Dirty Work by facingthesun
Summary: Kidnapping, bounty hunters and sex. Janitor, William Giles kidnaps the rich Buffy Summers for ransom money.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 21 Completed: Yes Word count: 55944 Read: 26819 Published: 07/01/2004 Updated: 10/25/2004

1. Chapter 1 by facingthesun

2. Chapter 2 by facingthesun

3. Chapter 3 by facingthesun

4. Chapter 4 by facingthesun

5. Chapter 5 by facingthesun

6. Chapter 6 by facingthesun

7. Chapter 7 by facingthesun

8. Chapter 8 by facingthesun

9. Chapter 9 by facingthesun

10. Chapter 10 by facingthesun

11. Chapter 11 by facingthesun

12. Chapter 12 by facingthesun

13. Chapter 13 by facingthesun

14. Chapter 14 by facingthesun

15. Chapter 15 by facingthesun

16. Chapter 16 by facingthesun

17. Chapter 17 by facingthesun

18. Chapter 18 by facingthesun

19. Chapter 19 by facingthesun

20. Chapter 20 by facingthesun

21. And in the End... by facingthesun

Chapter 1 by facingthesun
Dirty Work
(Named after that super Steely Dan song)

Warning: some Xander abuse :) and B/A and evil Willow

Author’s Notes:
Hi, it’s me again. Yes, I’m writing three Spuffies at the same time. Yes, I’m a dork.
Based on the movie A Life Less Ordinary.

Chapter 1

Once William Giles had the bathroom door closed, he got busy. He cleaned the mirrors, sinks, and stalls with as much hurried perfection as he could muster.

William wiped his hands on a rag and smiled, as he looked at the sparkling bathroom, satisfied with himself.

A new record. Now let’s get to work.

He wheeled his cleaning cart into the largest stall and sat on the now-clean floor. He propped his back against the wall and pulled his knees to his chest. Leaning over, he found his worn notebook and pencil that he had hidden between his Lysol and Windex bottles. Biting on his eraser, William sat and waited for the words to flow.

“Oh, this is gonna be brilliant.” William laughed and scribbled as he sat in the handicapped women’s stall.

“I’ll just give you the outline, yeah? You don’t wanna be spoiled now and I also don’t want you stealing my ideas. Ok, picture with me, a blonde bit of nothing, a girl still in high school being chased down a dark and dreary alley by a big, nasty vampire--.”

“Is this before or after she is topless?”

“Shut up, Harris. The girl isn’t just a bimbo; she’s the bloody chosen one, right? She’s the only one who can protect pathetic mankind against the evil and the forces of darkness… So where was I? Oh, the girl, she’ll have an absurd name like Cookie and she’ll pull out a stake from her purse and then—poof!—no more vamp, just a pile of dust--.”

“You writing feminist shit, instead of your usual trash novels, Will? I always knew you were into the hairy chicks—Ow! Hey!”

William smirked and hit Xander Harris, his coworker and sometimes friend with his toilet bowl brush. “It may have a slight feminist slat, you wanker, but my novel will explore good and evil and the fine, blurry line that separates them. It will have violence, humor, tears, sex--.”

“Sex, huh? Your girl-hero gonna bang vampires too? Get it, man?” Xander began laughing as he sat on the shaky wooden table of the break room. He held his head, blocking himself from future blows. “She can be like—like a vampire layer.”

William pondered Xander’s comment. “Hey that actually has a nice ring...”

“Ow! If you liked it, why did you hit me again?!”

“What can I say mate? I’ve always been bad.”

“You? Bad?! Oh, I’m William bloody Giles and I write bloody bad novels based on bloody bad ideas. Bloody, sodding, buggering--.” Xander dodged William’s brush but wasn’t prepared for the Doc Marten boot that kicked him in the shin. “Oww! Stop, you big bully!”

“I don’t sound like that. Just you laugh and mock, but wait a few years when your still sitting in Mommy Harris’s basement with your thumb permanently stuck up your ass and when you’re thinking, ‘Golly Gosh, I remember that William, wasn’t he a brilliant bastard? Yup, I can’t believe I knew him.’ And by then I’ll be bloody--.”

William froze at the sound of the elevator reaching the basement level. He continued on louder. “Er. I’ll be bloody damned, you see, those dust bunnies, if you don’t get ‘em while they’re tiny, they get um…dustier, lethal even.”

“Well, well, well. Your fifteen minutes are up boys and for every minute you went over, I’ll be docking it from your paychecks.”

By the time Snyder made his appearance, William and Xander were already at their carts, ready to flee.


“Shut it, Harris or I’ll make you clean the urinals on the seventh floor.”

William felt his anger rise as Xander walked off, tail between his legs. “Sir, we were just talking about the gum spots that were left in the conference room--.”

“Stop kissing my ass, Giles and get back to work.”

William put his headphones on and watched as his supervisor turned on his heel and walked out of the break room.

“Bastard.” William grumbled as he flashed his middle finger at the back of the little man’s head.

William turned up his music and pushed his cleaning cart into the great glass elevator.

“Buffy, yeah that’s right, touch my dick, like that. Fuck…Buffy.” Angel moaned as the blonde handled him rough, making the pain almost overshadow the pleasure.

Buffy kissed Angel deeply, shoving her tongue in his mouth to stop Angel’s curses and crude comments.

What an asshole…

She squeezed his hard erection and shoved Angel against the wall of the office. Out of the corner of her eye, Buffy saw the flashing red light. She took her mouth from Angel’s and smiled for the camera before she pulled her dress over her head. Angel was on her immediately, sucking and fondling her breasts. Buffy pushed him away and sat on the desk, spreading her legs wide.

Let’s hope he doesn’t last too long. She hid the dread of letting Angel use her body behind a wide fake smile.

“Come here, Angel baby. I need you.”

Hank Summers was the luckiest guy in the world. William pictured him as George Jetson, sitting in a comfy chair, pushing buttons and bossing around people with a wiggle of his finger. Throughout William’s ten years with Summers Enterprises, he said with pride that he worked for Mr. Summers. Of course he never said he was a janitor, William just blamed his extensive knowledge of cleaning products on an overbearing mother.

Ah, to be stinking rich… I wouldn’t even need that much money… just to live without knowing how to change every vacuum cleaner bag known to man and not involuntarily gasping whenever I see someone stain a carpet…That would be a life worth living.

Damn I feel like bloody Cinderella. Someday my dreams will come true; someday my rotting pumpkin will turn into a best seller.

But of course this will do for now. Hiding in bathrooms and broom closets, getting in a line of script here and there. At least I can be by myself with my music and my thoughts. And I can hit Harris anytime I want to feel manly.

William smirked and stepped out of the elevator.

“Round our way the birds sing for yer, cos they already know yer…”

He sang as his boots slightly bounced on the expensive carpet. Years ago, William drove himself mad trying to prove that as one traveled up the endless floors of Summers Enterprises, the carpets got thicker, the toilet paper grew in ply sizes and generic cleaning supplies were nowhere to be seen.

The signs of approaching the big wigs. Walls were blemish-free and decorated with work from famous masters, not local starving artists. The air stank of money as William walked through the territory of those on the top of the food chain.

“La La La La Laaa Laaa. Round our way the birds are singing. Round our way the sun shines bright--”

William wheeled his orange industrial strength vacuum cleaner down the hallway and froze in front of the door that was open a crack. None of the janitors were allowed into the offices on the higher floors of the building. Only Snyder was given the honor of cleaning the personal offices of the upper management.

Hank Summers here after hours? He needs overtime? Bah. I don’t think so.

William peeked through the open door and pushed his headphones from his ears.

Oh. How—how unsanitary…

William swallowed, seeing a blonde girl sitting naked on Mr. Summers’s desk. A dark-haired man had his head buried between her thighs.

“Angel! Do that—Oh God there! Again! Aaaahhh! Don’t stop! Angeeeell! I’m commming!”

William rolled his eyes as the girl arched her back and continued on as if she was mimicking a bad porno.

Creativity, people. Yesh, you’d think she was howling in pain in a tunnel or something. And Angel? What kind of ponc—

“Ahhh!” William struggled to keep his reaction quiet as he spun after being poked in a sensitive spot on his back. William instinctively hit the person who had scared him nearly to death.

“You bloody fuc—Snyder! Oh God. I’m sorry! I--.”

Synder snarled and drug William down the hallway.

“I’m so sorry man, um, sir. I just…should—should they be doing that in Mr. Summers’s office?”

“Be quiet! It is none of your business what happens in that office or in any of the other offices for that matter.” Snyder hissed and wiped away the blood that had gathered under his nose. “I think you broke my nose you little fucker.”

“Hey now. I’m really sorry--.”

“You’d better be sorry because you have a lot to feel sorry about. Not only are you just a cockroach that wades through other people’s shit, your now even beneath the other janitors.”


“You’re fired, Giles.”

“But—but it wasn’t my fault. I just--.”

“Do you think Mr. Summers wants a peeping tom and a worthless dreamer—don’t think I haven’t seen you dreaming instead of doing your job. You’re useless and we here at Summers Enterprises no longer have a need for you. You’re fired. Get out before I call security.”

“Fired. That bald weasel. I’m glad that I popped him a good one.” William drank another shot and made a disgusted face as the liquid burned on its way down his throat. “Ten years, mate. Ten bloody years. You know who needs to be fired. That blonde slut who was getting her happy’s on Mr. Summers’s office furniture, that’s who.”

“Weasel!” Xander doubled over in laugher, causing William to glare at him.

“I hate you, man. I’m supposed to be getting smashed here. Stop stealing my fucking glory. You still have your job.”

“Smashed! Get it? Hey!”

The sound of William’s palm hitting the back of Xander’s hand made William feel slightly better.

And this git is supposed to be above me.

“You know what Harris? Maybe I’ll just go above Snyder. Yeah, that’s right! I’ll go see Mr. Summers. He’ll understand and listen, right? I’ll go in tomorrow and get my job back. Ten years has to mean something.”

“I agree. I don’t believe them, those liars! I mean three!” Xander waved four fingers in front of William’s face. “Three licks man? To get to the center? I still don’t trust owls. That kid should have so made the turtle lick that damn Tootsie Pop.”

William gave Xander a sideways glance.

I am better than him. One beer and the whelp’s brains are mushier than usual.

I can do it.

I’m going to get my job back.

Buffy smiled wickedly as she walked confidently in her white knee-high boots and mini skirt into Hank Summers’s office. Her grin grew as she saw Hank rewind the tape.

“You wanted to see me?”

“You know that my office is under heavy surveillance but there you are fucking the son of my biggest competitor on my desk. Why?”

“Um, because it was fun?”

“God damn it, Buffy! Why?! Is this because of your mother?”

“Hmmm could be and because of Wesley too, you asshole.”


“I am not going to marry him just because you want to steal his father’s company!”

“So you’re just going to become a whore just to get back at me.”

Buffy grimaced at the name her father had called her. “If that’s what it takes.”

“Buffy—No! No, I don’t care! I’m not going to let you do this. I’m going to do something I should have done a long time ago.”

“What?” Buffy felt uncomfortable seeing her father’s evil grin. “What?!”

“No more money, no credit cards and since you love your mother so much, you can live with her from now on. You’re no longer allowed in my house and I’m taking your car. But you will not avoid me, you will work for me here and I will not be easy on you young lady.”

“You can’t do that.” Buffy panicked. “You can’t--.”

“I can and I will. You’re are going to work, Buffy. I hear there is a new position available in the janitorial department.”

William took the stairs two at a time, his nerves making a bitter taste in his mouth.

He can’t be a monster, right? I just need to explain. God, I had more balls when I wasn’t sober…

He wiped his sweaty palms on his pants as he reached the secretary’s desk.

“Um, good afternoon. I have an appointment with Mr. Summers.”

The pointy nosed woman looked William up and down and then looked at her list. “Name?”

“William Giles.”

He watched, feeling his head throb from tension, as the woman’s finger traveled up and down her list.

“No, your name’s not on my list. No name, no appointment.”

“But please, I just--.”

“No name, no appointment. Good day.”

William turned for a second.

Why wouldn’t anybody let me finish my bloody sentences?! They have no right to—Bugger that!

“Mr. Summers!”

William ran to the door and bolted into the office.

“My name is William Giles, sir. I have been working here for over ten years now. We talked once at one of those Christmas parties and you shook my hand, remember? There is som--.”

“Sure, I remember. Now get the hell out of my office.”


“Security.” William’s eyes bugged out, as Hank never looked him in the face before he talked into his intercom.

“This can’t—I just want to explain. I want my job back.”

“God, Hank let him explain, I think he’s gonna cry or something.”

William wiped his head towards the familiar voice, seeing the girl for the first time. “You! You’re the reason why my life went to hell in a bloody hand bask--.”

William rolled his eyes when he was interrupted again, this time by six heavily armed guards who tackled him to the ground.

“Dad!” Buffy screamed at her father who just watched as William tried to crawl his way out of the human dog pile. Buffy didn’t really care about the guy either but if she could root for a side her father was against, it made her day. “Why don’t you just listen to him?! You don’t listen to anyone, you asshole!”

William’s muffled curses and yelps were the background noise of Buffy’s rants. “You are just a pig! I hate you! I hate--.”

“Drop your weapons! Don’t move a fucking muscle!” Buffy turned as William, in tears, pointed a gun at the security guards. “You guys too, Blondie and Mr. High and Mighty. Up against the wall.”

William couldn’t recall how he got the gun away from one of the guards but as he pointed it around the room, how he managed to find it in his sweaty palms was the last question on William’s mind.

“Now just listen to me. I only want my job back. I’m good at it, really I am. I like it too. I’m ok with playing the cleaning lady role; fuck I even look forward to it, man. I have been here for ten years. Please, for the love of God tell me that means something. I wasn’t peeping on your sluty daughter, I just wanted to know why your office was open. I didn’t mean to hit Snyder, not that I haven’t wanted to, but it was an accident. Please. Please give me my job back.”

Hank took in William’s tears and shaking hands. “No.”

“What?! See this? It’s a gun. Bang bang, shoot, shoot.” William wagged the gun in front of Hank’s face. “I—I can kill you.”

God I sound pathetic, even I know I can’t kill anyone—

“You fucking--!” Hank pounced on William and struggled with him over control of the gun. “You can’t kill me! You’re in here begging to clean my toilets! You’re beneath me--.”

William saw red and hit the nearest piece of Mr. Summers’s flesh that he could find. “I’ve had enough of you! I’m not bloody beneath anyone! I just waited to be heard but now I think I do want you dead!” William seethed and cocked the loaded gun and pointed it between Hank’s eyes. “I’m going to count to five and if you don’t apologize to me and then beg for me to work here again, I’ll shoot you. And while I’m at it, I want a raise too and I think the janitors deserve new uniforms and new equipment too, you cheap bastard. You spend all that dosh on fancy paperclips—fuck you, mate. One.” William kept his voice steady and felt charged by finally seeing the flicker of fear in Hank’s eyes. “Two…Three.”

Oh, God what is wrong with this guy?

“Four.” William cringed as he voice cracked.

“Five!” Buffy’s yell startled William, which led him to jumping and accidentally pulling the gun’s trigger.


Buffy grinned as her father collapsed and howled clutching his arm.

He’ll live, darn. But wow what a rush.

She looked at William, who as beside himself, sobbing and yelling. Buffy felt a strangely proud when she noticed the man still had his gun pointed even as he broke down.

Buffy stood in amazement until the sound of screaming sirens filled the air.

God, he’s fucked…

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I shot him, I shot Hank bloody Summers. I’m going to jail and I’m going to rot there and—and I don’t want to. There has to be something… there has to be a way out. It was just an accident. I didn’t want to shoot anyone… This is all her fault. All her—her!

William wiped his eyes and pointed his gun at Buffy. “You! Get your stuff! You all stay on the floor and count to—um just count a lot, to like a million or something. Let’s get outta here!”

“You’re kidnapping me?”

“Yes I am.”


“Because—Because it seemed right at the moment! So just shut your gob!”

Buffy held her purse to her chest and controlled her breathing as William poked her arm with his gun. “The cameras in stairwell haven’t been working. That’s why I guess no one saw you show up, right?”

William gave the girl a confused but relieved face. “Right to the stairs then.”

“You don’t need to push me, I’ll go.”

“Why are you being so… not difficult?”

“Because I hate my father and you shot him. I owe you one and I think this could work out for the best, for both of us.”

“You are a vindictive bitch, huh?”

“I try to be. You need my help. For starters, William, your gun is out of bullets.”


“You would think after what? Ten years? You would have known that the guards only have one bullet apiece. They are only supposed to shot at the sky or something.”

“God…” William stared at his gun and then shoved in the pocket of his jeans. “You wanna help me?”

“Maybe not you personally but I want to support your cause. I want my father to pay. You should want him to pay too for how he treated you and how he wouldn’t listen… I think we can get him where it hurts, in his wallet.”

God I think this can work. I think this can fucking work! Sure I hate this bint’s guts but if she’ll willing to, what the hell? I’m fucked either way, right?

William struggled to breathe and he traveled the endless amount of stairs for the second time that day.

“You must be older than you look. Stop being all huffy puffy. I bet they can hear you miles away.”

“Just because this isn’t loaded doesn’t mean it can’t do any damage to your pretty little head.” He put a hand to his gun.

“Sure. Whatever.”

“Thank god.” William pushed through the final door. “If I ever go up another flight of bloody stairs it will be too soon.” William walked on jelly-legs into the parking lot.

“Do you have to say that all the time? Bloody, bloody, bloody.” Buffy dug through her purse and pulled out her cell phone.

“What are you doing?! Were you lying or something?!”

Buffy looked at William like he had lost his mind as he batted her cell phone to the ground and took her purse. “What are you doing?! You asshole!”

““Do you have to say that all the time? Asshole, asshole, asshole.” William went through her purse and threw most of its contents out. “Don’t you have any real money? All that plastic won’t do. Ew you can keep those.” William flicked away Buffy’s tampons as if they were bugs. “I have seen enough movies to know that all your gadgets and credit cards can be traced, right? Here you can have those nasty thingies and your other girlie stuff.”

“But what about a getaway car? We need one. I can just call my chauffer…”

“Chauffer! I have a car!”

“But you’re the kidnapper, remember tracing.” Buffy stuck her tongue out at William. “I can’t believe this. I bet the cops are all over this place and you are just dancing around in the parking lot.”

“Shut up! I’ll get a car!” William walked off mumbling and turned back when Buffy didn’t follow him. “Hey I need my kidnappee! Stop sulking and help me pick out a car to nick.”

“You’re going to vandalize a car—Oh, that must be one of those slangy dumb British words.”

“Shut up. I need to concentrate. I’m this close to turning myself in.” William walked up and down the rows of cars, hoping for a person stupid enough to have left their keys in the ignition.

“Do it. See if I care.” Buffy crossed her arms in a huff. “Maybe this won’t work after all.”

Stupid. Bloody. Bitch.

Buffy was not doing William’s shot nerves any good. He sighed and hoped he had seen enough movies to get the gist of breaking into a car. Getting on his knees he ran a hand through his hair.

What did I do to deserve this? Huh, God? Was I that bad of a boy?

William found his pocketknife and put it into the car’s keyhole, only to make the car’s alarm go off.

“Make it stop! Make it stop!”

“Stop hitting me!” William growled and shoved Buffy away.

“We got to get out of here now!” Buffy crouched next to William, hiding behind screaming car. “Look!” She pointed as a group of policemen and security guards ran into the parking lot.

“Fuck. Come on!” William grabbed Buffy’s wrist and dragged her to her feet. He pulled out his gun and pointed it into Buffy’s arm. “’k, pet. Let’s not attract too much attention to ourselves. We’ll walk calmly to my car.”

“Stop! You there!”

“Shit! Just run!”

“Get in!” Once William had got the car unlocked he reached across to unlock manually unlock the driver’s door. “You drive and I’ll point the gun at your head.”

“I’m not the best driver, just so you know—Ah!” Buffy ducked and clutched the steering wheel as the sound of gunshots filled the air.

“I don’t care, drive!”

“I warned you.” Buffy mumbled before she quickly turned on the car. She stomped on the gas and break and nearly hit a dozen of cars in the parking lot.

“Bloody hell woman! You’re going to kill us before we reach the streets.” William leaned over and helped steer the car from the passenger seat.

Buffy sped on the busy city streets, dodging in and out of traffic. “I think you can let go now. Parking lots and me just aren’t friends.”

“You sure?” William asked but let go of the wheel. “Just remember, mirror, signal, maneuver.”

Buffy nodded and looked at in the rear view mirror, she breathed easier when it looked as if they weren’t being followed anymore. “Where are we going?”

William held the handle of the passenger door as Buffy floored the gas pedal while turning. “Other than to hell? Keep on going straight. I think we lost them.” William grabbed his stomach and swallowed. “You’re not doing too badly, with the driving, ease up on the turns, love. You’re insane but I think it worked in our favor.”

Buffy looked at William through the corner of her eye. She didn’t know how to respond to his complement and the nickname he had called her.

“You should probably take off your uniform shirt. It will give us away.” She concentrated on playing with the car radio.

“Right.” William put his gun in the glove box and worked on unbuttoning his shirt. “Let’s go over the plan again and figure out what’s going to happen next.”

Buffy wrinkled her nose when she saw the dark sweat spots under the arms of William’s white undershirt. “You kidnap me. We work on a ransom letter and get the money from Hank and then we spilt it and leave the country. I go to the sandy beaches and you go and become a janitor in Canada.”

William scrunched his face, deep in thought. “But your da hates you. Why would he give up any money to save your neck? It’s your fault that I shot him and--.”

“We tell a news station and other things like that. Summers Enterprises would go down in flames if the golden Hank Summers didn’t pay the ransom for his only daughter again.”


“I guess he did pay, but not after almost four months. I was eight and he didn’t seem to care until the kidnappers started sending blood soaked letters to him. One of my father’s business associates saw the news and threatened to drop his company if I wasn’t brought home in one piece, bad press is a bitch I guess, anyway then my dad decided to pay. I hate him.”

“You have good reason to, pet.”

“Yeah.” Buffy looked over her shoulder and cutoff the car behind her. “What? I need on the freeway.”

William rolled his eyes and looked at the passing road signs. “You know of anywhere we can hide out? If we must, I guess I can add breaking an entering to my list of crimes.”

“Yeah, sure and you’d set off every alarm known to man in the process.” Buffy bit her lip, thinking as William growled under his breath. “Don’t growl at me, William. I know of a place we can go. A cabin; there are trees and not a lot of people there. I may have a key, if you don’t toss it out. A friend and I used to go there all the time.”

“And your daddy doesn’t know of it?”


“Let’s go there then.” William curled up in his seat and leaned against the window. “I’m zonkered and my nerves are shot. I’m going to nap. When you see a place to eat wake me up and pull over. I’ll help you park the car.”


“His name is William Giles. This is the picture from his driver’s license. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. He is under six feet tall and of a medium frame. He speaks with a British accent. He kidnapped my daughter and he shot and made a fool out of me. I want him dead.” Hank Summers’s cleared his throat and brought out his checkbook. “I will pay you both very generously if you bring my whore of a daughter back.”

“Gotcha boss. What if your girl gets in the way?”

“Kill her too then, but avoid it if possible. I have plans for Buffy.”

