he didn’t walk in right away. He wanted to be sure this is what she wanted. He was absolutely adorable in that moment and her heart melted. Again she held her hand out and waited for him to take it. She felt his fingers tremble in her hand, so she brought it to her lips and kissed them, giving him the answer he seemed to need.



A/N: So, since we don’t get to see a virgin William or Spike very often in Spuffy, let me know your thoughts, bad, good or ‘go re-write it girl’. I am away this weekend, but the second I get back I’ll be answering reviews (Sunday evening). And don’t worry, those of you who know me know I don’t do fluff... therefore the next chapter will of course be full of more hotness, but no hearts and flowers - sorry. Buffy will be inducting Spike into the pleasure realm of sexual delights with a gentle hand, BUT, an open mind as well. After all, lest we forget that William is just as curious as she is to, shall we say... ‘experiment’. As always, the quickest way to get me writing is by leaving reviews, hint, hint – I’m incorrigible as well as evil (throws hands up in defense). Oh, one more important thing... if there are any men out there who are reading this, I’d LOVE to hear from you. As most, I assume, authors here are women, it’d be truly helpful to have the male perspective. Hugs and kisses from me and the muse, I hope you all enjoyed and of course, more fun to follow.
Le Contact D'une Femme (A Woman’s Touch) by Im_bloody_English
Author's Notes:
Sorry for the delay in update but between RL and working on TE, it just couldn’t happen any sooner. I tip my hat to authors like Brat and Addie, I mean to have more than a couple fics going simultaneously and still produce the quality work they’re known for, WOW... I’m barely able to juggle two in m y busy life. This chapter was a thrill to write, and I do hope you enjoy the laughs. My muse was not only un-caged, but he was on Viagra or something, so there may be some parts you’ll be like... WTF? All I can say is I let the muse have free reign, twisted humor and all. This fic is still strictly for fun, I refuse to take it too seriously or it would cease to be such. So enjoy it for what it is and don’t look too deep, there’s nothing much to see. Thanks to Dusty273 and Beasleysmom for their help in editing. This chapter is for Karbear57, my dear friend is going to have a very busy week at work, and for all her selfless help when it comes to anything I need, I’m giving her a break and hoping she’ll enjoy the chapter.
Wow, not only did she have the sexiest virgin, okay recently de-flowered, male in France in her bedroom, but he was all hers. The fact he was untainted by any other woman made her desire him that much more. It meant she could teach him exactly what she liked, how to please her, but more importantly she would get to discover what he liked... right alongside with him.

Anxious to start but wanting to address a certain issue first, she strode over to the nightstand next to her bed and pulled out her birth control pills.

“I just wanted you to know that we’re safe. Here.” She held the small packet in front of his face.

F: “What is... Ohhh, yes, of course.” Once she flipped the small white case open to reveal a series of pills, he knew exactly what they were for. Good thing she showed him, his brain hadn’t had time to process any of the possible ramifications of their coupling. He chuckled when she shook her head in the negative and rounded her hand over her belly to indicate pregnancy then cradled an invisible baby.

“Well, now that THAT is taken care of, where were we.” Smiling she headed for the bed and opened the covers. Signaling for him to join her, she watched him walk towards her hesitantly, still nervous or embarrassed she guessed, about how they were to proceed now that she was aware of his lack of experience.

She took his hand once he reached her, coaxed him into her bed and gently pulled the covers over them. He stared at her for a moment; he was still astounded by all the events of the day that had led him here to this beautiful American woman’s bed. Taking one of her tiny hands in his, he brought it to his lips and kissed it gently, whispering ‘merci’ twice, hoping she understood just how grateful he was.

Practically all of William’s friends had shared stories of their ‘firsts’ with him, most of which were relatively lackluster in action, quality and time despite trying to build them up with false bravado. Here lay Buffy, his first; her patience and acceptance of him was well beyond his wildest dreams of what he thought his first time would be like. She was special, different than other girls and that went beyond the fact she spared him a second glance. He vowed to himself he would never share this experience with his friends by bragging. This was private and she didn’t deserve to be talked about like a piece of skirt steak behind her back.

Buffy sighed dreamily when he thanked her. It would have sounded corny or odd at that moment if it had been another man saying it, but it was clear it came from his heart. Turning on her back, she waited for him to lie on top of her, spreading her thighs so he could settle between them.

He propped himself up by his elbows, just staring at her when she placed her left hand to the back of his neck and drew him into a slow passionate kiss. Hearing him start to purr in that deep, sexy voice of his, she felt herself grow wetter with anticipation. It was time to teach the boy how to move like a man.

Bringing her right hand to his left, she guided him down between their bodies. She placed their joined hands around his cock then let go. The first step was to have him learn that he would be responsible for guiding himself to where he wanted to be. He glanced down then back to her, so she nodded her consent and placed both her arms above her head and waited.

Knowing this was his first lesson in love, he did the best he could with an encouraging nod from the golden goddess who lay beneath him. He fumbled a bit, pushing the tip of his cock around and pressing forward every now and then, testing to see if he’d found her opening. After the third try he decided to find it by other means.

She almost giggled at his efforts, his expression of frustration so incredibly cute, but that would prove to be very damaging to his delicate ego at the moment, so she held back, resolving to let him learn for himself. God, he was making her so hot for him though, she truly had to fight the urge to take it upon herself to get him back inside so she could find the release he made her want so desperately. That’s when she felt his fingers probing her folds, making her gasp.

He looked up to make sure she was alright. Yes, judging from the look on her face she was more than alright, she seemed to like what he was doing. Since he wasn’t initially successful with the task at hand he figured the thing to do was to use his fingers to find exactly where he needed to place himself. That led to toying with her folds, running his first two fingers over them until he felt them part. Dipping an experimental finger inside he was amazed how hot she felt there, making him curious enough to push a second finger in and wiggle them in a slightly circular motion.

“Oh God, William. That feels good, mmmmmmm.” She decided that every time he did something to her liking, she would let him know by moaning, since words would do no good. When he looked up with questioning eyes, she smiled and pushed against his fingers, drawing them deeper inside and began a rocking motion, moaning his name again before shutting her eyes to enjoy the feel of his wandering digits.

When she moved against his hand he understood her need and moved with her, following her rhythm, hoping to bring her pleasure. Her face twisting in bliss was a gorgeous sight indeed, encouraging him to do whatever it took to keep that look on her face.

Okay, she likes to have this done to her, mental note to self. Actually, he’d already discovered several things she liked when he’d gone down on her in the basement. Her taste was the most delicious thing he’d ever laid his tongue upon, the memory making him salivate, craving to do it again.

“What the... Ohhh, oh my.”

It didn’t register that he’d suddenly slipped under the covers until she felt his tongue run along her entire length. Oh well, who was she to stop him? After all, he seemed to be a natural at it judging from his performance in the basement. If she wasn’t so turned on she would have giggled, he’d fooled her into thinking he had any experience at all. She was sooooo glad he liked to do this, cuz he was sooooo damn good at it. She slipped into a state of euphoria as he treated her to his innate abilities.

He pressed his mouth and nose into her womanhood, driving his tongue in and out of her sweet channel as she rocked her hips against his face. He had no idea he would enjoy this so much until he met her, she brought out a different, almost savage side to him as he devoured her hungrily, encouraged by the moans and gasps coming from above. He could feel the blanket being lifted from his head when she bent her knees, opening herself up wider to him. With a quick flip from his hand, he threw the covers off them and looked up to see her biting her lip as she thrashed her head back and forth over her pillow. Wrapping his arms around her thighs he went at her with renewed lust, her mewls of delight like music to his ears before he could take it no longer.

She felt cool air hit her legs when the covers came off. Looking down briefly, she saw his own eyes on hers right before he grabbed her thighs and pushed his face into her thrusts. She had to bite her lip from screaming out too loud the sight was so erotic. Her belly tightened as her desire grew; forcing her to roll her head back and forth against the feel of him fucking her with his tongue... and then it was gone. Her head snapped up to protest the loss of his mouth until she saw the look on his face. It was enough to stop a freight train, full of lust and eyes shining dangerously with desire. God she hoped he would take her hard and fast, damn the lessons for now, she wanted him to pound her so deep into the bed it would break.

Sitting up on his knees he looked into her eyes, praying she was as ready to have him as he was to take her. Glancing down he took hold of himself and placed the tip of his shaft against her opening, one arm banding itself around her hips to raise them up. He watched in fascination and lust as he pushed forward, letting go the second his head pierced her opening. Moving to hold her hips with both hands, he drove himself forward, burying his cock to the hilt in her hot quim, throwing his head back to snarl at how tight she felt.

She screamed against his harsh and sudden invasion, his sharp hip bones digging into her soft flesh. It was surprising and a tad painful but once he was in she felt the sense of completion she’d been yearning for. He held still and jerked his body a few times against hers. She thought perhaps he’d already cum, but as quickly as he had entered her body he relaxed his grip and laid her back on the bed, moving his hands to grasps hers while his elbows held him up.

He didn’t want to miss the chance to see one look, hear a single cry as it passed her full lips. He wanted to cum on the spot as soon as he was sheathed inside her, but he wrestled for control with everything he had. Only when she came could he let go. She would understand he knew it; he wouldn’t be here now if she were anything other than the kind and caring woman he had known her to be so far.

As he held her hands, she held his gaze. Seeing the wonderment in his eyes made her heart swell with pride and awe for such an amazing experience to come her way when she wasn’t looking for anything or anybody. Here was a man, one with whom she couldn’t carry on a conversation with, but with whom she seemed able to communicate with so clearly it transcended all barriers. She would have to thank Anya, and her friend’s sexual appetite, later for ditching her as it had ultimately brought her and William together.

He started moving inside her slowly, contrary to what she thought he might do, wanted him to do; then again, if he took her too fast it would end quickly. Still she couldn’t help rolling her hips into his every thrust, seeking more from him, enjoying his deep masculine groans. His voice was like butter melting in the hot California sun, smooth and rich, heavily laden with creamy undertones as it dripped sinfully over her.

F: “Buffy... so beautiful. So warm.” Heaven had nothing on her paradise. He loosened a hand from hers to cup her face, dipping his head in to capture her lips, needing her kiss to reassure himself she was really here with him. “Want to learn how to please you... want you to want me.”

On the upstroke, he brought his shaft out as far as he could without it slipping free, forcing his back to arch sharply before plunging back in; driving his cock in as far as it could go. She let a hand drift down his back slowly, fingernails lightly scraping his spine all the way to his muscular backside where she spread her fingers wide and grabbed as much of it as she could. It felt like steel whenever he clenched it hard from thrusting deep inside her.

“Spike, oh God.” She felt him pick up the pace a little. Not wanting him to go all ‘seizure-like’ similar to what happened in the living room earlier, she quickly freed her other hand to join the one currently fondling his gorgeous ass, using them to try and guide his rhythm to increase at a steady pace. He looked at her and nodded his head as if understanding what she was trying to do, then spoke in a sultry tone against the shell of her ear.

F: “That’s it. Show me what you want, what you need. Show me what I must do to make your body cum around me. Can’t wait to know what that feels like, Buffy... you, coming hard all over my cock.” If he could form a coherent thought, he would have wondered if she enjoyed dirty talk like he did.

“Ohhhh shit, keep talking and I’m going to cum any second.” She pulled faster on his hips, meeting him thrust for thrust, the need in her belly coiling tightly, readying to spring any moment.

There it was again, the feeling of her inner walls fluttering around him, massaging the entire length of his shaft. Her body was readying itself, he was doing it, with her help he was making her body want to cum. He gave complete control of his hips over to her, pushing every time she pulled, memorizing every sensation, every detail second by second of what she was doing and how she responded. She was his teacher, and he her apt pupil, thirsting for knowledge, hungry to please. Thank the Lord above he was a fast learner as this ‘hands on’ tutoring session was proving a fast paced lesson indeed as the hall of her lecture room closed in around him swiftly.

As if he understood what she’d said he kept on talking, the silken tone of his husky voice flowing like honey, making her body shudder with every velvety smooth word he spoke.

F: “That’s it kitten, show me what it takes to, ah ahh, ohhh, YES, that’s it, cum for me, Buffy.” As she closed in around him he thought she would skin his member alive. Her entire body stiffened and her hands left his backside, grabbing the sheets instead to twist them as she rode high on her orgasm. He felt the sudden rush of her liquid desire release itself to scald him. He took over the second she lost control of both herself and him. It didn’t take long to follow her over the edge.

