Good Enough by Bloody_Hell
Summary: Buffy's having problems with her relationship with Angel and goes to Spike for comfort. Angel can't stand her always running to him, and the feelings between Buffy and Spike are still alive...based on the song "Good Enough" by Sarah McLachlan
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 22 Completed: Yes Word count: 33398 Read: 28358 Published: 12/23/2006 Updated: 07/07/2009
Watching Him Slip Away by Bloody_Hell
Chapter 19: Watching Him Slip Away

Buffy continued to watch Spike fall deeper and deeper into Drusilla’s trap and couldn’t help but miss him. As the weeks and months past, the blonde came to realize how much love she had for Spike, and it hurt to know that day-by-day he was drifting farther away from her.

It was just a few weeks till they were to walk across the stage, and accept their diplomas. Prom came and went. Spike, of course went with Drusilla, Xander had asked Cordelia to go with him as friends, and Willow, Buffy and Angel decided to go together as singles. The whole gang shared the limo and stopped to take pictures at the park on the way to the hotel the dance was being held at. Angel purposely set himself next to her in all the pictures, and sat down beside her at their table, which she thought nothing of.

Buffy had already applied and got accepted to Sunnydale University, along with Willow, who was to be her Dorm mate. Angel decided to go to UCLA with Cordelia, and Xander had planned to jump right into the working field. Everyone seemed to be getting on with they’re lives and soon her friend’s we’re starting to forget that their blonde member even cared for the to sexy blonde outsider. But she didn’t. Everyday was getting a little harder, and Buffy swore she caught Spike stealing a few longing glances at her during Prom. Every ten minutes or so, she would feel as if someone was watching her, and look up to catch his intense gaze.

Now here she sat, in one of the back row of chairs lined up in front of the school. The small stage was situated ahead of the rows, with the principal and vice principal shaking hands of their students as they collected their diplomas. Buffy conveniently was placed next to Willow, and the two girls watch as the P’s started to get called out.

“Jordan Patterson, Hillary Patsy, Camille Phisher, Liam Porter, William Pratt…” the Principal called out one by one.

Spike went up on stage and accepted his diploma. He gazed out into the crowd and caught her eyes for a brief moment, before walking back off the stage. Buffy smiled, and cheered on her other friend’s as they also accepted their diplomas they worked twelve years to get. “Yeah Willow!!!”

Finally school was over and real life began after today.

* * * * *

Buffy and her friends met up after the ceremony; hugging, taking pictures and talking about their first moments on this campus. Buffy was so caught up with her friends that she didn’t notice someone approaching her.


She whipped around to the familiar voice behind her. “Spike…what is it?” this was the first time Spike spoke to her since that day in the hallway when he chose Drusilla over her.

“Can I speak to you for a minute?” Spike spoke in soft tones, not really wanting his use-to-be friends to hear his words. He tried to ignore the death glares that he got from Angel and Willow.

Buffy gave them a look telling them she’d be back. And to her surprise, Spike grabbed her hand and guided her around the corner of the school: one of the quiet outside hallways. People had already left the school or in the front so there was no one in sight. “What is it Spike…what could you possibly have to say to me?” Buffy asked crossing her arms.

“This.” He grabbed her face in his palms, and his lips crashed down on hers, in a passionate caress. Buffy tried not to kiss him back but it was a lost cause. The blonde flung her arms around his neck and tangled her tongue with his. She didn’t think about the consequences or what was to come of this kiss, she just let her body succumb to his. When he pulled away, and brushed a few strands of hair out of her face, Buffy tried to let words form.

“Can you repeat that, please?” was the only thing that came out.

Spike chuckled, and caressed her cheek. “I couldn’t leave here without doing that.”

Buffy smiled softly. “So what are your plans after the summer break?”

Spike still held her face in his hand looking her right in the eyes. “Work, and school. I got accepted to UCLA. I know I’m taking a few courses with Cordelia…hope she doesn’t kill me.” he laughed out.

Buffy laughed with him, wrapping her arms tighter around his waist. “I’ll tell her to cut you a break. So you going to come and visit me here in good old Sunnydale? Or am I going to have to track you down?” the blonde joked; leaning in and placing a light kiss on Spike’s neck.

Spike nuzzled the side of her face. “You wouldn’t be able to keep me away for that long. But I can’t be in Sunnydale too often. We wouldn’t want Drusilla to get suspicious.” Spike spoke softly but it rang like a gong in Buffy’s ears.

Buffy pulled away from Spike, and pulled his hands off her face. “You’re still with Dru?” shock was evident in her voice.

“Well yeah, but I still want to be with you. You have something that Dru doesn’t…a shine, a glow that’s so blinding and fascinating that I can’t turn away.” Spike explained, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

Buffy couldn’t understand. “Then why don’t you just leave her? I’m not good enough alone…you need us both?” Buffy’s pain was clearly in her voice. The panic shone brighter than the tears in her eyes.

Spike sighed and turned his head away for a brief moment. “Buffy let’s not do this now. I hate seeing you cry, baby.” He went to brush a tear off her cheek but she slapped it away.

“Oh don’t baby me! I don’t get you! You want me then you don’t…and you kissed me but you’re still with her! What do you want from me, to be the other woman? Cause I won’t, Spike I will not lower myself to that!” the small blonde furiously wiped the tears from her face, and took a deep breath. “I think…I think it would be good for us to have some time apart. I need time to get over you, and you need to let me go.” She stated as calmly as she could.

Spike frowned and shook his head. “No…no I don’t want you to get over me…I don’t want to let you go.” He claimed with urgency, grabbing her upper arms.

“You’re going to have to. You go…be with Dru, because I can’t give you what you want right now.” The two stood in silence for a moment until Spike sighed his defeat. Buffy smiled sadly at him, and placed a goodbye kiss to his lips and headed back towards her friends, clearing her face of any tear tracks and mascara.

Spike watched her go, his heart heavy. He decided for now he would give her the space that she needed, and shuffled over to where Drusilla and his parents were waiting.
This story archived at http://