Quiet Summer by Sotia
Summary: Photobucket

23 year-old Buffy has to spend her summer with her teenage cousin Xander and his cousin Will... who's no longer the shy boy she remembers. Or is he?--------------------------------COMPLETE

Although this started as a 'Romance' it would now better fit the Porn With Plot category (if there was one)... I guess that can be expected when Spike is a teenage hormone bomb!

***Nominated at the Cradle Of Humanity Awards in the Best W.I.P category.

Winner of 'Judge's Choice - THE ECSTASY AWARD' at the Forbidden Awards', Runner Up Best AU at the Indigo Crypt Awards, and Reader's Choice - BEST FANTASY 'WE MISSED THE BED AGAIN' at the Spuffy Awards! ***YAYYYYYY *does happy dance* Thank you Carrie and xenachakram12 (lj), you rock!
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky
Series: None
Chapters: 38 Completed: Yes Word count: 86584 Read: 54772 Published: 11/05/2007 Updated: 05/02/2008

1. 1 by Sotia

2. 2 by Sotia

3. 3 by Sotia

4. 4 by Sotia

5. 5 by Sotia

6. 6 by Sotia

7. 7 by Sotia

8. 8 by Sotia

9. 9 by Sotia

10. 10 by Sotia

11. 11 by Sotia

12. 12 by Sotia

13. 13 by Sotia

14. 14 by Sotia

15. 15 by Sotia

16. 16 by Sotia

17. 17 by Sotia

18. 18 by Sotia

19. 19 by Sotia

20. 20 by Sotia

21. 21 by Sotia

22. 22 by Sotia

23. 23 by Sotia

24. 24 by Sotia

25. 25 by Sotia

26. 26 by Sotia

27. 27 by Sotia

28. 28 by Sotia

29. 29 by Sotia

30. 30 by Sotia

31. 31 by Sotia

32. 32 by Sotia

33. 33 by Sotia

34. 34 by Sotia

35. 35 by Sotia

36. 36 by Sotia

37. 37 by Sotia

38. 38 by Sotia

1 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
This is my first ever story, so please be kind! What's more, English is not my first language, and although I'll try hard to do my best, Murphy's Law is at full force where grammar and syntax are concerned! I reallly need a Beta and would appreciate any offers!

This is NOT an incest story, Will is NOT related to Buffy by blood. Only by marriage, and still removed. He IS, however, 16 years old, so if this is not your cuppa, please do not read the story.

I wanna say that I've spent the last 4 months almost constantly reading Spuffy (what can I say? Bad break-up!) and although I seriously believe this story is my own, I hope I haven't inadvertently used any phrases that have stuck to my mind from what I 've read!

Finally, there is mention of Bangel in the beginning of the first chapter, but no more than that!

Please review, whether you like my story or not!!!

EDT. This wonderful banner was made for Quiet Summer by darlaslilgirl. She did it without me even asking and for that I am more than grateful! Thank you sooo much, you are awesome!
Buffy was startled out of a blissful nap by the consistent ringing of the doorbell.
“GUNHHG…” she roared in frustration, while trying to bring herself to leave behind both the soft mattress and the sexual dream that had her floating. Angel was almost giving her an orgasm in that dream, which had been the clue to the fact that she was dreaming! She had broken up with him shortly after she had realized the truth was nowhere close to that, and that had been over four months ago, but still, he was a hottie… when dressed! Not wanting to linger on that thought, she merely gave up the hope of Angel accomplishing in dream-world what he hadn’t achieved in reality, and began prepping herself psychologically for the rays of sun that would have inevitably found a way into her bedroom.

Her mother could never resist opening the shutters all over the house when she woke up, and never minded if everyone or anyone else was sleeping! She would go into her and Dawn’s room, start talking to the still shapes on the single beds, despite Buffy’s grumbling and her younger sister’s shrieked “Get out, get OUT, GET OUT”, and not leave till the job was done. She would also draw the curtains for added effect, as she always said that the sun kept germs away. In the winter Buffy usually felt lucky they had broken her out of the habit of also opening the windows, since fresh air was to Joyce an assistant to sun in the germ-o-cide mission!

Well it was summer now, and the windows had been open all night, but her mom couldn’t resist her sun-greeting ritual even on a day she wouldn’t be around to bask in its glory. Early in the morning she and Hank had left for their vacation trip in Europe, and would be away for two months. Begging and bribery –the latter by Buffy, who at 23 was convinced she’d be having a much greater time without the nineteen year-old around- combined with the promise of tan European male bodies, had convinced Dawn to join them.

Without opening her eyes she sat up, rolling her head to work off the kinks from the previous night at the new work-out machine her father had recently bought. “Knew I should have stayed away from that power-plate thingy, no wonder he only uses it to hang his clothes on” she said to herself, before slowly edging open first her right and then her left eye. The doorbell hadn’t done her the favor of ceasing its ringing for even a second during her struggles with Morfeus, as well as her strained muscles.
“Coming already… sheeshhh” she said, aloud this time.

Walking towards the door of her bedroom she could make out the voices of two boys –‘young men’- she snickered to herself. If her cousin Xander and his cousin Will ever heard her talk about them as being boys, there’d certainly be major wiggage!

What Buffy hadn’t counted on while bribing Dawn was that she wouldn’t be alone, as she had planned! Two days after her pest of a sister had agreed to leaving for Europe, her aunt Tara, the wife of Hank’s brother Oz, had asked Buffy if she could have her young cousin stay over.


“Oz and I were thinking of joining your parents and Dawney… I’ve never been to Europe before, but we’d hate to leave Xander alone. If you can’t have him it’s OK, I know one teenager is lots of trouble… let alone two of them!”

“Two?” Buffy had asked; the conversation had up to then only been about Xand.

“Yeah, well my cousin is sending her stepson Will over from England, you remember him, right?” Tara’s face was a study in misery, as she obviously expected a negative answer at best, and one of Buffy’s famous outbursts at worse.

“It’s OK; the guys can stay here while you’re away, nothing I can’t handle”. Tara was a lovely human being, and her niece knew she’d never ask anyone to get out of their own way to help unless she felt it necessary. Xander always listened to her and Will had never been troublesome from what she could remember from the few times she’d seen him. So this was gonna be a quiet summer. So what? She’d had worse!

~~~~~~flashback’s over~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Xander if you don’t get that finger off my doorbell, I swear I’m gonna find something reeeealy uncomf’table to do with it!!” she yelled, having no doubt as to the perp, before snatching her silk robe from behind her door and putting it on over her nighty.

The doorbell was silenced for a moment before said finger renewed its efforts with greater fervor. Buffy started stomping down the stairs.

“XANDER” she bellowed this time, before bursting the door open before the evil appendage had the time to remove itself from the tiny yet powerful source of noise. Only that appendage was not one of Xander’s, who was at the time bend in half and holding his belly while roaring in laughter and mumbling something that sounded like ”Oh, you’re sooo screwed!”

No, that finger was attached to a slender and well muscled arm, sneaking out of a white wife-beater, and leading to a smirking face, the most prominent feature of which was a couple of strikingly brilliant blue eyes, glinting with mischief.

“Couldn’t help but wonder how uncomf’table you could make things for it, pet” said Will tilting his head towards the doorbell, that he still hadn’t stopped pressing –little Will, never Willy, whom she hadn’t seen since the boys were 12, four years ago. *My, how little Will has grown* was all she could think of, before she slapped his hand away from it.

“I thought it was Xander” was her –admittedly- weak response *Wow, real quick thinking Buffy, you should consider being witty for a living* she thought to herself, and cringed inside at the even greater lack of creativity. Xander was obviously offended, and saved her further embarrassment by voicing his argument

“Hey, that’s all he gets? Better start with the uncomfortage now Buffster, or I might feel singled out”. He tried to keep his voice light, but Buffy knew of his soft spot for her, and could see he needed some reassurance that he was her favorite guy.

When Xander was 6 months old, his father and Buffy’s favorite uncle –not only for lack of another- had asked her to watch over him for an afternoon. Buffy had become engrossed with some silly movie on the TV and had missed the baby rolling… first on its side, and then off the bed! Fortunately no permanent damage had been caused, although Dawn often said the boy’s sense of humor was testament to the opposite. Buffy had since that day felt responsible for him and the two had become almost inseparable almost since he’d been able to form words, despite their age difference.

“Come on big boy”, she told him –he really had become big *must keep him away from donuts while he stays here, for his own good*- “you know I was just joking… ‘sides, what I might think of as uncomfortable might just open your eyes to a while new world…” she winked at him, and saw the covert lewd remark had done its job; she could tell he was coming up with a retort, when Will broke in.

“So… you gonna let us get our tans with our kits on, or can we come in and put on some trunks ‘fore we hit the pool pet?”

His gruff voice and the heavy accent she was sure his dad would never have approved of made her stare at him. She knew she was staring, Xander was laughing again, but she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the path his left hand drew down his torso *can I really see abs under his w.b.?* before he spoke again…

“See something you like?”


Please be kind! If I see you like it, I'll be posting weekly! :)

Hope RL treats you nice,
End Notes:
These are my pretties! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
2 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
I decided to post another two chapters now and then start the weekly posting. As this story will be a romance, there will be a tiny bit of angst, that I swear will not got further that one chapter whenever it may show its ugly head! I'm mostly a fluffy Spuffy gal!

Although the overall fic is rather AO, the beginning chapters are NC -17 at most. There will be graphic sex -which is expected, I believe- lots of it (as well as some freaky/kinky, hence the warnings at the beginning), but not just yet!

Hope you like it!
“See something you like?”

*Ohhh, yeah I do!!!* was the answer that wanted to jump out of her lips, but was fortunately cut off by a much more reasonable

“Actually… yeah; I see two guys that will become my servants and grovel if they wanna be fed and taken out even once during their stay at chéz Buffy”, she smirked but kept her tone light. “Now grab your stuff and come in, I’ll show where you’ll be staying”.

She didn’t even lift a finger to help them with their bags, but as she turned towards the living room Will called out:
“What? Don’t we get a hug and a welcoming kiss? You haven’t seen us in ages luv!”

Buffy stopped in her tracks before turning towards him with a honey-dripping smile.
“I thought you were in a hurry to get to the pool luv! ‘Sides, I see Xander almost every day, and I didn’t think boys your age appreciated being hugged by old dames, such as myself!” She almost giggled at the crestfallen look on his face when she said the word ‘boys’, but he recovered almost instantly, giving her a brilliant smile and crossed the threshold, bags at hand and Xander close behind him.
“Right you are, ‘preciate the consideration!”

Buffy bristled at his comment, but she had already turned her back to him, so he didn’t get the chance to see how his remark had affected her. She kept going and climbed the stairs leading the way to the room she usually shared with her sister.
“Here we are guys, I’ve commandeered my parents’ bedroom for the summer, so this is all yours. I haven’t had the chance to change the sheets on my bed” she indicated, showing the bed she had minutes ago reluctantly left, “but Dawn’s are clean, and I’ll change those later”.

Will seemed not to be listening to her, as he put his bags on her bed and started pulling of his blouse.
“’ll that be all?” he asked having divested himself of the article of clothing and popped the top button of his jeans.

“No” Buffy said, struggling to keep her eyes anywhere but at the bulge she had spotted at the front of his trousers. ”Actually there are some ground rules I’d like to discuss with you before we get wet… I mean in the pool, with the water…” she stopped herself before she digressed further.

“I will be doing the cooking, you can choose what you wanna eat and tell me beforehand, so I can make the preparations. I will also be doing the house-keeping, but I won’t be cleaning your messes, so you ‘re gonna have to be cleaning after yourselves. Oh! And I don’t do dishes and iron. Dishes are non-negotiable, you do them! Ironing I can go without, but if you only like crisp clothes you’ll have to do them yourselves. Other than that, there will be no smoking indoors…” at that she looked pointedly at Xander, who often bummed her cigarettes, but it was Will who sighed in frustration, “but you can smoke around the pool or anywhere else. I’m not telling. How we spend our evenings will be decided by all of us together. Neither of you can leave the house alone…” she kept on, shaking her forefinger with each statement “anything else we figure out on the way”. She was pleased with herself. She had sounded self-assured, and hadn’t let Will’s muscled chest make her stray from her original trail of thought!

“Bossy bint” the latter muttered under his breath, before adding –louder this time- “Can we hit the water now… mum?” He pointedly looked at his hand, now popping the second button.

Buffy refused to overtly follow his look –although she did steal a peek- before she turned on her heel and left their room throwing an “I’ll go get my swimming suite” over her shoulder.

The limited space of her bedroom would be further constricted if her and her sister’s clothes were to be stored in it, so the girls had a sort of walk-in closet across the hall. Truth be told, the ‘closet’ initially was to be a second bedroom, but despite their constant bickering, the sisters didn’t want to not share quarters, so Joyce had convinced Hank that a closet it should be.

Buffy walked in, pulling the door shut behind her, and starter rummaging through drawers to find her favorite red bathing suite. It was a one-piece, but there was nothing modest about the way it pushed her breasts up and towards one another. It was cut high on the hips, and the sides were open, giving it the effect of a bikini, the two parts of which were held together by a strip of fabric in the middle… in the front that is, cause the back was exactly like that of a bikini.
Having finally dug it up under heaps of her sister’s clothes that should have been hang –but never where, when it was up to Dawn to do so- she put it on and looked at herself in the mirror.

She looked good and she knew it. What she didn’t know was why she had gone to the trouble of finding that swim-suite instead of settling for the black two-piece one she usually wore when she was going swimming with family or friends.

She came out of the closet just when the door across from her opened to reveal Xander’s prominent stomach leading the way, followed by the rest of him. Will couldn’t be seen behind her cousin. She soon realized it was because he wanted to make an entrance… or an exit, as the case was. When Xander had completely cleared the doorway, Will leaned on the doorframe, his eyes sporting a look of disinterest as he stretched his arms in front of him, looking at them and down his naked torso, while flexing his muscles.

“Looks like I have to work on my ta…” His eyes had been shifting towards her as he was finishing his sentence, but his voice trailed off when he took in the vision in front of him.

It was her turn to put on a show.
“What? See anything that you like?” She asked with a smirk she had copied from him, or at least Xander would have sworn she had.

She turned around and led the way to the swimming pool, never once looking back at the way –she was sure- Will was ogling her swaying backside… never once! But she did catch the look on his face reflecting on the sliding doors leading to the pool, and what she saw there made her breath hitch, and the seat of her swimming suit wet, before she ever jumped in the water.

3 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
As in previous! Hope you like it, ya-da-ya-da, nothing's mine (even the laptop belongs to my workplace)...

Please review!
just remembered my Buffy is a smoker, so I added a line to that effect. Nothing major, no need to re-read this, just for that line!
The swim could almost have been called ‘uneventful’… the 'almost' part consisting mainly of Will trying to dunk Buffy underwater and accidentally brushing his knuckles on the underside of her breasts. Or maybe it could be pinpointed at when Buffy tried to dive underneath and pull Xander’s leg in an effort to bring him under water but ended up grabbing a fist-full of Will’s perfectly rounded ass in the process.
Perhaps it could be described by how Will, in an effort to keep Buffy from splashing water on his face had turned her with her back to him and pinned her flush against him, his raging hard-on nestling between her firm buttocks.

On second thought, no, the swim could not have been called uneventful!

Xander was never left out of the fun -the innocent part of it at least. The three of them kept chasing each other around in the water, splashing, tickling and giggling. It was just that at several points –several meaning much more than the ones mentioned above- both Buffy and Will were thankful of their mutual cousin’s blissful ignorance, stemming from his innocence, of what was going on between them.

But what WAS going on between them? That was the prevalent thought on Buffy’s mind, as she now lay on her stomach, while her little slave number one, Xander, was in the kitchen getting all three of them lemonade, and getting her and Will’s cigarettes, and little slave number two was sitting on his haunches, rubbing sun-tan lotion on her back in slow, languid strokes, that could have easily been mistaken for erotic.

*Sure he had a hard-on, but that was probably teenage hormones. It had nothing to do with me, I’ve practically known him since he were a toddler, for crying out loud!* she easily side-stepped the fact that she hadn’t ‘known him since’, but rather ‘met him a few times since’. *Is this incest? I don’t think it is! We share no blood… twice removed, is it? Oh! Wait, he’s not even MY cousin… GUUUH.. What do I mean ‘is this incest’? There is no THIS! He’s a friggin’ kid! Get a hold of yourself Buffy! He may have a decidedly adult body, but there have to be millions other men.. well maybe thousands… there have to be more than him, right? With his baby blues, and cute ass, and huge d…*

“Ooooh, whah?” was all she managed to pull off as she was brought back to reality by the feeling of something icy trickling first between her shoulder-blades and then following the path of her spine down to the small of her back. She span her head around in time to see Will with the by now patented smirk on his face holding a lemonade glass about an inch above her ass. Condensation was tearing down its sides, soon to continue its descent on the seat of her just dried suit.

“Thought you looked hot, pet”

*Temperature-wise, Buffy, don’t go reading much into it!*

“Whatever, Will. You done with my back?”

“For now” he whispered, before giving her a playful smack on her right butt-cheek, his hand lingering on it just a fraction of a second longer than what could be considered ‘innocent’.

She heard his whispered words and shivered, hoping if he’d noticed he would have blamed it on his little game with the lemonade glass. He did… and he didn’t. Turning to Xander with a self-satisfied grin he said:
“So whelp, what do you want for lunch? I’s thinking we could go grub somethin’, save Buffy the trouble of cookin’ and thank her for havin’ us…”

Xander was all for it. “Sure Will, what’ll it be? Buffster? Pizza sound good?”

“Sure! Thanks for offering Will, but we can order in…” her eyes were focused on Xander, while her thoughts were trying to avoid focusing on the fact that she’d hate to lose Will’s toned body from her site.

“’S aright pet, wanna do some shopping too. We’ll be back before ya miss us!” He said and, pulling Xander with him, walked back towards the house.

Buffy didn’t even bother to conceal the lust in her eyes as she gazed after him, toned legs leading to perfect ass, leading to unbelievable chest… chest? That was not his backside! Will had stopped on the porch doorway and turned to her, while Xander had gone ahead of him and was already in the house. He raised his left eyebrow and tilted his head in a way she had already come to find endearing.

“Wan’ anythin’ else while we’re out?” He asked loud enough for Xander to hear, before continuing in almost a whisper, the teasing undertone never leaving his voice “Oh, now you know you’re just begging for that question…” He sipped a bit of lemonade from the glass still in his hand, turned on his heel and left her there, slack jawed and wide eyed at both the fact that she’d been caught, and the lust she could see reflected in his eyes.

*But he’s just a kid… Yeah, whatever!* It was all she could do to light a cigarette and stay put for what seemed like an eternity, while the guys –couldn’t call them boys now, right?- got dressed, until she heard the door of the house slam shut, before she extinguished the remaining butt, run to her bedroom, rummaged through her nightstand, pulled out her vibrator, and in one motion threw Will’s bag on the floor and splayed herself on her bed, seeking a much needed release.

She didn’t even bother losing her swimsuit, just pushed it aside, and switching her vibrator on at full force touched it to her clit. In her mind she could see Will, his head between her legs, honey colored curls disheveled by her fingers as she tried to both pull him closer and push him away, while his talented tongue laved her secret nubbin in a rhythm that would soon have her begging for more. She could feel him push her legs wider, plunging his tongue into her core, and moved the vibrator along her inner lips, coating it with her essence. Buffy couldn’t focus her imagination on actions any more, her need was too feral for that. She pushed the vibrator inside her to the hilt and felt her orgasm hit her at once. The feeling made her shudder, again and again, the only image in her head -as she screamed his name at the top of her lungs- Will’s blue eyes, looking at her…

Looking at her... from the doorway!?!?!?

She froze, waiting for him to make a snide remark, mocking her. Instead, he blushed and ducked his head, half turning away from her.

“’M sorry pet, Xander forgot his car keys…” It seemed like he was waiting for her to say something, but when she didn’t he hastily added “Right, I’ll be off then!” before grabbing the keys from his cousin's jacket hanging behind the door, still not looking at her, practically running down the stairs and Buffy once again heard the door slam.


When I begun the story I added the rating and warnings as they pertain to its entirety. The second and third chapter, however have been rated individually, as I thought right. I hope I'm not wrong please let me know, this is a first for me. Hope you liked, see you next week!
4 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
Ok, so I said it'd be Saturday... Well it seems this story is writing itself, and my sister insisted I posted, So TUM-TA-RA-DAAAM: here is the next chapter!

The wonderful cordykitten just told me how to
change font to italics (and back again, since that's where I seemed to have a broblem:P) She was also my 10th reviewer on this chapter, so -as you'll understand if you read the A/N at the end-, it's thanx to her that the next chapter will be posted on Saturday -yep, that's tomorrow night, and Chapter 6 on Wednesday!)

Thanx cordykitten! I really like the way this looks much more now! (even went back and changed fonts in the previous chapters...

Oh! ** are still used for thoughts, as italics are sometimes also used for emphasis!
She was mortified! Any thoughts she had entertained at seducing –or letting herself be seduced by- Will, having fleeted her mind following his obvious embarrassment at seeing her orgasming with his name on her lips. He was not a man, he was a boy, a cocky, swaggering, sexy boy, but a boy none the less! He had probably never had sex, just acted all self-assured out of teenage insecurity… GOD she had scared him away, he could be calling his parents right that moment, telling them what a perv Xander’s older cousin was!
“UUUNGH…” she exclaimed. Today had really not been a good day, as far as vocabulary was concerned!.

She banged her head against the headboard a couple of times before jumping out of the bed and going to the bathroom to take a shower… and wash Mr. Gordo of her secretions.

~~~~~~~meanwhile, in a car driving downtown~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Xander was concerned about his cousin… the male one! Ever since they’d gotten in the car he hadn’t said one word. He’d laid back in his seat, lit a cigarette and kept pulling drag after drag, mechanically, not even savoring the feel of it. Under normal circumstances it was Xander that compulsively chain smoked whenever he had a pack of cigarettes in front of him, Will telling him to take it easy. It was not a matter of addiction; just like when faced with food, Xander could simply not resist temptation! The temporary reversal in behavioral patterns had him worried, but he knew better than to ask what was wrong. Despite his full-out façade, Will wasn’t one for opening up, unless he wanted to. And Xander knew that Will knew he was there for him, he just didn’t know what it was that he should be there for!

Will hadn’t even noticed the look of concern on his cousin’s face. His eyes were shut tight, the scene from the house playing in ‘repeat’ behind them as he inhaled the smoke with fervor. His golden goddess had been brought to completion screaming his name, and all he could do was stand there and blush like a right git! She’d never see him as a man after that! Never!

He’d had a crush on her ever since he was six, staying at his American cousin’s. When the vibrant 13 year-old had stopped by to watch cartoons with them he was shocked at how she treated him as an equal; actually stooped to enjoying time spent with him –OK, AND Xander- instead of going to the mall or wherever thirteen-year-old golden goddesses went for fun. Of course at the time he hadn’t realized it was a crush, he was just in awe of her ease and grace.

Last time he’d seen her before today, at his birthday bash, he’d gone to bed with something strangely unyielding in his pants. Still he couldn’t tell what it was he was feeling. But when Xander had called to say they’d be spending TWO MONTHS, unsupervised, in his cool older cousin’s house, he knew what he wanted. He wanted Buffy. He wanted her to be his first, and any doubts about that had been dispelled bit by bit, every time she’d smiled, every time her body had casually touched his in the pool, and *OH GOD* when he’d seen her convulsing on the bed he’d be sleeping in that night, hair wild, eyes glazed, voice hoarse as she screamed his name…

But then that look of panic in her eyes had turned him into a blushing pillock, useless to the likes of her. He should have gone to her, kissed her till her lips were swollen, touched her perfect heaving breasts, outlined under the thin fabric, licked his way up her legs until he got to their sacred junction, the fountain of pleasure…

He stifled a groan and tried to adjust his rock-solid cock through his jeans, thanking God above he’d thought to put them on, instead of leaving the house in his swimming trunks.

He knew he wouldn’t be able to pull this off! It was all Xander’s fault. *Damn whelp!*. He had on occasion mentioned how his cousin had always been attracted to the bad boys, cocky bastards, sure of their sexuality and demanding of hers. Will had tried to become one of them… and had –he now realized- failed miserably.

He sure wasn’t the dork he had been just a year ago; heck, he’d taken up smoking and forsaken underwear in the past 8 months or so. He had flirted with girls, and even gone to the movies with two of them –once with each- and kissed a couple more than that. However, other than that ‘major kissage’ as Xander referred to it, and some light groping above the clothes he’d been nothing close to what she might want; done nothing worth bragging about…

Not that he’d ever brag about even what little he’d done. Despite his efforts to show the world what a wild youth he was, Will was still the little gentleman his ma’ had raised and would treat no lady with anything less than respect. ‘Sides, he’d never thought he needed to have sex –or anything resembling that- with any of the girls he’d met.

But Buffy he felt he needed!

Any progress he had made during their short time together towards making her see him as a man, making her body respond to his touch, making her seek that touch, had regressed in those critical few seconds, when he’d done nothing but make a fool of himself. *All the whelp’s fault!* He reached out and slugged Xander, shrugging innocently at the boy’s indignant “Oh!” and mock-angry look.

That instant Will made a decision. He would not pretend to be anyone but who he was! If he was really/extremely/unlikely lucky, Buffy would rise to the opportunity to deflower a mostly innocent virgin, if not, he would at least save himself the embarrassment of acting all willful and sexy and not being able to act upon it when time came… or when Buffy did, for that matter!

He shook his head at his foolish presumption to ever be able to win her over. Despite his self-improvement he was still nothing but a kid to her. Xander startled him out of his self-pitying by slamming on the breaks in front of the pizza-place.

“There’s nowhere to park, so jump out and order two large ones with extra pepperoni while I try to find a spot” the larger boy said, all but throwing him out of the car when he heard cars honking behind them.

Will did as he was told, only to see Xander almost crash his car into a cute redhead trying to cross the street, before pulling on the handbrake. In his haste to appease the angry drivers behind him he’d failed to notice that the light for cars had turned red, while that for pedestrians was lit green.

Will was ready to jump to the redhead’s assistance when he saw Xander rush out of his car and her turning his way and… smiling! She wasn’t cursing, or yelling, or even glaring at him, she was smiling as she put her hands on her hips and just said:
“Figures! Xander, I knew you wanted me the moment I first saw you, but this…” she moved her forefinger between the car –now left in the middle of the street- and herself “…gives hitting on someone an entirely different meaning”.

The blond figured he wasn’t needed, and with a small smile went in the pizza-parlor, but not too soon to notice Xand turning beet red. Any excuses the latter might have offered the girl –who now seemed to have lost her previous fearlessness and was actually stuttering, her face quickly turning a shade strikingly similar to that of her hair- were blocked out by the ‘swoosh’ of the glass door closing behind him.

By the time they got back to the house, Will had a bouquet of roses on his lap for Buffy, -mainly- to thank her for extending her hospitality to him, and Xander had a date with Red –christened Willow- and a huge grin on his face. Will tuned out his cousin’s incessant rumbling about the girl, as he indulged in romantic fantasies including golden hair, green eyes and a body made for sin… the concoction of which characteristics was waiting in front of the house they were nearing, arms crossed in front of her –now slightly more covered- breasts, and a slight, worried, frown marring her perfect features.


Next update, Sunday at latest! If I get 10 reviews in total for this and the next chapter, Chapter 6 will be posted on Wednesday, instead of next Saturday:P (yeap, I'm greedy, but I love seeing how you feel about the story! Oh! and I'd really like to know what you don't like about it! It probably won't make me change much -since most of it is already written-, but it will help shape the next idea that's been forming in my head!)

Please-Please, PLEASE reviewwww!!!
5 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
A huge “Thank You” to cordykitten, for showing me how to change back from Italics (and bold, obviously!), and for being the 10th (and 11th:-P) reviewer of Chapter 4.
Also, my heartfelt gratitude to Im_Bloody_English for initiating me in AU fics, and for being so bloody marvelous as to offer to beta for me (although not starting with this chapter, so any mistakes: tooootally my bad!)
Well, here goes Chapter 5! Hope you enjoy, please review! More to come on Wednesday…
Will tuned out his cousin’s incessant rumbling about the girl, as he indulged in romantic fantasies including golden hair, green eyes and a body made for sin… the concoction of which characteristics was waiting in front of the house they were nearing, arms crossed in front of her –now slightly more covered- breasts, and a slight, worried, frown marring her perfect features.

“Took you guys long enough” Buffy heard herself whine, while looking from Xander’s smiling face to Will’s sad one, her frown deepening.

“I was worried” she continued, “Xand, why wouldn’t you answer your cell? I called like a thousand…”

“I run into Willow…” he cut her off, “or almost run into her!” both boys started giggling at that, and Buffy felt her heart lighten when she saw the flowers the object of her desire *is that what he is?* held in his hand. That must have showed on her face, cause Will relaxed even more.

*Everything is OK! Thank God* they thought in unison before both sighed in relief, and smiled at each other, leaving Xander to go on laughing out loud.

“Are these for me?” she asked, at which Will merely nodded, and with a lopsided smile extended his hand, offering them to her.

“To thank you for having me, pet” he mumbled, and her tentative smile grew wider.

As her cousin finally caught his breath, Buffy herded them inside, reaching to also take the pizza boxes from Will, but he held on to them.

“’S OK pet, got ‘em!” He looked shy and she couldn’t help but wink at him *I’m a slut! That’s it! It’s final! A big hobag!* she thought as she walked in behind them, once again gazing dreamily at his buns of steel. Wild or shy, that boy was H.O.T. and she was hard pressed not to do something to get closer to his heat.


Unfortunately for Will, who desperately needed some time alone with the girl of his dreams, to see how things were between them, Willow had agreed to a chaperoned date (of course she had no idea that the chaperon, namely Buffy, would be one lust-crazed bunny!), which meant that she showed up at the Summers’ house a little after eight. By then the pizza left in the box wouldn’t have been enough to feed a mouse, but luckily she wasn’t hungry.

Xander didn’t manage to stop looking flustered until well after she’d left, which was around midnight. Buffy did her best –though at times she failed- not to poke fun at him, knowing he’d harbored a crush on the girl ever since elementary school. In the mean time, the four of them had lounged in the living room, Buffy with a glass of wine and the rest drinking lemonade, had talked, and then watched “The Full Monty”. Although the only adult in the room felt the movie was completely inappropriate for the rest of them she couldn’t bring herself to resist their united pleas, or the giggles surfacing on her lips seeing the matching blushes in all three of their faces at naughty remarks and gestures.

Xander and his date had shared the couch facing the TV, which left Buffy and Will the other one. She had sat at the opposite end from him at the beginning of the movie, but by the time the ending titles were shown she had already spent a long time laying on her side, facing the TV with her head on his lap and his fingers running through her tresses *is he trembling?*, while her right hand had found its way of its own volition under his leg, her thumb sending traces of fire to his nerve endings through the rough denim, as it brushed lazy circles against his inner thigh.

Will was praying she hadn’t noticed his stiff manhood, and so he was surprised at the pang of disappointment that shot through him as she jumped off the couch when the movie was over to get a refill on her wine. He was too inexperienced to have noticed the wetness on the crotch of the cotton shorts she now wore, and -even if he weren’t- he was almost too shy to look. That almost, however, didn’t stop his eyes from running down her back to her buttocks, as she all but jogged to the kitchen, interesting parts bouncing.

That was when Willow excused herself, saying her mother would be up waiting for her, and asked her date to walk her out. The huge grin decorating his face –and threatening to split it in half- as he returned to the living room left no doubt as to the goodnight kiss that caused it. To his credit, the brunette refrained from giving any information, other than that he never was one to kiss and tell… well he had never been faced with the dilemma before; Willow had given him his first kiss and he would savor it for ever!

No one was sleepy yet, so the oldest of the three suggested what was received by the remaining two as the best idea ever heard of:
“Wanna play Killer Instinct Gold on Nintendo 64? Bet I could beat you both!” she said with a glint in her eye and an otherwise indifferent expression, just before both teens started jumping up and down and yelling their acquiescence… well the dark-haired one making a bit more noise, as Will was afraid jumping would cause his hard cock to chaff even more on the seam and zipper of his jeans.

All three of them climbed the stairs to what was currently Buffy’s bedroom. It made sense they’d play there; the huge bed had ample space for them to lie on their stomachs facing the wide screen TV, where freakishly muscled people beat the crap out of each other following the remote-controller’s choices. True to her word, Buffy beat them both to a pulp, no matter which character either of them chose, earning her the title “Slayer” by Will, who seemed to have overcome his earlier shyness and tickled her or pulled lightly on her hair every time his ‘Chosen One’ ended landing on his ass, knocked out.

They ran a tournament, the winner of each duel playing against the remaining one at the following round. That left Buffy with a very sore right thumb, but she was having too much fun to complain about it.

It was almost 4am when they decided to call it a night –or early morning. Buffy hugged her cousin and gave him a 'goodnight' peck on the cheek, telling him she was happy they’d be staying with her. Despite his slight embarrassment, the boy returned her embrace before turning and leaving the room, already half asleep. Will was still sitting at the edge of the bed, head bent down, putting on the second of his sneakers –both of which he’d taken off to get on the bed, and with one of which Buffy had playfully swatted his butt on one of the extremely few times he’d won over her in the game- when she stepped in front of him.

He lifted his face only after he’d finished tying his shoelaces; a useless feat, as he was only going to walk down the hall, but one he needed to complete in order to manage to regain some semblance of calmness as he felt and smelt her so close to him. She bent close to him and brushed her lips against his, so softly he had to tangle his hand in her hair for a minute to make sure he wasn’t dreaming her touch. Only withdrawing herself about half an inch from the feather-like kiss they’d shared, she brought up her hand to cup his cheek, thumb caressing the steeply sloped cheekbone while she looked deeply into his eyes.

“I’m really glad you’re here, William” she whispered almost into his lips, before walking into the private bathroom adjacent to the double bedroom and closing the door behind her. Her “Goodnight” sounded muffled and commanding, but Will couldn’t respond. Dazed he placed his fingertips on his lips, applying no more pressure than she’d put into their kiss, and barely managed to shuffle his feet out of her bedroom and into his before dropping heavily on his *her* bed. He was determined not to do anything for his hard-on. She’d brought it on, and now she’d left him with some hope that she might do something to help it go away… his resolve melted however, as he drew the sheets up and was assaulted by the most intoxicated scent he’d ever smelt.

Down the hall Buffy had just laid back on the goose-down pillow and closed her eyes, when they popped open again… she had forgotten to change the single bed sheets.

*Oh God! Will is sleeping on…no, in my cum-soaked bed*

The thought turned her on –impossibly- even more than his soft lips had.


Please review and make my day!!! Chapter 6 will be posted this Wednesday, and Chapter 7 might be with it...
6 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
Well... It's Wednesday! Really early on a Wednesday morning actually, but I wanna post this just as much as you've been saying you wanna read it! Hope you like it, Please don't leave without reviewing:P

I wanna thank Im_bloody_English for putting up with the un-edited versions of chapters, and I wanna thank all of you that keep reading (and especially those that leave me reviews). You guys rock, you make me wanna keep writing!

As Will let go of his resolve, he took hold of his cock, with both hands…

Thankful that his cousin had – as he always did - fallen asleep with his headphones on, he let out a groan as he closed his eyes, rubbing up and down his pulsating member, trying to imagine it was his girl’s... His? Bloody right, petite hand stroking him instead of his own.

Soon, images of her hand were replaced by those of her mouth, her quim, and even at points her arse, surrounding him, caressing him, kissing and licking, straddling, pushing against him…

As he found his sweet release, cum running through his fingers to mingle with her fluids from earlier that day, further staining the sheets above him, he thought he heard a vibrating sound from somewhere in the house, accompanied by… a whimper?

