Hazards of Love by too_many_spike_posters
Summary: Buffy, a girl from a small village, falls in love with an inhabitant of a nearby magical forest named William. After discovering that she is pregnant with William's child, she sets off into the forest to find him. But their love is threatened by William's jealous mother the Queen and a crazed, murderous widower. Now the question is, can their love survive? This is very much a fairytale.
*Loose interpretation of the plot with Spuffy! based on the soundtrack "The Hazards of Love" by the Decemberists.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Romance
Warnings: Rape, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: Yes Word count: 14491 Read: 14373 Published: 10/10/2010 Updated: 11/10/2010
The Crossing by too_many_spike_posters
Author's Notes:
Hey guys! Sorry again for the delay. From now on, no promises of when I'll post again. I think the muse just comes whenever it feels like it. Nonetheless, here is the next update. Enjoy and please review!
“Help! Help!” Buffy screamed as the horse trotted through the woods. At first, Angelus had smirked at the blonde’s passionate cry. But after a while, it took a toll on his nerves.

“Oh, would you silence your fat mouth?” he growled. Unfortunately, it had the opposite affect and she became louder.

“Help me! Please! Anyone! William! Help!” she yelled, tears streaming down her numbed face.

“William? And who might that be, princess?” he smiled menacingly. She ceased speaking instantly, terrified that she may have put her beloved in danger. “Come now, tell me, who is out here to save you?”

“N-n-no one,” she whispered.

“N-n-n-n-no one?” he mocked her with a mighty laugh. Buffy scrambled her brain to think of something to say.

“H-he’s my… he’s strong, very strong and he’ll kill you when he finds out that you’ve taken me away! Put me down immediately!” He once again laughed in her face, not worried in the least of her claims.

“Oh where, oh where could he be? He doesn’t seem to be coming, does he? It’s really too bad.”

“Let me go! Just let me go!” she began yelling again, beating the horses’ back from the way she was slung across it. Never one to miss an opportunity, he developed a plan to meet her proposed savior and torture her in front of him. Angelus hadn’t hurt a woman in days and the thought of slowly maiming the screaming girl beside him. Suddenly, a soft voice whispered through the breeze.

“Angelus, come find me…”

“Come find who? Who are you?” he asked no one in particular. Buffy heard nothing and a chill of terror flowed through her at the thought of his menacing demeanor on top of his insanity.

“The Queen… Come to me…” the deafening whisper continued.

“The Queen? The Queen of what?”

“Don’t be defiant!” the voice bellowed, causing the birds in the treetops to take flight in fear.

“Well… what do you look like? How do I find you?”

“Listen to my voice… the tree murmur and sang: I’m made of bones of the branches, the boughs, and the browbeating light
While my feet are the trunks and my head is the canopy, high
And my fingers extend to the leaves and the eaves and the bright…

Entranced by the music of the voice, Angelus rode faster to follow it. He wasn’t sure how to find a specific tree in a forest, but he imagined that a being with powerful magicks would separate herself from the common crowd.

Buffy remained quiet, despite the sharp pains in her fingers and sides from her bindings. Questions flooded her mind: What did he want with her? Would he let her go? Where was William?

. . . . . . . .

He hadn’t moved an inch since his beloved took off. She promised to remain there until he got back; why the change of heart? Then it occurred to him: she realized that she could never have a proper life with him. William sighed at his blatant rejection. He couldn’t have made her happy anyway. She would soon marry some bloke with girls surrounding him.

A wave of possessiveness came over him and he stood up and kicked the nearest tree. How could he have been so stupid?

But there was that smell again: the unfamiliar scent that wafted through the trees all day. It smelled sickly sweet, like a field of rotting flowers. What if it was a person? What if he stole his Buffy away? That had to be what happened. She wouldn’t leave him willfully, would she?

He had to find her; William began to track down the monster.

. . . . . . . .

Where was the Queen? Angelus was searching for her for hours and Buffy’s cries and beatings of his horse had not diminished at all.

“Oh would you shut up, bitch?” he growled as he slapped her across the face. Tears sprang from her eyes once again as she attempted to move her hands to her cheek. Finally, he rode to a small clearing in the heart of the forest where two gleaming eyes shone. Angelus gasped at her unusual presence: her skin was like bark, crackling and dull, but sparkled in the suns rays. Her eyes were black and wide and her hair was a garland of black leaves reaching the small of her back. She was a shapely woman, but had branches for limbs, giving her a stalk-y look. The Queen peered at him as a human would an ant.

“Why hello, young Angelus. What brings you to my kingdom?”

“You did! You brought me here. What do you want from me?” he asked, already bored with the conversation and impatient to hurt the girl.

“Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a queen, the most glorious Queen in all the land. Then, a baby came floating down the river in a cradle of clay and she saved him from inevitable destruction. He was always a well-behaved, good-natured child until one day, a small girl comes and he gives himself to her. He wants to run away with her, can you believe that?”

“What does this have to do with me?” he asked, annoyed. Drusilla was tempted to kill the man for his insolence, but thought against it for he was key to her plan.

“The girl you have held captive is the same girl who stole my William away. Tonight, he is able to do whatever he pleases, so I need you to take her to the far away fortress. There you can defile her all you want for as long as you want. I just need William to stay here throughout the night and he will never be able to disobey me again.”

“Did anyone tell you that your obsession is creepy?”

“This said from a man like you?” she huffed, but forcibly relaxed. “The river Annan is wild, too much so to cross on your own. I will fly you there and you will find the fortress. That way, William will not be able to reach you.” Angelus seemed to ponder this for a moment.

“And what’s in it for me?” Buffy whimpered, listening to their banter.

“Please,” she whispered, but no one listened to her plea.

“You get to have the girl undisturbed and under my protection. What more do you want?”

“Nothing, just wondering.”

“Now go! I will give you flight for when you reach the river.” She pulled an enormous pair of yellowed wings from thin air and clasped it together in her hands. It then turned into a singular feather. “Now dip this feather in the waters when you reach them and the wings will return.” The feather floated onto Angelus’ palm. “Do well my boy,” she said kindly as he rode off into the trees.
End Notes:
Only a few chapters left! Stay tuned
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=36880