“We can do that, can’t we honey?” Faith smiled and patted her partner on the leg. “Can my girl have fun with him before I whack ‘em?”

“Do whatever you want. Just keep your cover and don’t get caught--.”

“You don’t have to tell see how to do our jobs, Hanky.” Faith laughed as Willow spoke. “Me and my Faith are good at what we do. No one thinks of us when they think of bounty hunters. We’re special.”

A/N: Review please. ;)
Chapter 2 by facingthesun
Hi! This chapter is nothing like the movie. ;) But I borrowed the name of the book.
Review please.

Chapter 2

“This is disgusting.” Buffy picked up a spoonful of food and let it slop back onto her plate. “My mashed potatoes are mingling with my other vegetables and my chicken smells like a hot dog.”

“It does not.”

“Yes it does.” Buffy picked up the piece of meat by stabbing it with her fork and put it under William’s nose. “Smell it. It smells and tastes like a hot dog.”

“You’ve had hot dogs before? The princess eats ground pig parts? I’m impressed.”

“I’m so not eating this.” Buffy shoved away her plate and crossed her arms over her chest.

William sighed and looked at his half eaten hamburger. “I guess…you can have mine if you’d like…”

Buffy wrinkled up her nose and batted his hand away. “Ew! You just stopped eating it. It has your bite marks and--.”

“Fine, forget I mentioned it, wouldn’t want you to choke on my cooties anyway.” William glared and continued to move food into his mouth. “I don’t know when we’re going to eat again.”

“Don’t talk with your mouth full. I need to go on a diet anyway.”

“Whatever.” William rolled his eyes and drank his soda. “I’ll take over the driving for tonight. How much longer to you think we have?”

“Um, maybe…” Buffy looked up and bit her lip. “Like a few hours, more or less. I go by landmarks…”

“More or less? Landmarks?”


William shook his head and wiped his mouth and hands on his napkin. He caught the attention of their waitress. “Check please, miss.”

“What is your problem?!” Buffy ran after William as he walked angrily to his car. “Hey! Talk to me!” Buffy grabbed William’s shoulder and tried to spin him towards her.

“Get your hands off me!” William dug his hands in his pockets and unlocked the door of his car. He opened the glove box and pulled out a map and gave to Buffy. “Tell me you know where this place is.”

Buffy moved under the neon lights of the diner. “Of course I know where it is. It’s…” Buffy steadied the map and brought it closer to her face. “Um, it’s there.” She moved so William could look over her shoulder.

“There?” William tapped on the map. “Bloody hell.” He sighed and closed his eyes. “Well guess what, Blondie? We are here.” He pointed to a little spec that was other side of the map.

“Oh, well it’s only this much away.” Buffy measured out the distance between pointer fingers. “I must have made a wrong turn somewhere--.”

“You made a lot of sodding wrong turns. Get in the car.”

“What are we going to do?”

“Shut up and let me think about that. I’m driving from now on.”

“I’m cold.”

“You can use my uniform to wrap yourself in.”

“Ewww. I bet that thing is still wet with your sweat. Yuck.”

“Fine. Freeze then.”

“I hate you.”


“I’m tired.”

“You can sleep.”

“I can’t get comfortable.”

“Hop over the seat and sleep in the back. It’s comfortable.”

Buffy turned around in her seat and looked at the spotless back seat. “You really like to clean, don’t you? Do you sleep in here a lot?”

“No more talking. Sleep or shut up.”

Buffy turned back forward and sank down into the passenger seat and crossed her arms. She sighed deeply and looked out the window into the darkness. “Can we find a hotel or something?” She rubbed her hands up and down her arms for warmth and rolled her eyes when William didn’t answer her question. “What a shitty car. It doesn’t even have a heater.”

“It’s not cold, maybe if you wore an entire outfit you wouldn’t be chilled and don’t talk about my girl like that.”

“Your girl? Hello stereotype. And what’s wrong with my clothes?”

“For starters your skirt barely covers your ass and that’s just stupid. Your top is made out of a nasty thin white bit of fabric, it’s bloody indecent, and you’re flashing your goodies everywhere.”

“You pervert!” Buffy crossed her arms higher to cover her breasts. “Have you been checking me out?!”

“Believe me pet, I’ve seen enough of you to last me a lifetime and enough to know you’ve got a Wonder Bra under there--.

“What the hell are you taking about?!” Buffy sat up and turned towards William, ready to fight. “I’ve never seen you before today, there is no way that you could’ve seen me--.”

“Last night I lost my job because I stumbled in on you and your fucktoy. Didn’t you listen to my--”

“Fucktoy…oh God, you saw me with Angel?”

“Yup and that was an awful performance, sweetheart.” Buffy closed her eyes and mumbled under her breath. “What’s wrong? You don’t like that I saw your nasty sex capades? At least I didn’t have to get your ass print out of that wanker’s desk…hey, hey now I see that wobbling chin. You’re not going to cry, are you? Hey, pet I’m sor--.”

“I’m not a slut and I’m never having sex with you.”

“What?! I never—I don’t want to have sex with you. I--.”

“That’s good ‘cause it’s not going to happen!”

“Well—well I’m never having sex with you either!”

William didn’t know why her rejection bothered him, but it did. He turned up the radio, determined to get the girl out of his mind.

I hate her. It’s all her fault. That’s my new fucking mantra. Blame her, blame the girl, blame… Hell, I don’t even know her name. I’m not going to think about her.

I’ll think about…about my novel.

She sure got pissy thinking—knowing I don’t want her. I don’t want anything to do with her. I just don’t wanna go to jail. Besides she’s not my type. Her hair is too…shiny. Yeah it could sting a bloke’s eyes and her nose is bumpy. I hate deformed noses. Ok, it’s not deformed, just different. She’s different…

I’m not going to think about her! I hate her.

“What—where are we?” Buffy woke up from a nap and noticed that there was a large brown paper sack sitting between them. “What’s in there?”

“You can look if you’re curious.”

Yesh, he’s cranky. Buffy shrugged off William’s angry tone and searched through the bag by touch.

“Here.” Sighing, William pushed on the light that was overhead on the roof of the car. “And before you say anything nasty, I didn’t know what to get so I got a little of everything.”

Buffy was speechless as she pulled out the black sweatshirt that was on top of the bag. She pulled it over her head and fixed her hair.

This William…I don’t know about him. Could his not acting like an asshole just be an act to get into my pants or is he really a good guy?

Where did he stop? There’s food, toiletries, a spiral notebook, pens, a romance novel?

“Games of Love by Virilia Consuela?”

“It was on sale.” Buffy was certain that the darkness was shielding William’s blush. “Do you like the jacket?”

“Yes.” Buffy slowly opened a bag of pretzels. I guess I have to… “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“We’ll stay here tonight and then…”

“You should park in the back.”


“I’ll stay here so the motel people won’t see us together and that also means you’ll have to get a room with only one bed.”

“Ok. You ok with that?”

“I don’t really have a choice, besides I just want to sleep in a bed.”

“Oh.” Once the car was parked, William took the keys out of the ignition and put one foot out of the door.

He’s taking the keys. “You don’t trust me.”

“No, not yet.”

“I didn’t mess us up on purpose.”

“I know. Do you trust me?”

“I’d love to say no but that would be a lie.”


“But don’t get too excited, I’m just too tired to bitch at the moment. I’ll make up for it tomorrow, I promise. Just go get the room.”

“You’re always like this when you’re tired? You’re almost pleasant.” William watched Buffy closely since she had stepped into the dingy motel room.

“Almost.” Buffy laughed and set her purse on the cheap wooden table that was in the tiny room. “Are you waiting for me to complain about the room?”

“Yes, it’s disgusting. I asked for a non-smoking and smell it. Yuck. And I don’t even want to know where the stains on the floor came from. I’m pissing in my pants afraid to look at the bed sheets.”

“You’re not used to these kinds of places?”

“No, just because I’m—I was a janitor that doesn’t mean--.”

“Cool it, William. I wasn’t trying to be mean.”

“Are you saying you’re used to flea bag motels? Yeah right.”

“Let’s just say my mom isn’t from the same income tax bracket as my father.” Buffy ran her hand over the thin scratchy burnt orange bedspread. “But I’ll stop now, I have a reputation to protect.”

William stared at Buffy, not knowing how to handle her change in moods. I guess there’s more to the girl than I thought.

“You don’t have to a…pretend around me if you’d like.”

“Sure, William whatever you say.” Buffy laughed and pulled down the sheets of the bed. “See no stains and I think the pillows don’t smell and just so you know, I would’ve given you the nastier one.” Buffy laughed again at William’s confused face as she climbed into the bed. “You stay on your side and I’ll stay on mine and if we do that, I won’t have to beat you up.”

William came out of the bathroom with his shirt off but his shoes still on. He shook his head at the sound of Buffy’s light snores.

Thank God she didn’t force me to sleep on the floor. I’m not even gonna walk barefoot on that floor.

William took off his shoes and made sure his feet never touched the dirty floor before he got under the sheets.

Sighing William rested his head on the pillow and brought the covers high on his chest.

Maybe she’s not as bad as I thought. She’s still insane and I’ll still blame her but…

William rolled over so he faced Buffy’s back. She had taken off her jacket and she was only in her flimsy white shirt.

I guess there’s nothing wrong with her nose and hell shiny hair can be a good thing sometimes…

“Are you writing the ransom note?” Buffy propped herself on her elbows and peeked over at what William was writing in the spiral that he had bought the day before.

“No.” William quickly closed the notebook and looked guilty.

“What were you writing then?” Buffy rested flat on her stomach and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. He’s not too bad to look at first thing in the morning. She admired his lean and muscular frame. Too bad he’s not my type… “Is it a diary?”

“No it’s not a bloody diary.”

“Oh so you prefer the term journal.”

“No, I don’t, it’s nothing like that. If you must know I was writing my novel from memory. My usual notebook was left behind.”

“Do you write romances? That would explain the love book…” Buffy couldn’t keep a straight face as she teased him and covered her face to cover her laughter.

William wanted to leave her abuse but he didn’t feel like putting on his shoes and then if he did leave, he’d either have to hide in the bathroom or outside. “Laugh, I’m used to it.”

“Hey, don’t pout, it’ll spoil your good looks.”

“Carry on, you’ve mocked my writing and my face. Is there anything else you want to take a jab at?”

“You’re cranky in the morning. Not a morning person?”


“Please tell me about your book. I’ll be nice, I promise.”

“You promise?”

“Cross my heart. I’ll prove that I’m trustworthy.” She smiled and sat next to him with her legs crossed and still keeping a gap between them.

“Ok.” He turned so he could face her.

Look at that. He has a nice smile, he must be really proud of this book. Be nice Buffy. Be nice.

“It’s a about a girl that protects her family, friends, city and the whole world on a daily basis from evil. What kind of evil? You name it. We’re talkin’ slimy fish demons, vampires, and mummy hands. Anything. Everything.”

“How does she fight all that stuff? Does she have powers? Like Batman or something?”

“Well she doesn’t prance about in a cape but she’s really strong and she has a few powers but she’ll develop them over time.”

“Hmmm. So it’s sci-fi?”

“Yes, it’s a mixture of every genre imaginable. I want it all, she’ll tackle it all.”

“That doesn’t sound too bad. Why did you think I’d laugh?”


Buffy caught a glimpse of embarrassment in his eyes. “What’s your wonder woman’s name?”

“Why do you ask?”

“Don’t know. Just curious.”

“That’s my problem; I’ve never given her a name. Nothing sounds right. What’s your name, pet?”

“You don’t know my name?”

“We weren’t formally introduced, remember?”

“Didn’t you get those awful company Christmas cards? With the picture? Hank sent one to all the employees.”

“Janitors don’t get bloody greeting cards.”


“Besides I worked there for ten years, did you ever see me with my mop and soap bucket?”


“Well there you--.”

“But wait don’t think I didn’t mingle with the cleaning people. Who’s that guy? The balding one? Kinda shrimpy?”

“Snyder? He was my supervisor.”

“Poor you. What an asshole. He hit on me once. See I mingled.”

“I knew there was a reason I hated that guy.” William felt a pang of anger for Buffy. Why should I care if she got the wrath of Snyder for a second or too… “But look!” William excitedly showed Buffy his cracked knuckle. “I hit him the night I was fired, it hurt like hell but it was worth it in the end.”

“Well I’m leaving you with your war wounds. I’ll be in the shower and my name is Buffy.”

Buffy? William watched as she ran to the bathroom. Buffy the Vampire Slayer? That has a nice ring. She’d kill me if I used her name…

Buffy. It suits her.
Chapter 3 by facingthesun
Disclaimer, disclaimer... The phone call and the book stolen from the movie but twisted for all my needs.
If you're reading my others stories, hold on I'm not abandoning you, I promise.

Review please.

Chapter 3

“Are you sure I can’t write a note?” William looked ahead and stared at the pay phone from the safety of the parked car.

“A note would have to be mailed. We can’t sit here all day.”

“Oh, I’m sure we can.” He laughed, slightly embarrassed with himself. “I hate talking on the bloody phone. Just a normal phone call makes me skittish and now I have to demand a ransom…I wish I could have a drink.”

“I’d rather have you nervy than boozed up. How much are you asking for? If you ever get out of the car that is…”

“I don’t know.”

“How about two million? It’s not too much and it can be spilt easily.”

William looked in Buffy’s direction for the first time since he had parked the car in front of the abandoned building. “What would I do with a million dollars, pet?”

“Anything you want to do.”


“Don’t say a word until I tell you to.”

Buffy rolled her eyes at William’s unnecessary demand and leaned on the panel of the pay phone. She felt her heart speed up, knowing that William had their futures in his sweaty hands. Keeping her ear close, she listened carefully to the muffled sounds coming through the telephone and she grimaced as she eavesdropped on William’s pathetic attempt at extortion.

“Hi, Mr. Summers. It’s me. What? Look, I—yes, that’s right. Me. Kidnapper! Yes. What?! Well, no, it’s not like that! That’s bloody unfair! Now--.”

Buffy quickly took the phone from William and hung it up.

“What are you doing?! You cut me off! I was--.”

“What were you doing, William?” Buffy stood between William and the pay phone. “That was sad.”

“It was not! I was negotiating with your father but the bastard kept on interrupting!” He stomped his foot in frustration. “I couldn’t get a fucking work in! It wasn’t my fault--.”

“Good God William, is anything your fault?!”


“Someday, someday soon, I’m just going to kick you William, right in the shin and I hope it will leave a bruise.”


“Shut up. I need you… I need you to be a bad ass! I need you to scream and yell and…William, if we’re going to get any money my dad has to be afraid of you. You need to go in hard and fast.”

“Hard and fast?”

Buffy took the receiver into her hand. “I’m you, ok? Now imagine it’s ringing. You psyche yourself up. Grrr.”


“That’s right, but you sound like a kitty William.” She cleared her throat and with no warning, Buffy began screaming into the phone. “Now you fucking asshole, I’ve got your daughter here and I’m going to mail her back to you in pieces if I don’t get what I want, I’m going to cut her fingers off with a pair of pliers and fry them up for breakfast.” Buffy quickly reverted to her calm, normal voice. “Yada, yada, on and on like that for probably no longer than thirty seconds.”

“You’re insane.” William was starring, open-mouthed, torn between being impressed and horrified. “Where did you get all that from?”

“A movie.” Buffy couldn’t help but flash a proud grin. “Try, practice and then call him again.”

“Grrr, right? I did shot him, didn’t I? He should be a little spooked…right?”

“Sure you shot him but then you bawled like a baby.” Buffy took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Maybe he needs a different approach…

“You’re the kidnapper, William. Kidnappers don’t negotiate; it’s a sign of weakness. Psyche yourself up and call him again. Remember, demand and yell. Remember, that you shot him and think of how you’ve been wronged by him. You can do this William. I…I believe in you.”

She needs me.

William blinked in shock and didn’t know how to react.

She believes in me.

“I need more quarters.”

“Are you sure you can do it now?”

“I—I think so.”


“Right! Right!”

“Do you need another example--?”

“No!” William avoided Buffy’s gaze and looked at the buttons of the phone as Buffy placed coins in his hand. “Didn’t you mention we could call the media? Um, do you have their number?”

“You don’t have to call anymore.” Buffy searched through her purse. “You’ve called everyone that I can think of, well except Hank.” She grinned at the fear that sparked in William’s eye. “But I think this will be ok…the TV people should be camping out at Summers Enterprises and at the mansion. You did well, but now we’re gonna have a lot people on our tail. Even if you wanted to call, we’re completely out of quarters.”

William followed Buffy to the car and opened the passenger door for her. “Um…thanks for all the motivational speaking back there; I couldn’t have done it without you…”

She frowned but got into the car. He’s not going to put on my seat belt now, is he? “You’re welcome. Let’s get out of here.”


“Sure, pet. Thank you.”

“Do you trust me yet?”

“Do you want me to trust you?”




“That’s not a real answer.”

“It’s what you’re going to get, William.”

“Well, then I might trust you.”

“I can live with that. Where are we heading?”

“East, I hope.”

“Are we going to stop soon?”

“I don’t know. Like you said, I’m sure everybody will be after us now. Stopping would be dangerous. We may be sleeping in the car tonight, pet.”

“Why do you call people ‘pet’?”

“Don’t know, it sounded right and it stuck. The girls always took a fancy to it too.”

“Oh.” Buffy looked out the window at the passing scenery and dismissed the tingles of jealously that disturbed her heart.

The girls…

“He’s calling all the major networks!” Hank threw a glass with his good arm and angrily kicked his desk. “Ow!” He hopped a little before collapsing in his leather chair. “Two million dollars! Two million dollars!” Hank dug through his desk drawer and frantically searched for his red stress ball.

“Mr. Summers, there is a Riley Finn to see you.” The secretary opened the door for the tall, sandy haired man and then the two men alone in Hank’s office.

“I came as soon as I heard.”

“Who are you?”

“My name is Riley Finn--.”

“I know your name. Who are you?”

“I’m Buffy’s boyfriend and I want to help you get her back.”

“Don’t we all?” Hank grumbled and rolled his eyes. “I didn’t know Buffy had a steady boyfriend.”

“Well, she always stressed making our relationship private…”

“Is that right? So Riley, where does your father work?”

“Goodie, now we’re gonna have some fun.” Faith turned up the television and petted Willow’s hair.

“Maybe that guy isn’t so dumb after all.” Willow shrugged and watched the news with her head resting in Faith’s lap. “Are we going to start tailing them now? We need to get them before the police do.”

“I guess we have to. We can’t let Hankie down.”

“Hankie.” Willow giggled and stroked Faith’s bare knee. “I can’t wait ‘til we get all that money. One hundred thousand dollars…”

“It could be more if we play our cards right. Won’t it just be peachy if we got our paychecks and a bit of that ransom money?”

“Oh, that sounds wonderful.”

“Are you enjoying the book?”

Buffy wrinkled her nose but didn’t look up from the page she was reading. “It’s a romance, there’s a guy and girl and they fall in love.”

“Well that makes sense; it is called the ‘Games of Love,’ right? A romantic storyline should be a given…”

“It’s crap.”

“How many pages have you read?”

“Two hundred, all crap.”

“You really read that much of a story you hate?”

“Fine, I’ll admit it, I’m skimming through most of it and just reading the sex scenes, happy now?”

//“I’ll be the judge of that,” he said firmly, closing his shiny leather briefcase and snapping the gold lock into place. “I’ve got a flight to catch.”

For a moment fury burned in her eyes and her cheeks flushed with anger, but all was extinguished by a single flash of his incandescent smile. She almost hated him for the power he so effortlessly exerted over her emotions, but the truth was that she loved him too much.

She traced a finger around the waist of his Italian designer suit, sensing his firm abdominal muscles through the crisp cotton of his tailored English linen shirt. Avoiding his cold, gloating gaze, she let her hand drift down toward the swelling of his passion below. She heard his breathing become shallow and a flicker of a smile played upon her lips as she meditated on the power she now held.

“Are you sure you want to catch that flight?//

Buffy tapped on the partially rolled down window, making William squeal and drop the book that he had been reading. “You scared me. Um, I was just…you’re bookmark fell out and I wanted to put it back in the right place and…”

Buffy pushed two greasy bags of food in William’s face and walked around the car with their drinks in her hands. “No barometer is more sensitive to the needs and desires of men and women than a novel with a gold embossed title, huh?” Buffy got into the car and put the Styrofoam cups into the cup holders.


“You’re still in an embarrassed daze I see. Reading is nothing to be ashamed of, even if it’s bullshit.” Buffy picked up the book off the floor and looked at the binding, finding where William had made a crease. “Would you like it if I read it to you as you drove? Just seeing your blushy face would be more entertaining than reading it myself.”

William looked at Buffy in horror, not knowing how he would react to Buffy reading him a seedy romance novel.

I’ll run off the road and kill us. Quick, think of an excuse. “Aren’t you going to eat?”

“I can wait. I’ll read until it’s dark.”

“This was the moment for which she had waited so long. She gasped in delight as she sensed the firm exploratory pressure of his flesh.” Buffy cleared her throat and turned the last page. “Her mind filled with a thousand crazy images while the frisson of delight erupted between her thighs. In the hidden recesses of her pelvis, their bodies fused into one writhing mass of torrid sexual imperative. She pulled him closer, deeper, unable to stop. This indeed was perfect love: inexplicable, unpredictable, and absolutely beyond control.”

Buffy closed the book and turned off the tiny flashlight that she had used as a night-light and left her and William in darkness except for the green glow of the dash as they sped down the highway.

Bloody hell.

William gritted his teeth and attempted to nonchalantly adjust his pants.

Damn that book, damn her voice. Was she trying to kill us or just me? What was she up to?

William glanced at Buffy and swallowed, feeling his already-excited lower regions twitch at the sight of the moon beaming on her face, making Buffy’s skin look pearly and soft to the touch.

“This can’t be good.” William murmured under his breath and changing the radio station to an oldies radio station.

“Shit.” William heard a few words of the song that was playing before he quickly started pushing buttons, desperate to change the station, but he was too late, the words had already done their damage.

Falling? Yes I am falling.


“Hey, hey Buffy.” William gently shook her shoulder. “Wake up, love.”


“I hate to wake you but we’re stopping here for the night and I thought you’d like to sleep in the back so you don’t get any aches and pains from sleeping leaning against the window.”

“Oh.” Buffy rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and brushed her hands on her jacket, smoothing out non-existent wrinkles. “Where’re you going to sleep?”

“Up here, now in the back with you.”

“But I don’t wanna put my boots on.” Buffy whined and looked out the window. “I don’t wanna walk barefoot out there, we’re parked in a field.”

“You don’t think you can hop over the seat?”

“I could, but I’m not exactly dressed for hopage.” She pointed at her pleaded mini-skirt.

“I’ll close my eyes.”


“Really. See? I can’t see a bloody thing.” William closed his eyes and looked forward.

“Um…” Buffy struggled over the seat and landed with a plop. “Done. Thanks, again.”

“You’re welcome.” William stretched his legs along the bench seat and rested the side of his head against the back of the seat. “Goodnight.”


This is just a common reaction to not being treated like shit, that’s it, nothing more and nothing less. I like William, sure I do, and he’s a nice guy for an unstable kidnapper and guy who shot my father in the arm. But that’s it…nothing more.