He fell asleep still smiling.

~~~~Meanwhile down the hall~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Buffy jumped back out of bed, after the sleep depriving thought of a certain blue-eyed minor slumbering under her stained bed covers, and spent several minutes in the bathroom cursing her foolishness at having put Mr. Gordo back in her nightstand after her brief… interlude with said minor earlier that day.

After filling the large bathtub, she repeatedly tried to bring herself off by rubbing her clit and inserting a couple of fingers in her pussy. It didn’t work, so she reached for the showerhead, twisting it until water was springing out of a single hole in the middle, at full force.

When she was younger, she often wondered about that specific choice in water jet. She could see the logic in the three-fold selection, it was good for massage. The normal flow had an obvious use, showering DUH, but it was when she was sixteen that she came to not only understand, but also appreciate the use of that third option.

She now placed all her faith in it as she stuck it between her legs, first at an angle that hit straight on her throbbing nubbin, then lower so the water sprayed forcefully against the entrance of her needy pussy, groaning in frustration rather than pleasure when both failed to bring her any relief.

Annoyed, she got out of the tub, pulled her bathrobe on and tied it in the front with jerky hands. Grinning sardonically at the mirror, she grabbed her electric toothbrush and… *Huh!* Studying the whirring motion with new interest, she left the bathroom to return to bed, dental instrument still in hand.

Sprawled on the bed, staring at the ceiling long after Will had fallen asleep, she couldn’t figure out what the problem was. She usually had no trouble reaching orgasm by herself; it was usually the fault when other people present underachieving boyfriends! why she didn’t! So why was it that she still hadn’t found completion despite all her efforts?

*’Cause HE’s not here doing it for me, stupid!*

She didn’t realize she’d drifted off with that thought still on her mind, toothbrush still switched on between her thighs.

She’d never been a morning person – hey, Buffy and mornings, totally non mix-ey - but the smell of fresh coffee brewing always managed to soothe her moodiness, so she was relieved when the smell hit her nostrils the moment she reached out to switch off the alarm clock she’d set for ten AM to make the guys breakfast.

*Coffee AND sun-lackness, this is gonna be a nice morning,* she thought jumping out of bead with an agility rare for her usual self at that time of day.

She heard a wheeze-y noise and noticed her last attempt at an orgasm the previous night running on what was apparently the last of its battery’s juice. *Must replace the battery* The logical thought made sense, and managed to occupy her mind for all of two seconds before it was overtaken by a more urgent one *Ewww, must replace the head… cuz… ewww!!!* She did just that, thankful that her control-freak of a mom had spares for absolutely everything electronic in the house before she brushed her teeth. *Almost gave morning breath an entirely new meaning*. She giggled. *Hey, my quips are improving!*

Having brushed her hair back into a ponytail and applied lip-gloss, *now why might I have done that,* she ran down the stairs to the kitchen where that heavenly aroma beckoned her. She realized just how nice the morning was going to be as she came to a full stop at the bottom of the stairs to be faced with Will’s naked torso. Swallowing hard, she forced her eyes to turn their attention higher, but the smile adorning his plush lips and the disheveled curls his agile fingers were running through at that moment nearly managed to achieve what fingers, water, and toothbrush hadn’t the previous night.

“Oh, OK! Yes, I see something I like, now please go put something on!” she muttered under her breath, but he must have heard because he passed her going up the stairs, yelling back at her when he reached the top.

“There’s fresh coffee in the pot, got some bagels from the baker’s. Xan-man’s still getting his kip. ‘Ave a bite an’ meet me at the pool.”

*Yeah, pedo, go meet him at the pool, have your wicked way with his bod… It’s not like it’s illegal or anything!* She mentally rolled her eyes.

Nevertheless, she felt – and must have looked - like the road runner as the moment he disappeared from view, she sprinted towards the kitchen, bit into a bagel and keeping it in her mouth, poured coffee into a cup. Chomping a sizeable piece out of her breakfast, she dropped the remainder on the counter, gulped down a mouthful of the steaming java and left the rest in the sink to dash back up the stairs in search of her swim suit.

She barely managed to stifle her disappointment when she saw Xander coming out of the guys’ bedroom, one hand petting his ample stomach, the other punching keys on his cell-phone.

“So, you’re up, sleepy-head! Going for a swim with Will. Wanna come with?” she inwardly prayed he’d refuse.

“No can do Bufster, sorry! Willow called. Got a date and…” He suddenly remembered one of her ground rules and groaned. “...please don’t say I can’t go!”

“Depends,” she said, all but bursting with joy but refusing to let unadulterated lust hinder her ability to act responsibly. “Where you taking her?”

“Coffee shop? Maybe, if we ‘re together till lunch time, pizza too?”

“Sounds harmless. Go, ahead, have fun! Just remember to call if you’re not gonna be back by three. After that I’m officially worried,” she said crossing her arms over her chest. “Oh, and if I call and you don’t answer…” She let the threat linger, but nothing could have brought the young man in front of her down from cloud number nine where he currently resided.

“Thanks, cous,” he said, giving her a peck on the cheek before running to the bathroom to start getting ready.

Buffy put on her suit and went to find Will. Yes, it was the same red one. After all, one of her mottos had always been ’if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it’.

*But what do I care? It’s not like I’m gonna be doing anything naughty!*

Still, she put on her most seductive smile as she neared him, stopping right in front of where he was mostly immersed in the water, his head leaning on his forearms that held onto the rim of the pool.

She was breathtaking, as she stood there with one hand on her hip, the other freeing her hair from the ponytail, the sun behind her outlining the curves of her heavenly body making her glow and… She brought him out of his haze when she shook her head, making her tresses cascade over her shoulders then gracefully jumped over him, diving into the calm surface of the water.

When she surfaced, Buffy was stunned by how close he was to her, as well as how his proximity affected her being. She couldn’t tell if it was the water or the sun reflecting in his eyes; the cerulean blue seemed speckled with spots of gold.

She was doomed. He was too irresistible and as she leaned in closer, face tilting upwards expectantly, she had no intention of even trying to resist his magnetic pull.

It was more than magnetism that drew her to him, however. One of his arms wrapped around her, hand splayed possessively over the small of her back. The other cupped her cheek in much the same fashion she had his the night before, pulling her in for a kiss. And that was where all resemblance to last night ended. That kiss had been chaste, innocent, held nothing but the whisper of a promise. This one was demanding, conveying an urgency on both of their parts; a need to devour one another, to melt into each other. They were both panting for breath by the time they broke apart.

Will looked into her eyes, searching them for reprehension, shame or even disgust, but saw only the lust their kiss had proven was there… and maybe something deeper. *Oh, come on, what else could you be to her? Jus’ a bloody kid in a tight body, ‘s all!*

She blinked, effectively breaking the spell *God this can so not be happening!* and pulled back to splash water on him, letting out a strained giggle. Turning away, she swam to the other end of the pool, climbed out and lit a cigarette, dropping herself onto one of the bamboo sun-beds.

He followed her out of the water, taking slow, deliberate steps towards her, prowling with panther-like grace. Sitting on the ground next to her, he leaned back on his elbows and stretched his legs out in front of him. With a confidence he didn’t come close to feeling he asked, “Can we talk?”

“What about?” Her carefree tone was as true to her feelings as his cocky swagger was to his.

“We snogged, luv.”

“Snogged? Is that even a word?”

“We kissed, Buffy. Twice!” He was undeterred by her effort to treat the matter lightly.

”Yes, we did. But we can do no more than that!” *And I want to, I do, God help me!*

“’Cause you don’t want to?”

He dropped his head forward, looking so young and sad, his previous posture could have been a figment of her imagination. “Nooo,” she drew out the ‘o’ slowly and pointedly, as if explaining things to a kid *that is what he is, Buffy*. “Cuz it would be wrong!” she corrected him, *on sooo many levels, it’s not even funny!!!*

He wasn’t satisfied with her answer but didn’t press the issue. He still had a sliver of hope to hold onto, and he wasn’t gonna screw things up by being pushy!

“Right, then,” was all he said, trying to sound nonchalant while his slumped shoulders and bowed head betrayed his devastation at the thought of never touching her, *never kissing her*, again.

They spent the following couple of hours talking. About safe stuff. Favorite colors, movies, actors/actresses and anything that didn’t have the potential to get them talking about ‘them’, as in what they were, or what they could be. Xander’s return, a little before three, was a relief and his detailed account of how his noonday date had been spent granted them a reprieve from trying not to sink beneath the quicksand that thinking about each other was rapidly turning into.

They watched a movie again that night. The guys shared a couch this time, while Buffy stretched out on the other, managing to make her small frame take up most of it so that Will couldn’t join her if he found an excuse that would allow him to try.

He didn’t. Try, that is. His eyes were glued to the screen, but he could feel her eyes roaming all over him and his cock was reacting to her looks as he would to her touch... standing at attention! *Bloody hell, this is goin’ to be a long night!*

When the movie was over, it was Xander that proposed they go back to their little video game tournament. He was still ticked off about having been beaten by ‘a girl’ in a boys, ahem, ’mans’ game! The other two followed him up the stairs with none of the enthusiasm they’d displayed the previous evening.

Will insisted the other two should have an all-out contest. They’d play ten games in a row to satisfy the boy’s wounded ego, and Will would then play against the winner. Unfortunately for Xander, ten games turned into twenty as he kept getting whooped, but Will never saw the end of the ‘championship’ as he’d dozed off on top of the covers by game number twelve. A sound rumbled from deep in his throat – resembling a purr more than a snore - by game number sixteen, which incidentally, was the only one Buffy had lost!

When the brunette admitted his defeat and stood up to leave the room, he tried to wake his cousin, only to be stopped by Buffy after the first gentle shake on the sleeping beauty’s shoulder.

“No, leave him. He seems so peaceful. It’d be a pity to disturb him. The bed is huge. I won’t even know he’s here. Just bring me a couple of blankets from the closet; it can get chilly at night.”

Xander complied and then went to sleep, spread out on his stomach, headphones in place, occasionally pressing his hard-on into the bed. It did nothing to alleviate the pressure in his pants, but he didn’t mind. He didn’t care about sex; he could wait till his girlfriend was ready. Girlfriend! Willow had introduced him to a friend of hers as ‘her boyfriend’ that day. So yes, he had himself a ‘girlfriend’! He didn’t notice his hips grinding against the mattress as he began drifting off to sleep. And he certainly didn’t expect the sticky boxers he woke up wearing in the morning!


Next update: Day after tomorrow (yeap, that's Friday)

Won't be posting till next Saturday after that... The buggers running my MBA program had the audacity to give me a heap of homework for next week! (and since I'm gonna spend the weekend abroad... James yumminess, yippyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!)
7 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
It is 21 minutes past midnight on Thursday night in Greece, so it’s technically Friday!

Thank you all for liking this story, it keeps me on edge, trying to do my best to keep you with me!

A huge “thank you” to Im_bloody_English for correcting my mistakes, giving me ideas, and always knowing exactly what is on my mind, even if I cannot seem to find the right words to express it!

Hope you enjoy this chapter, the next one will be with you next Saturday.

From last chapter.........

“No, leave him. He seems so peaceful. It’d be a pity to disturb him. The bed is huge. I won’t even know he’s here. Just bring me a couple of blankets from the closet; it can get chilly at night.”


Buffy regretted her decision to let Will sleep in the double bed several times that night.

More specifically, she regretted it every half an hour or so, when she’d rise from a restless sleep to find her body draped over his still form, only to drag herself to the other side of the bed again, trying to still her pounding heart and the throbbing between her legs in an effort to catch some shut-eye.

She initially lay close to the edge of the bed, opposite of his, but every once in a while she’d unwittingly sprawl out an arm, or a leg - sometimes both - wrapping it around him. Every single one of those times she’d thank the Lord he hadn’t woken from her touch.

He lay on his stomach, face turned away from her, both arms hugging his pillow. If it weren’t for the fact that at some point she had found herself cuddling against a wide expanse of bare back, instead of one clad in the t-shirt he previously wore, she would have though he hadn’t moved the entire night. Staring at his muscled shoulders, resisting the urge to run her hands and mouth over the sleek contours leading to his pale neck, she managed to peel herself away and imitate his pose, as she waited for sleep to re-claim her.


She gradually drifted back from dream-land, still in the position she’d originally fallen asleep in, her sheet rumpled at her feet. Only, Will had moved this time. His sheet was barely covering him below the hipbones and *is he naked under there?* He was stretched out on his side, right leg bent at the knee over the left one, corresponding arm laying palm down on the mattress… his fingers right underneath her mound.

Still more than half asleep, she didn’t register the slight, involuntary, shift of her hips towards him that managed to wedge his fingers between the upper parts of her thighs. Nor did she at first become conscious of the miniscule movements of her pelvis towards said fingers, trying to increase the friction only until she thought she felt him twitch. Reality slammed into her, waking her instantly. *Oh! God, I’m sooo sick! Humping a sleeping teen’s hand! Perv much? WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME???* She promptly rolled on her back, trying to put some distance between them.

The fingers, however, did not relent! They followed her, this time pushing into her over her soaked cotton shorts and panties. She looked beyond them, from the muscles of the forearm tensing, to the flexing bicep, to the naked shoulder and chest, to two hooded, dark pits of lust, gazing back at her under lowered lashes. She quickly lost all traces of resistance, and surrendered herself to the feelings evoked by his erotic caress.

Will felt detached from his body. Like a peeping tom, he watched his hand giving pleasure to the perfect creature next to him, his knuckles brushing the soft skin on the inside of her thighs as his fingers rubbed circles into the heat of her crotch. With no conscious thought, his mind filled solely with want, he hissed and swiftly leaned the upper part of his body on top of her. Barely aware he had nothing on under the sheet, he was nevertheless careful not to let her feel his pulsating cock. He demanded her lips, his tongue plunging into her mouth at the same moment his hand found its way inside her shorts, pushing her panties aside, and one of his fingers entered her molten core.

*If tha’s what she finds ‘uncomf’table’, I should’a rang the bloody doorbell wi’ my bloody co…* his thought trailed off when he felt her inner muscles squeezing him.

Buffy had remained motionless while the barrier of clothes stood between him and her pussy, but returned his kiss with an almost feral yearning, pulling him closer, mindlessly trying to bring the rest of him on top of her. When his finger sunk inside her, her hips bucked of their own accord, trying to make the most of the intimate connection.

“More,” she managed to whisper between moans deposited straight onto his lips. ”Please…”

He had no choice but to obey, shoving a second and then a third finger inside her tight passage, pumping in and out of her. By instinct -or sheer luck- he found the sensitive bundle of nerves inside her, and kept stroking it as he watched her lovely face contort in ecstasy. Delving in her scorching heat while he gave her such obvious pleasure managed to boost his confidence, giving him back the ability to speak, albeit in fractured words, dispersed between open-mouthed kisses and nibbles to her lips and neck.

“So hot…tight… yeah luv… Buffy…want you baby…”

She felt like she was floating on air, burning inside… felt… just that; she FELT! Her right hand flew to her pussy, rubbing her clit hard, while her left one grabbed his wrist, pushing his fingers harder… deeper inside her. It was all she needed to drive her over the edge.

All her senses seemed heightened to new extremes as orgasm overtook her. Hearing his gruff voice, his breath caressing her ear, she convulsed and shuddered, screaming his name like she had the previous day. But this time, when –still panting a little- she noticed his blue eyes watching her intently, neither of them blushed. They shared a smile, the secret one that only lovers can exchange, and she pulled him back down for a kiss full of gratitude and promise.

He decided he wanted more, no, all of her, so he braved the comfortable silence, and, his gaze never wavering, voiced what was on his mind. “Do you… um… wanna…?” He didn’t have to voice the rest of his question; she knew what he had in mind. Her quiet answer brought him on the verge of crying.

“Oh, sweetie, don’t you want your first time to be with someone you’re in love with?”

Her gentle, soft spoken, words hurt him on so many levels.

She had realized his inexperience –hell, she had probably felt his inadequacy. Forgetting he’d just made her come, HARD, he rationalized that she probably just wanted to let him down kindly. What was worse, at that moment he knew he was utterly, madly, and irrevocably in love with her and that he could never hope to be man enough to have, or even deserve, her! He nodded once, stiffly, and lay back on his side of the bed - his back to her.

He didn’t get to wallow in his mental self-flagellation half as long as he intended to, before he felt her small hand on his shoulder, not in a placating gesture or one of sympathy, but exerting enough force to make him turn towards her.

“Look at me Will” she whispered, “I want you to see me do this.”


Please keep your fingers crossed with me that I enjoy my weekend in Cardiff! I could really use some good time (especially as I'm a heavy smoker and just today found out I cannot even smoke in my hotel room:P)And please review; having the time to find out what you think about this was the main reason I posted so early... Greedy little me, LOL!!!
8 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
I couldn’t wait till tomorrow to see what you think about this one:-P

Oh, and before you go through the chapter, I wanted to thank all of you who keep on reading this, and especially those who review! You make me wanna update sooner every time (still next update should be next Saturday, but you know me… LOL)

Im_bloody_English worked her magic to help ensure that you enjoy this, and for that I’m more than grateful. Actually you should probably leave this story for later and go check out her fics, she’s brilliant!!!

As always, I own none of the characters, I just wanna play with them a bit.
Thankfully I’m currently unsupervised at work, so here ya go:


PS. For anyone who may be interested: I went to Cardiff last weekend. Everything went wrong till I got there; I mean everything!!!
I got to Amsterdam at 8 am, only to find that my flight to Cardiff had been canceled! They got me on a flight to Bristol instead, that got there at 12:45 (the JM event started at 12:30). Had to get a cab to Cardiff that cost me 95 pounds (I think it's about $180). The taxi dropped me off somewhere saying the venue was just around the corner. I didn't see it, so I asked 2 police officers where it was. One of them said it was at the other side of the town, so I burst into tears, whereupon he said he'd been joking, and I started punching and slapping his shoulders yelling "You have no fucking sense of humor" as he was trying to hug me to calm me down and he apologized. The place actually was around the corner, but when I got there I was told that I couldn't have my pic taken with James, as the first round of (pre-paid) photos was over. Guess what? I cried again.

A couple of hugs and reassurances later I was dragged to James, where I received a bear hug and forgot all my troubles:P

I wanna say that everyone there was more than wonderful! People were hugging me with sympathy. I felt like I belonged, and I was in a foreign country!!! I made new friends, had a great time, and I wanna say I love you all!!!***end of rumbling!
From last chapter.........

“Look at me Will” she whispered, “I want you to see me do this.”


She smiled, again nothing patronizing in her lust-filled eyes as she peeled the sheet covering his manly bits away and, eyes widening, marveled at the sight of him. The thought that he ought to be proud of himself for her reaction to his manhood never occurred to him because he was drowning in the thick haze of palpable desire emanating from her.

She spread his legs and knelt between them, taking in the glorious site of him. His unruly, honey-colored curls and baby-blue eyes, shining with both hope and trepidation reminded her of a cherub. That image was a sharp contrast to those chiseled cheekbones and devilish tongue, currently curled behind his teeth as he smirked at her, bringing about a fresh gush of liquid from between her thighs. Her mouth went dry as she let her eyes roam over the rest of him.

Whether to show off, or –most probably- out of embarrassment under her scrutiny, despite the provocative look he was throwing her way, his entire body had tensed; his chest pushed out, pectorals stretching, well defined abs ribbing his skin… and those arrows of flesh, running at the lower sides of his abdomen, over his hipbones, pointing at his cock... He could have been carved in marble; such was the exquisiteness of features of his face and body!

But his prick was too magnificent to have been imagined or created by any mortal sculptor. As milky white as the rest of his body, standing proudly at 8 inches of height, it was a study in perfection. Veins running close to the surface added to the marble-like effect; a very live and pulsing piece of marble, jumping under her hungry gaze. Fixing her eyes on the head as it oozed a generous drop of pre-cum almost made her shriek with joy. It was not helmet-shaped, like most of her past lovers’. His cock reminded her of a spike; the head shaped so that it would smooth the way before granting the feel of his impressive girth.

*It’ll make sliding into even the tightest places a lot easier… And more pleasurable*

She licked and smacked her lips and Will could have sworn he heard her say ‘yummy’ before scooting backwards, bending over, and slowly, teasingly, dragging her tongue on the underside of his fleshy spike, eliciting a whimper from deep in his throat. The whimper turned into a moan as she started devouring him a little at a time, sucking while pulling him in and out of her mouth, taking him deeper with every downward motion of her head, all the time playfully licking his tender underside.

Just like he had when they’d first kissed, he tangled the fingers of one hand in her hair, fisting it at the nape of her neck, not to hold her in place or to assert superiority as many men tend to think they’re entitled to do when a woman’s sucking them off, but rather to verify the reality of the situation.

The sensations surrounding him were so intensely pleasurable, they bordered on torture. He never wanted the warm sanctuary of her mouth to withdraw, yet he desperately needed to cum.

Grabbing his free hand, she brought it to the back of her head, applying just the pressure necessary to indicate she wanted him to dictate the rhythm he wanted her to follow. Three things she did next cast the dice for him, shredding his self-control.

She managed to take him all in, feeling his size stretch her throat muscles, and –ignoring her gag reflex- swallowed around him, trying to milk him for all he was worth.

As she resumed pumping him, she stuck two fingers inside her pussy, moving them in time with her mouth. Her thumb pressed against her clit and she moaned around his dick, sending vibrations that seemed to reach his core.

Her right hand stole its way to his scrotum, softly squeezing his balls and then reaching underneath them, running her nails over the spot she new would make him cum. And she was right.

He came as he had never managed to in the past, no matter what fantasy he’d employed to assist him. His entire body trembled, lacking the strength to scream out her name, settling instead for whispering it like a secret… or a prayer.

She swallowed stream after stream of his seed, enjoying the feel and taste of him. She already loved his scent, but the addition to his natural aroma of the tang of his spendings was driving her mad with need. Satisfied with herself, but not sated, she sat back, giving him a little theatrical bow and letting out a giggle.

His reaction was as far from anything she might have expected as possible – within the limits of the known universe, of course.

He turned his face away from her, and sobbed!

“Will? Baby? William! What’s wrong? What did I do? I thought you wanted this…” *Oh my God, what have I done? Wanted this? He’s a minor! Shit!*

She placed her index finger under his chin, tilting it so that he had to face her.

“’S alright, pet. ‘S jus I’m already in love wit’ someone, but she won’ have me… ‘M not man enough for ‘er…” He was about to pour his heart out; lay it down bare in front of her, even if only to be stomped on.

She, ignored the pang of jealousy and hurt searing her heart at his confession of love for someone else. What mattered right now was his heart. He was too young, vulnerable his heart could easily be broken. She, on the other hand, had been there before. Her heart could heal easily. Right?

*Heal? My heart? What is this to me? What is he to me?* She shut the little voice inside her head up and tended to his ego seeing it was too fragile for his own good. And for reasons she couldn’t explain, she truly believed every word she said to him.

“You are enough of a man for any girl. No. For any woman! You’re a young, sensitive, bright-” seeing he was about to object she shook her head in warning “-NO! let me finish! A young, sensitive, bright, gorgeous, extremely SEXY man, and if she can’t see it, then I say fuck her AND the horse she rode in on!!!” She saw his eyes brimming with unshed tears, yet with a glimmer of hope in their unfathomable depths.

“Teach me Buffy”, he pleaded, “Teach me how to be a man, so that I can give her what she deserves.”

Buffy truly thought the heartless bitch deserved nothing. To believe a wonderful man such as her Will to be beneath the stupid girl. Well, she would fix that! It was as much his plea as her own selfish need to feel him inside her that led her to lay back, holding her arms out to him as she whispered, “Touch me, William.”


So? Did ya like? Please let me know, makes me more productive:P

9 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
Well… I did say Saturday, but my best friend has been up my a$$ about the next chapter, so here it is!

Im_bloody_English has done more than check this out! She added two or three paragraphs that –other than adding to the steaminess- created a much better atmosphere than I had managed to. So if something seems too good to be mine, it’s cause it’s not!!!:-P

From last chapter.........

“You are enough of a man for any girl. No. For any woman! You’re a young, sensitive, bright-” seeing he was about to object she shook her head in warning “-NO! let me finish! A young, sensitive, bright, gorgeous, extremely SEXY man, and if she can’t see it, then I say fuck her AND the horse she rode in on!!!” She saw his eyes brimming with unshed tears, yet with a glimmer of hope in their unfathomable depths.


“Touch me, William.”


Every fiber of his being rejoiced at her invitation! There was nothing he wanted more than to be welcomed into her embrace, to be inside her, meld their bodies together, their hands and souls entwined and yet he hesitated. His natural timidity resurfaced, tinting his cheeks crimson, hindering his will to approach her as a lover.

She could see his inner turmoil. Much as every feeling he’d ever tried to hide, it was reflected into the cerulean windows to his soul as he leaned on his elbow, choking on emotion, torn between his need and his bashfulness born of inexperience.

She chose the path for him, caressed his face and whispered, “I want you, baby.” When she brought his hand to her cloth covered breast, all reluctance over what she was allowing was cast aside as the hard peak ached with need under his trembling, exploring fingers.

Will felt like he was going about things the wrong way, and forced himself to ghost his fingers upwards, tenderly brushing away a wisp of hair that had the audacity to hide part of the face he treasured.

He ducked his head towards hers and traced her full mouth, first with his thumb then with his lips. He gently bit her lower lip, worrying it with his teeth before begging entrance to taste of her sweetness. She parted her lips with a sigh, granting him what he sought, softly sucking on his tongue in a way that reminded him of their previous activities, sending a jolt of fire to his loins.

His knuckles ran down the side of her slender neck, mouth leaving hers to follow their path, nipping and kissing, pausing for a teasing bite then suckling the skin to soothe the mark while his palm molded to her breast. He squeezed the perfect mound then bit down hard over her pulse point, nibbling and sucking it rhythmically as he rolled her nipple between his fingers. He took her moan of pleasure as a hint to continue his attentions and moved his body to kneel between her legs.

Buffy lay there in a state of constant simmer; his every touch adding fuel to the fire inside her, but not enough to burn as she desperately wanted.

That was until he started fondling her breast more urgently, his mouth latching onto the other, the combination of the wet suction encircling her peak and the friction caused by the fabric covering the tender bud eliciting mewling sounds from deep in her throat, urging him on.

Craving more contact, he took hold of the hem of her top, his thumbs brushing the soft flesh of her belly while looking into her eyes for approval to continue.

Her body beat her voice in answering him, skin shivering, muscles tensing and hips rising under his reverent caress. It was difficult to be patient but patient she would be. This was new to him and she wanted him to take his time, learn at his own pace but God... he seemed to be a natural, evoking all the right responses in her body, making her feverish with want.

Emboldened by her response, he ran his palms upwards, raising the candy-pink material until her creamy, rose-tipped mounds were revealed in all their naked glory. His moan of desire covered the sound of her hissing as she drew in a sharp breath.

His lips resumed their prior ministrations, the feeling enhanced by the lack of the barrier that kept him from savoring the warmth of her flesh against his tongue. So sweet, so soft and supple, her taste and scent surrounded him, the blood pounding through his veins going straight to his cock, hardening in response to this slice of heaven she was granting him.

Of their own volition, her hands began pushing on her shorts, desperate to be rid of them but he stopped her, grabbing her wrists and kissing his way down her stomach, dipping the tip of his tongue in her navel before giving her a gentle love bite over her left hipbone.

“Please!” she breathed out, wiggling her hips and much to her relief, he pulled her shorts down along with her need soaked thong and sent them both flying over his shoulder.

He placed a chaste kiss on her smooth, shaven quim, awed by the glistening evidence of her want for him. His nostrils flared, breathing in the intoxicating aroma of her passion, savoring the scent, the scent of woman in need... in need of him! He meant to lose himself in her folds, to take his first taste of woman, of this woman, the one he wanted above all others, but it seemed she would have no more delays to her gratification.

Yanking him up by his hair, she crushed her mouth to his, teeth clashing in a fierce kiss and brought her legs to wrap around his waist, ankles locking together. He tried to raise up, to see and take in the effulgent beauty underneath him, to memorize the sight he may never see again after tonight.

“NOW!” she growled, taking it upon herself to grasp his member, aligning the weeping head of his cock to the entrance of her demanding pussy.

Will hesitated for a moment. “What about…protection?” he gulped in fear of ruining the moment.

“Safe. Pill. Clean… Please!” she grunted frantically in response, hands roaming over the planes of his back, fingernails all but breaking the surface of his skin, heels digging into his buttocks to bring him closer.

His first thrust was almost involuntary; a reaction to feeling her feet pulling on him. It was also dangerously close to being the last he would manage before he lost it. Never having been with a woman before, he had no way of way of knowing his size might hurt her when he sank his entire length within her instead of inching his way in.

As he seated himself fully in one stroke, filling her to the point of bursting, her inner walls stretching to their limits to accommodate him, she took pleasure in the hint of pain that despite her own natural lubrication, mingled with the bliss invading her senses. She felt as if this was as much of a first time for her as it was for him, already close to completion the moment she felt his member throbbing deep within her channel.

It was his turn to growl in pleasure and frustration, trying to hold back, hold still so as not to embarrass himself and hopefully... be able to bring her to orgasm.

She tried to alleviate his tension, evident by the twitching muscles of his jaw without hurting his fragile ego, telling him it was ok, that this wouldn’t be their only time; that he should let it all go. At the same time her mind screamed at her to screw altruism and get him to fuck her hard because *GOD, I’m sooo CLOSE*!

Her promise of future chances to love her made keeping a reign on his hormones even harder. Sensing the imminence of his release, he ground his teeth and tried to remain in control. He wished to make her feel as good as he had earlier and his wish was granted when inspiration hit as he was flashed with the memory of how glorious she looked while getting off around his fingers. And so reaching between them, he ground his thumb against her clit in circles.

Her wanton thrusts beneath him, around him, drove him to a frenzy that took everything he had to restrain himself. He’d felt like he was in heaven before, when she’d captived him by the lavish prison of her lips, thinking her fiery kisses to be the zenith of his existence. But that was nothing compared to the feel of her surrounding him. It was unlike anything he ever expected, or dared to imagine. The heat, the tight grip of her passage clinging to him like a well tailored velvety glove was overwhelming to his untrained body. He pulled back to begin moving inside her, intending to make this last, but when her hips rose to meet his, it was too much. Three quick strokes later was all it took! They both cried out their release in unison, the muscles encasing his cock rippling, fluttering then clamping down all around him, greedily squeezing every last drop of his semen before he collapsed in a boneless heap over her small frame.

He held on to her, as if to a life-line, afraid she might leave, might scorn him, but he realized she was clutching him with equal vehemence. He kissed the unshed tears in her eyes, both hating and relishing the idea that he brought them on. As her murmured ‘perfect’ sounded out his own thoughts, his cock had yet to soften, still embedded in what felt like its custom made sheath.

When he shifted to pull out, she tightened her arms around him, wanting to hold onto their connection and the beauty of the moment. “Stay.”

He nodded at her soft plea, grateful she didn’t want him to leave the warmth of her embrace and snug passage, that she wanted to hold him in her arms. He wondered would she’d feel the same way if he told her what he intended earlier... that he was in love with her. But not wanting to disrupt the magic they’d weaved, he let the idea go for now and rolled them onto their sides to face each other, draping her leg over his thigh to keep them joined.

The next twenty minutes were spent in a slow exploration of each other. Fingertips gently coasting every curve, angle and hard plane of the other’s body while soft kisses were exchanged. Will ghosted his lips across her collar bone, delighting in the way he made her shiver in response. The way she touched him, her scent, the feel of her hands running reverently over his face, shoulders, back... it was no surprise to either of them when at last he hardened inside of her and she invited him to love her again.

Nothing seemed too soon this time as he pounded into her scorching, plush depths, flesh slapping against flesh, lips locking, tongues dancing, fingers entwining, her screams filling the room with every twist of his hips making his manhood massage her hidden bundle of nerves, his hipbone exerting just the right amount of pressure, friction on the fleshy button above her folds.


“Buffy, luv, so hot, what you do to me… fuck… luv, oh FUCK!!!”

They fucked like animals for most of the night. At some point she flipped them over and began riding him, head thrown back, eyes glazed over, almost shut, but not quite - never quite - always holding his gaze, breasts bouncing as bruises the shape of his fingers began to form where he held onto her hips, directing the rhythm of her gallop. Panting breaths interspersed with pleas, moans and encouragements were the only sounds in the house, but neither had the presence of mind to hope that Xander hadn’t been too sleepy when he left the room to put his head phones on with the music turned up.

Hours later, both spent, sore and sated, they curled around one another, ready to succumb to the lulling aches of their bodies and the need for sleep.

What she heard him say just as she closed her eyes made her heart skip a beat.

Thinking back to her earlier comment about ‘the woman’, he spoke jokingly... though the jest held truth. “So luv, where’s that horse you mentioned ridin’ in on? Gather ‘s his turn to be fucked now!”

Head buried in the valley between his neck and shoulder, she could almost ‘hear‘ his smile, as – answering him with a kiss on his well muscled chest - she let herself drift off.

Merely entertaining the thought of disentangling his body from hers in order to light a cigarette made Will wince, so he just closed his eyes and followed her lead.


A/N Hope you enjoyed, I know I’m repeating myself, but the next chapter will probably be up next Saturday! Oh! And please let me know what you think, ‘kay?
10 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
Ok... the thing is I have written a chapter that I wanna post just before X-mas, but for that to be done I'll have to be posting on Mondays and Fridays till then...

Can you live with that?:P

Please review, it really helps the muse when I see your reactions to what I've written!

Thank you all for reading, and especially those that take the time to share their opinion with me!

Im_bloody_English rocks and has beta-d this chapter too, thanks honey!

For the second day in a row, Buffy did not wake up in a foul mood.

The reason today, however, was much more enticing than just coffee *JUST coffee? I must be falling hard!* She couldn’t wait to get her hands back on the scrumptiousness called Will, and could only hope she’d have enough time to do so before Xander woke up! And had he said he loved her?

*Not in so many words, he hasn’t, but what with the horse, and the ’fuck the bitch and the horse…’ and after we… it was the horse's turn. There! He loves me!* She felt like a teen, no care in the world. He loved her! But her adult self, too used to being let down, grasped at another straw. *Oh, so I’m the bitch. she mused. *Should I be offended? He called me a bitch, with the joking and all. But I said it first, so it doesn’t count. But I didn’t know I was the bitch!* She decided to forfeit any rights to take offense, in favor of some morning ‘having of the sex’; her cousins funny little way of referring to lovemaking almost made her giggle.

Instead, not opening her eyes or turning around, lips curled upward in a seductive smile, she tried to scoot back against him… and found no resistance! Alarmed, she jumped up to find his spot on the bed empty. The clock on the night-stand blinking 13:17.

*Oh, he’s probably making me coffee.* She got out of bed, looked for - then discarded - the clothes she had on the previous night, and settled for pulling one of her mother’s summer dresses over her lithe form. She didn’t bother going into the closet-room for underwear; she’d probably have to change again soon to go for a swim.

Heading towards the stairway, she kept musing over how to work things out with Xander. He’d probably wig out if they told him about their... and what would they tell him, exactly? Did they have a tryst the night before? Were they in love? *Huh? I mean he joked about it, with the horse and everything… Not the most romantic profession of love, anyway, but still…HUH?*? How would Xander handle it? And if they didn’t tell him? Would they have to sneak around every night just to be in each other’s arms? Or was there to be no follow up to their night of passion? *Not even gonna think about THAT!!!* Her heart constricted at the mere thought, but she stopped thinking altogether as she heard Will’s voice drift up from the ground floor.

“’M tellin’ you mate, bird‘s got ALL the moves! Bloody animal `s what she is! Can’t take ‘er on again!”

So much for wondering what to say to Xander! And so much for feelings… And what about Xander? How could he stand anyone talking that way about her? Her heart was not tight anymore. It was broken. *Well at least the ‘in love’ part is solved!* But it was OK, would be OK. She’d mend... right?


Turning on her heel, she burst back into the bedroom where just minutes ago, she was still feeling happy. She flopped on the bed, buried her face in her arms and let hot tears of misery flow freely down her face.

Will tilted his face towards the ceiling, cocking it to the side as he heard a door slamming somewhere above them. If Buffy was up, why hadn’t she come down for breakfast yet? The thought of her getting ready for him *for a swim, you love-struck wanker* made him smile. As his mind wandered to delicious thoughts of a naked Buffy, he tuned out Xander’s yammering and decided to head upstairs.

“There’s somethin’ I gotta do, Whelp.” He cut the boy off mid-sentence. “I‘ll give you some privacy to call your chit, make plans for later, yeah? Why don’ you call ’er from ‘ere? I‘ll tell Buffy not to bother you. I‘ll even take ‘er breakfast on my way up!”

The thought of talking to Willow didn’t allow Xander’s - not exactly razor-sharp - mind to register any flaw in the logic of his cousin’s suggestion. He shrugged in a ‘whatever’ gesture at the same time all but wagging his tail, already heading to retrieve the cordless.

Will took a tray out of a cupboard, poured a cup of ‘brown goodness’, rolled his eyes at his use of Buffy’s speaking mannerisms and then again for using her trademark eye roll. He let the matter go before he entered a vicious cycle, smirked, added a freshly baked croissant - that the other love-struck git in the house had gone for a little earlier - and a single rose from those he’d bought for his love yesterday and made his way upstairs.

Nearing her closed door, he could hear that something was wrong. *That is definitely not the sound of mornin’-after bliss!* Balancing the tray in one hand, he pushed the door open without knocking. It was all he could do not to drop the tray he’d so proudly arranged for her as he haphazardly placed it on the vanity before rushing to her side.

His love was sobbing, curled up, looking even younger than him, and he’d be damned if he wouldn’t fix whatever it was that had hurt her.

“Buffy, luv, wha’ happened? Is it your folks? Somethin’ wrong wi’ Dawn?”

“How?” she croaked.

There was no strength in her voice, yet it poured out of her emerald eyes that looked at him with such fierceness and… was that hatred overshadowing her pain? “How?” He was truly puzzled.

“How can you come here and act all care-y guy after what you just told Xander? HOW?” She was almost screaming now, fighting against him as he tried to pull her into his arms, to calm her down and make it all right again.

DON’T TOUCH ME” she slapped him hard on his cheek. “BLOODY animal? Bloody ANIMAL??? After what we shared, YOU go behind MY back telling those nasty things to my… TO OUR cousin? Couldn’t take me ON again? GREAT! Cause you know what? YOU. DON’T. HAVE. TO!!!

He recoiled, but didn’t cease trying to pull her close. “’S this all over a bloody game? Pet, I’ll play you again if it’s so importan’ to you! I jus’ didn’ wan’ the whelp in ‘ere every night!” His mind couldn’t wrap around the concept that he might somehow be responsible for her desolation. And all over some bloody game?!?!

“Huh?” Her face scrunched in confusion. “What game? WHAT’S A WHELP?” She refocused the anger she momentarily lost in the confusion and began slapping at his arms which were trying to encircle her again.

“What I tol’ the whelp… told Xander,” he corrected himself, allowing her to make the connection, ”`bout not bein’ able to fight you in Killer Instinct again…” he saw her blank look. “Why? What are YOU talkin’ about pet?” He narrowed his eyes.

Her eyes, on the other hand, went wide as what he said sank in. “You mean you weren’t talking about last night? About me… in bed?”

He chuckled at that, gathering her into his embrace, tucking her head under his chin. Everything would be OK, it was just a misunderstanding.

No pet... not that you weren’t an animal las’ night.” He chuckled and stroked her hair.

Her embarrassment at making such a big deal over nothing didn’t allow her to completely cease her whining. But her pout was much more teasing as she whimpered, “An animal? Is that how you see me? And you call me pet all the time!” her voice muffled against him.

Her playfulness was lost on him as he grabbed her shoulders, pulling her from his chest and lightly shaking her.

“I could NEVER think of you as an animal, Buffy. You are fierce and passionate, but that’s what I love about you.”

His accent turned more refined like his father’s, nothing left of the gruff drawl she was used to hearing from his lips. She blushed and lowered her eyes. *Love? Yay!!*

“Look at me! I’m your willin’ slave! You’ve been throwin’ me bones, orderin’ me around… you even slapped me and yet I’m still at your beck an’ call. If anything luv, it’s ME who’s YOUR bleedin’ pet. Might as well wrap a collar ‘round my neck `n call me… Spike’!”

He quickly reverted to his normal mode of talk with the last few words said in self-depreciation. She couldn’t stifle a snigger when recalling her thoughts about his shaft as she whispered, “I might just take you up on that!” Then she kissed the pout that seemed to have jumped from her lips to his.


If you liked there will probably be some smuttiness coming your way on Friday, let me know, OK? *winks*
11 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
Hey! It's Friday, so there you go, as promised!!!

As always, Im_bloody_English betas, I bow to her!

Thank all of you for reading, you make the chapters wanna write themselves:P Thanks even more to those of you who review; can't wait to find out whether you liked this chapter!

Oh! I posted the previous chapter on Monday, some of you may have missed it cause it's not my usual day (so if you haven't read a fight scene in this story, go check that out:P), I said then that I'll be posting Mondays and Fridays from now till X-mas, and I plan on making good on that:)!

Enjoy, XXX
As her lips caressed his, Will gave up all pretense of feeling dejected. His hands started roaming her body as if discovering her anew, running fevered paths all over her skin, rekindling desire that never seemed to fade for long. She was laughing in his mouth, a sound of pure joy, bliss, and he wanted to drown in her yet again. He knew he could never get enough of her sound, her scent, her touch.

Buffy felt as if the entire world had shrunk to a bubble containing only her and her lover. It would take an apocalypse... *no, not even that could do it* to pry her from his body. She felt complete for the first time ever and he hadn’t even entered her. Try as she might, she could no longer deny it – not to herself, at least – she was mad about the boy! *Oh, great, now I’m quoting Dinah Washington in my head. Corny much?* And she laughed because she could love, and it felt like she was being loved in return. Heck, he’d told her how he felt, though *not gonna win any ‘romantic gestures’ prize, what with the fucking and the horse, but still…* All thought abandoned her as his wandering fingers trailed up her thighs and under the hem of the dress, lifting it to her waist, his head nuzzling the inner side of her knee.

Will was gob smacked. He knew he was a right wanker for being awed over the fact she allowed his thumbs to touch her quim after their sex-capades just hours ago, but bloody hell… no underwear?!?! M’ girl is ready for me! And her scent let him know just how ready she really was. He couldn’t help but be drawn to the spring of what he was sure was the nectar of Gods, licking a trail up her leg, fingers spreading her to his gaze, zeroing in on her chalice of rapture… when he was stopped by the firm grip of two small hands on his shoulders.

“No, Will, don’t.” She tried to close her legs, but he stayed her.

Perplexed but desperate to sample her feminine delights, his hands not straying from her nether lips, but only momentarily pausing in their exploration, he begged, “Please? Want to taste you, luv. ”

“I… I don’t like it. I feel too vulnerable…” her voice tiny, yet screaming with insecurity.

“Please le’ me, Buffy… want to feel you on my tongue… smell so good.” He paused between phrases accentuating his words by caressing her outer lips with his forefinger, his eyes pleading for her to allow him that indulgence. “’F you don’ like it I’ll stop, I promise. Don’ you trust me, luv?”

She seemed to trust him whenever he was near and this time was no different as her body answered his question for her. Grip relaxing, she lay back, tension still evident but not enough to keep her from smiling at the way he licked his lips before tentatively reaching to replace his fingers with his tongue. She was ready to endure it so as not to hurt his pride and to sate his curiosity. She was set to pretend to like it, to stroke his ego no matter how he performed. She was not, however, at all prepared for… *unh, oooh*… the overwhelming sensation of heat and wetness that flooded between her thighs, making her back arch to start grinding her pelvis against the heavenly mouth devouring her, or for the tingles that spread to her womb by his growls of pleasure at her response. *Yep, calling him a ‘natural’ cannot begin to describe it… Oh. God.Yesss!*

For the third – or was it zillionth - time that night, Will felt like he was living a dream. He was wedged between her legs, tasting her honey, lapping at her core, her aroma enfolding him, making his head float. Blood thundered in his ears as he pushed his tongue inside her, never getting enough of her juices yet knowing he could do more to give her pleasure. Reluctantly, he withdrew his tongue, internally gloating at the sobbing sound that escaped her throat in the instant before he replaced it with two of his fingers and latched onto her clit, alternating between suckling and nibbling it for all he was worth.

Buffy was entranced. She reached her first climax when he pushed his fingers inside her needy slit, each of his strokes and nips drawing it out longer and longer until she felt she would never come down. And before she could, she came again as he whispered “‘need you. Now, Buffy!” and – standing up – drew her closer to him, lifting her ass off the edge of the bed while lowering his trunks and letting out his hefty shaft.

Will’s heart ached for her; even holding her so close as he was now, he still felt she was miles away. He longed to be one with her again, deep inside her, surrounded by all that was Buffy. He lined himself up and slipped inside her with one smooth stroke, hoping he hadn’t hurt her sore walls, but not being able to hold back either. He needed to bury himself within her depths, get lost and yet found. Be where he felt like he was home, like he belonged. After his first thrust, he held still for a while, allowing her to adjust, and relished her firm grasp to his manhood. He pulled down the straps of her dress, all but tearing the thin material, to bunch it around her waist and reveal her breasts to his hungry gaze. The hardened peaks taunted him to bend down and lick them, and before long he held one buttock in each of his hands and was moving in and out of her with as much self-discipline as his craving to have her allowed him.

Buffy, caught in the heated passion engulfing her, had forgotten how tender she was down there until his hard manhood had entered her. Again, she felt the almost unbearable stretching of her walls but was not in the least bothered by it. On the contrary, it heightened her pleasure as she wanted to be made to accommodate him, to be shaped to his size, to be his.

Will wanted to feel all of her, could not stand having the silken skin of her stomach, the creamy mounds of her breasts and her rosy nipples so far from his naked torso. He envied the air that had the luxury of caressing her golden form. Still holding onto her with one hand, he reached the other behind her back, pulling her up by the shoulders and lifting her flush against his body. He turned them to their sides, so that her back was to the wall next to the bed, and drew her legs around him, knocking a lamp off the bedside table in the process.

She clung to him, rocking against him, lifting and falling on his cock, nails digging in his shoulders for leverage, sighing and moaning in the crook of his neck as he nibbled on her earlobe.

Pushing and pulling against one another, clutching their bodies together, whispering sweet nasties, they sank into each other completely.

Will wanted nothing more than to shower her with promises of eternal love, pronouncements of his need and adoration. But while his heart sang for her response to his craving for her, he could not forget her lack of answer to his clumsy attempt to indicate his feelings for her the previous night. For now, he focused on her grip to his cock becoming tighter by the second, her thrusts more urgent and her internal walls fluttering madly around his pulsating length, before giving into his own need for gratification.

*OhmyGod, OhmyGod! OH.GOD*Coming Will!

His sigh of her name was for her ears only, so it made almost perfect sense that as she cried her release, punctuating both the ‘o’ and the ‘i’ in ‘coming’, someone just outside the door might have confused her scream for… “Come in, Will”

So Willow opened the bedroom door to do just that.


Please let me know what you think! XXX
12 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
Well, it’s Monday, so here is Chapter 12!
I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it:P
I want to once again thank those of you who keep reading this fic, and most of all those who take the time to leave a review. You guys really make it all worthwhile.
Oh, and please join me in wishing my wonderful beta, Im_Bloody_English, to get well soon, cause there’s a flu bugging her!
Earlier that morning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Xander woke up, awkwardly aware that his boxers - as well as the sheet on which he slept – were kind of a wet, sticky mess.

He groaned at the thought of how Will was never gonna let him live it down. That is, until he realized the blond wouldn’t find out because he’d fallen asleep in Buffy’s bed last night. Any sense of inherent wrongness in that realization eluded him though, as – figuring he had enough time before his cousins were up to change the sheets and avoid embarrassment – he allowed his mind to drift to flashes of the erotic dream that led him to ejaculate while slumbering.

*Damnit!* His penis was growing hard again, part from reminiscing about the naughtiness that included a particular redhead in most of the scenes he was mentally replaying, and part from pure teenage hormones that regularly caught up to him in the morning *well, past noon, actually* hours. Before he could sneak his hand into his shorts to relieve himself, however, he heard noises in the kitchen downstairs, indicating – as everyone knew that Buffy was not a morning person – that Will was already up and about. The brunette decided to take his one-on-one time, or rather, five fingers on ‘the one’ time, straight to the shower. So he got out of bed,, dragging the bed covers and linen behind him on his way to the bathroom.

Rejuvenated, sated, and above all clean, he’d placed his ‘dirty’ laundry in the appropriate hamper to avoid major wiggage. After putting on his swim trunks, he rushed downstairs to pester the Brit about having another ‘Killer Instinct’ tournament. He handled the rejection to his game proposal the other youth gave him like a gentleman when instead, he was afforded the opportunity to call Willow and arrange to see her. He was confident his cousin hadn’t seen past his mock façade of disappointment to observe how much happier the alternative of spending time with his elementary school crush actually made him.

He was, of course, wrong!

Having dialed her cell phone number by heart, Xander was ecstatic when Willow picked up after the first ring. His ecstasy turned to bliss – the bliss that can only be experienced by teenagers in love – when she said she was already on her way to Buffy’s place, to surprise him with lunch. *Girlfriend and lunch! Life is of the good for the Xan-man*

“Oh! Oh!” Willow exclaimed. “This must be great minds thinking alike. Not that I consider myself a great mind or anything. Nope, no sir. Ordinary-mind-girl here, that’s me, er, maybe less. Uh… that doesn’t mean you aren’t a great mind. But then of course it would be ‘great mind, ordinary girl mind thinking alike’, so there goes that saying…”

He interrupted her rambling, beaming at the sweetness the girl exuded, even when at a loss for words or tumbling over them. God, she was adorable!

“Hey, Wills? Great mind it is! So, should I expect you around…”

The doorbell rang just then; a sound loud enough to make Buffy grouchy in the morning – especially when being repeatedly pressed for over five minutes –, but apparently not loud enough to register in the ears of two lovers fighting one floor above the noise.

“Hold on a sec Wills.” Xander walked to the door, phone still tucked between ear and shoulder. “Lemme see who that is!” He opened the door without checking through the peep-hole, and his grin from earlier threatened to split his face in two.

“It’s you!” He said into the mouthpiece, before throwing it on the couch and gathering his girlfriend into a bear-hug as his lips found hers.

Xander had spent the last few years laden with all the adolescent clumsiness his cousin seemed never to have been burdened with. Where Will’s moves were graceful and almost liquid, his were by default awkward and jerky, and that usually made him extremely self-conscious when in the presence of girls… especially girls he liked. Willow had unconsciously been up there as president of the ‘we-make-Xander-Harris-feel-ungainly-as-a-clown’ club, until her reaction to him almost running her over. That reaction, coupled with her pronouncement of him as her boyfriend, had promoted her to president of the exclusive club of ’girls-Xander-Harris-would-die-for’; the only other members being his cousins, Buffy and Dawn. That brought kissing her to the top of his list of priorities. Yes, that was placing the girl above lunch!

He didn’t even care that he almost crushed the bag of goodies she held between them!

The welcome peck he’d intended soon turned into major kissage, but to his honor –albeit with a lot of effort – the boy respectfully kept his hands from straying towards the firm breasts he vividly felt pushing against him. *No groping! Down boy!*

Willow was out of breath by the time she pushed him back with her free hand, blushing and dropping her gaze. That only made her face an even darker shade of red as she noticed the bulge in his pants that the grocery bag had prevented her from feeling. Quickly returning her eyes to his face she mumbled “Um… hey Xander, what’s up? …Um, not that something must be up… Or… Or that it would be wrong if something was…” She stopped her self and took a deep breath. “I mean, how are you?”

“Better now that you’re here! Come in, come in!” He sidestepped to free up the doorway, closed the door behind her as she stepped inside, and showed her the way to the kitchen where she left her bag on the counter.

Willow had her swimsuit on underneath her knee-long sundress, and as she desperately wanted to cool down, she proposed they go for a dive before having lunch. The boy found that to be a brilliant idea – although truth be told, anything that came out of her mouth was nothing but brilliant – and started up the stairs to call on Will and Buffy. He was stopped before he reached the fourth step, however, when Willow volunteered to go instead as she needed to freshen up - which in this case was Willow-talk for needing to spread copious amounts of sun-block on her face to avoid freckling without looking silly while the cream was absorbing.

Once she’d ‘freshened up’, Willow left the bathroom and went to look for Will in the boys’ room but didn’t find him there. Just as she was debating on whether or not to call out for him – she decided against it because of Buffy’s fame for sleeping in and the consequences befalling those who disrupted her siesta – she heard a noise coming from the master bedroom. It sounded like something crashing to the floor followed by a couple of moans.

*Xander said Will had to do something. Maybe Buffy needed him to help her move some furniture around?* Her normally inquisitive mind didn’t question the improbability of Buffy needing to move furniture in a room that was not her own. Especially in the morning and without coffee.

Walking up to the door anyway, she was just about to knock when she heard – or thought she did – the older girl call her in. So she opened the door to do just that… and was greeted by a site that rooted her to the spot, making her eyes owlish with disbelief, astonishment, and curiousness – yep, that’s the thing with inquisitive minds; they can decide to kick in at the most peculiar of times!

From where she stood she had little more than a side view of the lovers. *Xander’s cousins! Oh my GOD!!!* Buffy was pinned against the wall, legs wrapped around a sculptured ass, eyes closed, sweat trickling down her breasts, head thudding back, mouth agape in a silent ‘o’ with what looked to be a dress currently covering only her midriff. Will kept thrusting into her in an effort to prolong what was obviously a simultaneous orgasm, bunching the hanging material in one of his fists, the thumb of his other hand rubbing her clit while his muscular legs held up their combined weight as his mouth devoured the side of her neck.

Willow came back to herself only seconds before the blonde couple collapsed sideways onto the bed, still joined, and – thankfully unnoticed – back-stepped out of the room, quietly closing the door before she ran down the stairs.

She found her boyfriend in the kitchen, turning guiltily away from the bench on which she’d left the bag of delicacies she’d brought with her. In her baffled state of mind she failed to recognize his intention of grabbing a bite from one of the BLT baguettes she’d brought with her as the reason of his startled jump at hearing her walk into the kitchen. What she thought instead, was that he’d let her go upstairs knowing what the other two had been doing.

He could have warned her. He could have told her she might, *no. Would,* be walking in on the sex! Instead he’d just let her almost get caught ogling at his cousins humping! Was that his idea of funny? Trying to regain her calm, although fully aware the color of her cheeks matched that of her hair, she came to a complete stop about two feet away from him as he looked up to face her, an excuse for his gluttony already forming on his lips.

Her resolve-o face stopped him, and she was surprised at how cool her voice sounded when she asked:

“So, were Buffy and William together last time I was here?”


Please let me know what you think! XXX
13 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
Good morning!

This is the answer to those of you who were wondering how Xander is going to take the news. There’s a little cliffy there at the end, but please bear with me!

A huge ’Thank you’ to all of you who read my story, and especially those that take the time to leave a review! You guys make me smile!!! Im_bloody_English has used her magic wand on this chapter too, and I hope her laptop gets back to normal soon (join hands and pray with me, people:P) cuz she's brilliant and I already miss chatting with her!

So, till Monday XXX
“So, were Buffy and William together last time I was here?”

“Of course they were. They were there on the couch. Together. Don’t you remember?” His intellect refused to stretch so far as to encompass the true meaning of her question.

“Xander Harris!”

Her eyes were somehow darker now, her veins all but popping under her delicate skin, almost scaring him.

“You know what I mean! Were they already together? As in… groiny-together? The sorta together I was not supposed to have witnessed just now!”

“What are you…? Groiny? Witnessed? Will and Buffy?” he spluttered indignantly. “Willow, baby, you’re confused. There isn’t – and never would be any groiny-ness between them. They’re my cousins!” he said incredulously.

Realization sank in both of them at the exact same moment. Willows eyes widened as she understood her boyfriend had no idea, just as his jaw went slack when said idea finally hit him.

“I-- I…“ The brunette stammered. “I have to go talk to her.” He got up to begin pacing. “She’s obviously out of her mind! This… this is disgusting!” Stomping his foot, he continued his rant. “It’s immoral and--, and it’s illegal! What the fuck is she thinking?”

He looked ready to storm upstairs and drag Buffy to the police by her hair, so Willow decided some damage control was in order before things got out of hand.

“Xander, sweety, you can’t. You can’t tell her – either of them – what they should, or shouldn’t be doing.”

“But he’s a MINOR Willow, and she’s using him! She’s so screwed up by those jerks she’s hung around with in the past that she’s gonna screw him up royally!”

His tone of voice was raising to a dangerous pitch,, so she did the only thing she could think to shut him up. She grabbed him by the balls!

“Xander,” her voice was sweet and even, but her grasp firm, “I cannot believe I’m doing this, but you have to hear me out. If you attack Buffy they will both end up resenting you. You will lose them both. Talk to William first. See what he thinks, what he wants. Maybe they’re using each other, but you-” the forefinger of her unoccupied hand was now poking him in the chest, “-treating him as if he has no say in this will cause a rift between the two of you!” She let go, both physically and verbally, shocked at herself but happy to see she had made her point. Her boyfriend’s face was scrunched up, deep in thought before he conceded by nodding once.

“I’ll talk to him. But if I feel she’s taking advantage of him, there’s gonna be trouble.” He hated to sound threatening, hated the idea of confronting his two favorite people, and so changed the subject as he heard two sets of feet descending the stairs… as if the conversation he had with Willow never took place. “So, do we need to make any preparations for lunch before we hit the pool?” He tried to keep his tone light but loud enough for the blonds to hear he was in the kitchen with Willow.

“Who you talking to Xan-man?” Buffy practically glided into the kitchen, a spring in her step and a glow on her face, making her look a lot younger than she was as she stepped through the swinging doors. “Oh, hey Willow!” She smiled, sneaking a bite out of one of the remaining croissants from the plate and didn’t seem to notice the slight look of discomfort that crossed the girl’s face.

William entered in a different fashion – except for the glowing part. He certainly had that part down! He entered as if he owned the place. Long, deliberate strides brought him behind Buffy. “Whelp, Red,” he nodded in acknowledgment before he stuck two cigarettes in his mouth and, lighting them both at once, passed one to his girl. “’Ere you go, Buffy.” His calling her by her name instead of one of the nicknames he usually used did not go unnoticed by anyone. But what actually managed to penetrate Xander’s hazy thoughts, to unexpectedly cut his female cousin some slack, was that not only did she not yell at Will for smoking indoors, she actually thanked him and took the proffered cigarette, pulling a long drag and letting it out again before she once more sank her teeth into the golden pastry.

“So, what’s with the preparations? Should I go get ready for a swim, or are we having lunch?” she managed to ask through a mouthful of breakfast.

“Uh… I brought some sandwiches and salad stuff. You wanna help me with the chopping and setting of the table and let the guys play their water-games by themselves?” Willow jumped in to give the two some time to talk things out.

*Hmmm… water-games… Sounds like fun. No! Bad! Bad naughty Buffy thoughts!!!* She rolled her eyes.

“I can help.” Will offered, misinterpreting Buffy’s grimace as meaning she didn’t want to be alone with the other girl. “No need for you birds to be handling sharp objects by yourselves!”

“No, that’s OK Will. You guys go. Be guys!” She smiled encouragingly.

As they turned to leave, she marveled once again at the granite-like terrain of her lover’s back, the slide to the perfect globes of his butt, intoned by those dimple’s on either side of his lower back, his muscled legs, his toes… Toes? *Urg! He did it again!* He’d turned to look at her staring at him, and as she faced him wide eyed, he smirked, but this time with infinite affection before he said, “Red, take care of m’ girl while she’s handling a knife now, don’t much care for blood on my veggies!” And just like that, he was out of her line of vision while she just stood there, blinking.

*His girl! My man!*She grinned, and swiftly settled her face to normal-ish before turning to the redhead who looked amused. “So, where are those mean cucumbers that need slicing?”

The two sliced and diced in silence, the blonde not missing the weird looks the younger girl was shooting her way, as if she was ready to blurt something out...


They hadn’t even gotten out the back door before Xander asked with exaggerated nonchalance so there was no misinterpretation, “So, have you and Buffy been fucking since the first night?” Will’s look of utter terror was priceless.

“How…?” His eyes squeezed to slits in speculation. “She told you?” He replayed the morning’s events in his mind but couldn’t remember any moment when Buffy could have seen Xander, let alone told him about what had transpired during the night. Then shock registered in his features “Oh! You must have heard us! Don’ tell her Harris, please don’t! She’s goin’ to drop me!”

His cousin was practically pleading and he couldn’t help but feel for him. “Actually, Willow walked in on the two of you… by accident. Soooooo, what is this? You guys just having casual sex? Scratching mutual itches? Is she… teaching you stuff?” His tone was soft, despite his rough words. But the blond seemed both devastated and enraged at the same time, eyes blazing with fury while somehow brimming with tears.

*I’m a ponce is what I am! Not even in the bloody country for a week and ‘ave cried a river! Nancy boy!* Will managed to think, as he turned and crouched to the ground facing the pool to light a cigarette before bursting out with indignation “Nothin’ casual about it mate!” His voice and head drooped. “Leas’ not for me. I don’ rightly know `bout her feelings… yet. Bint’s not exactly straightforward with her emotions.” As an afterthought he added “Red saw us?”

“So you do feel something for her?” Brushing off the question, the brunette mimicked the other’s position, both boys now absently looking at the still expanse of water in front of them.

“I bloody well do! ‘M in love with her, whelp! Have been, forever!”

“You can’t be in love with her! She’s seven years older than you!”

“Six and a couple of months!” he scoffed. “So wha’? My da‘s twenty years older than Anya and they‘re in love! Have been for more than a decade” Will’s mother, the first cousin of Xander’s mom, had passed away at childbirth and his father had been married again, to Anya, an American, when Will was four.

*It’s six and five months* Xander thought, then pressed on. “Still! You’re only sixteen-", warning look acknowledged, "-almost seventeen. You can’t even know if it’s really love you’re feeling. I mean she is your first, it’s probably just a crush! Use your brain, Will!”

“Love isn't brains, whelp, it's blood... blood screaming inside you to work its will.”

Xander considered that for a moment. Heck, he considered coming up with a retort as to its cheesiness, but Willows face flashed in front of his eyes, and – finally conceding – seemed to ponder his next question before whispering, “But what about her? Does she feel the same?”

“Have you been listenin’ at all? I. Don’. Know! Sometimes I hope… Might be she’s more into me than she lets on, but I wouldn’t know. I don’ think she’s willin’ to let herself feel somethin’… for me. ‘M too bloody young!” He seemed to deflate with that admission.

His cousin patted him on the back, wheels in his head turning as fast as they ever had – which really? Not so fast, but still... When they’d first gone outside he felt cheated, betrayed almost. He believed two of his favorite people, his cousins. were hiding things from him, maybe even laughing behind his back at his cluelessness. Now, his heart went out to the young man next to him. “We’ll figure it out man, don’t give up.” Not even he knew where that came from, but he meant it as it left his lips. If the smile on Buffy’s face earlier was any indication, things were much more complicated than he’d initially thought… And he was a sucker for solving mysteries.

“Sod the pool” Will abruptly stood up, extinguished his cigarette on the brick fence separating the house from the one next to it, and threw the butt in the neighbors’ garden “Let’s check on the chits!”


He entered the kitchen first, faced with the site of Buffy’s delectable behind, lower part more than fairly exposed as she bent over to wipe some spill off the floor. He groaned and dropped into a chair, trying to hide his instant hard-on which was clearly defined beneath the thin fabric of his trunks. She raised her head, but looked at Xander when she said someone should get the drinks from the refrigerator.

The table was already set and soon, all four dug in, chatting about trivia, but Will couldn’t shake the feeling that Buffy was avoiding his gaze. Something was wrong. The few instances their eyes happened to meet, he’d smile at her, but she’d turn her attention to something else, like her plate or a spot on the wall visible only to her. His mood kept taking turns for the worse as his food remained mostly untouched in front of him while Xander was whining cause he hadn’t been allowed to have a sandwich as Buffy thought a healthier diet would benefit him… and his girlfriend hadn’t cared to disagree!

Willow seemed to notice the distress of both males in the room and chirped, “So, you guys wanna go Bronzing tonight?” Clubbing was a sure-fire way of cooling things down! Or heating things up as the case might be.

The blank look on Buffy’s face as she said, “Uh, Wills, I don’t think that’s a good idea. It’ll look like I’m slacking on my babysitting duties, corrupting the kiddies!” It was like a punch in the stomach for Will. She could see the impact of her words and forced out a giggle to smoothen the impact, though it didn’t help.