She couldn’t speak, couldn’t breathe, he had her cumming harder than either of those two dumb jocks she’d been stupid enough to get involved with. When she felt him release himself inside of her, she felt as if he were binding himself to her in the small act. She was his first after all; she would always be special to him, right? She clung to her French lover and vowed to find a way to keep him around for the summer.

Her body relaxed slowly, letting go of the last few tremors of passion as she wrapped her arms around him tighter, feeling sated and content.

He kept his eyes closed and smiled into the soft skin of her neck as she sighed his name and held onto him. He finally rose up; afraid he might be hurting her from laying his full weight against her tiny body. She smiled at him through hooded lids, her face flush from their intimacy. It was a decidedly beautiful look on her, one that he had dressed her in.

He smiled at her with that goofy ‘first-timers’ look and she loved it. Yeah, she should thank daddy again for sending her to France for the summer. He kissed her lips, her cheeks and every part of her face in feathery light brushes before pulling back and rolling over to let her free, happy when she went with him and snuggled into his side.

F: “I don’t know what I did to deserve you, sweet Buffy, but whatever it was it must have been grand indeed.” He quickly turned on his side to face her, wanting to know if he’d done alright despite the more than obvious enjoyment she’d received.

He was asking a question, that much was apparent in his eyes. But she returned his question with a look that said she didn’t understand what he wanted to know, so he pointed at himself then her and said the word ‘like’. Duh, of course he was worried about how he’d ‘performed’, what guy wouldn’t? The huge difference that separated the boys from her man was he wasn’t afraid at all to ask. Hell, if more men would they might learn a thing or two; of course most women lied anyway. Oh well, she didn’t have to, he’d done right by her and she wanted more of it... soon. She smiled brightly and nodded vigorously before kissing him full on the lips, delighted when he kissed her back with equal enthusiasm.

They both giggled when they broke apart, leaning their foreheads together. She placed a finger to his lips when he moved to kiss her again and said to wait. Getting out of bed she ran to the bathroom to clean herself. She didn’t want to have to clean her sheets if she could help it, and she felt it the second his spendings began to leak from her. When she came back in she wanted to faint he looked so gorgeous.

Laying on his side with nothing but the sheet draped low over his body, exposing the sharp curve of his hipbone, that gorgeous smile of his, striking blue bedroom eyes that still glowed from the aftermath of their activities. How did he ever manage not to be snatched up by some other girl before her? Despite his shy personality he practically oozed sex in that position. She stood there and took in the perfect six-pack of his stomach muscles, hypnotized as they rippled beneath his smooth pale skin whenever he moved in the slightest; the prominent features of his face went far beyond handsome, the scar on his eyebrow only lent itself to his beauty.

What is she staring at? He suddenly felt self conscious. Was he ugly? Was she coming to her senses? Was she going to ask him to leave now? He pulled the sheet over his body and sat up, a frown of worry working itself across his face.

When he covered himself up she snapped out of it and came back to the bed and sat down.

“What’s the matter?” Crap, did she do something wrong? I mean sure, she was clearly caught ogling him, but... wait. She probably made him feel self conscious from her staring. Damn, if he only knew just how sexy he really is he’d probably leave up out of here and go sowing his oats across the French countryside. Not on her vacation, Damnit. She placed a hand on his arm and smiled. “I’m sorry, Spike. I shouldn’t have stared like that.” She threw what little French out there she knew, F: “Pardon moi.” Oh, thank God. He seemed to relax a bit. She let herself back under the covers and lay on her side to face him. “How are we ever going to stop this miscommunication if one of us doesn’t learn to speak the other’s language? I barely passed Spanish, so I hope you’re smarter than I am, or we’ll be in for a world of interesting make up sex all sum.... wait.” That gave her a thought.

He watched her get up again and head for her dresser to grab something. His eyes took in her curves and he felt his loins fill with fire again, blood rushing south as his desire to have her again overwhelmed him. Surely he’d hurt her if they did it again, wouldn’t he? She walked back with a small folder like... calendar? Yes, it was a calendar alright. She sat down, completely comfortable being nude around him while he tried to hide his erection for fear of scaring her. She motioned for him to sit up and look at it with her.

“Okay, here goes, and I hope you understand what I’m going to ask, well, more importantly I hope you say yes when you do.” Sure, there was always the risk of rejection but she was willing to risk it this time. She pointed at the current date, said the word ‘today’ and waved her hand around in the air.

Okay, he clearly understood she was pointed to today’s date but what was she...

She pointed a finger between herself and him, then took his hand in hers and held it to her chest for brief moment and pointed to the next calendar day. Damn, the confused look on his face said she was fairing miserably at getting her message across. Buffy asking to date the Frenchman take two... She huffed her frustration then pointed between them and waited until he nodded. She brought his finger to rest on the current day while she went back and forth between them again with her finger, then pulled an Anya on him by fingering one hand as it formed an ‘O’, clearly indicating sex. He blushed instantly, but hey, at least that was universally understood right? Though her next move was silly because of their communication problem, she pointed at him then made the symbol of raising a phone to her ear and pointing to herself, saying ‘you call me’, then quickly moved his finger to the next day on the calendar.

His face instantly brightened. He not only understood what she was implying he was more than happy to call her tomorrow, hell, every day if she wanted. He said ‘yes’ several times and dragged her finger down to tomorrow’s date and the next and the next and the next till he ran her finger over the entire month as well as the next.`

She was so relieved and happy at the same time she made the gesture of prayer and raised her eyes to thank God before she was forced back on the bed as William grabbed her and pressed her into the bed, kissing her over and over. She giggled and pushed at him, tickling his sides and making him squirm. When she lowered her hands she ran smack into his oh my word. Yup, he was hard as nails again. Well, who was she to let a French delicacy go to waste? He recoiled from her looking scared and saying ‘pardon’.

“Oh no baby, don’t you ever be sorry for that!” She gave him a devilish smile and crooked her finger while she opened her legs to invite him to have his wicked way with her again.

She was going to let him do that again? So soon? Oh hell yes, she was his dream girl for sure and he would get to spend the entire summer with her? Don’t anybody wake him if this was a dream.

He prowled like a cat over her body, making her grin even more wickedly if it were possible. When he neared her body she decided it might be fun to start trying new positions. She grabbed him and used all her strength to roll them over to straddle him.


Anya unlocked the door to the suite and strode in with one very happy looking Xander in tow before she stopped dead in her tracks.

“God, Buffy! Could you be a worse slob if you tried?” She bent over and began picking up the clothes that littered the floor of the vestibule. “Sorry Xander. She may be my best friend, but she’s an eternal slob.” She finished picking everything up and held the pile close to her chest and faced Xander who had an odd look on his face. “What? Look, it’s a small price to pay for sharing a room in this beautiful country but if...”

“Anya?” He waited till she ceased her rant. “Unless Buffy wears a bow tie and vest, I’d say these are William’s.” He grabbed said tie from her pile and brought it up for her to see.

Her hand flew to her mouth.

The sound of Buffy’s voice rang out loud and clear with her heated ‘oh God yes’ coming from down the hall. Xander’s face formed a knowing grin while he swaggered his head in time to a non-existent beat.

“Alright, William. Way to go, my man.”

Anya quickly punched his shoulder to quiet him and snatched the tie back from him.

She ran to the couch and threw the clothes haphazardly onto it then went back and dragged Xander with her down the hallway as quietly as possible. Nearing the door, she was stifling her giggles as they both brought their ears to Buffy’s door. Oh it was more than obvious their friends were getting along judging from the heated words that filtered through the wooden barrier in both English and French.

F: “... so damn tight, Buffy...”

“...that’s it, fuck me hard, Spike...”

The couple listening in stood up straight at the same time, a look of shared shock filling their faces, saying the same exact thing that was on both their minds.


“Oooomph, hey!” She poked him again to be quiet. He rubbed his ribs and shrugged his shoulders, mouthing the word ‘what’.

Their eyes widened the longer they listened before Anya grabbed his hand and led him away from the door. Once they were back in the living room she sat down on the couch and smiled triumphantly.

“Well, I’d say mission accomplished.”

“I second that motion.” He leaned back and threw an arm over the back of the couch, smiling when she leaned into him.

“Well I for one am relieved. That should take the ‘B’ out of the bitchiness she’s been experiencing lately.” He laughed at her statement and she smiled at him.

“And I am happy for William losing his virginity. ‘It’s about time’ somehow doesn’t quite sum it up for the guy. More like long overdue really.”

She nodded in agreement as a plan formulated itself in her head.

“I have an idea. Whenever they’re through going to happy land and back and finally show their faces, you go talk to William and I’ll talk to Buffy and...” She cupped a hand over his ear and whispered the rest of her suggestion, Xander’s smile growing wider with each word she uttered.

“You really want me to?” He was giddy with excitement.

“Oh yes, you were quite proficient with the giving of many orgasms. I’d like some more, so please say yes?”

“Hell yes.”

He threw his arms around a giggling Anya and began kissing her. Both were content to pass the time fooling around on the couch while their friends finished fooling around in the other room. It would have worked too had it not been for him rolling her over the remote, turning the TV on, the volume loud as could be.


F: “What the hell?” William froze.

“Oh shit, wait... it’s the TV, Anya must be home!”

That certainly needed no translating. He could tell her roommate had probably been driven home by his friend. They scrambled together before realizing they’d left their clothes lying scattered all over the floor before they ever came into the bedroom.

Well, at least she could get dressed. She flew to the closet and grabbed the first thing she reached for and threw it on, a pale pink sundress. She went for a pair of underwear next when she heard the TV go off and the subsequent string of curses coming from Anya’s loud mouth. She rolled her eyes and looked at Spike apologetically while she finished dressing herself. She walked over to him and leaned down to kiss him quickly.

“Be right back with your clothes.” She gave him a wink and left the room, trying to smooth her sex tousled hair into place as best she could. Like it mattered, her perceptive friend would have figured it out the second she saw the clothes on the floor and it was just An.... okay, Anya and Xander. She walked backwards slowly before they could see her and made her way to the bathroom to straighten her hair with a brush. Talk about double embarrassment. She quickly made herself presentable and walked straight into the living room as nonchalantly as possible.

“Hi guys!”

The kissing couple broke apart startled. Anya however, didn’t have the conscience to look ashamed.

“Hello. Got yourself some I see?” She laughed when Buffy went red and her eyes locked with Xander’s who did have the state of mind to at least look apologetic for her.

“Uhmm, whateve...”

“Oh come off it. As if.” She pointed her finger directly over the pile of clothes sitting to her right and raised an eyebrow as if daring her friend to lie. “Don’t look so embarrassed, you needed it.”

Buffy closed her eyes and held out her hand.

“Okay. Stop right there and turn the megaphone OFF that is in place where you mouth should be, please?”

“Fine. You can give me the details later.”

“So not going to happen, Anya.”

“But why? We’re best friends, we’re suppose to share information like that.”

“No, no, YOU share information like that, not me. And it’s not a best friend thing, it’s your overactive libido and bragging rights... thingy kicking into high gear.”

Anya slumped back into the couch, crossed her arms and huffed. Meanwhile Xander had the look of someone who was going to be outted for his size whether it was with his permission or not. They both watched Buffy as she came to the couch and gathered the clothes in her arms and walked back down the hall.

She knocked softly on her door and let William know it was her before entering. He was pacing the room nervously running his fingers through his hair while wearing her sheet loosely wrapped about his waist. Total yum. Why oh why did they have to come home now, she whined inside.

The relief he felt from having her and his clothes back washed over him. She sat down on the bed and watched him get dressed, wishing it were already tomorrow so he would be calling to say he’d come get her. She sat there pouting when he zipped his fly up and came towards her.

Bending down on one knee he tilted her chin up with one finger and smiled. She was adorable when she jutted out that bottom lip of hers. She smiled back and kissed him quickly. Standing up she walked to the door and opened it.

“I hope you’re ready for this, well, let’s just say you won’t have to be if Anya can prevent herself from speaking in French. I hope your friend has more couth when it comes to matters like these.” She rolled her eyes and turned to go when she felt William pull her back inside the room. He spun her around and planted a kiss on her that would have melted a chocolate bar sitting in a freezer. When he finally let her go, she stumbled a bit and smiled, dazed from the passion he poured into that one kiss. She smiled when he chuckled and held his hand up to his ear in the ‘phone’ symbol, letting her know with no doubts that he’d be getting hold of her tomorrow.

Hand in hand they strolled into the living room to find their friends arguing in hushed tones. She looked to William who raised a curious eyebrow and cleared his throat, forcing their buddies to whip around in their direction and smile as if nothing were being discussed.

