Learning Curve by Suzee
Summary: Buffy and her rich and powerful husband Angel can't seem to agree on how to educate their young daughter. But they can agree on who--William Giles. A Spuffy story. *Nominated at the LLGA Awards for Best Original Character and Best Saga and at VK Awards Round 14 for Best Original Character and FFL for Best OC, Best saga and Best Drama and Spark and Burn for Best OC and Best Fantasy (Round 4) and at the Cradle of Humanity Awards for 'Insider Tip'--thank you*
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 46 Completed: Yes Word count: 78156 Read: 46444 Published: 04/11/2005 Updated: 02/22/2006
Chapter 9 by Suzee
Author's Notes:
Well now I know why I was so set on posting When You're Sleeping yesterday...I was supposed to be posting this.....I forgot, I'm sorry....Forgive me?
Chapter 9:

The few weeks passed by fairly uneventfully, Sam was catching on to nearly everything William was teaching her—she was now able to count to 20 and backwards from 15, able to write Samantha Summers and was working on O’Connor, and she was working on the letter sounds. She got more and more excited with each passing day and Buffy was overjoyed that her daughter was enjoying her education so much. Every evening when Angel got home, Sam would try to tell him what she’d learned during the day, after a few days, Buffy was able to convince him to indulge her for just a few minutes, but even that had only lasted a few days—he was just too busy.

But that didn’t hinder Sam’s enthusiasm, not in the slightest. She now had all of her cute folders and notebooks—Winnie the Pooh and Cinderella; and was enjoying all of the learning she and William were doing.

Buffy had only ever hoped that she would have a child who would enjoy learning as much as Sam was---she only hoped it would last. And Buffy was also glad William was there, not only did it give her someone to talk to during his breaks from teaching, but also because Sam was growing to love him.

The three of them had started to eat lunch together every day and Buffy was enjoying her daily “adult interaction.” And unlike the women at the country club, she was actually able to have “intelligent” conversation with him. Sam would have recess right before lunch and William was usually outside playing with her—true to his word. But today he’d told her he was going to go talk to her mother for a few minutes, “I’m going to go see how your mum’s doing with lunch, okay, bit?” he hoped she’d be alright with it, he really wanted a chance to talk to Buffy; just the two of them.

He wanted to make sure everything was going well with her, he hadn’t had much chance, these last few weeks, to talk to her without Sam around.

“Of course, I’m going to play hide and seek with Katie.” That was another thing he wanted to talk to Buffy about.

“I’ll come tell you when lunch is then.”



“Hey, luv,” William said as he walked into the kitchen.

“Oh! Hi,” Buffy said as she quickly turned around, a surprised expression on her face. “Is everything alright with Sam, I mean she’s not hurt or anything is she?” Buffy asked worriedly.

“No, nothing’s wrong,” he quickly assured her, “Just thought I’d come talk with you a bit while Sam’s still outside.”

“Okay,” Buffy said somewhat reluctantly, not really sure what he wanted to talk to her about. “Anything in particular? Or just talking?”

“Well, there were actually a few things I wanted to talk about….um, have you noticed if Sam is talking about Katie less now than before?…It seems to me like she is, but I haven’t been around as long, so I couldn’t be sure.”

“I guess I’d just chalked it up to her being busier—school and all, but yeah, now that you mention it, she has been talking about Katie and “doing” things with her a lot less these last few weeks.” Buffy paused thoughtfully, “Guess that’s a good thing, huh?”

“Might be, but it also might not last….I was just wondering, nothing wrong with her having an imaginary friend, it’s actually good for some kids, helps them cope with stuff. Not that there’s anything she’d have to “cope” with mind you,” he quickly backtracked.

“It’s okay,” Buffy assured him, “I get what you mean—it gives her somebody to talk to….and hey, it’s cheaper than a therapist,” she joked.

Glad that she’d seen what he meant, William brought up his next subject, while she was still in her good mood. “May I ask you a question, luv? Feel free not to answer.”

“Sure, you can ask, but I’m not going to promise I’m going to answer,” Buffy said remembering the last serious question he’d asked her.

“I’ve noticed that you make basically sandwiches…sometimes burgers for lunch and I was wondering…..doesn’t Angel have some sort of maid or cook to do the cooking for you?”

