Good Enough by Bloody_Hell
Summary: Buffy's having problems with her relationship with Angel and goes to Spike for comfort. Angel can't stand her always running to him, and the feelings between Buffy and Spike are still alive...based on the song "Good Enough" by Sarah McLachlan
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 22 Completed: Yes Word count: 33398 Read: 28356 Published: 12/23/2006 Updated: 07/07/2009
I Wan't You Back by Bloody_Hell
Author's Notes:
okay here you guys go, i hope you like it...there is a little bit of a "Friends" moment...i hope you can catch it. I didn't mean to reference it, but i relized i did after when i was editing it. lol anywayz please review tell me what you think!!!
Chapter 8: I Wan't You Back

Buffy squealed and jumped up, running to the door to answer it.

Yanking the door open, the huge smile on her face, dropped and she stood motionless.

“Hi Buffy.” A deep voice answered on the other side.

“Angel…you came back.” Buffy’s heart started to race. She didn’t know what to do and she was sure that her face was red with anxiety.

“Yeah I realized that walking out like that doesn’t help anything, it just sets things back…so I came home so we could talk.” Angel replied while walking around Buffy and placing his duffel bag on the floor by the entrance. He sat down on the couch and waited for Buffy to come join him.

“Did you get the pizza?” Spike shouted from the other room. Buffy’s eyes widened and quickly looked over to Angel to gauge his reaction. Angel turned around to look down the hall which Spike was now walking down while pulling a t-shirt over his head, coming into the living room, and buckling up his pants. He stopped when he saw his best friend sitting on the couch. He was practically shitting his pants, but he didn’t let it show.

Angel turned back around to glance over at Buffy, who hastily hung her head in shame. He took two deep breaths, and stood calmly. He walked towards Spike who stood there, unmoving. Angel stopped a few feet in front of him, glaring at him with hard eyes. Cocking back his fist his punched Spike in the face, and watched as he stumbled back. Buffy gasped in surprise, not expecting that.

“Angel!” she scolded shocked.

Angel didn’t give his friend time to recover, and gripped Spike by his shirt, and slammed him into the wall, causing a loud thud, where the blonde’s head hit the hard surface. Spike’s head hung limply to the side for a second before he shook it out to look Angel in the eyes.

“Oh my God, Spike!” Buffy yelled running towards him. “What the hell is your problem, Angel? You almost knocked him out!” She tugged on his arm trying to free Spike of his grasp.

“Maybe I should have tried a little harder.” He returned looked at Spike pointedly. “Who the hell do you think you are?”

“Angel let him go! This is not helping!” Buffy barked, slipping under Angel’s arm and standing in between him and Spike, pushing at the angry brunette as hard as she could. He was barely giving.

“Really? You think so? ‘Cause it’s helping me…a lot.” His deep voice rumbled sending shivers down her spine, and not in a good way.

“He’s your friend-”

Friends don’t sleep with their friend’s girlfriends, Buffy!” Angel countered, cutting her off.

“He’s not the only one to blame then.” Buffy returned calmly. Angel looked down at her with sad and confused eyes. She pushed lightly at him and he eased up, backing away from both of them. “I was upset after you left and then he called, and-”

“-and you ran to him like you always do.” Angel finished off for her.

“He came over to find out if I was okay! Or did you forget that you put a hole in the wall before you left? I was scared and I didn’t know what to do and then I kissed him-”

You kissed him?!?” Angel bellowed out in anger.

“Yes and then one thing led to the other…and-”

“She couldn’t keep her hands off me.” Spike sputtered out, straightening himself out.

Buffy turned back to him. “Shut up, Spike you’re not making this any easier. Angel, you have to believe me…I didn’t mean for this to happen-” Buffy got cut off once again.

“But it did, Buffy, and you can’t change that now.” Angel said getting in her personal space, his face contorting in rage. “I can’t believe you’d do this to me Buffy…and you were the one that accused me of cheating?”

“We were on a break!” Buffy yelled back, tears forming in her eyes from the stress of all of it.