“Buffy, Xander and I were just disc...”

“Anya, remember what I said about subtly?” He waited till she sat back pouting and addressed his friend. F: “William, good to see you here. I’m happy you and Buffy arrrrrrrrrre... getting along so well. Could I speak with you for a moment? Privately that is?”

Buffy noted how Anya suddenly perked up after the statement in French had been made. She hated this. She felt like the only one, no, the last one to know anything, like everything was a secret because she couldn’t understand the language. William squeezed her hand and gave her a peck to the cheek and nodded before walking with his friend towards the kitchen.

F: “Alright, William!” Xander punched him in the arm. “I KNEW you had it in you, well, you had it in her, but the fact is... you’re no longer a virgin. Welcome to manhood, my friend.” He slapped him on the back several times.

William stood there blushing three shades of red, until Xander asked a question.

F: “So. What was it like? Did she, I don’t know, do anything, SPECIAL for you?” When his buddy’s stare turned deadly he backed off a bit, surprised when the shy guy he knew disappeared and a protective man came out and warned him sternly.

F: “I’m going to forget I even heard you ask those invasive questions. Since you’re my friend, I will also overlook the fact I want to knock you out for even thinking I’d discuss what I did with that beautiful woman. I’m not like you or any of the other friends we have in our circle. I will not talk about what happened behind her back like she’s a thing; she has a name, and feelings. She’s special and for your information we plan on spending the summer together. So don’t ever let me catch you being disrespectful about her.”

F: “Whoa okay, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything other than... forget it, you’re right. And I’m glad to hear you’ll be spending the summer together, really. Ecstatic as a matter of fact, because that’s exactly what Anya and I decided too. So... still friends?” he asked weakly and held out his hand in truce.

F: “Yeah, still friends.” He felt sort of guilty for barking at Xander, but deep inside he knew what he said was right, every word of it. They shook hands then embraced for a real truce; they were indeed still the very best of friends they’d always been, patting one another hard on the back.

Then Xander pitched him an idea he hoped he would go for.


“Come, sit.” Anya patted the spot next to her on the couch and watched with an excited look on her face as her dearest friend walked reluctantly towards her to sit. “Oh, don’t be like that. I wanted to let you know that I like Xander.” She nodded her head almost the entire time, making Buffy dizzy from her enthusiasm. “Very much. So much so, in fact, that I’d like him to stay the night, if that’s alright with you of course. He’s very good at giving orgasms and I want more. As in like now. So why don’t you let William take you back to their place so we can be alone okay? Thanks, I knew you’d understand.”

“Are you serious?” she asked incredulously. “Wait, of course you are, rewind, what makes you think that Spike is going to agree to that, I mean we just met and, and...” Again Anya gave her the ‘major duh’ look and crossed her arms over her chest. “Anyway, what makes you think he’ll agree to it?”

“Puleeease. A virgin, once he’s had some is like the energizer bunny, ya know?” her finger rotated in circles, “they keep going and going and goi...”

“You KNEW? You knew and you didn’t tell me!?!?” She was practically shouting now, forcing Anya to cringe. “Why didn’t you tell me? I would be mad if William hadn’t figured out a way to tell me himself.” Yeah, she was a bit mad with her friend, having the knowledge before hand may have saved them a couple of embarrassing moments.

“Well, I didn’t find out until he was tongue deep between your legs.” She answered her matter-of-factly.

“AND you saw THAT? In the name of all that is holy, is there anything else you care to share?” Okay, now she was truly fuming.

“Calm down, it was an accident really. Look, Xander went to the basement to give William, wait... who the hell is Spike?” It took her awhile, but it caught up with her that Buffy had said ‘Spike’ instead of ‘William’.

“It’s William.” Buffy ducked her head and blushed. “It’s my nickname for him.” She toed the floor when Anya burst out laughing.

“Oh, you HAVE to tell me why you came up with that one.” She continued laughing until Buffy shot her a warning glare. She coughed then continued. “Anyway, so he went down there and I came down after him, we both had no idea he was ‘wining and dining’ you LITERALLY. Don’t worry, we left right away, didn’t stick around and watch or anything... much,” she whispered quickly, “and as for him being a virgin, Xander is the one who told me right at that moment. It wasn’t like I could shout it out when you were... occupied.” She waved her hand around Buffy’s lower half. “We figured you two didn’t need any help, as evidenced when we came home to discover clothes everywhere and moaning coming from your room.”

“Fine, whatever, you’re giving me a headache and ruining my good mood here. William still may not agree.”

Anya patted her knee and winked.

“Yes, he will, Xander is talking to him right now about it. Besides you better hope he says yes, because I’m not holding back in the verbal department tonight, so either you go to their place and get some more of hot little Frenchie or get yourself a good set of earplugs.”

“Eww! God I hope he says yes.” She lowered her head to her knees and sighed.

“Hey, as long as he keeps providing orgasms, I’ll keep providing him with pu...”

“DON’T finish that sentence.” Buffy sat up and promptly interrupted, knowing exactly where Anya was going with that statement.


Just then the men came back from the kitchen, both smiling when Xander spoke.

F: “It’s settled.” He added in English, “That is if you’re okay with this, Buffy? William would be delighted to entertain you at our,” he looked around at the spacious luxury of the girl’s suite, “MORE than humble abode.”

“I’m sure your place is wonderful.” Buffy giggled and answered him, more than pleased inside that William wanted to have her around him. She was excited that their night didn’t have to end, and that she wouldn’t be forced to put up with Anya’s moaning.

“Well, that’s that. Go pack your bags sister and hit the road so Xander and I can make with the hot monkey sex.”

“ANYA!!!” Both Buffy and Xander shouted in unison.

And again with the...



A/N: Okay, time to feed the muse... come on now, throw us a crumb luv?
Cabane d’Amour (Love Shack) by Im_bloody_English
Author's Notes:
I’m posting this now as hopefully a nice way to start off the work week, I do hope you enjoy it. I want to thank my friend kitty for the lovely picture she made for LIL. I was floored when I saw it. In my mind, she captured the very essence of this fic perfectly and the summer love our couple will share. Many hugs and smooches to you my dear, I can’t thank you enough. Thanks to Dusty273 for editing, you’re such a dear to me. Again, this chappy is for Karbear57 as a prezzie. Once I have chapter 22 of Tailored Encounters written I’ll have her busy I’m sure.
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After taking a quick shower, Buffy packed an overnight bag and headed to the living room where she found everyone chatting away.

“I so need to learn French and fast. It’s disturbing... not being able to understand all of you. For all I know you’re talking about me and it’s kinda rude.”

“Well that’s because we are talking about you right now,” Anya piped up. “But only because William here asked what the word Spike meant.” She smiled away as Buffy ducked her head and blushed.

“Dare I ask what you told him?” This oughta be interesting, she thought. She just hoped he understood it was meant to be flattering to his manhood.

“Actually I handled that part.” Xander spoke up. It didn’t take him long to learn his new girlfriend had no idea that the blunt truth was sometimes too much for people to handle, especially for William with his delicate sensibilities. “I assumed it was a compliment to his, well, shall we say...”

“Penis,” Anya finished where Xander paused. “Xander has a very nice penis too, but I haven’t nicknamed it yet because of the little be...” she held a crooked finger up.

“ANYA! Somehow I don’t think Buffy wants to know anything about that.”

“Damn right I don’t; no offense Xander.”

“None taken.”

“I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into by dating my friend here, Xander. It will take a bit of mental constitution on your part.”

“HEY!!! I’m right here you know.” Anya’s frown turned to a smile when Xander wrapped an arm around her and kissed her cheek before replying.

“I’ll deal.”

F: “I don’t mean to interrupt, but what are we talking about?” William watched the exchange between everyone and assumed their conversation was focusing on Anya.

F: “We were discussing your new nickname.” Xander answered his friend before asking the inevitable. “So, SPIKE, what DO you think of Buffy’s pet name now that you know what it means?” William looked to Buffy who was smiling shyly at him before he answered.

F: “She can call me whatever she wants, just as long as she calls.”

Everyone except for Buffy burst out laughing. No one expected him to answer with something as bold as that. He gave her a wink when she looked confused before reminding Xander to let her know what he would be doing for her, for them.

“Oh, that’s right. Wil, er, Spike has informed me he’s going to learn English here as fast as possible so that the two of you won’t have any problems communicating.”

Her eyes went wide as she strode over to the couch opposite Xander and Anya to sit next to Spike. Turning towards him, she smiled brightly.

“You would do that for me?”

He knew she was making reference to his learning her language so he threw his arms around her and hugged her tight.

F: “I would anything for you, Miss Buffy.”

He kissed her cheek and she melted into his embrace. This was a real boyfriend. A guy who was willing to learn her language just so they could communicate? Oh yeah, he was a keeper.

“You don’t mind me calling you Spike, do you, William?” She waited till Xander interpreted her question for her and smiled with relief when he replied with a simple ‘oui’.

“William here is a 4.0 student, a real genius. I’d say give him a couple weeks or so and he’ll know enough English to get the two of you talking nicely through the summer.”

It was true. William never dated, so all his time was spent on his studies. Buffy threw him an incredulous look.

“AND you’re smart? Wow, I really hit the jackpot.”

He didn’t know what she said, but her tone of voice let him know it was something positive. He stood up and offered his hand to her. He felt it was time to go, so he let their respective friends know.

F: “We’ll leave you two alone now. Hopefully Miss Buffy won’t mind the cramped quarters of our apartment too much.”

When she went to pick up her duffel bag, he took it from her and slung the strap over his shoulder. He placed a hand gently at her waist and led her towards the door, opened it for her and waited politely until she went through first. Stunning good looks, a body to die for, gentlemanly manners, sweet natured and smart; all wrapped up into one yummy package. Oh yeah, this was going to be the best summer ever.

Saying their goodbyes, Buffy clung to one of Spike’s arms as they made their way back outside to his car. The drive back to Paris went even slower, she felt, because every time she tried to put a hand on his thigh he shooed her away and wagged a warning finger at her while smiling. After the fourth try and a purposeful pout, he chuckled and took her wandering hand, kissing the back of it then threaded their fingers together, holding it the rest of the trip.

When they reached his apartment, he waited until they were inside and the door was shut before trying to convey his apologies for such a small and humble abode. When she didn’t quite understand, he made a few symbols while pointing to her and rubbing his fingers together as if holding cash then swung his hands around the apartment. She giggled when she ‘got it’ and threw her arms around him.

“I don’t care if you lived in a barn. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I like it here. Where I’m staying is nice and big, but here its cozy and I don’t mind being forced to be so close to you.” She kissed him sweetly and rubbed her nose against his.

The place consisted of four rooms’ total. A tiny kitchen with a small bar-type counter with two stools, acting as a kitchen table she assumed. There were no doors or walls separating it from the modest living room that seemed spacious enough due to their owning very little furniture. One small love seat, an oversized raggedy looking recliner with an oval end table placed between them sat askew in the room. She could tell the reason was to allow the one giant window in this area to provide them with its view of Paris along with the sunlight. In the far corner stood an entertainment center with DVDs stacked neatly in the shelves below a twenty seven inch television set.

She was a bit surprised to find everything was so neat and tidy. Of course with a place as small as this, it probably didn’t take much to keep it clean. He guided her down a tiny hallway and opened a door saying ‘Xander’ to indicate that was his room. She gasped to find clothes and other junk lying around as if he never cleaned it. He chuckled then led her to the bathroom which was surprisingly large. Her attention was immediately drawn to the giant, old fashioned looking bathtub with clawed feet. She could definitely imagine the two of them fitting in there with no problem under a heap of bubbles. He showed her where they kept the towels for when she wanted to bathe then led her out and down to the room at the very end of the hall. Arriving at his bedroom, she was amazed at how spotless it was compared to Xander’s.

He ushered her inside and placed her bag on the queen sized bed. There was one small dresser which stood next to the bed with nothing but an alarm clock and a table lamp on top. She wondered where he kept his clothes before turning to the opposite side of the room to see a sliding closet door. It appeared to be the same size as Xander’s room, but seemed more spacious because of the lack of clutter.

He watched her flop herself onto the bed and bounce up and down on it a few times as if testing it. He smiled inside. The first woman ever to grace his bed and she was already making herself comfy in it as he watched her roll from side to side. He could hardly wait to fall asleep with her in his arms.

He went to his closet and pulled out a set of faded blue denims and a black T-shirt. Strolling over to her, he pointed to his clothes and then over his shoulder. Of course she didn’t understand so he motioned for her to follow him. He dropped his clothes off in the bathroom then led her back to the couch and turned the TV on. He flipped to one of the few English speaking channels then handed her the remote.