Buffy rolled over again and struggled to get comfortable.

This, this strangle tinglely feeling is just the beginnings of a new friendship. Maybe he’ll visit years from now when I’m living in my beach house…I don’t have any other feelings for the guy.

Even if he is kinda hot and that accent can seem really sexy over long periods of time…but it doesn’t mean anything else.
Chapter 4 by facingthesun
Chapter 4

“According the phone number from the ransom call, they are heading east on I-40.” Riley extended his silver pointer and ran it along the stretch of highway. “The calls were made approximately six hours ago and if they are driving at night, they could already be in Arizona and on their way to New Mexico. I suggest we fly there on the company jet.”

“There is no we and who said that you had any access to the company jet?”

“Mr. Summers, I think it would be in Buffy’s best interest--.”

“I don’t give a damn about Buffy’s interests and as far as I’m concerned the kidnapper can do whatever he wants with my daughter. Why do you care so much about my whore of a child? Is she that good of a lay? Or do you just want the glory of finding her first and your name in all the newspapers? Because I’m not ashamed to say I have hired people to the same job that you so desperately want to accomplish. I’m not giving you a dime if you find her.”

“I don’t want your money, Hank--.”

“That’s Mr. Summers to you.”

“Sorry.” Riley cleared his throat and continued, “Mr. Summers to be perfectly honest, I want to marry your daughter…sure we’ve had some issues in the past but I think if you approved maybe she would give us a second chance.”

Hank looked at the man as if he had lost his mind. “You either have a lot to learn or your dumber than I expected.”

“Welcome, welcome.” The game show host jumped in front of the studio audience, smiling and pretending to be humbled by their fanatical applause. “Oh, stop. Stop. Well as you already know you’re watching the game show Perfect Love and I’m your host, Lorne and my lovelies, I shall introduce to you our contestants. William Giles and Buffy Summers!”

Buffy waved to the audience and smiled widely for the camera. “Hi everybody! It’s so nice to be here!”

“Now let’s see or other contestant! Bring him out boys!”

William was confused and afraid as he felt himself being wheeled onto the loud soundstage. What the hell is going on? I’m blindfolded? What am I tied to?

“Now if you’re watching at home for the first time, I’ll explain the rules. William, here, his life is in danger…”


“And only Buffy can save his life…”


“So now we’ve tied him to a enlarged dart board that will spin and all that Buffy has to do is shoot William in the heart with an arrow…”


“William.” Buffy peeked over the seat and contemplated throwing her jacket onto his face in an attempt to stop his snoring.

Where are those nose strip thingies when you need one?


“No, what? William, wake up.”

“She’ll kill me…”

“Great, little Willie’s having nightmares.” Buffy smiled mischievously and wiggled to the edge of the back seat so she could see his face.

Awww, that’s kinda cute, he’s hugging his uniform.

Before Buffy could think about the consequences of her actions, she ran a finger along his arm.

I wonder… She found his hand that was resting on his side and slowly opened his fingers, staring at his face the whole time, hoping he wouldn’t wake.

What would I say? Sorry William, you were sleeping and I wanted to take the opportunity to see if you had dishpan hands?

Buffy rolled her eyes and noticed that William had settled down once she had taken his hand in hers.

Weird. Nice hands though, big and smooth.

“What are you doing?” William took his hands away to rub his eyes. “Why did you let me sleep so long? Damn that was a weird dream.”

Buffy flew back and tired to act calm. “What was going to kill you?”

“Kill me? Was I talking in my sleep? I hate when that happens.” He ran a hand through his hair and sat up still looking groggy. “What time is it?”


“My dream was insane, you were in it actually.”

“You were dreaming about me? Ewww. New subject. I so don’t want to hear about your wet dreams.”

“Wet…? It was nothing like that! We were on a game show and--.”

“I’m not listening.” Buffy covered her ears.

“Fine. Let’s change the subject. Why where you touching me when I woke up?”

Caught, crap. Ok, just think of a good excuse. “There was a fly on you so I was…”

“A fly?”


“You wanted to touch me, pet? All you had to do was ask.”

“Shut up and wipe that smirk off your face.”


“Close your eyes, I’m coming up to you.”

“I can’t, I’m driving.”

“No peeking then.” Buffy tumbled into the front seat, making a conscious decision to have her butt away from William’s vision. I don’t need him to look at my ass, especially with the thong… “It feels like we’ve been driving forever. When do we get to shower? I feel icky.” Buffy took off her sweatshirt and threw it in the back seat.

“Don’t we all?”

“And we’re running out of food, well if you want to call Skittles and a melty bag of chocolate covered raisins food to begin with.”

“There’s a truck stop coming up and they have showers and it’s more than likely that it will have a buffet too.”

“Oh. That’s good.”


“What kind of place is this?” Buffy zipped up her boots and walked across the gravel parking lot. “It’s like another land of buffaloes and real Indian made blankets.” Buffy squinted and looked at the mountain before them. “And there’s plastic animals on the side of the mountain?”

“Love, welcome to your first tourist trap.”

“Trap, eh?”

“Come on let’s look for the showers and I bet we can find some overpriced clothing too. I would love to get out of these clothes.”

“Stop laughing.”

“I can’t. I think we’re cursed.” Buffy walked into the shower room with her hands full with towels and toiletries. “Only we would get stuck with a coed shower.”

“There are curtains.”

“Pink curtains that won’t cover either of us from head to toe.”

“You go on one side of the room and I’ll go on the other.”

“But…” Buffy stared wide-eyed at the other people already showering. “But there’s lots of shady looking people in here. At least I know you won’t be accidentally dropping the soap. These truckers aren’t very attractive…”

“Are you saying you need me to protect you?”

“Shut up and stop looking so puffy. I just would rather have you next to me and don’t read more into it or I’ll slap you.”

“Is there more to read into?”

“Shut up.” Buffy walked through the lines of shower stalls and found one in the corner with an open shower next to it. “I’ll use this one and you use that one.”

“Why do you get the one next to the wall?”

“Because I’m the girl.”


Buffy and William both avoided each other’s eyes as they each stepped into their separate stalls.

Ok mate, settle down. Don’t think that she’ll be standing naked and showering a mere foot away. Besides you’ve seen her naked already and it was nothing to write home about.

But that was when I hated her. I don’t hate her any more…I’m dreaming about her…Fuck.

William could see Buffy pulling off her top in the corner of his eye.

This is not going to be easy.

William quickly undressed and turned on the water before Buffy and sighed, relieved that he could close his eyes and not look like a wuss.

No nothing with this girl is easy at all, I reckon.



“I…um, nothing. Just stand there with your eyes closed and we’ll be ok.”


“It’s nothing I promise.”

Yup, I’m cursed.

Buffy glared at the soap she had dropped that was over on Spike’s side. If I ask him to pick it up, he’ll see me and if I pick it up, I see him.

Ok, I’ll just go down there, keeping my eyes down and then I’ll get my stupid soap.



“Did you drop your soap? Because I think I stepped on it.”


“Are you going to get it any time soon? Because if I slip and fall on my ass…I won’t be happy.”

“Ok, I’ll get it but I’m not looking ok?”

“Of course, why would you be interested in looking at my dangly bits?

“Yeah why?” Buffy crouched close to the bottom of the titled floor and saw her soap next to William’s foot.

“What are you doing?”

“Closing my eyes and trying to grab the soap. Sorry for touching your foot. It’s a nice foot…”

“Why thank you. Now will you get the bloody soap?!”

“Got it. Standing. Sorry.”

“Ah, gotta love the clearance rack. I think we can manage buying two outfits apiece.” William looked around the back of the store and pointed at a separate bin. “And there’s pants over there.”

“So you’re going to wear a shirt that says, ‘I love buffaloes?”

“If I must. But look a plain blue shirt.” William held up his prize and smiled. “I think you’ll have to love buffaloes.”

“But you said two outfits.” Buffy stuck out her tongue and pulled out chose a pink and white baseball style shirt with a Route 66 logo. “This is actually cute.”

“It will go great with these. They only have bloody pajamas on sale.” He wrinkled his nose in disgust. “I think I’ll stay in my jeans.”

“You should get at least one pair to sleep in. Here, these are so you. They have little moccasins and tomahawks on them. I can’t believe these come in adult sizes.”

William watched as Buffy went from the rack back to the bin of clothes a few times. “What are you doing?”

“Coordinating colors, duh.”

“Oh forgive me.”

“What size do you wear? Give me that shirt. I’ll find you some good stuff. You look for the food.”

“You’re sure about this?”

“Yes, I’m sure it looks great. Let me see.” Buffy stood outside of the stall and stared at her reflection. It was coed bathroom with only one stall and a separate sink. Buffy pulled on the hem of her new shirt.

Cute. She was wearing the snug pink shirt with matching black and pink pajama bottoms and new white rubber flip-flops.

“Do you keep the receipt because…” William stepped out of the stall.

Wow. Buffy looked up and focused on his reflection as he stood behind her. Wow.

“This is way too tight. Isn’t?”

“No, it…it looks really good.”

“But…” William pulled on the form-fitting black shirt and grimaced. “I don’t think this will be comfortable.”

“William, trust me. You look hot.”



“Um…” William looked away embarrassed, “You look nice.”


“Does everything smell as it should?”

“So far so good.”

William watched as Buffy ate her breakfast, surprised at how young she looked without makeup and in different clothing.

“I’d hate to mention this,” Buffy leaned closer and whispered across the table, “ but should we get a new car?”

“What do you mean?”

“I know it’s your girl but maybe we should ditch it somewhere to throw people off our trail.”

“But we don’t know if anyone is after us. We haven’t heard anything yet. I don’t wanna abandon my car until we have to…”

“I understand. Sorry it was just a thought. I really didn’t want to change cars anyway. It is probably the cleanest car I’ve ever rode in and you were right, the back seat is comfy.”

“Why thank you, love. You’ve been awfully nice today.”

“Almost pleasant?” Buffy asked and smiled, covering her mouth as she ate and spoke, “Even I can’t be bitchy all the time. If I had to spend another hour in my other clothes, I would’ve bit your head off but I’m clean and in new clothes and eating halfway decent food. I’m a happy Buffy.’

“I’m glad to hear it.”

And if a happy Buffy makes him smile like that, maybe I’ll let her out more often. He’s quite handsome and…he’s growing on me.

Just a note: If you are following my other stuff, more There's a Place is coming and I'm working on Little by Little. :)
Chapter 5 by facingthesun
A/N: Enjoy and review. Tell me what you think. ;)

Chapter 5

“I’ve been thinking a lot about this, tell me your opinion. You want some more syrup, pet? It’s too sweet for my liking.” William gave her the container and cleared his throat and spoke between taking bites of his pancakes. “I need a love interest for our girl. She’s a bloody superhero so a normal bloke just isn’t going to do. So I’m thinking about making her fall for a vamp.”

Buffy groaned, “Isn’t that nearing a cliché? Making her love something she is destined to hate and destroy?”

“That’s what I was afraid of too.” He leaned forward, excited to know that he and Buffy thought alike. “So I’m considering giving him a curse. I’m not sure what kind, but I want him to be the equivalent of a fluffy puppy in her eyes.”

“But he’d have to be some form of help to her because that would be her justification for having him around and for being around him.”

“Exactly! He would still be everything a vampire is, strong and a bloodsucker but I want a catch, something different...”

“Hmmm…I’ve seen enough horror movies to know that vampires have the rep of being sex gods…all that extra strength and agility for unnatural sexual positions…it’s a very romantic concept…what if you made it so he couldn’t have sex?”

“No sex?”

“Wait.” Buffy wiped off her mouth with a napkin and bounced a little in the booth. “Ok so some guy helps the slayer, you know points her in the right direction and becomes like a guardian angel and all the while you make sure the reader doesn’t know anything about him. She works at night and so does he; no one will think that he’s anything but a hot guy trying to get in her pants. Make the reader root for a relationship between the two. And then let’s say they’re out killing some demon and she gets hurt, nothing big but something to make her bleed--.”

“Oh! And then he can tend to her wounds and then being around her blood makes him vamp out uncontrollably!”

“Even better, they kiss and then she opens her eyes…vampire.”

“You’re a genius!”

“I know.” She shrugged of his comment but smiled anyway. “Then she warms up to the thought of him being her vampire boyfriend…until she learns about the curse.”


“Make him a tall, dark and broody kinda guy. Never happy and always down in the dumps, a regular mope. That will be his curse.”


“He was a thoughtless killer in the past, until he killed some witch or something like that. Then give him a curse that makes him have a conscience and that makes him feel ubers of guilt about being a vampire. See? It would be a reason why he wanted to help the slayer in the first place; you know the road to redemption and all that crap. And make it where the curse is broken when he actually allows himself a moment of happiness. Because when he’s happy, he’ll forget about all the broodiness of his existence and it will free him to returning to the bad ass self that he once was. And what will give him a happy? Sex with the slayer. Which means no sex, which will lead to your tension.”

“But they could make love once and unleash his demon…that would give me a lot to run with by itself…Guess what pet? I think you’ve just become my co-author. We make a fantastic team.”

“Really? You want me to help you write?”

“Yeah, why not? You and I think alike and that’s kinda nice, especially since I don’t know how long we’ll be traveling together with all this kidnapping business, just think of all the golden material we could have before this is over with.”




He said, ‘make love.’ Buffy laughed under her breath, not sure why the words left her feeling strange. Fuck I can handle, maybe even shag, but make love? It’s like hearing your mom say penis…


She pushed the thoughts out of her mind and walked to through the restaurant to its bathroom.

I think he likes me.


She pushed through the door of the stall and locked the door.

I know he loves that story and he wants to share it with me…damn that’s a big deal.


She sighed and began to untie the strings of her pajama pants.

“Now where to?” Buffy asked as they approached William’s car. She watched as he put their bags in the back seat and then ran around the car so he could open the door for her. “Thanks, but you don’t have to do that.”

“Um…sorry, habit.”

“Oh, it’s not a bad thing, I’m not used to it.”

“That’s a shame, pet.”

“I guess.”

“Do you think we should try to find a place again? Somewhere to hang out?”

“Yeah because you’ll need to call back and say where Hank can drop off the money, but I think we could drive more today and find another hotel for tonight.”

“Sounds good.” After buckling his seatbelt, William started the car and headed towards the freeway. “I’ll be happy to stop driving for awhile the scenery is nice but it’s a pain sitting all day.”

“We should go out somewhere tonight when we stop.”

“Like a date?”

“Like me and you going to get food and possibly there could be dancing.”

“Dancing, huh?”


“I’ll look forward to it.”

“Shit! Shit!”

“What?” Buffy woke with a start and stared as William continued to curse at the radio. “What?!”

“Listen.” He turned up the news report and panted heavily as he sped on the highway. “Now they’re after us, the police are on the lookout and they spotted us at the tourist stop.”

“Well we weren’t really hiding, were we?”

“Balls.” He grumbled and ran a hand through his hair in frustration.


“We need to dump the car…and get disguises or something. You interested in being a brunette again, pet?”

“How do you…shut up! Why do you have to keep on reminding me that you’ve seen me naked?!”

“Because it lightens the mood. What are we gonna do? What if we get caught?”

“We won’t get caught.”

“How can you say that with so much confidence?”

“Because if I panic like you, would that help us? You freak out and I’ll be the calm the one.”

“So we’ll balance out?”


“I just don’t like not knowing what’s going to happen next. Nothing is guaranteed at the moment, hell we don’t even know if we’re going to get our money--.”

“We’ll get the money. You won’t be going to jail. I’ll help you with your novel and it will be really good, maybe even a best seller. We’ll find somewhere to hide tomorrow and then when we’re not on the road, the police won’t know where to look.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I need to pee.”

“Again? We already stopped not too long ago, pet.”

“I saw the sign back there for a McDonald’s; get off at this exit.”

“We shouldn’t be going through highly populated areas…”

“I. Need. To. Pee.”

“Fine, fine.”

“I want to stay over there tonight.” Buffy tapped on William’s shoulder and pointed to the motel across the street from the fast food restaurant.


“Why not?”

“I’m not staying in a bloody teepee.”

“They’re wigwams.”

“Doesn’t matter, I don’t wanna.”

“Please? I’ve always wanted to stay in one. It will be fun, an adventure. Please?”

“It’s too close to the freeway.”

“Park in the back.”

“They look really tiny.”

“So what? We’ll snuggle.”


“Please?” Buffy pouted her lip and batted her eyes. “Please William? When will we have the chance to sleep in a cylinder shaped motel room again?”

“This is great!”

“So teepees make you happy? I’ll remember that.” William looked around the small room and shrugged. “It is tiny but it’ll do.”

“Hehe.” Buffy sat on the edge of the bed and bounced. “Well that’s gonna suck.”


“No door to the bathroom.”

“Oh. I’ll be closing my eyes a lot I gather.”

“Yes sir.”

“Was it what you expected? The room?”

“Yup, even better. It’s old and musty and I’ll be shocked if the air conditioner will work and the shower curtain…” She craned her neck to peek into the bathroom that was literally inches away from their bed. “It’s see through.”

“Goodie, I’ll be hiding under the covers all night so I won’t see any of your goodies.”

“No you won’t, we’re going out, remember? Our date?”

William grinned and looked away, he had remembered and he wasn’t going to bring it up and risk looking like a fool. “Where we going, love?”

“Great, it’s bloody Karaoke Night.” William grumbled and grabbed Buffy’s wrist and let her to the back of the smoky bar to an empty table. “You shouldn’t have worn those things again. You want me to get your jacket from the car?”

Buffy looked down at her tank top and mini skirt and frowned. “You really hate my clothes? I didn’t want to come here in my pjs, especially with you looking nice in your yummy, tight clothes.”


“I don’t need my jacket and if you see my ass or God-forbid, a nipple, just deal with it and I’ll let you tease me about it tomorrow.”

“Will do. Damn, I hate this fucking song. Where’s a waitress?”

“What song?” Buffy sat up in her chair and listened to the loud jukebox. “I’ve never heard it before. Bad memories?”

“Yeah, of my ex.”

“Oooh, bad break up?”

“I wouldn’t say it was a bad relationship. No, Dru and I, we had some great times together, we just, you know, grew apart as people. We were both very…adult about it. There was no bitterness on either side.”

“She left you.”

“No, no, no, no. What does a bloke have do to get a drink in here?” He tapped his fingers on the table and avoided Buffy’s eyes. “Yes, she left me.”

“The aerobics instructor?”

“Jesus, how do you know that?”

“You have the demeanor of a man whose partner has left him for an aerobics instructor.”

“I do? What do I have a sign on my back or something? ‘Kick me?’ ‘Loser?”

“You dreamed of something better and she wanted something now, right?”



“Much.” William drank his beer and pushed his memories of Drusilla aside. “Can I tell you about a dream I keep on having?”


“It’s a strange dream…”

“Please, I don’t want to hear about it.”

“I swear it’s harmless and not what you think.”


“Right, sorry.”

“It’s just that…” Buffy sighed and finished her beer. “Dreams can mean so many different things and I just don’t wanna get into it…I’ll read into it and it won’t be pretty, trust me.”

“I do.” He said the words quickly and hoped Buffy may have missed his confession. “So tell me a dark and nasty secret. I told you ‘bout Drusilla.”

“Drusilla? What kinda name is that?”

“I don’t know Buffy.”

“Shut up. Now listen, if I win, you’re buying me a Wigwam Motel lamp, with the shade.”

“Win what? You want one of those tacky things?”

“And if you win…” Buffy lined up two rows of glasses. “You can get whatever. But there’s a pattern, ‘k? Salt, lemon, alcohol.”

“You sure?”

“Indulge me, William.”


“Tie. Again?”


William blinked and found himself staring into a spotlight on a stage. He swallowed and wiped the back of his hand across his forehead. With tequila burning in his stomach, William spoke into the microphone. “H—Hello. This is kinda neat.” He chuckled and tapped the mic. “I wanna sing a song, a duet with my Buffy. Buffy! Buffy! Where are you, love? This song is very important to us.”

“I don’t sing.” Buffy spoke between clenched teeth after she was pushed on stage.

“Neither do I.” He whispered, before wrapping an arm around Buffy’s shoulders. “Miss, can we have another round of drinks before we start?”

“It's far beyond a star, it's near beyond the moon…I know beyond a doubt…”

“You have a lovely singing voice.”

“Thanks.” Buffy hiccupped and took another drink. “You have a lovely…a lovely…damn, I just think you’re lovely, William.”

“I think you’re lovely too.”

Buffy covered her mouth and giggled. “You already said that.”

“Oh, sorry. You wanna sing again?”

“No, I wanna go back to our teeepeee. Isn’t that a fun word? Teeeeepee?”

“God, you’re drunk pet.”

“So are you?”

“True. Let’s go.”

“Stop falling like that. Here let me help. Lean on me.” Buffy grabbed onto William’s shirt and gasped. “God, you feel nice.” She slid her hand under his shirt and ran her palm over the muscles of his chest. “Really nice.”

“Thanks.” William stumbled, as they walked down the sidewalk and to their motel. “Stop petting me though, I may get the wrong idea about you, my Buffy.”

“We’re almost home. Oops.” Buffy laughed as William slipped from her grip and fell to the ground. “William, get up.”

“No. I like it down here. Join me.” He caught her at the bend of her knee and made it so she collapsed on him. “Nice, huh?”

“Very.” She tucked her hair behind her ears and continued to laugh as she laid on him. “You’re comfy.”

“So are you.”

“Is your hand up my skirt?”


“Your hand is on my ass, William.”

“Erm…I didn’t want you to flash our neighbors.”

Buffy swallowed and became dazed by William’s wild hair and boyish expression. “Did your lips always look so soft?”

“I try to keep ‘em looking their best, you know.”

Buffy froze and felt him panting underneath her and the warmth of his hand against the bare cheek of her behind. She licked her lips and bent down closer to William’s face.

“What are you doing?”

“I don’t know.” She pressed her lips to William’s bottom lip and paused, it wasn’t really a kiss, just an experimental touch. She pulled back slowly and licked her lips again. “Um…I…”

William’s face echoed Buffy’s confusion and he took a deep breath before he brushed a stubborn strand of hair from her face. “Buffy.”


“What are you doing, Buffy?”

“I really don’t know.” She bit her lip and swallowed, suddenly thirsty. “But I think I really want to kiss you, William.”


“Ah huh. What do you think about that?”

“I think you’re really drunk…”

“I am.”

“And I think…I think my head hurts from resting it on the cement and I think…”

Before he could continue Buffy cupped her hands under his head and straddled his waist between her legs. “This shouldn’t be happening, but it is and I can’t stop it, William.” She barely punctuated her sentence before she began kissing him and tasting the alcohol that flavored the depths of his mouth.

“Mmmm…” William rested Buffy’s back against the door of the motel room as he struggled to take the keys out of his jeans. “Buff…I…stop.” He moaned as she nipped at and kissed his neck as she held onto him tightly with legs wrapped around him.

“Hurry. Hurry.”

“I am, but I can’t just the bloody door open.” He tried to keep his hand steady and aim for the keyhole. “Every thing’s spinning, pet.”

“Here.” She kissed him again, taking his breath away before jumping off of him. She quickly unlocked the door and pushed William inside.


“Sorry, did that hurt?”