Will abruptly pushed back from the table. “Whelp,” he addressed Xander. “I’m goin’ out, an’ you’re drivin’.”, He turned on his heel and left the room, only to re-enter ten minutes later, fully dressed in his faded blue-jeans and T-shirt, tossing his cousin the keys. “Com’ on then, move your arse! Red, you can come with if you want, might take a while.”

Excuse you!” the woman he loved – and whom he right now wanted to hit more than anything – cut in, “Am I just gonna stay here by myself? And you two-” she pointed between her cousin and her lover “-are supposed to do the dishes!” She crossed her arms in that unique ‘I dare you to disagree’ manner of hers. But her jaw went slack as her dare was met by a cold stare.

“Wouldn’t wanna be seen with the kiddies, now, would ya?” he mocked, eyebrow raised. “Dishes can wait.” He threw the statement at her over his shoulder as his dramatic exit was only slightly downplayed by the lack of slamming in his wake. *Buggerin’ swingin’ doors!*


The car door, however, made a rather satisfying ‘bang’ as he slumped into the back seat, lighting another smoke while mumbling, “’M not a bloody sprog! Gave it to her good an’ proper all last night and this mornin’… Wasn’t a kiddy then, was I? Bitch!”

“Mystery solved, feelings not reciprocated!” The bigger boy, having put on a Hawaiian shirt in addition to his shorts, stated in his best electronic voice, trying to make light of the situation as he slid in the driver’s seat, inserting the key to the ignition. Willow quietly put her safety belt on without voicing any comments.

Will waited for Xander to turn on the engine before sitting up straighter. As if lightnening struck, a thought occurred to him and he seemed to gain height. His shoulders un-rolled to a relaxed, more confident position, a smile adorning his face as he exclaimed, “The two of you are gonna help me!”

“Help you? I thought you just wanted to get out of the house. Will, you do realize what you’re doing is wrong. Buffy could go to jail if people found out!” Willow exclaimed, flabbergasted at his attitude.

“No one’s gonna know, a’right? And how can it be wrong ‘f it feels so right, so good? ‘Sides, I’m seventeen next month, and already legal in England!”

“Yeah, but you are not in England.” Xander interjected, taking the cue from his girlfriend. “This is the States and if you’re gonna keep fu-” he was stopped short by the harsh reflections of his cousin eyes glaring back at him in the mirror. “-being together, you’re gonna have to keep it… hush-hush! And maybe she’s changed her mind. I don’t mean to sound negative, but it looked like she was giving you the brush-off back there.”

“She did not change her soddin’ mind. It’s people knowin’ `bout us that twists her knickers! And tha’s where you come in, whelp! We have to show ‘er – and the world – I’m not a kid!”

Although dreading whatever it was that had caused the glint in the brit’s eye, Xander decided he’d do whatever he could to assist. He’d either be doing true love a service, or helping Will realize the wrongness of the whole situation. Willow too, seemed to think so as she nodded reluctantly.


Inside the kitchen, Buffy sat on the floor, knees drawn close to her chest, back to the fridge – upon which she repeatedly slammed the back of her head as tears ran down her face. *What have I done? I just didn’t want Xander and Willow to figure it out! Oh God!* “I’ve lost him,” she whispered between sobs, again and again as she rocked herself, finding little solace in the thought he’d have to come back and she’d have to face the disappointment in his eyes.


A/N: Let me know what you think, and I promise heavy smut and a little kink soon:PXXX
14 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
Morning all! Here is Chapter 14. I hope you enjoy it! I’d like to once again thank all of you who read this story, and of course give a big hug to those who review! You guys make my muse sing! A huge thank you and an extra-tight hug are sent across the Atlantic to Im_bloody_English, for being the best beta ever and a really great friend! Thank you honey!

Till Friday XXX
Chapter 14.

It took more than half an hour before she uncurled her body form the fetal position she’d assumed in her grief and got off the floor. The sobs had stopped, but her eyes were vacant except for the tears still pouring unnoticed down her cheeks.

Buffy tried Xander’s cell, but there was no answer. Saddened and irritated at how the boy had seemingly teamed up with Will, she considered leaving an angry message, threatening to call his parents but reminded herself that she was the one to blame for the whole situation with Will and that Xander was not aware of the relationship. *Pffft! What relationship? Even if there was something… I screwed it up!* Xander hadn’t actually sided with anyone, he just stood by his male cousin when he felt needed to.

*Right! And Will won’t say anything about what we’ve been up to… Especially with me being a first-class bitch! Yeah, fat chance!* She shuddered at the thought of having to face Xander’s accusations along with Will’s hurt, *caused by me*, when the two returned. She groaned and teetered close to the edge of another sobbing bout before she resolved that she would fix everything! She’d show her man how much she cared… Well, maybe not how much, cuz she wasn’t sure as to the depth of his feelings, but at least that she did care for him.

She had to keep herself busy, to drive away pesky thoughts of a marble body and liquid blue firey eyes shaded by long dark lashes, from her mind. She had to bar regret and desolation from her heart if she were to survive not only the evening, but also the rest of the summer. It was imperative that she keep ignoring the alarming possibility that Will might not be convinced as to the reason of her change of attitude towards him. If she didn’t hold on to every ounce of optimism she could muster she’d be unable to do anything but dissolve into tears.

So she did the dishes, and the laundry, And changed the sheets on all the beds. *Xander must have had a snack in bed, cuz there’s nooo way he decided to put his bedspreads in the laundry if he didn’t stain them with something!* The thought of Xander made her try and call him once more. This time there was an answer.

“Buffy?” Willow had obviously seen the caller ID. “The guys are busy right now. Listen, we really want to go to the Bronze, but you said they can’t go out at night without you, so could you… maybe-change-your-mind?” the redhead blurted in a single breath.

Her lack of hesitation gave Buffy the impression that she’d rehearsed her request and was possibly talking while in the boys’ presence. Her inherent suspicion – fortified by accumulated disappointment in men – began to rise, ready to make a stand, defend the moronic behavior she’d only minutes ago renounced.

Thankfully, the part of her that had crumbled into tiny pieces when Will stormed out managed to glue itself back together long enough to stifle her ego and allow her to say, “I’m sorry Wills, I was stupid. Of course you can go and I’ll be there, too,” she said meekly, swallowing her pride.

Her voice sounded so subdued that the younger girl turned away from the daggers both Will and Xander were shooting at her through their eyes and whispered, “It’ll be alright,” before adding in a stronger voice, “Well that’s great, be ready by eight thirty, m’kay?” Not waiting for an answer she hung up, faced the glaring duo and put on her innocent face. “What? I only told her what we agreed on,” she chirped, batting her eyelashes twice for good measure.

“Knowing my couz, she’s probably jumping in the shower right now!”

He did know his cousin. The moment Willow snapped the phone shut, Buffy flew up the stairs and turned on the shower, looking for her best ‘forgive-me-for-being-a-bitch-and-remember-I’m-hot!’ outfit. She wasn’t sure if she’d imagined it, but she swore Willow’s voice was meant to give her some hope things were indeed alright. *So maybe they know? Nah! I probably got that wrong.*


Wearing nothing but her black lace underwear, she was still drying her hair when the others returned about an hour later, so she didn’t realize they were back till she heard the door to the other bathroom close. She switched off the blow-drier and put on her bathrobe before rushing down the hall, slowing her steps at seeing Willow standing outside the shut door.

“So… um, where are the guys? Is everything OK?”

“Yep – everything’s dandy! The men of the house just needed some privacy!”

“In the bathroom?” Knocking on the door Buffy asked “Will? Are you OK? Could I talk to you for a minute?”

A muffled ‘sod off’ was all she got for her effort, but she wouldn’t be dissuaded that easily!

“Come on Will! I wanna tell you…something.” Seeing the look on Willow’s face, she remembered that they had company and made a pathetic attempt to cover up anything that could be misconstrued. “I… I want to tell him I did the dishes.” *Smooth! I should really consider a career in politics!*

The other girl rescued her from further embarrassing herself. “Buffy, it’s OK. I know. And so does Xander.”

“You… you know?” *Should I play dumb?* Rejecting that option, and not bothering to knock again, she burst in the bathroom fueled by righteous indignation. “You told them? I can’t believe you’d do that! We have one little fight – No! Not even a fight! Just a stupid misunderstanding! And you go tell them something this big behind my back?” She registered the scene in front of her. “And what are you doing topless with a towel around your head? You guys washing each other’s hair now?” she asked with disbelief.

“I din’t tell ‘em you daft bint. Red saw us shagging!” He seemed livid.

“She… She saw us? Oh my God!” Hiding her face in her palms and pushing that shocking fact to the back of her mind in the ‘to-deal-with-later-or-never’ file, she insisted, “That still doesn’t answer why you two are in here together-” she waved her hand indicating the towel and his naked torso “-and like that!”.

Xander was trying to reduce his considerable size to something that could fit into the small space between the shower stall and the bathroom wall, failing miserably when Will pointed at him. “He’s ‘elping me with somethin’. Is that allowed in this bloody house? Or are the kiddies only to be in the babysitter’s presence all the time?” The vein on his forehead seemed about to pop.

“Helping? With what?” Buffy narrowed her eyes in suspicion, apparently oblivious to the fact that her lover was all but busting with effort not to break down crying.

Will pulled the towel away from his head, freeing what used to be a nest of dark-honeyed curls and was now peroxide blond.

“Helpin’ me look old enough to take you out! So we can be together in public!” His control on his true feelings faltered momentarily, and in that instant she saw the insecurity and pain his blazing fury tried to conceal.

She didn’t relent however, still unwilling to give any ground. “Oh! That’s priceless!” She was now waving her hands the way people do when words do not seem sufficient to communicate the depth of what they wanted to say. “Dyeing you hair will be enough to make you seem older! And when people do realize that you’re Xander’s age, and accuse me of robbing the cradle, what am I supposed to say? Huh? ‘No, it’s not what you think? You see, we’re really in lo…’” Her hand flew to her mouth as if to shove the word that nearly escaped back in her mouth. But Will caught it and leaped toward her way with a gleeful smile on his face, grabbing both her arms and crushing his lips to hers.

He held onto her despite her attempts to break away from the prison of his embrace, prolonging the kiss, pouring all the love he held for her into it until finally, he felt her melt into his embrace and return his passion.

And that’s when he suddenly withdrew to turn her towards the door and push her outside with a swat on her butt. “Off with you now! Go get ready, make yourself look pretty for me! Eight thirty and we’re leavin’!” There was nothing in his cocky smirk that resembled his previous wrath; only a hint of the pure bliss that had just filled his heart.

Dazed, Buffy left the room – followed by her cousin who, putting his arms around his girlfriend had to add his penny’s worth. “Yeah, uhmm… that went well.”

Buffy considered talking to Willow about what ‘exactly’ the girl had seen, but only toyed with the idea for half a second before deciding she preferred denial for the moment and went to her room to get ready.


She was more than satisfied with the result of her efforts by the time she made it to the stairs – which was closer to nine than eight thirty, but hey, women took longer to primp than men. She put on a black, micro-mini leather skirt, deep-red lace sleeveless shirt – which left just enough cleavage and bra uncovered to make a guy drool – and knee-high boots with spiked heels. Her hair falling loose around her shoulders and her dark make-up had the opposite effect than one might expect, actually making her appear younger than her twenty three years of age. Thankful for only a slightly breezy night that allowed her to get away with not wearing pantyhose, she picked up her waist length, thin leather jacket and was fully aware of her looks as she leisurely walked down the stairs, aiming for that movie slack-jaw effect when Will finally laid eyes on her.

She was disappointed though when she only saw Xander and Willow at the bottom of the stairs.

“Oh, someone’s looking nice! Make that two someones!!!” At some point during her beautifying endeavors, her cousin must have driven Willow home to change, because she now wore a short black dress with boots eerily similar to her own and her hair pulled up, *Nice! She could pull off eighteen easily in that outfit!*. He, on the other hand, wore charcoal jeans with a light gray shirt and had slicked back his hair, looking very much like an adult, and more handsome than ever.

“So…Where’s Will?” she tried for casual, but sounded needy.

“Will’s not coming, pet.” She heard him say just before he came out from somewhere to her right and under the stairway, a cigarette dangling from his lips as he spoke out of one side of his mouth. “You’re stuck with me… Spike.”

She gasped out loud as she took in the black jeans, black top and red shirt – matching the colors of her outfit perfectly – the peroxide blond curls tamed into spikes with hair gel and the Doc Martins that replaced the sneakers he usually wore. Gazing at the stunning man before her, her heart sped up, mouth opening to pant while moisture pooled in her panties… before she noticed the denim jacket he was about to put on… and frowned. “That won’t do!” was all she said before running up the stairs and locking herself in the walk-in closet.


Please take a moment and let me know what you thought, ok? Oh, and Friday's chapter will be extra smutty! XXX
15 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
Good morning everyone!

This is the smutty Chapter 15 I promised you. Please take a look at the warnings. There is slight mention of Buffy/other, but only in a broad sense and referring to the past. Further explanation for the warnings is at the author’s note at the end of the chapter, to avoid spoilers. Please take a look before reading if you’re skeptical about the warning!
Thank you all for reading and reviewing, and I’m sending another over-Atlantic hug to IBE, for being the treasure she is!!!
For those of you that won’t log in for the next update and my official X-mas wishes, Have a Very Merry Christmas!

Oh, and I’ll be posting a little Christmas one-off sometime this weekend, please take a look and let me know what you think!
From last chapter.........

She gasped out loud as she took in the black jeans, black top and red shirt – matching the colors of her outfit perfectly – the peroxide blond curls tamed into spikes with hair gel and the Doc Martins that replaced the sneakers he usually wore. Gazing at the stunning man before her, her heart sped up, mouth opening to pant while moisture pooled in her panties… before she noticed the denim jacket he was about to put on… and frowned. “That won’t do,” was all she said before running up the stairs and locking herself in the walk-in closet.

He would have none of that! That ponce William might have been crushed at her response, but Spike would not yield so easily. So he chased after her, quick as a flash.

“What the bloody fuck is your damage, woman?” he roared while Buffy stifled a snigger from the other side of the door as she kept rummaging through the closet in search of what she was looking for. She decided to wind him up a bit more. “Piss off Will.” *Er, Spike!* And oh yeah, was Spike ever H. O. T! Even more so than William. Sure, she drooled over William, but now that she had Spike? Well, she’d be lucky if she didn’t get rug-burn on her tongue from panting so heavily!!! “And by the way, can you actually say ‘bloody’ and ‘fuck’ in the same sentence? I mean, isn’t it the same thing?” she asked in an even voice.

He chuckled at her attempt to speak in British terms, but suddenly felt like he was being played. “You can if you’re cool enough to pull it off!” he quipped. “Now wha’s wrong?” His voice softened after seconds ticked by without her answering him, insecurities beginning to chip away at the macho exterior hiding them “Baby? Don’t you like the new look?”

He definitely knew he’d been played when the door was thrown open and he saw the mischief swimming in her twin hazel pools as she hid something behind her back.

“Nope!” she pouted, though her eyes were smiling. “I think it’s bloody awful-” she licked her bottom lip, trying to divert his attention from what she was saying. “-going to all that trouble and then bundling up in a denim jacket?” Bringing her hands where he could see them, she showed him the black duster she held. “This is much more Big Bad! It’s Dawn’s of course, but I bet it’ll look better on you.”

He managed not to show the relief that flooded through his system and instead, pulled her close for another one of those soul-baring kisses he seemed to excel at. *She’ll be the death of me!*

After mere seconds, she pulled back and pushing the duster into his hands, pouted. “Now look what you’ve done! I have to put my lipstick back on!”

“No need luv, ‘m gonna end up smearing it all over again!” He waggled his tongue lewdly at her. “Now le’s go!” Knowing he’d most probably sweat profusely under so many layers of clothing, he took off the button-up shirt before donning the leather coat that seemed tailor-made for him.

*Tha’s right, baby. The ‘Big Bad’ is in town now.* He smiled approvingly at his reflection in the full-length mirror before following her down the stairs and then out of the house where the others were waiting.


They were lucky enough to get the last unoccupied table as the Bronze was packed because ‘Dingoes ate my baby’ were playing that night.

“Fancy a drink, luv? Diet coke, right?” At her nod, he turned to Willow. “You Red? The same?” Xander opened his mouth to ask for a drink too. “No way, whelp, you’re coming with!”

“No, Xan, I’ll go!” Buffy jumped off her stool. She’d been wanting to get Spike alone ever since they left the house – she’d also been dreading being alone with Willow and having to talk to her about… *the mind blowing sex!* She smirked when she saw Spike mirroring her smile… and most likely her thoughts, too.

She hung on to his coat and trailed behind him through a sea of bodies swaying to the rhythm of the music blasting from the speakers. Someone suddenly bumped into her, causing her to lose her grasp on Spike’s leather sleeve. Stretching to look above the bobbing heads, she spotted him talking to the bartender. A female bar-tender! *Is he flirting with her? Oh, he is sooo dead if he is!* She tried to by-pass the lug of a man that somehow intercepted her, but he was unmovable. He was also her very first ex- *Is that ex-ex-ex? Cuz he is XXXL… not where it counted of course… Not that it counts anymore!*

“Riley!” she exclaimed and practically hurled herself in the arms of her first boyfriend ever, but only because she saw the blonde bimbo behind the bar blatantly flaunting her cleavage at her boyfriend.

Meanwhile, Spike put up with the chit’s incessant yammering while looking around, wondering what was keeping Buffy. She’d been behind him just a minute ago, and a part of him hoped she’d seen the incorrigible bint hitting on him and come to his rescue. *Not that she’d ever stand a chance compared to my girl!* But that’s when he saw his girl more or less climbing up a really big guy who seemed to be copping a feel. He growled, cutting the silly bird behind the bar off and stalked to where his love was making a spectacle of cooing all over a bull-necked guy whose eyes sported the intelligence of a corn fed Iowa boy! *Captain cardboard better watch ‘imself!*

He forcibly pulled the two apart and got in the other bloke’s face “Oi! Tha’s my girl you have your paws all over!” Another guy, standing next to them went to say something, but was stilled when Spike merely raised an eyebrow and flared his nostrils.

The brute was unfazed “I saw her first.” He grinned goofily.

He was about to come up with something really witty – well, either that or a punch in the nose – when Buffy decided it was time to make introductions. “Spike, this is my first boyfriend, Riley-”

Something in the way she intoned ‘first’ had him bristling.

“-Spike is my… houseguest.” She took a deep breath, ready to correct herself. “Actually we’re-”

She never finished saying the ‘dating’ part she intended to, as Spike finished her sentence his way. “Leaving!” he snarled and turned abruptly, dragging Buffy with him as he left the club.

She was miffed! No! She was pissed off! How dare he? Well she was partly to blame, but *who told him to flirt with that airhead anyway?* It wasn’t all her fault, right?

“That was rude. I didn’t even get my jacket. Willow and Xan will be worried!” She stopped walking, trying to make him face her, but he just strode on, never letting go of her hand and causing her to nearly lose her balance before she managed to match his pace again. “Ouch! Caveman much?” She frowned “Spike?” Annoyance gave way to trepidation as she saw his dark look. “Spike?”

“I’ll call the whelp when we get home.”

Letting out the breath she hadn’t realized she was holding, she thought *Home’s good. It’s safe.*


She didn’t feel safe, however, when as soon as they’d entered her house he pulled her into the kitchen and pinned her in against the table, his face set as if carved in stone – eyes hooded, brows knit –, and proceeded to devour her mouth in a way that was meant to convey not passion, but dominance, possession.

She surfaced for air, trying at the same time to calm him down “Spike, Riley and I-” She meant to say they’d been over for a very long time, that there was no way anything would ever happen between them again, but was cut short, gasping instead when he grabbed her shirt and ripped it open, buttons flying everywhere to roll all over the tiled floor.

She grasped his hands, and tilted her face to look into his eyes. “It’s you now, Will. Only you!” That seemed to somewhat melt the icy features of his face to be replaced by the gentle lover she’d come to know.

“Y’ know I woudn’ hurt you, right?” he asked, his sincerity and insecurity evident in the slight tremble of his voice. She nodded and he again seemed to become distant, at the same time pulling her hips upwards and pushing her to lie back on the table.

“You’re mine Buffy!” he leaned to whisper in her ear, right hand tugging at her nipple through her bra, lace rubbing against her sensitive flesh, enhancing the sensation and making her body tingle with anticipation. His left hand stole its way under her skirt, fingers twisting around her panties to rip them off in one violent yank. Finding her folds already soaked, he roughly pushed a finger inside while catching her bottom lip between his teeth. He swallowed her moan before pulling his upper body away from her and adding another digit inside her greedy slit.

“I hate that he’s touched you first,” he stated matter-of-factly while taking in the vision of her splayed and ready for his pleasure. She whimpered a pitiful ‘please’ in response, but he continued down the possessive road he’d chosen. “Have you ever begged him? Writhed underneath him like you do me?” His tone became more heated, more urgent as he unbuttoned his jeans and freed his already rock-hard cock. Without further preamble he removed his fingers and plunged inside her to the hilt. “Did he fuck you like I do, Buffy?”

She was incapable of answering him, only managing to exhale his name in pleasure. "Spike...”

“Tha’s right, baby, it’s Spike fucking your tight quim.” He rammed inside her again while applying pressure on her clit with the heel of his hand. “Did you like him fucking you?” After a few harsh thrusts, he took his hand away and withdrew from her almost all the way, leaving only the head of his member dipped in her scorching heat, his own ‘release’ the farthest thing from his mind.

“Did he make you scream Buffy?”

His gruff voice was bringing her closer to the edge despite the lack of friction where she needed it most. “N-no… only you,” she panted, then opened her eyes to stare him down, saying it again with all the conviction she possessed. “Only you!”

Both pleased and awed with her answer, he pushed back inside her and brought one of the fingers he’d soaked in her wetness to stroke her other, hidden crevice. “Did you let ‘im in here?” he asked as he slowly pushed the slick finger inside.

“No. No one has…ever… ever…” Her voice was barely audible as she was lost to the new sensation of having both his hard length and agile finger begin moving within her.

“He will never touch you again, will ‘e?” he added another finger, finding and overcoming the resistance of the tight ring of muscles to move the two in scissor-like fashion, widening the tight passage while pumping away inside her heavenly pussy in long, deep strokes.

Never!” she confirmed, louder now as her impending release crept up on her.

Sensing her nearness, he extracted himself from both her openings, ignoring her gasp as he left her empty. She reached up to him, but he caught her wrists in one of his hands and ordered her to look at him.

She was dazzled by the love evident in the eyes of the man who was laying claim to her body and shuddered at the same time from the dominance he displayed over her. “Yes,” she murmured obediently.

And again, he began rimming her second entrance, asking her in a tone husky with desire, “Will you let me be your first, Buffy?”

He was thrilled at her nod of permission and let go of her wrists to spread her legs wide, pushing her knees up until they framed her lovely breasts. Pulling on her hips so that her ass hung dangerously on the edge of the table, he grabbed his shaft – lubricated by her juices – and lined it up to her puckered hole. He gently nudged against her entrance, gritting his teeth, trying to remain in control as the head pushed past her most vulnerable area and felt her tighten around him.

“Relax, kitten. Not gonna hurt you. I’d never hurt my girl.” He dove in for a kiss, voraciously sucking on her plump lips, probing her mouth with his tongue until she sighed and sucked on it, massaging it with her own. When he finally sensed her relax, he inserted two fingers in her pussy and began massaging the nub above her folds with his thumb while pushing his erection a bit further inside her. His penetration was agonizingly slow, stopping every time she indicated discomfort until the entire length of him was sheathed in her snug tunnel. He held still, inwardly beseeching her for a sign that would allow him to start moving within her heat.

She forgot the initial pain at his intrusion as soon as all of him was seated inside her uncharted depths. His manhood, hands and lips were sending jolts of fire throughout her body, filling her completely, flooding her senses and short-circuiting her brain. She couldn’t bear the overload of sensations and yet she wanted more, so she began rocking her hips against him, one hand tangled in his locks now freed from gel and unruly as ever, nails of her other hand raking sharply down his shoulders and back.

Spike started matching her movements, letting her set the rhythm of their coupling, murmuring his love for her, licking and biting at her neck, sucking on her nipples after freeing them from their lacy confinement with his teeth until her motions became frantic with need.

Strengthening his grip on her hips, he began pounding into her at a frenzied pace. “Cum for me, luv, I wanna feel you milkin’ my prick, Buffy! So bloody tight… hot… so good. Let go for me, baby!” Rubbing her clit furiously, he felt her explode, squeezing him so hard he swore he saw stars while she screamed his name impossibly loud and he followed her to completion, roaring, “FUCK! BUFFY!!!!” as he shot thick streams of his seed inside her depths.

It took all of his self control not to crush her as his body went limp, his muscles feeling as sturdy as jell-o, but he wanted her to know what she meant to him. He leaned over her, balancing his weight on his elbows, seizing her luscious lips for one more kiss. This time it was tender, full of devotion, neither of them deepening it, just languidly caressing each other’s mouth instead. When they broke it off, he couldn’t help but jest in an effort to have her consciously confirm what she’d earlier promised him in the heat of the moment. “Guess that ought to erase any thoughts of you an’ the overgrown git getting’ together again, yeah?”

“Well it could have, but…” she hastened to finish her sentence seeing traces of William’s diffidence seeping in through Spike’s cool, “those thoughts haven’t existed since he and Parker started dating.” At his confused look she added “You know, the guy you almost zapped with your eyes when he tried to ease your jealousy back at the club…” she giggled as he lunged for her neck.

“Evil…” Bite “Wench!” Suck. Buffy never found out whether he was about to do something more, as Willow’s voice drifted to the room…

“Told you they were here, silly!”

…and an instant later, she emerged in the kitchen doorway!

“Oh! Oh!” She froze at the sight of the two lovers, unable to blink. “I did it again!”

“God!” Out of all the visible parts of her, Buffy covered her face. *Again? What are the chances?*

Spike, ever the eloquent one, summed the situation perfectly: “Bloody BUGGERIN’ FUCK!”


A/N: This chapter has a warning for freaky/kinky cause it involves an… *coughs* alternate kind of penetration (which IMHO is neither, but I know there are people that are not into it) Despite things bein’ rough for a minute, nothing is non-con!
I also wanted to say that there’s phrase in here about ‘bloody’ and ‘fucking’, something similar to which I know I’ve read in a story over at BSV. I hope mine is far enough from that not to run a risk of being considered plagiarism (though if anyone can think of the story I’ll gladly mention it here); the truth is I’ve had that question since ’97 when I heard a bloke saying “This bloody fuck is bloody fucked” while entering a packed-up night club!

I hope you enjoyed, please let me know, the reception this chapter would have has been a source of anxiety all week! XXX
16 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
Good Morning everyone! I’m a bit late updating today, cuz it’s my first day on leave from work so—yay! More sleep!!!

Next update will be on Friday, but after that it’ll be Monday the 7th of January (RL is a bit busy, so I’m keeping it to every Monday then on)
Thank you for sticking with me, your reviews for the previous chapter were exhilarating – especially after I worried so much over it!. Thank you as always to Im_bloody_English, cuz she’s one of the reasons I’m grateful for being a member of this site, as well as the best beta ever, and of course a wonderful friend!

I hope you enjoy this chapter and have a wonderful Christmas, Hanukah (I’ really sorry if I misspelled this), or whatever you may celebrate – or a great holiday if you celebrate nothing!

Chapter 16.

From last chapter.........

“Evil…” Bite “Wench!” Suck. Buffy never found out whether he was about to do something more, as Willow’s voice drifted to the room…

“Told you they were here, silly!”

…and an instant later, she emerged in the kitchen doorway!

“Oh! Oh!” She froze at the sight of the two lovers, unable to blink. “I did it again!”

“God!” Out of all the visible parts of her, Buffy covered her face,. *Again? What are the chances?*

Spike, ever the eloquent one, summed the situation perfectly: “Bloody BUGGERIN’ FUCK!”

Spike was still trying to conceal what he could of the both of them with his duster he’d never bothered to take off before pouncing on Buffy, when his cousin came to a halt right behind the redhead.

“You guys could have told us you were leaving, or ca-“ Xander’s eyes were the size of saucers as he saw his cousins posed in the epitome of the phrase ‘compromising position’.

“What is it with you guys?” he groaned.

“’I’d love to suss this all out, whelp, but d’ you mind takin’ your bird an’ getting’ the bloody hell out of ‘ere?” Spike was afraid Buffy’s reaction to the couple walking in on them would be to drop him on his ear. From what he’d seen of her so far – and he’d seen a lot – she couldn’t even handle the notion of people disapproving of her actions and there was no way in Hell Xander would approve of them going at it on a place as sacred to him as the surface on which lunch and dinner were served.

Hearing a muffled sound, he turned his attention from the couple already leaving the room to the woman beneath him. Buffy still had her face covered with both her hands… and she was sobbing.

“Luv? Buffy? ‘S gonna be a’right, baby! They understand.” He tried to calm her down while his heart was beating so fast he was sure it would break through his chest.

When removing her hands, one of her knuckles caught a tear glistening at the corner of her eye before she threw her arms around him. She hid her face in the crook of his neck, her lithe form trembling with… mirth? Spike was baffled to find she was actually giggling.

“God, talk about full service babysitting!” she guffawed between chuckles. “Sex ed and everything!” Her body was shaking with laughter, causing all sorts of interesting reactions to his appendage still buried inside her, but it was not the time for a repeat performance.

*I guess what replaced that stick up ‘er glorious arse worked* He joined in her merriment for a few minutes before withdrawing himself and helping her up. He buttoned his pants, then taking his duster off, covered her with it, making sure none of the golden flesh was visible, and after tasting her lips for what he still feared might be the last time, led the way through the swinging doors.

“You go upstairs, pet, clean up. I’ll talk to ‘em if you want.” Spike wanted to delay the inevitable. Maybe he could talk them into showing their support. After all, they’d said they’d help him. And they had! However, after that little… ahem… display, they were probably shell-shocked. *Well, they’ll have to bloody get over it an’ convince ‘er they aren’ judgin’ us!*

“No, Spike, its OK. We’ll face them together. If we’re going to do this right, we have to start somewhere… together.” She had a calm, collected air about the way she said this, belied only somewhat by the wobbliness of her legs.

He managed not to make a big deal out of her willingness to do ‘this’, whatever the ‘this’ implied. He kept himself from swooning at her reassuring smile. But when she took his hand and pulled him to the living room where the two sat in awkward silence, he couldn’t for the life of him stop the beaming smile from plastering itself on his handsome features.


When the blonds entered the living room they were in for the shock of their life. Instead of being faced with reproachful, angry or accusatory looks, they saw the pair grinning.

“So, was it good for you, too?” Xander tried for cool, but couldn’t keep the teasing tone from his question. Buffy blushed profusely then, matching his tone, replied, “Well, I’ve had better!”

“Oi!” Spike feigned hurt. After all, minutes ago she was screaming his name, having already reassured him he was the only one who could make her feel that way.

“I didn’t mean better than you, Spike-” she snorted playfully. “-although… ego much? It’s not like you’re God’s gift!”

Her raised eyebrow added no credence to her words; still it stung to be reminded how he was still too inexperienced for her – the previous thoughts of how he’d played her body like a virtuoso despite that inexperience, squashed under his usual self-depreciation. But by now, his girl had learnt how to read his reactions, and reached up to whisper in his ear…

“Of course, we’ll have to work on that…” Releasing his hand long enough to grope his ass *his magnificent, drool-worthy ass* before turning her attention to her cousin and his girlfriend.

“So, um, guys… I’m sorry.” She rolled her eyes “And I’m obviously lame, too! I—I don’t know what to say, but Will, er, Spike-” she corrected herself. “-and I are kinda starting something.” She looked pointedly at him, indicating it was his cue to speak, but ‘A’, he was having too much fun watching her squirm to find the words to explain what was happening between them and ’B’, he desperately hoped her explanation would somehow include the ‘we’re in lo-‘ sentence she’d left hanging while yelling at him in the bathroom. So he acted like he hadn’t seen her eyes and just waited.

Spike noticed Red seemed like she was about to say something, but the Whelp stopped her by taking hold of her hand and squeezing it gently.

“OK, I know you think it’s wrong. Correction, I know it is wrong, and illegal, and-“,Buffy inhaled deeply. “-and he’s your cousin, Xan, but we—we-”

*Bloody hell, woman, spit it out already!* He held his breath, one hand still held in hers, the other deep in the pocket of his jeans, fingers secretly crossed.

“We’re-dating-and-sleeping-together-and-he-said-he-loves-me-and-I-think-I-might-be-falling-for-him…OK?” she blurted out in one breath.

It was everything Spike wanted to hear, but wouldn’t allow himself to hope `til she’d make it a bit more coherent. After all, her earlier statement of ‘we’re in lo-‘ during their yelling match had shown her to be a bit more certain of her feelings – and his – than she’d just let on.

Xander did it for her. “So, you and ‘Spike’-“ he rolled his eyes with disdain at his cousin’s new nickname, in such a perfect Buffy impression that Spike couldn’t hold back a chuckle despite his nervousness. “-are dating,-” he held out his thumb, “-sleeping together,-“ forefinger “-he said he loves you-,” middle finger, “-and you think you might be falling for him.“ All but his pinky were held up. “Did I get that right?” His tone was almost business-like, and for the first time, Buffy saw Xander as the man he would become instead of the kid cousin she’d always known him to be, running after her and Dawn.

“Yeah.” Buffy hung her head, blushing.

“But we already knew that!” Willow piped in. “We thought you just wanted to figure out a way for us to… to not get an eyeful every time you’re all with the smooches and… stuff!”

When she winked, Spike wanted to hug her for her understanding and acceptance.

“S-So you’re OK with this? Us? Both of you?” Buffy was reluctant to believe everything had gone so smoothly. After all, her life was usually all with the drama. She kept looking between the two people sitting on the couch. *Maybe I fainted from having too much sex and am dreaming this! No way they’re so with the understanding!*

The redhead seemed to be on a roll, her voice never wavering. “I don’t think it’s our business to have a say in this. If you know the repercussions and are willing to go ahead with it anyway, all I can do is wish you luck and promise not to tell anyone. Still, you have to be really careful. People are quick to judge!” Both blonds nodded, and in unison turned towards their mutual cousin, concerned he’d be less understanding.

“Far be it from me to stand in the way of true love.” He shrugged, surprising them both.

Buffy opened and shut her mouth before deciding against disagreeing on his phrasing of the ‘L’ word.

“That said, either of you hurts the other and you’ll have to deal with me.” Having realized the depth of Spike’s feelings, his statement was mostly directed at Buffy. “Oh, and Buffster, I could live without having to ever see his lily-white ass in the buff;…that duster has a slit up the back!”

Somehow, Buffy just knew a retort concerning the ‘ass’ and ‘Buff’ was ready to spew from her lover’s lips and so swatted him upside the head to stop it from forming. He shrugged as if saying ‘what’, but his leer was unmistakable.

“Focus, blondie!” she commanded. “Do you think you can keep your hormones in check so that we don’t give the guys a show every day?”

He chocked down the more probable number of shows the boy and girl looking at them - with matching expressions of amusement - would probably have to try and avoid on a daily basis if he had a say in it, and shrugged once more. “I can try, luv! But do you think you can you keep your ‘ands away from my tight, hot li’l body? Tha’s the real question!”

She didn’t even bother with a glare. *Damn, he’s right. I can’t! Especially when he looks at me like that, all with the tongue behind the teeth thingy! Arghhh!* “I think I can manage,” she answered dryly, but one brush of his thumb over the pulse point on her wrist had her blushing involuntarily… and he didn’t miss noticing that either… *Evil man!*

Willow suddenly jumped up. She’d come up with the perfect solution. When she told them, it would also alleviate the nervousness she’d felt over bringing her boyfriend lunch to soften the blow of the bad news she meant to deliver – news she hadn’t managed to fit in the course of events yet.

“Ummm, guys?” She looked at her hands, “I have an idea!” Stealing a glance at Xander, she said “Baby, you know how I intended to surprise you at noon?”

“Yeah Wills, and thank you, by the way.” He pulled her back down to the couch, held her close and gave her a peck on the top of her carrot-red hair.

“Well, it wasn’t all about me wanting to see you… Not that I didn’t, I wanted to, but-“ She took a deep breath, trying to put her thoughts in order. ”-I…I had just found out that my parents have to go away on an excavation dig next week, and—and they want me to go with them.” She waited for his response, but nothing came. Looking to the blond couple for encouragement, she saw them both blinking, not understanding what that had to do with her bringing lunch over or with resolving the matter of embarrassing encounters while living under the same roof.

“I thought you might, you know, f-forget me… if I was gone for that long, and wanted to do something nice for you, something… something maybe more than just… lunch?”

Understanding dawned on the boy as he exclaimed, “No, baby, I could never forget you! You didn’t have to… with the…I mean… NO! If something were to happen, it wouldn’t be cuz you’re leaving!”


“Huh? Was… what?”

Was leaving! Now I know what we can do to make things easier for all of us.” She stood up and walked over to the tiny blonde woman whose face clearly indicated she didn’t understanding the implication behind the explanation.

“Buffy, if you call my mom and offer to keep me, watch me while they’re away, Xander and I can have my house. My folks will never know about it and everyone will be with the happy cuz you two can have your house all to yourselves!”

Buffy was considering it, but the other two seemed to have already weighed that option against the alternative and were grinning like loons, having already made up their minds. “Willow… you’re a genius.”

“That settles it then!” Spike grabbed his girl’s hand and rushed her upstairs before she could so much as say ‘goodnight’!


Please let me know what you thought about it and make my Christmas :-P XXX
17 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
Almost forgot to update today *slaps self* Bad Sotia!

Guess time off from work screwed my internal clock, cuz I got up at 2pm!!!

Sorry for that, hope you like the update, thank you all for reading, and cookies to those who review!

As always extra thanks and cookies to Im_bloody_English for being incredible!!! I love you honey! (*tries to wrap this up to go read Guardian by Pyro63 and Omniscient by Darkrivertempest*)

Oh! Since next update will be in 10 days (Jan. 7th, sorry:-( But it will be Smutty!!!!) I wish you all a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

From last chapter.........

Buffy was considering it, but the other two seemed to have already weighed that option against the alternative and were grinning like loons, having already made up their minds. “Willow… you’re a genius.”

“That settles it then!” Spike grabbed his girl’s hand and rushed her upstairs before she could so much as say ‘goodnight’!


They were laughing as they entered her room. Spike pulled her close, leaning in for a kiss but she pushed him away, a playful scowl on her face.

“There will be none of that, mister! First off, I’m still sore from… you know! And second, you-“ she poked him on the chest. Hard! “-haven’t apologized yet!”

He blanched. “Oh, luv, did I hurt you? I’m so sorry! I’m a bad, rude man.” He pulled her back into his embrace and started running the fingers of one hand through her hair while the other moved from her waist to cup her face gently. “’M so sorry for lashing out on you like that, Buffy. I was seein’ red.” He couldn’t look her in the eyes right now, truly feeling guilty over his jealous reaction.

“Oh, not that! Even with the soreness-” her tone was teasing. “-you can lash out at me like that-“ She raised an eyebrow. “-anytime you feel like it!”

Her leer was disturbingly similar to the ones he usually graced her with, and he cocked his head to one side while trying to figure out what she was talking about, with the apologizing and all. “Then what should I be sorry for, pet?”

“For the blonde bimbo you were flirting with at the Bronze.” She escaped him and ran to the bathroom, taking with her a pair of very un-sexy pj’s.

“I wasn’t flirting luv, the chit was practically throwing ‘erself at me. I was jus’ bein’ nice!“ he exclaimed indignantly.

“That’s not ‘I’m sorry’, now, is it?” her voice was saccharine sweet. “But don’t worry,” she called over her shoulder. “You’ll be sorry soon enough!” She giggled from the other side of the now closed door. When she reemerged, she didn’t even glance at him as he lay stretched out in bed, hands beneath his head, covers casually draped over the lower part of his – very naked – body. Seeing her playful attitude he realized she wasn’t really upset, so he showed no remorse whatsoever, smirking as he saw her sashay her way towards him. She hopped in bed, turned her back to him and muttered “Goodnight Spikey,” before he turned on his side, facing her and pulled her back against him to whisper in her ear “You sleep, pet, `m gonna play a little more!” His right hand stole underneath the top of her pajamas and stroked her stomach.


She let him make amends in the most pleasurable of ways, stroking her body, nibbling and sucking on the side of her neck, feathering the underside of her breasts with his knuckles, teasing and pinching her nipples, moving his hand south to gently caress her folds and massage her clit but mindful not to enter her tender channel. Orgasm overtook her again and again, but she bit her lip, never giving him the satisfaction of moaning his name and instead, just wriggled against his straining erection nestled between her buttocks to purposefully tease him, ignoring his whimpers when she knew his need for release became almost painful.

When she was fully sated, she turned into his arms and, pushing him on his back, kissed him full on the lips then nuzzled his neck as she whispered, “Almost forgiven.” Settling her head on his shoulder, she drifted off to sleep.

Spike was seriously tempted to ‘take care’ of himself. He could feel his blood pulsing unmercifully through his cock, his need for release excruciating. Still, he couldn’t bring himself to take matters into his own hands when the woman of his dreams was fast asleep in his arms. So he tried to relax, breathe slower, get his hormones under control. When that didn’t work, he stretched his free arm to retrieve his last smoke, lit it, took a couple of drags before giving up on the thought it would somehow help to get his mind off the throbbing member between his legs and crushed the cigarette out. He finally fell asleep about an hour before dawn, just minutes before a different Dawn, on the other side of the Atlantic, decided to call home.

“’Ello?” he answered groggily, having picked up the phone on instinct.

“Who are you?” a high pitched voice demanded. “Where’s Buffy?”

“Luv? Li’l sis is on the phone.” In his sleep-addled state of mind, Spike didn’t realize he’d answered Buffy’s phone as he passed her the cordless, till she jumped up and began stuttering after taking it from him.

“Dawnie? I-is something w-wrong?”

”Oh! I don’t know! I was only calling to tell you about this cute European guy I met, and whaddya know, a European guy just happens to answer our phone! And he called you ‘love’. And you are sooo sleeping! As in together! So spill!!!”

Spike could hear the girl screeching although Buffy held the phone to her ear, her back turned to him as she started to get out of bed.

“Emmm, it’s… my boyfriend-“ She couldn’t let her know it was Will. “-Spike!”

Overjoyed by her choice of words, Spike scooted to the end of the bed and tried to pull her back on it, but she swatted at his arms and scuttled to the bathroom, leaving the door ajar. *at leas’ she din’t close it! If she shut me outside this door one more time, I’d rip the bloody thin’ off its hinges!* He could only hear her part of the conversation, but it was enough to make him smile and let his mind roam over how he would welcome her back under the covers.

“He’s… about my age” Pause. Yes, of course he’s cute! Pause. “Nuh-uh! He sooo is hotter than anyone you may have met there!” Pause. “I might let you, but not today though!” Pause. “Dawn, it’s too early in the morning here, He probably went back to sleep already!” Pause. “I told you he’s-“ She covered the phone to ask out loud, “Spike? Are you still awake?”

Of course he was, but held his tongue.

“He’s sooo good, I mean… Wow!” Pause. “Oh, come on! You’re too old to still be pulling that ‘scarred-for-life’ crap!” Pause. “Oh, like you called to tell me how you and Paolo spent the night ’just talking’?!” Pause. “Come on! I wanna hear all about him. Start with how you two met!”

The rest of the conversation was lost to Spike as he finally gave in to the urge he’d had for hours and began stroking himself.

When Buffy walked out of the bathroom, she realized the talk with her sister must have been longer than she thought, cuz somewhere during that talk – and unbeknownst to her - Spike had found his sweet release and was now fast asleep once again, a sated smile on his face.

Thankful Buffy had a box of Kleenex on her nightstand, he was able to contain his spendings and throw it in the wastebasket before she came back to bed and spooned him from behind, holding him as close as she could while planting a kiss between his shoulder blades.


For the first time since the boys had come to stay with her, this morning she was the first person in the house to be awake. While she was showering, she had a wicked thought, and if Spike could read her mind, he would have shivered with delight! Oh yeah, she had plans for today … something ‘extra’ special


Spike woke up well after noon… to an empty bed. He hated it and was about to start calling out for Buffy, *not like people ‘ere don’ know we’re shaggin’* but the note he saw on her pillow stopped him.

Breakfast is ready in the kitchen. Had to take care
of some stuff. Probably won’t be home till the stores
are closed. Keep yourself busy (don’t wear that body
out though ;-) ),

Love, B.
PS. Make sure X. and W. have left by the time I get back…

He didn’t know if it was the simple ‘love, B.’ or the anticipation her last phrase had created in him that exited him the most. Well, actually he knew! *‘Love’! Love!!!*, But it was a close call as he wondered what she was up to that would keep her out all day.


Spike followed her suggestion and kept himself busy. He made the bed, had breakfast, washed his mug and the one Buffy had left in the kitchen sink and tidied up the living room. He’d also called his dad to let him know everything was alright. Rupert Giles had not commented on the fact that it was really late in the UK, instead focusing on how happy his son sounded, and inwardly congratulating himself on a couple of decisions he’d recently made.

Spike hung up soon enough after having had Anya – who snatched the phone from her husband – disturbingly enough, wish him a ‘cherry-popping experience’. Deciding that his cousin had slept enough, he went barging into the room they were supposed to be sharing to wake him up. He held in the holler he was preparing to get the bigger boy out of bed with when he saw him cuddled up with Willow in his arms, both still dressed and smiling in their sleep.

*Too young to know love, my arse! The big git is head over heels!* He went back out of the room, closed the door and knocked, as if he’d just gotten there.

“Whelp? You awake? Wanna go for a swim?” He heard someone gasp, and then Willow’s panicked voice.

“Oh my God! We overslept! My mom is going to kill me! Xander! Get up! You have to drive me and… and help me find an excuse!” The sound of feet rushing about, and then a slap made it to Spike’s ears and he suppressed a chuckle while opening the door just a sliver.

“Red, you decent? C’n I come in?”

“Yeah, Spike, come in and help me get mister Sleepy-head out of bed!”

“Buffy’s brought jelly-centered donuts for breakfast, Whelp…” Spike sing-songed the last four words of his lie and was rewarded by his cousin opening his eyes a smidge.

“Better get up, your bird’s in distress-” Spike urged him while Willow stood hovering over her boyfriend’s head, hands planted on her hips in a very ominous pose, “-and she’s lookin’ mighty scary!”

Lazily, the dark haired boy sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed, running his hand through his hair and trying to blink the sleep away from his droopy eyelids. “I’ll drive you. Relax, we’ll say Buffy wasn’t feeling well and, us being useless males, you stayed to make sure she was OK.”

“And why didn’t I call?” She was looking at him as he got up and began putting his shoes on, tapping her foot on the floor as if it was somehow his fault.

“We’ll figure it out baby, come on.” He took her elbow and let her lead the way, while shrugging to his cousin who wore his smirk and had both eyebrows raised in amusement.

“I’ll be right back, Will, and you’d better be telling the truth about those donuts.”

Spike didn’t bother correcting the name Xander called him by, just wiggled his fingers in a ‘goodbye’ gesture and called out “Be seein’ you, Red” to the girl that was already rushing down the stairs.


Willow’s worrying was for nothing. Mrs. Rosenberg, her ever-busy mom, didn’t even notice her daughter hadn’t been home all night and assumed she’d just gone out when she didn’t show up for lunch.

When Willow and Xander reluctantly rung the doorbell, Mrs. Rosenberg asked if she’d forgotten something that morning, and luckily, Willow caught on to what her mother must have thought. So she immediately launched into her speech about how Buffy was willing to have her stay at her house and watch over her while her parents went out of town. “If that’s OK with you and dad, of course” Her mom had been almost too eager to agree. After all, she’d have too much on her mind to worry about what her teenage daughter would be doing once she and her husband were busy digging at the excavation site!

The couple giddily returned to the Summers’ house where they spent the day with Spike, swimming, playing, laughing, and then… hastily leaving when the blond saw it was almost eight o’clock and practically threw them out, ordering them to ‘Have a sleepover at Red’s.’


Please let me know if you liked it!!!
18 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
Hi all!
I hope 2008 got off on a great start for all of you and that it only keeps getting better!
I missed you guys, and I hope you missed me too and will enjoy this! The general idea for this chapter had been on my mind for a while, but I couldn’t figure out the specifics… Thankfully, Im_bloody_English stepped in and salvaged it! She gave me most of the... physical interaction and parts of the dialog. I just had to embellish on it! I wanted to give full credit for this to her, but the lady drives a hard bargain and made me split it 50-50. Thank you IBE, luv ya lots!
I also wanna thank two lovely ladies and brilliant writers, Katkin and Darkrivertempest, who have thrown an exciting idea about another fic my way… I hope I do it justice when I actually write it. Meanwhile, check out their stories, they are great!
Please let me know what you thought of this, next chapter is coming next Monday


As for the freaky/kinky warning, its really light stuff, please see AN at the end if you don't trust me! :-P
From last chapter.........

Breakfast is ready in the kitchen. Had to take care
of some stuff. Probably won’t be home till the stores
are closed. Keep yourself busy (don’t wear that body
out though ;-) ),

Love, B.
PS. Make sure X. and W. have left by the time I get back…


Spike had just gotten out of the shower – after seriously considering having himself a wank while in there – and wrapped a fluffy towel around his hips when he heard the key twisting in the downstairs lock. *This chit has me developin’ supernatural hearin’ just to keep track of ‘er!* He tucked his tongue behind his teeth, took off the towel, threw it over his shoulder in one smooth move, and began descending the stairs to welcome her, his already hard cock leading the way.

Buffy didn’t even look up from the loaded bag she was going through as his velvet voice drifted down the staircase, calling her name in the most seductive of ways.

“No need to come down here, Spike. I’ll be right up.”

He kept nearing her, curiosity driving him almost as much as lust at how she looked. She had her hair done differently, new silvery highlights streaking the locks currently held tightly back in a severe chignon.

“So, what d’ you have there, pet? `S that the reason you abandoned me for the whole day?”

Buffy almost forgot about her carefully laid plans for the evening at the sight of his curvy lower lip pushed out in that irresistible pout. She realized she was staring, the tip of her tongue wetting her own lips in anticipation, and had to shake herself out of the lusty haze his proximity, let alone nudity *and is he ever not hard* had instantly immersed her into.

“You’ll find out soon enough. Now, go upstairs and wait in your room for me to call you. And do not even think of sneaking a peek!”

“Go an’ wait in my room?” Both his eyebrows shot up, this sounded too… parental. “Luv, is something wrong?”

“Something will be if you don’t get that scrumptious ass of yours up there pronto!”

*Alright! nothin’ parental ‘bout that mate!* He did as he was told, erection only slightly less proud on his way up than it had been moments ago.

Buffy ran upstairs and locked herself in her room as soon as she was sure he was out of sight and began emptying the goodies she’d bought for the evening onto the bed. Having arranged everything out to her liking, she quickly changed into the outfit she’d bought having Spike in mind, turned off the lights and opened the door.

“Spike, can you hear me?”

“Yeah pet, can I… come now?”

The double meaning of his question didn’t escape her, and she smirked.

*Not for a while* She stifled a giggle. “In a minute, I want you to be outside the door, no clothes on. And you have to use what I left for you on the doorknob to cover your eyes!”


He was intrigued as he stood naked and blindfolded with the silken black scarf outside her door, waiting to be let in. Anticipation making his cock hard once more at whatever delights his girl had in mind.

Buffy took a deep breath then opened the door. She stood there looking at him for what felt like an eternity and still not long enough, absorbing every little detail about his body. She longed to taste his lips, kiss the hollow of his neck, lick her way over his broad chest, run her fingers down his ribbed abdomen and then… But that would all have to wait until she’d taught him a lesson… one about how he belonged to her and only her.

“Buffy?” His demeanor was cocky as ever, eyebrow showing above the blindfold, as endless possible scenarios of naughtiness passed through his mind.

Wordlessly, she took his hand and led him to the bed, turning him so that the back of his knees touched the end.

“Lie down and move up,” she ordered him then proceeded to light the candles she’d placed in front of the mirror while he obeyed her.

He could hear her moving about the room, heard the flicker of a lighter then the sounds of her footsteps nearing him before coming to a halt… and that’s when he felt her hot breath caressing his ear, causing him to shudder at her question.

“Do you trust me?”


“Good, because I want you to lay still and not say a word while I get you prepared for some… fun. Will you do that for me baby?” The nail of her forefinger running down the side of his neck made him shiver as he nodded. After she deprived him of her touch, the next thing he heard was the rustling of metal on metal.

Buffy ghosted her fingers down the length of his left arm, taking hold of his hand and relishing the lack of resistance as she closed the free end of one of the handcuffs she’d attached to the metal frame of the bed around his wrist. She repeated her actions with his right wrist and proceeded to restrain his legs in the same manner, spreading them wide, leaving him open and oh so vulnerable for her plans. She felt him tense as her hands glided down his inner thighs to the back of his knees while positioning him, but he relaxed immediately and let her do as she pleased.

He felt her lips on his for the briefest of moments before she took off his blindfold and stood back. His breath was caught in his throat at he beheld the sight of her. *A bloody Goddess is what she is!* She stood there to his side, dressed in a short pin-striped skirt and a matching jacket that barely covered her navel. The plunging neckline showed enough cleavage to reveal the lack of a top or bra underneath it. Her long legs were encased in sheer, thigh-hi stockings, the lacy, elastic tops of them showing just beneath the hem of her skirt. And the spike-heeled pumps she wore made her luscious legs seem impossibly long. The look was completed by a pair of glasses riding low on her adorable nose while she rhythmically tapped an aluminum ruler on the palm of her hand.

“Luv, you look… look… ravishing!” The leer that began forming on his mouth was cut short when she grazed the cold metal edge of the ruler over his nipple and a hiss escaped him instead.

“I didn’t give you permission to speak, Mr. Giles. You are only to speak when spoken to.”

Buffy kept talking as she circled the lower part of the bed “It’s come to my attention that you seem to think it’s OK to flirt with any floozy that flaunts herself at you.”

“Pet I-” She cut his refusal short by lightly tapping the ruler on his chest and he tensed again.

“AH-ah-ah… remember, you do not speak until I say you can. It’s a simple enough rule, Mr. Giles; do not make me repeat myself!”

His eyes were hooded, lust blazing in their depths as he provoked her “And if I do?”

“Oh, I almost hope you will! You see, that will give me even more reason to punish you.” She ran the sharp edge of the ruler up his inner thigh, letting it come into contact with his scrotum.

“So, did you enjoy the attention that bimbo was showering you with?” She raised an eyebrow and he shook his head as he raised his hips when her fingernails replaced the ruler which she dropped to the floor.

“Did you want to fuck her, Mr. Giles? Did you think she could make you cum like I do? Or maybe you just wanted to feel a different pussy. Is that it? Did you decide you don’t want to be stuck with fucking just one woman when there are so many others out there to sample?”

He could sense the shift of her tone from playful to insecure and ventured a verbal answer *She did ask me a question, so `s not against her soddin’ rule to answer!* “`D never want another, Buffy!”

The calmness in his voice and his body’s avid responsiveness to her feathery touches along with the visuals she provided him assured her of the truth in his statement. Still, she didn’t cease her teasing, as she moved beside him.

“Buffy, please…” He looked pleadingly into her eyes, but she held a finger to his lips before talking again.

“Did you think she’d be able to suck your cock like I do? Take it all the way down her throat like this?” She got on the bed and kneeled between his outstretched legs to deep-throat him in one, smooth downward stroke of her mouth. She withdrew after only a couple of pulls, causing a whimper from deep inside his throat as she started licking, sucking up and down his length and nipping at his balls, making it hurt in way that only added to his pleasure.

Buffy pulled up, causing Spike to roar in frustration as she denied him the hot suction of her mouth to ask, “Do you think she’d swallow your cum? Like I want to right now?” Then she lowered her mouth, taking his full, thick length all the way in again and sucked him to a frenzy.

This time he was too close to completion to remain silent when she abandoned him again. “Bloody hell, Buffy! Show a bloke some mercy!”

*I’ll show you something alright* She cocked her head to one side, as if contemplating whether to punish him for his disobedience, before deciding to ignore it. “You know what, I changed my mind. I don’t think I feel like doing that anymore.” She stood up on the bed and stepped over his legs, one high heel now on each side of his hips. She started bending her knees, lowering her pelvis towards his and he simultaneously prayed his cock would stand at a right angle, so that she would impale her self on it, and thank any and all Gods above when he would finally be allowed to feel her scorching heat around his throbbing length.

He realized he’d been hasty in his gratitude towards the deities as her core settled along the length of his shaft, but instead of positioning it so as to sink down on him she slid up his body, raising her skirt above her hips to reveal her newly waxed pussy.

His cock jumped when his eyes met her naked, glistening mound, so bare and smooth. His perusal continued down to her thighs where the lace of her stockings all but framed her quim. He envied the frilly bits for being so close to where he longed to be buried. The sight of her waxed pussy added to the sensory overload already caused by the scent of her arousal and the feel of her juices as she glided her folds up along his length.

“I think I’d rather you swallow my cum instead.” And with that statement, she positioned her pussy over his mouth and ground against him, riding his mouth, feeling him devouring her, sucking on her clit, plunging his tongue inside her core, nibbling on her folds until she came hard, convulsing and grasping on the same bars to which his hands were cuffed.

When she regained command over her lower body, she pulled away, sliding down his body and taking in the sight of him lapping her juices that smeared his lips and chin. She had to fight the urge to let him loose so he could pound her into the mattress, but instead, she reached over to the nightstand to retrieve something ‘special’ she’d purchased that afternoon, determined to stick to her plan and further torture him.

Spike was too dazed by his desperate need to shag her into oblivion to see through her ploy as she straddled his thighs, pumping him with her free hand. When he threw his head back, sure that he’d be allowed to find his release, he felt her snap something around the base of his cock and balls before she began sliding her pussy over his shaft. *Li’l minx bought cock rings. Bloody hell!* Oh, he knew what they were for, he wasn’t that naïve. His sex kitten intended to keep him hard for however long she chose. Feeling her slick heat as she rode him and not be allowed to enter her, he thrust his hips upwards in a desperate entreaty for entrance.

“Do you feel how wet I am for you, don’t you wish you could fuck me right now, feel how tight and warm my pussy would be if you were inside me… would you like that?“ Buffy heard herself ask him and was amazed at the sultry tone of her own voice.

“Yes, please, Buffy. Please!” He didn’t mind that he was being made to beg, sounding like a baby. He was beyond desperate to be inside her.

“I’d like that, too.”

Her moves became harder, faster, still not letting him in as her clit rubbed vigorously on his pulsating member, causing him to moan and groan. He longed for his hands to be free so that he could grip her hips and guide himself within her depths to fuck her harshly.

When she came again he almost cried with misery.

She got up, proceeded to drag a chair to the baseboard of the bed and sitting on it spread eagled, feet perched on the mattress, allowed him a perfect view of her pink nether lips, juices dripping and nub swollen.

Slowly, she unbuttoned her jacket, throwing the garment behind her and confirmed his earlier suspicions as the milky, rose tipped mounds were bared to his hungry gaze. She saw what his eyes seemed riveted by, and cupped her breasts, her thumbs rubbing and pinching her nipples.

“God , I’m so hot right now… wanna get fucked so good and hard.” She gave him a dirty look. “It’s a shame you were such a naughty boy the other night and that you won’t be the one fucking me. Bad boys need to be taught a lesson, so consider this tough love, baby.” His eyes burned with lust when her left hand spread the petals of her sex apart so she could massage her clit while her other palm kneaded her breasts. She stopped her ministrations long enough to pull the pins holding her hair up and shook her long locks free, the golden tresses framing her face while it contorted in ecstasy.

Spike was trembling with need, writhing on the bed, pulling against his restrains, growling, threatening and begging to be permitted to have her, but she ignored him. He almost passed out when she momentarily got up and fetched a huge dildo from a drawer. “Allow me to introduce you to Mr. Gordo, Mr. Giles.” Her lips curled into a devilish grin. “Ya wanna know the reason why a dildo is better than a man? Because it never says no, always stays hard and doesn’t flirt with other women.” *Well… that’s why it’s better than other men You’ve got at least two out of three over it!!*

She winked and he wanted to throttle her… love her… ravage and worship her... He craved to take her hard and put that dildo to shame! But it still wasn’t his turn. He stared disbelievingly at her small hand pushing his replacement inside her moist channel. It hurt him physically to see it give her the pleasure she denied him to provide her with, to hear her cooing and mewling and to know those sounds weren’t caused by him. He watched with envy and rage as she pumped the rubber phallus in and out of her hot channel faster and faster until…

The orgasm that overtook her was the strongest one yet as she screamed out her pleasure. Her hips bucked in the chair, legs trembling and breasts heaving in desperate attempt to calm her ragged breathing after wailing out her release. Coming down from her ecstasy, she noticed he was no longer looking at her. His head was thrown back; eyes screwed shut, breath wheezing, hands fisted around the bars, his knuckles white from strain.

She cocked an eyebrow as she stood and approached him, bringing her cum-soaked fingers to his mouth. “Now eat up like a good boy.”

He felt almost grateful for having her taste back on his tongue; licking each of her fingers clean, then sucking on their tips.

“Have you learned your lesson, Mr. Giles?”

He nodded vigorously “Yes, Buffy… Please…” his voice was no more than a hoarse whisper.

“Are you ever going to flirt with another woman again?”

“No! No luv, never! I promise, I-I swear. Please!”

“Please what Mr. Giles? What do you want?”

“I want to fuck you Buffy, please!”

He remained perfectly still until she took the cuffs off all of his limbs and removed the cock rings from his raging hard-on. When she turned around to put it back on the night stand, she was startled by the feel of strong arms wrapping around her waist.

He threw her face down on the bed, ass and legs hanging off the edge and thrust inside her to the hilt, hard, while his hand stole down to pinch her clit. He bit down on her neck and then sucked, running his tongue over the reddened spot. “I love you, Buffy! With all my heart, my soul… I love you, only you.”

She reached back to grab the nape of his neck and turned to give him a deep kiss, slow and languorous, despite the intensity of their coupling. Their orgasm was almost simultaneous as he spent himself inside her at the sound of her ‘I love you too, William. So much’, and she followed right after she felt his seed spill inside her womb.

They only shifted enough to get the bottom halves of their bodies on the bed, Spike still embedded in her as he turned them on their sides, neither wanting to lose their connection even in sleep. Just before she succumbed to her exhaustion, she heard him whisper against her hair, “Say it again.”

“I love you!” And she smiled when he sighed in relief and held her even tighter.

Soon the only sound in the room was that of their breaths being drawn in and out in perfect harmony.



A/N Nothing really freaky/kinky here, just some very light bondage… as a teaching technique *chuckles*
19 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
This is the morning after Buffy's I love you, I hope you enjoy it!
Thank you for sticking with me and thank you with cookies to those of you who review. Im_bloody_English, you get a 'thank you' with cookies and hot chocolate with little marshmallows for being the best beta I could ever have asked for and a great friend!
Hugs to Katkin and Darkrivertempest for being such sweethearts, and you all have to read their fics, they rock! Oh, and thank you also to lostboy for being so kind as to give me a guy's opinion on a one-off fic I'm going to post next week. Anyone who hasn't read his 'Clocks of the Long Now', you definitely should. The guy is brilliant!
So, Enjoy, and please let me know what you think guys; feeding the muse beats spanking him --almost! XXX
From last chapter.........

They only shifted enough to get the bottom halves of their bodies on the bed, Spike still embedded in her as he turned them on their sides, neither wanting to lose their connection even in sleep. Just before she succumbed to her exhaustion, she heard him whisper against her hair, “Say it again.”

“I love you!” And she smiled when he sighed in relief and held her even tighter.

Soon the only sound in the room was that of their breaths being drawn in and out in perfect harmony.


Spike was enveloped by a scorching heat that felt like… home and surrounded by lustrous golden feathers, caressing his skin with a velvety touch. And the scent of love was everywhere – does love have a scent? Of course it does, it smells like honey, like vanilla like… Buffy!

‘I love you William’

He was dreaming, he knew it now, but didn’t want to be woken, not yet!

Spike gradually drifted to wakefulness, hanging on to the beautiful remnants of his dream. *No! Not a dream. My girl* He wrapped his arms even tighter around Buffy, one hand caressing the underside of her breast, the other bent at the elbow, tangled in her locks, his cock still buried inside her while she gently rocked against him. No, this wasn’t a dream, it was his dream come true.

And her words… from the previous night. She really said the words!

He buried his face in the glorious mane of her hair and whispered, “Good morning luv,” while moving the hand cupping her breast lower to stroke her belly, rewarded by a soft, feminine sigh and an increase of urgency in her movements. Splaying his fingers over her stomach, he held her still, upping the tempo of his thrusts inside her moist heaven until he heard her breath become more shallow and rapid. As he felt her inner muscles start rippling, gripping his shaft tighter and tighter, he lowered his middle finger to rub her clit and let his passion go inside her as she sighed his name, their ecstasy mutual

“I could get used to waking up like this! It beats coffee!”

He chuckled and nibbled on her earlobe. “Does that mean I don’ have to go make it?”

“Nah! You still have to spoil me rotten!”

Giving her a playful swat on the butt he regretfully withdrew himself from her and went straight to the kitchen, not bothering to dress himself.

The coffee was still brewing when he heard the pitter-patter of Buffy’s feet descending the stairs.

“Was goin’ to bring that up to you,” he said, cocking his head towards the coffee-machine when she entered the room,. She’d put on her silk robe and looked absolutely edible with her after-sex hair and the sway of her hips further exaggerated by the lush material.

“I know, I just wanted to talk.” She bit on her lower lip, her eyes turned downwards, and his heart leapt in his chest. *She’s gonna take it back! Please don’t let her take it back!*

“What about, luv?” He managed to come off casual.

“What is this to you? This thing we have?” She said timidly. “I know how you think you feel, but you could be wrong…” she let out a nervous chuckle, “Guys have been known to confuse sex with love, and me being your first and all…”