“Not even for a day! And you moved on that quickly. Spike is my best friend…and here I am blaming him, when I should be blaming you.” Angel turned to look at Spike then walked over to him. “And what about Cordelia, Spike? I’m not gonna tolerate you cheating on my sister.”

“I broke up with her…we were having problems anyway.” Spike stated, in a strong voice, standing his ground.

“Good. And she better be okay, otherwise I’m going to be finding it really hard to get your blood out of my carpet.” Angel returned in a deep, low voice…so low that Buffy couldn’t hear. He turned around and walked back towards Buffy. “We’re over, Buffy. I was thinking about working on our relationship while I was away, but now…I just can’t. Knowing that you and Spike…no.” Angel shook his head and picked up his duffel bag again. He walked towards the door, pulled his keys out of his pocket and dropped them on the table by the entrance. He walked out the door, and slammed it shut without a word, or a glance back.

Buffy flinched as the walls vibrated in his depart. A tear slipped down her cheek, and she quickly wiped it away. Turning to spike, and seeing him, wipe the blood from his lower lip, she ran to him, touching his face, and taking a look at the cut on his lip and the start of a bruise on his eye. Spike pulled away from her and walked around her to sit on the couch.

Buffy looked shocked, and a little hurt that he would do that. Turning around she sauntered over to sit down next to him. “How’s your head?” she asked, placing her hand on his knee.

“It’s fine.” He answered shortly, picking up her hand, and placing it back on her thigh.

“What’s wrong?”

“”What’s wrong? Buffy, you were pretty much begging Angel to take you back right in front of me! You told that you loved me; I broke up with Cordelia for you. And all you wanted was for him to take you back!” Spike yelled out standing up to look down at her.

Buffy stood up as well. “I wasn’t begging him to take me back! I just wanted him to understand. I admit it hurt watching him walk out that door, but it would kill me if you did.” Buffy had tears forming in her eyes. The truth was that she did still have feelings for Angel. They were together for a long time. But her feelings for Spike trumped any relationship she ever had. He was her first love; her first everything. He gave Buffy her first feelings of pleasure and feelings of pain. And those were feelings that she didn’t get over. They were always there.

Spike looked at her apprehensively. He scratched the back of his neck and sighed loudly. “I don’t know what to think right now Buffy. I really don’t.” Spike claimed, walking towards the door. He wanted to be with her, ever since that first time she left his arms. Now he had his chance and he didn’t know if he wanted to anymore. The fact that she might still love Angel pained him. If he was going to her, he had to have all of her…without any other guy still holding a piece of her heart.

“Spike please…” Buffy begged, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. “Don’t do this, just-stay. Please?” Buffy stopped him, pulling on his arm. The broken look on her face nearly made him give into her.

Taking a deep breath Spike spoke. “I think you need to figure out what you want before we jump into things. Cause I don’t know if I can take it if you leave or if you decided this was a mistake.”

“It’s not…I would never think that! I know what I want Spike; I want this to work. And I know you do too.” Buffy stepped closer to him, and cupped Spike’s cheek in her palm. “We’ve both wanted this for so long…” she started in a whisper. “Are you telling me that you can just walk away?” When Spike just looked down, Buffy guided his chin to look at her. “This is our moment, Spike. Let’s not waste it like last time.” Buffy’s voice held a sad, almost exhausted tone. When Spike said nothing, she continued. "You promised you wouldn't leave me." Tears slipped down her cheeks when Spike still said nothing. She dropped her hand from his face, and turned to walk away, when Spike grabbed her by the waist with one hand and pulled her closer to him. When she looked up he brushed that tear away with his other hand.

“Don’t cry, luv please. You know I hate to see you cry…even more when I’m the one that causes them.” Spike kissed her softly on the lips, and tucked her hair away from her face. “We’ll work through it alright? We will. I promise.” Spike pulled her into a hug, and tucked her head under his chin, stroking her hair and running his fingers through it.

Buffy sobbed happy tears into his chest, and held him tightly in her arms. This was it…this was the love she’d been waiting for. The love she had once upon a time, but lost. Now she had it back, and there was nothing in the world that was going to rip away her dreams this time.

please review!!!
This story archived at http://