She watched him walk into the kitchen to use the phone briefly then came back to her. He bent down and signaled his hand for her to stay, gave her a quick kiss and then left the room. She didn’t understand what he was up to until she heard the sound of water running coming from the bathroom. Duh, of course. He probably hadn’t had a shower since before he went to work. When she heard the bathroom door shut, the temptation to join him was making her itch. Instead she got up and went to the entertainment center, wondering if there were any movies she would find any American movies in their collection.

Settling herself cross legged on the floor, she turned her head sideways to start her inspection. The better majority of them were in French which she quickly ignored. What few she did find in English were mostly Rambo style, military shoot ‘em up flicks... definitely not her thing.

“Oh wow, here we go.” On the far right end of the shelf she spied what had to be Xander’s collection of Pink Panther movies. Who didn’t like the bumbling and comical French Inspector Clouseau? She giggled with delight and used both hands to pull out all five movies. Hopefully they would have French subtitles so they could watch it together.

When she lifted them out, she saw more DVDs fall forward from behind. Setting the ones she held aside, she picked up the two that fell to discover their ‘hidden’ porn collection. She laughed out loud and peered behind more of the DVDs to discover the entire back shelf lined with them.

“Well, they are bachelors after all.” She was just putting everything back in their place when she heard footsteps coming up behind her. She turned around to see a shirtless William rubbing his hair vigorously with a towel to dry it before he froze in place.

She knew he had to be a bit embarrassed at her discovery so she taunted him a bit. Holding it up in the air she smirked at him while shaking it back and forth. He turned bright red and covered his eyes with his hands, shaking his head back and forth, clearly horrified at her findings. When she laughed he parted two fingers to peek at her with one eye. She patted the floor next to her indicating he sit which he did somewhat hesitantly. Turning the cover over, there was a picture of a couple engaged in a sex, doggie style. She pointed to the picture then moved her finger back and forth between them, raising both eyebrows a few times to denote the two of them trying it out.

He blushed some more when he caught onto her meaning, but inside he was relieved she didn’t seem to care about the DVDs. Oh, if she wanted it doggie style, he was going to give it to her alright. He was more than anxious to try anything she would allow. The image of her bent over to retrieve her keys before they made it inside her suite flashed through his mind. Yup, that was all it took to make him hard as nails again. Damnit, he’d purposely relieved himself while taking a shower too. They hadn’t finished their second round of sex before their friends showed up and he didn’t want to cum too quickly when they did finally do something again, thus he figured a quick wank would help his hormones to settle down.

Being a virgin for so long had him sporting an erection every time the wind blew just right. But in the presence of this girl it was a constant state of arousal. He wondered how many times they could get away with doing it in one night before either of them became too sore or tired. He laughed out loud at that thought as he placed the DVDs back into their ‘hidden’ position. Hopefully he’d find out tonight. She gave him a confused look, so he picked up the DVDs she originally pulled out and chuckled some more.

F: “How about this one? It’s incredibly funny.” He opened it up and pulled the disc out.

“Oui.” She retrieved the empty jacket to read aloud which movie he’d chosen. “The Pink Panther Strikes Again. This is my favorite out of all of them.” She leaned back on her elbows and stretched her legs out in front of her, content to appreciate the aesthetics of his perfect ass in the sky blue jeans as he set inserted the disc.

The doorbell rang, interrupting the silence and she heard Spike mutter something before dashing into the bathroom and back out again, pulling his T-shirt over his head before flinging the door open. She watched him pay the man before taking a sack from him then shut the door again. Motioning for her to join him at counter, she watched as he pulled out two Styrofoam cartons. When he opened them up the smell of lasagna filled the room.

F: “I hope this is alright with you?” He asked in English, “Like?”

“This is perfect, merci, Spike.”

He set about getting plates, forks and a glass of soda each.

She didn’t realize just how hungry she was until she burped loudly after cleaning her plate.

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry. Pardon Moi.” She covered her mouth while he laughed out loud then giggled when he purposely pounded on his chest and let out a horrendous burp of his own. “Ewww. Okay, I can handle the burps, but if you start farting in front of me, we’re going to have problems.” She shook her head then headed for his bedroom after placing her dishes in his sink. She definitely needed to brush her teeth due to the garlic she tasted in their meal.

William cleaned up everything including washing the dishes when she came back into the room with her toothbrush in her mouth. She was still brushing her teeth when she mumbled through the foaming toothpaste and pointed to her brush first then directly at his mouth.

F: “What’s the matter? Don’t you want to kiss my lasagna breath?” He stole her toothbrush right out of her hand and leaned in to make like he was going to kiss her until she shrieked and pushed back at him. She snatched it back quickly and giggled, clearly amused at his attempt to play with her a bit. He followed her into the bathroom after wiping his sudsy hands and handed her a bottle of mouthwash when she finished spitting in the sink.

She took the bottle of green liquid gratefully and gargled as quietly as possible while watching him brush his own teeth. When they were both finished she couldn’t help but think it felt as if they lived together to be doing such things as burping and brushing their teeth in front of each other. She followed him back out to the living room and waited for him to sit on the couch before joining him. He situated himself on one end and propped his left ankle over the opposite knee. Oh no, he wasn’t going to get away with that.

He watched her curiously as she grabbed his socked foot from his knee and lay it straight across the length of the couch. When she sat down right between his legs and propped her own feet up he groaned. The feel of her bottom so close to his groin brought his erection back full force. He moved to sit up a tad straighter, wiggling slightly away from her. She wore a thin sundress and the fact he could feel the indentation of her cheeks through his jeans was going to be torture on him if he couldn’t get some distance. He quickly grabbed a throw pillow and pushed her forward.

“What are you doi... Oh!” She felt him push a pillow between their bodies then wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her tight against him. She snuggled against his hard chest thinking, he’s so thoughtful, never once suspecting there was a bulge behind the pillow that threatened to tear through the dense fabric and stuffing just to get to her derrière.

He grabbed the remote to press play and set up French subtitles even though he knew the movie’s lines by heart then returned his arm to her waist. It was nice they could enjoy something like this together and hopefully the movie would take his mind off his raging hard on.

Together they sat and laughed through the entire flick as the city lights outside came on when the last of the sun disappeared over the horizon. When it was over, he used the remote to turn the TV back on and the DVD player off. Buffy turned around into his arms and started nibbling at his ear, saying things to him that had his cock twitching wildly in his jeans. Damnit he wished he could underst... wait. Why hadn’t he thought of it before?

Spike pushed her away from him and motioned for her to stay. She pouted; all she wanted to do was kiss him for awhile. He kissed her pout and then her forehead before leaving the room. When he came back he brought a laptop with him and quickly resumed their respective positions and opened it up on her lap so they could both look at it.

“Uhm, what are we doing exactly here?” He didn’t answer her, but instead went to the internet. She couldn’t read a thing so she had no idea what he was up to until several clicks later he stopped on a site where there were both English and French words. She didn’t bother to read them but instead watched him type something into a text box then hit return. When the next page loaded she couldn’t believe what she saw... it was awesome. She read aloud.

“This is a site that translates any word or phrase into any language you’d like. I thought maybe we could talk this way until I’ve learned English. I hope you don’t mind?” She turned her head to see him grinning. She kissed him quickly on the cheek then turned back around to type her reply, which he read in turn.

F: “I don’t mind one bit, this is a wonderful idea. I can’t tell you how glad I am to be able to talk directly to you at all. It’s been hell gesturing everything.”

They went back and forth like this for nearly thirty minutes. He was surprised when she’d told him that she didn’t think he was interested in her when she tried to flirt with him at the bistro. He told her it was only because she was the most beautiful woman in the world he’d ever met and didn’t see how it was possible she would be interested in him. He adamantly denied being ‘drop dead gorgeous’ as she put it and they argued back and forth until she kissed him senseless. He relayed his nervousness about everything that had led them to this point and that he was beside himself with happiness that she wanted to see him throughout the summer. When she typed in ‘so are we officially boyfriend and girlfriend’, his answer was an emphatic yes and that she was his ‘first everything’; girlfriend, girl he ever kissed, lover, etc. Towards the end of their conversation she thanked him for taking it upon himself to learn her language and promised to do her best to learn his but not to expect any miracles either. He chuckled then asked her one last question... how much of Paris had she seen since she’d been in the country to which her reply was nothing since Anya had dragged them to club after club nearly every night.

He snapped the laptop shut and placed his hands on her hips to get her to stand. She stood there confused when he brought her a light jacket and placed it around her shoulders, grabbed her hand and his keys and headed out the door. He shuffled her into his car and drove a few short blocks before parking it. When they got out he quickly sprinted around to her side and pulled out a bandana from his pocket. He wrapped it lengthwise and went to place it around her eyes. She stepped back, not sure she wanted to be blindfolded. Wrapping his arms around her, he whispered against her hair and kissed her cheek. She understood that he was asking permission to do this when he held it back up in front of her and uttered the word ‘s’il vous plait’. She nodded, supposing no harm could come from her being blindfolded in public with tons of tourists and locals roaming the streets. He smiled and thanked her before securing it behind her head.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and led her in the direction of his surprise, being careful that she never had a chance to trip with his careful guidance. Since she said she’d seen nothing but the local clubs, then he knew she hadn’t seen what he was about to show her. And since it was to be her first time, seeing it at night would be something truly special, at least he hoped she would like it.

He walked her for quite some distance, making her wonder what he was up to. She could tell they were still walking the streets from the sounds of the hustle and bustle of people when he finally stopped. He stepped behind her and untied the cloth, whispered something in her ear then turned her around to see one of the most beautiful sights she ever laid eyes on, causing her to gasp his name then squeal with delight as her head craned towards the sky.

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She turned in his arms and thanked him before kissing him full on the mouth. No one even bothered to stare at the young couple when he grabbed the back of her head and deepened the kiss, her bliss-filled moans filling his loins with lust and his heart joy that she enjoyed his little surprise. They finally had to break for air and he held her body tight against his.

F: “I will take you everywhere this summer, Buffy; show you every lovely place in my country though none could ever hope to compare themselves to your beauty.”

She buried her nose in his chest and inhaled his scent, savoring it along with the warmth his arms provided. He was a romantic through and through and she loved it. No more dumb jocks for her, this man was the stuff dreams were made of, what every girl wanted in a boyfriend. She felt ten feet tall for being so lucky as to find him, bump into him... whatever. How fate had brought them together she didn’t care, all she cared about was hanging onto him as long as she could.

He took her underneath the twinkling lights of the Eiffel Tower and got them on the elevator along with other tourists, riding it all the way to the top of the highest observation platform about nine hundred feet up. They stayed long enough to take in the entire view of the city. He kept one arm around her waist and took his time pointing out each prominent place and naming them for her while his cheek remained flush with hers. Oh, she appreciated what he was doing, but the fact she was here at all, at the top of this incredible landmark in the city of lovers with her new lover was all she needed to be happy.

By the time they finally arrived back at his apartment, she still found it difficult to wipe the silly perma-smile from her face.

“Wow. Tonight was really, just... wow.” He smiled at her then retrieved his laptop. When he attempted to open it, she quickly placed her hand on top of it and shook her head ‘no’. “I don’t feel like talking right now. We have the whole summer for that. Right now... I want to show you just how much I appreciate what you did for me.” She leaned in to whisper huskily against his ear, hoping she’d get her point across from the mere action alone. “Show you how much I appreciate you.”

The laptop forgotten, he followed her back into his bedroom. He was going to ask her if she enjoyed herself tonight, but apparently she had other ways in mind of how she wanted to communicate. C'est la vie', who was he to argue with a beautiful woman? Especially when the beautiful woman was his girlfriend... his girlfriend. He would never get over it, how she waltzed into his life and turned everything upside down in under an hour... for the better. She moved her duffel bag from the bed to the floor and beckoned him forward.

When he came to stand in front of her, she took her time in pulling his shirt out from his pants. She lifted it over his head then went to work on his jeans, grateful that he didn’t wear underwear as it would only get in the way. She thought about doing a striptease for him but decided against it. That was a little too bold and wouldn’t fit the moment for either of them. She decided that maybe he would enjoy undressing her himself so when he finally stood naked in front of her, she resisted the temptation to fondle his manhood that jutted out proudly from his lean form and turned her back to him, lifting her hair so he clearly understood what she wanted him to do.