Spike turned his back to her and slammed his hand on the counter with a force that made her wince. “I bloody well know how I feel! This…you, are not about sex, an’ I’m not a soddin’ Nancy-boy who doesn’ know wha’s goin’ on inside ‘im!” He faced her again, his eyes ablaze with blue fire as he spat out his next words. “Wanna go on an’ take back wha’ you said las’ night? Go ahead! ‘M in love with you an’ tha’s not gonna change… ever!”

“What? God no! Spike-“ She was shocked that he would think she’d said something so big during the throes of passion… only to take it back the morning after? “-Spike, look at me!” He did, eyes squeezed to slits but she continued “I meant what I said. I did! I Do. It’s just that if we’re together it’s going to be hard. For both of us! Will you be OK with having to spend most of what’s left of your vacation indoors? Or with us going out together pretending that we have nothing more in common than a cousin? And what about when you have to leave?” She immediately broke down at the thought of him leaving, of an ocean separating them and she brought her hands to her face to hide the tears, to suppress the sobs threatening to wrack her body.

He was on her with inhuman speed, holding her close, letting her use his body as a shield against the threat posed by the outside world and their separate futures.

“Hush, baby, I’m here. I don’ give a fuck ‘bout the rest of the summer, you’re my sun, all I need is in this ‘ouse, why would I wanna go outside? An’ if we have to pretend for a while, we’ll do so knowin’ we’ll be spendin’ the evenin’ in each other’s arms. As for after-” he gulped. “-the summer is over, we’ll find a way. ‘M not givin’ you up! I’m seventeen next month, and we’ll only have to wait a year after that before we’re together for good, yeah?”

She wanted to tell him a lot could happen in a year; that he could move on, forget about her… She knew she wouldn’t, she couldn’t, but he was so young. He would have women throwing themselves at him, he couldn’t hold on to just the thought of her… could he? She wanted to use her logic, present him with arguments he would have to consider, but the feel of his arms around her and the sound of his heart reverberating through her body let her hope that maybe he was right; maybe they could be together for good in just one year.

She sniffled, indelicately wiping her nose on the back of her hand as she drew back to look in his eyes. “You’re right. We’ll make it.” *And even if we don’t, we’ll always have this summer.*

“’M always right, pet.” He winked at her. “Wise beyond my years, I am!” With a peck on the forehead, he let her go. “Now hop in the shower, I’ll get the coffee upstairs an’ join you. If we ‘ave to stay in, we’ll make the most of it.”

And when he grinned, all her doubts were laid to rest.


“You know, I’ll have to feed you at some point, Giles and Anya will never get off my case if I give you back to them all scrawny!”

After a very naughty wash up, they spent most of the day in bed, talking and making love, then talking and making love some more.

Spike couldn’t hold his roaring laughter when he asked where she’d learnt the things she’d done the previous night – not without a little jealousy in his casual tone – and she’d admitted with a blush spreading all over her body to having overheard Anya explaining all about bondage to Tara over the phone.

“Bloody priceless that is!” He considered the exact meaning of her words and it was her turn to burst into uncontrollable snickers, throwing in a snort or two for good measure as his jaw dropped. “Tha’ means my da… Bloody Hell!!!”

Seeing her giggle hysterically, he threw himself on top of her and holding her wrists above her head with one hand, mercilessly tickled her with the other. “I’ll give you somethin’ to laugh about, bloody minx! Makin’ fun of the Big Bad, huh?”

“Sorry!” she panted for breath. “I’m sorry, sorry.”

“Oh, you will be!” He added, biting and growling against her tummy, tormenting her into another fit of giggles while trying to shake him off by snaking her body underneath him.

His hands and mouth wouldn’t relent however, and instead made their attentions more sensual, causing her mirth to be replaced by lustful moans. Soon, neither was laughing as they were once again immersed in one another intimately.


They finally dragged their exhausted bodies downstairs late in the evening and ordered pizza to replenish their energy.

Buffy called Xander to check if everything was OK with him, and found out Willow had managed to convince her mom that Buffy was currently recuperating from the flu and since Spike, too, had already caught it, they had to keep Xander out of the germ-full zone so he’d be staying at her house for a couple more days. After that mouthful, they had to work something out till the redhead’s parents were out of town, but that would only be in less than a week, thank God.

It would be too late in Europe to call her parents, so Buffy sent her sister a text message before Spike, who’d just closed the door on the delivery guy, threw her over one shoulder with the arm not occupied by the pizza box to bring her back upstairs and into bed, biting her delectable bum a couple of times on the way.

20 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
This chapter contains Buffy/Other only in the form of memories and only in a couple of paragraphs. There is nothing graphical concerning the past relationships, they are merely mentioned and compared with her current one.
I want to say a huge ‘thank you’ to all readers and reviewers for feeding my muse and keeping him happy! A great big hug to Katkin and Darkrivertempest for all they’ve done, and congratulations to the latter for being nominated at the fangfetish awards for both the stories she’s currently writing.
Last but not least, all my love to my beta and friend, Im_bloody_English, for helping kick my muse’s butt into gear this weekend and for being there! I love you!

Hope you enjoy!

PS. Darkrivertempest (Carrie) nominated me in the Spuffy Awards (lol, in case my putting up buttons and squeeing all over the place didn't hint to that!) Thank you sooo much honey, I love you!!! *hugs*

EDT. This wonderful banner was made for Quiet Summer by darlaslilgirl. She did it without me even asking and for that I am more than grateful! Thank you sooo much, you are awesome!
During the weeks that followed Buffy’s admittance of her feelings – and with the exception of a couple of days she and Spike behaved for the other couple’s sake who were always around as the ‘Buffy is sick’ excuse no longer held validity and Willow’s parents were still in town - the couple settled into a daily routine.

There was nothing remotely boring about that routine. *God, nothing is ever boring when Spike’s around*, but they did make a habit out of sleeping in till noon, have wake-up sex, grab a bite and play in the pool – which usually included more sex – or work out in the basement gym till Willow and Xander dropped by. The four of them would spend the evening watching movies, playing board games – which Willow almost always won – or just hung out. The blonds becoming too caught up in each other was the signal the night was over, and the departure of the other couple meant even more time for before bed sex… usually anyplace Spike caught Buffy unawares!


Buffy Anne Summers was in love. Utterly, irrevocably, madly in love!

Perched on the closed lid of the upstairs bathroom toilet seat, absentmindedly running her fingers through her golden locks, she smiled to herself. It was now a little less than three weeks since she admitted her love to Spike... Both the men she'd said ‘I love you’ to in the past had left her within minutes of hearing it, so the fact that Spike was still here with her broke that record... and much to her delight, it didn't look like he was going anywhere! She used to think there was something wrong with her, the men she loved just didn’t seem to stick around, but now she knew it was fate!

It was fate that Riley felt suffocated when she told him she loved him soon after they’d… consummated their relationship. If he’d reciprocated the feelings then – instead of saying it was too much too soon – she’d never have known the true meaning of the words… and it would probably have taken him a bit longer to realize he was gay. *‘Too much too soon’, my ass! It was probably too little; me not anatomically much with the cock-owning!*

She sniggered at the thought of how, soon after she and Riley broke up, she’d gone out with Parker a couple of times. Riley seemed really ticked off when he’d run into the both of them having coffee and laughing. Buffy had been flattered, thinking he was jealous and having second thoughts about their break-up. The following day he’d given her the third degree, and she’d been sure he wanted to get back together. That is, until she figured out he was asking more questions about Parker than about her and Parker. Therefore, she wasn’t really surprised when the two had ‘come out’ as a couple a few months later.

The experiences she’d had with what few men she’d been with after Riley convinced her that no man would probably ever make her feel the way the women in those chick-flicks she liked to watch seemed to. Then there was Angel. Tall, dark and handsome with an air of mystery that was soon revealed as a natural tendency to brood – over everything!

Fate intervened again in her relationship with Angel. Well, either that or it was the bad sex. *You’d think someone so self-assured would know his way around a woman’s body!* She made moon-eyes at the thought of Spike and his knowledge around all her parts before jumping back on the Angel-thinking train. She thought they had something real at first, and if she hadn’t been too scared to say those three magical words to him during the early stages of their relationship, they might have broken up sooner. By the time she managed, it was the only way she could tell him that was truthful, as in ‘I love you, I really do. And we can keep trying if you’d like, but I just don’t feel there’s any… chemistry when we, well, you know ’. After that, he didn’t say a thing, just left… brooding.

Yep, it was definitely fate that brought her wonderful man – oh, she’d long ago stopped thinking or speaking of him as a ‘boy’ – to her house, the only summer she was both single and alone and when her family were away on vacation. She giggled, but her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of… a power drill?

“Should ’ave torn the bloody thing off its hinges firs’ time you locked yourself in this soddin’ room!”

She heard the muffled words from the other side of the bathroom door where she’d locked herself in, threatening not to come out until Spike had gone to sleep in the single bed initially assigned to him when he and Xander first came to her house. “Spike? What are you doing?”

“Thought that was clear, luv! Gettin’ you out of there so we can get some kip! ‘Less you wanna sleep in the bloody tub!”

Spike! I already told you, we’re not sharing a bed tonight. Or for the next four days!”

“An’ I already tol’ you there’s no bleedin’ way that’ll happen!” She heard the sound of the first screw fall on the marble floor. “I don’ care you’re on the bloody rag, I wan’ my Buffy pillow!” He sounded whining now.

“I’m not the usual comfy Buffy pillow during these days of the month, I’m-I’m puffy-Buffy, and I-I become… bitchy!” She spat out the last word as she’d tried to come up with the perfect description of her attitude during ‘these’ days.

“So, what else is new?”

She just knew he was smirking, and it hit a nerve made more sensitive by her hormones.

“Not like I can’ handle a bit of bitchiness-”

Now she visualized the cocky tilt of his head and left eyebrow lifting teasingly.

“-‘sides, I won’ be doin’ anythin’ to provoke any… rash reactions!”

Yep, leer, definite leer now! Buffy was just about to retort with something extra-witty, like ‘you won’t be provoking anything’, but as she opened her mouth she heard the second screw drop to the floor and saw the door leaning out at an awkward angle.

“Ow-Ow!” Spike almost jumped back far enough so the heavy door didn’t hit him. His original *bloody brilliant* plan of taking the hinges off, was so he could swing it open using the knob as a lever… which backfired and, “BLOODY HELL!” The corner of the darn thing hit him in the face, slashing his left eyebrow open as he ducked to protect his eyes.

Buffy jumped off the cover of the toilet seat and was next to him by the time the door hit the floor. She could see the gash filling with blood over his left eye and felt like her own legs were going to give out as she watched him slump to the rug, his hand coming up to touch his injury then pulling it away to look at his blood covered palm. “Spike? Baby? Don’t faint, OK?” She knelt down and placed his head on her lap, trying to see how deep the wound was. “Are you dizzy?” He nodded once, wincing in pain. “OK, I’ll put your head down. Try not to move or fall asleep while I get something to swab the wound with. I’ve read that if you have a concussion you need to stay awake, and with the head-bumping thingy…”

“My noggin’s not that brittle pet, jus’ help me stop the bleedin… bleedin!”

She smiled. “I know you’re hard-headed baby. Still, as soon as the bleeding settles down a bit I’m driving you to the hospital.”

Though the sight of blood made him woozy, Spike managed a shaky smile. “No need to get us both killed, pet.”

Buffy felt relief flow through her veins, as he seemed to be well enough to crack jokes then ran back to the bathroom. She hastened to his side again, a soaked washcloth in hand to start cleaning the wound while alternating between telling him how much she loved him and nagging about his immense stupidity – in an effort to both calm herself down and keep him awake.


About an hour and a half later, Spike lay on top of a crisp-clean hospital bed, the wound on his eyebrow clotting under a thin veil of gauze. He had insisted he needed no stitches with an emphatic ‘`M not a bloody Nancy-boy’, but Buffy was sure he was just afraid of the needle. The cut would scar, but neither of them minded as they were currently trying to convince the doctor this was not a case of domestic abuse – Spike being a minor – and that his parents needn’t be informed.

Concussion having been ruled out after a physical examination which negated the need for a CT, the young male doctor finally – and reluctantly – gave in to Buffy’s blatant use of her female wiles, batting of the eyelashes and pouting included, then gave them a release slip to fill in, once again pointing out how close Spike had gotten to losing an eye.


Back at the house, Buffy made a fuss out of making sure Spike was comfortable enough laying – naked – in the double bed, seeing the logic in his argument that she needed to spend the night with him after all, to ensure he didn’t bleed or show any belated signs of a head trauma.

Spike lay on his back, trying to refrain from childishly rubbing the fact that he’d gotten his way in her face as he pulled her close to him and tucked her head on his shoulder.

Yes, Buffy Anne Summers was very much in love, and very lucky indeed to be able to spend the night in her lover’s embrace after such a close call. *I guess us sleeping together unless it’s absolutely impossible must also be fate*, she thought as Spike’s hand rubbed soothing circles at the small of her back, taking her mind off the cramps in her lower belly. She snuggled closer to him and murmured, “I think scars are sexy, so it’ll be good for the ‘Big Bad’ look!” As her hand found its way to his virtually ever-existent erection, she whispered, “Oh, speaking of big and bad…”

“Oi, luv, can’ go there, remember?” He tried raising his eyebrow, but the gauze stretched – thankfully before the wound did – and reminded him he couldn’t.

“Uh-uh! You can’t go there; I can go anywhere I please!” She tossed him a mischievous grin, brow raised in the facial gesture he tried but failed to perform as she lifted her side of the covers and began ducking underneath them. “Besides, no matter what Dr. Ben ‘What’s-his-face’ said, I still think you might have a concussion, so I can’t let you sleep!”

“Right then!” He folded his arms above his head, entwining his fingers on top of his disheveled curls as a playful tilt of his hips made his cock beckon Buffy’s attention.

She rolled her eyes, *what is it with men and having the last word,* before sliding her tongue along his length and making him lose all coherent thought.

21 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
This chapter had me stuck for a while.
Thankfully, other than my brilliant beta, Im_bloody_English, the wonderful Katkin stepped in and strategically added some phrases to what I’d written that kicked my muse back into gear! Thank you both ladies, you rock!
A big ‘thank you’ to Darkrivertempest for being awesome and I hope she updates soon cuz I desperately need a fix of both her WIPs!
This banner was made for Quiet Summer by darlaslilgirl, over on lj, without me even asking, and for that I’m more than grateful!
I’m also grateful to all of you who read QS and especially to those of you who review! It makes my muse happy (and me a spectacle when I bounce and giggle at the office, but I can definitely live with that!!! lol)
Finally, I posted a little one-off today, called Resolutions are for Suckers. I will also be posting the first of three or four parts of a PWith very little P, that a great reader and reviewer requested, some time this week. Please take a look and let me know what you think!
Spike’s eyebrow took about as much time to heal as Buffy’s period lasted.

The four days they had to wait before they made love again were putting a strain on both blonds, although – and he would die before admitting it – Spike was almost as frustrated about not being able to employ one of his trademark facial expressions as about not having Buffy panting underneath him… her heat scorching him, her fingers raking his back, her ankles locked under his buttocks, her hips bucking against him… *OK, so the bloody eyebrow bein’ patched up has nothin’ on not makin’ love to Buffy!*

He threw an arm over his eyes, as he lay alone in the double bed, still sensing her body heat in the sheets. The air around him smelt like vanilla as he inhaled deeply, trying to absorb as much of her scent as possible. His nostrils flared and he felt his already hard cock throbbing even more. He only considered bringing himself off for a moment, the hand not shielding his eyes from the few rays of sun stubborn enough to brave the heavy curtains, wrapping itself around his shaft, pulling once… twice…

He threw the covers off his naked body and jumped to his feet. *She’s off the rag since las’ night! No reason for ‘er to be usin’ the downstairs shower… alone!*

Taking the stairs two at a time he rushed to the ground floor of the house, taking a sharp left turn when he reached the landing.

He was soon outside the bathroom door, playing the odds of it being locked in his head *Far as she knows I’ve no reason to come after ’er* With a mental shrug he tried the door handle *’Least I know where the power drill is now!* It opened to reveal the backside of Buffy shaving her legs. Bent over!

Ever since the guys had first come to the house Buffy had been mentioning she had to replace the shower curtain. Just this past week, on a day Xander and Willow had come by the house early in the afternoon, their cousin had a shower there and left the whole place a mess, causing Buffy to throw a fit! Spike had offered to go buy a new one for her, but right after the other couple left one thing led to another… and the other led to sex, as per usual. Mind-blowing orgasms had driven the issue from both the blonds’ minds until now, when Spike was so grateful for the lack of anything distorting his view of the perfect golden curve of Buffy’s buttocks as she leaned over her outstretched right leg, balancing her weight on her left one.

The water spray aimed a little to the side, a few runaway droplets cascading down her back, she smoothly ran the razor over her shin in a couple of small, straight lines revealing smooth skin under the foamy lather. As she stretched her arm to rinse the blade under the running water the side of her breast and a sliver of a nipple showed jiggling from beneath her armpit. Spike could no longer resist the sight of the goddess in front of him; damp hair to one side of her neck, leaving the other side bare but for some trickles of water caressing it, round shoulders glistening with a glowing tint, muscles in her back tense, intoning her slender waist and leading to the perfect globes of her magnificent ass.

Spike lunged at her, wrapping an arm around her waist, the other snaking under her outstretched arm and over her breasts, hand cupping her chin, pulling her flush against him.

She didn’t even flinch, and he knew she’d heard – or sensed – him the moment he walked through the door.

“I missed you, luv” his voice gruff in her ear, sending tingles down her spine while his cock nestled between her buttocks, drops of precum adding to the moisture between her legs.

Still, she feigned indifference. “Spike! I have to shave my legs and my… you know! Didn’t have time to have a wax!”

*Minx! Two can play that game!* “By all means then, let me help you, kitten!” he purred, his tongue briefly touching the shell of her ear. Letting go of her upper body he covered her hand that held the razor with his, bending them both forward so that he could mimic her earlier movements. He moved his hips so that his shaft found the apex of her thighs and rubbed ever so slightly against her folds every time he stretched up to rinse the blade or bent back down to shave another expanse of perfectly shaped leg.

By the time he finished one leg and moved to the next, Buffy was panting and gripping the arm holding her up while every nerve in Spike’s body screamed for release. Still, she didn’t ask for anything and he didn’t suggest it. In fact neither of them had spoken since her little mock-objection. He managed to finish the other leg, despite the twitching muscles writhing against him, and his unsteady hand trembling with need.

“I think we’re all done here.” she noted in a chocked voice. Turning in his embrace and trying to capture his lips. He pulled back so that she was only a breath away and swept a lazy glance down her front, tongue curled behind his upper teeth as he trailed his free hand from her back where it now rested to her pussy, plunging two fingers into her core.

“Not nearly, kitten. Not nearly!”

Moving his fingers against the bundle of nerves he had become an expert in locating, he slowly drove her backwards against the wall and – chuckling at the mewling sound she let out when he withdrew his hand – knelt in front of her. “I see a pussy that needs some takin’ care of”. She stood there, a puddle of need mutely watching as he sprayed some shaving foam in the palm of his one hand and after setting the can down, touched the back of her knee with the other. “Put your foot on my shoulder pet.”

She did as he asked, her arousal dripping from her core as she was spread open to his gaze and his hand. *Oooh… his hand!*

He began spreading the lather on her mound, his touch lingering on her outer petals, a finger slipping between them.

Buffy gasped as Spike's fingers - liberally soaped - slid through her curls and teased her drenched slit. She could feel his breath hot against her her skin and the softness of his cheek as it lay against her calf. His spare hand slid up the back of her thigh and came to rest where her ass met her lifted leg.

“Lean back, luv, wouldn’ want you to fall…” he smirked, knowing full well what sort of effect he was having on her.

She did as he asked, and really tried to remain still while he took his time with the razor but it wasn’t easy the way the digits of the hand holding onto her kept wandering near and around her second entrance… or that his thumb, keeping the skin of her mound taut, ran over her clit every time he stopped shaving her enough to rinse the blade.

Satisfied by the gleaming result of his efforts and tantalised by the glistening flesh in front of him, Spike merely used a handful of water to wipe away the remaining suds before bowing his head and running his tongue over her shaven folds.

Her hips thrust forward rhythmically, her hand grabbing a fistful of his hair as she silently commanded him to devour her.

Her reaction urged him to push his tongue into her pussy pulling her even harder against his face, fingers digging into her bottom as he longed to be able to reach her core. He knew he could wait no longer when she shrieked and he felt her juices flood his mouth.

He craved to keep savouring her, to taste all of her until she was reduced to a quivering mass, but another, more urgent need called to him.

Buffy was still trying to catch her breath when she felt his hand let go of her thigh and grab hold of the back of her knee to remove her foot from where it lay on his shoulder. Instead of lowering it to the ground, however, Spike quickly stood up without loosening his grip and wrapping her leg around his hip surged into her in one hard stroke.

They groaned in unison at the contact after what felt like an eternity of being apart.

“Oh, this feels… Uuunh.” Buffy’s brain was overflowing with pleasure, losing the ability for more menial functions, like the formation of sounds into words when Spike withdrew enough to give his next thrust the proper angle and pushed inside her again, rubbing the hidden bundle of nerves inside her and sending her spiralling to another climax.

“Home pet, this feels like home!” Spike gritted his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to hold off his release. The sight of her biting her lower lip, her breasts pushed outwards as she tried to find purchase on the wall behind her, her eyes glazed with a need matching his own became emblazoned in his retina. When she grabbed the showerhead to balance herself better, inadvertently turning it so that the stream of water harshly hit the spot where their bodies were joined he could hold back no longer He plunged inside her at a bruising pace with a force he didn’t know he possessed and soon came with a roar.

Buffy couldn’t feel the handle of the faucet digging into her lower back, nor the tiles she hit her head against, as Spike’s thrusts bounced her on his shaft. She could only feel the throbbing member inside her and the white-hot fire suffusing her as she felt it pulsate. She followed Spike into bliss with his name on her lips, her pussy milking his seed. Slumping forward she draped herself over his sturdy shoulders crossing her arms behind his neck, trusting him to manage her weight. “I think I need to sleep again” she murmured. “You wore me out!”

Spike smirked. He’d come a long way from virgin William as far as stamina and recovery were concerned during the month or so the two had been sleeping together, *shaggin’ like crazy, more like it* and he could just picture all the naughty things he wanted to do in the near future. Since he was an impatient man, he figured that near future to be starting in ohhhhhhhhhhh… just a few minutes. “Oh, kitten, you don’ know ‘worn out’, yet! ‘M hardly finished with you!”

He chuckled at her whimper, knowing full well how much of a hell-cat she was and that her exhaustion was just as temporary a state as that of his softening cock.

22 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
It's Monday morning and I feel kind of whiney... I'm afraid I may be loosing some of you and was wondering if that is because of the abundance of smut in this fic. There is not something I can do about it now, as most of it is already written (and even if it wasn't, these are young lovers in Summer time, so I think it's only natural they make love/have sex as often as possible), but I would still like to know how you feel about it. Please take a moment to let me know!

As always, thank you to Darkrivertempest and Katkin for being so sweet and nice, thank you to all of you that are sticking with this story, and especially to those of you who review. And an extra thank you with chocolate-covered Spikes to Im_bloody_English for putting up with me and helping my rumblings get a meaning! I love you honey!

darlaslilgirl made me this awesome banner! Thank you hon!
From last chapter.........

Spike smirked. He’d come a long way from virgin William as far as stamina and recovery were concerned during the month or so the two had been sleeping together, *shaggin’ like crazy, more like it* and he could just picture all the naughty things he wanted to do in the near future. Since he was an impatient man, he figured that near future to be starting in ohhhhhhhhhhh… just a few minutes. “Oh, kitten, you don’ know ‘worn out’, yet! ‘M hardly finished with you!”

He chuckled at her whimper, knowing full well how much of a hell-cat she was and that her exhaustion was just as temporary a state as that of his softening cock.


Indeed, neither state lasted long!

Spike hadn’t withdrawn from inside her as he carried her towards the living room, her ankles locked around him, one of her hands tangled in his messy hair, the other sneaking between their bodies to graze one of his nipples. He had the notion of ‘bed’ somewhere at the back of his mind, but knew they were never going to make it there as she kept kissing him, running her tongue along his bottom lip, sucking it inside the warmth of her mouth. He could feel his cock hardening again and marveled at how this tiny woman managed to keep him at an almost constant state of arousal.

“Oooh, is the Big Bad up for some more action?” Buffy purred in his ear before pulling the lobe between her teeth and sucking on it none too gently.

“Always, ahem, up for it, pet” Spike cocked an eyebrow, pushing his hips upwards for emphasis. “Now brace yourself!” He was about to throw her on the couch and have his way with her, but her adorable pout stopped him.

“Not here! We’ve been ‘shagging’, as you so elegantly put it, all around the house. What’s the matter? Am I not exciting enough for you in bed?” She lowered her head, knowing he’d see through her act if he caught her eye. “Seems like the last time we made love, in the romantic sense, was ages ago.”

“Buffy, don’ ever say that again!” His voice was gentle, one hand leaving her butt to brush a golden lock away from her face. “You’re always exciting, kitten! ‘S jus’ you’re so excitin’ and the bed ‘s a mile away!” Seeing she didn’t look up he continued “But if tha’s what my girl wants, then tha’s what she’ll have. Sweet lovin’!”

“You can’t carry me up the stairs though…” She sounded thoughtful.

“Probably could, but no reason chancin’ dropping you-“ He started lowering her as he felt her legs disentangling from around his hips. “-knockin’ you senseless. Especially if I wanna be the one makin’ you senseless, I wan’ it to be by shaggin’, not concussion!”

“Well to… shag me-“ she teased, “-you’ll have to catch me first!” And with a show of her tongue peeking between her lips she fled up the stairs.

Spike smiled a wolfish grin at her retreating back before starting after her at a leisurely pace. “Big Bad ‘s always gonna get you, pet!” Halfway up he threw posture to the wind and took the stairs two at a time.

He wasn’t winded by the time he got to the bedroom door. *Seems like all this rough an’ tumble is good for you! Haven’ been smokin’ half as much, what with bein’…preoccupied!* Still, he paused there long enough to draw in a breath and indulge in the sight Buffy made laying in the middle of the huge bed, a look of mock-desperation in her eyes.

“Oh, is the Big Bad Wolf going to eat me?”

“Been there, done that, pet… not that I’d say no to devourin’ you once again, but I have somethin’ else in mind!” His tongue found its favorite place, behind his teeth, and he looked every bit as sinister as Buffy’s thoughts were.

Still, she stayed in character, rolling on her stomach and crawling towards the bedpost as he neared her. His fingers found her ankle as he lunged on the bed, pulling her backwards and trapping the lower part of her body under his torso. “Runnin’ won’t save you, little girl!” he growled and bit her bum, hands running up her sides, taking a hold of her waist to assist his advance as he crawled upwards till he was lying on top of her. He nestled his cock along the crease of her lovely arse and pushed both her arms over her head, capturing her wrists with his right hand to begin tickling her mercilessly with his left.

Buffy bit back her giggles, trying to sound scared as she squirmed beneath him. “And what will you do now that you’ve got me-“ a giggle managed to escape “-if you won’t eat me?”

“Oh, I’m goin’ to ravish you, Goldilocks!” He bit on her neck, his hand running lower, snaking under her hip, thumb finding her clit and after rubbing it a couple of times quickly withdrawing.

“Yeah, yeah, promises-promises! Talk much?” she challenged. “’Sides, there was no wolf in that fairytale, only bears…”

“Better not talk back, li’l girl!” His voice was threatening, his hand pulling her ass harder against him, letting her feel the evidence of his desire.

“Or what?” *Oh, please fuck me now!*

As if he’d read her mind, he pulled back drawing her to her knees, and surged inside her.

Buffy forgot all about teasing him, as she was filled with his glorious cock. After a few seconds she found her rhythm, and begun meeting his movements, matching his thrusts and driving him crazy with her eagerness to have more *all* of him inside her.

As he plunged inside her he begun talking again, his words reminding her of the night he’d taken her on the kitchen table after the Bronze, and making her even hornier.

“Know what happens to li’l girls that wanna take on the Big Bad? They get punished!” He slapped her ass lightly, and Buffy felt her first climax *well… first one in the bedroom* approaching.

“Harder, Spike, more!” she panted, hands fisting in the sheets, pushing back towards him at an even faster pace.

Spike caught her movement with a bruising grip on her thigh, giving her the tempo she wished for. Unsure as to whether her request for harder and more concerned his cock or his hand, he gave her both, slamming into her at full force, while spanking her harder than before. Feeling her buck under him, he repeated his actions, again and again, finally reaching around her to rub her clit. “Tha’s right, kitten, tha’s what you get for… unhhhh… FUCK!”

SPIKE!” She came like never before, her walls squeezing him near release.

Still, he refused to let go just yet. Instead, he let his finger glide lower, greasing it in her fluids. “Think you can fit that in your tight quim too? Huh, kitten?” He slowed enough to gently manage to slide the digit inside her, stretching her even more, and moving it in opposite direction to his cock. Pulling it back out, he lubricated a second finger and with the two of them began stroking her second entrance.

“Yes, Spike… Do it…” she breathed out, pushing against his cock and fingers in a frenzy of movement. “DO it!”

So he rammed both fingers in her puckered hole, slapping her already crimson butt cheek once more. He felt her shudder an instant before he heard her cry out another release, and with a couple more thrusts he let go, throbbing and melting inside her pulsating core. Despite being spent inside her yet again though, he felt cheated… Cheated from seeing her eyes glaze over with ecstasy… Cheated from swallowing her scream with his lips… Cheated from feeling her heart thump through her chest into his… He frowned at the poet inside that couldn’t let him savor a moment that should have left him fully satiated. Buffy moaned and he gathered his wits enough to slowly pull out of her and roll to his side, turning her to face him and caressing the side of her face.

“You alright, luv? Didn’ hurt you, did I?” He wanted to smack himself upside the head for not asking if she was OK sooner. Her goofy smile reassured him before her words did.

She raised herself on one elbow, head resting in her palm, nails of her free hand lightly drawing heart-shapes on his chest. “Nooo, me likey when you’re all grrr-y and possessive.” She ran her tongue over her dry lips and he couldn’t resist leaning in and sucking on it.

“So I can slap that delectable bum whenever I feel like it?” He asked against her lips waggling his eyebrows.

Buffy pulled back a little to answer with an indifferent shrug that only heightened the effect of what she said, granting it the status of a simple fact “It’s yours, like the rest of me.” Regaining her playful tone and mimicking the waggling of eyebrows, she added, “You can play ‘spank-the-Buffy anytime!”

Despite how lighthearted her words sounded, his heart jumped a beat and he sucked in a breath as the declaration behind them sank in. He knew she loved him – she was his –, still the way she let go in his arms, the depth of her feelings amazed him and swelled his chest with joy. He felt dizzy and couldn’t tell whether it was because of his blood racing southwards once again or because he was drowning in bliss. As he gathered her to him this time there was nothing wild or fevered in their coupling. He made sweet love to her, worshiping every crook and curve of her body, paying his respects to every sigh and moan that escaped her luscious lips, loving her for all he was worth.

23 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
I want to thank all of you who are still with me, and send you each a big hug! The muse has been in kind of a vegetative state after some stuff that happened, but he will hopefully be up and biting again long before the chapters I've written run out.

I also wanna thank whoever it was that nominated my ficlet "Resolutions are for Suckers" at the SpuffyAwards. I don't know who it is, but their timing was perfect!

Thanks with chocolate-covered Spikes to Im_bloody_English, for putting up with me, my mood-swings and the messes that are my chapters before she works her magic on them, Darkrivertempest - who dares call me her naughty twin - for going out of her way to boost my mood and for letting her mind live next to mine on the gutter, to Dusty273 for being a sweetheart, and to Katkin, although she's been a stranger lately.

PS. If anyone follows my "If Wishes were Spikes...", the third and final part will be up tomorrow!
Spike was snuggled against Buffy’s back, both his arms wrapped around her, keeping her as close as possible despite the heat in the room that had both their bodies coated in a slick sheen of sweat. His peaceful sleep was harshly disrupted by a persistent noise. *’S the bleedin’ phone!* He tried to roll towards the sound, but his arm underneath her refused to let go, having gone numb from spending hours cradling her.

Ignoring the pins and needles in that limb, Spike stretched to his other side as much as he could without moving her and with his fingers managed to draw the offending device and wrap his palm around it, inwardly beseeching it to *shut the fuck up!*

Finding the mute button on Buffy’s cell he turned towards her again, holding the now buzzing phone near his hip as he gently placed a kiss on her shoulder.

“Pet? Yer phone’s ringin’.” Seeing her only response was a mumbled ‘five more minutes’, he nuzzled her hair, and nibbled on the side of her neck.

“Mmm…” Buffy purred, wriggling her bum against his groin – erection ever present – “Set it to snooze?” She refused to be brought back to wakefulness by any means other than Spike-lips and Spike-hands roaming her body… *or Spike-cock…* With that thought she drifted back into the dream the beeping and the hot man behind her had began pulling her from; a dream of said man doing very naughty, exquisite things to her body.

“Not the alarm clock, pet!” Spike could feel her breath become more even again as she slipped through the threshold and back into dreamland. “Cell phone’s ringin’.” He made a final plea, remembering how her sister had reacted when he’d picked up the phone so many nights ago, yet knowing not answering the phone would result in at least three people getting worried. *’S a bloody cell phone, look at the bleedin’ screen…* He suddenly felt like smacking his forehead for not having thought of it sooner.

Thankfully both hands were occupied; one holding the still vibrating phone, the other having regained some sensation, idly stroking as much of the golden flesh within its grasp as possible. *I shouldn’t look at the screen. ‘S not right, what with ‘respectin’ a bird’s privacy’ an’ all that rot…* The British gentleman inside him warred with curiosity and just the tiniest hint of jealousy *Her folks would be callin’ the home phone.* he mused. *Bugger it! She’s my woman!*

He brought the candy pink slider phone up and grinned like a kid when he saw the word ‘Whelp’ flashing at him. *Tha’s my girl!* He suppressed a chuckled and adopted a somber voice, sounding much sleepier and grouchy than he really felt “Oi, Whelp, wha’s with the wakin’ service?”

A whispered ‘Spike, man, I need help’ was all it took for Spike to give up on his plan of pretending to still be asleep and get off the line so he could indulge in some Buffy-play-time.

“Wha’s wrong? Where are you?” He was already off the bed, the way he withdrew from Buffy having woken her in a much less pleasant manner than what she’d become used to as of late. He held up his free hand to keep the questions shining in her eyes quiet, and saw her frown in worry when he mouthed ‘Xander’ to her.

The fact alone that he had used their cousin’s real name was troubling her even more than the way he’d jarred her whole body when he’d pulled his arm from under her, letting the warm air send chills down her sweaty back. Turning fully towards him and bringing the sheet around her in an effort to replace the warmth of his body, she propped herself up on an elbow, head resting in her palm as she tried to read his reactions. He seemed visibly more relaxed after a couple of minutes so she slyly let the sheet dangle a bit lower, revealing one pert nipple.

Still Spike seemed oblivious to her, his eyes now turned to the floor. “So nothin’s wrong then?” Pause “You sure?” Pause. Frown. “Alone? Why?” Pause. Smirk. Sigh. Chuckle… Pause “A’right, I‘ll meet you there in an hour.” Looking up he saw Buffy arching an eyebrow and let his eyes blatantly glide over her, focusing on the exposed pink bud as he hastened to amend “Make that two, Whelp!” before hanging up and jumping back into bed.


Spike regretted having to wash Buffy’s scent off his clammy skin, as he got under the shower, but he knew he had to, unless he wanted to walk through the whole town looking like he had a ‘Just Shagged’ neon sign flashing on top of his head.

Xander had sounded desperate at first, but his half-formed explanations as to the urgency of the situation had given Spike a pretty good idea of what was wrong, and that was nothing un-fixable!


A quick shower and an even quicker struggle into his clothes still had him arrive half an hour late at the Espresso Pump, where Xander was already sitting at a corner table, sucking on a straw now only one inch deep in chocolate milkshake.

Spike almost chuckled at the image of melancholy that greeted him, before chiding himself. *Don’ be a poncy bugger! You have it even worse than he does!*

“Sorry ‘m late, mate. Had to make Goldilocks her coffee.”

Xander shrugged, still concentrating on the last of his milkshake before talking around the straw, still not lifting his head.

“So, you goin’ to tell me wha’s gotten you drownin’ your sorrows, or did I just leave my bird home all alone at the crack of dawn to watch you snifflin’?” He asked as he pulled a chair at the opposite side of the table.

That got a reaction out of the other boy who looked up at him eyes blazing “I’m not sniffling, William!” he barked. “And crack of dawn? It’s three in the afternoon!”

“Oi, no need for name calling!” Spike chuckled, showing his cousin he meant no offense. “Well? Wha’ happened? You an’ Red had a fight, I gathered.” *Though if he was whisperin’ when he called me he mus’ have still been with her.* Spike raised his eyebrow. “D’ya put your foot in your mouth?”

“No… Didn’t put anything… anywhere!” He sighed dramatically. “It was the exact opposite—the lack of any putting-ness that is the problem, Captain Peroxide!”

Spike didn’t even feign offense, seeing as where Xander was going with all of this… Or so he thought!

“Oh, you an’ Red haven’…” He completed his question non-verbally, pushing the forefinger of his left hand through a circle formed by the thumb and index of his right one.

“No, man, nowhere close to that, just some through-the-clothes gropage. Nothing major! Oh! And she showed me her tits once… well, actually I walked in on her as she was changing into her pj’s.”

“So, you’re not getting’ any.” Spike stated matter-of-factly “No need to be a wanker ‘bout it! D’ya pressure the bird and get told off, then?”

“No, S-p-i-k-e-“ the way Xander’s eyes flashed and he drawled out the blond’s name had Spike jump back a little and lift his palms in the air. “-I didn’t do anything! I didn’t know what to do!”

“You mean Red…” he trailed off, allowing his cousin to tell him what he suspected.

In a shaky voice, Xander embarrassedly told his cousin how Willow had snuck her hand inside his pants in his sleep early that morning, and how he had squeaked and pulled away as soon as he was awake enough to realize what was going on. “Oh, and she was completely naked under the covers!”

“You bloody pillock! You turned down a bird tha’ was givin’ you a hand job while starkers an’ in bed?” Spike could no longer contain the roaring laughter that spilled from his throat. He shook his head from side to side in disbelief once he got his breath back under control. ”Un-bleedin’-believable!” He snorted.

“Had enough laughing at my expense?” The butt of the joke glared. “Now can you help me make this up to her? I mean she left the bed and locked herself in the bathroom man! I almost had to break down the door to get her to come out!” His fists were clenched as he fought down the terror at the possibility of losing his girlfriend. “She thought I was upset with her, that I didn’t want her for crying out loud!” He buried his face in his hands and mumbled “How could I not? I told her, I told her I didn’t know what to do… She’ll think I’m… a ‘ponce’!” The sob that accompanied the last word made it impossible for Spike to comment on the hilarity of the situation. Instead, he settled for a more neutral joke.

“Lesson the first.” He said gravely and Xander eagerly raised his head. “Never try to take down the bloody door!” He pointed to his scarred eyebrow and gained a smirk from his cousin. “Seriously, though, you probably did all ya could under the circumstances an’ all. An’ I think I know how you can make it up to her!”

Certain he now had the other’s full attention, he went on. “See, in two days it’s our one month anniversaries, right?” Seeing the blank look directed at him he explained. “Red firs’ called you her boyfriend and firs’ time Buffy an’ I… well… got together. An’ that is one month ago the day after tomorrow. So what d’ya say we take the chits out to dinner. Each his own, I mean. ‘Course there’s only one fancy restauran’ in Sunnydale, but we’ll make do! Then we can all meet at the Bronze for some dancin’ and end up at that posh hotel I saw on my way in to town.” He winked. “Separate rooms, Whelp, don’ go gettin’ any ideas.”

“I’m all for the wining and dining them, man! If nothing else, celebrating an anniversary will show Willow that I do want to be with her. Heck, I’m all for the Bronzing too, but the hotel? I think that’d be silly! I mean we have our own place, and so do you!

“Don’ be such a Scrooge, mate! Don’t you wanna pamper your chit? I know I wanna make that night special for Buffy.”

“No, it’s nothing like that, it’s just that we’ve never—either of us—been there before, so, you know… she may not feel comfortable in a strange hotel room.”

“Don’ wanna make it too obvious then? Right! We’ll jus’ have to fix your place up so that it’s all nice an’ romantic, yeah?”

“When? If we’re out at the same time and then at the Bronze…”

“Tell you what. We’ll get the restaurant reservations with half an hour difference, and Buffy and I will go and … decorate for you. Jus’ be sure to make her wait until you’ve had a chance to go to the bedroom and light the candles.”

Xander thought about it for a couple of minutes, before nodding approvingly. “But I still don’t know what to do.”

“’S not like I had a bloody manual, Whelp, you’ll figure it out!”

Puppy-eyes pleading, Xander pressed on “But you have experience now. Can’t you at least give me some pointers?”

“Not rightly gentlemanly of me to be tellin’ you what me an’ your cousin do in bed now, is it?” Spike asked pointedly. *Some o’ them not in bed an’ mos’ of them not for your delicate ears, mate!* “Wan’ me to find you some porn on the ‘net?” he offered.

“Spike, I know my porn, alright? I just doubt Willow would appreciate being twisted into all those weird positions.” He giggled, feeling much lighter now that the sense of impending doom had been lifted from his shoulders thanks to his cousin’s idea.

“A’right, I’ll give you a couple of hints, but no more than that.” Spike sat back and took a deep breath. “Firs’ off, don’ be carryin’ any condoms on you, you’ll look like a git. Make sure you have lots of them stashed near the bed, not where she can see them. Have a good wank before you ‘ave sex or you won’ last a minute and-” Spike blushed as he remembered how hard he had tried to control himself his first time with Buffy. “-ya have to take it slow, an’ be gentle about it. Pay attention to her breasts with your mouth and prepare her with your fingers… no sudden movements though. When she’s all wet an’ ready, enter slowly, li’l at a time an’ wait until she relaxes. Don’ know much about maidenheads, but at all times pay attention to her responses. Don’ wanna hurt the girl more than you ‘ave to, right?” After Xander’s solemn nod he continued “When she seems to breathe harder and tighten around your cock, that means she’s close. Use your fingers on her clit in circles.” As an afterthought he asked, “You do know where her clit is, right?”

“I told you, I know my porn.” Xander blushed an impossible shade of red that would have put Willows hair color to shame.

“Right, so tha’s it. Ever tell either of the birds we talked about this an’ I’ll drain your blood. Clear?”

“Yes sir!” Xander cheerfully saluted.

“I’m off then. I’ll make the reservations! Oh, an’ get Red some flowers on your way home. Works like a charm!” Spike said getting off his chair. “Talk to you later Whelp, an’ don’ worry, Red loves ya.”


Thankful he’d taken Buffy’s spare keys with him, Spike quietly let himself in the house, making a beeline for the kitchen phone, taking the Yellow Pages from the bottom drawer next to the sink on his way.

Finding the number he was looking for, he quickly dialed. “Hello, I’d like to make two separate reservations for two, for the day after tomorrow, at around eight o’clock.” He told the lady on the other end of the line in his more cultivated William-esqe British accent. “That is correct, two reservations.” Pause ”Yes, two tables for two separate couples, only make one of them at eight under the name Harris, the other at, say, eight thirty under Giles.” Pause “Thank you, have a nice afternoon.”

Looking through the heavy book once more he dialed again. “Hello, I’d like to make a reservation for the day after tomorrow.” Pause “At around eleven thirty?” Pause “Great! The name is William Giles—no, make that under Elizabeth Summers.” *Can’t bloody well give ‘em a minor’s ID, now, can we?* “Thank you… Oh, and I have a request…”

Rubbing his hands together gleefully when the call was over and he was able to procure his special request, he went to look for his girl, finding her in the basement gym.

It didn’t take long for Spike to calm her down, though he had to tell her the exact problem and a part of his proposed solution, including her involvement in it.

“Spike, I can’t help my little cousin get laid! And neither should you!”

“Now pet, tha’s not fair! He helped both of us get laid, din’t he?” His smirk and eyebrow-waggling earned him a playful swat on his upper arm.

“But he’s my little cousin, as in I’ve changed his diapers—well not really, but still ewww!!!”

“Buffy, he’s my age and he loves Red.”

The seriousness in Spike’s voice left no room for argument, so Buffy found herself reluctantly condoning the plan.


Much, much later they were both dragging their feet upstairs, legs feeling like they were made of rubber. The only thought in Buffy’s mind was *I knew that power plate thingy had to be useful for things other than hanging clothes on!*

Spike thought he could still feel the vibrations conveyed to him earlier through Buffy’s body as he entered her again and again while she kneeled on the work-out machine. *Note to self: write power-plate’s inventor a ‘thank-you’ note!*

Neither bothering with a shower, they snuggled in each other’s arms when they made it to bed. As Buffy stroked his cheek, her love for him reflected in her eyes, Spike innocently asked “What say, you an’ I go out the day after tomorrow, too?”

“Sure baby. But what is with the day after tomorrow? First the Xander and Willow sex thing–which still… ewww, and now this. Why not tomorrow?” She gave him that adorable little frown she knew would get her what she wanted.

“Well, cuz tomorrow it won’t be our one month anniversary, will it?”

Spike looked crestfallen she didn’t remember and Buffy rushed to salvage the situation the best way she knew how. She pouted. “Oh, I knew that!” When Spike merely raised an eyebrow she went for female guile number two; faked offense “What? I really did!” followed by a swift change of topic “So, where are we going?”

“Not sayin’! All you need to know is it’ll be someplace fancy!” He nibbled at the corner of the smile that had just made an appearance on her face.

“’Kay!” She just knew she had to buy something special for the occasion, and not only to make it up to him for forgetting their anniversary, *though it’s not formally forgotten till the day’s gone by, so I wasn’t all in the wrong here!* she rationalized before leaning close to his ear and whispering, “And whatever should we do between now and then?”

Spike growled, playfully attacking her throat as he turned them and covered her naked body with his. “Oh, I bet we’ll think of something, kitten!”

Buffy giggled and pulled his head back by the unruly curls. “Ohhh, wanna talk about how we’ll fix Willow’s place up for the guys? Or – I know! – dye your hair? Roots are showing!” Her eyes were wide with mock innocence.

Spike looked at her thoughtfully for a long enough time as to make her worry he had actually taken her suggestion on passing time seriously. “Nope!” He popped the ‘p’ the way she did, before he slid inside her.


Please let me know if you liked it! *bats eyelashes* My muse really needs it!
24 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
Thank you so much Darkrivertempest (Carrie) for nominating me at the Forbidden Awards too, as well as for always making sure I'm sane! Love you, woman!

Thank you to xenachakram12 (from lj) for being a sweetheart and nominating me at the Forbidden Awards for The Naughty Virgin Award, you are made of awesome, girl!

I wanna thank all those who took the time to review. My muse was really out of it and you helped so very much! I wanna send a big hug to each and every one of you!

As always, a bow of respect to my wonderful beta and friend, Im_bloody_English! Couldn't have kept writing without the occasional kick in the butt!

I just spotted that the number of 'clicks' on this chapter surpasses those on the previous one by 80... so if Xander calling Spike and asking for help doesn't ring a bell, you've missed Chapter 23 :-P. Oh, and updates will move to Wednesdays now on, starting with this Wednesday, so keep your eyes open for Ch. 25! Smooches.
On a spur of the moment idea, Buffy decided to cook for the two of them that night since the other couple hadn’t made an appearance *Yup, spur of the moment! Nothing to do with me forgetting our anniversary!* She took the pre-made sauce off the stove and was draining the pasta when she heard the phone ring.

“Spike? Can you get that? Don’t forget you’re William if it’s my folks!”

“Got it, luv.” He grabbed the cordless and, winking at her, took a breath before speaking. “Summers residence, William speaking.”

Buffy almost lost her grip on the strainer as she turned to look at him when she heard his upper class British accent *Gotta remember to ask him to do that in bed… maybe a role play?* She managed not to spill the spaghetti in the sink and focused on what Spike was saying

“…goes a waste of an Oscar winnin’ performance, luv! Yeah, she’s here. Hang on.” He walked to Buffy and held the receiver to her ear as she wiped her hands dry.


“Buffy, it’s Willow… could I… could I come over?” the redhead’s voice sounded strained.

“Sure Wills, we were just setting the table.” She took hold of the receiver giving Spike a peck on the lips and motioned for him to start serving. He held up two fingers, waggled them, and then raised a third while looking at her questionably. “There’s enough for all of us, assuming Xander will find one serving enough. Are you coming over now?”

“Um… Xander isn’t coming. Is-is it OK if it’s only me? I-I wanted to ask you some things.”

“Sure. Yeah. Come over.” She mouthed ‘I’m sorry’ to Spike before she said “No, no need to bring anything, Spike will go out for cigarettes.”

Spike was already getting his coat when she returned the phone to its cradle. “Guess you birds need some alone time, yeah?”

“Yeah, I’m sorry baby.” Buffy pouted. “I wanted it to be the two of us, but she sounded upset.”

“Don’ worry pet, ‘s a’right. I’ll go see the whelp, see what he did now.” He gathered her in a bear-hug, leaving a soft kiss on the crown of her head before tickling her and whispering. “May be safer lettin’ Red sample your cookin’ b’fore I taste it!” Her indignant, ’Hey!’ made him chuckle as he grabbed her keys and went out the door.

Willow timidly knocked on the door about ten minutes later.

“Coming!” Buffy smirked when she thought of how many times she’d screamed that since she and Spike first… *focus Slutty-Buffy!* She opened the door to see the girl all flushed and looking back at her so hopefully Buffy felt sorry enough for her to pull her in her arms.

“Honey, what happened? If Xander did something – Oh, I’ll kick his ass!”

“No-no, it’s not his fault, it’s meeeeee.” The girl started sobbing and Buffy was at a loss as she tried to remember what her mom did to calm her down when she was that upset.

She felt the proverbial cartoon bulb light up above her head as the right words flowed out of her mouth. “Come in honey, let’s get you some hot chocolate and you can tell me all about it, OK?”

Willow sniffled, wiping her nose on the back of her hand as she frowned. “Hot chocolate? In the middle of summer?”

“Hot chocolate is an all-year-round mood soother.” Buffy said, sounding more cheerful than she felt, and promised she’d add little marshmallows, too. That seemed to convince the younger girl who reluctantly followed her to the kitchen.

Sitting across each other, cups of chocolate goodness in front of them, neither spoke for a while. Willow was squirming in her seat, obviously uncomfortable under the blonde’s gaze. She opened her mouth a couple of times, but said nothing and Buffy was just about to ask what was wrong when Willow asked “So, is Spike… gone for cigarettes?”

“Yup, and I told him to take his time, so wanna tell me what’s wrong?”

The redhead nodded once and dropped her eyes to the mug in her hand. “I did something stupid and I-I’m afraid Xander thinks… he thinks I’m-” she took a deep breath and locked eyes with Buffy, “-a slut!”

Buffy was just taking a sip of her chocolate when the younger girl’s eyes found hers above the rim of the cup and spewed most of it on her shirt at what she heard.

What? No-honey, Xander is crazy about you! He’d never think that!”

Willow shook her head sadly and Buffy didn’t know if she should tell her about the boys’ talk they had this morning.

“I… erm… I sort of made… advances this morning.”

Buffy had to bite her lip not to laugh at what Willow considered a grave situation.

“What kind of… advances?” she asked. *God I’m becoming worse than Spike. Instead of relieving her fears, I’m making her feel more uncomfortable!* She rolled her eyes at herself and hurriedly said “Never mind. Not important. So, what did he do?” The redhead looked about to have a stroke.

“He was-he was so Xander! He spluttered and got off the bed and-and it’s not like I’d done it –anything – before!”

Her embarrassment seemed to be replaced by anger and Buffy was relieved. *Anger I can handle!* “So, he accused you of something?”

“No! I didn’t give him the chance, Buffy. I locked myself in the bathroom.” She scowled when Buffy chuckled. “It’s not funny.”

“Oh, honey, didn’t Xander try to get you out of there? Didn’t he try to calm you down?” She knew he had, Spike had told her about it, but she needed Willow to realize the meaning behind it.

“Yes, he did, and he told me that he wants me, but doesn’t know—well he has no… experience.”

“And that didn’t tell you how much he cares for you? It takes a lot for a guy to admit his inexperience.”

“I know!” Willow exclaimed and Buffy was confused.

“But you said-”

“Yes, he said all that this morning, and then went out, and—and when he came back he asked me to go out for our anniversary and then he—he said he’d spend the night on the couch.” Willow teared up and her voice cracked “I—I scared him away, Buffy.”

“Honey, if you’d scared him away he’d be spending the night here.” Buffy pointed out. “He probably just needs to clear his head.” The explanation sounded lame to her too, but she couldn’t think of anything else to say.

Willow was shaking her head, swirling the untouched cup of chocolate in her hand. “No, he thinks I’ll ‘attack’ him or something.”

Buffy stood up and walked to the sink, pretending to clean her blouse with a soaked towel while she tried to think of something to say. She sighed loudly with relief when the front door opened and Spike walked in. *He’s back early, thank God! And—and why is he back early?*

Spike must have read her mind as always because he smiled reassuringly. “Red, you OK?”

“Yeah…” Willow threw Buffy a killer glance and the blonde just shrugged and raised her eyebrows in the universal ‘not my fault’ gesture.

“Listen, I have a schedule for tonight and neither you nor the Whelp are in it!” Spike said in a gentle tone that took the edge out of his words. “So I’m gonna say this once an’ then walk you home. Xander loves you, you love him, he doesn’ think you’re easy, you stop thinkin’ he’s an insensitive wanker an’ go patch things up.”

“But he wants to sleep on the couch.” The girl whined softly.

“He’ll kill me for sayin’ this, but he wants to sleep on the couch cuz he was scared if you touch ‘im, he’ll cum in his pants.” He paused for effect. “Had to slap that though out ‘f him. Now… still doubt that he wants you?”

The redhead gave him a tentative smile. “Really?”

“Really. Now make the poor sod’s day an’ lemme walk you home to him?”

Willow gave Buffy a quick hug before she bounced to the door looking back impatiently as Spike took his time kissing his girlfriend goodbye. “You’ll see her in a few minutes, come oooon!”


“My hero!” An armful of petite-blonde and the smell of baked pasta greeted Spike when he returned home. “Saved the day and back in time for dinner!”

Buffy had decided to make the spaghetti ‘al-forno’ instead of reheating it and she re-set the table as Spike told her about his talk with Xander. “All my fault really. Told ‘im to have a good wank b’fore they shag for the firs’ time and he decided to sleep alone tonight an’ tomorrow to jerk off as much as possible. Over-eager pillock!” He chuckled while Buffy tried to keep a poker face.

“It’s not nice to make fun of him about that!” she admonished approaching her seat “You were in his position once…”

Spike pulled her on his lap, delighting at her squeal. “’M not in his position now, pet. An’ you don’ like me ‘nice’, you like me nasty.” He emphasized that by running his hand up her inner thigh and beneath the hem of her shorts, but she stopped him and jumped up.

“U-uh, Mister. Eat now, play later.”

“Oh, come on, kitten. I’ve been puttin’ out fires left an’ right an’ I still have to eat that? Whelp told me you’re a menace in the kitchen.”

His adorable pout was the only thing that saved him from a serious tongue-lashing as Buffy decided to take his words as a joke. “Well, let me put it to you this way. No dinner-” she ran her fingers seductively over her breasts, “-no dessert!” And with that she turned her whole attention to her plate and started taking delicate little bites.

*Well, if she can eat it so can I.* Spike wolfed down his dinner, not paying it’s taste much heed except to note that it wasn’t half bad. When he was done he took his cigarettes out of his breast pocket, lit one and declared, “’F you’re not done by the time I finish smokin’ this, I’m goin’ upstairs and startin’ without you.”

“I’m done.” Buffy put down her fork, leaned over and plucked the cigarette from his lips, took a drag, put it out and pushed her chair back.

Spike smirked when she peeled her top off and leered at him.

“Does it have to be upstairs?” She waggled her eyebrows and back stepped towards the kitchen counter.

Spike was all over her in the blink of an eye.

By the time they were done he’d had her all over the ground floor and they were too tired to climb up a single stair, let alone a flight of them. They snuggled up on the couch, Spike against its back, Buffy flush against him, both facing the TV without actually watching it.

“So, what should I wear when you take me out?” She yawned while her mind toyed with the idea of another shopping spree. *Meh! I’ll have to get a job in September! Money in the bank is running scarily low.* The thought of September and its proximity brought about unwelcome thoughts of Spike leaving and she barely registered his response as her afterglow dissipated into gloom.

“How ‘bout that pink li’l number at the back of your closet? The low cut one”

“Huh? You’ve been in my closet?” *Oh, I do look hot in that,* she thought to herself.

“A bloke has to keep himself occupied while his girl is out shoppin’ for… teachin’ material!”

Buffy blushed at the thought of the ‘lesson’ she gave Spike a few weeks ago, her recollection of the details causing moisture to pool between her thighs. *Again? I am Slutty-Buffy!* She could feel how the memory affected him, too as something hard nestled against her bottom. *Nope, I’m all ‘shagged’ out, thank you very much!*

Spike tried to will his hard-on away, but thoughts of ‘that night’ didn’t help.

“What about you? Don’t you have to shop for something ‘posh’?”

He chuckled near her ear. “Used to be a boy-scout, luv; I’m always prepared. ‘Sides, ole Rupes insisted I take a suit with me in case we wanted to celebrate my bi—something.”

Buffy didn’t give his words a second thought as his fingers wandered to her breast, caressing it softly before lightly pinching the nipple and he rocked against her.

It seemed neither of them was ‘all shagged out’ after all.

25 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
The speed with which updates are added on Mondays scared me and I decided to move the update date to Wednesdays. So, here is Chapter 25, the next chapter will be with you next Wednesday.

If Xander calling Spike for help and Willow visiting Buffy don't ring any bells, you've missed the last two chapters!

Hope you enjoy, thank you to Im_bloody_English, Darkrivertempest, Dusty273 and all of you who read, review and keep me afloat! *hugs*
Buffy woke up a little before dawn, gasping for air, remnants of the nightmare that stole any chance of going back to sleep still clinging to her mind. Instead of seeking solace in the strong arms holding her – arms that tightened imperceptibly as she stirred – she managed to withdraw from Spike’s embrace and rose from the couch. Padding naked into the kitchen, she tried drinking a glass of warm milk but it did nothing to soothe her agitation.

She walked mindlessly towards the screen doors, stopping to stare out at the tranquil, still waters of the pool. It looked so serene, so peaceful and undisturbed that without much thought, she stepped outside, drawn towards the calm reflective surface, hoping it would have a positive effect on her mood.

She slowly climbed down the stairs, immersing herself in the cool liquid up to her chin and taking one deep breath, she closed her eyes and ducked her head under. She could hear her heartbeat drum in her ears and started counting the seconds. When she felt she couldn’t hold her breath any longer, she resurfaced and let the tears she’d been holding stream freely down her cheeks.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t hear the swishing sound of the patio doors opening and closing or the light ‘splash’ behind her.

She let out a sob when Spike wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close and saying, “I hate wakin’ up without you, luv.” Hearing the tortured sound coming from deep inside her throat he tried to turn her to face him, but she resisted, placing her hands on his, entwining their fingers and leaning back against him instead.

“I don’t want this to end, Spike,” she managed to say; her body shuddering as she tried to keep her voice steady. Her grip on him tightened and she felt his pectorals flex involuntarily as his body responded, matching her tension.

“Doesn’ have to.” He nuzzled her cheek, wishing he knew a way to hold her forever, hating the fact he couldn’t make that promise, to never leave her side.

“But you—you have to go…” Letting go of his hands she turned in his embrace to bury her face in the crook of his neck, her arms looping around his waist. She didn’t know if it was her heart or his that she felt beating erratically.

“Not for a while, luv. An’ I don’ have to stay away.” *Nothing could keep me away*

She looked up with restrained hope. His hooded eyes assured her of how much he meant what he said, glistening with tears pooled in their corners. “You’ll come back? For me? Leave your family? Your home?”

“I’d go to the end of the world for you, baby. Crossin’ the Atlantic would be nothin’ if I had this to come back to. You’re my home now.”

She stood on her toes and offered him her lips in a feather light kiss. “I love you, you know.”

He smirked. “I know pet, I know.”

That made her smile as she playfully slapped his chest. “So not the answer I was looking for.”

“Well, you din’t ask anythin’, did you?” One of his hands came up to cup her face, the thumb brushing a wet lock of hair away from her cheek.

“Well… do you? Love me, I mean?” She knew he did, he told her every chance he got, but she still needed to hear him say it now.

“If you still have doubts, you silly li’l girl, I’ll spend every single minute of the rest of this summer provin’ it to you.” He claimed her lips again in a slow, sensuous kiss that he seemed in no hurry to deepen, lavishing her mouth with tender caresses before slowly tracing its outline with his tongue.

Buffy’s lips parted of their own accord, suckling on his tongue, as she grasped his shoulders to anchor herself to him.

Lifting her slightly, he moved them towards the edge of the pool, never ceasing to kiss her for longer than a needed breath. Making sure she had her footing, he took a step back and held her gaze. “I love you, Buffy.” He swallowed her attempted reply in his greedy mouth and then started placing kisses along her jaw line all the way to her ear. “I love you, and I’m yours an’ you’ll always be mine.”

His whisper made her shiver; her nipples turning to pebbles where they peeked above the still surface. She pushed her fingers through his hair as he tasted the side of her neck.

Spike flattened his tongue, trailing its underside down the slope of one breast until he reached the hardened peak and latched onto it. His hand traced lazy circles on her other breast, the coolness of his fingers contrasting sharply with the heat of his mouth, making her head feel light. As his knee parted her legs and his thigh pinned her against the wall, she dipped her hand under the water to feel as much of his shaft as she could where it stood trapped between her bodies.

He moved back just enough to give her small hand a little room and began caressing her side with languorous strokes that kept reaching lower and lower towards her center.

She whimpered and tilted her hips trying to receive more of his touch, more of him as she pumped his cock faster, becoming more aroused by the second… until he told her what he wanted to do.

He lifted his head to her ear. “I wanna eat you, Buffy. Wanna spread your legs and lick that beautiful cunny of yours. Let you ride my tongue an’ my fingers, make you cum all over my face… and you’re gonna scream my name.” He ran two fingers along her slit, teasing her, pressing his thumb hard against her throbbing nubbin. “Do you want that, too?”

She knew he was asking her something but could only register the gruffness of his voice and the burning need inside her, so she said the only thing that made sense to her. “Please…”

He grabbed her hips, lifting her and laying her on the side of the pool then swiftly brought her legs over his shoulders.

Buffy shivered against the cold tile before all her nerve endings felt on fire as Spike used his thumbs to spread her folds and without further preamble buried his tongue in her pussy, driving it in and out of her at a staggering pace. He grazed her inner thighs with his cheek, moaned against her entrance and she felt the sound reverberate through her womb, intensifying her pleasure.

“Oh God! Spike…” Her voice trailed off when he withdrew his tongue and replaced it with two of his fingers, his other hand splayed on her stomach, keeping her from thrusting upwards.

He gently nibbled on her clit with his teeth while twisting his wrist so that his fingers grazed the hidden bundle of nerves inside. When she gasped her approval at his actions, he began sucking hard, applying more pressure against her G-spot, rubbing the pads of his fingers back and forth.

She spasmed, her head becoming dizzy, her hands fisting in his hair, screaming his name just as he’d told her she would.

He was in heaven, savoring her juices, feeling her tremble, her muscles clenching around his fingers, wishing he could spend eternity nested between her thighs, being the cause of her sighs and whimpers, *and screams.* He let her ride out her orgasm, gently licking and nipping on her swollen folds, before lowering her back into the water, enveloping her in his arms.

Buffy was still dizzy, but she clung to him, lifting her legs and wrapping them around his waist. Her gaze never left his, her heart swelling at the look of awe that sparkled in those ever expressive azure eyes as she unhurriedly impaled herself on his length, sighing once he was fully seated inside. They held still for a moment, each taking pleasure in the way their bodies fit together so perfectly.

When Buffy slowly started rocking her hips, Spike’s lust overwhelmed him. “Lean back, luv.” he instructed in a chocked voice. After obeying him, he took hold of her hips and set a deliberate rhythm that gradually increased until they were both panting with desire. Feeling her getting closer, her lids drooping but her eyes never leaving his, he let go of her, grabbed the rim of the pool and began ramming inside her at a frenzied pace.

Her ankles were locked beneath his buttocks, helping her to meet his thrusts while the fingers of one hand dug into his bicep, nails biting his skin hard enough to draw blood. Lowering her other hand between them, she began rubbing her clit furiously, needing the extra stimulation to help push her past the brink.

When he saw her touching herself, he lost all control. No longer able to stave off his climax, he let go, hips still pumping as he spilled inside her.

His low growl triggered her orgasm and she rode wave after wave of their combined pleasure until their bodies finally ceased to move.

“Convinced yet?” he gasped, gathering her against him, cocooning her in his arms.

“Huh? Oh! Yeah… for now.” She forgot he’d said he wouldn’t stop trying to prove his love. Poking her tongue out at him playfully, she curled into his embrace and batted her eyelashes when asking, “Do you think you can carry me to the couch?”

He let out a throaty chuckle at her antics. “To the end of the world, luv.”


They slept till late afternoon, getting up when Spike’s tummy audibly began complaining.

“Oh-God! Giles and Anya are gonna tan my hide if I starve you!”

Waggling his brows suggestively, he reminded her, “I recall eatin’ earlier this morning, kitten… could definitely live off that!”

“No, you most definitely could not! Let’s get you fed.” She dragged him to the kitchen and – despite his protests – made pancakes for both of them. *Not exactly the most nutritious of lunches.* He chuckled at her when she poured two glasses of milk and pushed them aside to make some fresh brewed coffee instead. *So much for trying to add some calcium and vitamin D to his diet.*

The next few hours were spent watching a TV-marathon of old movies, idly chatting away about anything but the future, though it weighed heavily on both their minds. As day gave way to night and Buffy lay sleeping peacefully in his arms, Spike stayed awake, wracking his brain for a way to stay with her once fall arrived. After what felt like hours of coming up with nothing other than returning to the US after his eighteenth birthday, he surrendered to sleep with a silent prayer on his lips, *please let her wait for me!*


The next day found them both determined not to let anything ruin what they had. Spike brought breakfast for the two of them in bed where they stayed, celebrating their anniversary by indulging in each other until Xander came over to get ready for his date with Willow. He brought with him everything he could think of for Spike and Buffy to prepare the Rosenberg house while he and his girlfriend would be at the restaurant.