“I’ll kiss it and make it better.” Buffy grinned mischievously and licked the head of William’s erection with the tip of her tongue.



“No, no.”


“Pet, I think we should…” William’s eyes bugged out as Buffy stood on her knees and took off her top and tossed it. “Condom.”

“No need.”


“Very.” She flung her damp thong on the pile with the rest of their clothes. “Ready?”

Chapter 6 by facingthesun
Chapter 6

“William…” She gasped with swollen lips between his continuous kisses, as she pressed her wetness into his toned stomach. Her gasp quickly turned into a moan when his fingers began kneading the fullness of her breasts. “William…stop.”

“Stop?” Buffy didn’t know whether to feel relieved or disappointed when he quickly drew back. Looking into his concerned eyes and at his pouting lip, Buffy instantly wanted to take back her words. Moving swiftly she lifted herself from his body and shifted back, taking his hardness into her hands. “Buff…” He watched in awe as she gently guided him to her opening and took him in inch by inch. Once he was in her to the hilt, Buffy started to breathe again. Pleasure flickered in her eyes as she laid her upper body against his.

“Kiss me again.”

William nodded and followed her command after cupping the cheeks of her behind and rocking her against him.

“I could get used to this.” William whispered and rolled them over, wrapping her leg around his backside.

“Me too…but don’t tell anyone…damn, why didn’t you tell me you were such a good kisser? More than good.”

“You didn’t ask.” He chuckled, his warm breath cooling the area on the top of her shoulder where he had just explored with his tongue. “Thanks.” He added, pushing into her deeply, causing them both to gasp.

“Faster, harder…more.” Buffy squirmed against him, thrusting her hips desperately.

“What’s the hurry?” Rolling them over again, with him on top, William dove in and out of her at a wonderfully slow pace, with his forehead plastered to hers.

This is…new. Buffy considered making a comment until the pleasure began creeping up, stronger than she had ever anticipated, leaving her speechless and awestruck.

“Buffy.” William repeated her name as he stroked her, nearing his own climax. “Buffy!” He quickly found her lips again as her inner walls fluttered around him, bringing him to his release.

“Don’t worry.” All William could see was darkness because of the blindfold covering his eyes as he spun, his body attached to the spinning target. He could hear the studio audience but Buffy’s voice came in clearer and louder, above the noise. “No one will keep us apart.”

“Keep on saying that, sweetcheeks.” William’s view changed and he could see the game show host pat Buffy on the back as she grinned widely. “But you know the rules, if you miss or if you kill him, you both lose.”

“I won’t lose. We won’t lose.” She aimed the gaudy, red and sparkling arrow at William’s heart as it circled in front of her at a faster pace. “I’ll save you with an arrow, William, an arrow of my love for you.”

William held his breath and said a tiny prayer as he waited for the arrow to hit.

“It’s probably just a false alarm. You need backup?”

“Naw, my gun will be enough.”

“But the guy’s considered armed and dangerous, man. You need to be careful…”

“Yes, mommy.” Charles Gunn laughed and rolled his eyes. “I know what I’m doing, knock on the door, see that’s it’s the wrong couple and apologize for wakin’ them up. Where am I heading again?”

“The Wigwam.”

“Now that’s not attracting attention to yourself, staying in a fucking wigwam. The tourists all drive by…they were seen at a bar, too? I’m almost hoping it isn’t them because that’s just embarrassing. Was he trying to get busted?”

“Maybe and they were both allegedly too drunk to walk.”

“Idiots.” Charles stacked his paperwork on his desk in a messy pile and took a quick sip of his lukewarm coffee. “When the girl comes by with the donuts, save me some good ones. I’ll be back.”

William woke up suddenly, groggy and feeling various aches and pains throughout his body.

I can’t move my legs.

He blinked several times as his eyes focused on the white walls of the hotel room. Looking down caused his nose to be buried in a head of flower-scented hair.

Oh…oh no.

Buffy was using him as a human-pillow as she slept soundly with her arms wrapped around him and a knee causally nudged in-between his legs.

I remember drinking…was there singing? Snogging on the front lawn and…oh no.

He swallowed, fearing the wrath of sober Buffy, and gently rolled her off of him, covering her exhausted form with a sheet and blanket.

“I’m so sorry, love.” He whispered and kissed her forehead as his head pounded from his hangover. “Shit.”

She’ll hate me.

He frowned, feeling disappointed and searched for his discarded clothes that covered the floor.

Fully dressed, William walked out of the motel room.

“Excuse me. Excuse me!”

“Sorry, were you speaking to me?” William turned and squinted at the man who ran the motel.

“Yes, sir. I saw you and your girlfriend--.”

“Um, she’s not my girlfriend.”

“Ok,” the man smiled clearly not believing William. “I think this may have got left behind when you both were rolling around on the ground outside of your room last night.”

“Um…” William looked at the purse that the man was holding, embarrassed knowing that a stranger had seen his drunken activities with Buffy. “I’ve never…thank you.” He grabbed the large leather purse. “And sorry for the…last night.”

“No problem, it’s nice seeing a young couple so in love.”


While he walked to his car, William dug the unfamiliar purse for anything of value.


He grumbled when the purse fell to the ground, spilling all its contents. Crouching, he weeded through receipts and coupons until he found a wallet.

Poor bird. He thought, glancing at woman’s driver’s license.

“Yes.” He pulled out a handful of bills and shoved them in his pocket.

It’s not stealing…its taking advantage of a situation.

He reassured his upset conscious before finding a set of car keys.

“Nope it’s not stealing at all.”

Ok, once Buffy stops clawing my eyes out, I’ll have her drive the new car and follow me…that is if she doesn’t speed past when I’m dumping my car, leaving me stranded…

“Bloody women…with their damned woman scorned routine.”

William pulled into the parking lot of the motel and froze at the sight of a police car close to their room.


“Asshole.” Buffy stomped around the room in a towel and cursed William for leaving her.

It’s always the gentlemen that screw you and run.

She growled and kicked her boot against the wall at the sound of a knock on the door.

You do not mess with Hangover Buffy.

She opened the door, ready to pounce.

“You jerk!” Buffy hit him with a clenched fist and slammed her knee between his legs with all her strength. “You—you’re not…?” She covered her mouth in shock. “Ooops.”

William froze behind the cop, still prepared to hit the man with his unloaded gun. “What was that all about?”

“I thought he was you.” She looked at the policeman as he wheezed, doubled over in pain. “You’re the kidnapper, remember? I hate your guts. I was defending myself, you asshole.”

William cringed at the venom behind her words. “Get dressed and I’ll take care of the cop.”

“Ok…Office Gunn? Nice name for your profession I reckon. I’ve been doing this a lot lately.” He shook his head and stole the man’s money and gun as the police officer laid, sprawled out in front of William, unconscious. “Sorry for whacking you on the head and all but I can’t go to jail, you see? Also did you see that feisty blonde back there? I can’t get caught because of her too because…because she wants her money and I want her to have what she wants, it’s bloody crazy… And take care of my car, mate. She’s a classic.”

“This adds more to your long list of charges: attempting to kill a cop and leaving him in the middle of a field with your shitty car. Oh and you stole this piece of crap too. Good job. I can’t wait to see how many years you’ll get to rot in prison.” Buffy snorted and glared out the window. “I feel like I’m riding in a fucking strawberry. Everything’s so maroon.”

William ignored Buffy’s complaints and bitterness and turned up the radio.

“I hate this music, change the station.”

“You can change it if you’d like.” He spoke quietly, hoping she would fume silently. “I bought some stuff that’ll help your hangover--.”

“I don’t want anything.”

“Suit yourself. Could you get me a water, love?”

“No and don’t call me that. Where the hell are we going? Why aren’t we going to the freeway?”

“Too dangerous. I’m sticking to the plan and I’m looking for a house that we can use.”


“This is stupid.”

“I’ve gathered that everything about me you find stupid.” William looked forward, waiting for a sign that would prove that someone was in the house.

“How long are we going to sit out here?”

“Until night fall at least and probably a bit after that so get comfy.”

“I can’t get comfortable in this car. The seats are velvety.” She wrinkled her nose in disgust.

“I’m sorry that the car is not to your standards but I’m just glad that we have something.”

“It sucks.”

“You know perfectly well that I didn’t want to ditch mine, so stop bitching a take a bloody nap or I’ll stuff you in the trunk.”

“Yeah right.”

“Don’t tempt me.” William went through the bag of things that he had bought earlier and tossed a bottled water and pain reliever in Buffy’s direction. “Take them.”

“I said I--.”

“Take the fucking medicine and make your headache go away. You don’t have to sit there and suffer to make me feel bad or whatever the hell you hope to accomplish by not taking care of yourself.”

“I hate you.”

“I know and I thought we were moving past that but oh silly me.”

“When did you get so sarcastic?”

“When you became insufferable.”

“Here.” William handed Buffy a gun. “Stay out here and I’ll check the house for people.”

“Why can’t I come inside too?”

“Because I don’t want anything to happen.”

“What? What could happen? And if something can happen, here take this back and give me the empty one.” She poked his side with the gun.

“I’m not going to argue with you. Stay.”

“Everything looks alright. There’s no food in the house other than in the pantry so I’m guessing whoever lives here is on a long vacation.”

“It could be someone’s winter house. It has a cabiny kind of feel even if it is in the middle of nowhere. There’s a lot of plaid in here.”

“There’s only one actual bedroom and the others are craft spaces.”

“Old people live here.”

“Is that right?” William wrinkled an eyebrow and sat in a chair that was in the living room. “This will do.”

“So this is our official hang out?”

“Until something like this morning happens again. I’ll have to call tomorrow and have Hank bring the money somewhere nearby.”

“Ok, I think I’m going to get ready for bed.”


“Where are you going to sleep?”

“In the chair.”



“There isn’t a couch anywhere?”


“You won’t get cold?”

“No, you already mentioned all the plaid.”

“Goodnight then.”

Chapter 7 by facingthesun
Chapter 7

“Pull over, Faith.”

“You sure?”

“Yes, sweetie.” Once the car stopped on the side of the road, Willow got out into the darkness. “Are you okay, Officer?”

“No, I’m not. Do you have a cell phone I can use or can you take me back to the station? I have a criminal to report.”

“Criminal? Who?” Willow helped Charles into the back of their car. “It wasn’t that kidnapper guy was it?”

“Yes. He knocked me out and stole my money. He’s a lot bigger than I thought he would be and he may have another guy that’s working with him,” Gunn pointed at his eye. “That knows karate or some shit.”

“Hmmm, don’t worry we’ll take care of you, Officer. Officer?”


“What are you wearing?”

“Oh, you’re up.”

“Are you going through their things?”

“Yes.” Buffy continued to search through the living room, peeking in boxes and checking for hidden objects in shelves. Bending over and jutting out her ass, Buffy intentionally proved to William just how tight her new white pants were and that she was wearing nothing underneath them. “If you ever go into the bedroom, be sure to check the last drawer on the left side.”

“Where are you going?”

“To make breakfast.”

“You cook?” William asked before sitting at the kitchen table, yawning with his notebook in his hand.

“I do.” Buffy pulled a few cans from the pantry and put them on the counter. “I may have not worked a day in my life but I can do some things other than just shop and sit on my ass.”

“That’s good to know.”

“You’re stiff.” Buffy announced with her back turned as she used the can opener.

William stopped rolling his head and shoulders and froze. “What?”

Buffy smirked at his horrified tone. “From sleeping in the chair, William.”

“Oh, right. Of course.”

“I’m going to call Hank today.” Buffy sat across from William. “All we have is canned fruit and vegetables and lots of soup. You want chicken noodle or vegetable?”

“Whatever you don’t want will be fine. Why are you going to call him? I can probably handle phoning him…maybe.”

“Trust me, I need to call. I’ll do it later but if you’re going to be picking up ransom money, we’ll have to get you ready.”


“Yeah so you’ll come back alive.”

“I’d like to. What do I--.” William nearly swallowed his tongue at the sound of a knock. “Did you hear that?” He whispered and closed his eyes at the second knock on the front door “Shit. Stay in here.”



By the time William had reached the door, there had been three more knocks; each made him panic more than the last. Looking down at his outfit, William rolled his eyes realizing he was still in pajamas and with a bare chest. Before opening the door, he ran a hand through his hair, ruffling it.

William’s nose wrinkled at the man’s musty odor. “Can I help you?”

“Good afternoon.” He was tall, heavy and haggard, but with a surprisingly gentle voice. Several days’ worth of stubble covered the man’s face. A long, worn raincoat reached his ankles and creased black leather boats coved the rest of his body.

“Hi,” said William, forcing a smile.

“I’m Todd Johnson. I live up the hill.”

“Please to met you.” William relaxed slightly, thinking the man was on an innocent social call. He offered his hand and Todd looked at William questioningly, as though wondering what purpose his hand could serve. William drew back his arm as casually as possibly with a little grin.

What a nut this guy is…

“I see most things from up there.”

“Oh? That must be nice, yeah?”

“Saw you arrive. Big car in the middle of the night.”


“Wondered: who’s that?”

“Perfectly naturally question.” Kill me, now.

“So I asked Felix.”

“Felix?” God, who the hell could that be, an acronym for a bloody FBI computer?

“Felix is my friend, but he’s never been the same since the war.”

“Of course.”

“So I said, Felix, tell me, are they good or evil? One bark for good and two for evil.”

“Oh. Felix is a dog.” William laughed a little, relieved. Thank all that’s holy.

“You think talk to a dog? You think I’d ask a dog whether you were good or evil? What do you think I am? Some sort of backwoods lunatic, with a barn full of human skulls and a scythe that I sharpen ever day in readiness for Armageddon?”

“No, no, not at all. I’m sure you’re a regular guy.”

“Damn right I am.” Todd’s voice was no longer calm as he sputtered in William’s face. “But the real question is: Who are you?”

“Well, I’m...” What do I say? A janitor? An immigrant? A regular guy? A victim of circumstance? A kidnapper? “I’m…”

“We’re newlyweds.” Buffy opened up the door completely and stepped into view. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed William on the cheek, her arms wrapped around him. “Aren’t you coming back to bed, honey?”

“I woke up and you weren’t there.” Buffy was loosely wrapped in only in sheet as she pouted and leaned into William’s body. “That wasn’t very nice. I missed you.”

William and Todd both stood wide-eyed before Buffy’s beauty. Her hair was ruffled and her smile was ear to ear as she pawed at William while speaking in a sultry voice. Humming, her hand slid under the waistband of the front of William’s pants, the tips of her fingers brushing against his coarse pubic hair.

William jumped and struggled to think clearly. “Ah…Pet, this is Mr. Johnson.”

“Pleased to meet you ma’am.”

“You may call me Lucille.” Buffy took her hand out of William’s pants and offered it to Todd. She giggled as the man’s meaty hand encased hers and when he kissed her knuckles. “Awww, you’re so sweet.”

“The pleasure’s mine, Lucille.”

“Are you from the papers?” Buffy let her sheet fall dangerously low, almost exposing her nipples as she held William’s hand in both of hers.

“No. I live up the hill.”

“You mustn’t tell the newspapers. They never leave us alone because of Richie.” She smiled proudly at William and nuzzled his shoulder with her face, deeply inhaling the scent of him.


“You recognize Richie, don’t you?” Richie Vanderlow: six gold albums, three platinum, and fourteen consecutive top-ten singles?” She sighed and played with William’s fingers. “Biggest-selling artist worldwide for the past twelve months…and all mine. Isn’t that right, baby?”

William smiled and gave a modest shrug, his body buzzing from all the attention it was getting from Buffy and her loving caresses. “Yours.”

Todd studied the couple, his eyes coming back to Buffy. “You have to understand, ma’am, that I watch mainly the Biblical channels.”

“We were married in secret, in a castle in Scotland.”

Todd looked lost.

“That’s in England…near Paris?”

“Ah, Paris.”

“It was so very romantic—we made love for seven days straight.” Cupping William’s face, she kissed him deeply, carelessly letting her sheet drop in process. William moaned, surprised and quickly covered her body again for Todd was exposed to too much, not breaking their kiss. Buffy pulled back from William and smiled embarrassingly at Todd, adjusting her sheet and biting her lip. “Our honeymoon wasn’t long enough so we came here for the sake of a little privacy.”

“I see.”

“Would you like to come in?”

“No, no. Thank you, Lucille but I’d better be on my way. I need to feed Felix.”

“Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Johnson.” Buffy turned and sauntered towards the bedroom, her sheet showing all her back and slipping slowly as she walked. Todd and William watched her go, both transfixed.

“You take care now, Richie.”

“Right.” William wasn’t listening when he closed the door.

“That…that was…” William stood in the doorway of the bedroom and smiled. “You’re amazing, Buffy. Thank you for saving me back there.”

Buffy said nothing and picked up her folded clothes off the floor and walked out of the bedroom, past William. With her back to him she dropped her sheet and began dressing, not caring that William was watching. “You can have the shower now. I think you have something to take care of.”

William looked down and blushed at the sight of the bulge in his pants.

“Have fun?” Buffy asked, not lifting her head up from the pages of a book.

“Shut up.” He gathered his things and began writing, sitting on the living room floor.

“Need any help? With the story, I mean.”

William glared. “What else could you have meant? I’m sure you ran off looking for mouthwash after having to force yourself to kiss my ugly gob.”

“I never said that and I don’t think you’re ugly.”

“Because that night you had no problem snogging the life out of me.”

“Because I was drunk.”

“You were and I’m sorry about what happened.”

“You are?”

“Yes, isn’t that what you wanted to hear?”

“Shut up.”


“You have some strange hobbies, love.”

“Don’t call me that. You stand like this.” Buffy pulled the trigger, blowing apart some assorted fruit from a distance of twenty feet. Birds flew away from the clearing where she and William had set up their targets. “With your arms out like this in front of you, not like this, or like this. You’re not a cowboy. Like this.” She demonstrated once more before handing the gun to William.

He held it as she had shown, quickly remembering the last time and only time he had shot a gun: the shooting of her father. The gun didn’t feel comfortable in his hand. He squinted at the target, a large pumpkin.

Buffy raised William’s arm and kicked his feet farther apart. “That’s better. Now remember: never point a loaded gun at anyone unless you plan on killing him. Always keep the safety catch on unless you are about to fire. Wait until the last possible moment before firing: if they are more than a couple yards away, you won’t hit anything. Any questions?”

William shook his head. He tried to control his breathing and at an exhale, he pulled the trigger. He fired a few more shots quickly, never hitting his target.

“Ok, William, I think you best defense will be to run.”

Buffy cried hysterically as she screamed into the pay phone and explained in detail the gruesome death awaiting her if her father did not follow William’s demands and bring the ransom money to the designated location.

William watched Buffy’s emotional performance and felt as if he was being treated to an off-Broadway classic, his admiration for Buffy growing higher than he ever imagined or anticipated.

Once in the car and driving back to their new home, William broke the silence. “You’re fantastic.”


“What? Why? I mean it, genuinely.”


“Buffy, we need to talk about why you’re so pissed…I know it has to do with, um, our date but is it more? I already said I feel horrible for taking advantage--.”

“You think that’s why I’m mad?”

“Yes, well, isn’t?”

“Pull over.”

Hank replayed Buffy’s disturbing phone call for Faith and Willow as they all listened on speakerphone. “I’ll get the money but you’d better make damn sure that he never touches it. Understand?”

“Sure, boss. We’ll get him. Don’t worry.” Faith smacked her gum as she spoke. “Everything will be taken care of. Just like we took care of the cop.”

“I don’t want to hear anything about that. My name will never be connected with that.”

“Alrighty then. Anything else? Will and I have a lot to do, lots of prep time.”

“Be on the look out for a moron named Riley Finn, he’s after Buffy too. He’s harmless but annoying as hell. I told him he could marry Buffy if he finds her. I won’t be too sad if he was accidentally extinguished too.”

“That would cost you a few thousand more, depending on just how annoying the guy is.” Willow giggled. “But if he gets in the way…oh well.”

To answer a question:

From real reviewer (who I love and adore for letting me borrow her review and for letting me repost it everywhere):

Ok loved the chapter. Love the story just one thing about it got to me. I dunno if it was deliberate mistake or not. But the geography thing. Scotland isn't in England. I'm from Scotland, and sometimes people just confuse it, but Scotland is not in England. It's just another country that makes up a group that makes the United Kingdom. Maybe you knew that i don't know, as i say maybe it was a deliberate thing. But i just had to point it out. But i do love the story, i think it's fab and ure a fab writer. Can't wait for the next chapter. Jo

Author's Response (aka me): I noticed that too but the entire Tod section is directly from the screenplay of A Life Less Ordinary (I added a few lines and all the groping...) and I think it was the character proving that she could tell Tod just about anything and he'd buy it. But as a whole it was deliberate. ;)
Chapter 8 by facingthesun
Chapter 8

“When I said we should talk, I was thinking maybe in the near future, at the house and after I’d had awhile to prepare, you know, panic and all that.”

“No, let’s seize the moment. Tell me what you thought about our date. Indulge me, William.”

William sighed, her words bringing up all his memories of their night together to the surface. “Well, I never thought our first time would be like that…ah, not that I thought about us together much—ah, ever, I mean. I just didn’t think alcohol would play such a large part in…I, um…”

“Why did you leave?”

“In the morning?”


“I went shopping.”

“Shopping? You’re kidding.”

“No, not at all. I went off and bought some things for your hangover, water and some real food other than that junk we’ve been living on and--.”

“We can go now.”

“But I thought we were going to talk this out?”

“We will, at home. I need time to prepare.”

“Hey…” William took a sideways glance at Buffy and noticed a tiny smile tugging on her features. “Ok, you do that.”

“Help me make dinner.” Buffy walked into the kitchen, knowing William would follow. “For starters, William, you’re too good to be true.” She dug food out of the cabinet and never looked in his direction. “I don’t know how to handle you, really.”

William watched as Buffy quickly moved around the kitchen as if she owed it, knowing where every spatula and plate was hidden. He remained silent and kept to a safe distance as she spoke.

“You’re the most considerate guy I’ve ever meet, hell, guys like you I thought were only myths and in fairy tales.” Opening various canned foods, she continued on, “You almost make me want to be a better person, almost.” At his light chuckle Buffy, smiled. “But then I think, if I were nicer and less bitchy, would that make you seem a little less perfect? I’d hate to take any of that away from you, your perfection”

“I’m anything but perfect, love.”

“Shut up, you are and in all the places where it counts. So you weren’t a natural at kidnapping, but who is? And you can’t shoot a gun worth shit; I don’t care about that stuff. Come here and put these into bowls for me.”

“So what are you saying, pet?”

“I don’t know exactly. I’m not great with all this heart-to-heart crap, but I do know that you didn’t take advantage of me, I may have been more than a little tipsy but I’m a big girl. Hell, I was the one that had us play the drinking game in the first place, remember?”

“I do. But I still don’t understand why you hate me now.”

“I don’t hate you, William and I think that’s why I’ve been abusing you lately.”

“Come again?”

“You left and didn’t tell me and it hurt my feelings and because it hurt my feelings, I freaked out, which naturally led to me taking everything out on you, understand?”

“Barely, it must be a woman thing; did you enjoy yourself, on our date? With the singing and dancing and…”

“The tonsil hockey and the mind-blowing sex? I did. And this morning wasn’t painful either; being Lucille was very…satisfying.”