He didn’t need to be nervous around her anymore now that they were officially a couple, but he still couldn’t help it. She absolutely bewitched him with everything she did and he feared before long he’d be head over heels in love with her. It wasn’t the thought of being in love that scared him, it was knowing that at the end of the summer she would inevitably have to go home. He’d never had a broken heart before, but if it felt anything like what he was feeling now just thinking about her leaving then he was heading for serious trouble.

His fingers trembled while pulling the zipper to her dress down revealing the golden expanse of her back as it parted. He was immediately drawn to her slim shoulders and reached out with one hand. Placing his palm over her silky skin, he ran it downward over the entire length of her arm, clasping her hand in his. Giving in to his desire, he dipped his head and placed his mouth against her shoulder blade. He brushed his lips back and forth, enjoy the tickling sensation it produced along with her little sighs. He wrapped a gentle arm around her waist, trailing light kisses towards her neck, smiling when she tilted her head to give him better access.

She reached a hand around to hold the back of his head while he subjected her to the softest of kisses, leaving tingles to dance along her skin. Leaning against him, she felt his manhood press into her bottom. Shivers ran up and down her spine when he suddenly pulled on her waist possessively, purring into her ear before nipping at the skin behind her ear.

“Don’t tease me, Spike. I want you too much right now to play games.” She turned around and took his hands in hers, placing them over her breasts. “Undress me.” Extending her arms outward she held still, hoping he understood.

Since he was naked and she was not, he took her actions to mean that she wanted him to remove her clothes like she had his. His fingers peeled her dress slowly away from her chest. Letting go of the fine material, it fell from her body, catching on her slender hips. She wore a white strapless brassiere with a single pink bow in the center, pale pink seed pearls sewn into the under-wire that encased her breasts. He fingered the delicate bow while his other hand ran along her side and down to push the dress from her hips. Glancing down, he saw that she wore matching panties and his breathing picked up as he slid his hand around to cup her backside. He couldn’t help but think how purely feminine she looked. She was like a tiny Barbie doll, except Barbie never wore a thong.

She watched him circle behind her then felt his warm hands caress her backside tenderly before taking the sides of her panties and pulled them down until they dropped on the floor to join her dress. Her bra followed next... once he managed to figure out how it was hooked together. God, she couldn’t wait till he took her from behind, she had that thought in her head all night long after discovering his skin flicks. Feeling a tad wicked, she wondered if she could entice him into it, without having to come out and explain it. She arched her back until she felt the tip of his erection slide between her cheeks, that’s when he grabbed her hips and spun her around without any warning. The look of lust and fascination filled his piercing blue eyes, making her grow wet with desire.

Taking a step back, he crawled onto the bed and guided her by the hands to follow him. They were both on their knees facing each other, wondering what the other wanted to do... to try first. Buffy took the initiative first by wrapping her hand around his cock and squeezed, pleased when his eyes screwed shut and he whispered her name. Taking one of his hands, she brought it between her thighs and left him there to do whatever he wanted.

F: “So wet, Buffy.” He glided his fingers between her nether-lips, amazed at how slick she was. She was driving him insane, making him want to forget this slow, sensual foreplay and bury himself inside her sweet channel. He slid two fingers into her depths and gasped when she responded by squeezing his cock a little harder before she pulled away from him completely.

“Enough is enough. I need you now.” She finished her statement by turning around and placing her face sideways against the pillow, presenting her ass in the air and throwing him a wicked grin as she spread her knees apart. It would be hard for him to miss the mark with her fully exposed in the light like this.

The second she bared herself to him, he let loose a string of profanities before launching into action. He grabbed one hip and used his other hand to guide the head of his erection to her opening, groaning when he pushed forward and she pushed back, helping him to sink his full length inside. There was no way he was going to last in this position; it was too erotic being able to watch her beautiful ass as he pumped his shaft in and out of her welcoming warmth. He tried to set a pace, a slow one at first, but when she reached back and grabbed one of his hips and urged him to go faster his body obeyed without question. She let go and squealed in a high pitched voice. It was one thing to watch a movie of two people doing this, but to see his cock slide in and out of her slick folds and the sense of power he felt from such a dominate position was too much. Since he wasn’t going to make it much longer, he picked up the pace until he was slamming into her. She screamed his name and he felt her clamping down around him. His hips took over and rolled to the side every time he pushed forward.

The bedroom quickly filled with the sound of flesh slapping together hard and fast along with twin cries of ecstasy. Buffy was delirious with the bliss now radiating between her legs and unable to do anything except allow her body to be pleasured as Spike began pounding into her at an insane speed. As she neared her orgasm, she wanted him to cum with her, so she did her best to reach a hand between both their legs and gripped his balls firmly. She rolled them in her hand as she swiftly approached the peak of her orgasm. Feeling her body soar past the clouds, she grabbed the headboard and raised her body up, letting go of him to hold on as her muscles constricted around him.

Her treatment of his scrotum drove him to fuck her with wild abandon. When she let go and shifted, he felt as if she were strangling his cock. He leaned his chest against her back and wrapped one arm around her waist while the other sought purchase next to hers on the headboard. His body jerked forward even as he tried to stave off from releasing just yet. There was no success to be had, not when she was cumming this hard around him. Pressing his cheek to hers he let himself spill inside of her, his thrusts slowing until he was completely spent.

As he fell back onto the bed, he brought her with him, her body releasing his cock when they landed. She rolled over and lay motionless until she could breathe properly.

“Wow. I may be going out on a limb here, but I assume you enjoyed that position?” She spared a glance in his direction to see his eyes closed but a huge smile on his face. “I thought so. We’re going to have to build up your tolerance, baby.” She sat up and raised an arm, *sniff, sniff*, “Well, I may not stink, but I’m thinking that bathtub is big enough for the both of us.” She went to get up when he rolled over and grabbed her.

F: “Where do you think you’re going?” When she turned to look at him he gave her a wicked smiled and curled his tongue behind his teeth. He sat up and hauled her across his lap, kissing her until she stopped squirming.

“Come on,” she whined, “I wanna take a bath.” Coaxing him out of the bed her eyes went wide when she saw he was already at half mast. “Why do I get the impression I’m going to feel like a pin cushion tonight?” She pointed at it and he shrugged his shoulders sheepishly.

Laughing all the way down the hall, she dragged him into the bathroom and gestured between them and then turned the bath water on. The thought of her body all slippery and covered in bubbles sent him frantically searching to see if they actually had any bubble bath. Breathing a sigh of relief when he found some under the sink, he handed it over to her, wondering how much fun there was to be had while trying to get clean.


A/N: Feed the muse please?
Porn et Circonstance (Porn and Circumstance) by Im_bloody_English
Author's Notes:
What can I say, the muse snuck into the medicine cabinet and took a handful of those little blue pills again. Thanks to Dusty273 for all her help and beta work, smoochies to you sweety.
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William wasn’t one to usually take baths, but after being immersed in more than enough bubbles with his beautiful American girlfriend, well, let’s just say ‘rub a dub dub’ took on a whole new meaning.

Buffy had insisted upon getting in first and for him to sit in between her legs. At first he thought it was because she might be afraid he’d use the position to coax her into ridding him of the ‘hard on from hell’. But that wasn’t her purpose at all. She astounded him with her tenderness when she proceeded to bathe him instead. It was nothing more than lathering and rinsing him, but her gentle touch felt so erotic it excited rather than relaxed him. When she finished, he offered to do the same for her but she shook her head ‘no’. Instead she pulled his head back to lean against her shoulder while she drew patterns on his chest with the bubbles. She bent her legs, exposing her knees just above the bubbles and he couldn’t resist running his hands over her tiny ankles all the way up her smooth calves, around her knees and along her outer thighs before running them back down to repeat the pattern all over again.

As the water cooled and the bubbles evaporated, instead of a flaccid ‘floating penis’ she could see his appendage was just as straight and tall as the Eiffel Tower and snickered to herself. Yeah, they would definitely need to work on his stamina. Anya got one thing right though, what a virgin lacked in stamina, his libido made up for.

After indulging a few minutes more in the hot bubbly goodness of the bath, she realized that she needed to get out of the tub before she turned into a prune, so she nudged him forward. Spike seemed to know what she wanted and got up to retrieve them towels. The heat from the water created billows of steam to roll off his skin and she took advantage of the view he offered to appreciate his gorgeous body. Broad strapping shoulders with a strong back that tapered all the way down to his slim waist, forming a perfect ‘V’ shape. He had those love handle muscles that stuck out ever so deliciously just above those sharp lickable hip bones. Her eyes followed small rivulets of soapy water trail slowly down his spine to settle right between those two round, delicious buns. Ahhhhh, that ass... mmm, mmm, mmmmmmm. She would be thanking God everyday now that she was born a woman.

He stepped out of the tub and held a towel open for her, wrapping it tight around her shoulders when she backed into it. She chuckled when he went to put his glasses back on and they were all steamed up, forcing him to squint as he followed her down the hall to his room while trying to clean them. She had planned on staying naked but he hadn’t even pulled the towel from his waist when he began pulling his jeans back on.

Looking in Buffy’s direction as he zipped up his fly, he saw her face form into a frown. Couple that with the fact she made no effort to get herself dressed and he knew exactly what she was thinking. Oh, he definitely wanted another go at her, but he didn’t want her to think that was all he wanted from her. He really wanted to get to know her better, to know all about her. What she liked to do for fun, what she liked to eat, everything about her. It was great that he would be having all the sex he wanted this summer, but he was just as interested in what lay inside her pretty head as well as in what lay between her long beautiful legs.

He smiled brightly, brought her clothes to her and kissed her forehead. She still wondered why he wasn’t attacking her when she took her towel off and started to dress, but everything was obviously alright between them. She followed him back out to the couch and he brought the laptop with him. Wow, he wants to talk some more? Kind of hard to believe when she could tell by the bulge in the front of pants what he’d rather be doing.

They resumed their previous position when they’d first chatted and he started typing in question after question. Some of them were pretty general, others a little more personal but not inappropriate. After some time was spent answering him, it dawned on her that he was interested in her... in her, as in her person. Sure, they were boyfriend and girlfriend now, but most guys usually didn’t care about getting to know her once she’d given ‘it’ up. Funny how things were working in reverse for her with Spike. He was a wonder to her. She’d found a diamond in the rough, so to speak, while every other woman had ignored him for shinier gems that held all kinds of flaws within their facets. What would it be like when they were finally able to hold a verbal conversation?

He watched as she typed nearly two paragraphs into the translation box, curious as hell over what she was going to say or ask. When she finally hit return and he began reading, he wound his arms even tighter around her waist blushing harder than he ever had before. She was amazing, beautiful, funny... she was perfect for him. In two short paragraphs she’d told him how wonderful and caring she thought he was, how different and better he was than anyone else she’d ever dated, how much she was looking forward to being able to ‘talk’ with him and the list just kept going on and on. The last sentence also stated her desire to know all the answers to the same questions he had asked her.

And so, for the next two hours they excitedly typed back and forth, getting to know one another about as well as any couple could on a first date. There was of course plenty more to learn, but he’d told her they had a whole summer for that and he intended to spend every possible minute of his free time with her doing just that.

She finally decided to steer the conversation in a direction to which the subject matter held more questions she wanted to ask. If they were able to communicate in the same language, she’d be far too embarrassed to even suggest what she wanted to discuss.

Holy shit! He thought he couldn’t blush any deeper than he had earlier, nor get any harder than he already was. He was wrong. She wanted to know what turned him on, what he wanted to try, that she wanted to please him as much as possible and try some new things herself with him if he didn’t mind. She, of course, added one little last note, ‘no threesomes’. He chuckled and reassured her that even though seeing two women together turned every guy on, he had no desire to go outside their relationship in any way, shape or form.

Here’s where their conversation ran into some problems though. He tried to answer her as best as he could, telling her he would ignore the shade of pink that tinged her cheeks if she would ignore his, but there were certain words that just didn’t quite go through the translation process properly enough to be understood. They got the basic idea, but when it came to specifics... forget it.

That’s when Buffy got a bright idea. It was one she would never have suggested, but hey, under the circumstances... when you’re given lemons, you make lemonade right? Besides, they were both adults and it would not only solve the problem but it just might have other possible perks to it as well.

It was a brilliant idea, but he couldn’t believe what she was suggesting. He liked her forward way of thinking so of course his answer was yes.

F: “Oh, I almost forgot.” He certainly didn’t want to get things wrong on his part when it came time, plus it was easier to tell her like this, before he learned any English.

He typed in a short sentence and then covered his face looking a little embarrassed. After she read it, she turned around to kiss him and nod her head.

