Changing Perspectives by waddiwasiwitch
Summary: Spike gets to discover what it means to be human again and he finds it hard to cope with the changes it causes in him. Meanwhile, Buffy feels guilty that she is pleased about it as she knows he's hurting, but can't understand his aversion to it. And that is only the beginning of a journey that will make them re-evaluate their lives. There are many challenges ahead.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Character Death, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Completed: Yes Word count: 53510 Read: 19958 Published: 06/25/2013 Updated: 09/20/2013
Chapter Eleven by waddiwasiwitch
Author's Notes:
Been trying to post this for the last couple of days.

Disclaimer: I don't this, I just like to play with Joss' toys.
Part III: Sometimes the past comes back to bite you.

Chapter Eleven

Four Years Later…

Spike had a long day at work and he was happily on his way home at last. He was wearing a grey suit and the tie loosened and a blue shirt. He hated having to wear a suit, even though it was necessary on occasion. He would have walked into work that morning without one, if Buffy hadn’t given him an incentive to be a good boy. That saucy minx knew how to play him and if he was truthful he quite liked being manipulated. He was looking forward to putting his feet up with a couple of beers and taking his wife up on that proposition. He smirked as he pulled up at the gas station to fill up his tank. He walked into the shop and grabbed himself a six pack of beer. He had discovered shortly after becoming human, he couldn’t drink whiskey down like it was water anymore and although he enjoyed his pal Jack he drank it less often and in lesser amounts. Spike was a regular at this particular gas station and the pretty brunette behind the counter smiled at him.

“Hi Spike. How are you?”

“Hullo, pet.” He winked at her. I’m just glad to be getting home. It was a long, boring day.”

“You’re looking pretty dapper. Are you heading out with Buffy?”

He snorted. “Nah- those wankers made me wear a suit today for a damn meeting.” He fiddled with the tie. “I hate suits.”

The woman laughed and deliberately swept her eyes down his body. “I think you look good.”

He smiled at her. “Trying to seduce me, pet? Sorry, I’m a lost cause.”

“Don’t worry I’m not suicidal. I’ve seen Buffy kick ass and I’m too young to die.”

He put the six pack on the counter.

“Is there anything else?” she asked.

“Just the gas,” he said.

She rung up the amount on the register and he handed her the cash. “Keep the change, pet.”

“Bye Spike,” she called out, as he headed to the door.

He shot her a wave and went to his car. He opened the door of the car, turned on the engine and he was about to pull away when a figure stood in front of the car. Crazy bint!

He rolled down the window. “Oi! Do you want to get yourself killed, woman?”

When she didn’t move, he got out of the car, walked towards her and the woman melted into the shadows so he couldn’t see her any longer. His mouth dropped open in shock. He would know that walk anywhere. After all, he had spent over a century with the bint. What was Drusilla doing here? His heart clenched, as he remembered the last time he set eyes on her. That time in Los Angeles she had told him she was sure to see him again. He knew he should walk away and go back into his car and drive off. Still, his feet took him towards her. She stopped under a streetlight and it gave her an otherworldly glow. He looked at her silky lack tresses and her beautiful eyes and found himself rooted to the spot. He was under no illusions about what she was capable of, but somehow he got the feeling she wasn’t looking to hurt him.

“Hello, my William,” she said, and she walked towards him.

“Not your William anymore,” was his reply.

“I know. The sunshine burnt you right up and then she made you whole again.” She reached out to stroke his cheek, but he stepped backward. Despite, the fact that she damned him he couldn’t bring himself to hate her for it. She had taught him there was more to the world than soddin’ books and poetry. He learned to live when he was dead. He appreciated the irony of that.

“What do you want, Dru? You should leave before you’re dust. I loved you for a long time, pet, but I’m a white hat now and I can’t let you harm anyone.”

She made no reply.

He continued, “The slayer’s going to end you and I won’t stop her, so I’m warning you now for the last time. I never want to see you again.”

“My poor dark prince.” Drusilla gave him a sorrowful look. “You poor lost lamb.”

She approached him once more and he knew she could hear the frantic beating of his heart and smell his fear. He rummaged through his pockets feeling for his stake, which he carried around at all times. “Dru, I mean it.” He stepped backward once more and looked about him to see if there was anybody else around. The place was deserted. His car was the only car parked in the gas station.