“So now what? Where do we go from here?”


“Forward? People can have lots of definitions of forward, all different, confusing…”

“I know.”

“You’re not going to tell me yours?”


“Right.” He looked away, struggling to hide his disappointment.

“But I can say it doesn’t involve you sleeping in the chair tonight.”


“Yeah. And I’ll try my best to be kinder, but I make no promises.”

“Sorry. I can’t believe everything got burned.”

“It’s my fault, we were talking and I got you distracted. It’s lovely…once you get used to the texture.”

Buffy smiled briefly and went back to the subject of their prior conversation. “Now remember…about tomorrow.”

“Don’t get caught ‘cause if I do, it will lead to my unspeakable torture and untimely death.”

“That’s the main thing: don’t get caught. I’m pretty sure my father will have someone representing him because he’ll never take a sick day and miss a day of work, even if my life were really in danger. So I’m thinking be on the look out at all times for his thugs. When you get the money--”

“We met late tomorrow night back at the Wigwam if there’s any trouble. How will you get there if I have the car?”

“I’ll think of something. What’s the goal of tomorrow?”

“To get the bloody money.” William rolled his eyes. “Don’t start with me, woman. I know, I know, don’t get caught so I can try to get to the money again if something goes wrong.”

“But nothing will go wrong.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“I am.”

“Same rules?” William began undressing the bed and taking off the pillow shams. “You on one side and me on the other?”

“That’ll do. I’ll be back.” With her new borrowed nightclothes in hand, Buffy went to change in the bathroom. Once she was gone, William slid under the covers, also in a stranger’s pajamas.

“Weird it is.”

“Weird what is?” She joined him and lying on her side, facing his bare back.

“Wearing some yahoo’s pjs.”

“Think of them as vintage, besides you’re also in a yahoo’s bed and eating a yahoo’s food.”

“A yahoo’s burnt food.” He grumbled and rolled over, finding himself face to face with Buffy. “Ah, hello there.”


“This is a big bed, maybe we shouldn’t be squished in the middle like we are.”

“I’m not feeling squished. You said the meal was lovely, were you lying to me, William?”

William swallowed and contemplated moving away from her out of fear, having no idea what could happen next. “No.”

“So my food was lovely? Even if it was black and hard as a rock? Or do you call everything lovely? I remember a drunk William telling me I was lovely.”

“You are, love.”

Buffy tried to fight back her smile but failed. “I love seeing you squirm.”

“I’ve become well aware of that.”

“Do I scare you?”

“Sometimes…but I’m figuring you out, slowly but surely.”

“Tell me what you uncover. I’m curious.”

“Will do.”

“Goodnight, William.”

“Goodnight, Buffy.”

“Keep your hands to yourself, I know you want me.”

“Do I?” William snorted, the truth shining in his eyes. “Sure, ‘bout as much as you want me.”

Pulling the covers to her neck and rolling over, “It’s more than likely.”

“What are you doing here?”

“That’s a very profound question; my head can’t handle it just yet, ask another.” William buried his head into the soft cotton of Buffy’s nightgown and wrapped his arms tighter around her waist.

“If you drooled on me William, I’ll…”

“You’ll what? Besides you’re the drooler.”

“Shut up.” She began wiggling and pushing down his arms as he stubbornly pressed his face to her stomach and tried to sleep. “I’m so going to kick you…you asshole.”

“Aw, that reminds me of old times…but say things like that and I’ll never let you go.”

Buffy stopped struggling and fell back on her pillow with a sigh. “Please let me up, I need to go to the bathroom.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“You will when you’re laying in a puddle.”

“Now that’s disgusting.”

“Let me up.”

“Fine, fine, don’t get all shirty about it.”

“What the hell does shirty mean?”

“Ah, I’m not sure but it had a nice ring to it, right?”

Buffy rolled her eyes and ran to the bathroom.

Hours before William was scheduled to arrive, Willow and Faith were waiting, each in separate cars and hidden from the empty road.

“Maybe we’re too early. It’s hot over here.” Willow whined and turned up the air conditioning as her newly stolen car sat idle. “I hope he shows up soon.”

“He’ll be around soon, babe, just keep your eyes peeled.” Faith yawned as she spoke into her cell phone. “I can’t wait for the game to begin either, he’s in for quite a shock.”

“Don’t get caught. Run, shot whatever you can, just don’t get caught, William.” She watched as William put his gun in the car.

He nodded and swallowed, leaving the door open and walking over to Buffy for what could be their final goodbye. “I’ll do my best.”

“I know you will.”

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For believing in me and for all those things you said yesterday…it all was said at a good time…before it could all go down in flames.”

“It won’t--.”

Before Buffy could start an inspirational speech, William had grabbed her and was kissing her, she responded to his needy tongue and squeezed her eyes closed.

“Buffy…” He managed between gasps for air, not letting her out of his grasp, “If I get through this, alive and kicking, the games stop, ok? No more playing with me…we cut the crap, I want you, you want me…I want us to be together.”





She nodded and surrendered to his demanding mouth.

According to Buffy, Hank Summers hadn’t let her first kidnappers off easy by any means. To pass the time on their seemingly endless car ride, Buffy had explained how Hank had paid the ransom but then didn’t rest until each of the four men where found, tortured and brutally killed. Giles, the family’s butler, was hired for the job and went on a two-year long journey and killing spree, returning with the nickname The Ripper.

William was occupied with these thoughts when he brought the car to a halt twenty yards from an old broken down Chevrolet. He stopped, waited, and looked around, his left hand clutching the gun in his pocket as he stared the pick-up location. Even with no apparent signs of human presence, he checked the gun as Buffy had showed him, making sure it was loaded and that the safety catch was on and then got out of the car.

“First the money, then the girl.” He mumbled remembering more of Buffy’s wisdom. They won’t kill me yet because if they did, they would never find Buffy anyway.

He edged closer to the car, fully prepared to scream and run and possibly shoot haphazardly if suddenly faced with Hank’s hired gun-wielding psychopath.

So far, so good.

William peeked into the empty car and slowly round to the trunk.

The money will be in there…please let the money be in there.

He opened the trunk.

Inside was a bomb.

Look a brown paper bag…dynamite, wires…and a little digital clock. I have ten seconds. I can run but then that would make my quick death into a longer, more painful one.

William’s eyes watered as he closed his eyes, waiting for the explosion to take his life, spreading his remains far and wide in the Arizona desert.

After thirty seconds, he opened his eyes and looked down.

I’m alive. Everything’s intact…I’m breathing…

He reached down and tugged at the wires and they came away easily, not connected to anything.

Sick bastards. He looked carefully at a stick of dynamite and peeled at its wrapping.

Holy fuck, I thought I was going to be offed by a bag of carrots!

And of course…there’s no money.

Relief, confusion and disappointment flooded William at once, but before he could gather his thoughts, a continuous shower automatic gunfire ripped into the Chevrolet, puncturing its tires and fuel tank, punching holes in the doors and glass.

William threw himself into a ditch beside the road and crawled on his elbows towards his car. The bullets hit the ground behind him, but he remained untouched. The scrambled into his car once the firing stopped. Reloading, William assumed, and wasted no time no starting the engine and thundering down the road.

“Nice job, Will.” Faith put down her binoculars as the burgundy car flew out of sight.

“Thanks.” Willow was already dismantling the tripod and returning her rifle to its plastic cover.

William had covered three miles before he spotted another car in his rearview mirror.


Not paying attention, he nearly ran over a hitchhiker.

“This’ll work.”

He slammed on the breaks.

It’s gonna be a long walk home.

“Did he recognize you?”

“Not at all. Exactly as you’d predicted. ‘Quick, drive my car.” Gunn looked confused.

Willow flipped open her wallet and drew out three creased bills. “There’s what we owe ya, you’ve been very helpful Charles. Keep the car and go home and be a good boy but remember: the car’s stolen.”

“If you’d don’t mind me asking, how did you know he’d react like that?”

“It’s our job to know things like that, silly.”

“But how?”

“We just know.”

“I won’t tell a soul…CIA? FBI?”

“That’ none of your concern and if you insist on making it your concern, you may not be happy with the results.”
Chapter 9 by facingthesun
Chapter 9

I’m sure he’s okay.

Buffy paced the living room floor, stopping every few seconds to look out the window.

He’ll drive by soon and then I’ll meet him at the motel and everything will be fine.

Her stomach flipped, disagreeing with her and knowing that William had been gone for too long.

He’s alright…he has to be alright.

She paced faster trying to keep her overactive mind occupied so she wouldn’t worry about William. “Somewhere beyond the sea, somewhere waiting for me, my lover stands on golden sands and straight to my arms he’ll come sailing.”

Buffy sang weakly an improvised version of their song, the song her and William had belted nights before.

Oh, no…now that brings up…he was so…so sweet this morning.

Buffy rubbed her arms with her hands, annoyed, trying to will away her goosebumps.

There was the cuddling and the kisses and then he even demanded that I take him seriously.

Buffy smiled, suddenly not ashamed to.

I never thought he’d have the guts to say those things…to say that he wanted us to be together…I never thought he’d take the first step…

Buffy’s stomach flipped again, causing her to run to the window.

I’m sure he’s okay.

He has to be okay.

William had never felt so tired in his life. His arms were stinging, peppered with tiny cuts and with the remnants of weeds from hiding in too many ditches. He hid for what felt like days before he decided it was safe for him to start his long walk home. He was shocked that his plan had worked and that the hitchhiker was willing to take his car, taking on William’s high speed chase in the process.

That bloke did kinda look familiar, William shrugged, not caring. But I got away and that’s all that counts.

His entire body was covered in sweat and dirt as he slowly walked down the side of the road, blisters forming on the balls of his feet.

Wiping his gritty forehead with the back of his hand, William grimaced; wishing rain would fall in the desert, just once, and just for him.

Why would I be that lucky?

He blinked away frustrated tears.

So this is what it feels like to be road kill…

Riley Finn would not be discouraged. Traveling mindlessly in the Arizona heat was not going to put a damper on his sprits. Hank Summers wasn’t helping Riley at all, even though Riley called him on a daily basis, pleading for information and leads.

I’ll find her. I’ll save her and take her away from that mad man and then when I ask her to marry me again; she’ll have to say yes.

Riley pulled into another restaurant, with his interview questions burning in his mind.

I’ll find them, sooner or later, but when I do…he’ll be sorry for taking my Buffy away from me.

“Take one more step and I’ll shot you.” Buffy stood under the single porch light aiming her unloaded gun at the stranger that was walking up the drive in the middle of the night. “Put your hands up please and come into the light so I can see you before I kill you.”

Buffy waited, her heart pounding. She had waited for countless hours for William to return and she had given up hope after the sun had gone down. She knew whoever this person was; he was coming to take her back to Hank.

Buffy was not going back.

“Come on, I don’t have all night.” She stepped away from the front door and squinted into the darkness. “Oh, God. Oh my God. William.” She dropped her harmless weapon and ran to him.

Buffy was slowly getting madder with each passing minutes. William had not said a word, he was dirty and in pain and he wasn’t telling her why.

What the hell did they do to him? She gritted her teeth while fixing William something to eat; ripping her father into pieces flooded her thoughts.

“After you eat you need to take a shower.” Buffy put his plate before him as William sat at the kitchen table. She fumed when he picked at his food. “Eat what you can but drink the water, you must be dehydrated.”

Buffy’s stomach gurgled when she sat next to him, but she ignored it. She hadn’t eaten a thing since William had left in the afternoon. She knew eating would just result in throwing it back up. Before she was too scared to eat and now she didn’t know how she was feeling.

She studied William, the tempo of her heart rose and the feeling of wanting to bawl like a baby and hold William and make sure he was protected and never hurt again irked Buffy.

“And then you can sleep for days if you’d like.” She mumbled touching his hand briefly and then pulling at back when she got no response.

I feel like an idiot…he wants nothing to do with me.

She swallowed; unshed tears stinging her eyes, making her more confused about her feelings. “I’ll be…I’ll be in the other room if you need me.”

William had walked silently to the bathroom over half an hour ago. Buffy sat in the living room and struggled, pretending to read her book. She hadn’t heard any water running and she was getting a headache from worry.


She slammed the book close and stomped into the bedroom.

“William!” Buffy banged on the bathroom door. “I’m coming in, damn it and I’m helping you!” She opened the door and found him sitting on the closed toilet seat in a daze. “Arms up.” Standing before him she took off his shirt gently over his head. She bit her lip and batted at the twigs and dust that clung to his blond hair that was awfully messy, a few hairs forming little spikes. Feeling suddenly lightheaded from her pounding headache, Buffy lightly rested her hands on William’s shoulders and closed her eyes tight.

“Are you alright?”

“Those are your first words after all this time? You want to know if I’m alright?” She opened her eyes and saw him finally looking at her.

Oh God, this can’t be good.

Her knees gave out and Buffy sank towards the bathroom floor but William’s arms wrapped around her, pulling her into him instead. She gasped as he sobbed into her hair, her own tears blurring her vision but never falling. Buffy didn’t know what to do so she held him as tightly as he held her.

“Sorry. Sorry.”

“Don’t be. Let’s get you cleaned up and then you’ll tell me everything…right? Please William, I need to know. I want to know.” She let go of his waist and cupped his tear-streaked face, rubbing her thumbs on his cheeks to reassure him. “Whatever happened…they won’t get away with it. I’ll get the water started for you.” Instead of standing immediately, her hands moved to cup the back of his head and brought him close, her mouth playing with and tugged his lower lip in a sweet kiss, “I need to help you feel better, I don’t know why…but I must, so let me…please?”

William nodded and tilted his head, confused by Buffy’s confession and loving actions. “I’ll tell you everything but…I’m not looking forward to the verbal lashings you’re going to give me.”

“William, I won’t--.”

“You go; I can wash myself and I don’t plan on drowning. You’ve helped more than you could ever imagine already, just look at your shirt.” He sighed. “Thank you for that. Sorry for unleashing the bloody waterworks on you…today was a little more than I could bear.”

“I can--.”

“Go, I’ll be fine, Buffy.”

“Alright, I’ll be waiting.”

“Feeling better?”

“Yes, very much.” William yawned and got into bed, lying on his back, his shoulder touching Buffy’s.

“Good.” She looked up at the spinning ceiling fan and didn’t know where to start with her questions. “What happened to the car?”

“I gave it away. To a hitchhiker, after I nearly plowed him down, I was being followed.”

“So you gave the car to someone else…”

“So I could hide and get the bad guys off my tail, following the other guy.”

“That was very clever.”

“I guess it was…looking back.”

“Was that when you got dirty? Hiding?”

“Well, I’ve been crawling in nasty ditches all day really and it all added to the dirty state I was in earlier. I first dove in a bunch of weeds and other rubble to get out of the way of the machine gun.”

“Machine gun?” Buffy found William’s hand and threaded their fingers together.

“Maybe not a machine gun but it was an automatic gun with flying bullets all aimed at my pretty little noggin.”

“You just showed up and they started shooting? How many people were involved?”

“Never saw the person or persons behind everything. I got to the car and it was abandoned. I looked in the trunk and—and there was a bomb.”


“Yes. No money. Just a bomb. It went: bomb, carrots, bullets, car chase, with a lot of hiding in bushes and then walking home.”

“Carrots? What poisonous carrots or something?”

“No, no, the bomb was there just to scare the shit out of me. It was like those roadrunner cartoons, you know? The dynamite ended up really being a bundle of rabbit food.”

“I don’t understand, what my father was trying to accomplish? It sounds like whoever’s he’s hired only wants to confuse and frighten you and not kill you.”

“You mean they want to fully confuse and scare the shit out of me before they kill me. I’ve never been so fucking scared in my life,” he added quietly, glad that Buffy wasn’t looking at him. “You can yell at me now, I’m ready.”

“Why would I yell at you? You did exactly what I wanted: you didn’t get caught and you came back in one piece--.”

“Yeah, without no money and now we don’t have a car. We both know it’s not easy for me just to get another. I fucked everything up.” William let go of her hand and turned to his back.

“William, don’t be like this.”

“I can be any way I bloody well please.”


“Sod off.” He grumbled and resisted her attempt to roll him over.

“What off? Why are you talking about grass? Look at me.”

“No, I’d rather brood until I fall asleep.”



Buffy growled and forcefully turned him on his back, sitting on him when he wouldn’t remain still. “I won’t let you brood, William. Look at me when I’m talking to you.” She grabbed his wrists and held them over his head.

This is nice. I like this so much more than being the sweet and caring Buffy, too bad he’s being such an idiot this could be a fun act of foreplay.

“Buffy, I just want--.”

“I’m proud of you.”


“You heard me. I’m so proud of you William I could…I don’t know, but the last thing I want to do is yell at you but you’re being so difficult. You did nothing wrong. Will you behave if I let go?”

“You’re proud? Of me? You’re not just--.”

Buffy rolled her eyes and covered his mouth with the palm of her hand. “I think you were very, very brave and I’m not just saying these things to cheer you up, I’m saying these things because I want you to hear them and sure, I don’t think you should be moping but that’s beside the point.” She glared at him before freeing his mouth, daring him to say something negative. When he swallowed and said nothing, Buffy began shifting on his body. “But I’m trying to be the good girlfriend here and you aren’t even letting me try and that is pissing me off, that is the only thing that is pissing me off.” She stopped fidgeting once she was laying comfortably on him, her arms around him and her legs straddling his thigh.


“Yes, isn’t that what you wanted? If not, too bad for you, you’re stuck with me, William. You are now my boyfriend, I paid attention to you this morning.”

William couldn’t tell by her bossy tone with if was teasing him or not. As a test he wrapped his arms around her and was pleased when she wiggled deeper into him, grinding her hips against him, her movements allowing his hand to fall on her ass. “You’re serious?”

“Weren’t you serious? This morning?”


“Well, there’s your answer.” She held her head high, “Kiss me.”

“Say please.”

Buffy smirked, knowing William was finally joining the fun. “Please?”

“Try harder than that, princess.”

“Pretty, pretty please oh brave and death defying William?”

“That all you’ve got?”

“For now, I don’t want to use up all my compliments up right now, I’ll need them when I beg for sex tomorrow.”

“You’re insane, Buffy.”

“But you like it.”

“I do.”
Chapter 10 by facingthesun
Chapter 10

“I had that dream again last night. We were on a game show called, ‘Perfect Love.’”

“I’ve never heard of it. What are you doing awake? I thought you’d be sleeping past noon.”

William shrugged, “It was the just a dream. I don’t think the fact that we were on a game show had any real significance; the theme of the dream was universal though. My heart was beating so fast and you—what are you doing?”

“Nothing.” She grinned before licking his nipple with the tip of her tongue again. “Go on, I’m listening.”

“Um,” William found it hard to refocus his train of thought. “Anyway, we were on ‘Perfect Love,’ and my life was in danger.”

“Did I save you?”

“Yes, actually you did, with an arrow.”

“An arrow? Huh, that’s interesting.” She moved down his body, leaving a wet trail behind her. “Did we win a car or something? An all expenses paid vacation? After this is all done we should go somewhere. Somewhere nice, just you, me and our money.” She reached the waistband of his pants and untied the strings. “I read something, somewhere about how to give the best blowjob, tell me if this works for you.”

“What? Wait.”

Buffy frowned when he took her hands away from his pajamas. “Wait for what? We can talk more about your dream later. You just lay back and let me do this for you.” After pressing his chest down, Buffy kissed him while her hands stroked him through his pants. “It’ll be fun, an adventure. I don’t think I’ve ever done this for someone I haven’t hated, maybe I won’t even gag this time and I’ll try to be gentle, that’s another thing I’m not used to but, I don’t want to hurt you.”


“Quiet, please. I need to concentrate I could miss a step and that would be horrible. I want to do this right for you William.” She laughed her hands never stopping their slow caresses to his semi-hard cock. “It’s sad how much I like saying your name…maybe not sad but definitely weird. By the way, this is step one,” smiling sweetly, she pulled his pants to his knees, “I think it was something like, hmmm? Rub him like a baby animal –about to be born and make him as hard as a rock? That sounds good, give or take a little. Sound good to you?”

William moaned in response, his eyes rolling to the back of his head.

“Hey now, one thing at a time. Moaning responses should be later, I think.” She alternated from looking at his face and then to the stiff cock in her hands; interested in the effect she was having on him. “Step two isn’t really something I do to you, it was a friendly reminder about no teeth and Popsicles. Sorry.”

“Forgiven.” He strained to speak after the first touch of her tongue. “God Buffy.”

“You can put your hands in my hair if you’d like, but don’t pull too hard or I’ll so kick your ass.” She moaned, proving her threat empty and harmless, enjoying the feel of his hands when they gently tugged at the roots of her hair. She reapplied her mouth to him and circled her thumb and forefinger around his cock, never letting her hand stray too far her lips as she stroked him. Looking up and locking eyes with William, when Buffy knew he was about to come; she sped up her actions; Buffy flatted her tongue against his shaft and relaxed her lips slightly while making swallowing motions, anticipating his release. With the help of few pulls from Buffy, William exploded, moaning her name.

“How did the arrow save you?” Buffy crawled back into William’s arms. She rested her head on his chest and listened, waiting for his heart slow back to a normal pace.

“It a shot a hole in my heart.”

“Ew. And this was a good dream? How did that save you?”

“Well, the dream keeps on showing up in pieces and I haven’t got that far.” William brushed her hair away and kissed her shoulder. “You keep me amazed at all times, you know that? Roll over a bit.”

“Why?” A hint of a whine in her voice, “You’re so comfortable.”

“I have a favor to return.”

“Oh. You don’t have to.”

“But I am.”

“Well if you insist I won’t stop you.”

“Are you ready?”

Buffy waited for him at the table. In front of her was a small soup bowl, a piece of paper and a thin stick. William saw something sharp catch the light as he leaned to kiss her on the top of her head. “For what, love?”

“To write a letter.”

She drew the razor blade across her forearm in a single confident stroke. At first there appeared to be no mark, then a thin line of dark blood began to ooze freely from the gash. Buffy held her arm out to let the blood drip into the bowl.

“Oh, oh no.” William struggled to maintain consciousness. When a small pool of Buffy’s blood had formed, he gave up his struggle and fell to the floor in a harsh thud.


“Yes, blades and most blood also.”

Buffy cradled William’s head in her lap and applied a zip-lock bag of ice to the sore spot as he lay on the kitchen floor. “But you were fine when you shot Hank.”

“I wasn’t too fond of Hank, but you…you’re different.” He held her wounded arm and kissed her flesh toned band-aid.

“So you’re saying you fainted because you’re fond of me?”

“Yes and I can’t handle the thought of you hurt.”

“William, I’m really starting to like you, so, so more than I should.” She sighed and leaned down to kiss him. “This is more difficult than I anticipated, with you facing that way and me not facing that way,” she laughed out loud, determined to kiss him anyway, her lips touching any of his skin that she could reach. “You know, we’ll have a few days to kill because it’ll take awhile for the letter to reach my father.”

“What are you suggesting we do with our extra time?”

“I’m sure we’ll think of something.”

“You like your book.”

“I do not. It’s shit.”

“You’re rereading it, I know you are. Could Buffy even be reading more than just the sex scenes?”

“Shut up.” Buffy pretended to be annoyed by his teasing chuckle. “You’re sitting down there?”