By the time Buffy went through all the candles, scarves, incenses and other articles in the bag, Spike had given their cousin a much needed pep talk then sent him on his way with both their blessings.

Spike planted a quick peck on Buffy’s lips, telling her she had a little less than an hour to get ready. As he walked towards the stairs to use the other bathroom for a shower, he paused to give her mischievous grin. “And, luv… make sure you are ready for tonight!”

26 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
As I said in the previous A/N, the speed with which updates are added on Mondays scared me so updates will be coming on Wednesdays. If Xander calling Spike for help, Willow visiting Buffy, and pool sex don't ring any bells, you've missed the last three chapters!

I noticed the number of ‘clicks’ on Ch 23 is lower than those on Ch 24 by about a couple of hundred now, so you may wanna check if you've read it ;-)

Hope you enjoy the first part of the Anniversary Date, thank you to Im_bloody_English, Darkrivertempest, Dusty273 and all of you who read, review and keep me afloat! *hugs*

The song Buffy and Spike dance to is 'Mad about you' by Hooverphonic and can be found here: http://youtube.com/watch?v=F4gMc15bD_0
Buffy was in the bathroom, still fiddling with the thin straps of her pink dress, trying to fix them at a length that allowed the draping folds in the front to scoop low enough to be tantalizing without running the risk of her breasts falling out. *Not like I could wear a bra under this thing anyway!* When she caught Spike’s reflection behind her in the mirror, her breath caught in her throat. He was devastatingly handsome, appearing much older and distinguished looking in his charcoal suit and silver grey tie. The light blue button down shirt underneath brought out his eyes and enhanced the sharp planes and angles of his exquisite pale features.

He’d smoothed back his platinum hair firmly in place with gel and the overall effect made the blood in her veins heat up to spread a tingling warmth to her womb. Her nipples hardened against the silky material clinging to her cleavage and she shivered under his scrutiny. She had to force herself to pull her eyes from his image as he leaned against the doorframe, one hand deep in his pants’ pocket, the other holding a cigarette between his thumb and middle finger. She saw him turn his attention to the cigarette for a split second as he brought it to his lips and, wetting her own, she mustered enough courage to turn around and face him. “My, don’t we look nice!” *Nice is lame! He looks H.O.T.!* When he said nothing she took a step closer.

Spike was glad both his hands were occupied otherwise she would have seen his fingers trembling. Sure, he’d known the dress would be perfect on her the moment he saw it hanging in her closet; but he never imagined how perfect she would look in it. *She looks damn near virginal! So deliciously innocent!* The dress was very becoming on her yet all he could think of was ripping it off and taking her against the sink. It was all he could do as she approached him with a timid smile to flick his smoke in the toilet bowl and in a casual motion – without straightening up, out of fear that the only thing keeping him upright was the doorframe – thread the fingers of his now free hand through her golden locks, cupping the back of her head and pulling her in for a searing kiss.

Buffy pushed her whole body against him, willing the clothes keeping her skin from his to just melt away, but she felt Spike withdraw slightly and straighten up. She looked questioningly in his eyes, seeing them reflect the lust she knew was burning in her own. “What? We still have time.” She pouted. “You said the reservations were for eight thirty.”

He dipped his head long enough to briefly taste the lower lip that always seemed to reel him in to cater her every whim. “There’s nothin’ I wanna do more than ravish you, but you know we have to go by Red’s first, kitten.”

The deep voice coming from the lips of a man that at the moment looked older than herself made her feel like a teen again, an incredibly wet one, hot for the teacher. *Maybe going commando wasn’t such a good idea.* Then Spike’s hands were on her hips. He cocked his eyebrow at the lack of any straps or strings beneath the material of her dress, and when he gave her his trademark leer, she swore never to wear underwear again!

“Ready to go, luv?”

“Um, that would be a ‘no’. Still have to put my make up on and pull my hair up.” She evaded his wandering fingers just as they were sliding towards her buttocks and turned back to the mirror.

Spike moved in behind her and put his hand over hers as she took hold of the make-up case. “No, kitten, don’t. I like you like this, so fresh an’ natural looking. Leave your hair down, too. I wanna see my Goldilocks.”

His tone left no room for argument, as if he’d bend her over his knee if she disobeyed. She shivered with desire at the thought. He leaned his lips against her ear and added “I’ve never seen you more beautiful than tonight, you look effulgent. Now, be my good li’l girl and let’s get going before I say sod it all and fuck you where you stand.”


Decorating Willow’s room for a perfect first time of love-making was more of a challenge than they anticipated, but what Xander had in his goodie bag was perfect! Candles of different sizes and colors were placed on every flat surface available, the stuffed toys were hidden under the bed and in the closet – well Willow did have oodles of them – and the white bed-spread with the little red balloons was replaced by a deep-red one with golden trimmings. Matching golden pillows were thrown on it to create a lush atmosphere.

Buffy was thinking of whether or not she should throw silken scarves on the bedside lamp, and maybe cover Willow’s desk with one, too. *This is a little girl’s room… maybe we shouldn’t be turning it into a love nest,* she mused when Spike was suddenly flush against her back, one hand travelling up her thigh, dragging the hem of the dress with it.

“So the decorations work for you?” She joked, but then he suckled on her neck and his fingers found her folds. Her knees buckled when they dipped inside her and her joking mood vanished.

Using his lips, he lowered one of the straps she painstakingly arranged earlier to let one of her breasts fill his free palm and he rolled and pinched the already erect nipple, fondling the underside of the creamy swell before he replaced the strap and withdrew his fingers from her core. He chuckled at her whimper, holding her tight around the waist and swerving his hips, letting her feel his erection against her bottom.

Rubbing his wet fingers on her lips he turned her face to him to kiss her juices off her mouth before he whispered. “Just a taste for both of us… Something to wet the appetite. I want you to be wet like this for me the whole evening… Thinking of my hands touching you, me eating you, my cock throbbing inside you. I want you flushed and ready for me.”

“I’m ready for you now…” She pulled away and turned to him, her hands flying to his belt as she got down on her knees in front of him. “And I want a taste of you.”

He stopped her hands and pulled her up shaking his head with a look of mock disappointment on his face. “This is no proper conduct for a young lady. I just might have to teach you a lesson on that tonight.”

She didn’t know if it was his voice, the upper-class accent, or his promise of a ‘lesson’ that got her even hotter. *Guess I now know why Anya is all gah-gah about Giles. And ewww to that thought!* Still, she looked properly chastised as she put the finishing touches around the room under his ever watchful eye and followed him down the stairs and out of the house.


Dinner went by quickly. They were seated in a corner booth, as Spike requested some privacy. The other couple must have been on the other side of the room, because Buffy couldn’t spot them. Not that she tried much. Heck, she barely registered what Spike was saying half the time; she was so focused on the fingers that trailed up and down her inner thigh, occasionally parting her lower lips to dip inside her pussy. The fact that those same fingers found their way in Spike’s mouth a couple of times, his sensual full lips closing around them while his eyes glazed over with lust as he moaned, didn’t help her to focus on the delicacies served either, or the waiter that now stood in front of their table asking if everything was alright with their food.

“More than alright, thank you,” Spike answered while wiping his mouth delicately with his napkin, the two fingers of his left hand pushing inside Buffy’s quim, thumb pressing on her clit. “Everything is delicious.” Pulling his fingers away from her, he licked them, making sounds of ecstasy. “Darling? Is everything all right with your food? You have barely touched it.”

Buffy blushed and fidgeted with her fork. “No, as you said everything is delicious. I guess I’m not really that hungry. *Two can play that game, mister!* Her hand sneaked its way to the bulge between his legs, trying to lower his zipper but was stopped by a steel-like grip the moment the waiter nodded and turned away.

“I thought I made myself clear, kitten. I call the shots tonight and unless you behave I will be forced to take it upon myself to show you how young ladies are to conduct themselves. Now eat your dinner, or no dessert.” He smiled to himself as his fingers – now back inside his favorite place in the world – were bathed in a fresh gush of liquid.

“God, you’re so hot when you’re all ‘in-charge-Spike’”, she leaned in to kiss him. “And you can punish me for that all you want!”

“No need to punish you for adoring me, kitten.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Just for disobeying me.”

She giggled and managed to wolf down most of her Chicken Al Fredo while her body hummed with the sensations Spike constantly brought about, keeping her on the edge. When he asked if she would like dessert she leaned towards his ear and whispered, “Not just yet!” before trailing her tongue along the shell and nibbling on the lobe, relishing at the tensing of his muscles and the smoky look she saw in his eyes when she sat back.

Spike renewed his efforts to turn her into a puddle of goo after that. By the time they paid for their meal, Buffy wasn’t sure she would be able to stand up and walk.


They arrived at the Bronze a few minutes before ten and immediately saw Willow and Xander sitting at a table, all caught up in what seemed like an extremely lovey-dovey conversation. Willow was giggling and playing with the straw in her glass while Xander was caressing her hair and neared her ear to say something that had her all googley-eyed and smirking naughtily at the same time.

Spike led Buffy to their table by the hand, scanning through the crowd for any inappropriate looks thrown his girl’s way. Satisfied that he’d intimidated any potential charmers, *gits*, he barely said ‘hello’ to the other couple and asked if they’d enjoyed their dinner before pulling – a not so complaining Buffy – to the dance floor. *Got some time left before we have to be at the hotel… better make the most of it,* he thought, smirking internally. Xander and Willow didn’t seem to mind being left alone either as they’d barely glanced up and muttered their ‘hellos’ before once again focusing solely on each other.

‘Mad about you’ by Hooverphonic began playing the moment they set foot on the dance-floor and Buffy thought it could only be a sign from the Powers That Be that this old song would be the soundtrack to their first dance. That was all the thinking she managed to do when Spike pulled her close by the hips and began rocking against her, his forehead touching hers as he whispered the lyrics, his breath caressing her lips.

Feel the vibe, feel the terror, feel the pain
It’s driving me insane

Spike couldn’t wait until eleven thirty to be alone with Buffy, inside her, but he restrained himself from leaving now, *delayed gratification, mate. Keep it together!*

I can’t fake
For God sakes why am I
Driving in the wrong lane

She turned in his embrace, driving her hips back to slowly move her body up and down, rubbing against his rock-hard cock.

Spike was getting reacquainted with the perks of suit trousers over jeans; if he was wearing the tighter, coarser pants right now his dick would be chaffing. As it was, however, there was no hiding his desire for her from anyone in the club.

Trouble is my middle name
But in the end I’m not too bad

He stopped her teasing by folding one arm beneath her breasts, his thumb toying with a sliver of skin that peeked out the side. His free hand splayed on her lower belly, fingertips grazing the top of her mound and pushing her hips backwards. “Oh, but you are, kitten. You’re bad to the bone and I love it.”

Can someone tell me if it’s wrong to be so mad about you
Mad about you

“And is that wrong?” Buffy looped an arm around his neck, drawing his lips to the sensitive spot behind her ear as she swayed her ass from side to side, adding friction to the throbbing member inside his trousers.

Are you the fishy wine that will give me
A headache in the morning
Or just a dark blue land mine
That’ll explode without a decent warning

“As far as I’m concerned, luv, it’s the only thing right in this world.” He tugged on her earlobe with his teeth and moved his left hand from its perch on her stomach to the hem of her dress, unhurriedly lifting it and sending jolts of fire through her veins with his touch on her thigh. His other hand had shamelessly cupped her breast and kneaded the sensitive flesh, the sensation enhanced by the feel of the silk caressing the rosy tip.

Give me all your true hate
And Ill translate it in our bed
Into never seen passion, never seen passion
That is why I am so mad about you
Mad about you
Mad about you

Buffy turned her face to the side, sliding her tongue over his lips and pulling a moan from him as he deepened the kiss.

Trouble is your middle name
But in the end you’re not too bad
Can someone tell me if it’s wrong to be
So mad about you
Mad about you

Spike felt like bursting and wanted nothing more than to drag her up to the balcony – by the hair most likely – bend her over the rail and shag her till she was unable to sit right. He wanted to slam inside her pussy until she begged for release then take her in the arse, all the time biting and scratching her smooth back, sucking on her neck, ordering her to keep her eyes open and watch the crowd downstairs dancing oblivious of their animalistic mating. But that would have to wait for another time. Tonight he was William Giles, man of the world, about to show his girl that good things come to those who wait.

Give me all your true hate
And Ill translate it in your bed
Into never seen passion
That is why I am so mad about you
Mad about you

Of course, he might already have waited enough for his good thing. Turning her around, he grabbed her hand and after stealing her breath away with a kiss, whispered “Balcony. Now.”

Buffy was ecstatic at the idea of having something done about the ache between her legs, having her thirst for him finally quenched, so she was taken aback when reaching the top of the stairs he pulled her into a dark corner, sat on a chair and said, “Get on your knees little girl, it’s time for that taste you wanted earlier.” while unbuckling his belt.

She whined, her pout at full force. “But I want you inside me…”

Spike raised an eyebrow before leaning forward, grabbing her arm and lowering her so that he was looking straight into her eyes. “I think now might be the time for that lesson, luv.” He pulled her across his thighs ignoring her slight resistance and lifted her dress to her lower back, exposing her luscious bum to his searching fingers.

Buffy was about to throw a tantrum when she felt his hand slap her left cheek, but his voice stilled her and made her even more desperate for his touch. “Be a good girl and I’ll make tonight sooo good for you! You have to learn when to take orders, now hush and take your punishment.”

Spike couldn’t believe how she immediately relaxed and was more than surprised to hear her moan and see more moisture seeping out of her. What he had in mind when she defied him was to give her a couple of slaps as a playful sort of punishment, but he didn’t expect her to be so turned on by it. Unable to resist the globes under his hand, he rubbed her ass then pushed two fingers inside her glistening slit. She writhed against his hard-on where it poked into her stomach and he couldn’t stop his hips from bucking. Her response intrigued him, so he slapped her on the other cheek, caressing it right after, and she whimpered. He repeated his earlier ministrations a couple of times, making the last two slaps land just at the juncture between her thighs and butt.

Buffy panted and moaned, needing release. She couldn’t take any more teasing, so she reached for his hand as he entered her and begged, “More, please.” trying to push him further inside her.

Spike chuckled and withdrew his fingers, using her own lubrication to push them into her anus. After only a few thrusts, however, he withdrew to help her stand, but at seeing how her knees sagged to the floor he was overcome by the impulse to dominate her. He gave her a sexy leer right before entangling his hand in her hair and shoving her head down to meet his groin. “Suck my cock, Buffy… and if you do a good job, you’ll be well rewarded,” he said in a silky tone.

She obliged this time – and more than eagerly – freeing his dick and licking the underside only once before sliding most of it into her mouth. It didn’t take long of her sucking and bobbing, one hand taking care of as much of his length as she couldn’t swallow, the other gently tugging on his sack, rolling his balls, before he came screaming her name so loud he was probably heard despite the loud music. He shivered as she licked him clean and settled his softening cock back into his pants.

Her legs still trembling, she took his hand and stood before him. “May I please have my turn, Mr. Giles? I’ll be a good girl, I promise.”

*I can’t be getting hard again so soon, can I?* Spike felt his cock stirring and nodded curtly.


It only took a couple of twenty dollar bills for the receptionist to ignore the fact they arrived earlier than the time they’d booked the room for, and call for a bell-boy to show them to the mirrored suite Spike had requested.


PS. You may wanna check everything that an author by the name of Sandara has posted. Her writing is magnificent and her story-weaving enthralling! (plus she has a gift for smut!)
27 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
*bites nails* This chapter gave me performance anxiety, and took forever to write, so PLEASE let me know what you think, k? *bats eyelashes*

Thank you as always to my wonderful beta and awesome friend, Im_bloody_English! Also thank you to Darkrivertempest for keeping me sane when my whining becomes too much, and a great big hug to Dusty273 who really is a sweetheart! Love you, ladies!
From previous chapter………….

It only took a couple of twenty dollar bills for the receptionist to ignore the fact they arrived earlier than the time they’d booked the room for and call for a bell-boy to show them to the mirrored suite Spike had requested.


The young man opened the door for them and Buffy managed to escape Spike’s tight grip on her waist to enter the room first. Her lover tipped the bell-boy and gave specific instructions that they were not to be disturbed.

Her breath stuck in her throat the moment she took two steps into the huge, luxurious living-room of the suite. It was decorated in dark reds and purples but with a modern feel to it despite the heavy velvet drapes that covered the floor to ceiling windows. But it wasn’t the luxury or seductiveness of the room that made her heart beat even faster than Spike’s touches and kisses could. It was the white roses and candles strewn around the room, the soft glow reflecting off the tiny mirrored pieces the designer chandelier was comprised of and also scattered the walls, throwing intricate patterns of light and shadow everywhere.

She turned to Spike as he closed the door without looking anywhere but straight at her. His eyes were burning with desire but his stance was cool to the point of indifference as he leaned his back against the wall. Both his hands were deep in the pockets of his pants as he gazed at her face, making her pulse beat faster by the minute.

“When… We just got here, when did they… do this?” She arched her arms to indicate the room, her eyes never leaving his.

Spike shrugged. “It’s not my concern, kitten. I told them what I wanted two days ago.”

“But how did you-” she paused and drew in a deep breath. “-Spike this is too expensive, you shouldn’t have. I-I can take care of-”

He didn’t let her finish. Raising an eyebrow and talking in that accent he’d been using since back at the house, the one that made her knees buckle, he calmly interrupted her. “You do not seriously think that I would let you do that, do you? That I would arrange to take you out only to let you pick up the tab?” Rupert and Anya had made sure he would not be a burden financially while he spent the summer at Buffy’s, and he hadn’t been spending the cash he had with him on anything other than groceries on the rare occasions she’d let him pay.

“Um, I just-well, you paid for the restaurant too and…” Seeing how much her answer seemed to mean to him, Buffy shook her head. “No, I’m sorry, I was just being silly.”

“Good!” He nodded approvingly, pushing away from the wall and approaching her with the panther-like grace that always made her swoon. “Now be a good girl and give us a kiss.”

Not needing to be told twice, Buffy threw her arms around his neck and gave herself up to his dizzying lips as he grabbed her hips, holding her tightly against him. Her mouth never left his as he picked her up and walked to the bedroom.

That room, too, was decorated with candles, but their flames appeared almost mystical as they bounced and multiplied off the mirrors covering every wall surrounding a large bed.

Gently placing her back on her feet, Spike gave her a chaste peck on the lips before kneeling in front of her and sitting back on his haunches. “Hold on to me, kitten.” He took one of her feet into his hands, divesting it of the pink sling-back sandal and brought it to his mouth to kiss and swirl his tongue around the inside of her ankle as Buffy dug her nails in his shoulder trying to stay upright. His lips traced her inner calf all the way to her knee and then, letting her regain her footing, switched to the other leg, drawing downwards as he lifted that foot and took off her second shoe.

Buffy stood motionless through it all as if in a daze, shivering under the touch of his lips and tongue, feeling as if this were the first time she’d ever been touched by a man. She was so transfixed on the sensations running through her body where his fingers trailed ever higher on her legs, that she didn’t realize he was now standing until he was kissing her again. The kiss was tender yet demanding but in a flash, it was gone. Instead, gentle fingers were caressing her collar bone, pushing first one then the other of the straps off her shoulders, making room for other kisses as they fell away from her breasts to reveal her nipples pebbled and begging to be touched.

Spike wanted to pull each of those perfect rosy buds between his teeth, suckle them, nip them, worry her creamy mounds with his hands, lave them to taste her smooth skin, but that wasn’t his intention. He was determined to follow through with his plans for her.

Buffy’s breathing became shallow and fast as the touches sweetly torturing her body drew wide circles around her breasts without coming close to the needy peaks. His fingers raked down her stomach, further lowering the flimsy material of the dress until it slid to the floor where it lay in a heap of silk around her feet, leaving her bare to his eyes.

Spike took two steps back and allowed his gaze to follow every curve of her delicious body, from her delicate toes adorned with a baby pink nail polish, all the way up to her lovely face, flushed with desire as her tongue wetted her bee-stung lips.

“Don’t move.” He told her quietly as he slowly began circling around her.

Even if his words didn’t sound commanding despite the low voice in which they were spoken, Buffy doubted she could trust her legs to hold her up if she dared to disobey him. She followed his movements through the mirror in front of her, gasping when he stepped right behind her, leant in close to her ear and whispered, “Look at you, all flushed for me. Bet you’re still wet…” His hands were on her thighs, thumbs tantalizingly close to her pussy but not touching. “You’ve been wet for me all night.” It wasn’t a question, and even if it was, he already knew the answer.

“Yes,” she whispered, trying hard to keep her hips from bucking against his hand.

“Do you want to do something about it?”

“Oh, yes, Spike, please!”

He grazed his thumb over her slit, bathing it in the evidence of her desire before catching her eye in the mirror. “Then I suggest you take care of it, kitten. Put those fingers of yours to good use and fuck that pretty pussy of yours while I watch.” He pushed two of his fingers inside her. “I want to see you do it, Buffy. I want to see you pleasure yourself. Want to see you cum around your own hand, calling my name… like that first day.”

Despite all they’d gone through, all they’d done, the memory still made her blush causing Spike to chuckle, the throaty rumble making her body tingle. His thumb pressed against her clit and she knew if he’d rub her just a couple more times, she’d find the release she’d sought for all evening.

Unfortunately for her, he knew that too. Throwing her an evil smirk at the mirror, he backed towards the bed and after arranging four pillows near the bottom, he returned to take her by the hand, leading her to it. “Sit down, kitten.”

Silently, Buffy did as she was told, still entranced by his behavior. Sure, she’d seen him take the lead increasingly more often every time they made love, or fucked, but this Spike was a totally different person. And she discovered she liked, loved, this side of him, *suave seducer*, just as much as those of the shy teenager and playful lover.

Spike helped her move back and lean against the pillows, lifting her legs and propping them wide open on the mattress. He then moved to the recliner where his jacket lay and, throwing it to the floor, sat back and lit a cigarette. “I want you to look at yourself in the mirror as you touch yourself. I want you to see what I see when you cum. Do it for me, pet.”

Buffy nodded, but her hands lay numb at her sides. “I—I don’t know how to start…”

“Liar. You did just fine that day, now didn’t you?” She nodded and he couldn’t get over her sudden shyness of this situation. “Just think of me lying next to you-” His voice was gruff, betraying his lust just as much as the bulge in his pants did. “- and where you’d want me to touch you. Should I start at your neck, caressing my way to your pretty tits?” When she nodded again, he urged her on. “Be my hands, Buffy, be my fingers grazing your stomach…”

Her hands flew to her neck, laying feather-light caresses down its length and trailing to her breasts. She cupped them, stroking the undersides with her fingers while her thumbs rubbed the nipples.

“That’s it, luv, massage them harder like you’d want me to…” Spike had to readjust himself, the sight in front of him more enticing than he remembered on that fateful day when he felt like a peeping Tom. “No, don’t close your eyes, look at you, look at how beautiful you are, how fucking sexy, all hot for me. All wet.” He loosened his tie and pulled it over his head. “Touch your lovely pussy for me, kitten, tell me how wet you are for me.”

One palm still kneading her breasts, the other stretched to her leg, the knuckles caressing the inner side towards the apex of her thighs until the pads of her fingers reached her cleft and she let out a quiet moan. The woman looking back at her through the glass was a wanton mistress, a purely sensual creature made of, and for, desire. Stealing a glance at Spike she saw him taking a deep drag of his smoke before putting it out and using both hands to start undoing his button down shirt. She used her thumb to separate her nether lips, moving upwards until the nail grazed her clit, bucking her hips as she bit her lower lip to stifle another moan.

“Don’t keep it inside, Buffy, I want to hear you scream. Stick a finger in your quim, baby.” He watched her do exactly as told and groaned when she added another one. “That’s a good girl, slide them in there, all nice and deep.” He pulled the hem of his shirt from his pants and pulled it off his shoulders. “Now taste them, taste the honey that makes your pussy heaven for my mouth, run your tongue around them… oh shit, you’re so hot, Buffy…”

Buffy had never felt so at a loss of self-control and yet so powerful as she did everything he asked her and saw how it affected him. His panted breaths echoed hers as his hand rubbed his erection over the fabric. She made a show of sucking each of her fingers clean, letting her tongue peek through her lips to wrap around their tips. Seeing he’d stopped talking she returned her hand to her quim, driving two fingers inside her core and out again, her thumb massaging her clit as she licked the thumb and index of her other hand and began rolling a nipple between them.

Spike couldn’t take anymore. He had to have her. Now! He undid his belt, snapping open the button and lowering the zipper with inhuman speed, allowing his weeping cock to pop out of its constraints.

The moment he stood up to go to her, Buffy came screaming his name, and Spike lost his shoes, socks and trousers in the blink of an eye before jumping on the bed behind her. He raised her body, numb and still convulsing from her long awaited orgasm enough to take the pillows out from under her. Pushing her forward he managed to pull her legs under until she was on all fours. “Want you, Buffy, wanna fuck you so much. You want that, too, kitten?” He positioned his shaft at her entrance waiting for her reply. No sooner had she whispered ‘always’ than he was buried deep inside her. He held onto her hips to brace her against his pounding, the other hand fisted in her hair, pulling her head upwards. “Look at us, Buffy. We’re bloody made for each other. I’m made for being inside you, fucking you, loving you…”

Buffy whimpered and moaned “Made for you Spike… oh, God… your cock, so big… harder…”

Spike almost lost control at hearing her talk like this. She was never very verbal, *except for ‘please’ and ‘more’*, during their couplings and she never talked dirty but for the time she’d… punished him. This, however, made him want to crawl under her skin, stay inside her forever. He looked at the sight they made. Her tits were bouncing to each of his thrusts while she bit her lower lip, eyes locked on his face as he kneeled upright behind her, the look on his face exuding a feral, almost demonic need.

“Spank me, Spike.”

He gritted his teeth and stopped moving altogether, resisting her whimpered protests until he was sure her demand was real and that he wouldn’t explode inside her at the slightest hint of friction. Regaining his control, he released her hip to slap her magnificent ass, landing one stinging blow after the other. His fingers in her hair were all that anchored her to him as he fucked her hard and fast till she could take no more and once again cried out her release.

Spike caressed the reddened flesh, soothing it while slowing down his thrusts. He withdrew completely and caught her questioning look in the mirror. “Not what I had planned, luv, wanted to make this nice and slow for you.”

Buffy just had to laugh. “Did I look like I didn’t enjoy that, baby?” She crawled around to face him, never getting off her knees. “Do you want me to… take another taste?”

“No, kitten, just wanna be buried inside you.” He sat down, knees slightly bent and motioned her towards him.

“Well then, why did you leave in the first place?” Climbing up his body she straddled his lap, lowering her center over his throbbing cock. “This is where you belong” And just like that, she impaled herself on it. “Never leave again!”

Spike lifted her just high enough to reach one of the nipples that kept teasing him all evening and sucked it into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue before he switched to the other one. He could feel her trying to engulf him again but continued his teasing until she bit on his shoulder, stifling a whimper and he could no longer deny himself the feel of her surrounding him. Wrapping an arm around both her shoulders he pulled her back down, claiming her lips and plundering her mouth with his tongue before lavishing her neck and the sensitive spot behind her ear with open mouth kisses.

She could see his back rippling in the mirror behind him as he flexed his muscles, now holding her ass, lifting and lowering her around his thick shaft in a slow rhythm. Reflection within reflection, a million Spikes and Buffys made love leisurely, kissing and nipping, caressing and molding flesh, melting into each other. And when she came again, countless versions of her scratched their nails down their lovers’ shoulders while her cry of ‘I love you’ reverberated around the room.

Spike felt her inner walls flutter and ripple around his prick, all but strangling it, and once again staved off his own release, letting her ride out her orgasm before abruptly lifting and laying her backwards, her head hanging off the end of the bed with her legs still locked around his hips. “I love you, Buffy. Look at me loving you.” He told her image as her eyes found his in the mirror.

She kept looking at him, her eyes hooded, his burning with ever rekindling lust as he kept building up the pace of his thrusts. She felt her blood race to opposite directions, making her head light and her pussy throb. Her hands were cupping his sculpted buttocks, drawing him deeper as she returned each of his plunges with equal fervor. She saw his eyes close in ecstasy as she felt him near his release. “Look at me,” she whispered, gazing at his image as he did what she asked.

“Fuck… I love you… BUFFY!” he bellowed as he finally gave into his need and came spasming within her depths, pulling yet another orgasm out of her with the heel of his hand pressing down on her clit.

The overwhelming sensation coursing through her body combined with the rush of blood to her head as it drooped further towards the floor drew her ecstasy out so long she felt like she’d never stop shaking. Stars burst behind her eyelids as they drifted shut and she barely registered Spike pulling her all the way onto the bed before they fell asleep curled around one another.


Oh, if anyone follows SpikesGoddess' 'Summer Luvin', please do not let the last chapter chase you off that story, she promised to explain everything and (having *coughs* asked her nicely) I made her hint on how she plans to do that. It sounded good.
28 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
Morning everyone! Hope you like this!

Thank you with chocolate covered Spikes to Im_bloody_English (aka Mistress Tina *giggles*) for working her magic on my chapters and making sure I don't fall on my ass , to Carrie (Darkrivertempest) for being her amazing self and helping me retain whatever sanity I can (and if you are not reading Omniscient and Hunter's Bane you really should), Sarah (SpikesGoddess) for spending inordinate amounts of time on-line with me and to all of you who read, review, and keep my muse happy. You cannot imagine how much you reviews to the last chapter meant to me. Thank you!
Spike woke up at some point during the night and regretfully disentangled himself from the body of his lover to get off the bed and snuff the candles that were almost burned out. The cool air now caressing his body where moments earlier Buffy’s heat enveloped him left him feeling bereft. He had to force the fear of never being able to wake up in her arms again after this summer out of his mind and heart.

Blowing across each wick, he kept making the same wish, that whatever surprises his life held for him, he would manage to find a way back to Buffy as soon as possible… and that she’d wait for him.

Making his way back to the bed he felt her stir and then she was wrapped around him once again, her voice whispering ‘Happy Anniversary, baby. I hope it is the first of many’. For just a moment an overwhelming sense of calmness washed over him before he captured her lips with his, breathing promises of ‘forever’ and finding his way back inside her body.

Both pretended not to notice the wetness on their cheeks as tears exorcised insecurities and fears while they worshiped one another.


Buffy’s eyelids slowly fluttered open and a smile graced her lips when she saw the love in the cerulean blues looking back at her as Spike lay on his side, naked and propped up on his elbow watching her.

“Morning, you.” She cupped his cheek and giggled when he nuzzled her palm before sucking her thumb in his mouth.

“Mornin’, luv,” Spike mumbled around a mouthful of her digit before letting it slip from between his lips. “Fancy a grand champagne breakfast in bed?” His William-esque manner of speech from the previous night was once more replaced by his usual accent.

“Nah, but you can eat if you want.” She waggled her eyebrows and turned on her back, throwing the sheet covering her naked body to the floor and spreading her legs while giggling playfully.

“Don’ mind if I do… but not right here.” He slowly got off the bed, turning to look at her over his shoulder. “Meet you in the bathroom in ten.” And as an afterthought, he added a heartfelt, “I love you”.

She only smiled and nodded, watching him leave the room, marveling at the perfection that was his body… her lover… her love.


They stayed in the bathtub, playing with bubbles, washing each other and talking about the future for what seemed like hours. For once they allowed themselves to hope for that future, their future, and made plans… some silly, some rational, but all about ‘them’, together, forever.

Spike would return to England for a year, to finish high-school, while Buffy would get a job and move out. He would then come back to the US, go to Sunnydale University, move in with her and live happily ever after. Of course the subject of how they would spring their relationship on their families was only broached in a joking manner, as they hated to think what their parents’ reactions would really be.

“I bet your sis would understand, pet. She’d be all ‘I can see why you couldn’t resist his manly charms’. Might even wan’ a piece of this hot, tight li’l body for herself!” Spike leered and won himself a mouthful of bubbles as Buffy splashed him.

“In your dreams, buster. Besides, I’d make it clear you’re mine. And I thought we were here so I could serve you your breakfast”.

He didn’t need to be told twice. Getting out of the tub, he spread a towel on the floor and then carried a dripping and giggling Buffy to it, lowering her gently to lie on her back.

Needless to say, they both enjoyed ‘breakfast’ immensely.


When the reception called to let them know it was almost check out time, they were still on the bathroom floor and Spike had to run to get the phone, causing a bout of laughter from Buffy, which he promised her he’d make her pay for as soon as they were home. The threat didn’t seem to faze her in the least as she went after him and did her best to distract him while he was trying to sound mature and proper, reassuring the receptionist that they would be down ‘in just a few minutes, sir’.

He really hated having to pull her luscious lips away from his shaft when he hung up the phone. She’d left him in a state of full arousal and there wasn’t time enough for relief. *As soon as we get home, kitten, just you wait.*

They got dressed in a hurry, wanting to get behind closed doors again as soon as possible. Buffy was sore but lust seemed to overpower everything else every time Spike would throw her one of his sizzling looks.

Unfortunately for both, the moment they got in the car Buffy’s cell phone rang.

Motioning for Spike to be quiet, she looked at the screen and mouthed ‘Dawn’ before answering.

“Hey, Dawnie, how are you?”

“Good, great!” her sister chirped. “And you? Where are you, by the way? I called the house and Aunt Tara wanted to talk to Xander, but he’s not answering his phone. We just got to the Giles’. Where are the guys? Their folks wanna talk to them!”

“Well, Xander’s at Willows, but I have Spi-” both Buffy and Spike’s eyes widened at her near-slip. “-derman… yup, Spi-der-man with me. If… if Giles wants to talk to him.”

“Spiderman… Right.”

“Yeah… that’s what we call William these days, Spiderman, cuz he… ummm… catches spiders with his bare hands?” Buffy knew how silly that sounded the moment it was out of her mouth, even before Spike shook his head and chuckled while looking worried at the same time.

Dawn’s voice seemed to distance itself from the phone as she called out “Giles is it OK if I go to the kitchen?” After what sounded like ‘but of course, dear, go right ahead’ from Giles and a ‘this way?’ and a pause from Dawn – during which Buffy held her breath – a whispered question made it’s way to Buffy’s ear as loud as a scream. “Buffy, are you boinking William?”

“No. NO! Of course not…”

“Oh my God, you are! Spiderman? I mean really! How stupid do you think I am? William is Spike! Oh my God, you’re boinking the kid!”

*How on earth does she manage that pitch in her voice even when she’s whispering?* “No, Dawn no! I’m not ‘boinking’ him. It’s not like that.” She could see Spike’s face drain of any mirth as he sat there waiting for her to deny being with him, and she didn’t hesitate for even a heartbeat. “We’re in love, Dawn. I love him and he loves me. And we’re together, OK? Please don’t tell anyone.”

“You… love him? Does Xander know?”

“Yes, he knows and he has accepted it. Can you?” Despite sounding confident of her choices, Spike saw how much Dawn’s approval meant to her and snatched the phone from Buffy’s hand.

“’Ello bit. Your sis an’ I are in love. Really in love. An’ we plan on stayin’ together. It would mean the world to her if you didn’ judge her for it. Do you think you can do that?”

“What kind of a name is Spike, anyway?”

“Private joke, pet. So, what do you say? Are we alright?”

“You guys really in love?”

“Yeah, very much so.” He ran his fingers through Buffy’s hair and smiled softly at her.

“And Xander approves?”

“Yes, the Whelp even helped me win your sister’s heart.” He reached out to wipe a single tear from Buffy’s cheek as she mouthed ‘I love you’.

“OK then, I just have to ask Buffy one more thing before I give you the ‘go ahead’.”

“Thanks niblet.”

“Oh, and Will, er, Spike? Cut down on the pet names? I’m still older than you!”

“Yeah, but I’m an old soul.” He chuckled and Buffy felt her world tilt back into balance as she once again held the phone at her ear.

“Are you ok with it?” she asked.

“Will be if you answer me something.”

“Shoot.” Buffy was hoping that the question wouldn’t be how she was going to tell her parents about the two of them. She really had no idea and preferred to live in the denial of the inevitability of them eventually finding out.

“Is he really as good as you said? Cuz he sounds even hotter today than the other day. Can’t believe it’s really William. And you’re sooo boinking him!” Dawn burst into laughter.

“Oh my God, I’m going to kill you! You had me all worried! Yes! I am boinking him and he’s bloody marvelous, I’ve already told you that!”

‘Bloody’ brought about a fresh bout of giggles from Dawn, who barely managed to choke out ‘Your secret is safe with me. Now pass on… Spiderman again. His dad wants to talk to him.’


Having reassured his dad that he was having a ‘blast of a time’, Spike hung up and started the engine. Despite how well things turned out, the phone-call had squashed the mood they were in when they left the hotel.

“So… wanna get some donuts and drop by Willow’s to see how they’re doing?” Buffy searched her purse and came up with a set of keys. “We can surprise them with breakfast. See? I still have these from last night.”

They made a brief de-tour by the house to change into everyday clothes before purchasing a box of jelly-donuts and making their way to the Rosenberg’s house.

Buffy was extra careful sliding the key in the lock so as not to make any noise as they let themselves inside.

Entering the living-room on their way to the kitchen, Spike nudged her and tilted his head to the left, indicating she should look that way. She did and could see the back of Xander’s head as he seemed to be asleep while sitting on the couch. She had to bite her fist to keep from giggling when Spike whispered ‘Red must have drained the poor sod.’

Quietly, she followed Spike’s example as he kneeled down and crawled his way right behind Xander, when at the silent count of three the both jumped up yelling ‘Breakfast is here’ and ‘Wakey, wakey, Whelp’ only to freeze as they took in the startled look on his face and his hands trying to hide his cock where it disappeared inside - a very shocked and extremely naked Willow’s lips.

Buffy turned away, squeezing her eyes shut and mumbling ‘I did not just see that’ again and again, while Spike patted Xander’s shoulder, saying, “Good for you, mate,” and winking to Willow who was desperately trying to cover herself with as many cushions as she could reach without standing up from her crouched position. Spike turned his back, respectful of her predicament. “Better get dressed, breakfast is here. We’ll be waitin’ in the kitchen.” He took hold of Buffy’s arm and half dragged her to the other room.

Xander tried to calm Willow down and, as usual, thought the best way to do so was by making light of the situation. “Payback’s a bitch, huh? I bet the Buffster will think twice before breaking and entering from now on.” Unfortunately, Willow was too embarrassed to appreciate his fine sense of humor and she slapped his thigh, turning redder by the moment as she frantically searched for her robe that was discarded somewhere in the throes of passion.

Her boyfriend found it first and managed to sooth her nerves before her embarrassment turned into a tantrum, and soon they were entering the kitchen, eyes lowered, to meet the other couple.

Spike was the only one not blushing, mostly to make the others feel better and tried making small talk about silly things such as the brand of coffee or questioning the reason for donuts having a hole in the middle.

A while later, all felt comfortable enough to start chatting about their nights – not the sex part, of course –, including the blonds’ talk with Dawn which was received with relief by the other couple, and Willow thanked Spike for making the reservations at the restaurant for them.

“I was thinking of asking Xander to take me there on my birthday, so I was super psyched when he said that was where we were going last night. Not-not that I took it for granted that he’d still be with me by then, cuz my birthday is in April… but—but I’d like to still be together. No pressure or anything, of cou-”

Xander silenced his girlfriend’s adorable rumbling with a kiss before turning to Spike and asking “So, what do you want for your birthday this year?”

“Got all I wan’ right here!” He pulled Buffy in for a tender kiss as Xander mumbled ‘Good thing too, cuz I can’t save up till then to buy you anything else.’

After a few seconds, Buffy pulled away from the sinful lips that made her head light. “Baby, do you think you could get my cigarettes for me? I left them in the car.” She batted her eyelashes and Spike was already on his way to the front door of the house by the time she turned to Xander and asked “Sooo, when exactly is Spike’s birthday?” Spike mentioned something when they were discussing what they’d wear on their night out.... and at the time she ignored it. Now, however, with Xander mentioning it, it clicked in her brain he must have been referencing his birthday. “It’s nearing, right?”

“Yup, in about a month… a little less maybe. Emmm, August fifth… no, wait, August third. Yup! That’s it!”

“Thanks couz… and don’t let him know I know!” *Hmmm, that gives me a little more than three weeks to come up with the perfect present.*

“So, what are we having for lunch? I mean… since we had breakfast at two in the afternoon.” Willow changed the subject as Spike entered the room, resuming his position by his girl and lighting two cigarettes before passing Buffy one.

“Don’ know about you, but I vote for Chinese. Just make it in a couple of hours, yeah? I’ve had quite a breakfast, and it seems Red did here, too.” He winked at her.

Willow wanted to kill him, but couldn’t refrain from joining in the knowing snickers that surrounded her.


A/N Guys, seriously, go read everything Sandara has written, you'll really miss out if you don't!!!! (just mind the warnings, k?) As for Quiet Summer, more next Wednesday! *hugs*
29 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
This chapter is a bit shorter than usual, as it acts like a bridge. Hope you like it

I wanna thank you all for reading and reviewing, you really make me happy! *group hug* I also wanna thank Im_bloody_English for kicking my muse into gear when he slacks off and for being just as vigilant with my personal life as she is with my writing, you may have salvaged a relationship, honey!!! Thank you to Carrie (Darkrivertempest) for making sure I remain sane. She's a bit under the weather and I think you could help boost her spirits some by giving her excellent story, Omniscient, a chance. If you read it you won't be disappointed. If you also review it you'll make her day (and believe you me, that story is really excellent).

Next chapter will be angsty, but trust me (and Buffy) to make things better, k? *hugs*
The weeks that followed seemed to bring the two couples closer together.

The introduction of Xander and Willow to the wonderful world of sex and the awkwardness of the blonds walking in on them the morning after managed to create a more relaxed camaraderie among all four of them, making their interactions more natural and dispelling the uneasiness the two had felt whenever Spike and Buffy were demonstrative in their affections.

As they got to spend more and more time together, Xander couldn’t help but notice the deep connection that his two cousins really shared… and then worried about how the end of the summer would tear them apart. *Not forever, though. Spike wouldn’t give up on her that easy.* But the question was, what would Buffy do?

It didn’t help much that he had received a phone-call from Dawn that same day that Buffy had come clean about her relationship with William/Spike to her. His cousin wanted to make sure that Buffy was right when she said Xander approved of the relationship between her and the teen previously-known-as-William, as she referred to him. *Can always count on Dawn to be my silliness-buddy when situations need some lightening up!* he chuckled as he thought back on how he had reassured her that both Spike and Buffy knew what they were doing and that they were both too much in love to ever hurt each other. He meant it when he’d said it, but doubt kept creeping into his mind. Truth be told, he had never seen Buffy that taken with anyone, but she never had been very expressive in the past, and part of him worried that her openness with Spike could be because she wasn’t actually risking much if she thought this relationship already had an expiration date. Not that she could be pretending the caring she felt for Spike, just that maybe she allowed herself to indulge in extravagant shows of affection without feeling it to the extent she let on. No. He couldn’t deny that Buffy really was as much in love with Spike as he was with her.

Now, as he lay on a beach towel in the shade, looking at the pool, one hand absent-mindedly playing with his girlfriend’s hair as she lay with her head on his stomach – his much leaner stomach, as he’d lost ten pounds since Willow had decided to get him into shape – his other arm folded under his head, he wondered if this great love the blondes obviously shared would end up hurting them. He had never seen Spike in love before, but knowing him, he bet he would be as passionate about holding onto the woman he loved as he secretly was about poetry. Spike wasn’t the type to give up on his heart’s desire no matter the difficulties he’d have to overcome. Again, it was Buffy that troubled Xander the most. Buffy, who when faced with any threat, became locked inside herself, denying her hurt and trying to erase its source instead of confronting it. If Buffy thought the two had no future, she would do everything she could to sever all ties at the end of the summer, breaking both her heart and her lover’s in an effort to preserve her ‘safety’.

Xander had to make sure that didn’t happen.

Buffy rolled her eyes as Spike broke the surface just behind her, pasting his body against hers where she stood holding onto the rim of the pool. He wrapped one arm around her waist as the wicked fingers of the other pulled the crotch of her swim-suit to the side and began rubbing her. “Spike! Not now! Xander’s-”

“Too far away to see what I’m doin’ to you under the water, yeah? And Red’s sleepin’.” Pushing his arousal against her bottom, his hand didn’t relent from teasing her slit.

“Spike…” She breathed heavily, trying to wrestle his hand away with one of hers, failing miserably. “They’re gonna know.”

“No one’s goin’ to know if you don’ make a fuss about it, kitten. Now pretend I said something funny.”

His hand withdrew but before Buffy had time to sigh with relief she felt the waistband of his trunks slide against her back as he lowered it and the arm holding on to her trailed southward to move her suit more out of the way.

“Better laugh now, goldilocks,” was all the whispered warning he gave her and she managed to stifle her moan as he entered her, replacing it with a forced giggle.

“So, what’s for lunch, pet?” Spike flicked his tongue, licking her earlobe and she wanted to smack him for being able to speak so naturally as if he wasn’t thrusting inside her, rocking them both and making her knees buckle.

*I’ll show you what’s for lunch* She tightened her inner muscles around him, feeling his whole body tense up. “Hey, Xander, are you two asleep?” she called out, all the while tightening around Spike even more.

“What the fuck are you doin’, pet?” his whisper was panicked and she replied with a hiss, pushing against him when he stopped moving.

“Making sure they’re not on to us.” Her lower body kept pumping him.

Xander didn’t answer, pointing instead at Willow indicating with his hand that she was sleeping, so Buffy continued in a low voice, but still loud enough for her cousin to hear her. “I was wondering if a salad would be good enough for lunch. I can make some steaks for dinner if you guys wanna hang here till then.”

His nervousness gone as he realized Xander wasn’t going to come walking over, Spike chuckled at his girl’s antics. His thumb stole to her clit; rubbing the sensitive nubbin and making her forget all about their cousin’s opinion on lunch as Spike’s thrusts began to gain momentum. “Salad, eh? Sounds good to me, alth-” He bit her neck, never finishing his sentence when Buffy managed to reach down and cup his balls, tugging on them lightly.

“You know you’re gonna pay for this, right?” she asked, not turning towards him at all, but clenching and unclenching around him, her hand never ceasing its added stimulation to his body.

Spike took advantage of the fact that most of her body was under the water, her head now leaning on the arm anchoring her to the edge of the pool to slide his hand inside her top, kneading the mound that seemed to be made for his palm and pinching the peaked bud. “Love every punishment you throw my way, luv. Now let go ‘f my balls and rub yourself. I want you to cum.”

“Make me.” Her defying words were belied by the fact that she did exactly as he said, biting down on her forearm to silence her moans as his thrusts became even harder, pushing her over the edge with him following right after her, muffling his own orgasmic cries in her wet hair.

“Xander?” Willow’s voice was whispered, meant only for her boyfriend, as she didn’t move from where she lay, her view of the pool slightly hidden by the bulge inside the boy’s shorts.

“Hmm?” his fingers tangled in her red hair. “What baby? Did I wake you?”

Still not moving anything but her fingers where they lay on his stomach under her cheek, she ignored his question. “I think they’re having sex in the pool.”

“I know, baby. At least we’re not seeing anything this time!” he laughed, making her head bounce and she just had to turn and kiss his stomach.

They pretended not to have noticed anything when the blonds came out of the pool giggling and swatting at each other and didn’t mention anything during lunch, either.

Xander was happy for both of them… for all of them, but he kept having some sense of impending doom threatening the bliss he so vehemently tried to hold on to. He knew he should probably talk to Willow about it just as well as he knew she would probably disagree with his intentions to intervene. He felt it was partly his responsibility to ensure they managed to overcome the difficulties ahead, and he sure couldn’t talk to Buffy about it. *She’ll pretend to be ‘a-ok’ as always when he’s gone. Pfft, Like I don’t know when she’s hurting.* Still he really thought he should have a man-to-man with Spike concerning, well, the ‘after’ of summer.

He had the opportunity to do just that when Buffy said someone should go for soft-drinks, looking pointedly at him.

“Sure Buff, Xan-man’s on it!” He grabbed his keys then thought better of it, leaving them on the table before turning to Spike. “I think I’ll just walk. Care to join me?”

Spike glanced at Buffy for approval while at the same time chastising himself, *great, can’t go for a bloody walk without askin’ permission? Ex-dough-boy will have a field day with that one.* But then Buffy smiled, so he shrugged, muttered a ‘sure’ and followed the dark-haired boy outside the door.

The moment the door was closed behind them, Xander blurted out the question that had been plaguing him for so long without even thinking about it, making Spike stop dead in his tracks.

“So, what are you gonna do when you go back home? Will you break up with Buffy?”

“Wha’ was that?” Spike had to do a double take. He realized Xander wanted to speak to him about something or he would have asked Willow to join him – the two seemed to be joined at the hip these days – but expected it to be about them. As in Xander-and-Willow ‘them’.

“You and the Buffster. Are you going to break up when you have to go back to the mother country?” Xander was looking at his shoes, not wanting to see the anger he could feel radiating from the other’s gaze.

“NO. WE. ARE. NOT. Any more questions?” Spike’s eyes had squeezed to slits; he felt his blood boiling at the thought of ever being without his love.

“How? I mean… you know. Don’t be like that. I’m just worried for you.”

“Well, don’ be! I’m comin’ back for her as soon as I’m of age for the States. So there.”

A glance that Xander chanced his way should have been enough to drop the subject, but he cared too much to do that.

“And what about her? Is she going to wait? A year isn’t eternity, I know, but it’s still a whole year. You’re going to be a senior, hot girls all around, are you sure you want her to wait?”

“She says she will and I want her to. There won’… there can never be another, Xander. She’s it for me.” A cigarette found its way to Spike’s lips and lighting it signified the end of the conversation. “Now le’s go get those diet cokes before the birds start worryin’.”

Xander nodded. He knew Spike meant what he said; he just had to make sure that Buffy felt the same way. The thing was, it would take a while for him to gather up the courage to get into such a conversation with his older cousin. Buffy was good with denial. Remarkably so. If she was forced to face the inevitable threat to her relationship, she might just try to shield herself from the pain of separation by screwing things up sooner. *Well, either that or chew my head off for meddling!*

There was only one way to avoid an outburst from her… save the chat for when she had to face the music.

Xander decided to talk to her on the day before their families were due to come back. Now if he could only think of what to say…

Spike pulled a deep drag from his cigarette, trying to calm his nerves. He wouldn’t think about what could go wrong. After all, tomorrow he’d be exactly one year away from being able to officially be with his girl. On the way to the store and back he only allowed his mind to drift to what Buffy could be planning for his birthday the following day. Just because she hadn’t mentioned anything didn’t mean she’d forgotten, right? *To forget something you have to know it first! Does she even know when my birthday is?* She should. She’d been there at his birthday party when he turned twelve… *right. Ages ago… what’s to say she remembers? Well, Xander must have said something! He remembers*

Yup, Spike was sure his seventeenth birthday would be special. Buffy would make sure of that, he just knew it.


Please take a moment to let me know what you thought of it!
30 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
This chapter is angsty.

It's angsty in a most-definitely-will-piss-you-off way. Please before giving up on me (or Buffy) remember the promise I made several chapters ago (perhaps even in the first one) concerning angst in QS. That said, I hope you enjoy this!

Thank you, as always, to those of you that read and even more to those who review, you make me smile! A huge 'thank you 'Im_bloody_English; she is an incredible person and a wonderful friend and has really made my life (let alone writing) much better since I met her. Thank you also to Dusty273, Darkrivertempest and SpikesGoddess for helping me out, prodding me on and caring enough to repeatedly ask me to fix this when I first wrote it! Hugs and cookies to you all, guys, really! Also, hugs and cookies to Tanit, Daisy, Shadow, Spikeluv84 and SpikesKuruptedSon for spending so much time with me on the chat box and listening to my (epic-sized) rants, and to Sandara for being just great!
Chapter 30

Spike was fully aware of what day it was the moment he woke up and a smile bloomed on his face. *August third! I’m bloody seventeen!* If he deemed it even remotely manly, he would have squee’d in delight about being a year closer to shouting out his love for Buffy from the rooftops with no fear of the consequences.

Unable to completely contain his giddiness, he turned to Buffy who was still peacefully asleep, cuddled up against his side and cupped her chin to bring her lips to his. He didn’t expect her to remember his birthday the moment she opened her eyes, but wasn’t quite expecting the scowl on her face and her pulling away from his attempted kiss to grumble ‘coffee’, either.

He didn’t let it spoil his mood, though. An idea suddenly flitted through his mind that maybe she’d hidden his birthday present in one of the kitchen cupboards to surprise him., So he jauntily dashed downstairs to prepare her breakfast and even went through the trouble of walking out to the patio – thankfully with a kitchen towel held in front of his naked morning erection – to pick a rose for her and add it to the tray that held two steaming cups of coffee and four slices of toast with butter and jam. He wasn’t fazed by the fact that none of the cupboards held a gift-wrapped package in them. Quite the contrary. On his way up the stairs, he was convinced his girl would be waiting for him all ready for some hot birthday sex and he had to stop himself from flinging the tray over his shoulder just to run to her.

He wasn’t exactly disappointed to see her lying on her stomach, almost air-tightly sealed in the covers, her face buried in the pillow. Not exactly, but close enough. *Oh, don’t be daft, you know how Buffy is in the morning.* But that was the problem. He knew how she was in the morning. Waking up together always brought out the insatiable lusty beast in both of them. *Maybe she’s comin’ down with a flu or something.*

“Buffy? Pet? Rise an’ shine!”

The only answer he got was a ‘hmmm’, so he tried harder. “Goldilocks, your java is here an’ so is your faithful servant. Give us a kiss, luv.”

Groggily, she half turned towards him where he sat on the side of the bed and blindly reached for the mug. “Coffee, yummm”.

“Ah-ah-ah! No coffee before I get my kiss!” He tried to hide his slight hurt by jokingly pulling the tray out of her reach and leaning towards her, puckering his lips. *She didn’ even notice the soddin’ rose. What’s wrong with her?*

“Spike, stop. I haven’t even brushed my teeth yet!” She pulled the sheet up to cover her mouth when his lips were an inch away.

*What?* And since when was that ever a problem? Still refusing to let anything bring him down from cloud nine, he left the tray by her side and picked up her cell-phone which started buzzing. One look at the screen told him it was Xander, so he let her have her breakfast and walked towards the bathroom – door properly fixed now, but the key conveniently stashed in his suitcase – to answer it. He still held on to the hope that she remembered his birthday, but he wouldn’t bet his life on it, so he made sure to stay within her earshot as he answered. *’S not like I’m remindin’ her. ‘Sides, it’d be impolite to leave the room to talk.*

“Mornin’” Pause. “Thanks, mate. ‘Preciate you rememberin’.” Pause. “Guess I do owe you a drink. Not tonight, though. Spendin’ the day with my girl, I am.” Pause. “Nah, nothin’ special planned, ‘less she has somethin’ in mind…” He turned to wink at Buffy, but her eyes were still half closed as she sipped on her cup looking lost to the world. *Lost to me?* He squashed the thought the moment it appeared. Her indifference had to be faked, she didn’t ask what Xander wanted – or even who was on the phone, though that might be evident. *Nope, she’s plannin’ something. Has to be!*


By the time Buffy finally graced him with a full both-eyes-open look, his certainty had began to waver. It was well after two o’clock in the afternoon, and he’d smoked half a pack of cigarettes already. She’d dodged his efforts to playfully feed her in bed and sent him downstairs to let her have ‘some alone Buffy time’. Still, her eyes were full of love when she finally joined him in the living room all fresh from the shower and he couldn’t stop grinning as he patted his lap in an inviting gesture.

“Nuh-uh. I want to paint my toe-nails and your lap is so not the safest place for that!” She planted herself in the armchair next to the couch where he was sprawled and set about painting her nails, rarely glancing at him until she was done with the second coat, too.

He desperately wanted to whine, to ask her what was wrong and why she still hadn’t kissed him, or wished him a ‘very happy birthday’, but he was determined to let her play it out any way she wanted. Most likely she had some naughtiness in mind and was laying the ground work by acting aloof. Determined, that is, until she leaned forward to blow on the drying polish and he got a very clear view of her very braless breasts over her top.

“Buffy, I want my mornin’ kiss now.”

“But it’s not morning.” She batted her eyelashes.

The playful gesture made relief burst through his veins. *Yeah, chit’s definitely playin’ me*

“Yeah, well, it’s still today, though, and with the way you’re actin’, if I don’ ask for it I’ll get it tomorrow mornin’!” He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head to the side in that way he knew she found hard to resist.

“Oh, okaaay...” With an exaggerated sigh, she stood up to join him on the couch and wrapped her arms around his neck to draw him in for a very sweet, but rather brief, kiss. “Good morning, Mr. Whiny!”

*Tha’s it? Bloody hell!* Spike tried to pull her back to him, even employed his fail-proof tactic of running his knuckles seductively up her inner thigh, but she just sat back next to him and faced the TV.

“Oh, there’s a romance movie marathon on.”

She grabbed the remote and started flipping through channels until she found the opening title of ‘Sixteen Candles’ and Spike couldn’t hold back a groan.

Making him watch chick-flicks really was a test of both his love and patience, but he sensed that for some reason, *probably to heighten the effect of the surprise*, Buffy was trying to get on his nerves and he refused to give in. So he sat through the ninety three minutes – or eternity – of watching the very ironically chosen movie, as his girl seemed entranced by the thousandth re-run of Molly Ringwald’s hit.

As the movie neared the end, he noticed that Buffy, the Buffy that always left her cell phone ‘wherever’, was constantly stealing glances at it where it lay right by her leg. It struck him as weird, but didn’t bother him. At least until it beeped once and she snatched it up, subtly shielding the text message she received with her free hand as she read and answered it. Now that worried him.

Not as much as her next action, though.

Standing up with a look of determination, she didn’t even look at him as she said she had to go get some soft drinks… of the same kind he and Xander stocked the fridge with just the previous day. Something was fishy… unless she was just going out to buy his present. *Tha’s right! That was probably the Whelp or Red remindin’ her and she decided to go buy me something’*

He only realized that this contradicted his earlier theory of her acting weird because she was planning a surprise for him after the door closed behind her.

By the time she was back, with the much un-needed drinks, he was agitated. When he saw she held nothing else, he became pissed off.

Still, he knew Buffy enough to know that if something was wrong, he would have to wait for her to come out and say it. So instead of confronting her, he let himself dwell in misery, happy thoughts from this morning all but extinguished. His pride didn’t let him show her how hurt he felt, but it did allow for him to start bickering about everything and anything… from bread-crumbs in the bed where he went to take a nap – by himself – to not leaving him enough hot water when he gave up struggling with the sheets and went to take a shower a half hour later. He barely managed to keep his voice calm long enough to convince his Da he was having a really nice day when he called to wish him ‘happy birthday’ – passing the phone around to the entire extended family and friends, including Dawn who almost made him break down and cry when she wished him that this day be the beginning of the rest of his life. Xander’s folks were extra sweet, although Tara, kept asking how come her son wasn’t available to talk to her, bringing the blond at a loss for words, as he always hated lying to her and his uncle Oz, so he avoided the question for as long as he could before finally mumbling that the boy had some bowel problems and was spending a lot of time in the bathroom.

Buffy seemed to brush all his moodiness off with muttered apologies while her eyes never left the cell-phone which now seemed to be super-glued to the hand not holding an ever-present cigarette. *I’ve never seen her chain smoke like that. Somethin’s up.*

The shower pacified him somewhat as he reasoned with himself that his frazzled nerves were attributed to the fact that she’d apparently forgotten his birthday and that’s what made him overreact to her innocent trip to the grocery-store. He had to relax. *’Sides, why would the chit ‘member my b-day? I never mentioned it all summer and she wouldn’a remembered from all those years ago… still, the Whelp could have said something. He should’ave.*

Having rubbed his body dry he put on his most seductive smile and descended the stairs in all his naked glory to patch up whatever seemed to be wrong between them. The unexpected ringing of the phone made pure anger boil inside him when she didn’t afford him the same courtesy he had afforded her that morning, and left the room to answer it.

It was a different Buffy who re-entered the living room. Different from what she’d been all day, that is. The smiling girl that was looking at him bright-eyed was actually the Buffy he had fallen in love with.

“So, wanna go for a ride?” she asked.

And just like that he was pissed off all over again.

“Oh, now the princess wants my company? Remembered I was here, did you?” Whatever made her smile was not him. It was whoever was on the other line of that bleedin’ phone call, and he wasn’t having it.

As expected, Buffy became defensive. “What do you mean? I so knew you were here all day! Didn’t we watch that movie together and-”

He didn’t let her finish. “And what? You watched a bloody chick-flick with me, jus’ like you would with any ‘f your friends. You were around, but you weren’t here with me though, were you?”

“I so was!”

Her answer was inadequate for him, further fuelling his outburst. “What the fuck is wrong with you today, Buffy?”

Nothing,” she yelled. “Nothing is wrong with me. Just because for one day I wasn’t in the—the frigging mood to be all over you something has to be wrong with me?”

Her eyes seemed to be welling up with tears, so he refrained from shouting how much she’d fucked up a day that was special to him and instead, sulked while returning to the couch and kept sulking for another hour, watching her repeatedly send and receive text messages.

It was half past seven by the time she addressed him again, and he’d seen her become increasingly fidgety in the meantime.

“So, you wanna go for that ride?”

“Where to?” He wasn’t thrilled at the idea, but at least they were talking again.

“Dunno.” She shrugged noncommittally. “Around.”

“Not yet. There’s somethin’ on the telly I wanna watch,” he huffed. It was a small victory making her watch the second half of ‘Rambo’ – that he stumbled upon by accident – but a victory nonetheless. Even if his heart kept feeling stomped on when she looked at her watch or sent another text message every few minutes.

Abruptly he stood up, forgetting all about the film. “Le’s go.” He went out the door first, and she silently followed, making sure to lock it behind them.

She was still silent as she got in the driver’s seat, texting another quick message and didn’t say a word as she turned the engine on and sped off.

It wasn’t even nine, but the end of the summer meant that it was dark out. Still the darkness inside Spike seemed to surpass that of their surroundings as the car left the city limits. *What’s wrong with her? Why is she like this? And who the fuck is she messagin’ at this hour?*

Buffy suddenly brought the car to a halt after about forty minutes. Her driving had been precarious to say the least since he first had the pleasure of getting in her car about two months ago. Tonight, however, he was willing to drop to the ground and kiss the earth at her feet for making it this far still in one piece. *Where exactly is this ‘far’, mate?*

Buffy was quickly walking away from the vehicle, however, so instead of examining his surroundings, he trotted after her. He wasn’t upset anymore. *Nope!* He was livid! This was his day, God damnit, and she was acting like a spoiled brat!

“Buffy! What the fuck is going on?”

“You pissed me off,” was her casual answer as she disappeared between some shrubs, barely giving him the chance to see her exact direction as he followed her through a narrow passage, his progress hindered by the mere slip of the waning crescent moon lighting the night.

“I pissed you off? I pissed you off? You’ve been a bloody fury all day! And tod-” he cut himself off, not wanting to give her more ammo against him in case this was going where he thought it was. Part of him was weeping at the thought of things being over between them, *an’ tonight of all bloody nights*, but the whispered phone calls and her practically ignoring him all day left almost no doubt in his mind that she was about to break things off between them. So he resigned himself to take it like a man… before walking his way back to Willow’s and crying his eyes out to his cousin.

“Today what? Today of all. Days, you choose to act like a child? Sulking and refusing to come for a ride with me cuz I was a little… aloof?” She never slowed her step and he never fell any more than a couple of steps behind her.

“A little aloof’?!” His voice was fraught with sarcasm as he mocked her way of speaking. “Oh, tha’s rich! You’ve been avoiding me all day, Buffy! ‘S that the trendy way of leavin’ a bloke, pet? Avoid him ‘til he tells you to sod off?” He spoke quietly, but there was nothing subdued about his tone or stance. He was beside himself. *Havin’ the next one all lined up, most likely – and here I thought she loved me!*

31 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
I wanna thank all of you who are still reading and reviewing. You make me smile, and you make my naughty muse sit his cute li’l ass down and write some more. So chocolate covered Spikes to you all!!

I wanna say a huge thank you to my wonderful beta Im_bloody_English who’s my hero for making everything click in fic and RL, you’re my Goddess, Tina! *bows* I also wanna thank the adorable Dusty273 for reading this chapter before it was ever sent to IBE and making sense of it. The way I’d written it originally seemed both boring and confusing, but with her suggestions and help it got its current form. Lastly a thank you and a poke of the tongue to SpikesGoddess, who tends to be silly with me whenever I need it (which is about 24/7) and who’s the official tester of each new chapter! (let alone the one who keeps finding adorable ways to respond to “Errr, this hasn’t been beta-ed yet, but can you tell me if it works??”)

There are 7 more chapters to go (I’ve already written 6 of them) if all goes as planned, and if I manage to write the last one this weekend and start on the next plot bunny I’ve been toying around with for a while now then the last postings of QS will be twice a week.
~~~~~~~From the previous chapter