She began to frown, as if it was a surprise to her that his heart should be threatening to beat so hard it could come right out of his chest.

“Why are you afraid?” Nevertheless, she stopped advancing. “I don’t want to harm you.”

He couldn’t feel so confident about others being safe from her especially his family. He shuddered at the thought of her anywhere near his children. She had always been fond of eating children after all.

“Please- you have to leave Dru. I don’t want to have to stake you.”

He pulled the stake out to show her he was serious. He was strong for a human. All the training he did saw to that. Still, he was no match really for an old vampire like Dru. She laughed in that mad way of hers and he felt a pang of sympathy for her, which he tried to squash down.

She stopped and shook her head. “Goodbye for now, William.”

Spike felt the hair rise at the back of his neck and he had an awful gnawing feeling in his stomach. “Dru, you better leave town,” he warned. She stopped in her tracks but didn’t turn around. “And should you harm someone I love, then I’ll come after you myself.”

She looked over her shoulder and just grinned at him before darting off into the darkness. His blood froze knowing the danger his family was in with his deranged ex in the area. He wondered briefly if he should run after her. He decided he better call home first and make sure Buffy was home and give her the heads up in case the crazy bint decided to call around. If he went after the bint he could end up dead before Buffy even knew there was any danger. He pulled out his cell phone and rang the house phone. It rang four times before there was an answer.

His daughter’s little voice answered. “Hullo. Who is it?”

“Hi poppet. It’s Daddy.”

Emily sounded excited. “Daddy! Are you coming home soon?”

“Very soon. I need to speak with your mum. Can you go and get her for me?”

“Okay, Daddy.”

“Good girl.”

He winced as her heard her drop the receiver down hard on the table. It was probably a good job he didn’t have vampire hearing anymore considering the amount of noise his and Buffy’s little monsters liked to make.

Buffy sounded bright and breezy. “Hi Spike.”

Relief coursed through him. “Thank god, Buffy. I just bumped into Dru. She’s in town.”

There was silence on the other side of the line. When she finally spoke, she sounded worried. “Are you okay? Did that bitc- bad lady hurt you?”

He knew from Buffy’s choice of words there were little and impressionable ears listening. “No. I’m worried about you all though. Dru’s always had a thing for kids.”

“You don’t think?”

“I do think. I know her. I know almost as well as I know myself. I lived with her for a century.”

“Thanks for reminding me,” Buffy snapped.

He knew he said the wrong thing. He could hear the jealousy in her voice whenever he did mention his unlife with Dru. He knew Buffy hated the fact that he spent so many years with another woman and she would never be able to match it. Still, this was not the time for petty jealousy. They could sort this out later.

“I’ll be home as soon as I can. We can make plans then.”

“I’m sorry, Spike. I know it would be hard for you if we have to stake her.”

“You and the kids are the most important thing in the world to me. I would let the soddin’ world burn if it meant keeping you all safe.”

He heard Buffy sniffle on the other end of the phone. “Keep safe and get home soon.”

Spike’s journey home was one the longest he ever made. It was only a fifteen minute drive, but it felt a lot longer. When he finally got in the door, he saw Buffy and the kids sitting on the sofa watching some kids’ film. They were scoffing popcorn and he managed a faint smile at the scene.

“Hi Daddy,” the children chorused, before turning their attention back to the telly.

Buffy got up leaving the kids to their movie and motioned for him to follow her into the kitchen, where they could discuss things privately. He held his arms out to her and she walked right into them, resting her head on his shoulder. They held each other tightly.

When Buffy finally pulled away she looked him right in the eye. “I’m going out to slay her tonight! Nobody threatens my babies.”

“She didn’t threaten them, love. She did say she would see me soon and she didn’t want to hurt me. I told her she better stay away from my family.”

“The very fact that she is here is a threat, Spike. You can’t expect me to sit around here. I’m a Slayer. It’s what I do!”

“It’s what she will expect,” he pointed out. “Let somebody else take care of it.”


He looked her square in the eyes. “Then I’m coming too.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

He was stung by her words.

Buffy let out a sigh. “Oh Spike you idiot. What I meant was we made a pact when we had the kids. We swore that if either of us was going into a dangerous situation that the other would stay behind with the kids.”