“I am.” William scooted on the floor, resting his back against the bottom of Buffy’s chair, “If you don’t mind, that is.”

“I don’t,” she said pleased by his closeness. “You have pretty handwriting, especially for a guy, and a lefty at that.”

William looked over his shoulder, briefly closing his notebook. “I get that a lot. What can you read from up there? Everything? Word for word?”

“Why? You getting squirmy, William? I know you named her after me.”

William was silent for a few seconds as he searched for the right words to say. “Ah, do you have a problem with it? Me using your name? Because you have to admit that Buffy the Vampire Slayer has a bloody nice ring to it, don’t you think?”

“I’m ok with it.”


“Yeah, I’m actually flattered.”

William grinned in relief, his smile growing as Buffy’s legs hugged his sides. “Can I run a new character idea by you? I won’t if you’re too busy pretending to hate your seedy romance novel.”

“Shut up and tell me.”

“Well, the slayer’s boy left and it broke her heart. She actually had to kill him but he came back, but not to her… it’s a long, painful story. So I think I’m going to add an arch in the story, that the slayer can only find happiness with an equal partner. None of that opposite attract shit; she needs a guy that is on her level, strength wise, humor wise and every other wise.”

“Strength wise? So she’ll go from vampire to vampire? Or are you bringing in a slayer boy?”

“No, no male slayers, that would ruin everything. I want her to shy away from other vampires in a romantic sense, looking for the clean cut, homey, Dawson’s Creek kind of--”

“Dawson’s Creek?”

“Shut up, Dru was into it. I saw it only in passing. The blonde was cute though.”


“No, Jen, the slutty one.”

“Only in passing, huh?”

“Shut up. Where was I? Oh getting the slayer a boyfriend. The Hardy Boy type just doesn’t do it for her. I’m thinking about bringing back an old character for her love interest.”

“A vampire?”

“Yeah but one different from her ex. The guy, Spike, he’s got a bit more depth to him. He was a poet before his transformation whereas the other guy was a drunken bastard. He doesn’t hide in the shadows and brood his life away, hell, he enjoys living and fighting and--.”

“Ok, let’s say you have her burnt by both versions of man, the undead and the living, leaving her unsure of where she’s destined to find love. Get that? Anyway, I like the vampire idea. But make sure this Spike guy is different, not only from her ex, but make him different from the normal vampire in general; like a superhuman compared to man but an extraordinary vampire, unusual. Give him human quirks; make her fall in love with him over a long period of time. And if the guy was a poet, make him love’s bitch.”

“Love’s bitch, huh? Like he loves her years before she does…that’s good because the character is a bad ass but he still struggles to be taken seriously and I think if the poet in him forces him to love the slayer, he’d lose his mind; the demon, pissed and disappointed and the poet wetting himself in her presence.”

“Sounds good. Oh and make Spike irresistible, so hot that she can have internal conflicts all around the fact that if he wasn’t a vampire, she would have jumped him at first glance.”

“I’ll remember that. You make this story so much easier to write, pet. I talk to you for a mere seconds and I’m buzzing and ready to write for days.”

“You can write for the next week if you’d like. We’ll be here until next Thursday.”

“What happens on Thursday?”

“Our second attempt at getting the money.”


“William, don’t…”

“I’m not.”

“William.” She got up and crouched on the floor before him. “It’ll be different this time. I’ll be with you.”

“Will that be safe?”

“We’ll have the exchange there, me for the money.”

“You’ll go back, to him.”

Buffy sighed and climbed into William’s lap. “I’d meet you after Hank settles down.”

“You think he’ll settle down? Even if he did, it could be months or maybe years down the road. A lot can happen in that length of time.” A bitter taste filled his mouth, thinking that Buffy could return to her life of being a spoiled rich girl, leaving him as nothing but a memory.

A fling with the cleaning boy, a brief tryst with the help…

Buffy saw the fear in his eyes and her heart stung. “William, I’ll keep you safe by working against Hank under his nose and then the moment I can, I’ll find you and then we’ll be off.” She wrapped her arms around his tense and unyielding body. “But you’ve got to promise that once you’re an instant millionaire that you’ll remember me. Before you crashed into Hank’s office he cut me off from everything. I have nothing; I’ll have nothing. So in the next few days I’ll try my hardest to make sure you won’t forget about me.”

“How could I? Really?”

She shrugged, burying her head into his chest, “Like you said, a lot can happen in months and even more can happen in years.”

“Buffy until now I thought you were the most intelligent woman I’ve ever meet but talk like that makes me think you’ve gotta screw loose. I can’t get enough of you Buffy. And how long have we known get other? Not very long and I’m already addicted.”

“Maybe you’re the insane one now.”

“Maybe but that makes us one and the same, now doesn’t it?” Not waiting for her answer, William kissed her with all the passion he could muster, hoping that Buffy would sense something more.

“My God William, where did you learn to kiss like that?”

“It’s a gift.” He gasped for breath along with her before kissing her again.

“You sure you want to know?”

“I’m curious, yes, I want to know who you’re comparing me to.”

“Ok,” Buffy closed her eyes in deep thought, “Scott was nice: extremely wealthy, honorable, amusing, and generous.”


“Eighty-seven years old.”


“He was healthy for his age.”

“I see.”

“He took me on my first date, my father set us up. Hank saw it as a wonderful investment in his future.”

“I hate your father more and more with each passing day.”

“Me too. Then there was Parker. One night stand. Worlds of bad, heart break. He was there for me when I had trouble with my teeth.”

“Your teeth?”


“I see.”

“Do you really?” Buffy laughed and played with the hem of William’s shirt. “Next came Riley, my Dawson’s Creeker: very rich and completely detached from my father’s world. Our relationship was kept from my father, all in secret because I desperately wanted it to work. My prince charming turned stalker and that was a really messy break up. And you know who’s next…Angel.”

“I really hate that bastard.”

“So do I. I was on a do or die mission to hurt my father. He was pressuring me to marry another guy, Wesley Price.”

“Wesley Wyndham Price? The city’s richest, eligible bachelor?”

“And the city’s biggest prick. What you saw in the office with Angel…I made sure Hank saw it; I set the whole thing up. It was taped.”

“It did seem a little fake. You don’t scream like that with me.”

“No, with you I can’t even speak.” Buffy shifted on his lap, remembering how his talented tongue and fingers had made her feel earlier that day. She cleared her throat, “I’m sorry about that whole thing, that you had to see me with Angel and that you lost your job. I've been meaning to say that for awhile now--.”

“But if those things hadn’t have happened, where would I be? I think everything worked out well, just minus the terrifying, near-death experiences of course.”

“Of course.” Buffy smiled, “Thank you for saying that. It means a lot.”

“Anytime, pet.”
Chapter 11 by facingthesun
For those of you reading There’s a Place and/or Little by Little, I think it’s safe to say that these stories are on vacation while I finish Dirty Work. (It shouldn’t be too long, I promise) But don’t be surprised if there’s a chapter of the others in the near future, I can change my mind right? ;) I think you all can guess that’s it’s bugging me that Little by Little hasn’t been updated in awhile but we won’t get into that. ;)

Review if you’d like.

Hopefully you’re enjoying this story as much as I am.

Chapter 11

“I know what you did when you thought I wasn’t looking.” Buffy looked at William accusingly and hooked her arm with his as they walked side-by-side in the clearing near the house. Feeling restless, both had agreed that stretching their legs would be nice after an afternoon of sitting, writing, and talking. “You cleaned the stain that was in the hallway.”

“You noticed?”

“How did you do it? I didn’t see any cleaning stuff and you know I’ve looked through the entire house… I need pointers because; don’t get mad, Hank pretty much gave me your job before all the fun kidnapping started. It was my punishment, me being a janitor.”

“I don’t see you as a janitor.”

“I don’t see you as a janitor.”



“Stop repeating what I say. First of all, it was a red wine stain in the carpet and that’s deadly if treated badly. All it took to get it up was a spray bottle of water and one teaspoon of dishwashing liquid. Slightly shake the mix and evenly spray the area. It’s all about blotting, which should be done with a white rag. And as a helpful hint, never saturate the area, it never does the spot any good, it just makes you curse more when you step in the puddle.” He stopped them and stood in front of her. “Second, there’d be no way that you could replace me, princess. You’d have one day of Harris and urinals and you’d running, looking for cover.”

“I could do it. Just cover me head to toe in plastic and give me one of those face masks and I’m your girl.”

“Bah. Plastic’s for poofters.”

“Poofters? I don’t wanna know. Let’s keep on walking, it’s nice out. Tell me who or what a Harris is.” She took his hand and led him farther into the night.

“Alexander Harris, he and I started on the job only months apart. I hate his guts but he was someone to talk to. I liked being around him sometimes just because his life was shittier than mine and it made me feel better about myself hearing him piss and moan all day.” He glanced to see if Buffy would think less of him. “I know it’s horrible, but it’s true.”

“I think we all do that but not very many people admit it.” Buffy shrugged, “Did you always want to be a writer, William? From the beginning?”

“Um, looking back…no. I dreamed about being a number of things and of seeing the world one step at time…I never really made up my mind until it was too late and I was broke and needed money fast. So I wrote most of the time and started at Summers to pay the bills. So what did you want to be? Or was it princess from the day you were born, your majesty?”

Buffy laughed and hit his arm. “Ballerina, artist, actress, ice skater… I couldn’t make up my mind either. I wanted to do anything and see everything. I just never could put my mind to one thing. I had lots of phases…I guess you could say that I’m a dreamer.”

“That makes two of us. But I think you should try taking up acting, you nearly killed me during the entire Richie affair.”

“Aw, that was nothing. It all came very naturally to me.”

“Really? Don’t answer that.” William bit his tongue, not willing to ruin their moment with a stupid question.

Of course she wouldn’t see us married in the future, only I would be that daft. Why step into that heartache? Just shut up, mate and take your romantic stroll under the stars for what it is, just a way for her to kill time.

“Yeah the whole deal was farfetched wasn’t it? That we’d be married and that you are a world-famous musician? Yeah right.”


“Don’t ‘hey’ me. I wasn’t finished. Besides you’ll be famous after you release your book. It’ll blow people away. You’ll automatically skyrocket into fame and fortune and I’ll be nothing to you but a paragraph in your autobiography. That bloody, Buffy Summers, that spoiled bitch that forced me into kidnapping her and into becoming a criminal, blah, blah, blah.”

“Spoiled bitch? No, that’s too harsh. How about siren from my dreams luring me one step at a time to a destruction of my own doing?”

“God, William, I’m sure by now you know talk like that will so get you laid.”

“Will it? Let’s go back to the house then.” William quickly spun them around and upped their pace. “I have loads more where that came from. Let’s see, how about you’re the…”

This is…


Buffy was pushed against the door and her shirt was pulled over her head.

It’s good to see that he’s not afraid to take control of… of a situation.

She gasped as his fingers and mouth overwhelmed her, tending to her body all at once.


Oh no, this is…

Her eyes flickered as her pants were unbuttoned and yanked from her hips.

“William, we need to go inside…”

“We will. Soon. But not now.” He fell to his knees and kissed along the elastic band of her underwear.

His deep, lust-filled voice made her break out in shivers and her vaginal muscles clench. Biting her lip, she tried to muffle the moan that erupted once his hand cupped her ass.

I’m seconds away from being naked on the porch; he’s going to fuck me on the porch and I’m seconds away from letting him.

“William…God, don’t stop, shit, I mean, stop. Stop. Todd.”

“Todd? Who’s that?”

Taking advantage of his moment of confusion, Buffy pulled his head up from her stomach and pointed out into the distance. “Todd. Remember? Creepy neighbor man? We just talked about Richie…Todd?”

“Todd.” He looked Buffy up and down and blushed and unhooked his thumbs from the edges of her underwear. “Sorry, I, ah, guess I got carried away. Sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry. I want you too.” Her eyes never leaving his, Buffy reached behind her and opened the door to the house. “Let’s go inside, we can give Todd a show some other day but I think tonight we don’t need an audience.”

“Um, where were we?” William inched closer, not knowing how to act.

“Don’t be nervous.” Buffy stood in the front of the bed in her bra and underwear, successfully hiding any signs of anxiety. She took his hands and rested them on her hips. “You were about to take these off, I think.”

“And you?”

“Well, I was about…” She cupped his face with the palms of her hands, “To kiss you because of just how attractive you looked with your boyish grin and your blushing face.” She stood on her tiptoes and leaned against him, touching her lips to his. Breaking their contact before a real kiss could take place and looking into his eyes, she handed him the opportunity to take charge again. “I want you, William.”

William took his cue with great enthusiasm, crushing her closer and moving his hands up, unhooking the clasp of her bra.

God, I love everything about this girl. God, I love her.

William’s pant grew heavier, realizing how he truly felt. As Buffy squirmed underneath him William’s heart beat faster.

She’ll never feel the same and even if she did, she’d never admit… I’ve learned that much.


He kissed her silent and slid a finger between her nether lips.

I know she wants me, that much is evident but will she ever allow herself to feel more? What if I don’t get the money? I’d have nothing to give her.

He quickened the intensity his strokes, making them longer, slower and making sure her clit was brushed against each time. He moved his kisses from her mouth to her shoulder and neck, longing to hear her moans and whimpers.

“Buffy, you’re beautiful.”

Little steps, I guess that’s the only way I’ll be able to handle this…using actions to replace the words. She’ll run away at my words, I know that…but bloody hell, I love her.

“So are you.”

He grinned, knowing that helped his case a bit. “Thank you, love.”

Keeping his finger in the same spot, he began sliding it up and down at a faster speed; a few grunts and nails digging into his shoulders rewarded him for his actions.

“Buffy, you’re incredible.”

She nodded frantically, so close to her climax, her nearing orgasm teasing her and promising to be mind shattering. “You—oh God, you too.”

At William’s quiet ‘Thank you” Buffy’s release stopped creeping and pounced in full force.

“Oh, God! William!”

I’ll just show her how I feel, I have about a week, and I’ll make the most of it.

Before her body had stopped trembling completely, withdrew his finger and filled her again with his cock. He remained still and watched, anxious to see or hear her reaction.

“Oooh,” she moaned with her eyes tightly closed.

“You alright?”


“Good.” He caught an erect nipple with his mouth and pushed into her farther, to the hilt. Buffy met his rocking movements head-on and wrapped her legs around him with all her strength, still trying to bring him closer.

“Buffy, I—fuck, you feel so good.”

“So do you.”

William bit his lip and fought back the need to proclaim his feelings; instead he focused all his energy on making love to the woman beneath him.

“Ok, so it wasn’t just the alcohol.” Buffy stretched and yawned. “That’s good to know.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well,” she covered them both with the quilt and rolled to face him, “Alcohol can make wonky things happen and…I guess what I’m saying is, sober or not, sex with you is definitely of the good.”

“Of the good, huh?”

“Are you making fun of me?”

“Of course not.”

“You’d better not be or I’ll--.”

“You’ll what? Kick my ass?”

“Shut up.”

“Shut up, see, there’s another saying you beat with a bloody stick.”

“Well, well you say bloody all the time and you say shut up just as much as I do.”

“Do not.”

“Do too.”

“Do not, you behave, princess or I’ll be taking my unwonky and of the good sex godliness elsewhere.”

“Yeah right, try it.”

“Maybe I will but not now,” William’s hand found her nipple and he brushed against it with the pad of his thumb, “I’m not done with you yet.”

Buffy woke up the next morning and inhaled deeply.

This is what I was denied the first time.

If he moves a muscle, I’ll kill him, even if he wants to do something sweet like…like anything, I don’t care, I need my fucking cuddle.

Opening her eyes, Buffy smiled and saw that William’s hand was cupping her breast. She placed her hand on his and snuggled into William’s body.

“Hmmm, good morning, love.”

“Did I wake you?”

“No, I think I’m falling into your schedule.”

“Oh, sorry. I’ve always been a morning person, I guess, but it wasn’t my plan to change you too.”

“That’s quite alright, who wants to sleep the day away anyway?” He chuckled and kissed shoulder and squeezed her breast.

“God, are you always horny?”

“What? No. Well…no, I was just…ah, saying good morning.”

“Saying good morning?” She grinned out of his field of vision but tried to sound annoyed, “I didn’t think people say good morning with their hands and with their tongues.”

“Sure they do. Waving and talking.”

Buffy turned to face him, “Shut up.”

“Make me. You know that was bloody brilliant there now wasn’t it?”

Buffy gave up and patted him of the head, “Sure, sure. Good William. You’re brilliant.” She laughed and kissed his cheek.
Chapter 12 by facingthesun
Chapter 12

“Perhaps you’d like to keep this.”

Hank Summers glared at the Ziploc bag that Willow dropped on his desk. “What the hell is that?”

“That could be the last trace of your daughter, boss,” Faith added before sitting and propping her heels up on Hank’s desk.

“You’re kidding. That is Buffy’s blood?”

“Yup. We got the letter analyzed: her blood and her handwriting.” Willow explained, excited. “He even made her write in her own blood. Damn that’s so--”

“What does it say?”

“What? The letter? He’s demanding a clean switch. He takes the money and he gives her back, all in one.”

Hank remained silent for a few minutes and stared from Faith to Willow. “You’ve both got some nerve. You promised results and you come back with this!” He tossed the letter in its plastic bag on the floor. He fumed and pulled a suitcase from beneath his desk. “I want her back and I want him dead. I want this back.” He hugged the bag of his money and hissed when Willow reached to grab it. “I don’t know why you didn’t kill him before but if he gets away this next time, we’re done.”

“Wait a minute Hankie.” Faith stood up and shook her finger at the man. “That’s not how this is going to work. You stick with us and we’ll stick with you. If you back out of our deal, there’ll be hell to pay.” She grinned wickedly and picked up a gold letter opener off of Hank’s desk. She twirled it in her hand and gave Hank the impression that she wouldn’t have a problem using it as a deadly weapon. “We’ll get your man.”

“You’d better and bring back my money.” Hank growled and tossed the suitcase into Willow’s arms.

Buffy hadn’t slept well all night. She faded in and out of a light sleep, afraid for the morning to come too quickly. Tossing and turning from looking at the red glowing clock to looking William’s sleeping face, Buffy silently worried about the day’s approaching events. Just thinking about her and William being separated left Buffy with a funny feeling in her stomach. In the past several days they had become inseparable, Buffy found security, comfort and equality in William’s presence. Buffy even allowed herself to fantasize in the early mornings in William’s arms about an end never coming to their rural bliss. She liked not having a car and not being bothered by a television set. She liked being away from traffic and being away from other people. More importantly, Buffy liked at William had become her constant form of entertainment, whether it was helping him write his novel, walking with him in the night, or kissing him breathless at various times throughout the day, William was someone Buffy truly enjoyed being around.

I’ll miss him.

Buffy swallowed and willed away the bitter taste in her mouth. She moved closer and filled the gap she had been keeping between her and William as he slept.

This could be the last time I’ll have him for months.

Fuck, I’ll miss him a lot.

Buffy rested her head on William’s chest and listened to his heartbeat as he dreamed.

William was certain he was having a heart attack. He had never felt his heart beat as fast as it did once William knew that Buffy’s arrow was coming at him, ready to use him as a human pincushion.

He could see everything this time: Buffy’s too-red lipstick, the host’s too-wide grin. He could see the arrow’s point as it twirled at high speed.

She’s going to kill me.

“No, I’m going to save you.” Buffy answered his thoughts in a clear voice that rang in his head. “My love will save you.”

“You’re lov--?”

William’s scream was deep and throaty as her arrow struck his heart. He looked down and saw the glowing hole she had left in him.

“Wake up.” Buffy’s hand ran along his torso and stopped to rest causally between his legs. “We have to be there in five hours and we have a lot to do.” She brushed his inner thighs lightly, knowing it was something he enjoyed. “I want to make the most of the time we have left. You had that dream again, didn’t you?”

“Mmmm, yes.” William stretched and slowly woke up. He unconsciously pushed his hips towards her hand, willing her to touch him more. “I was able to see it this time, the hole you left in my heart. It was beautiful, it glowed golden and it had all these sparkles and glittery highlights.” He caught her chin with his finger and tilted her head up for a kiss. “Good morning, Buffy.”

Buffy closed her eyes, feeling a rush of emotion. He rarely called her by her given name and when he did, it made her swoon against her will. Her fingertips danced on his cock in a lazy rhythm while she surrendered to his mouth.

“You’re trying to take my mind off today, aren’t you, pet?”

“Is it working?”

“I’m still terrified but I appreciate the gesture; what you’re doing down there feels very nice.”

“See what practice can do? Besides it’s my pleasure.” She looked up at him, letting her hand work blindly; she didn’t need to look under the covers to know the effect she was having on him. Over the past few days she had also made an effort to explore him head to toe.

He was mine then, but after today, who knows? God, I was so spoiled.

Knowing that she could touch him or talk to him or tease him at any time had made Buffy glow with something she couldn’t put a finger. She couldn’t classify it. As Buffy’s thumb brushed against the head of his cock, a sharp feeling of loss charged through her body.

“William, this week…I’ll always remember this week.” Straddling his hips, she led his twitching hardness into her wetness. At the contact, they both gasped and fell into a desperate kiss.

“Buffy.” He panted beneath her with his hands on her hips, not knowing if he should move yet.

“Wait, more,” She paused briefly and couldn’t resist nibbling on his lower lip, “More kissing.”

William sat up so he could reach her better and Buffy wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around her neck. Then she rocked against him while clenching and releasing her vaginal muscles, their embrace proving the closeness she desired.

I’ll miss him so, so very much.

“I want to stay like this for hours.”

William nodded and held her closer as they both panted, still in a post-orgasmic bliss. He was still buried deep inside her and William knew he wasn’t ready to feel disconnected from her either.

That was close, too close.

William closed his eyes and replayed the moment where he’d almost confessed his love for Buffy.

She must be feeling something, right? That didn’t seem to be just about sex. She wanted closeness and intimate connections…of course all physical but there had to be something other than lust fueling her behavior.

He opened his eyes and ran his hand over her hair and she moaned lightly in response.

There has to be something…I feel something. I think we have something. Something I don’t want to give up. How bloody unfair is that? I find the girl of my dreams and then she’s ripped away from me. Shit, speaking of that, maybe she’s just caught in the goodbye. Maybe she doesn’t feel anymore about me but she’s mourning the loss of another fuck buddy…

William’s heart skipped a beat, knowing that the scenario was possible.

But I love her so fucking much. She has to be picking up on it. I’ve mentioned numerous times that I plan on waiting for her—

“What are you thinking about?” Buffy asked quietly, after kissing his chest. She had noticed a change in his heartbeat. “You aren’t getting panicky, are you?”

“Um, a bit.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to you, William.”

She has feel something, but I’ll take all the crumbs of affection that she’ll offer me.

“I’ve been watching and a car goes by at least every two hours.” Buffy stood her tiptoes and put the shampoo in William’s hair, her nipples brushed erotically against his chest as she massaged the soap into his scalp.

William stood in awe like a child at Christmas, savoring his present. Buffy had never insisted that they shower together before that morning.

She wasn’t lying when she said she wanted to make the most of today.

“I figure I can go by myself and bring a car back.”

“What? You’re not going by yourself.”

“Why add high jacking to your list of crimes? I’ll just show a little leg and--.”