“My, my, William. Who would have thought a nice boy like you would be into dirty talk? I’m game though, whether you choose to do it in French or English.” Naturally she typed in what she had said, after that, there was nothing more to say as she closed the lid to his laptop and dragged him towards the TV. Together they picked out two porno movies and set about watching the first one, only this time, she made him sit between her legs. Naturally she couldn’t understand a lick of what they were saying in it, but who needed to?

It started out feeling like it was more of an instructional type video as they each had there cues of squeezing the other’s hands once for yes, twice for no. She was a bit surprised to find he had an inner kink to him, but everything he indicated he wanted to try was nothing she wasn’t willing to either. When they came to one particular part during the second movie, she squeezed his hand once and he turned to her, looking clearly shocked but highly aroused, too.

F: “Really?!?!”

“Ohhhhh yeah. That’s a definite oui.”

Oh, he was in heaven, or would be soon. He didn’t know a man out there that didn’t want to try anal sex at least once. Of course Xander’s description took on a whole new meaning now that he knew what it felt like to be inside a woman. He was more than eager to try it, he just didn’t think Buffy would consent and he damn sure wasn’t going to ask her.

A short while later, they stopped their hand communication system and just observed the TV in mutual silence. Buffy found herself surprisingly open to watching skin flicks with Spike, he made the situation feel comfortable, mostly due to his shy nature. Any other guy would probably be pawing her right about now and making lewd comments. They both blushed from time to time, but other than that, she discovered it actually turned her on rather than off. It wasn’t long before she could feel how wet her panties were getting and she knew it had to be affecting him, too. As they watched a dark haired girl on the screen pull open her partner’s pants and begin stroking him, she’d had enough.

William closed his eyes and leaned his head against Buffy’s shoulder when he felt her tiny fingers start caressing his erection through his jeans. When he felt her undo the fastenings and pull his throbbing member out to mimic what was going on in front of them, he thought he’d cum right there on the spot.

She didn’t want to spend too much time fondling him like this seeing that he was as ready as he was ever going to be, so she only stroked him a few times just to hear him moan before pushing him forward.

She made him stand up so she could remove his pants then gently pushed him back onto the couch to sit. She purposely didn’t obstruct his view of the television while slowly taking off all of her clothes except for her thong. He looked absolutely awestruck as his eyes followed her every move. When she began cupping her breasts and pushing them together, her poor boyfriend looked ready to self combust. He started to get up, clearly having seen enough and wanting her now, but she quickly pushed him back down and shook a warning finger at him, letting him know ‘not yet’.

She took a little pity on him though and guided one of his hands to his cock, encouraging him to stroke himself. He looked a little apprehensive at first, but she shot him a sexy grin and licked her lips, which was all the encouragement he needed to continue once she let go. She took one step back so he could watch up close what she was about to do and proceeded to drive him insane.

He didn’t know whether it was watching the porn or not that had her standing in front of him acting like the sex goddess she was, but he wasn’t going to stop her either. Taking over the job she’d started, he suddenly felt no shame in touching himself as he watched her throw her head back and moan, twisting one perfect little pink nipple between her fingers while the other hand slid beneath the front of her panties. He could see her fingers dancing beneath the silky material, rubbing herself then dipping down lower to play inside her sweet hole. Christ, he was going to shoot all over the couch and himself if she made herself cum like that.

When she opened her eyes and saw how gorgeous he looked sitting on the couch, pumping his thick shaft at a slow pace... she swore her panties just got a whole lot wetter. She wondered how much more he could take of her teasing and turned around slowly. Grabbing the sides of her underwear, she slowly pulled them down, bending at the waist and keeping her knees straight to give him a bird’s eye view of her backside as she lowered them all the way to the floor with her hands.

The second she bent over in front him, he wanted nothing more than to stand up and shove his cock between the swollen folds of her sex. He held back though, wanting to see what she would do next. He knew the moment she turned around with that smile on her face that she was purposefully trying to kill him with her little show. God bless America, he thought as she placed one small foot on the couch right next to his knee, opening herself up further to his view and began pumping two of her fingers inside herself slowly, moaning his name.

F: “My God, kitten. You have no idea how gorgeous you look.” Then again, maybe she did and that’s why she was doing what she was doing to him. Little minx.

She watched his hand begin moving faster and his breathing pick up when she removed her fingers and offered them to him. When he took the two digits into his mouth and sucked on them she was thankful he was a fast learner.

“Good boy, Spike. Very, VERY good.”

After wrapping his lips around her fingers, he knew it was time to stop all this foreplay. He licked each one clean then grabbed her hips roughly. Sitting up he pulled her into his mouth and drove his tongue deep inside her channel. She cried out and it wasn’t long before he could feel her body stiffen in ecstasy, her hands gripping his shoulders tightly. He was absolutely drunk from the taste of her essence as it flowed like honey over his tongue. He really could stay right where he was forever, feasting on her sweetness, but he had a huge problem that needed taking care of right now. He sat back and tried to pull her on top of him, wanting her in the same position they had enjoyed at her place, but she wouldn’t let him. Instead she dropped to her knees in front of him and snuggled her body between his legs.

She lowered her mouth onto his cock, taking in as much of him as she could. This was not a time to take things slow, she knew her man needed this and there wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do for him... or to him. He gasped as she hollowed her cheeks on the upstroke and allowed him to pop free from her mouth. Working the base of his shaft with her hand she laved the head of his shaft with her tongue then sucked it between her lips and flicked her tongue over the sensitive underside.

F: “Feels so good when you suck my cock, Buffy. I love the way your lips look, all stretched out, your mouth full of me. Ahhh, makes me want to pull out and cum on my stomach just so I can watch you lick it all up.”

Her little hand set a wonderful pace while she bathed him with her tongue. He looked down and was grateful her hair was still pinned up from their bath. Just seeing her pouty lips surround him was driving him mad with desire. He looked up briefly to see the brunette in the movie doing the same thing but in a different position than Buffy was in. The camera zoomed in for a close up and though it turned him on, it was far better to be receiving the real thing and Buffy was far more beautiful to watch. He grabbed the remote and turned the TV off, not wanting anything to distract him from enjoying the sight or feel of what was going on between his legs. Placing both hands gently on her head, he enjoyed the silky feel of her blonde locks, thinking how incredibly lucky he was that she enjoyed performing this act.

She silently appreciated the fact he was far more interested in watching her than the movie. It made her proud to know he liked what she was doing for him that much. She looked up and stared into his eyes. Oh yes, he was watching her intently, his hands on her head only encouraged her to suck him harder, hoping to bring him off soon.

The faster she circled her tongue around the ridge of his helmet the louder he moaned and she knew he was getting close. Placing her hands on the tops of his thighs, she began bobbing her head up and down his entire length, quickening the pace when she felt the muscles in his legs start to tremble.

Though he appreciated what she was doing, what he wanted more than anything was to be back inside her. Suppressing the urge to release in her mouth, he willed his hands to move and dragged her body towards him.

One second she was ready to swallow him down, the next she was being hauled up from underneath her shoulders. Spike grabbed her waist and roughly pulled her forward then pushed her thighs apart, positioning her right over his raging hard on. Her nipples tingled from the sensation of brushing against his chest as their ragged breathing made their bodies heave together in anticipation.

Reaching for her sex, he slid his fingers back and forth over her nether lips then quickly situated the head of his shaft between them. She was so slick and warm that her body accepted him effortlessly as she sank her full weight down, sighing in bliss as she did so.

“I love how you feel inside of me, baby. Fuck me hard, Spike, fuck me hard and cum inside my pussy.” This dirty talk was definitely something she could get into. If he liked it, then surely he would enjoy it that much more once he could understand her.

She felt his fingertips dig into her bottom, helping her move back and forth over him, grinding their centers together hard. The friction from his wiry hair rubbing against her clit sent delicious sparks of ecstasy to spread through the sensitive flesh of her nub up into her womb. They stared at each other, moans and sighs escaping their lips at the start of their dance. As her speed increased, his hands traveled north, gliding along her sides and up to take her breasts into his palms.

His tongue reached out to place light, teasing swirls and licks to the tips of each of the precious mounds in turn. She tilted her head to the side and arched her back, pushing her chest closer to his mouth, her tits aching for more attention which he gladly gave them. She wrapped her arms around his head, threading her fingers into his hair to hold him against her and changed the angle of her hips by tilting them up.

She rode him up and down now, using her knees against the couch to raise and lower herself rapidly, creating erotic, wet sounds every time their bodies came together. He pulled away from her chest and reached under her arms, hooking his hands on the tops of her shoulders from behind. Using the leverage he pulled her into the down strokes, trying to bury his cock to the hilt with every thrust.

She heard his moans turn to deep guttural grunts with every sharp, jabbing motion of his hips and she was rapidly coming undone, her body humming as the pressure in her belly increased. She clung to his shoulders for support when he suddenly stood up. She was shocked and unready for this bold move but she wrapped her legs around his waist instinctively so as not to fall.

He was so aroused that he didn’t know how much longer he would last and he desperately wanted her to cum before he did. Taking an idea they mutually agreed on from one of the flicks, he decided now was as good a time as any to employ it in hopes it would bring about her pleasure. Now that they were standing, he slid one arm down about her waist while the other moved from one shoulder to the other, his arm crossing over her back so he wouldn’t drop her. Her arms moved to his neck, drawing their bodies flush and he bent at the knees, using his arms to pump into her as fast as he could.

“Oh FUCK!!! Spike, I’m cumming,” she cried out. The hurried pace of his thrusts in this new position pushed her senses over the edge in seconds. Her body exploded and she stiffened around him.

Her inner walls strangled his cock so much that he slowed his movements considerably, attempting to stave off his orgasm if at all possible. Luckily this didn’t seem to frustrate her, she merely clung to him until her body finally relaxed, kissing his neck and cooing words into his ear he was sure were praise. He turned them around and pushed her legs off so she could stand on the couch then pulled out of her. Scooping her into his arms, he carried her down the hall towards the bedroom, noticing how she seemed to glow like an angel, her face flush and radiant, eyes dazed in the aftermath of her orgasm.

A/N: Stroke my muse please? *Giggles*. He’s still horny... little devil.
L'amour Trouvera Une Manière (Love Will Find a Way) by Im_bloody_English
Author's Notes:
See the a/n at the end once you’ve read the chapter, thank you. Oh, and if anal sex is not your thing, you may want to skip down until you see the ~~~~ symbols. After that you'll be fine. Don't want to squick anyone out that may not like reading that sort of thing.
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She’d barely recovered from the pleasure he’d sent coursing through her body when he threw her onto the bed, hurriedly positioned himself between her thighs and entered her in one swift thrust. She gasped his name and wrapped her legs around his hips, allowing him in as far as he wanted.

After several long strokes, he pulled out completely and stared into her eyes. He saw the confusion and question set in as to why he would stop and though he was nervous, he could only answer by showing her. So he took hold of his shaft and proceeded to enlighten her.

She knew he needed to cum so why did he stop? She’d found herself very aroused by this needy, savage side when he took overall control, fucked her good and hard standing up, whisked her away to his bed to shove his cock deep inside her again, so why the hell was he stop... OH!... Oh my. She felt him tease the head of his dick around her center then lowered it to coat the entrance of her second hole in her own fluids.

He saw her eyes go wide with recognition of what he intended to do and he froze. If she gave any indication she didn’t want him to go there then he wouldn’t. He’d never hurt her or force her into doing anything she didn’t want to despite the fact this had been her idea. The corners of her mouth turned up in a small smile and she nodded her head, relieving him of his apprehension.

She spoke the word ‘oui’ and placed her hands on his shoulders to brace herself. She’d heard from Anya that it was painful at first, but that if she could relax long enough until it was inside, the rest would feel wonderful. She didn’t understand how that was possible, but she knew she could trust Spike not to hurt her. He was a gentle soul at heart and there was no other man she could have felt more comfortable in trying this with. If she didn’t care for the experience then she would say so, but if it felt half as good as her friend said it did then it would only open the door to more intimacy to be shared between them.

He saw her take a few steadying breaths then nod her consent for him to start. He knew better than to jam himself into her, even Xander had said the porn flicks weren’t accurate due to the fact the women who engaged in it were probably already loose down there with repetition of the act. I know how I would feel if someone were to stick a foreign object up my ass so I need to be gent... He caught his own pun and had a time of it trying to stifle the giggles that threatened to erupt. Poor Miss Buffy, she was about to get a ‘foreigner’s foreign’ object stuck up her ass. Shaking the private joke from his thoughts, he concentrated on using her own wetness to coat her entrance then ease himself inside. He put more pressure against the opening without breaking through and kissed her lips when her eyes fluttered with a look of anticipatory pain.