“A little aloof’?” His voice was fraught with sarcasm as he mocked her way of speaking. “Oh, tha’s rich! You’ve been avoiding me all day, Buffy! ‘S that the trendy way of leavin’ a bloke, pet? Avoid him ‘til he tells you to sod off?” He spoke quietly, but there was nothing subdued about his tone or stance. He was beside himself. *Havin’ the next one all lined up, most likely – and here I thought she loved me!*


*Oh! Angry-Spike HOT – Bad Buffy, ba-a-ad!* His words just sank in and she was stopped in her tracks to turn and face him, which resulted in a very angry, very tight-bodied man walking into her, nearly sending them both rolling down the sloping hill the top of which they’d just reached, and at the bottom of which spread an expanse of fresh grass encircling a placid lake.

Spike didn’t get to see the scenery, however, as his love and the cause of his heart ache turned around to poke him in the stomach as soon as their balance was secured.

“What was that?” She raised her eyebrow, a facial expression she’d come to use with increasing frequency as of late. “Who said anything about leaving you?” Her eyes seemed suspiciously misty.

“So those calls and messages today ‘aven’t been to the new bloke, then?” He was still furious, but reason was starting to gently knock on the door of his jealous thoughts and he was slowly realizing that this was Buffy, the woman who loved him, and would have never brought him to the middle of nowhere just to dump him over someone else. *Duh! When would she’ve even had a chance to meet a new bloke?* He felt like smacking his own forehead. In the two months they’d spent together, they’d never been apart for more than a few hours once a week… *don’ forget that day she went to prepare for your… punishmen’ either, mate.* He managed to refrain from making moon eyes just in time to see the hurt look in her eyes be replaced by that of anger.

“No, you stupid… git! They were to…” she breathed in deeply and let her anger go. It was, after all, her fault he’d misunderstood. “Close your eyes!”

“Wha’? You gonna get me butt-naked in the middle of nowhere?” He smirked, but wasn’t feeling half as cool as he let on.

“Maybe later…” she answered enigmatically. Seeing he did as she told him to, she caught his hand and gently led him down to the lake’s edge. Bringing both of them to a stop, she stood in front of him and pulled his head down for a breathtaking kiss. “Happy birthday, baby!” she whispered against his lips then pulled back. “And if you’d just gone with the ‘accept-that-Buffy-is-not-in-a-cuddly-mood-and-wants-to-go-for-a-ride’ scenario from the start, you would have gotten your present a lot sooner.

Spike almost choked as he opened his eyes and took in the large fleece blanket spread out on the sand with a cooler and a picnic basket. “A surprise? For my birthday? Tha’s what today was about?” He looked both happy and miserable at the same time.

“Yes, you big doofus!” She pulled him in for another kiss but he pulled back after only a couple of seconds.