“I’m going with you,” William demanded, pulling her against him.

“Ok.” She didn’t struggle in his arms; she just leaned his head back and rinsed his hair. Her stomach pressed firmly against his erection, “I won’t argue because that would ruin your shower fantasy, wouldn’t it? And I’d hate to do that.” She pushed him against the wall and grinned, “You’re too much.”

“Am I? Too much of what?”

“I don’t know, how about all around goodness?”

“That’ll do, I think.” He rolled her erect nipple between his thumb and forefinger and kissed her deeply until they were both lightheaded. He pulled her back and saw that her eyes were still closed and her face was covered in water droplets, “Buffy, I think you’re lovely.” He was very pleased to see her bite her swollen bottom lip and he could’ve sworn a hint of blush colored her cheeks. He held the back of her wet head and pulled her in once more for a kiss. Buffy squirmed and rubbed against him.

She determined to drive me mad, isn’t she?

He gathered her in his arms in one swoop and leaned her against the tiled wall of the shower. “I love you.” He whispered, knowing that the sound of running water and their heavy breathing probably drowned out his confession. She said nothing and held onto his back, her head buried in his shoulder.

“Ahhh.” She grunted when he filled her once again. She bit and sucked the side of his neck as he moved the head of his cock in and out of her at a faster pace than before. Digging her nails in his back and moaning against his skin, she nearly lost control when he deepened his strokes.

Buffy screamed his name and came hard and faster than she had hoped.

Oh, God. He loves me.

“Sorry about that.” Buffy touched the hickey on the side of William’s neck as they walked along the empty road and smiled widely, not looking very sympathetic.

He shrugged off her apology, “After this you’re changing out of that skirt.”

“You really don’t like seeing my ass?” Buffy could tell that William was getting nervous by the tone of his voice.

“You know what I think of your ass.”

“This is what I was kidnapped in.”

“I don’t know what kind of guys your father has hired.”

Buffy was about to make a comment until she saw a white truck approaching in the distance. “Hide.”


“I have a gun and so do you,” she stared ahead and fluffed her hair. “You hide and I’ll stop it.”

As the four-door pick-up truck approached, Buffy adjusted her shirt, exposing more cleavage. When she saw there were two men inside wearing baseball caps, Buffy raised a hand, allowing her skirt to fall dangerously low on her hips. After checking and seeing William was safely hid behind a tree, she turned on her most luminous smile.

The driver of the pickup slammed on the break as soon as Buffy’s face came into focus. Before pulling over he and passenger exchanged grins.

“Good morning, miss,” said the driver.

His friend chimed in soon after, “What you doing out here all on your lonesome? You want to step inside, we’ll take you where you want to go, if you get my meaning.” He tilted his cap forward and licked his lips, showing a mouth full of yellow teeth. “Plenty of room on the backseat, I reckon.”

Buffy flinched a bit and the men giggled in joy.

“Now,” William appeared out of nowhere and shoved his gun in the driver’s face, “that’s no way to talk to a lady, you bastard.”

Buffy quickly mirrored William’s actions, pulling her weapon on the passenger. “We’re not stealing your truck: we’re just borrowing it.”

William loaded the truck of their belongings and tossed a handful of clothes into Buffy’s lap before pulling out of the dirt driveway.

Without saying a word, Buffy pulled off her tank top and put on the sweatshirt that William had bought her days ago. “We should be early, I’ll change into the pants when we get there.”

William nodded and sped down the dirt road.

God, he’s freaking out already and it’s a four-hour ride.

She unhooked her seatbelt and scooted into the passenger seat. She rested her hand on his knee and they drove in silence.

Hours later, they reached the location for the switch, a straight, flat stretch of road, with open grassland on either end. Woods were in the distance but William knew there was little cover if he had to run and hide. William’s entire body trembled with nerves stretched out a rope thirty yards behind the truck that he kept running. He walked back to Buffy, who was leaning against the driver’s door.

“I’m going to tie your hands.” With a smaller, cut rope, he gently bound her hands, tying tightly enough to convince but not enough to hurt. “I have something to say, I know time is running out but I’ll be pissed if I don’t,” He took a deep breath and held her tied hands in his sweaty palms. “I love you, Buffy. I have for a while now and I can’t help it. I think you’re the strongest, sexiest, and smartest woman I’ve ever met. I’ll understand if you don’t feel the same but I just want you to know that I—I love you very much.” He finally looked into her eyes and saw tears. He leaned in to kiss her but froze at the sound of a car approaching. “I love you.” He stepped away from Buffy and pulled his gun from the back pocket of his jeans.

An Oldsmobile appeared around the bend and William watched it stop at the far end of the rope. There was only one person in the car, a dark haired woman wearing all black. She lifted a large suitcase out of the backseat and William’s heart sped up.

“Well,” Faith shouted, “what are we waiting for? Do you want to get on with this or not?”

“Sure. Right now,” William called back.

“Send over the girl.”

“First the money, that’s the deal.”

“Are you alright, Miss Summers?”

“I’m fine,” Buffy spoke for the first time in hours, “Just a little frightened.”

“Don’t worry, Buff, it’s going to be okay. We’ll get you back to your daddy in no time.”

Faith tied the end of the rope to the suitcase and William began to haul it in.

So far, this is working.

William felt relieved and drug the bag the last few feet. He opened the suitcase and inhaled sharply. He had never seen so much money, or even imagined it in any detail.

“Is it all there?” Buffy whispered.

“It’s all here.” William stood up.

“Okay, Blondie, send the girl over,” Faith shouted.

William and Buffy looked at each other.

“You don’t mean it. I know you don’t but thanks for saying it.”


“You don’t love me.”


“Be careful. Don’t get caught. It’s been fun.”


She turned and walked towards Faith, unshed tears burning her eyes once out of his sight. After she had traveled half way, shoots filled the air, causing Buffy to fall to the floor.
Chapter 13 by facingthesun
Chapter 13

“What the hell?!” Faith kicked the tire of the Oldsmobile. “He shot up the fucking car!”

Buffy looked at the damaged car and remained emotionless.

I wonder what he was aiming at? Or who? God, I bet he hates me...now.

But at least he got away.

Faith opened the trunk of the car and swore louder, “He managed to hit everything in sight but he spared you, aren’t you lucky?”

“Who are you talking to?”

“Your boyfriend, Dudley Do-Right.” Faith reached into the compartment and pulled out a large shovel.

“My what?”


Buffy inched around the trunk and gasped at the blindfolded and bound man that was stuffed in the cramped space, “Riley Finn is in your trunk. Why?”

“Long story. Come on,” Faith took off in the direction William had sped off in.

“Wait,” Buffy grimaced.

With the trunk open, maybe someone will stop and help him.

Buffy accepted the weak justification for leaving Riley and ran after Faith. “You’re following him? The kidnapper?”

“Yeah, we have a job to do and we plan on finishing it.”

William tried to clear his mind. He didn’t want to think about the fortune that sat in the cab with him; he didn’t want to think of what he was leaving behind; he didn’t want to think of Buffy.

He focused on controlling the truck as he sped on the paved road.

I got way.

He struggled to catch his breath and to steady his trembling hands.

“I got away,” he repeated the phrase, hoping it would calm his shattered nerves.

But thanks for saying it.


William sighed angrily; annoyed that Buffy’s words were haunting him against his will.

He rolled his neck, attempting to lessen the tension that had gathered. He closed his eyes briefly and when he refocused on the road, he slammed on the brakes, causing the tires to skid.

“Fuck.” William looked heavenward and glared. “Dead people now?”

He swallowed and looked at the heap that blocked his path.

If she’s dead there’d be nothing I could do to help her, besides I have my own problems.

But, William held the steering wheel tighter, she could be injured and if I leave, she’ll suffer and she could die, all alone in the middle of a fucking street.

I’d be an instrument in her death or hell, her murder.

Fuck. Why? Why me?

William scanned the area for signs of what could have happened to the woman.

No blood, no skid marks, no scattered belongings.

I can’t leave her.

William pulled over and got out of the truck.

“Hey, miss. Are you alright?” William tucked his gun in the back pocket of his jeans. “If you’re hurt, I can try to help you.” He crouched down and considered turning over the woman, her face was turned down and she remained motionless.

I’m sure she’s dead but if I don’t check my conscious will be nagging me forever.

He held his breath and gently rolled over the red-haired woman, only to have the barrel of a gun shoved under his chin, “Don’t move a fucking muscle.”

“What took you?”

“He shot up the car,” Faith answered reaching the couple minutes later.

“You shot up the car. Why did you do that?” Willow jabbed William in the temple with her gun before giving his leg a hard kick with all her weight powering the blow.

William cried out in pain and glared at the woman. “I was trying to make a getaway.”

“Trying to make a get away.” She mimicked him and kicked his other leg, forcing him to fall on his knees. “Fucking asshole. Is she alright?”

“She seems to be.”

Buffy took her time in reaching the women, her eyes studying William for major injuries as he panted, lying in the dirt next to the road.

I can’t believe he got caught. He got out of the car.

He can’t do anything right.

Buffy struggled to keep her cool as Faith drug William to his feet. “What are you going to do with him?

“Blondie and I are going for a little walk.”

“You want to help me count?”

“My hands are still tied.”

Willow shrugged, not wanting to untie Buffy yet. She sat in the truck and thumbed through the money in the suitcase. Buffy stood outside and stared in the distance to where she’d last seen William.

“So are you fucking him?”


“The kidnapper.”

“Would it matter?”

“No, just trying to make conversation.”

“How much is my father paying you? Do you get a bonus for killing both of them?”

“Oh, you know about the other guy?”

“He’s still tied in the trunk.”

Willow giggles and fanned her face with a stack of dollar bills. “What made you fuck that guy? The oversized GI Joe? Was he a good ride?”

“Not really.”

“That sucks.”

“Well he didn’t.”

“Oh, poor you. I wonder what’s taking them so long. Have you heard a gunshot yet?”

“No. Can you cut me free please? These ropes are kinda tight.”

Willow nodded and zipped up the case. She put it on the seat and got out of the truck. Buffy’s face was blank as Willow cut the ropes using a switchblade.

“In a way, I’m almost sorry that we have to off your boyfriend.”

Buffy nodded and rubbed her free wrists. “In a way, I’m almost sorry that,” once Willow put away the knife, Buffy hit the woman in the face with all her might, “I have to beat you up but nobody messes with my boyfriend.” Willow fell into the truck door and Buffy quickly took the gun from the waist of her jeans. Buffy flinched before slamming the butt of the gun into Willow’s skull.

“I think this is a nice spot, don’t you?” Faith tossed the shovel at William’s feet, “Dig.”

“You are going to kill me.” William panted from pain after their long walk. They were now surrounded by tall trees and in the middle of a forest.

“I’m glad you caught on to that.”

“Then why must I dig?”

Faith glared; annoyed that the man felt he could ask her questions. She took out her gun and sat on a fallen tree. “Because if you’re not interested in digging your own grave, I’ll shoot you in the balls and then you can bleed to death while I dig. But then if you dig like a good boy, I’ll consider shooting you in the back of the head.”

William started digging.

Buffy ran blindly through the woods, not knowing where William could be.

Please, please don’t let me be too late.

She vaulted over fallen trees and ignored the twigs that torn her skin.

Please, God, I need him to be alright. Let everything be okay and I promise, I’ll make it up to him. I’ll take everything back, hell, I’ll even tell him how I feel.

Buffy continued to run, breathless, scared to death that she soon be hearing a scream or a single gunshot.

Please. Please. God, I think I love him.

Faith stood up once the hole was as deep as William’s thigh. “Ok, it’s time.” She tugged the shovel from William’s grasp and threw it aside.

“Oh, oh no.” William knew it was worthless, but he fell to his knees anyway, pleading.

“Lie down.”

“Please, no.”

Faith pushed William facedown into the soft, damp earth.

This is the end.

William closed his eyes and dug his fingers into the soil.

Faith took aim and cocked the gun.

William jumped as the gun fired and a bullet hit the ground, inches away from his head. He panicked at the sound of more shots. Before he could think about the situation, he screamed as something heavy landed on his body.

“William! Stop! Let’s go!”


“Come on.” She reached down and helped him out of the pit. “Get her gun.”

William wrinkled his nose and took the dead girl’s gun. “You killed her.”

“Shut up. We need to get out of here. Can you walk?”

“Yes.” He nodded and finally looked at Buffy who was red-faced and covered in sweat. “You saved me.”

“Of course. Let’s go.”

William helped Buffy into the truck before jumping behind the wheel; he drove, not knowing where they were headed.

“I told you to keep going no matter what. You shouldn’t have stopped. You shouldn’t have got out of the car, and you shouldn’t have gone into the woods.” Buffy looked out the window, her eyes tearing from the day’s events. She choked a sob and wiped her tears with her sleeve.

“Hey, love. Don’t cry. We’re alright.”

“Don’t call me that.”

“Oh, so we’re back to that again?”

“I killed someone.”

“It was self-defense,” William whispered, feeling guilty and that everything was his fault. Buffy’s tears were breaking his heart. “I messed everything up, you were right.”

“I’m always right. You might like to remember that. And I also don’t want you ever to scare me like that ever again.” She broke down into harder tears, “I won’t be able to handle it.”

“Buffy, come here.” William alternated from keeping his eyes on the road and to looking at her distraught face. All his anger had melted and all he wanted to do was make her feel better and to kiss away her tears. “Let me hold you, sweetheart.”

Buffy nodded and crawled over to him as he drove, her fist clenching his blood stained shirt as she sobbed into his chest.

“It’ll be alright. We’re okay and we have the money too.” William rubbed Buffy’s back with a free arm. “Shhh, let it all out.”

Speaking of the money, where is it?

William glanced in the back seat just as the blade of a knife brushed through the back of his seat, missing him narrowly.

“Fuck! Buffy watch out!”

Willow rose up and grabbed Buffy around the neck. William shivered the truck and the force pushed Willow over, allowing Buffy to break free from her grasp. Buffy lunged at the woman and tried to force the gun out of her hands. Just as Willow would manage to level the gun at William’s head, Buffy bated her arms away. Two shots were fired, making holes in the roof of the truck and another in the windshield. William drove with his head down and his foot to the floor as bullets flew past him.

“Buffy! Bridge!”

Buffy nodded and pushed Willow close to the side of the truck. She snaked her hand into the back and opened the back door. The road ran past in a blur and Willow’s eyes grew wide, knowing what was going to happen next. Willow reached for the handle to close the door, but it was too late.


William followed Buffy’s direction and slammed on the brake, causing the truck to skid and swing a hundred and eighty degrees. The side of the truck smashed into the railing of the bridge. Willow was thrown out of the vehicle and over the railing. In her left hand, Willow held the suitcase full of money.

William and Buffy said nothing and they gazed ahead blankly, both trying to steady their heavy breathing. Minutes later, they climbed out of the truck and peered beneath them. Buffy sniffled once at the sight of Willow’s battered body. Her head, legs and arms were arranged in improbable angles as her lifeless body rested on a rock in the center of the river. There was no sign of the suitcase but clusters of bills were scatted on the water and could be seen as they floated away.

They turned away in silence and returned to the truck, scared but still functioning. Buffy sat as close as possible to William, their arms entwined as William turned the truck around and they continued across the bridge without muttering a single word.

“Pull over.”

William didn’t ask why, he followed her instructions and stopped near the Oldsmobile. He stayed and watched Buffy after she got out and walked to the trunk.

“Riley.” Buffy took away his blindfold with trembling fingers and then she worked releasing him from his gag. “What are you doing here?”

“God, Buffy I’m so happy to see you. I’ve been looking for days. Did you get away from that sicko? I can’t wait to take you home.” Riley talked unstop as Buffy cut through his bindings, so glad to see that she was safe.

Buffy couldn’t find her voice and just nodded. She helped him out of the trunk. “Go home Riley.”

“We’ll go as soon as possible. Hey, can your friend carry one more?” With a hand shielding his eyes from the sun, he squinted at the truck. “Shit, Buffy, isn’t that the kidnapper?”

“Yes, that’s William. You need to find your own way home.”

“What? You—what’s going on?”

“I’m not going back to my father. I’m staying with William.”

“What? Have…have you been brainwashed?” Riley demanded an answer. “That asshole thinks he can brainwash my girlfriend and get away with it? I don’t think so.”

“Riley,” Buffy grabbed his shoulder and stopped him from charging at the truck. “I haven’t been brainwashed. We’ve been working together all along, William and I. You know I’m not your girlfriend; we broke up months ago. I’m with William now.”

“You’re kidding.”

“No, I’m not.”

“Buffy, please.”

“No. Go home, Riley.” Buffy started to walk away but Riley held her arm. “I’ve already killed two people today, don’t mess with me.” Her voice was more tired than threatening. “Tell Hank to rot in hell for me.” She pushed him away and ran back to William.

“Who was that?”

“An ex-boyfriend trying to save me but he was too late, wasn’t he?”

“I’m sorry things turned out like they did.”

“So am I.” Buffy turned up the air conditioner and sighed, threading her fingers with William’s, “I know you meant what you said. I just wanted…fuck, I don’t know why I say what I did but I know that you do feel…that way, about me.”

“You really pissed me off.”

“I know. I really like you William.” She bit her lip, not able to confess her real feelings just yet. “I just have seen so many relationships go to hell once the l-word is muttered. I know you must think we have something, but I’d rather pretend we don’t for a while longer,” she inhaled deeply and squeezed his hand. “We’ve been through a lot and I just want to make sure if we do have something, that it won’t be ruined. You understand? Because if we did, um, have something and if we lost it, I don’t think I’d be able to handle that…the loss.”

“I imagine that it would be tough for me as well.”

“So we’re good?”

“We are but how are you? Still shaken?”

“I will be fine, I think. But I don’t know what to do now. I’m as much of a criminal as you are, probably more. We need to get away. We need to hide.”


“That’s what I was thinking, unless you don’t want me.”

“Buffy, I always want you.”

“Thank you.” Buffy blinked away stubborn tears. Since her breakdown earlier, she found her eyes were not willing to dry completely. She rubbed her stinging eyes with the sleeve of her sweatshirt and sniffled. “Drive into the nearest town. Have you ever thought about robbing a bank?”
Chapter 14 by facingthesun
Chapter 14

“Buffy, you can’t be serious. Haven’t we gone through enough today?”

“Live a little.” Buffy kept her eyes peeled for a bank as they drove through the small town. “It’ll be fun.”

“No, it’ll be dangerous.”

“No, what happened on the bridge and in the woods, that was dangerous; robbing a bank will be exciting.”

William panicked not ready to risk his life again. He was still covered in dirt, sweat and Faith’s blood.

I need an excuse, a good excuse, anything that will at least postpone her madness. She wants to rob a bloody bank.

“We need our rest before trying something like that. It’s getting late, pet. The bank is probably already closed anyway.”

Buffy looked at the truck’s digital clock and cursed. “I guess you’re right.”

Thank God.

“We’ll just have to make a date for tomorrow then.”


“Buffy, I--.”

“Nope, I’m not changing my mind.”

“I really liked this shirt.” Buffy helped William take off the wrecked garment. They used the last of their money to stay at a decent hotel and to pay for a meal at a fast food joint. Knowing that they couldn’t afford breakfast in the morning fueled Buffy’s demand that they commit another crime.

I killed people today. How could holding up a bank compare to that?

“I have a crazy thought, love: what if we went back and really looked for your father’s suitcase. We never saw it and it held a shitload of money. Even if we found a few thousand, it would help us tremendously.”

“Maybe, after we rob the bank. You’re not changing my mind.” She knelt and unbuttoned his pants. She pulled them down slowly remembering how Willow had kicked him. “God,” she saw two purple bruises on his legs. “Only I’m allowed to kick you.”

“You threaten daily but you never have.” William reminded her and took a sharp intake of breath when he felt Buffy’s lips lightly pressed against his injures. He was touched by the sweetness of her actions and barely by the tingle pain that they caused.

“I’m glad you’re still with me.” Buffy stood and took off her sweatshirt and worked on getting as naked as he was. “You want to start the water? I’ll be in there in a minute.”

After helping each other shower, they filled up the tub and sat in the clean water together. With their stomachs touching and their legs entwined, Buffy sighed, happy to be in William’s arms again.

“Riley said that you brainwashed me.” Buffy laughed at the thought and closed her eyes, feeling tired, warm and comfortable.

“That was Riley, huh? The prince charming turned stalker?”

“You remembered?”

“Of course.”

“He wanted to marry me after dating for only two months. Isn’t that crazy?”

“Absurd.” William bit his lip, knowing that after a few weeks he had his and Buffy’s wedding imagined down to every detail.

“I dumped him and for some reason it never sunk in that we were over. He even called me is his girlfriend today.”


“But I told him I was yours now.”

William’s heart stung and he held her tighter, silently delighted.

“I bet he thinks you’re going to force me to marry you.” She laughed again, hiding the fact that she too had dreamed of holy matrimony in what she had considered a moment of insanity.

“Wouldn’t be so bad, I think, us marrying,” said William quietly. “Unless you were… ah, forced of course.”

“Yeah that would piss me off.”

“But if you weren’t,” he struggled, afraid to be rejected again, “forced, what would you do if I asked? Not that I’m asking or that I plan on asking you in the near-future or at all even—I just, um--.”

“You’re just curious?”

“Yes.” He fell deeper in love with Buffy at that moment, relieved that she knew exactly what he was getting at. “Just so if in the far, far away future I was to ask, I would have a heads up on what you’d say.”

“I’d probably say yes, but this would be after you’ve jumped through a lot of hoops, proving your undying love and affection. You’d have already promised me the world and I’d have no doubt in my mind that you’d provide me with everything that I could have ever wanted. I’d also be at the point where I loved you so much that it’d be almost too much for me to bear.”

“Um, I’ll remember that.”

“If you ask.”

“Yes, if I ask.”

“We should get out of the water, I’m getting sleepy.”


She’d say yes.

William grinned and watched as Buffy walked around the room wrapped in a towel. He pulled the bed sheets high and waited for her to join him.

She saved me, twice. She killed for me.

Buffy put up her wet hair in a tight bun and her towel fell around her ankles.

She’s so beautiful. I love her. She said she was mine.

William’s heart skipped a beat as Buffy bent over to pick up her towel. His cock twitched, still hard from their time in the shower and from their bath.

I love her so much. I think she feels the same but she can’t say the words.

Buffy hung up her towel in the bathroom and got into bed still naked. Without saying a word she kissed William goodnight and turned on her side. William curled his body around hers, cupping her breast with the palm of his hand. His erection pressed against her ass and William knew she wouldn’t mind.

She knows I want her.

“I love you, Buffy.”

“I know.” She moved his hand to her lips and kissed it before replacing it on her chest. “Thank you for saying it,” she whispered before falling asleep.

“There’s nothing I can say to change your mind?”

“Nothing.” She checked to see how many bullets were in their guns. “We go in; I’ll flash my gun and do all the talking. You don’t have to do anything unless there’s trouble.”

“Trouble? What ever could you mean?” William rolled his eyes. “Other than security guards, silent alarms, video cameras and tellers with no access to the fucking safe. This could blow up in our faces. We’ve got this far--.”

“And we don’t have enough money for a Happy Meal.”

“I really think we should go back and--.”