“Well, see, this is our sort of compromise, I can’t cook worth a darn, but I hate to have someone do all the cooking for me, even if I’m not very good. So Angel and I decided that since he has business associates over for dinner sometimes but never for lunch, it would be okay if I was left with making breakfast—which he never eats—and lunch. And we have a maid who makes diner for us, which I guess is a good thing—I’d probably poison one of his clients,” Buffy tried to joke. “And I’m sorry that I haven’t made anything better for lunch, when the only opportunity you have to improve you cooking involves feeding a little kid and yourself, there’s not much room for growth there…..and I’ve never really had anyone to teach me. Rose Marie, our cook, she’s very by the book, used to work for Angel’s mother and all, and she won’t allow me in the kitchen when she’s preparing dinner, let alone let me help.”

“Well, then, kitten, looks like me and that husband of yours have something to talk about then.” At Buffy’s panicked look, he decided to let her off the hook and let her know what he was really talking about. “Calm down, luv, it’s not what you’re thinking, least I don’t’ think it is.”

“Then, what exactly did you mean, you big meanie?” Buffy asked, slapping his arm.

“Ow, luv, you don’t have to hurt me!”

“Oh, quit being a big baby and tell me what you mean already.”

“Angel expects Sam to grow and be a good little wifey…and that would normally require being able to cook well, right? Not that I’m saying you’re not a good wife…oh bollocks, this just won’t come out right. What I’m trying to get to is, I could tell Angel that I’m teaching Sam how to cook so that she’ll be a good housewife, but before I start teaching her, I need to teach you a bit too, so that you can help us. So, see, it helps two things, you learn how to cook and Sam learns how to cook.” ‘And we get to spend more time together.’

“But, how are you going to find time to teach me….I mean you’re teaching Sam all day and the only break you have is recess and then lunch, that doesn’t seem like much time to teach me to cook in.”

“Simple, we’ll take five minutes off her recess on Monday through Thursday and then on Friday, she’ll have a fifty minute recess then lunch, sot that’s an hour and twenty minutes, that should give us enough time….if once a week is okay with you?”

“More than okay! You mean you’re really willing to teach me how to cook? I’ve always felt kid of, oh I don’t know inadequate, for not being able to cook someone a meal.” ‘No doubt most of that is Angel’s fault, never giving me the chance to get better at it and constantly reminding me how I don’t know how to make anything ‘remotely edible,’ yep definitely his fault, can’t tell William that though.’

“Of course I’d be willing to teach you, always have enjoyed cooking….and since you and Sam seem to have a lot in common, teaching you should be just as fun to teach as she is.”

“In that case….” Buffy ran over and hugged him, “Thank you,” she whispered in his ear.

Trying hard…no, not hard…..strongly….yeah, trying strongly not to notice how much having her so close was effecting him, William weakly hugged her back and said a quiet, “You’re welcome.”

“Guess, one of should go get Sam, tell her lunch is ready and let her know about our new plan, huh?” Buffy said stepping away from his embrace…all the while ignoring the little voice in her head saying, ‘Great job, Buffy, go practically jump the guy…now he’s just going to think you’re just some slutty married woman…wonderful….now you’ve probably scared him off, the one ‘friend’ you’ve had recently.’

“I’ll go get her,” William said quickly, “I told her I’d let her know when lunch is ready…” He turned and left the kitchen quickly, making Buffy think he was upset with her for hugging him, when in reality he was trying to get away from her before he could no longer control his reaction to her.

He could handle Buffy-closeness in small doses, but if he’d spent anymore time alone with he, he’d probably make an ass of himself---freak her out and get fired. And that just wouldn’t do…so it was off to get Sam for him.


“Sam? Hey, bit where are you? Your mum said it’s time for lunch.” William didn’t see her right away and started to get worried, “Come on Sam, time for lunch,” he repeated worriedly.


Back in the kitchen, Buffy was still beating herself up over how she’d acted towards William. She’d been seeing more in his actions than was really there. Any “kindness” he was showing her was just that, kindness. He was a nice, polite person who was just trying to be civil towards her. Nothing more to it.

And she really needed to stop reading more into things. He was her daughter’s teacher and he was doing everything in his power to be the best teacher for her that he could be. That was all.

She’d need to start being more respectful around him. Angel’s mother’s definition of respectful, which could also pass for formal, that is.

It wouldn’t do for him to quit because she’d made him uncomfortable. ‘Try explaining that one to Angel,’ she thought with a grin.


“Come on Sam; where are you?” William tried again, looking around the yard, but still not seeing the little girl.


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