Once Spike had told her what he thought was going on, she couldn’t believe how stupid she’d been to let things go that far. She should have been more sensitive to his jealous and she knew she had to make it up to him… now.

“So all that today…”

“Totally my bad, baby. I just wanted to make tonight memorable.” She was so relieved when his lips found hers for a tender kiss before she hurriedly explained her behavior throughout the day so they could get to the ‘enjoying-the-surprise’ part.

~~~~~~~~~~~Earlier that morning

Buffy could never not look at Spike. He was perfection personified, beauty in every single detail of his face and body. Still, the time she most enjoyed looking at him was when he wasn’t aware of it. Like this morning, when her lover turned seventeen and was only a year away from openly being hers. She couldn’t stop looking at the long lashes covering those blue eyes that could see through her soul or the sharp angles of his face made more prominent by the rays of sun that seemed to exalt his face to that of an angel. Just as she was thanking God for sending her this wonderful man whose heart she could feel pounding where she lay snuggled to his chest, she noticed his lids fluttering slightly and swiftly closed her eyes, pretending to still be asleep.

Her first instinct upon feeling his touch to her face was to drown him with kisses, but she wanted this night to be special, and only wanted to make to love with him after she’d taken him to the surprise Willow would help her set up. She knew that if she kissed him, they’d never get out of bed, so… she averted her face and asked for coffee instead.

Her heart sped up at how happy he was to take care of her as he burst out of the room to prepare her what she knew would be an entire treat. *That’s who he is. The most perfect man in the world, and he’s all mine.* She secretly smiled as she called Willow on speed-dial.

“Wills?” she whispered, alert for any sound that might signify Spike’s return to the room. “We’re up. Have Xander call him for wishes now, so that you can tell him the plan later.” Pause. “I know he wouldn’t, Wills, not on purpose, but if they talk after you fill him in he might spill something by mistake!” Xander was a sweetheart, but he wouldn’t be able to hide that something was up, even if he didn’t tell Spike what that ‘something’ was. “Gotta go, he’s back” Turning on her stomach she barely had time to leave her cell on the night stand and hide her face in the pillow so that Spike wouldn’t see the grin on it.

“Buffy? Pet? Rise an’ shine!”

He was so close and judging from how he’d streaked downstairs without a stitch on, she couldn’t bear to look at him. *I’m only human… if he touches me I’ll be all melty-Buffy, and that will so not be of the good!* So she hmmm’d, and kept fighting the urge to jump him as he lured her in with coffee and asked for a kiss.

When he insisted on the kiss she blurted out what sounded like a logical explanation for not wanting to kiss him. “Spike, stop. I haven’t even brushed my teeth yet!”

*Saved by the phone!* she thought as she heard her cell ringing. It was obviously Xander calling to wish him ‘happy birthday’. *Awww, he took the call here, hoping I’ll ask about it.* She didn’t want to get caught looking at him as he stood in his birthday-suit running a hand through his loose curls. He looked so hot and so adorable at the same time that she knew he’d see the need in her eyes by the way she was drooling at the sight of him, so when he turned her way she lowered her eyelids acting… aloof.

As soon as he was off the phone she told him she wanted some time to herself, and when he was out the door, taking that endearing pout with him only moments before her self-restraint gave up on her, she called Willow again. “So, how did Xander take it? Will he be able to get that cooler?” Pause. “OK, call me when you know!”

She drew herself a long bath, knowing what she had planned didn’t justify fancy clothing, so she had to do her best to be her most alluring in everyday clothes. She applied her jasmine body cream to every inch of her smooth, hairless skin, thanking her good sense for having visited the beauty parlor a few days ago and not having to bother with shaving.

By the time she went downstairs she was aching for him, and had to sit as far from him as possible to keep from doing all the things the idea of sitting in his lap brought to mind.

“Nah-uh. I want to paint my toe-nails and your lap is so not the safest place for that!” Seating herself in the armchair next to the couch, she got to painting her nails trying hard not to let the sight he made sprawled on the couch, one arm folded behind his head, his other hand playing with the line of downy hair starting beneath his navel and leading inside his shorts, get to her.

*Hmmm, I don’t have to be the only one sexually frustrated.* She leaned forward knowing exactly what he would see when he looked her way, and rolled her shoulders just enough to stretch the thin fabric over her nipples.

“Buffy, I want my mornin’ kiss now.”

She shivered at the wave of lust his voice sent down her spine. “But it’s not morning.” *God, I wanna jump him… maybe I should save the surprise for his next birthday? Nooo, slutty Buffy, you’ll just have to wait.*

“Yeah, well, it’s still today, though, and with the way you’re actin’, if I don’ ask for it I’ll get it tomorrow mornin’!”

Her strain not to drop on her knees in front of him and take him in her mouth was taking its toll on her back that began to hurt from the stiffness of her posture. “Oh, okaaay…” She couldn’t kiss him for more than a few seconds without wanting more, but she tried to pour all the love she felt into that kiss. “Good morning, Mr. Whiny!”

Once more, she almost threw her plans to the wind when his hand began stroking her leg, it was stupid after all to withhold sex just for the sake of making it more special later, so she sat back and began reciting the reasons that had led her to that decision to begin with.

*I don’t want him to know I know it’s his birthday.
If we make love or even fuck like crazy now he is going to be sure I forgot and I don’t want that either.
I want him to be completely happy when we get together.
For him to be completely happy I want to tell him how much I love him and show him how much he means to me, which I can’t do without wishing him ‘happy birthday’, and I can’t do that without spoiling the surprise.
Ergo no kissy!*

Her reasoning seemed far less, well, reasonable than it had when she first came up with the plan, but her single-mindedness was one of her trademark character traits. *It’s gonna be so great tonight… oh! Chick-flick marathon! YAY! I can make Spike squirm!*

She knew she was evil as she watched her poor man from the corner of her eye fake interest in ‘Sixteen Candles’ when all he obviously thought about was how he should be blowing out his seventeen. *Or how I should be blowing his one.*

About half an hour or so before the movie ended Buffy became restless. Willow and Xander should have everything ready by then. *Why haven’t they called yet?* She made sure to be discreet as she kept checking her phone for calls or messages and made sure Spike didn’t see the text that appeared on the screen.

From: Willow R.
Message: Buffy we have a problem, secured the cooler but they’re asking for ID for the champagne. Can you meet us at the liquor store?

She answered with a hasty ‘be there in 10’ and making what she realized was a lousy excuse to Spike, she rushed off to purchase the bottle of bubbly she wanted.

It was only because Willow asked her what she’d told Spike in order to leave the house without raising his suspicions that she remembered to even buy the Diet Coke she ‘supposedly’ went out for.

A new pile of cigarette butts had formed in the ashtray by the time she returned to him.

*God, he’s all grumbly today!* Spike seemed to get pissed off at everything and the insecure part of her felt safe and guiltily happy knowing that his mood was affected because she wouldn’t dote on him. It meant he needed her as much as she needed him, *plus, he’s the one that told me about that delayed-deferred gratification thingy.*

Never did it cross her mind that – when he taught her that – she knew her own gratification was just postponed, while he now feared his might be cancelled altogether. Her only thoughts were of his face when he saw the night she had planned for the two of them, and of when her cousin and his girlfriend would have things ready. When the phone rang she saw the caller ID flashing ‘Out of Area’ and called out for him to get it, sure it would be his father. After all, Dawn had told her what time they would be calling.

When he came down the stairs, naked, moist, and hard she had no more resistance and wanted to sob with relief at the call from Willow saying things were finally set up.

She just couldn’t answer it with him in the room, though.

She was so happy when she went back to the living room. No more waiting. She’d show him her surprise and then they would make love until the morning. “So, wanna go for a ride?” she asked.

He must not have gotten the happy-time memo.

“Oh, now the princess wants my company? Remembered I was here, did you?”

*What the fuck?* It hadn’t been easy for her to stay away either. *Why is he making this difficult? We’re just half an hour away from having a great time. Why can’t he just trust me?* “What do you mean? I so knew you were here all day! Didn’t we watch that movie together and-”

“And what? You watched a bloody chick-flick with me, jus’ like you would with any ‘f your friends. You were around, but you weren’t here with me though, were you?”

“I so was!” *I wanted to be on you, around you! Now get off your butt and let me surprise you!*

“What the fuck is wrong with you today, Buffy?”

Nothing,” she wanted to cry. She cringed at having actually pissed him off when all she wanted was to keep him on edge. For a moment she felt like telling him what she was up to. Then that same little girl whose boyfriends never stuck around rose inside her and she masked her fear behind anger. She was good at being angry. Always had been. “Nothing is wrong with me. Just because for one day I wasn’t in the—the frigging mood to be all over you something has to be wrong with me?”

She had to text the others and let them know they wouldn’t be coming yet. Willow asked if it was ok for them to leave, since the planned party was for the blonds only, but Buffy asked them to stay and make sure no creepy-crawlies got into the food.

An hour went by and in her mind’s – exaggerated – eye, she could see the sandwiches becoming mushy, the fruit going bad and the champagne turning sour.

“So, you wanna go for that ride?” She batted her eyelashes but Spike didn’t seem to notice.

“Where to?” The sulking tone was still there. *Angel may hold the title of Mr. Broody-pants, but Spike is definitely a formidable contender tonight.*

“Dunno. Around.”

But nooo, he had to make her watch ‘Rambo’… ‘Rambo’!

She followed mutely after his ‘Le’s go’ when he finally got up, hoping the ride to the spot she’d selected would improve both their moods.

Only, she kept playing his reactions over in her head on the way there and didn’t like them one bit.

She sent one last text message to Willow, letting her know they were on their way so that she and Xander could clear out and then – totally disregarding the fact that Spike had no idea she had something romantic planned for the two of them – she spent the rest of the ride convincing herself that he was being unfair, accusing her of not being there with him. *Ha! He’s got some nerve! This entire day has been about him.*

Lost in her musings, she barely registered the fact that she was speeding and almost missed the landmarks she’d set to recognize the place before she brought the car to a skidding stop, bolting out of the car determined to get to the surprise before the tension between her and Spike erupted into a full-sized quarrel.

“Buffy! What the fuck is going on?”

“You pissed me off.” *Pissed, as in the past, now stop with the third degree and follow.* She kept walking forward, not turning to look at him, the proximity of his voice showing her he was close behind. She didn’t want to deal with it. She just wanted to get him to the picnic spot so that they could push the entire silliness of the day behind them.

His indignant outburst seemed unfounded to her. *Besides, it’s my preroga-thingy to refuse to put out once in a while!*

“Today what? Today of all. Days, you choose to act like a child? Sulking and refusing to come for a ride with me cuz I was a little… aloof?” She knew she was being childish, she’d been more than ‘aloof’, but they were so close to the cozy dinner for two, and she might have royally screwed up the day but she could fix it in just a few more steps.

“A little aloof’? Oh, tha’s rich! You’ve been avoiding me all day, Buffy! ‘S that the trendy way of leavin’ a bloke, pet? Avoid him ‘til he tells you to sod off?”

*Oh! Angry Spike HOT – Bad Buffy, ba-a-ad!*


The only remark Spike made once she finished telling him her view of the entire day that had up to a few minutes before been the worst he could remember having was, ‘So you think I’m hot when I’m mad, don’t you, pet?’

Buffy stuck a sandwich between his lips as he leaned forward to kiss her. “Nuh-uh! We made it this far, we’ll have our picnic before the naughtiness ensues!”

*Bloody stubborn bint! God, I love her!*


A/N. I’m a blonde with the memory capacity of a goldfish, so I meant to do this last week… but better late than never, right? Weeell, I read a couple of things by a new (and very productive) author called dreamweaver. They were hot and they were funny and I wanted to point you her way, cuz she’s good! So go. Read. Enjoy! (and review, cuz the muse needs some fuel ;-) )
32 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
I wanted the two to do something they hadn’t done before in this chapter. I had come up with a couple of ideas, but I was looking for something to make a difference. Then I chatted with Carrie (Darkrivertempest) and she started throwing ideas my way one after the other. I loved them all, but there was one I just had to use. Thank you for that and for always being there, babe. A big 'Thank you' to Sarah (SpikesGoddess) and James for helping me out with bits and pieces and making me giggle and blush. You guys rock! Tina (Im_bloody_English) is a Goddess to whom I bow. Thank you, honey, for being a great beta and an awesome friend. I love you all.

Last but not least ‘Thank you’s’ with chocolate covered Spikes to all you that read and review. Quiet Summer is my baby and it makes me more than happy that you like it (please forgive me for the rant, I just finished writing it yesterday and I’m kind of emotional) *hugs all*
~~~~~~~From the previous chapter

Buffy stuck a sandwich between his lips as he leaned forward to kiss her. “Nuh-uh! We made it this far, we’ll have our picnic before the naughtiness ensues!”

*Bloody stubborn bint! God, I love her!*


Having been all but force-fed the first couple of sandwiches, his choked protests muffled by a fresh bite every time his mouth was clear of one, Spike stilled Buffy’s wrist midair when she decided he hadn’t eaten enough.

“Not that I have anythin’ against salmon and cream-cheese, luv, or-” he squeezed his eyes trying to make out the contents of the rye slices of bread suspended a couple of inches from his mouth in the soft light of the candles precariously sank in the ground around the blanket “-BLT, for that matter. Though not the most romantic of dinner choices…” He took in the slight frown on her face. “But I was thinkin’ we could skip to dessert now.”

Kneeling next to him and trying hard not to let his waggling eyebrows derail her from completing her plan, Buffy insisted, “No, Spike, first we have dinner, then you blow out your candles, then you—we get to have dessert. Now open wide.” With that she pinched his nose shut, like her mother did when Buffy was a kid and refused to eat her veggies, hoping he’d have the same reaction she used to and open his mouth.

She was shocked to say the least with what he actually did.

Spike pulled on the wrist he held, making Buffy lose her balance and topple over his legs with an indignant ‘oof’. “I don’t think you’re in a position to argue, luv. After all, you did screw most of my day up-” his tone was playful, belying his words, “-and you still haven’ been properly punished for that.

Buffy forgot all about dinner when his free hand smacked her bottom over her shorts.

A couple of smacks later, she was wet and squirming in his lap as Spike’s fingers snuck inside her shorts, unhindered by her lack of underwear to tease her wet folds. “Please Spike…”

“Please what, luv?”

“Please… I want you!”

“But we haven’t had dessert yet, kitten.” Still, he pulled her shorts down and she raised her hips to help him lower them around her knees, toeing her sandals off in the process.

When his palm landed on a naked butt cheek, she felt fresh moisture pool between her legs and hurried to kick her pants off, leaving her legs free to spread open.

Spike’s fingers traced her outer lips, delving inside only briefly before spreading her juices to her second entrance, but not pushing inside. “I wan’ my dessert, pet. I wanna eat your sweet pussy…” Helping her raise herself to her knees, he ran his hands under the hem oh her top, pushing it upwards with circular movements of his hands and setting her skin on fire. When her breasts where finally exposed he sucked in a breath and quickly yanked the top the rest the way off, leaving her bare to his appreciative gaze. “Are you getting’ more beautiful by the day, or am I fallin’ for you more and more?” He didn’t give her a chance to answer – or rather swoon – before his mouth was on her neck, sucking on the sensitive skin and tasting her.

Buffy let out a gasp when his tongue laved a pebbled nipple and the breeze gliding over the wet peak made it even harder. Throwing back her head and focusing on the sensation of his hot mouth worshiping one breast while his cool hand fondled the other, she was surprised by a hissing noise and something cold suddenly covering the nipple Spike’s tongue had been paying tribute to. Her eyes snapped open and she saw Spike without his shirt on, head thrown back and mouth open, squirting whipped cream on his tongue straight from the can. She began panting at the lust she felt shooting through her body and making her ache with need.

He made a show of savoring the sweet cream before looking into her eyes, speaking as if answering an unspoken question…

“No, not hardly sweet enough.”

He latched onto her nipple again, licking the cream and softly nibbling on her flesh and Buffy couldn’t help but whimper when he pulled back, only to be relieved when he repeated the process on her other breast.

Satisfied his girl was clean, *for now*, he told her to lie back. “Spread yourself for me, Buffy. Le’me see that beautiful quim of yours.”

Not doing as he said wasn’t an option as her brain seemed to focus solely on her throbbing core and the pleasure Spike alone could provide.

She expected him to put whipped cream on her pussy but instead, he brought out the bowl of strawberries she’d asked Willow to add to the cooler, and biting down on one, he leaned in and kissed her, letting the juice flow into her mouth and down their chins as the hunger for each other deepened. He put another berry in his mouth and proceeded to paint a fruity path down her body, returning to her lips and trailing downwards again, letting his tongue clean the pink sticky line until his mouth was facing her smooth quim.

They both shivered in anticipation before he dove between the apex of her thighs, licking, sucking and nipping on her outer lips, teasing her clit in passing until she began bucking against his mouth. Stilling her movements with a firm hand on her hip, he whispered, “Don’ move, luv.”

She couldn’t help the involuntary upward thrust of her hips when something cool touched her entrance. Pushing herself up on her elbows she stared transfixed, watching as an equally mesmerized Spike carefully inserted a strawberry halfway inside her. Slowly, reverently, he bent down and latched on her clit, sucking and nibbling on it until her body begun shuddering and her walls rippled, swallowing the glistening fruit before he went to retrieve it, further intensifying her pleasure.

His wonderful, magnificent tongue plunged deep within her, teasing her, rolling the berry around until she felt like she would scream. No. She was screaming as she came, Spike’s tongue and lips having pulled out their reward to devour her with renewed fervor, his thumb pushing inside her puckered hole with no more lubrication than the combined fluids of her and the ripe, red fruit.

She hadn’t realized she’d closed her eyes until she opened them and tried to focus on his worried face hovering above her.

“Are you a’right?” He nuzzled into her palm when she cupped his cheek and then locked his lips with hers. Reassured over her wellbeing, he was free to focus on his own desire and covered her body with his, cradling his hips between her creamy thighs.

*Huh? When did he lose his shoes and pants? Oh, who cares?* His weeping cock nudged her entrance begging to be let inside, but she stopped him with a hand on his chest. “No.”


He looked adorably miserable and Buffy had to bite her lower lip not to giggle at his pout. “No,” she repeated.

Spike didn’t move an inch, not pushing inside her, but not withdrawing either. “An’ why not, luv?” His cocky attitude was back and his brow arched while mischief danced in his eyes. He had thankfully realized this was a game of hers and not a rejection by any means.

She pushed him slightly and with a grin announced, “First you blow out your candles and make a wish, and then I blow your candle thus making your wish come true.”

Chuckling, he rolled off her. “An’ what pray tell makes you think that’ll be my wish, kitten?”

*No Buffy, do not wet – err… get sidetracked by the evil tongue running over perfect teeth… ohhh how can he move that tongue so fast…??? FOCUS woman!* Rolling her eyes at him she insisted. “Come on, you’re a guy, what more would you wish for?” She made a silly face and winked, showing she really didn’t think of him as that superficial and he laughed out loud. His laughter was one of the things that made her fall in love with him all over again every time he let go like that, sounding like he hadn’t a care in the world, and she couldn’t stifle her own bout of giggles, feeling pure, undiluted happiness.

As it turned out, Willow and Xander had packed everything but a cake and candles, but neither of the lovers was fazed. Buffy sunk one of the column candles that were around the blanket inside the semi-melted tub of ice cream and the laughing went on as, having blown the candle, Spike mock-tried to feed her the gooey result of candle wax, dirt and melted ice-cream. It did die down, however, when Buffy playfully bit Spike’s nipple and before long they were wantonly rubbing against each other’s body, all games forgotten.

Well, maybe not all games.

Again, Buffy pulled away from their heated embrace but only to instruct Spike to lie down and close his eyes.

As his mind wandered to the first time she had him blindfolded, at her mercy, Spike felt his cock grow even harder and a shiver run down his spine as his entire body tensed up, waiting for the feel of her warm breath, the telling sign she was about to suck him into heaven. *Her breath, her tongue, her mouth, her hot little hands… her giggles?* He jumped up as her voice drifted to his ears from much further than his groin, to see her moonlit figure dance immersed in the lake only up to her knees.

“Had to get clean,” she called out, turning her back to him and bending at the waist, dipping her hands in the water and enticing him with a perfect view of her heart-shaped ass before facing him again to run her wet fingers down her front, rubbing her skin.

He was only a couple of steps away from her in a flash. Seeing the goose bumps on her arms and belly form and the shivers brought on by his proximity, he felt a swell of masculine pride at the effect he had on his girl.

And then he pounced.

Buffy tried to put more distance between them, but he was fast, and soon he held her flush against his naked form., Each panted in the other’s mouth as he fisted one hand in her hair while the other squeezed her ass, making her raise up on her toes to rub her pelvis against his. She needed no more encouragement to wrap her arms around his neck and hoist her legs up, folding them around his narrow hips to bring him home inside her body.

Her momentum made Spike lose his balance and he fell on his back, giving her barely a split second to unlock her ankles from behind him to land on her knees, straddling him, his cock slamming deeper inside her channel. Their earlier antics had brought them near the shore, so his head landed on soft grass and the only fear of him drowning was in the luminous pools of his lover’s eyes as her mouth opened in a silent ‘o’ from the force with which her pelvis thrust against his.

Both stood still for a moment, lost in each other before Buffy whispered ‘happy birthday, baby’ and began rocking her hips, riding him at an increasing rhythm, driving both of them wild. It triggered a series of orgasms inside her that brought forth Spike’s release, her inner muscles strangling and milking his seed.

Spent and sated at last, Spike enfolded her in his arms. The two lay like that for a while, lulled by the lapping sound of the tiny waves marring the surface of the lake and promising to hold on to their love whatever it took.

Buffy drifted off, floating in a sense of safety but woke up in a daze of desire to find that Spike had, at some point, carried her to the blanket and was now on top of her, nuzzling her hair while slowly moving in and out of her in an erotic manner more indicative of intimacy and love than sexual need.

He was satisfied just being inside her; her body made to complete his. Sure, he yearned to feel her convulsing underneath and around him, to hear her keening his name as she came because of what only he could do to her, but he didn’t want it to be over yet. His body had missed her throughout the day, wanted to re-map hers, claim every inch of her flesh, and so he did what he craved, made love to her slowly, tenderly, kissing her lips, her face, her neck… trailing his hands through her golden locks.

Buffy seemed to share his need and allowed him to lead their coupling. She let him guide them both to ecstasy unhurriedly, while she clung to him, trusting him to bring her back down gently from the peak of mind-blowing rapture that seemed to last forever yet not long enough. She smiled against his skin as he rolled to his back, pulling her on top of him.

“Wow! All that and I still haven’t blown your candle.” She gently bit his nipple to stop his chuckles and was again amazed at how much she loved him. The ease with which they could go from cuddling to hot sex and then to playful banter laid testament to how close they really were. Sure, there were moments when insecurities threatened to come between them, but at the moment, cherished and safe in her lover’s embrace, she just knew they would manage no matter what cards life dealt.

Sticking her lower lip out in a pout she knew Spike could never resist, she raised her head to look into his adoring gaze while batting her lashes at him.

The way he rolled his eyes was just as genuine as her pouting. “What now, you insatiable bint?”

“I had something in mind when we came here, something I really, really wanna try, but now you’re all worn out…” She bit her lower lip and looked away pointedly, a nail lightly grazing his nipple.

“Oi! I’m never worn out. In point of fact, I don’ do worn out! I tire, only a bit mind you, and recuperate soon after.”

“Weeeeell, in that case…” she nodded in the direction behind him to her left, and he stretched his neck to see what caught her fancy.

His scarred eyebrow shot up. It looked like life had dealt them a swing.


Buffy had never felt as relaxed and uninhibited with any sexual partner but Spike. He was the only man she wasn’t self-conscious with during lovemaking. She had seen the swing, nothing more than a wooden plank held by two ropes, when she first spotted the place and wanted to see if what she heard about having sex on one was really true. All she had to do was ask.

She ‘eeep’ed’ when, all but throwing her on her back, Spike jumped up and prowled to the tree from which the swing hung, making a show of each step, rolling his shoulders and tilting his head in that adorably sexy way of his, his cock already hard again jutting proudly, pointing the way. Not able to stop giggling, she rolled on her stomach to have a better view as he planted himself on the wooden seat and looked at her expectantly.


“What? Just like that? No foreplay?” she teased, standing up and walking to him anyway.

“What do you mean ‘jus’ like that’?”

“No foreplay?” She threw him a lopsided grin, contemplating the best way to climb on him without making a spectacle of herself or emptying the both of them on the ground.

He leered at her. “I believe an hour of shaggin’ already covered that luv. Now hop on!”

Forgetting about how graceless she might look, she nodded determinedly and took hold of each rope. Raising one leg over his thigh was easy, especially since his feet where planted firmly on the ground holding them both in place. The other leg took a bit longer because Spike had to let go of his grip on one rope to help her, making the entire contraption turn to the side and Buffy nearly topple over. By the time they found their balance again, they were laughing so hard Buffy thought she’d never catch her breath.

Then he kissed her and she forgot all about their clumsiness as she raised her hips and let him drive his shaft inside her.

The initial, experimental thrusts were like always and Spike wondered about the use of the thing they were on other than for acrobatics. Soon, however, those gave the swing momentum to begin its pendulum-like rocking. Suddenly realizing the point, he let his body drive the oscillations, widening them and driving him deeper inside her body.

She caught on soon after, leaning forward a little as he leaned back, throwing her body backwards and crushing her pelvis against his when the swing moved the other way. Each push made the head of his dick rub against that sensitive spot inside her and because the confined space didn’t allow her to spread her legs wider, it caused more friction on her clit.

Spike was torn between ceaselessly declaring his love to her or thanking god and the inventor of the swing. He was in heaven. The feeling of Buffy encasing him, the way her body snuggly fit around his, the way they made love without withdrawing from one plunge to the next but remained joined in scorching, almost unbearable pleasure made him tremble with the desperate need for completion. He barely had time to prepare himself when he felt her suddenly tense around him and let her orgasm loose with a wail, her hands leaving the ropes to anchor herself to him, nails digging into his shoulders before he followed her over the edge, panting her name between ‘I love you’s’.

Afterwards, he was proud at how he managed to maneuver her in his lap so that she was cradled against him, and on limp legs, carried her back to the blanket to lay down on it with her. Good thing he had the presence of mind earlier to pack away the rest of the picnic stuff so he could wrap the free end of the blanket around them both, pulling her as close as possible, spooning her before they fell fast asleep.

33 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
This is an angsty chapter. The angstiest thing I've written, actually, which doesn't say much cuz I don't do much angst, but still...

Thank you Tina (Im_bloody_English) for always being there and helping out. Couldn't have asked for a better beta or more understanding friend. Carrie (Darkrivertempest), Sarah (SpikesGoddess) and Mari (Dusty273) you're just too good to me and I really wanna thank you for that. You're all great ladies, and you get chocolate covered Spikes for being yourselves.

Last but not least thank you to all of you who read and review and have stuck by me throughout this ride, you seriously rock!!!

I will be updating again on Saturday and will start posting on Wednesdays and Saturdays for the remainder of the story - which isn't much *sniffles*.
~~~~~~~From the previous chapter

Afterwards, he was proud at how he managed to maneuver her in his lap so that she was cradled against him, and on limp legs, carried her back to the blanket to lay down on it with her. Good thing he had the presence of mind earlier to pack away the rest of the picnic stuff so he could wrap the free end of the blanket around them both, pulling her as close as possible, spooning her before they fell fast asleep.


The morning, and a fisherman who was thankfully discreet enough to turn on his heel and leave the moment he spotted them, found the two lovers still cuddling so close to each other it was hard to tell where one ended and the other began.

Buffy was the first to wake up and, after indulging in some stretching that pushed the blanket from her body allowing the sun to bathe her skin in its smooth caress, turned to kiss Spike awake. They were in no rush as they stroked the sleep away and made love once more, unabashedly glorifying in the most intimate expression of their love.

Neither let the thought of how summer was almost at its end take away from their happiness. Though it couldn’t be helped that Buffy’s parents would be home in three weeks or that Spike would have to go home a few days after that, the previous night had driven their insecurities aside. They’d manage to go through the motions and hide their relationship while Spike would be living with Xander and his family, and they would manage to stay together despite the ocean and then some that would be between them. After all, it wasn’t the distance between bodies that mattered but between their hearts, and their hearts were so entwined they beat as one.


Spike had overcome his fear that Buffy would forget about him before he made his way back to her, having realized at last that he was imprinted in her soul as she was in his. Her eyes were always betraying what she felt and all he could see in them was unconditional love; the kind fairytales were made of. On her part, Buffy, going against her mistrusting nature, had decided to, for once, leave her heart open to the possibility of hurt and wait for her man, trusting him to always be hers. As if following a silent agreement, neither mentioned the sand trickling away in the hourglass measuring their time left together as the days went by and they only became more enamored. Instead of letting despair overtake them, they focused on living each day to its fullest, creating memories to keep them warm in the year they knew they would have to spend apart. This wasn’t lost on Xander and Willow who, sensing their need to have us much time together as possible, kept finding excuses to leave the pair alone.

That is, until the day Xander decided to interfere.


Xander’s intentions were good, they really were, but if he had paid any heed to his uncle Rupert’s warnings every time he had shrugged off responsibility for his actions as a youngster with an ‘I didn’t mean for that to happen’ he would have known the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Willows parents were back that morning and she was spending the day with them, which left her boyfriend at his cousin’s house. Alone with Buffy, that is, because it was Spike’s turn to go grocery shopping; something Xander made sure happened early in the day. That being the last day before the Summers returned from Europe, he knew the blond would hurry back to his girl and that meant he had to take advantage of what precious little time he had with her to see if she was as intent on being true to Spike as he was where she was concerned.

“So, Buffster, how are you dealing with the whole ‘not-being-able-to-be-with-Spike-anymore’ thing?” Yeah, he knew he never was one for subtle intros, but even he winced at how he sprang the question on her as she was vacuuming the living room.

“What do you mean, Xan? Why won’t we be together?”

She seemed genuinely perplexed and he was relieved, but still wanted to be sure. “I mean with our parents coming back and him moving in with us you won’t be able to make much with the smoochies and stuff… and then with him in England that’ll be even harder.” He made a silly grimace that always signified Xander realizing he’d said something stupid and amended “I meant impossible, cuz with you here, and him there you’d have to have mile-long lips to achieve any smoochies and-”

“Xander, is there a point somewhere here?” She switched the vacuum cleaner off with a huff and crossed her arms, looking at him expectantly. She really wanted to finish tidying up the house by the time Spike returned and the boy was costing her precious time.

“No-I mean yes. Yes there is. Have you thought about what you’ll do then? After he leaves?”

“You do know that’s between me and Spike, right?”

For some reason that sounded ominous to his ears, like they had decided to break up after all, and he knew it wasn’t what Spike wanted so it had to be all Buffy’s doing. Going over his options briefly, he decided to go for some reverse psychology to make her change her mind – Willow always seemed to get that right when she wanted him to do something for her. *It can’t be that difficult to be on the giving end, for a change!*

“Sooo, you’ll let him loose then, right? I don’t blame you, how could you spend a year of your life without sex, even meaningless, only to wait for the man of your dreams? I doubt you’d manage to be faithful to him, anyway.” *That’s it, man, throw her a challenge!* He was feeling positively giddy at how well he was handling this and tried to sound casual, as if he really did see the wisdom in her choice.


He dismissed the warning tone of her voice. *I will not give up on the two of them, even if she does want me to butt out*. “I mean, I think you did well deciding to break things off with him. Yup. And it’s definitely in his best interest, too. I mean, what self-respecting male would prefer true love to a series of one-night stands, huh?” So he knew sarcasm wasn’t any more of a strong suit for him than subtlety, but hopefully he was making his point; Buffy would surely realize Spike needed nothing more than he needed her. “Let him live the crazy life that every teen deserves, going out and getting drunk, flirting with silly cheerleaders that only care about their popularity… do they have cheerleaders in the Mother Country?”

Buffy’s face fell and Xander wanted to cheer at his own ingenuity! Making her jealous of what Spike would be up to if she let go of him would force her to realize what a mistake it’d be to break things off. He really itched to pat his own back. “Unless of course that’s not what he wants to do. He may be one of those weird folk that want to get old with the love of his life.”

Buffy’s eyes were brimming with tears, and he just knew her resolution was wavering, so he dealt what he thought would be the killing stroke – as in the stroke that would kill her decision to not wait for Spike. “Then again, how can any man be sure when he’s found true love?” If he knew his cousin, which he was sure he did, she would not have anyone doubt Spike’s love for her. She would chew his head off for daring to imply Spike didn’t really love her and then go make with the crazy bunny sex as soon as her man was home, promising to wait for him for as long as it would take.

He couldn’t help the feeling that he’d left some factor out of his Dr. Love equation when Buffy looked him in the eyes, tears freely flowing down her cheeks and in a shaky voice said “Thank you, Xander, I know what I should do now.”

She refused to elaborate on that and proceeded to clean the rest of the room, ignoring his presence entirely and then went upstairs.


Whistling the tune of ‘Sedated’, Spike dropped the grocery bags on the kitchen counter and ran up the stairs to his love. He was glad his cousin wasn’t anywhere to be seen because he couldn’t wait to be inside his girl again. They hadn’t made love that morning because Xander was way too vocal whining about the lack of breakfast and had planted his ass on the foot of their bed not to be moved until Spike had given up and gone to the market.

He was pulling at the hem of his shirt before he even opened the bedroom door, desperate to make up for the omission of morning love-making while there was still time.

He froze just a couple of steps inside the room, the vision before him inspiring him to write poetry. Buffy sat on the window sill, one leg folded beneath her, the other dangling, her arms wrapped around her waist and her back mostly turned to him as she faced the road outside. The sun outlining her form made her glow like an angel. He actually scanned the room briefly for pen and paper before deciding writing something for her would make him look like a ponce.

Buffy heard him approach and held her breath while trying to muster the strength and courage to go through with her plan. Xander was right, she had to cut him loose, let him spread his wings. She never for a second believed he didn’t love her enough to come back for her, she just didn’t want to be the reason he gave up everything else for.

He slid behind her, wrapping his arms over hers and resting his chin on her shoulder. “What are you lookin’ at, luv?”

“Someone’s moving in.” She said, not turning towards him as he nuzzled her cheek.

Turning to look at what held her attention, Spike saw the moving truck across the street, but he had other matters on his mind, so he took a step back trying to pull her with him. When she didn’t budge he was sure the movers outside made her think of how he’d be leaving soon, and he would not have sad thoughts mar the last day they could openly spend together.

“I was thinkin’ we’d have a quick lunch and spend the rest of the day in bed, luv. Any requests?”

“No.” *Have to do this fast, a clean cut.*

“Nothin’?” His leer was lost on her as she still wasn’t looking at him. “So I can do as I please?”

“No. I meant no spending the day in bed. I just changed the sheets.”

“Oh, you wan’ to go out, then? I’m up for that. We could go back to that lake-”

“No, Spike. Not spending the day in bed, not going to the lake. There’s no use dragging this out.” She bit her lip to choke down the sob that threatened to spill forth and tried to keep her tone level.

“Draggin’ this out? What do you mean?

“Us, Spike, let’s not make this into a dramatic ‘goodbye’. We both knew this had an expiry date.”

“’This’…” he repeated. “You mean us.” It didn’t sound like a question but he still strived to understand what she was saying. He could see the back of her head and knew she was nodding.

“So this is you tellin’ me…”

“It’s over.” Buffy could practically hear her heart shattering as she spoke.

He could hear the strain in her voice, and knew there was more to it than what his refusal to believe her might make up. “No. It's not over. It can’t be over. I love you, and I know you love me, Buffy… Where is this comin’ from? Are you having cold feet? Afraid I might hurt you? Not come back?” He reached for her but she shied away from his touch, shaking her head. He couldn’t appreciate the beauty of her golden tresses shining in the sun; he was too preoccupied by the iron fist he felt squeezing the breath out of his lungs.

“No, I’m not afraid of you hurting me. I just can’t do this freak-show anymore.” She had to scare him away, had to make him hate her so that he left before her resolve crumbled and she begged him to just hold her and never let go.

“Freak-show?” He chuckled at the absurdity of the notion after the number of times she had melted in his arms telling him she loved him, *she can’t mean that. She can’t*, but then his anger hit full force. “Bloody hell, will you at least have the decency to look at me while you’re rippin’ my heart out?” He wanted to grab her and shake her until she told him the truth about what made her act like this. “Or are the new neighbors too interestin’ for you to tear your eyes away from ’em? Hopin’ they’ll have a seventeen year old son you can shag after I’m gone? Or do you want him to be sixteen? Am I too old for you now? Maybe sixteen year olds are how you get your rocks off.” He felt dirty saying those words but he wanted to get some reaction out of her, something to show him what was wrong, because his Buffy would never not love him.

“Maybe freak-show was a strong word, but it can’t go on.” Her voice was flat now, sounding resigned. “This is wrong. You have to go home and move on, Spike. Live your life and let me live mine. You’re too young to be tied down by something you don’t even know will work out.”

“I don’ want to live my life without you, Buffy. Don’ think I know how to anymore. I lo-”

Her words cutting him off were like a slap to his face.

“I'm using you.” Tears were running down her face, *I thought I was all cried out this afternoon* and she was grateful the blazing sun wouldn’t let him see her reflection in the window.

He could do nothing but stare at her back, burning holes through her thin top as he watched her breath hitch and her shoulders slump. This was the woman of his dreams, the love of his life, the one who loved him back and swore to never hurt him. This was her piercing his heart with a wooden stake as she stomped on his feelings.

“I can't love you. I'm just... being weak, and selfish-” A sob wracked her body. “-and it's killing me.”

He couldn’t hear any more of that. He had to leave the room while his legs still held him. His mouth felt dry and he wanted to beat himself up for wanting to console her, for wanting to tell her that it was alright, that he didn’t mind she was killing him, as long as she would stop crying.


Her whispered ‘I'm sorry... William’ was almost drowned out by the slamming of the door as he left the room.

Buffy crumbled in a heap on the floor the moment the door was shut, curling her body tight as if wanting to disappear. She had to fight for her breath as wave after wave of panic hit her at the thought of the empty charade of a life she had just condemned herself to. *Please let me have made the right choice.*

End Notes:
Please let me know what you think (and please trust me)! Oh, and if you're reading Mixing Business with Fanfic, the second chapter will probably be posted next Friday and updates will be weekly after that! xxx
34 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
This is the SECOND update this week. If you've read nothing angsty on QS and last thing you remember is the swing sex you have missed Chapter 33.

Thank you all so much for still being with me on this ride and for trusting me. Thank you with cookies to Tina (Im_bloody_English) for always finding time for me. You ROCK, sister! Thank you Carrie (Darkrivertempest), for helping out sooo much with this chapter, would have been flat without you. Thank you Sarah, for giving each chapter a test-drive and for the long chats. And thank you Cat for reading this even though you never watched BtVS. You're an angel! Love you ladies! *huggles*
~~~~~~~From the previous chapter

Her whispered ‘I'm sorry... William’ was almost drowned out by the slamming of the door as he left the room.

Buffy crumbled in a heap on the floor the moment the door was shut, curling her body tight as if wanting to disappear. She had to fight for her breath as wave after wave of panic hit her at the thought of the empty charade of a life she had just condemned herself to. *Please let me have made the right choice.*


Spike growled as he raced through the house that never before seemed so big, trying to make sense of what the bloody hell just happened. The more he thought about Buffy’s words the more convinced he was he should do what she wanted.

He just wasn’t sure what she wanted was what she asked for.


Xander was out back by the pool, getting a tongue lashing over the phone. Though not totally convinced he didn’t deserve the yelling – and a couple of less than nice names – Willow threw his way, he still made with the token protests and excuses.

“But baby, I’m sure it worked. I mean, she said she knew what she had to do now…” He shook his head in defeat as his girlfriend exasperatedly stressed for the tenth time that Buffy and Spike had been too happy for people that were going to split up, which meant his meddling probably did the opposite… only she explained it all in a much less nice way.

“But how do you-” the rest of his question was drowned out, along with the cordless phone which was thrown into the water by a livid Spike, now holding on two fistfuls of Xander’s shirt and yelling in his face.

“What the fuck did you do?” His nostrils were flaring, his voice threatening yet pleading at the same time.

Xander knew he couldn’t play dumb, although he sure felt like he was *no, not just dumb, a moron, an asshole, a ‘bloody wanker’ as Spike would say*, so he held his palms up and with sincere remorse sputtered “I—I’m sorry, man, I thought I was helping.”

“Thought you were helpin’? Bloody priceless.”

The hands grabbing onto Xander’s shirt were now shaking him like a rag doll, although the dark haired boy wasn’t sure if it was intentional or just an act of desperation. “What happened, Will?” The old name sprang from his lips as all of Spike’s fury seemed to desert him, along with his ability to stay upright, and the blond fell to his knees, bringing his cousin down with him.

Burrowing into Xander’s arms he let loose heart wrenching sobs he’d held in for what seemed like an eternity. “She—she said we were a bloody freak-show, Xander.”

Spike looked up wiping his tears with the knuckles of one hand while the other never let go of the soaked fabric of the brown haired boy’s shirt. Xander felt his own heart breaking and an intense desire to bust his head against the nearest wall. “She didn’t mean it, Will, she can’t mean it. She loves you.” Hesitant hands patted the smaller man’s back in the awkward manner males always do to express their efforts at consoling one another.

“Yeah, she made that clear somewhere between ‘it’s over’ and ‘I can’t love you’.” He shook his head at his own snarky comment. “I know she loves me, Whelp, please tell me what happened. Tell me how to fix this.”

“I don’t know which of the crazy ass things I told her made her snap, man.” At the killer look on the blond’s eyes he hastened to amend. “I know I screwed up man. Willow is always going on about that reverse-psychology thing and it always works like a charm on me, so I thought-” he took a deep breath, bracing himself for the assault he knew would follow his confession. “-I thought it could work, make her not break up with you when you left if-”

Spike was on his feet and Xander on his ass in a split second. The latter seriously doubted his cousin’s sanity as he watched him jump from one psychological state to the next.

“Who the fuck said she was goin’ to break up with me?”

The finger pointed at his face made Xander cower as Spike crouched in front of him which seemed to snap Spike out of his rage long enough for him to help the other boy up. Spotting a packet of cigarettes on a bamboo table, he snatched one, lit it up and proceeded to take a long drag.

“What did you tell her?” he asked, the smoke furling out with each word of his question.

Xander approached him slowly to take a cigarette out of the proffered pack and inhaled deeply when Spike lit it for him. “I’m sorry man. I fucked it up big time. I’ll fix it, I’ll go up there and-”

“What. Did. You. Tell. Her?” His voice was low but sent a chill down Xander’s spine. “This mornin’ I left behind a woman who dreamt of spendin’ the rest of her life with me and I came back to one who couldn’ be rid of me fast enough.”

“I told her it was best to let you go.” He could see Spike clenching and unclenching his fist, and could practically feel another impact between his ass and the ground coming. To his credit, though, he didn’t flinch. “I thought I’d make it a challenge for her… to hold on to you. I didn’t know, man. I didn’t know.” He sought the right words in his smoke, pulling drag after drag. “Told her to let you live your life. I thought I was being sarcastic enough. I thought she’d know I was talking out of my ass, Will. You have to believe me.”

“So she wants me?” Xander muttered a simple ‘yes’.

“You sure?”

“Yes, Will, I’m sure, she only said what she said cuz me and my big mouth made her think it was for your own good.”

The blond nodded once. “The name’s Spike”, he said, before flicking his cigarette butt into the pool and storming back inside the house. *William would never have the balls to go back up there*.

He took the stairs a few at a time, steeling himself for more rejection before he would manage to break through the wall Buffy seemed to have built between them and once more reaching out to her. He didn’t need to think any more. He knew she loved him while she said those spiteful things and now he knew why she’d acted like she had. It was time to get his girl back.

The tiny figure trembling and gasping on the floor looking nowhere in particular through vacant eyes, however, made no effort to resist as he gathered her in his arms and carried her to the bed. “It’s ok, Buffy, I’m here, always here. Always coming back to you.” Putting her down carefully, he sat by her side and caressed her face, brushing the matted locks away from her tear-stained cheeks. “Look at me, luv. Focus on me, I’m here. I’ve got you. Spike’s got you.” His eyes trained on her, he stood up and walked backwards to the door, taking his gaze off her only to duck his head outside the doorframe and yell at the top of his lungs for Xander to bring up some water before he rushed back to her side.


Buffy kept playing her words over and over in her head as she lay there, feeling her insides hurt with every breath she took. She supposed she should be thankful she hadn’t seen the betrayed look she knew would be in his eyes when she destroyed all that was pure and beautiful inside him, but the moment that crossed her mind it was like she could see him… and that hurt so much more. The shock, the pain, the disbelief his face was so capable was expressing – but should never have to – were staring back at her as real as if he’d never left the room, every time she shut her eyes. She should never be the cause of that. *I'm so selfish, so selfish, God! I should've let him go earlier, before he loved me…* Unbidden thoughts raided her mind, contradicting each other, sending a shiver through her and making her grief mount, pulling wails of despair from her gut. *Not able to touch his face again, taste his lips, smell my scent on his skin. Never wake up next to him again.*

The loss was too much to bear, making her head spin. She squeezed her eyes shut to shield them against the cruel noon light but his face floated before her again and she had to snap them open because that beautiful, loved, face didn’t deserve to be lined by misery. *My God, what did I do?* She cried out in misery. *There’s no way back, no way back… I’m sorry, William… I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…* Doubt, guilt, pain, all tied up in a knot in her stomach, making blood feel like lead in her veins, weighing her down. Doubt. Guilt. Pain. So much pain. Too much for her mind to bear. *I was wrong, I was wrong. No way back. Never. I drove him away. Called us a freak-show. Oh my God! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…* She felt empty but for that knot, so she tried to hold on to it for all she had, shutting everything else out. Glassy eyes stopped taking in the room around her as she withdrew to a place she could still be with him… Somewhere she could make him see… make him understand…


Spike couldn’t make sense of Buffy’s utter lack of response and it scared him that he couldn’t break through to her. Taking her hands in his he started massaging the cold palms. He could tell she wasn’t seeing him and that shook him more than if she had passed out. She seemed to be in shock and he couldn’t stop cursing himself for having left the room when she told him it was over instead of forcing her to look at him, kiss some sense into her. *What if she doesn’ come back? Those things I said…* “Buffy? Talk to me, pet, look at me an’ tell me off for not fightin’ for you the moment you tol’ me it was over. Please, Buffy, luv. Look at me. I’m here, I love you.” Her erratic breathing evened out a little and Spike realized he was panting. When her eyelids fluttered he felt his heart skip a beat and couldn’t help leaning in to lay soft kisses all over her face. Gradually the gasps she still let out began making sense. She was repeating her last words to him over and over like a chant. ‘I’m-sorry-William-I’m-sorry-William-I’m-sorry-William-I’m-sorry-William.’

*His face, he’s here, no he’s not. I made him leave. I’m sorry, William, I love you, I’m sorry, Spike, never meant to hurt you, thought it was for the best. I love you.* His face before her looked more substantial than before and she felt a mad giggle boil inside her throat and spill out. “Not here. I’m losing it. Lost you and now losing my mind…” she whispered.

He was close enough to hear her whisper and the resignation in it cut like a knife. “Haven’ lost me. Can’t lose me. Love you. I’m here.” Her eyes seemed to focus for just a split second before she was lost to him again. She still sounded like she was talking to him though...

“I had to, baby. I had to let you go. Let you live. Couldn’t ask you to leave it all behind for me. So young.” *I love you.* She was mad at herself for seeing him looking at her worriedly. *I don’t deserve that. Hate me, I can take it… no… I can’t* “I love you.”

Spike couldn’t take it anymore. Couldn’t watch her drown in despair when he was there to pull her out. Curling his hands around her shoulders he raised her towards him. “I’m here. Love you, too, Buffy. Goddamit, luv, LOOK. AT. ME!” He hadn’t known he was crying until his tears fell on her pale cheeks.

Xander entered the room focused on the overfilled glass of water in his hand but raised his head at Spike’s last cry. It sounded like agonized rage was pulling him apart. He stood shell-shocked, holding his breath and fearing he’d hear something snap as the blond shook the limp girl in his arms like a rag-doll, her head lolling back and forth.

He breathed again when Buffy suddenly tensed, her arms no longer flopping by her sides but rising so that her fingers wrapped around Spike’s biceps, and she raised her head – as if just waking up – to look at her man.

“Spike?” The fog was lifting from her sight, her throat felt raw but her heart soared at the look in the baby blue eyes beholding her. “I’m—I’m sorry.”

With a sigh of relief, Spike just pulled her closer, enfolding her in a tight embrace and tucking her face under his chin, fresh tears wetting his skin as he whispered all the things he felt he had to in order to reassure her.

Feeling as if he were intruding, Xander left the glass of water on the dressing table before quietly slipping back out of the room and closing the door.


“I’m sorry, pet, should ’ave known… Shouldn ’ave said those-”

“No, let’s not.” She laid two fingers on his lips. They had talked about things, and cried about things, and now she wanted to do other things; things that would re-establish their claim on each other and reconfirm their love. She needed to know everything really was alright and no apologies could convince her of that. No, she wanted no more apologies between them. She wanted nothing between them as they lay in bed still holding on to one another for dear life. Her fingers traced his cheekbones before cupping his face and bringing him in close for a gentle kiss.

They made love again and again with the passion brought about by near tragedy, clinging on, getting lost, becoming whole again, hoping to exorcise the last traces of any lingering doubts or fears to render that awful morning as nothing more than a bad midday dream.

When they finally gave in to sleep, they both felt they had achieved just that.


Regretfully, Spike woke Buffy up a couple of hours before dawn. They had to remake the bed with fresh sheets before he had to move into the other room where he knew he’d lay awake, missing her until her family came home and it was time to start a new day, one where he wouldn’t be able to kiss her or touch her like he constantly craved to.

He didn’t care though. Nor did her care that he would be sleeping down the block from her – in Xander’s house – for the next few days until he returned to England, or that he’d spend a year of nights in a bed miles from hers once there, because none of it mattered. What mattered was that they’d almost lost each other, but didn’t.

What mattered was that she was his and he was hers and it would always remain that way.