“That’s always you, isn’t it?” She opened her mouth to speak, but he interrupted her. “Let’s just put the rugrats to bed. It’s not fair to fight in front of them.”

“Okay. But Spike we’re not fighting.”

He smiled despite himself. “What are we doing then?”

She put on a ridiculous English accent. “We’re having a spirited conversation, old chap.”

He could never stay annoyed at the chit for too long. Besides, as much as he wanted to think otherwise, he knew she was right.

An hour later Buffy and Spike sat quietly on the sofa. The kiddies were all tucked in and bathed. It was time for the conversation they had put off earlier.

“I don’t want you to go,” he said, in a final attempt to dissuade her. He knew there was little point in trying to make Buffy change her mind. Still, a fella had to try.

Her mouth was in a hard line. “I’m going whether you like it or not.”

He sighed accepting the inevitable. He knew she didn’t need his blessing and regardless of what he said she was going to go after Dru anyway.

“I don’t like it,” he insisted, shaking his head. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply.

She moved closer to him and kissed him softly on the lips. He kissed her back with as much passion as he could muster. After several loving kisses, they pulled apart to breath. He rested his forehead against hers.

“Love you,” he mumbled.

She smiled. “I’m doing this for us. I’ll be fine.”

He didn’t share her optimism; the contents of his stomach were churning uncomfortably.

“Just promise me something?” he asked.


“Take some other slayers with you. I don’t want you to take her on by yourself.”

Buffy rolled her eyes. “Spike, I can take Dru.”

He held his hand up in protest. “That’s all I’m asking. If you’re going you need back up. I don’t doubt your strength and ability, but Dru’s crazy and unpredictable. Please, do this for me?”

For a moment, he thought she was going to refuse.

She nodded eventually. “I’ll swing by Trish and Amy’s.”

“Good,” he said.

Buffy took a look at her watch. ”I’m going now. I can’t sit here any longer when she’s out and about.”

His throat felt dry and he hugged her tightly. “Be careful, love.”

“Don’t worry,” she assured him. “I’ve survived too many apocalypses to let a vamp like Dru get me.”

She pulled away from him, landing a peck on his lips and he watched as she nabbed her favourite stake from her weapons chest. The knot in his stomach was back again.


Spike spent the next couple of hours pacing around the living room waiting for Buffy to return. He left the curtains open, so he could see her coming back. It was a long night and he kept watch out the window in case Dru would turn up. The fact that she had no way of entering the house without an invitation did little to ease his fear. The beers lay forgotten in the fridge as he opted for a stronger drink instead. He had two glasses of whiskey to calm his nerves; It didn’t help much. It was nearly half two in the morning when he saw Buffy coming up the drive. He rushed to the door, breathing a sigh of relief to see she was fine. However, she was scowling and that made it clear that patrol had been a disaster.

”I found nothing. Nobody could tell me anything.”

He pulled her to him and she wrapped her arms around him.

“Maybe she took my advice and left town?” Spike suggested.

Buffy looked up and raised a sardonic brow. “Sure she did, and Dumbledore is the British Prime Minister and Ronald McDonald the President.”

Spike shrugged. “She didn’t turn up here or at least I didn’t see her and I’ve been peering out the window all night.”

“The neighbours probably think you’re a big pervert spying on them all.”

He laughed. “I’m sure they do at that, love.”

She smiled at him.

“So Dru is still at large then,” he mused.

Her face lost its mirth. “I don’t like that she seems to be in hiding. What’s she up to?”

Spike sighed. “I don’t like this either, Buffy. Maybe I should have tried to stake her?”

She shook her head. “No. She’s strong and smart. She would have killed you.” There was a frightened look in her eyes at that thought.

He knew she was afraid, but he couldn’t help being annoyed at her. “I’m not completely hopeless, Buffy. You like to think I’m useless and weak. I may only be human now, but I know how to fight. She never would have believed I could stake her. I saw the way she looked at me when I took it out. I would have had time.”

“Oh – let’s not fight again.” Her fists were balled. “That bitch is causing enough damage as it is never mind the fact that she has me terrified out my wits. Can we just forget about her for tonight?”

He nodded even though he was sure he couldn’t. “Let’s go to bed.” Maybe some love making would allow them to forget for a little while about the storm that brewed.

To be continued...
End Notes:
As always please drop a line to let me know what you think.
This story archived at http://