God, he was being so careful with her, so mindful of her fear, stroking her hair and whispering words in between sweet kisses. When she felt him finally push beyond the tight barrier, she hissed while rearing her head back and he stopped. He didn’t pull out but he stopped to look in her eyes, worry reflecting in his own. She nodded her head and took a deep breath, gripping his shoulders a little tighter then closing her eyes, awaiting the next few inches to burn just as bad as the first.

He took his time and used a mild, rocking motion to push a little more in every few shallow thrusts. She felt incredibly tight around him and he could hardly wait to start fucking her like this. Once he was fully seated, he held still and waited for her eyes to open, give him a sign she was still okay with this.

Huh, Anya was right. It really wasn’t all that bad. Once he was about halfway in and she willed her body to relax against his carefully measured movements and the pain ended. In place of that pain came on odd but not altogether unpleasant sensation. She opened her eyes when he ceased all movement.

“I’m okay.” She chose the only two words she knew he’d understand. “Like. Oui... whatever, just start moving.” She made her point known that she was ready by rocking her hips against his. She smiled as his eyes rolled into the back of his head with relief and he began moving with her.

They built up the tempo together until both were gasping for air. He buried his head into the crook of her neck and pistoned his hips steadily faster until she felt the familiar stirrings of an orgasm. It surprised her, she didn’t know that was possible, Anya hadn’t told her, hadn’t prepared her for that. Well, duh, Anya probably thought she would never be in this position. She gave into it, curious what it would feel like if she achieved it.

He knew he was but a few short moments away from his release when he felt her embrace tighten its hold on him and her body started to shake. Was she going to have an orgasm? Oh God, she was. The knowledge she was enjoying it enough to cum, that he was making her cum like this filled him with pride. He pushed his body up by his elbows and stared into her face. Yes, she was definitely about to...


Her eyes went wide and her mouth opened to let out a cry for which she had no voice as her orgasm rushed through her. It was different but no less intense. For a woman, every orgasm is slightly different than the last, but this new type was exhilarating, powerful, it lingered and lasted at the height of its peak as he continued thrusting his body into hers. She heard him growl and it thrilled her. She liked his inner animal, demanding, forceful, that could take what he wanted and was still able to bring her with him. With one final thrust, his hips stayed fixed against hers, buried inside of her and she knew he was cumming. He jerked forward twice more then slumped his body’s weight on top of her, spent. She sighed, feeling him immediately start to soften inside of her. She ran her fingers through his hair with one hand and stroked his back lightly with the other. Breathing in deeply, her nostrils filled with the aroma of sex and his unique manly scent. She let out a long, contented sigh as she exhaled.

Somehow he found the energy to raise himself and looked into her smiling face. He smiled back at her and ever so slowly extracted himself from her body. He dashed off to the bathroom and turned the shower on, then brought back a wet washcloth for her. When he re-entered the room, she’d turned out the lights and lay there naked upon his bed, stretching out like a cat and yawning, her beautiful golden body taking on a blue hue from being bathed by the full moon’s light showing through his window.

“Magnifique.” He whispered and she turned towards him, a lazy smile gracing her lips. He walked over and handed her the cloth as well as the towel she’d used earlier. “And you’re mine. Mine.”

When she wrapped the towel around herself and sat, he held out his hand to her. She took it and he led her towards the bathroom, pointing towards the shower then slowly dragged her into his arms for a heated kiss. She let the towel drop and pressed her body against his. She filled him with awe, a sense of humbleness in the presence of her beauty and also pride. It might be a sin, but he was prideful now as he knew the woman in his arms was his and his alone, of her own free will.

After they’d showered, they snuggled back into his bed under the covers. He spooned her from behind and kissed the back of her neck. Running his fingers through her soft, long hair over and over until his hand finally slowed and sleep overtook him.


Neither William nor Buffy heard their friends enter the apartment the next day. They were fast asleep, still in the same position, exhausted from their night of rigorous sex.

Xander called out his roommate’s name twice but when he received no answer he just walked towards the back of the apartment with Anya in tow.

“They probably went for a walk or something,” Anya stated when they came to William’s bedroom door.

“Better check just to be sure. The way you scream, I’m surprised you didn’t get evicted from your place.”

She smiled up at him. “If you weren’t able to make me scream, then I wouldn’t be here right now, about to jump your bones again.” She placed a kiss to one of Xander’s blushing cheeks and winked at him.

He knocked lightly at the door twice but received no answer. He knocked a couple times more but there was nothing. Still needing to be sure before taking Anya back to his room, he pushed on the door. It swung open slowly and the single creak it produced startled Buffy into waking.

She sat up at the sight of her friend and Xander looking at her and shook William’s body. He too sat up straight to greet the knowing smirks on their respective friend’s faces.

“Morning, you two love birds,” Xander greeted them. “Long night?” He quirked an eyebrow at them, happy his friend had finally found someone.

Anya scrunched up her nose as she sniffed in the air and waved a hand in front of her face. “Smells like B-Dussy in here.” Everyone gave her a perplexed look so she explained. “Booty, dick and pussy.”

“ANYA!!!” Everyone except for a confused looking William shouted, but she merely shrugged her shoulders and walked away.

“Xander and I will be in the kitchen.” She grabbed Xander by the collar of his shirt and yanked on him to follow her.

Once the couples were all in the same room together, Xander announced his decision to loan Anya his car so it was easier for the girls to get around. William smiled at this, knowing it would make things simpler for all of them to get together. He placed his arms around Buffy’s waist and kissed the side of her head, ignoring the ‘lovey-dovey’ remarks he received from both their friends. Roughly an hour later, William reminded Xander they had to go into work soon. They quickly made plans that the girls would drive to the bistro to meet them at the end of their shift.


Upon arriving at work, every employee had noticed and remarked that there was something distinctly different about William. Xander was just about to open his mouth and proclaim the news as to why when William shot him a warning look to keep his mouth shut. Of course that didn’t stop their co-workers from trying to wheedle the information out of both Xander and William throughout the day, but they both remained ‘mum’ about the subject. During a break, Xander commented to his friend how happy he was for him and that Buffy was not only hot as hell, but that they seemed destined for one another.

When it neared 5 PM, William could hardly wait till Buffy showed. He’d drilled Xander on the English language every chance he got in order to begin learning and vowed he’d try and help her learn his, not believing for a second that she couldn’t despite her declaration not to expect any miracles.

When they walked into the quaint little bistro, Buffy’s eyes quickly scanned the bar area, smiling when her boyfriend reappeared from retrieving something under the counter. His eyes caught hers instantly and she melted from the look he gave her. Xander was just coming through the back with some clean glasses when they reached the bar.

“Hi,” Anya chirped and promptly sat down on a barstool opposite Xander as he swung a hand towel over his left shoulder.

Buffy ignored them and shared a glance with William before hearing two girls at the end of the bar giggling. She looked to see them pointing and whispering towards her man and instantly became jealous. William never noticed them; she could see that his attention was solely on her. Immensely pleased with this, she waited until he approached her and she picked up a nearby empty wine glass some other patron had left behind and shook it back and forth at him.

William and Xander had a long discussion about what had been said yesterday in English that had Xander blushing when they first met the girls. So when Buffy gave him that familiar, sexy smile while waving a glass in front of him, he couldn’t help himself. He leaned over the bar and spoke in a deep husky tone.

F: “Does my ‘fussy pussy’ want something to wet those luscious lips of hers?” He licked his bottom lip seductively at her and winked.

Both Xander and Anya heads instantly whipped in their friends’ direction, shocked beyond belief at the shy Frenchman’s statement. Of course neither blonde noticed, too rapt in the other to care.

Inside, Buffy could tell he’d said something dirty to her by the way he’d said it and the mischievous look in his eyes after his tongue darted out. She watched as he turned around and retrieved a clean glass and poured a generous half glass of golden liquid from a deep green colored wine bottle. Her eyes were focused on him but she kept her ears tuned into the two stupid girls to her right as they remarked in gasps to the clearly sensual exchange that was happening between them.

Just then, three coworkers came out from behind the swinging doors of the bar and greeted both William and Xander with smiles.

William smiled to himself and promptly removed the bow tie from his neck, shed his black vest and opened the first three buttons of the crisp white shirt he wore. Walking around to the opposite side of the bar, he intended to sit down next to the Californian beauty, but she stood up to greet him instead.

The owner of the place entered the bar area last and gasped along with his employees as they witnessed what took place between the shy virgin they knew as William and the gorgeous blonde that was now wrapping her arms around him.

Buffy wasted no time in embracing her boyfriend, unaware of any onlookers as she drew him into a passionate kiss, forcing not only their immediate friends, but every other patron and employee in the place to watch in mutual surprise.

She felt pleased when Spike grasped her waist possessively and kissed her back with equal fervor. Seconds into the kiss, everyone in the place except the two girls who’d been ogling William earlier erupted into applause and whistles.

F: “My boy has become a man.” Philippe, the owner of the place, announced with a bellowing voice.

Both Buffy and William quickly ducked there heads together in embarrassment from the attention that was directed their way until Anya stepped in close to Buffy’s ear to whisper her encouragement.

“Play to the crowd, girlfriend.”

Buffy looked to the co-workers and gave them a sexy wink, then turned her attention back to Spike and grabbed his ass unabashedly drawing him against her body, kissing him in a manner that left no doubt in anyone’s mind as to her passion for him.


The summer progressed, at first quite fast then it slowed to a crawl as both sets of lovers spent more and more time together, whether as a group or alone. Spike had taken Buffy everywhere there was to see in France that held any amount of history, romance or beauty. True to his word, within the first two weeks he spoke enough English to be able to communicate with her. They’d used his ability so that she could learn some French. And the ‘dirty talk’ that he adored so much became a regular occurrence during their physical bouts of passion.

Every single day, the couples had gone their separate ways in order to spend the night together alone, learning more about each other, having fun and sharing the laughter that young love held between two people of their age.

During their fifth week together, William had taken her on a picnic near dusk at a nearby park when he seemed to start acting uncharacteristically nervous towards her.

“What’s wrong, baby?” She asked concerned at how odd he was behaving towards her.

“Nothing, Miss Buffy, I swear.” He could see she didn’t believe him, and he knew there was no use in denying her the knowledge he tried to conceal since the time he’d first laid eyes on her. “Buffy,” he wrapped an arm around her waist and leaned his cheek against hers. “My sweet girl. I can only hope I don’t frighten you with what I have to say.”

Not knowing what to make of his words, she reassured him that no matter what he had to say, she was there for him, with him, every step of the way. He still hesitated, so she held him tighter and kissed his cheek. “You can tell me anything.”

“Let’s go home. Then I’ll tell you, I promise.” He could only hope she would understand. His feelings had grown so strong and so quick for her that he felt it was time to let her know and accept whatever consequences there were to be had through his admission. He simply couldn’t go on without knowing whether she could return his love or not. If she rejected him then he would die, but so be it. He was willing to risk all at this point if she would only return his feelings, even if only a fraction.

Xander and Anya were spending their designated night at the boy’s flat. Meanwhile, in the countryside amidst the decadence of Buffy’s summer residence, William became more and more apprehensive even as she tried to relax him by getting him into bed and rubbing his back.

He explained as best he could that he was intimidated by her beauty, her wealth, that he felt everything she had given him was a gift from God himself and he may be a fool for love, but when she began kissing him, he found it hard to concentrate and well, he just plain found himself ‘hard’. Maybe he should wait, just one more day. It was obvious that she thought what he had said was all he intended to say, and right now, he just wanted to make love to her.

Nestled under the covers of her bed, he looked into her eyes, a very deep and soulful look that made her shiver. Lust, desire, every raw and passionate emotion filled his beautiful icy blue eyes. He was breathtaking in that moment. Forget that he was the best lover she’d ever had or that she’d just met him a few short weeks ago, forget they were getting ready to bring each other the physical satisfaction their bodies both craved. The way he held her in his gaze right now had her feeling more naked and open to him than she already was. She would never forget this one brief moment for as long as she lived, for it was the instant she knew she was in love with him and there was nothing she could do about it.

Winding an arm around her waist, he brought the other one up to gently cup the back of her head and drew her into the most passionate kiss they had shared yet. This one wasn’t about sex or lust though indeed they were present. This kiss spoke of a new understanding, of feelings that had yet to blossom, of hope. He knew she felt it too, had seen it in her eyes, could feel it in her kiss and the way her body trembled underneath him. It was just him, just her, right here, right now. She’d suddenly given him the courage to tell her and she didn’t even know it.