End Notes:
This chapter and the previous one took a lot to write. Had to go to a dark place I've been trying never to revisit to drag up the feelings needed. That's why your response to Chapter 33 really meant a lot to me and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
35 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
Only three chapters left for Quiet Summer to be over *sniffles* I'm so grateful to all of you for being with me so far, you all get cookies (those who review get hot chocolate with li'l marsh-mallows too)!

A huge 'thank you' and a bear hug each for Tina (Im_bloody_English), who we have established is my goddess other than my beta, for Carrie (Darkrivertempest), who is funny even when I know she just wants to scream with frustration, and for Sarah (SpikesGoddess) whose cheeks I wanna pinch 24/7! I love you lots ladies, knowing you has made my life better.

There was an UPDATE on Saturday, so if you've read nothing since the break-up you've MISSED chapter 34!
~~~~~~~From the previous chapter

What mattered was that she was his and he was hers and it would always remain that way.


Buffy heard the door bell and mumbled ‘Spike can you get it?’ before the lack of body heat registered and she remembered Spike wasn’t in bed with her. A momentary sense of loss swept through her before she, for once, used her legendary resolve to hold on to a positive thought. *It’ll be okay, we love each other and it’ll be okay.* Still feeling a bit weird about having woken up dressed, she ran towards the stairs yelling, “I’m coming, I’m coming guys!” only to be intercepted at the top of them by a still sleep addled Spike and a big kiss.

“Mornin’ cutie.”

“Spike, morning. My folks are here.”

“I heard, pet, just wanted my last mornin’ kiss for now. Go get the door, the whelp an’ I will be right down.”

Giving him a quick peck on the lips, she nodded before yawning adorably and yelling one last ‘Coming!’ before rushing downstairs.

She flung the door open expecting a screeching Dawn – who still hadn’t realized she’d gotten too big to climb on people as a greeting – to be all over her.

Instead she was facing a politely smiling Anya.


With a big grin, the other woman nodded and kissed her on the cheek. “Surprise!”

Buffy looked around the woman to see Rupert coming up the walkway, the top of his head barely visible over the huge gift-wrapped packet in his arms. “Giles?”

Anya seemed irritated their surprise wasn’t received with more fervor and motioned for Giles to hurry up. “We also brought you a present.” She took a step to the side, obviously waiting for the blonde to move and let her in. “Hello William.” Her grin widened.

Buffy was so shocked, she didn’t move from the doorway; she just stood there blinking and looking from one to the other until she heard a ‘Bloody HELL’ behind her.

Turning to a dumbfounded Spike who was trying to hide as much of his bleached blond hair with his hands as possible, she missed the shocked look on Giles’ face when he saw the changes in his son’s appearance. She snapped her attention back to the older man when he let out a ‘Dear Lord’ and forgetting about the package in his arms, brought his hands up to take his glasses off and begin cleaning them.

Anya, ever the practical one, grabbed the box before it hit the ground and exclaimed, “Oh, Rupert, he doesn’t look half bad with his new hair. He looks all grown up.”

“Yes, clearly, umm… indeed, all grown up.” In his shocked state, Giles didn’t notice how Buffy’s eyes lit up when he mumbled, “I guess he has to fit in with the colonial sense of fashion now that we will be living here”.

Anya, however, did.

She passed by Buffy - who still hadn’t wrapped her mind around their presence at her house – and stretched her neck up to give her stunned step-son a kiss on the cheek. Then, after setting the present on the living room coffee table, she proceeded to sprawl out on the couch with a huff.

Giles gave Buffy a distracted hug, shook hands with his son – complete with a ‘nice to see you’ along with a fatherly pat on the back – and also went inside, oblivious to the questioning looks exchanged by the two blonds behind his back. Buffy closed the door and they both followed him to where Anya was now fixing the crumpled bow on the present they’d brought.

“What are you… what are you guys doing here?” Buffy asked in a much cheerier tone than she intended. “Not that it’s not a-a pleasant surprise. So uhmm, how long are you here for?” She gestured for Giles to sit next to his wife as the man never forgot his British manners – even in a state of shock – and obviously awaited the invite before he took the proffered seat. Spike sat opposite the two while Buffy still stood in the center of the room with a hopeful look on her face. *If the Giles’ are here, then he’s not leaving yet… unless they’re only here for the ten extra days he was supposed to stay*. And if that was the case, it’d be even harder to see Spike with his folks around. If they’d only answer the ‘how long are you here for question she could breath again.

William,” Rupert exclaimed in shock, finally having noticed his face. “Your brow… that scar… how did-”

“However it happened, Rupert, it’s obviously healed and he’s fine.” His wife was always the practical one and Giles didn’t mind a bit when she interrupted him. He loved her fire and straight forwardness… well, most of the time. “Buffy asked us a question. Are you going to answer or shall I?”

“Yes, quite… well-”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake, I will.” Never one to talk in circles, Anya took it upon herself to explain. “Rupert was offered the position of Museum Curator here in Sunnydale. It pays much more than the librarian position he held in England-” she spotted Giles was about to add something but kept talking anyway. “-and of course it will put his enormous brain to much better use.” She smiled in her patented, self-satisfied way at having managed to stroke her husband’s ego by merely saying the truth. “So he took it. We’re moving into the house right behind yours.” She clapped her hands excitedly before changing the subject. “By the way, where’s Xander?”

“Huh?” Buffy’s brain was still playing ‘catch-up’. *Spike isn’t leaving. He’s not going back. He’ll be here. We can keep seeing each other…* She was doing an internal happy dance when she noticed Anya looking at her strangely. Buffy turned to Spike for help and he thankfully jumped in to answer the question.

But Anya hadn’t missed ‘that look’…or what it meant, either.

“The Whelp… er, Xander is still asleep. I tried to get him out of bed but he wouldn’t budge and inch. Do you want me to try again?”

“No, that’s fine, let him sleep. I was just getting to the part of the story where his parents helped us contact a realtor to find a home and noticed he wasn’t here.”

“So, William,” Giles seemed almost shy as he cleared his throat and once more wiped his squeaky clean glasses. “I know we did not ask how you would feel about moving. I only pray that you’re not too averse to the idea. I was hoping that by spending the summer here, it would make the transition easier.”

“Fuck-I mean, yes, father, of course I am perfectly alright with it.” *Great job, mate, start sayin’ ‘fuck yeah’ in front of them. Why not, you already said, ‘bloody hell’.* He was hoping his dad wouldn’t notice the slip of tongue. The last thing he wanted when things were finally starting to look up was for the old man to think Buffy had been a bad influence on him.

Although Spike only used his polished British accent in Buffy’s presence when they were out in public, *and on our one month anniversary… yummy*, it never failed to impress her. Or turn her on! Her eyes glazed over and she barely caught herself before wetting her lips. Her panties, however, didn’t fair too well in the ‘getting wet’ department, *yeah, well, at least they’ll never find out about that*.

The doorbell suddenly rang, bringing Buffy out of her musings. “Oh, that must be my folks and Xan’s. How did you guys get here before them?” she asked as she walked to the door.

Again, Anya answered before Rupert even had the chance. “Well, they had to wait for their luggage. We had none, so we took a cab. Everything was sent here yesterday. Surely you must have seen the movers?”

Spike made a funny face just a split second before he burst out laughing. He brushed off the puzzled looks aimed his way managing to sputter ‘private joke’ when he finally caught his breath, but quickly relapsed into uncontrollable laughter. “The movers… The neighbors… I guess I was right!”

Buffy was just opening the door when she realized the cause of his mirth. *I guess the new neighbors do have a seventeen year old son I can shag, squeeeeeeee!!!* She was still giggling when Dawn made her own verbal squee and tackled her to the floor.


Both Buffy and Xander’s folks had always been a touchy-feely family, so hugs were shared all around, even to Anya and a very distraught, proper Giles who’d already spent a large portion of the summer with them, and, were on the same flight back to the States.

To his credit, old Rupes managed not to have a stroke at the physical display of affection, but he was obviously relieved when Hank suggested the guys should go out for a beer while the women caught up with ‘the kids’. He didn’t mention, ‘and unpack’, but Joyce knew her husband and she jokingly raised an eyebrow, teasing him about never lifting a finger to help with the housework.

Xander’s mom offered to stay and help, and Joyce thanked her, promising to return the favor right after they finished. Buffy half heartedly protested that the house didn’t need any work, as she’d kept everything in ‘impeccable order’. Her choice of words made Dawn and Xander – who had finally dragged his body downstairs and received several compliments about having lost so much weight – exchange pointed looks then giggles. Tara and Oz looked at their son with pride. The chubby, ungainly boy that had been so unsure of himself at the beginning of summer now seemed to have grown up and certainly looked much better as well as more confident. Soon, the men were out of the door, having asked the two male teens to join them but received negative answers.

“I’ll go make some coffee,” Spike offered and was followed into the kitchen by Dawn who did nothing to conceal the admiration in her eyes.

“I’ll help,” she said louder than she had to before adding in a much lower voice, “are you guys pissed I didn’t tell you about the move? And by the way, nice dye job!”

“Oi, not dye, bleach.”

“Same difference! So are you okay with the move?”

“Okay? It’s bloody marvelous!” Spike couldn’t resist hugging the girl and despite her being about his height, picked her up and twirled her in the air. “Never been happier, li’l bit.”

And of course, that was when Buffy and Anya came to the kitchen to put away the Bohemian crystal glasses the Giles’ had brought back as a gift.

Buffy froze.

Spike put Dawn down and shook his head slightly at Buffy.

Dawn’s smile faded at her sister’s frown.

Anya noticed everything... and intervened.

“William, Dawny, why don’t you go help Joyce with the luggage? Buffy and I can take care of making the coffee.” Her grin was about to split her face in half. “Tara offered but you know your mother, she never wants to impose on anyone, not even her sister in law-” she looked at Dawn, “-and Xander is a sweet boy, but such a klutz.”

Spike began to propose that the girls help their mother and Anya could stay with him, but she cut him off. “Now, William. The two of them won’t be able to carry all those heavy suitcases upstairs by themselves.”

Throwing Buffy a look to make sure she was ok with what Anya asked, Spike followed Dawn out of the kitchen.

The moment the two were out of earshot, Anya focused on Buffy’s back as the blonde was busying herself with placing a new filter in the coffee machine and asked in a level voice, “Have you and William been giving each other orgasms all summer?”

Buffy slowly turned to face her as she felt the blood drain from her head and had to clutch the bench behind her because her legs felt wobbly all of a sudden. And not in a good way.

“What? NOOO!” She cringed as her voice didn’t sound convincing even to her own ears.

Holding a hand up, Anya insisted like she hadn’t heard her reply. “How long?”

Buffy couldn’t deny it any more. “All summer,” she admitted with a sigh, hanging her head. “How—how did you know?” She couldn’t bring herself to meet the other woman’s eyes.

“It’s obvious, with the way you two are always looking at each other with those moon-eyes, and him asking your permission to go… not out loud, of-”

“It’s not just… not just sex, Anya.” Buffy whispered.

“I kind of figured that out, too. What exactly is it?”

The calmness of Anya’s voice chilled Buffy to the bone. The woman was a liberal spirit, and really into sex – though Buffy could remember countless times she, *probably Giles too*, wished Anya was less verbal about her appreciation of sexual acts – but this was about her underage step-son and Anya was well within her rights to even turn her in to the police. Still, she hoped the woman would see how much in love she and Spike were, and she had to try and make her understand. “I love him. A lot. And he loves me, too. I never meant for this to happen, Anya, you have to belie-”

“I can see that he loves you,” she interrupted. “But are you sure you love him just as much?” Anya’s eyes didn’t seem accusatory as she watched for Buffy’s reaction, challenging her for the truth.

Why did everyone just accept his love for her and fear she’d hurt him? *Oh, maybe cuz I’m the adult here, and cuz I already hurt him yesterday?* She refused to linger on the thought. “Of course I’m sure. Anya please don’t-” she paused, not knowing quite what she wanted to ask. *Don’t what? Don’t make us break up? Yeah, fat chance of that.* Taking a deep breath and steeling herself, she asked instead, “So, what do you want me to do now that you know?” Still unable to raise her head, she bit her lower lip, feeling the sting of tears forming in her eyes. *So close to happiness and now…* Even if Anya decided not to tell anyone else, she would more than likely insist they stop seeing each other. *Maybe we can still make it. We were ready for a year apart anyway.* Buffy was prepared to fight for him, for them, but she knew there wasn’t much that could be done until Spike was eighteen and she’d concede to anything Anya asked just so she could hold onto some hope for the future.

“Does Xander know?” The question seemed irrelevant.

Buffy nodded.

“And Dawn?”

Another nod.

“Well, if Rupert finds out, he will definitely have a stroke and be completely devastated, which of course make me just as unhappy, so he can never know. I’m not going to tell anyone else, Buffy, so don’t worry about that. But-” she held a finger up.

Buffy turned her back to the brunette and filled a glass with water, wanting something, anything to focus on other than the condemnation she knew Anya’s next words would bring. *Even if she doesn’t tell, she could use what she knows to keep me away from him.* Maybe if she could just, accidentally not hear those words, it would be as if they were never spoken.

“But-” Anya repeated, lowering her voice to a more serious tone. “-you’ll have to move away-”

Buffy never heard her finish the rest of that sentence as the glass she’d been holding slipped from her hand to hit the hard tiled floor, shattering into a million pieces just like her heart had the moment Anya said she had to move. A small piece of glass landed on her foot, the flip-flops she wore not offering much in the means of protection, but she never even registered the pain from the cut.

Spinning on her heel she looked straight into Anya’s eyes, her jaw slack with shock. Blinking rapidly in an effort to focus on the other woman through the tears now streaming down her cheeks she could only repeat the last thing she heard. “Move away?”

End Notes:
Okay... so I may be a liiiiittle evil, not much tho, I swear! *pinky swears* More on Saturday and for those that follow MBwF, it will be updated tomorrow! *hugs*

Please take a moment to tell me what you thought about it!
36 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
*sniffles* Two more to go, and I can't thank you all enough for being with me so long! You all deserve cookies to say the least!!!

Thank you to Tina (IBE) for being an awesome beta and friend and Sarah (SpikesGoddess) for making me giggle uncontrollably, and reading everything in advance.
~~~~~~~From the previous chapter

Spinning on her heel she looked straight into Anya’s eyes, her jaw slack with shock. Blinking rapidly in an effort to focus on the other woman through the tears now streaming down her cheeks she could only repeat the last thing she heard. “Move away?”


Buffy’s head was spinning and her hands held on to the bench behind her so hard her knuckles were white with the effort to keep her grasp on reality. She could see Anya’s lips still moving, but barely registered the perplexed expression on the woman’s face, as the only sound that reached her ears was that of her own blood pounding inside her temples.

*Move away? Move. Away?* Anya couldn’t actually be blackmailing her, could she? Asking her to move and never see Spike again in exchange for not telling anyone about her ‘sordid’ affair with the underage boy, *who is more of a man than many double his age*?

Anya was now holding her shoulders and shaking her rather hard, a not-so-concerned look on her face as she leaned in closer to try and get through to her. It was the look, not the shaking, that managed to break through Buffy’s daze enough for her to hear parts of what the brunette was saying.

“…big deal is…”

*Big deal? It’s a huge deal! I’m in love with him!* Buffy tried to speak, but her tongue felt numb in her mouth.

“…other part of town…spring…”

Anya shrugged and Buffy frowned, something in the older woman’s nonchalance seemed decidedly ‘off’ about the topic at hand, even for Anya who never seemed to lose her cool, *except for that one time when Xander had brought her a bunny for—Gah, FOCUS Buffy.*

Gathering her wits, Buffy managed to get a grip on her emotions and a grasp on Anya’s upper arms, stilling them both. “What exactly did you say?”

“Do you want a word by word replay, or just the gist of it?”

Despite herself, Buffy chuckled. Anya was the only person she knew with such a great memory, and Buffy knew she’d never want to piss her off… with that memory, the woman might as well be a vengeance demon, since she never let go of a grudge. That last thought made Buffy’s mirth disappear as fast as it arose. *Guess I royally pissed her off now.* But she didn’t appear pissed off, just perplexed and slightly amused. “Let’s go for the short splainy.”

“Well, I asked what the big deal was-”

Buffy desperately wanted to interrupt, but didn’t, sensing Anya’s point wasn’t about what she thought at first.

“-I mean it’s not like you’ll be far away. You find a place on the other side of town, and you have till spring to do so.”

She shrugged and Buffy waited for her to continue, but she seemed to be done speaking.

“Spring?” The question was curt, not indicating curiosity, but more like disbelief. It was like Buffy was trying to will Anya to remember it wasn’t even fall yet.

“Huh. You really didn’t hear a word I said before, did you? I read somewhere an article about selective hearing. That must be the case here. Your preconceived notion about my reaction led your subconscious only selecting to perceive what you-”

“ANYA!” Buffy managed to sound commanding although her voice was low. *Yeah, now I remember my mom is here! Can this day get any worse? Oh-no! Jinx! You never ask such questions! Unless it doesn’t count when it’s too myself… and could I be any more of a scatter-brain right now?* She shook her head, clearing it of her inner rant. “Why spring?”

“Because-” Anya said really slowly with a grin spreading on her face.

The woman obviously took pleasure into torturing her, *yup, sooo could be a vengeance demon,*

“-Will is going to need some tutoring in Art if he’s going to get into college next year, and I think you could ‘tutor’ him until spring.” Her own inability to grasp subtle innuendos made Anya hasten to explain. “You understand that means I can cover for you giving each other orgasms under the pretence of you giving him lessons – I mean Art was your major – but only until spring. After that you will have to find a place of your own and he will have to get a real tutor.” Then she scrunched her face up momentarily, as if trying to solve a math equation. “Rent can be expensive,” she said more to herself and frowned. “It’s not like you could do much with your degree, because you didn’t study economics or business. Basically, you have no real work experience, do you?” Buffy shook her head. “We’ll just have to find something for you then I suppose. I believe William will want to attend Sunnydale University after high school, so if he tells his father he wants to move into the dorms next year, you two will be able to be regular lust honeys…”

Buffy was slack jawed; wheels turning in her head, exploring all the wonderful possibilities of what Anya suggested and too shocked to take offence at the berating of her degree or lack of work experience. But she still caught the mistake of her cliché and absentmindedly corrected her. “Lust bunnies.” Anya shrieked, *and how did she manage that in a hushed voice?*

“Why would you bring that up when I’m only trying to help you?”

Anya seemed genuinely hurt and Buffy really tried to respect her irrational fear, but could hardly stifle a giggle at the look of horror on her face. She was feeling light headed after the emotional rollercoaster she’d just ridden, but managed to pull herself together to apologize. “I’m sorry, really I am. It was inconsiderate of me. Do you—do you really think your idea could work?”

“It will work!” She nodded enthusiastically, smile back in place. “I’m most capable of making well laid plans.

“And you’re alright with me and Spike? Er… William I mean.”

“Spike?” Anya grinned, a wicked gleam in her eye. “Now I wonder where that nickname could have possibly stemmed from.” The fact she didn’t pursue the matter - or made any comment on the Giles’s genetics - but merely giggled when Buffy blushed really was a first for her, and she could tell the blonde more than appreciated it. “Well, never mind. I’m more than ok with it, honest. Rupert is my senior by many years, Buffy, and we’re both really happy together. I wouldn’t take that away from Will or you.”

“You’ve just made me the happiest I think I’ve ever been!” Buffy couldn’t help but throw her arms around the woman and kiss both her cheeks.

“Happies’ than ever, huh?”

Still holding Anya, her head snapped towards the doorway, where a slightly pouting Spike was leaning on the doorframe right outside the swinging kitchen doors.

“Your mum sent me to see what was keepin’ the coffee. An’ it was you two, of course.” Spike was trying to make sense of why the women were hugging. Neither was much for showing affection in that way, especially without good reason.

“Yu-P!” Buffy popped the ‘p’, letting her lower lip jut out just a fraction of a second too long. “Happier than even you make me, and that’s hard to accomplish. I’m all happy-Buffy now!” She grinned at his shocked expression over her ‘slip’ in front of his stepmother. Anya gave her one last squeeze before letting go and switching on the coffee machine.

“Bring the coffee upstairs when it’s done, please. And try to tone the lust down when you join us. Especially you… Spike.” She brushed by him with a devilish glint in her eye, leaving him to gawk at her back as she walked to the staircase.

“Wh… how, what, how-” Spike kept opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water, making choked sounds among the half-formed questions. He’d never resembled his dad more than in that moment.

Buffy chuckled. “If you wipe an imaginary pair of glasses clean, I am so breaking up with you.” She grinned at him and he started sputtering again, so she pulled him into the kitchen in order to silence him with a kiss. “She knows and she’s going to help us stay together,” she whispered against his lips, “I’ll tell you the rest later. Now wait for the coffee and then get your cute little ass up there. I’ll go catch up with mom and Dawn.”

With a swat on said cute ass she left the room, the bounce in her step making him smile as he still tried to wrap his mind around that piece of information.


By the time Spike made his way upstairs, carefully balancing the tray with the coffee mugs while sporting a silly smile, Buffy had removed the piece of glass from her foot. *Thank God it wasn’t on the sole, that would hurt like a bitch.* She put a band-aid on the tiny wound then helped Dawn finish unpacking. All the clothes were either in the washer or the closets. The two girls had done some sharing and squee’d together in joy when Buffy let Dawn know that Anya knew about her relationship and was more than fine with it. Even Xander had partaken in a less than manly squee’ing session when he was let in on the source of their glee.

After they’d only had a few sips of what Tara deemed a ‘really fine blend’, Joyce began getting jittery with the near physical need to vacuum the house – despite it being spotless – and wanted them all out of there in order to do it. As she couldn’t just admit to wanting them out of her way however, she urged them to go help Tara unpack and clean up over at her home.

It didn’t take them as long as Joyce expected to finish with their chores at the other house, since Tara never possessed the compulsive need for tidiness like her sister-in-law did, and then Buffy, Spike, Xander, Dawn, and Anya were off to the Giles’ new place. ‘To clean up’, they’d said and make it more homey. What they didn’t say was that what they wanted to do the most, was to make plans for Buffy’s move.

Well, at least all except Anya. What she had in mind was free labor to help her unpack the myriads of boxes the movers had just left laying around.

And as usual, that woman’s will was done first. After the second floor was finished with relative ease because the furniture in the bedrooms couldn’t be placed differently, she had the two young men move – “Lift it boys, don’t drag, you’ll ruin the marble!” – a heavy leather couch all around the living room twice before she decided she liked it better where it was in the beginning. She had them unpack everything, going up and down the staircase for what felt like a million times, but was at least nice enough to order them pizza once they were done and pay for it, which was huge for the money loving Anya. Still, she’d done the math and saved more money by not paying the movers to do it instead.

Xander wouldn’t stop grumbling about how his dad and uncles had gotten out of the entire thing, but Spike pointed out that ‘Red would appreciate a man that did housework without the whinin’ and he shifted the focus of his grumble to Spike and how the blond had accused him of whining. Dawn watched the entire thing with amusement, not missing the loving looks exchanged between her sister and Spike, feeling so happy for them that she vowed to do everything in her power to help them stay together.

When they finally all collapsed from exhaustion in the living room, Xander asked if he could invite Willow over and once she arrived, the ‘meeting’ officially began.

By the time Giles came home and let the girls and Xander know their folks were at their respective houses, waiting for them, decisions had been made, plans had been laid and two lovers had to spend the first night in almost three months under separate roofs without so much as a kiss goodnight.


Each blond spent the evening with their immediate family, catching up on the last few months, both having to skip over the parts that made them the happiest. Joyce had the distinct feeling that the ‘kids had a really boring, quiet summer’ and felt a little guilty for having had so much fun while her eldest daughter was obviously doing nothing more than babysitting. When she tried to voice her feelings, Dawn burst into uncontrollable laughter, leaving Buffy to come up with an excuse for her giggles. It was a lame excuse, involving something about the word ‘quiet’ triggering an inside joke between the sisters.

Buffy knew it was too close to the truth, but their mother would never have to know.

Before she went to bed in the room she and Dawn shared, she told her mother that the past three months had helped her realize that she really valued her independence, and that she wanted to find a job and a place of her own.

Both Joyce and Hank were ecstatic at the maturity of their daughter’s thinking and offered to help her on both accounts.


Having answered all of his father’s questions about his endeavors during his vacation, Spike explained his scar in a way that had the wicked bathroom door be the culprit that hit him because he’d opened it too roughly. Then with an opening by Anya, who helpfully supplied, ‘Rupert, William has been visiting the College Library here in Sunnydale and was impressed by it,’ ignoring Spike when he rolled his eyes – he went on to pitch the idea to his father about attending the local college once high school was over. Giles seemed enthusiastic for his son’s choice, he had some more prestigious schools in mind for him, but was extremely pleased with the fact that William hadn’t spent the summer ‘frolicking and wasting his youth away like the colonials did’. This time, Anya joined her step-son as both rolled their eyes at Rupert’s comment.

Having settled that matter, it was time for part B of the plan.

Anya brought her husband a glass of scotch he hadn’t asked for and when he looked at her questioningly, told him it’d been a long day and he needed to relax. After he’d taken a couple of sips, she motioned for Spike to go to bed and he left the room with a polite ‘goodnight’ aimed at his dad and a kiss to Anya’s cheek.

“Rupert, I’ve been thinking…” she paid no heed to his groan; he always had that reaction when she said she had an idea. If she took him seriously every time, she’d never get anything done. “We have to somehow thank Buffy for taking such good care of William the entire summer. I’ve never seen the boy more relaxed or happy.”

Giles was pleasantly surprised at his wife’s thoughtfulness, but surely she didn’t mean to pay the girl. If she did, he would have to take her to the doctor immediately. “Really, darling, how thoughtful of you. And what do you suggest we do?”

“The poor girl has been looking for a job, but hasn’t found anything, so I thought since the museum is currently under-staffed and she is an art major…”

“But of course, Anya, that is bloody brilliant! I’ll ask her to come and work for me as soon as I settle there.” He was so proud of her idea, he completely missed the fact that her smile was rather smug when she leaned in to kiss him.

On the staircase, hidden by the wall that separated the living room from the kitchen, Spike let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d held and finally snuck upstairs to his new bedroom.


Both he and Buffy were smiling when sleep claimed them, only moments apart from one another.

End Notes:
Just a few things wrap up now! Please let me know what you think!
37 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
I know it's still Tuesday in most places, but in Greece it's Wednesday and I have no work in the morning therefore no idea what time I'll wake up. The only reason this rambling has is to explain why I am updating sooner... ok, so I'm really only updating nowcuz the darling Kristi (Tanit) asked for it. And she's commanding!!!

I want to thank you all for reading this far and give 'thank yous' and cookies to those who review. You've made me want to improve my writing, and though I can't say if I managed to or not I know I won't stop trying.

A thank you and a great big hug to Mistress Tina, AKA Im_bloody_English for being awesome and betaing/listening to rants/proding me on/helping me out in so many ways, to Carrie (Darkrivertempest) for being just as insane as one has to be to put up with me, and to Sarah (SpikesGoddess) for helping me through this blasted, no-internet weekend by texting me all the time and making me smile silly. Love you ladies, you really are made of awesome!
The months that followed after Buffy and Spike realized they had a future together rolled by excruciatingly slow. But true to her word, Anya had Buffy ‘tutor Spike in Art’ and the three of them were grateful for each day that went by without Rupert asking his son what exactly he’d been learning during his sessions with the blonde. With but a few exceptions, the two couldn’t be alone together during the day for more than an hour three times a week, for Spike’s ‘lessons’, and naturally that was never enough for either of them. Nor were the coffee breaks at the Espresso Pump or the weekly outings at the Bronze. Spike wasn’t allowed out late on school-nights and he tried to be the model son, even coming home relatively early on Fridays, since he wanted to prove to his father what a responsible young man he’d become in order to be allowed to move to the dorms – as far as his father would know – when he started college.

Seeing each other became easier during September, as Giles’ shift at the museum ended a few hours after Spike was home from school, so the two lovers could indulge in each other without the fear of getting caught, especially since Anya always left the house almost as soon as Buffy came over. After Buffy started work, however, she had no choice but ride to work and back with the older Brit. And on the days Spike had his ‘tutoring’ sessions, she’d have lunch with the Giles family before she and Spike disappeared to his room to talk about ancient Greek statues – or whatever Buffy could think of on their way up the stairs – for a few minutes before immersing into silent make out sessions.

The problem was that they knew they couldn’t be silent if those make out sessions went as far as including crazy monkey sex – as Anya referred to it, making both protest at her choice of words – so the sexual tension kept increasing as their passionate encounters in the Giles’ family home didn’t include much needed release. They tried phone sex as well as the internet, but the risk of being walked in on was too high, and they never managed even a fraction of the pleasure they usually gave each other.

The two felt like horny teenagers – well one of them technically was – and Buffy couldn’t wait to get her own place so that they could have sex somewhere other than the alley behind the Bronze. They used the hotel Spike had taken her to for their one month anniversary for their six-month anniversary in December, but only for a few hours since neither could spend the night without having to answer a series of questions they really didn’t want to provide answers to.

Spike was also finding it increasingly difficult to be around her on Sundays, when their families and Xander’s got together for lunch; a ‘tradition’ Anya and Dawn insisted on establishing to give the two of them opportunities to meet. What was worse, however, was when a couple of weeks before Christmas, Buffy began spending more and more time doing research for work. Or at least that’s what she said as she kept canceling their tutoring sessions or leaving a few minutes earlier than she usually did, which was a far cry from how she’d always look for excuses to spend more time with him.

By this time, the two had known each other long enough for Spike not to allow himself another jealous fit like the one on his birthday, so he decided to come out and ask her what was wrong… as soon as he got her alone.

It was 3 days before Christmas and Rupert was more than proud at how vigilant his son was with his studies. The boy had an Art lesson today and Buffy was supposed to be here already. She insisted on driving to and from the museum on her own for the past ten days or so, saying she needed to research and catalog some new artifacts that he’d never even laid eyes on, but he trusted the girl. Her knowledge on art was that of a connoisseur, not someone who just happened to stumble upon the major in college just because she needed more free time to party. Plus he could see she’d been a great influence on William all summer. *My boy is turning into a man before my very eyes.* Rupert hastily wiped a tear that was indecent enough to roll down his cheek despite his proper British upbringing just as he heard Buffy’s pile of junk for a car come around the corner. *Dear Lord, the girl is paid a reasonably good salary and has no expenses, she can afford to get rid of that lemon for something better.*

He approached the front door slowly, trying both to hide his sappy pride for his son and his disapproval of the blonde’s ride, when a peroxide-topped blur rushed by him and threw the door open.

“Buffy,” Spike said, breathless for having run down the stairs the moment he heard her approach, “I need a ride to the market. Ran out of smokes.” He threw his father a look, daring him to lecture on his bad habit after the old man let slip some ‘info’ on how exactly he’d spent his youth the previous Sunday. Rupert gave him a slightly miffed look before admonishing him not to take up any more of Ms. Summers’ time than necessary.

“That’s ok, Giles. I wanted to take him to the museum this afternoon anyway. Sort of a hands-on lesson? If that’s alright with you, of course.”

She bit her lower lip and Spike knew just what kind of a ‘hands on’ afternoon his love had in mind. The exact same thing he did when he came up with the excuse of buying smokes to get her out of the house long enough for a hasty rough and tumble. “Why woudn’ it be ok?” he swallowed the endearment of ‘kitten’ that almost popped up by itself at the end of the phrase.

“Because the museum is closed at this hour, William. Locked, actually.” Giles turned to Buffy, “Do you really think that is a good idea, dear?”

“I think he should have real visuals of as many eras as possible. He has to see different textures, styles, and…” Buffy’s voice trailed off, she was seriously doubting that Giles was buying into all this. She could easily take him to her mom’s gallery to show him paintings or sculptures, and they wouldn’t be alone and unsupervised there. Not that his father had any reason to believe the two of them needed supervision or anything. *Except for the fact that everything in the museum costs like a gazillion bucks.* No, Giles wouldn’t buy it. At best he’d think her plan on the lesson ‘ill-conceived’ and provide an alternative. *Guh, if I have to spend the afternoon in mom’s gallery I’ll scream!*

But Giles was so touched by the eagerness in Spike’s eyes when he turned to him and asked ‘well pops?’ that a negative answer just wasn’t an option.

“I guess there is no harm in that. And it will contribute to a more spherical approach on the subject… bring William in better contact with his chosen major…” He didn’t even take off his glasses as he looked first at Buffy and then at his son who was beaming back at him. “Yes. You may go. Just don’t be too late getting back.”

He barely registered the kiss Buffy planted on his cheek before the two had vanished from his eyesight and his ears were assaulted by the clanging sound of Buffy’s sort-of-a-car.


The moment they left the block their houses were on, Spike told Buffy to pull over and was really disappointed when she just smirked and said ‘NoPe’.

“Not funny, luv, want to kiss you, feel you. Pull over, now.” He growled the last word and Buffy shook her head giggling as he reached for her.

“No, Spike, I’m driving, no smoochies just yet.” She quirked an eyebrow and poked her tongue out at him briefly, just long enough to drive him crazy.

*The things that tongue can do…* He spotted the leer on her face and made an effort to be really discreet as he adjusted his crotch. *So baby want’s ta play.* “Right, then. Le’s talk instead. What’s the surprise this time?”


She looked edgy, and he could see the beginnings of a pout bringing her lips together. *Right on!* “Well, last time you acted as… aloof-” he grinned and she made a face at him, scrunching her nose, tongue peeking out between her lips again, “-as you’ve been these past few days, it was a surprise for my birthday. Now Chris’mas is nearin’, so what’ll it be, pet? Kind of cold for games by the lake, but I’m game if you are.”

She just had to giggle at that. Turning slightly towards him, her attention still at her road – which was some sort of miracle for her – she asked “Do you really want me to spoil the surprise?”


“Oh, come ooon, you’re supposed to wanna be surprised.”

“Says who?”


The pout was at full force and Spike had no defense against it. Throwing up his hands, he conceded. “A’right, have it your way, bossy bint!”

Buffy managed not to let her satisfaction show and tried for a change in subject.

“So, Spike, have you thought about your future?” *Okaaay, maybe not the wittiest thing to ask.* She rolled her eyes at herself.

“As a matter of fact I have. Right after graduation I’ll throw you over my shoulder an’ drive this bucket you call a car off into the sunset. I’ll find a shack, bind you to the bed and have lots of babies with you.” Her laughter rang like music in his ears.

“I see… and what will we and our babies eat, oh Master-of-Planning-for-the-Future?”

“Oi, do not mock my evil mastermind! We’ll live off my trus’ fund. You know I can be a good provider… I can provide you with some service right now!” He waggled his eyebrows then licked his lips seductively.

Buffy almost leaped into his lap to kiss that luscious mouth of his but the not so lust-addled part of her brain, *hey! Didn’t know I had a part like that. In my brain. Go figure!* intervened. “Not that I’d really mind the ability to buy shoes for life-”

“You won’t.”


“Won’ be able to go buy shoes. Tied to the bed, remember?” He managed to keep a straight face.

“Sorry baby, totally my bad. Having you buy shoes for me, then. Not that I’d really mind that, but aren’t you going to college or something?”

Sensing the conversation really did have a point, especially since she already knew the answer to her question, Spike decided to quit joking. “Where’s this goin’, luv? Havin’ the semiannual attack of cold feet? Somethin’ about me deservin’ more out of life and all that rot?”

“Oh, no! No cold feet. Feet are totally warm and snuggly and comfy in my stylish yet affordable boots. And you, sir, deserve me and only me!” She meant it. “I was just wondering if you’d talked to your dad about living at the dorm yet.”

“Buffy. You know I have. He said it’d depend on my behavior this year. Now I know you’re too young for Alzheimer’s, so wha’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Nothing’s wrong. Everything is A-OK,” she chirped, but she felt oddly subdued, like whatever had her going a minute ago had suddenly deflated.

“Luv? You do know we’re all the way across town from our usual places, right?” Spike looked out his window and back to her. He sensed something was off the moment his eyes landed on her. “Buffy?”

“Oh my God, Spike, I did something and—and I wanted to surprise you-” she slowed the car to a near crawl and turned to fully face him. Her eyes were wide. “-and what if you hate it? Or if you think I shouldn’t have? Or maybe wanted to talk some more about it?”

“I could never hate anythin’ you got me, or did for me, pet, you know that.”

She turned back to the road, her tone more quiet, as if she was talking to herself now although the questions were clearly aimed at him. “Yeah, but what if you don’t wanna live there? Here. With me?” She pulled over in front of an apartment building and slumped in her seat, taking a deep breath. “No, I’m silly. You want to live with me. And the place rocks. And you’ll love it cuz you love me. And we’ll move the lessons here, and see each other more, and come next fall you’ll move in with me instead of at the dorms.” Her voice was stronger again, more confident as she looked up at him expectantly. “Because you love me. And you’ll love the place because you love me. Right?”

Spike was grinning at her by the time she finished her rambling. “Have the keys to the place, I suppose?”

That wasn’t exactly an answer to her question about his loving the place cuz he loved her. Ignoring his own question she poked him on the chest. Hard. “Right?”

He burst in giggles. Not chuckles, not his usual manly, roaring laughter, but giggles. “Well you covered everythin’ I could ‘ave thought of, luv.” He got out of the car and walked to her side to open her door. She unbuckled her seatbelt and took his hand to step out of the car and into his arms raising her face to his for a kiss which he gave her, albeit a short one.

“Huh? Why did the kissage stop?” she exclaimed when he pulled back.

“Got the key?” When she nodded, he put his hand in her front pocket poking around for a while until he found it, while his other hand held her against him. “Covered everythin’ ‘cept one thing, you see.” He tut’ed at her and she frowned.

“Huh?” *Why isn’t he kissing me?* “What thing?”

“Which way?” Draping her over his shoulder with lightning speed he walked to the front door of the apartment she indicated – though it would have been hard to miss with that red bow taped on the door – shoved the key in the hole and turned it without ever breaking stride.

“What thing, Spike?”

He said three words that sent a shiver down her spine. “Gotta christen it!”

38 by Sotia
Author's Notes:
This is the final chapter of Quiet Summer *sobs*

This fic was my baby, and I want to thank all of you for supporting me throughout it and giving me the courage to keep writing, I really do appreciate it, you're all made of awesome.

Tina you've been with me almost from the start, I still can't believe I was lucky enough to have my favorite author become my beta and my friend, I love you to pieces! Sarah I met you because of Quiet Summer, - and that's another reason I love this fic - and you've turned out to be a wonderful friend I wouldn't trade for the world. Love you lots and lots. Carrie, you're my favorite sick puppy, and I again have to love Quiet Summer for getting to know Zoe well enough for her to point me your way! I can't tell you how grateful I am to have you as a friend, wuv ya! Thank you Kristi, Daisy, Zoe, Shadow, Tori, Kara, Monica, Suz, Zoe-II, Ash, Constanza, Vero for spending so much time on the chat box with me and making me smile. Have to stop here, cuz I'm going all sappy (yeah, Carrie, I know, can't get more sappy than I already am), I hope you enjoy the final chapter, *hugs all*
Spike couldn’t – nor had any reason to want to – contain his glee as he parked his Desoto outside Buffy’s apartment. *Our apartment now! Ours! Mine and my girl’s.* He couldn’t believe it was September already, or how easy it had been to convince his father of the need to move into the college dorms – let alone of the inappropriateness of ever visiting him there unannounced.

Every loose end he and Buffy could think off had been tied. He and Xander applied for and acquired a double room in the dormitory. That gay big-foot Riley, being a TA, actually helped get their application form on the top of the pile. It seemed like he still had a soft spot for Buffy, though not in any way that threatened or even pissed Spike off. And Spike left some of his stuff in the room, so that if Rupert ever thought of just popping by, despite the promise he’d given Spike that he wouldn’t, Xander would be able to tell him that his son would be right back from the minimarket/class/gym or wherever Spike would ‘supposedly’ be. The brunet would then text his cousin with an agreed upon ‘alert’ and make sure he got there before Giles became suspicious of anything.

Spike opened the trunk and hauled out his suitcase and sack, adjusting one on his shoulder while he locked up his beloved car. His dad offered to help with the move, but Xander assured him he’d be all the help Spike needed. And the bonus of this whole situation was that he and Willow would get to enjoy the perk of a double room without a roommate.

Reaching the entrance to the apartment, he took a deep breath before letting himself in and calling out in his best Ricky Ricardo voice – which sucked, honestly – ‘Lucyyy, I’m hooome!’

He barely had time to close the door behind him and leave his baggage on the floor when he was pounced on by the love of his life, squee’ing at the top of her lungs as she tackled him to the ground.

He managed to cushion their fall right before her lips were on his and his hands were free to roam all over her body while she rubbed herself suggestively against him, and – *Wha’?*

Buffy pushed up, her hands gripping his shoulders as she tried to catch her breath. “NO, first we eat.”

Spike squeezed his eyes shut and threw his head back in desperation. He knew he could do nothing but surrender when she was in the ‘we-keep-a-schedule’ mood. Still, he had to try. “Bloody hell, can’ we just have at it right here, then have lunch, then make proper love in our bed?” His eyes were open now and focused on hers, shining with mischief.

Buffy had to gather all her inner strength to resist those cerulean promises of sin, but she somehow managed to stay firm in her decision to have a celebratory dinner before doing the naughty. “No. No… having at it.”

He sighed, grabbed her wrists and rolled her under him for a breathtaking kiss before getting up and pulling her with him. “You know, pet, that ‘food before sex’ rule of yours is really getting’ on my nerves.” Tut’ing at her pout he continued. “Oi, you don’ get to pout, I do! I’m whinin’ like a girl and poutin’ and still goin’ along with your whims. That table better be ready, an’ if it’s more that a one-course meal I’m havin’ you before it’s finished.”

He said all that in an even tone, subtracting nothing from the threat – or promise – and causing a tightening in her belly. If she hadn’t spent all morning cooking, hadn’t paid Dawn a hundred bucks to help her, she’d say ‘screw it all’ and screw him. But she had cooked – and paid – and there was no rush. They had the rest of their lives to make love or fuck at their leisure. “Ummm, I’ll serve the main courses together with the salad?” she offered with a grin.

“Sounds like a plan.” Giving her a swat on the ass, he went to the dining room, smirking at the memories of the first time he’d set foot in here as he took a seat at one end of the long table where the salad had already been served.

True to her word, Buffy rushed to the kitchen for a few minutes, before setting a plate of elaborate Beef Bourguignon in front of him and another at the other end of the table. She poured him some red wine and did the same for herself before taking a seat opposite him.

“Why so far away, luv?” Spike tilted his head as he raised his glass “And what shall we drink to?”

“Distance is the only way I’ll not wind up in your lap after only a couple of bites.” She raised her glass, winking at him. “And what say you we drink to us?”

“To us, Buffy.” He blew her a kiss and took a sip of the burgundy liquid, but when he licked his lips, no distance could guarantee they’d even taste dinner.

She focused on her plate, making designs with the fork in the sauce before cutting a small bite and bringing it to her mouth. Her tongue flicked out to lick the fork clean and lingered longer than necessary as bits and pieces of the fifteen months they’d been together flickered through her mind. The first time she saw him, finger pressed against her doorbell, their games in the pool, him walking in on her getting off with his name on her lips, and then their first time together, *his first time ever.* How William became ‘Spike’ for her, the night in the kitchen when he claimed a part of her body no one had touched before. The night she told him she loved him, letting go of her fears. She sighed, her fingers absentmindedly tracing the side of her neck as she remembered their lovemaking in the pool, all over the house, by the lake… The last few months had been sweet torture.

Sure, they’d had this place to themselves, and Buffy had tried to feel guilty for letting her unsuspecting parents pay part of her rent for this ‘love-nest’, but Spike could only meet her there on Friday nights when he supposedly joined Xander and Willow at the Bronze because Anya had been true to her word and found him a proper tutor in March, putting an end to their ‘tutoring sessions’.

Summer hadn’t been much better either. Spike’s stubborn streak had led him to get a part-time job at a coffee shop, cuz he actually was feeling guilty about her unsuspecting parents helping out with rent and wanted to at least pitch in for the furniture. That meant Buffy had to fight her way through hordes of lusty teens on a daily basis and often the blonde barwoman from the Bronze who frequented The Espresso Pump and who just couldn’t get it through her thick scull that Spike was just... not... interested, in order to even have a few words with him.

But the paycheck and his tips were worth it. Although Buffy bought the huge dining-room table the same day she moved in and had it delivered just before she’d surprised him with the place, every other piece of furniture was decided on by the two of them and paid for by Spike. The four poster double bed that now took up most of their bedroom was purchased the week before and up until then, Buffy slept on a mattress on the floor, refusing to have any bed but the perfect bed in their home.

His birthday this year hadn’t been as good as the last one. Both their families had been there, not allowing them any privacy. But it was his eighteenth birthday, and the following day Buffy had used the excuse that she needed his help with a new couch to steal him away for a couple of hours and celebrate his adulthood, in the nude, many times over. She flushed at the memory and her finger was now rimming her wine glass while her eyes glazed over with desire.

Across from her, Spike’s nostrils were flaring; eyes glued on her every movement no matter how minute. He hadn’t had more than a couple of bites himself before noticing his words of praise for her cooking weren’t registering with her. When he saw how she seemed lost in naughty memories, he could hardly control the wave of desire that burst through him. His hands curled into fists on the table, feeling the hard surface under the tablecloth, and he could see in his mind the first time he’d had her on that surface, writhing and wriggling under him…

~~~~~~~The day Buffy surprised Spike with the apartment

“Gotta christen it!”

He kicked the door closed and frantically looked for a place to put her down to thoroughly shag her on. He didn’t mind the floor but he felt so crazy with desire he was sure he’d give her rug-burns with the force of his thrusts. He didn’t see any furniture around, but as he moved to the entry of what he supposed was the dining room he saw a table. No chairs, just an old black table… well it proved to be sturdy.

He reached it in three long strides and unfolded her body from his, splaying her out on her back upon the table and leaning over to devour her lips.

Buffy’s hands flew to the hem of his T-shirt, bunching the material and pulling it over his head, one hand tossing it behind her, the other grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him to her for another searing kiss as her legs wrapped around his waist so their pelvises were rubbing together.

Spike had enough of the tiny buttons of her shirt whose only ‘raison d’être’ seemed to be to stall him from tasting the succulent flesh of her breasts, so he tore it open, buttons flying everywhere, reminding him of that time in her kitchen when he first claimed her as his in a jealous fit.

Buffy could swear she heard him growl as his mouth latched onto one of her nipples, a hand rolling the other, caressing the underside of the silky mound. His other hand yanked at her jeans, finally managing to unfasten and pull them down her hips.

Buffy was fumbling with his belt, impatiently trying to unbuckle it while making mewling sounds of frustration. He pushed her hands out of the way, undid everything himself and shoved his pants to his knees. Then grabbing her hips, he rolled her on her stomach and tugged her jeans and panties to mid thigh.

Buffy braced herself on her elbows, looking at him from over her shoulder. “Now, Spike, please, want you…” her breath was labored and she worried her lower lip in that way that always made his passion soar.

He’d been hard since he saw her on his doorstep, now he was damn near bursting. He roughly shoved two fingers inside her to make sure she was wet enough for him and moaned at how her hot sheath clenched around his digits. Covering her body with his he wrapped an arm around her to anchor her to him and whispered in her ear “Fuck, I’ve missed this.”

“Fucking me? It hasn’t been that long.”

He could hear the smile in her voice as she wriggled her ass against him while he positioned the head of his cock at her slick entrance. “No, pet. Making you scream.”

He plunged inside her with one deep thrust, filling her up and feeling complete himself.

She screamed till her voice was hoarse as he kept pumping away inside of her. A few hard thrusts and she fell over the edge, but he wasn’t done with her yet. Still inside her, now pumping shallowly, slowly, he thoroughly licked two of his fingers and slowly pushed them inside her second hole, stretching her and savoring her moans as she pushed back to engulf more of him… all of him.

He pulled out of her entirely with a wet sound and placed the crown of his cock on the tight ring of muscle. “Want me here, luv?”

“Yessss, yes Spike, fuck me…” She gasped.

He pushed inside carefully, knowing he hadn’t prepared her enough and not wanting to hurt her, but she kept pushing back, ordering him to go harder, her nails scratching on the surface of the table.

Fully seated inside her, he thought for sure he wouldn’t be able to move an inch without climaxing. She was almost unbearably tight, scorching hot as she hugged and squeezed his dick. He could hear her panting, their sweat pooling between their bodies glued them to each other and he once again knew that was where he wanted to be for the rest of his life. Buried inside her.

He started moving, driving inside her with renewed fervor when he realized she was chanting his name and ‘I love you’, again and again and again. He was a breath away from cumming and wanted her there with him when he did.

So he lowered the hand holding her to him to the apex of her thighs, fondled her nether lips and, finding her clit, began rubbing and pressing. Feeling the first telltale tightening of her body, he bent over and bit the side of her neck, sucking on the tender skin, making her scream yet again as she thrashed and with a keening wail fell lax beneath him, completely spent. He came right after her, spilling inside her and losing control of his limbs too, barely managing to shift a bit to the side so that his weight didn’t completely crush her as – cock still inside her – he collapsed over her prone form.


Words weren’t necessary when their lustful gazes met over their plates. They both knew what the other was thinking. Spike pushed back his chair and went to her, reaching her as she stood up. Her arms were thrown around his neck and he only needed to grab her glorious ass before her legs were wrapped around his waist and her hot core was pressing into his erection, burning him through two layers of clothes.

She kissed him like she needed the breath only he could provide her with.

“Bedroom. Now!” *Time to christen that bed.*

Spike only nodded before turning and heading to the bedroom with her bouncing and rubbing deliciously against him, a huge grin on his face that didn’t even waver as he stumbled on his boots trying to kick them off on the way and almost fell.

Yes, they had the rest of their lives to make love or fuck at their leisure, just as they had the rest of their lives to celebrate moving in together over a home cooked meal.

*Looks like my girl’s finally learnin’ to prioritize,* he thought and chuckled before throwing her on the bed and pouncing on her.

They had the rest of their lives to be together, starting right there and then.

The End
End Notes:
Please let me know if you liked it, even if you've never left a review for Quiet Summer until now! *hugs*
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=28594