Hazards of Love by too_many_spike_posters
Summary: Buffy, a girl from a small village, falls in love with an inhabitant of a nearby magical forest named William. After discovering that she is pregnant with William's child, she sets off into the forest to find him. But their love is threatened by William's jealous mother the Queen and a crazed, murderous widower. Now the question is, can their love survive? This is very much a fairytale.
*Loose interpretation of the plot with Spuffy! based on the soundtrack "The Hazards of Love" by the Decemberists.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Romance
Warnings: Rape, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: Yes Word count: 14491 Read: 14374 Published: 10/10/2010 Updated: 11/10/2010
I'd Wager All by too_many_spike_posters
Author's Notes:
So so so so sorry for the long update. (I'm performing in a show and we just finished hell week, thus difficulty in posting.) I hope I didn't lose any reader *pleads on hands and knees*. Please review!
She let out a piercing scream.

The man was so startled by her cry that he tripped on a root and fell backward. Buffy tried to run, but her dress caught on some on a thorn bush. The man brushed the bits of dirt off of his newly, and crudely, made pants, giving Buffy a chance to see the sharp angles of his face. Excitement flooded through her.

“William!” she cried as she attempted to stand up. The thorns, unfortunately, kept her at bay. William smirked handsomely and knelt down beside her once again. With delicate fingers, he quickly dislodged her from her predicament. The moment she was free, she jumped him and kissed him with all of the passion she hid the last few month.

“Buffy, oh, Buffy… luv,” he whispered between desperate kisses. He rolled himself on top of her and peppered more down her neck. She moaned as he glided his free hand to her breast. William flicked at the soft cloth of her dress containing the bud he wished to wrap his lips upon. Their loving reunion became frantic with need.

Tearing open her dress, William stared in awe at perfection: the slow curve of her hip and swell of her flawless breasts. A moment later, he latched his mouth on her hardened nipple, licking and softly biting at it. Her gasps of pleasure made worse the already painfully throbbing erection.

“Unh, William… please, oh I need…”

“Tell me what you need,” he said, his voice hoarse with lust. She moaned loudly as he continued to rip apart her undergarments.

“You, I want you,” she whispered. Before she knew what was happening, he buried his tongue deep into her core. The animalistic groans that erupted made him suck on her clit harder. She grasped at his hair, almost painfully, but he didn’t mind. As he pushed a finger into her, she cried out.

Although he could tell she was close, but he wanted her to climax with him. William lifted his head and crawled predatorily over her.

“Why did you-“ she yelled until she felt the protruding member gliding over her entrance. She groaned as he shuddered. The desire between them grew rapidly as they came closer to their peaks.

William covered her mouth with his in a passionate kiss as he pushed himself into her to the hilt. Both cried out in gratification, feeling whole for the first time in months. His thrusts began slowly as she became accustomed to his size. He wanted to make it good for her, but his own need pushed him further and faster. He slid in and out of her with a force beyond that of ordinary men, not that she knew the love of another man.

The brush below them spread and fluttered as the couple writhed together. Intertwined, they came closer and closer to the satisfaction they longed for. Buffy’s cries grew in volume as her inner walls quivered with excitement. He placed a hand between them and rubbed her almost to completion.

“I love you, Buffy.”

“I love you too William.”

Their declarations of love caused them to cum together, screaming in ecstasy as the world went black.

. . . . . . . .

“Buffy? Come on luv, wake up. You’re not fooling me… Buffy?” he said as he stroked her cheek, worried that he somehow broke her. Why was he not more careful? He knew he was stronger than most, why did he not pay attention? In the middle of berating himself, her eyes fluttered open; William sighed in relief.

“Hello,” she spoke softly, a small smile on her lips.

“Oh thank the gods you’re awake! I thought I had lost you again,” he said with a melancholic expression.

“Oh no, William. Hey,” she turned his head to face her. “You couldn’t get rid of me if you tried.” William kissed her once more before collapsing onto his back. Buffy snuggled closer, cold from the slight draft through the trees. Without a second thought, he wrapped her now tattered dress around her and laid back down. Holding her close, he warmed the shivering body beside him.

They did not know how much time had passed as they looked into the eyes of one another. William stroked her silky hair and kissed her again. Buffy was the first to break the silence.


“Yes, my love?”

“Promise to never leave me.” William looked at her, concern plain on his face.

“Why would I ever do that?” he whispered.

“Just promise me,” she replied, gazing at the ground.

“I promise to never leave you. What’s all this about?”

“I don’t know… I suppose it’s that we fell in love so quickly. It seems so unreal. I don’t think I would be able to let it go, now,” she replied with tears brewing in her eyes.

“Well that’s why they call it falling, sweetheart. The gradual kind doesn’t work as well,” he said with a smile as he swiped the tears away with the pad of his thumb. She nodded and kissed him lightly. The silence lasted a while longer until Buffy noticed William’s expression of serious contemplation.

“What is it?” she asked hesitantly, hoping that he didn’t regret his statement of devotion.

“Buffy, luv, I was wondering… would you run away with me?” Buffy’s face went blank for a moment before breaking into a smile.

“Of course!” she cried out. He smiled a bit before his expression returned to its former seriousness. “But why the face?”

“Well… Buffy, there is something I need you to know before you decide anything. Buffy, I, um, I turnintoafawnduringtheday.”


“I said, I turn into a fawn during the day. I can only be a man at night.”

“That’s ok, I don’t mind,” she replied. He stood up and began to pace.

“No, but you don’t understand! What kind of a life could you have with me? Living through the day with animal that could barely find his way home? I don’t want that life for you! You deserve better; you deserve to live with someone, someone who, someone…” he sat back down. “I could never even see you in the sunlight,” he said, his voice breaking with the tears that threatened to spill.

“William, no! If I wanted that, I would have stayed in the village. In fact, I was promised to marry Riley Finn” she said his name with distaste. William held back a growl from thinking about his girl with another man. “Besides… I know you transform during the day.” William glanced up in surprise. “I saw you change at sunrise the last time we were together. Listen to me: all I want is you. If that means leading a different life than them, then that’s ok. No one I know living that lifestyle is happy anyway.” Quiet surrounded them, thicker than the forest. William was about to say something, but his expression became unreadable.

“The sun is coming up. Wait for me?” he pleaded. Buffy nodded sadly. William kissed her forehead and embraced his beloved. Without a moment to lose, he ran into the woods. As he jumped, his form changed. Buffy waved dumbly, not knowing what else to do.

Why did he have to leave?
End Notes:
I'm not great at sex scenes so I apologize if it sucks. But reviewing is always awesome!
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=36880