“I know that you’re my first, Miss Buffy, and it may be too soon to be saying things like this. But I’m helpless against any attempts I’ve made at trying NOT to fall in love with you this summer.” His lungs filled with anxiety as he took a deep breath and held it.

“Are you saying what I think you’re saying, William?” God she hoped so.

Might as well tell her and hope she lets me down easy, he thought. He nodded his head and said the words. “I love you.” She surprised him by attacking his mouth with hers, flinging her arms around him and holding him tight. He kissed her back, grateful she hadn’t rejected him.

Letting her lips kiss their way to his ear, she told him of her own feelings. “Je t’aime, William. Je t’aime.”

When she said she loved him back, in his own language, his heart swelled to the bursting point.

He rolled her onto her back and she opened her legs wide, accepting him inside her body. This time was to be special, no matter how new they still were to each other as people.


Before anyone noticed, the summer was gone. The girls were two days away from catching their flight back to California and Buffy was in tears. Her arms clung tightly to William as he tried to soothe her and keep from breaking down himself. It would do no good for her to see how distressed he was over her leaving; it would only make her feel worse.

“Please don’t cry. You’re breaking my heart. I promise, kitten, we’ll stay in contact. I’ll write you everyday if you want. We can use instant messaging, call each other... you said yourself you would be coming back as soon as you could.” He rubbed her back when her sobs didn’t cease and squeezed his eyes shut to fight off his own tears.

She’d made him promise not to come to the airport with her. It crushed him when she didn’t even want him to give her a ride. Her reasoning was sound though, he understood her and so he reluctantly agreed to abide by her wishes after arguing for over an hour in an attempt to change her mind. If he were to be present when she boarded the plane, she assured him she would break down and not be able to leave the country. She didn’t want him to see her like that, eyes all puffy and red. She wanted him to remember her with a different picture in his mind, the one where they were always smiling at each other while walking the streets of Paris hand in hand.

Anya remained amazingly calm about leaving Xander behind. Buffy couldn’t believe how aloof she was being in her attitude. She accused her of being cold and they’d argued while packing their suitcases on the morning of their departure.

“C’est la vie, Buffy. It’s time to go home, move on, go to college and grow up.”

“Xander adores you, worships the ground you walk on and you’re ready to just forget all about him?”

“Unlike you, we didn’t say those three magic words to each other. The ones that have you ready to cry again any second.” When she saw that she’d hurt her friend’s feelings, she stopped what she was doing and sat on the edge of her bed. “I never said I didn’t care about Xander. I just refuse to set myself up for heartbreak. He’s probably going to meet some new girl once he goes back to school and soon... he’ll forget all about me. Long distance relationships never work out.”

She’d heard enough and went to leave the room. “Maybe in your world, Anya. Not mine. I’ll meet you out front as soon as I settle up our final bill.” Inside she feared what Anya said may come true... for William as well. Yes they loved each other and had made all sorts of promises, but the reality that he would be surrounded by girls once back and school and the fact he was no longer as shy as she’d first known him to be, well, he would undoubtedly run into girls that would be interested in him. He wasn’t a virgin anymore, either. He was a guy, a guy that wanted sex constantly, loved sex.

Her eyes welled up with tears after she’d left the chateau and got into Xander’s car. Unlike her, Anya agreed to let her boyfriend drive them to the airport and hang out till they left. It stung her heart to see him, knowing that she could have very well been with William right up to the end. But she was sure she’d have a nervous breakdown when it came to the final goodbye and made him promise to stay away.

They’d made love for hours at his place the night before; resisting sleep for as long as they could until it eventually overtook them. In the morning, despite her soreness, they’d gone at it again twice more. There were, of course, more tears from her and promises from him before she finally called a cab to take her back to the chateau even though he begged to drive her himself.

“Everything will be alright, Miss Buffy, you’ll see. Once I’m finished with school we’ll figure everything out. In the meantime, we’ll stay in touch and make trips during the breaks.”

Despite the possibility that time and distance could very well change his feelings towards her, she simply couldn’t give up hope. For better or worse, she was in love with him and had made up her mind there would never be anyone else but him. She would wait for him no matter how long it took and would pray every night he would do the same.

The three of them sat in the terminal’s lounge, awaiting the announcement to board the plane. Xander and Anya were chatting away as if everything was fine while Buffy sat mindlessly thumbing through a magazine; her tears always near the surface but in check.

After Xander got up to use the bathroom, Buffy heard a tiny sniffle. When she looked up, Anya didn’t quite look like herself.

“Are you upset? Are you... crying?” Indeed it did look like she was about to cry.

“Who me? No, no, I’m fine.” She wiped at her eyes and shook her head before staring straight ahead, avoiding all eye contact.

“Yes, you are. You do love Xander... don’t you?” It didn’t take a genius to see that Anya had been stoic in her efforts to conceal her misery. That is until Xander had left her side. Buffy placed a gentle hand to her best friend’s arm and watched as she slowly turned her head to look at her. Her bottom lip began to tremble and her eyes instantly filled with tears that spilled forth effortlessly. “Oh Anya.”

The two girls embraced, hugging each other tight, each knowing they were going through the same emotions, their bond of friendship deepening in that moment. Buffy held her as Anya’s shoulders shook from her silent sobs. For the first time in the past week, Buffy forgot about her own sadness and focused on comforting her friend instead. When Xander came back to find them like that, Anya tried to act normal but it was no use. The couple dismissed themselves to go get some coffee and talk. Anya had been reluctant to leave her friend’s side but Buffy assured her she would be fine.


He couldn’t do it. He’d kept every promise he’d ever made her but he couldn’t keep this one. Desperate to hold Buffy one last time, William got into his car and headed straight for the airport. Driving past a row of shops, one in particular grabbed his attention. In a last minute decision, he stopped, making an impulsive purchase in hopes she would like it.

Twenty minutes. Twenty more minutes and she would be gone for good. His legs carried him at breakneck speed through the terminal to find the gate she would leave from. Two days ago, at the chateau, while she was in the bathroom, he saw her flight ticket laying out on the night stand. He was thankful he had the good sense to inspect it, taking note of the details or he wouldn’t know which airline she was using, the number of her flight or the exact time of her departure. When he arrived at the correct gate, he glanced up and checked the flight schedule board and breathed a sigh of relief. Good, her plane hadn’t left yet.

Scanning through the sea of travelers, his eyes finally landed on her small form, hunched over something she appeared to be reading. Taking a deep breath, he headed her way.

Ten long minutes had passed since Xander and Anya had left and her nerves were shot. She glanced at her watch and jiggled one knee impatiently; agitated she was still twenty minutes away from going home. If she could just get on the plane, if she could just get in the air maybe she would feel better. Who the hell was she kidding? She’d only become more miserable with every passing mile that took her further and further away from Spike. Burying her face back in her magazine, she tried to read any random article to pass the time along and keep from crying.

“Miss Buffy.”

Her head snapped up at the familiar voice to see him standing there; her man, her lover, the reason she loathed to go back home.

“Please don’t be mad with me.” William dropped on his knees, wrapped his arms around her legs and laid his head in her lap. “I couldn’t keep my promise, I just couldn’t.”

How could she be mad with him? True, he broke his promise but it was his love for her that brought him here and she couldn’t fault him for that and when he looked up, sadness written on his tear stained face, she lost control of her emotions. She’d never seen him cry and it broke her heart to see him like that. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders to hold him tight, leaning her cheek against his head.

“I’m not mad. I could never be mad with you.”

She rocked him back and forth, kissing the top of his head, telling him that she loved him, over and over.

There was an announcement over the loud speaker that flight 312 was on time and would be boarding in fifteen minutes. Her flight. The flight that would take her away from him.

“Come with me.” He took her hand and led her towards the far wall of the terminal. “Stay here.” He disappeared into the men’s bathroom for nearly two minutes. In the time he was gone, three men exited along with a janitor before he finally reappeared. “Come on.” He grabbed her hand and tried to lead her inside.

“Spike! What are you doing?!?! I can’t go in there!” What in God’s name was he thinking? She tried to pull away from him when a voice from behind spoke to her.

F: “Go on, little lady. You got ten minutes. Ten minutes and then I’ll have to unlock the door.”

She turned around to find it was the janitor who had addressed her.

F: “Go on now. Your first love only comes once.” He smiled and took a yellow sign that read ‘closed for cleaning’ and opened it up to sit by the door.

“Thank you, monsieur,” William said softly. And with that he led Buffy into the men’s room, hearing the lock click into place with the rumbling of keys.

“I want to give you something.”

Buffy nodded. Despite not understanding all of what the janitor had said, she was still taken aback that he’d given them a chance to be alone like this.

“It’s not much, but I hope it’s enough to make you believe that we’ll be together again one day. I will always remain true to you; never doubt that, Miss Buffy.”

“I believe you. You don’t have anything to prove to me, I mea...”

“Sshhhh. Please, let me finish.” He fished a small black box from his back pocket and held it up. “You said to me once that you liked pearls. Well, this is for you.” He extended his hand for her to take it, holding his breath that she would like it.

Stunned, she took the box from him and opened it slowly. It was a simple gold band with a single pearl as the setting. When she looked up at him, he quickly explained.

“It’s a promise ring. It symbolizes my love for you, my promise that I will be true to you and that one day...” He took a deep breath. “I’ll replace this with a diamond and ask you to be my wife.” He got nervous when she didn’t say anything right away. “That is, if you’ll have me when that time comes.”

“Yes.” That’s all she could say as she fell into his arms, sobbing.

His hand reached down to take the box from her and extract the ring. “I love you.” Taking her left hand, he pushed it onto her ring finger.

“I love you. Je t’aime, William. I will always wait for you... always.”

He kissed her sweetly but before long, that kiss had escalated into one of passion. William backed her up, pressing her into the wall with his entire body. She pulled away to catch her breath and whisper.

“Make love to me one more time. Please.” The desire to reconnect one last time dominated her mind as she tore at his shirt.

He wasted no time in popping the buttons to her blouse then pulled her bra down, freeing her breasts to his waiting mouth.

“YESSSS!!!!” He kissed and licked each of her tits in turn, sending her body into overdrive in its need to have him. She worked at the fastenings of his pants frantically until she held his rock hard shaft in her hand, pumping him furiously.

“Ahhhhh.” In one swift move, he picked her up by the waist and pressed her even harder into the wall. She wrapped her legs around his waist and felt his hands reach beneath her skirt to pull her underwear aside.

“Oh GOD!!!” she cried out when his cock pierced into her.

Their eyes remained locked on each other as he began moving inside of her. She moaned in bliss, tears rolling down her cheeks unchecked while she savored the feel of him one last time. Her body began to stiffen, she closed her eyes and clung to him, taking him in and spiraling higher as he pushed in and out of her, speeding his movements as she reached for the last orgasm she would ever experience until they were together again.

“Buffy!” He cried out, releasing his passion inside her. Holding her tight, he felt her walls clamp down to surround him, her beautiful body expressing its love for him. There they remained until every last tremor from their quaking bodies had ceased.

It was then they heard a knock on the door and the janitor’s voice saying their time was up. They righted themselves quickly and walked out, the knowing smile of the janitor making them blush.

They hadn’t even sat back down when the sound of the loud speaker announced the passengers of flight 312 could now board the plane.

“I love you, Miss Buffy. Never forget that.”

“I love you, too.” Her voice cracked and wavered as she tried to speak around the lump formed in her throat. “I’ll call you the second I’m back home, okay?”

“Okay, kitten.” He brushed his knuckles tenderly against her cheek.

With those final words, they kissed one last time. When they parted, Buffy quickly turned and handed her ticket to the flight attendant, sparing one last glance towards the love of her young life, fingering the promise symbolized in gold and pearl that encircled her finger.

L'a Fin (The End)

A/N: The B-Dussy line comes from a movie I saw once, but damned if I can remember what movie exactly. Anyway, that line is the sole property of said movie's screenwriters and no infringement is intended on their rights. Hope you all enjoyed. This fic is now completed. I know it went a bit fast and the ending was somewhat sad, and yes... fluffy, mushy and all that other good stuff but they do have their promise to each other and of course they will keep it. I’ll leave it up to the readers as to whether or not to write a 3rd sequel and make it a trilogy. I’m perfectly content to leave this fic as is as I’m currently writing a new fic, another porn without plot like this one, (totally different setting, no foreigners), that with any luck I’ll start posting before the holidays. Big hugs and kisses to everyone who fed my muse so well, he’s off in a corner now purring contentedly.