“Return to the scene of the crime in our battered, stolen white truck, yeah William, that sounds like a great plan, no one will be suspicious at all.”

“It sounds better than holding up a bank.”

“To you.” Buffy sighed and finished packing their things as William stared blankly at afternoon cartoons. “I don’t want to fight with you.”

“I don’t want to fight either but I don’t think you’re thinking everything through, Buffy.”

“Of course I’ve thought everything through. It’s what I do.” She checked the clock. “We should go now; less people will be there.”

“You hope.”

“I know.”

“Whatever.” He turned off the television and gave up. He hated her idea but he wasn’t going to let her go alone. “I’ll check us out of the room.”

“I’ll be at the truck. Be careful.”

He snorted and kissed her cheek before walking out the door.

I guess this is the natural response to everything: to my father, to the loss of all my money, to the death of those women.

“I’ll do all the talking. Park near the entrance so we can get a getaway quickly and by the time we’re done it should be dark so that’ll be in our favor.” She emptied the brown paper bag of clothes and clutched the gun in her hand. “Ready?”


“Trust me; I know what I’m doing.”

“I think this is stupid.” William stopped the car and pulled out the keys. “It doesn’t feel right.”

“And any of the other stuff did? Ok, William.” She grabbed his face and pulled him in for a kiss. It took him seconds to respond but Buffy was persistent, drawing out moans and his cooperation. She played with the hair on the back of his head and pressed her forehead against his. “Everything will be fine. Trust me.”

“Damn it Buffy, I want to but--.”

“No buts. Let’s go.” She got out of the car and strolled towards the bank.

“God help us.” William had no choice but to follow.

William scanned the bank and hoped Buffy was doing the same thing. He kept the uniformed guard in the corner of his eye as they stood in line at the fourth teller’s window behind a woman and her daughter.

“Buffy maybe we should cut in line.” He pulled her close and whispered in her ear. “The guard went in the back.”

She nodded, “Excuse me.” She tapped on the shoulder of the flowery shirted woman, “Can we go ahead? We’re in a hurry.”

“Um, I guess.”

“Thank you very much.” Buffy grinned and went to the window and pulled out her gun, “I’d like to make a withdrawal.”

The teller moved slowly, remembering her training. She looked Buffy in the eyes and inched her hand towards the silent alarm.

“I don’t think so.” Without warning Buffy grabbed the teenage girl behind her and pointed the gun at her temple. “Fill the bag. Quickly please.”

The security guard ran out of the back of the building at the mother’s screams. Buffy stared the man in the eye and dared him to draw his gun.

This was not in the plan.

William watched helplessly as the bank’s customers scrambled to the floor, some crying and most scared to death.

“Leave my daughter alone. Please leave her alone.” The mother begged as Buffy watched the teller fill the brown bag.

The woman lunged for her daughter but William ushered her away. “Nothing’s going to happen to your daughter, miss.”

“She is going to kill her.”

“She’s not going to kill her.” William gave the woman an assuring pat on the shoulder.

“Yes, I am.”


“Shut up, William. Everybody shut up or this girl’s brains are going all over the fucking wall! Now hurry up and fill the fucking bag, lady.”

The teller moved faster and mother sobbed, falling to the floor.


“Shut up.”

“Hey, you need to claim down and let the girl go to her mother.”

Buffy grinned seeing an opportunity to confuse their audience.

If they think we’re not working together maybe…

She winked at William and let the girl go. Buffy pointed the gun between William’s eyes instead. “Is this better? On your knees.”

“Buffy, what?”

“On your knees, William. You did this to me once, remember, when you kidnapped me? Expect that you, unlike me, lacked the balls to pull the trigger.”

“Oh, God.”

“Goodbye, William.”

“Okay, kill me but don’t touch the girl.”

“God, I can’t breathe.” Buffy stumbled after William a laughed loud and hard. “You—you were amazing. You should have been on television.”

“I’m glad you’re amused, you crazy bitch.”

“Oh William, what’s wrong?” She paused and watched as he angrily marched to the pickup truck, a bagful of bills in his arms.

“What’s wrong? That was not in the plan, Buffy. You attacked a girl and nearly gave her mother a heart attack. And then I was convinced you were going to kill me, that’s what’s wrong.”

“Kill you? I thought you knew what I was doing. I winked—I won’t kill you, William.”


“No, no.” She saw how upset he looked and she felt awful. “God, I wouldn’t dream of hurting you, William. I….I love you.”

“You what?”

She grinned and reached for him, “I love you, William. Very much and for awhile now.” She cupped his face and stared into his eyes. “So, so, very much.”


“I couldn’t hurt you.” She nuzzled his cheek with her nose and held the back of his head. “I love you,” she said the words slowly, pouring out all her feelings for him. Pressing against him, Buffy kissed him passionately, attempting to convince him farther.

“I love you too.” William pulled away and looked up at the sound of screams.

“What’s wrong?”

William didn’t answer; he pushed Buffy aside and stood in front of her, shielding her with his body at the crack of the security guard’s gun.

Feeling the impact of the shot in his leg, he fell to the ground; William cried out and let the bag of money fall.

The security guard lowered his gun. From his distance he hadn’t expected to hit anything especially not the young man. It was the first he had ever had to use a gun after twenty years on the job at the bank. The man trembled and watched the woman cry and shove her partner as he writhed in pain into the pickup truck. Knowing the police would be arriving shortly; the security guard didn’t have the heart to follow the truck as it sped away.

“I’m dying, Buffy, I think I’m dying. I don’t want to die.” William clutched his leg and spoke weakly. The pain and the steady loss of blood had taken a toll on his strength.

“You won’t die, baby. I won’t let you die.” Buffy drove, avoiding the freeways, making their drive was long and uncomfortable. She forced herself to stop from breaking down.

“I don’t want to die. Are you taking me to the hospital? I don’t want to die in a hospital.”

“I’m not taking you to a hospital.”

“What!” William sat up and panicked, “What do you mean you’re not taking me to a hospital? I demand to go to a hospital. Where are you taking me?”

“Just hold on,” Buffy whispered and feared William was becoming delirious, “we’re almost there.”

I hope I’m doing the right thing.
Chapter 15 by facingthesun
Chapter 15

“You can help, right?”

“Of course.” Parker Abram had already laid William on the reclining dental chair and had cleaned the wound with alcohol. “It doesn’t look too bad actually. All it needs is a bit of exploration, cleaning out, removal of fabric and bullet and suturing of a couple little vessels and the outer skin. The surgery shouldn’t take to long either.”

“See? You’ll be fine, baby.”

Parker watched as Buffy cooed in William’s ear and held his hand tightly. She kissed his cheek twice and whispered something that Parker couldn’t make out.

“Are you both a cute couple? Open your mouth first, Will. You know you could have a perfect smile.”

“His name is William,” Buffy saw William wince from a burst of pain. “Get on with it, Parker.”

“Oh aren’t you always the feisty one?” Parker growled playfully and gave Buffy a suggestive wink before he continued to look into William’s mouth. “You could change your smile and your life for as little as two thousand dollars.”

“No thanks, mate.”

“Do you think a perfect smile just happens? Do think Buffy’s smile is her own? No, it’s mine. I gave it to her, and I could give you one too. For just twelve thousand dollars, I will fix your teeth and that would be considered a gift. I’d be knocking tons of money off the price. Tons. All you’d have to do is--”

“I didn’t get shot in the teeth.”

Parker laughed, “Oh that’s funny. You didn’t get shot in the teeth. But I’ll tell you the truth: It wouldn’t have made things any worse if you had.” He laughed again, louder than before. “If you wait until next year you’re going to have fifty grand’s worth of major reconstruction going on in there.” He wiggled his finger disapprovingly.

“If you wait till next year, he’ll be dead.” Buffy couldn’t bear it anymore. “Now, Parker, his teeth are fine.”

“You always have to spoil my fun, don’t you Buffy?” He scowled and laid William’s chair out flat. He searched through his instruments and brought out a scalpel. “Just you wait, Buffy. Do you think I haven’t been watching the news lately? Do you think I’m working for free here?”

Buffy stiffened, knowing Parker wasn’t interested in money. She looked at William, wondering if he had heard Parker’s comment.

William hadn’t been listening, his eyes were focused on the sharp object that Parker was dangling above his thigh. “Have you ever done this before?” he asked, feeling nervous.

“The principles of surgery are the same above and below the neck.” Parker plunged the scalpel into the edge of the wound, prying it open, causing William to scream.

“Aren’t you going to anesthetize me?” William begged, tears in his eyes, he feared he was seconds away from vomiting.

“Don’t worry, Will, as the pain becomes worse, you’ll just probably pass out.”

Buffy forced a smile and poured Parker another glass of champagne.

“Buffy are you trying to get me drunk?” Parker downed the bubbly liquid and motioned for more. “Aren’t you a naughty girl?” He reached for her and pulled her into his lap.

She refilled his glass and squirmed, brushing against his erection and making him moan. “Gross! Parker, let me go. I want to go upstairs.”

“Your boyfriend will be fine without you. Boyfriend.” He giggled and shook his head, sipping his drink. “He’s not your type.”

“And you know what my type is?” She batted his hand away but Parker slid it under her sweatshirt and stroked her stomach. “Stop it.” He ignored her and his hand continued upwards and he squeezed her breast.

“You owe me.” He unbuttoned her jeans and Buffy leapt from his lap. “Now Buffy, you know all I have to do is make a call to the police and your precious boyfriend will be taken off to jail, to where he belongs. We’ll be very quiet and he won’t even have to know how much of a slut you are.”

“Shut up.” Buffy bit her lip and watched as Parker reached for his cell phone. “God, I hate you.”

“You wound me, Buffy, really you do.” He dialed 911 but never pressed the talk button of the phone. “It’s up to you Buffy. Blow me and ride me good and preferably hard, and then I’ll consider us even.”

“You’re not touching me.”

“I bet they could be here in five minutes tops. Did you know a new police station was built down the road not too long ago? I wonder how much of a reward I’d get for turning in such a dangerous criminal.”

“Fuck you.”

“We’ll get to that.” Parker unzipped his pants and pulled out his semi-hard penis. “But blow me first. I hope you’ve gotten better at it because your first time, it just didn’t cut it. Don’t worry, Will won’t know a thing. It’ll be our secret.”

William woke up in a strange room. Still groggy and in pain, he glanced down at his leg and moaned. He was naked except for the bandage that covered his thigh.

Where’s Buffy? I need Buffy.

He smiled, remembering how she’d whispered how much she loved him before Parker had operated on him.

I need Buffy.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” He couldn’t find his clothes; instead a red jogging suit was laid out on the foot of the bed.

After dressing in the ridiculous outfit, William made his way out of the room, holding the wall for balance. He opened the door and cursed.

Why did they put me upstairs?

He grabbed onto the railing and slowly took the spiral staircase one step at a time.

So that’s what a bloke does with a shitload of money.

As William made his way down the stairs the pictures Parker had framed along the wall entertained him. Parker skiing. Parker in Rome. Parker surrounded by women. Parker riding a horse.

And I thought I couldn’t stand the guy before.

And besides what kind of guy has a full dentist’s operatory in his house, anyway?

William finally reached solid ground and he grinned at the accomplishment.

“Buff--.” William blinked twice, hoping his eyes were deceiving him.

“Will!” Parker sprang to his feet, not bothering to put himself back in his pants, “Join the party!” He took a mouthful of champagne and spat the drink out on William’s shirt after bursting into laughter. William said nothing and stared at Buffy, who avoided his gaze and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “Don’t you look hot in my clothes? Drink? Or would you like something a little stronger?”

“No, thank you.” William stared as Buffy put on her sweatshirt and she sat on the sofa.

Parker gave William the glass and filled it anyway, delighted that he was humiliating the couple at the same time. “Come on, lighten up a little! So I hear you’re something of a fugitive. Oh don’t be surprised: Buffy and I go back a long way.”

Parker…One night stand… Worlds of bad, heartbreak… He was there for me when I had trouble with my teeth…

“You’re her dentist?”

“Yes, it’s true. Buffy, I’m glad I meant so much to you.” He gave Buffy a devilish grin before realizing that his cock was exposed. “Sorry ‘bout that man. You must have trained her well. She’s improved.” He zipped his pants and shrugged. “Anyway, we met across some bridgework I was doing on that particularly fine set of ivories. I gave Buffy her very first filling.” Parker snickered and elbowed William. “First filling. Get it?”

William said nothing and threw the champagne into Parker’s face. Caught by surprise, Parker blinked and sputtered. “Now,” Parker wiped his eyes, “I wish you hadn’t done that because now I have to hurt you, which is both inconvenient and undignified.” He paused. “Nevertheless.” Parker roared before punching William in the center of his stomach. Due to the pain in his leg, William could do nothing but take the blow; he fell to the floor, gasping for breath.

“Now stand up!” Parker shouted and stomped his foot.

“Leave him alone, you asshole!” Buffy got between Parker and William but she was shoved away quickly.

William had no intention to move and made Parker madder. Parker grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him off the floor. William let his head hang limp and when Parker opened his mouth to speak again, William head butted Parker in the face with all his strength. Parker fell to the floor, blood dripping from his nose.

Pain stung in William’s abdomen, leg and forehead but he felt better before he collapsed, exhausted.

Buffy drove with her body stiff, heading nowhere in particular. She and William had left Parker’s house after the fight. William sat behind her and he hadn’t said a word. After hitting over a bump in the road, William groaned in pain and the words started to flow.

“Do you want to explain to me what you were doing back there? Why?”

Buffy cringed at his quiet, hurt voice. “I know I shouldn’t have brought you there but I didn’t want you to bleed to death.”

“Is that so? Well, I would’ve gladly bled to death instead of witnessing that.”

“William, what did you see?”


“Oh God. I wasn’t going to—he was seconds away from passing out.”

“Sure he was.” William laughed once, not believing her, and he stared out the window. “Damn it, Buffy, he didn’t seem a bit woozy to me.”

“Well--you shouldn’t have come downstairs. You shouldn’t have started the fight and you shouldn’t have--.”

“I get it, I shouldn’t have bothered. What the hell was I thinking?”


“Just forget it.”

“Fine. Um, where do you want to go?”

“I don’t care.”

“Don’t—don’t be this way. I can explain. It was nothing--”

“I’d say you blowing some guy is something. So were you lying when you said you loved me,” his voice cracked with emotion, “Was it just to humor me?”

“How…how can you ask that?” Angry tears threatened to fall from Buffy’s eyes. “Don’t you know how hard it was for me to figure out how I felt?”

“Well maybe you should rethink your feelings if you believe I’m just going to shrug and be ok with you fucking your dentist. Hell, maybe I should rethink my feelings as well…pull over.”

“What? Why? Let me explain! He—he was going to--”

“Pull over, I’m getting out.”

“You can’t get out. You can’t walk.”

“Pull the bloody car over. Now Buffy.”

She flinched at his voice and stopped the car; she didn’t turn to face him. “Please, please don’t do this. You don’t understand. Where are you going?”

He opened the door, “I understand perfectly. And don’t ask where I’m going. I need time to think. Alone.”

Buffy’s chin trembled uncontrollably and she forced herself not to cry. “If that’s what you want, William, I won’t stop you. I’ll leave you alone.”

He slammed the door and hobbled away.

Buffy put the truck into gear and drove a block away before breaking down into tears.

I put up the next chapter too. Sorry for all the cliffhangers. :) The next chapter will be weepy too so bear with me.
Chapter 16 by facingthesun
Chapter 16

“Fuck man, you look like hell. Where’ve you been?”

“Ah, around.” William scratched his eyebrow with the nail of his pinky and wondered if Xander really had no clue where’d he been for the past few weeks. “Harris, I need your help, I…I need a place to stay.” He looked at him and hoped Xander would spare him from begging. “I won’t stay for free of course, I’ll try to find some work, it’d have to be under the table but I’m sure I’ll mange something.”

“What happened to your place?”

“I was evicted.”

“Aw, that sucks.”

“Yes it does. Hey, if you don’t have the room just tell me and I’ll be on my way. I don’t want to intrude.” William felt uncomfortable and started to back away from the Harris’ home.

“No. You can stay here. I’m usually at Anya’s anyways.”

“Anya? Oh Anya.” William nodded, remembering Xander’s girlfriend. “You sure? You want me to stay?”

“Yeah. What are friends for anyway?” Xander shrugged and opened the door to the house wide. “Come in, my parents are out of town so we can raid the fridge.”

“God, mate, you have no idea how much this means to me. I owe you one.”

“Yeah. Yeah.” Xander shook off William’s appreciative smile and led him into his new home, the basement.

Everything was just how she remembered it. She drove past the housing projects, factories, slums and burned-out homes. Without any money in her wallet, at the last drop of gas, Buffy pulled over and abandoned the pickup truck. She followed the path she always took as a kid, through the dry river, past the field and into the trailer park. She waded through piles of trash, dead cats and dirty children, her hands carrying the brown paper bag of her and William’s things. Halfway down a dirt path, Buffy found what she was looking for, her mother’s home.

“Buffy,” tears sung Joyce Summers eyes, “how long has it been?”

“About eleven years in September.”

“That long? Come in, I’ll make us some hot chocolate.”

“With little marshmallows?”

“I bought some yesterday.”

“That sounds good Mom.”

“And how is that father of yours? Foul piece of shit.”

“Probably the same,” Buffy shrugged, as she sat in the tiny living room on the couch, surrounded by piles of dated newspapers and magazines, “I haven’t seen him recently.”

Joyce fluffed the collar of her faded pink terry robe and lit a cigarette. “I’ll tell you a story about your father--.”

“The dog and blender—I already heard it.”

“That puppy did nothing to hurt your father. He had no reason to--.”

“Mom, stop. I have something to tell you.”

“On our wedding night--.”

“He wore socks in bed. I know.”

“He wore socks in bed with another woman. I tell you, my girl, your conception was practically a miracle. Lying, cheating son-of-a-bitch, I hope he rots in hell.”

“I killed two people. Two women.”

“These things happen.”

“Is that all you can say?”

“Maybe it was an accident.”

“It was deliberate. I shot one and shoved the other out of a car.”


“It’s complicated. They were going to hurt someone I care—I cared about. There were guns and--.”

“Stop. It’s self-defense. You don’t have to say another word, not one single word. You were defending yourself and your loved one. If either of them were alive, you’d be suing for assault. Now why don’t you tell me about this guy?”

“What guy? Buffy was caught off guard. “There’s no guy.”

“Yes, there is, Buffy. There’s a guy you’re not telling me about.” Joyce smiled with pride and affection. “A mother knows, Buffy, a mother knows.”

“Daddy, this is William, the reason why we can’t have sex in Xander’s basement anymore.” Anya held Xander’s hand and pointed to William. “He wants a job so he’ll earn enough money to go home.”

“Home?” Al Jenkins looked William up and down. “You’re the kid from the news, aren’t you?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I don’t want any trouble.”

“I don’t want to be any trouble for you Mr. Jenkins. I can work at night; I’ll do the graveyard shift even. I can make your diner spotless. I’ll even change my name if it makes you feel more comfortable. I just need enough money for a one way ticket back to England.”

“You don’t mind cleaning?”

“Not at all.”

“Yeah, I can vouch for him, Al,” Xander added. “We worked at Summers together for ten years. He’s a great worker.”

William looked at Xander and decided he owed the guy the world.

“You know how hard it is to get a kid to clean nowadays? They’ll cook because of the hats, but will they clean? They get a mop and their own supplies and they turn up their noses.”

“I like to clean, sir.”

“Have you ever worked in a diner before, William?”

“No but I’m a fast learner.”

“Well, you can call me Al. You’re hired.”

“Fuck!” William got up and paced the basement. He couldn’t move as fast as he wanted because of his limp, his leg was healing but it was not good as new. “Nothing feels right anymore! Nothing! I can’t write the damn story without her!”

“Her?” Xander turned up the television and only paid attention to William’s tantrum because his show was taking a commercial break.

“Yes, her.” He shook his head and stopped directly in front of the TV, blocking Xander’s view. “What I had is brilliant, fucking brilliant. From the day Buffy starts at Sunnydale High school to the moment I kill her in her huge heroic moment. It’s so brilliant, and why is it brilliant? Because she helped me write it!” He made a noise out of frustration and sat next to Xander on the couch. “My story has gone to hell without her. I can’t—I was inspired by her. I could bounce my ideas off her.” William rested both palms on his forehead and he groaned. “It is brilliant because she is brilliant. I can’t even begin to rewrite what we had, it was incredible.”

“That’s a lot of brilliants. But Buffy? What kind of name is that?”

“Knock her name and I’ll knock you in the head. Her name is perfect.”

“Yesh, man, you’re going insane.”

“I know it.”

“Why don’t you call her then?”

“I can’t call her—damn it, I’ve tried. I don’t know where she is. Worse than that I don’t know what I’d say if I could get a hold of her.” William sighed and stared up at the ceiling, “I miss her, Xand. It’s been too long. Fuck, it’s only been a few weeks but I can’t stand it.”

Xander wasn’t sure who William was talking about but he gave him a sympathetic grin before offering him a potato chip.


“Sure.” Xander and William stared at the television in silence accept for the crunching of the chips. “Hey, if you killed her, wouldn’t your story end there?”

“I was bringing her back from the dead. Her friends were going to do it and it was going to fuck the girl up royally. She was yanked from heaven and she was really pissy about it.”

“Hmmm.” Xander nodded. He had learned his lesson about asking William too many questions about his work. Xander didn’t want to be socked in the face.

“We were about to bring her back not exactly to her old self but as close as possible. She was going to help me.”

“Why’d she leave in the first place? The girl you’re missing, why’d she go?”

“Because I told her to.”


“Shut up, I had a very good reason.”

“Does it still matter? You seem miserable.”

“I am miserable.”

“I bet she is too.”

“You think? It’s a nice thought but I don’t know. She can be very difficult, you see.”

Xander shrugged and brought his attention back to his TV show.

Buffy eyed the crumpled bag with distaste and longing. She had been avoiding it for days but most of the time she pretended as if it wasn’t there.

“What the hell?” Buffy shrugged one evening and opened the sack. She dumped it out and took a deep breath.

“He must be killing himself over this. I bet he’s writing the whole thing over again from memory. Again. Bah.” She picked up his notebook briefly before putting it aside.

I should send it to him. Crap, I don’t know where he is.

Buffy’s eyes watered and she picked up his uniform shirt. She inhaled the scent of the fabric before covering her face with it when she lost the ability to breathe.


Buffy’s body tingled and she rolled over in bed. Her eyes filled with tears but it didn’t bother her because lately all she seemed to do was cry.

“He’s so good.”

She held her breath and read William’s passionate words. It was strange to read about his slayer, Buffy couldn’t help but see the connections between her and the fictional character. Buffy carried the notebook with her at all times, rereading passages and just gazing at his beautiful penmanship. The notebook had become her lifeline to William.

I miss him, so much.

“You let her get away? You found out that she was working with the fucking kidnapper and you let her get away?!” Hank fumed and tossed his stress ball at Riley’s head. “She killed my bounty hunters. How will the people like that? Hank Summers, father of double murderer. Oh and I had to cover up a robbery. She didn’t get a dime but she tried to rob a fucking bank!”

Hank ignored Riley who tried to sputter out an explanation. He picked up the phone and dialed, pounded into the buttons. “Why didn’t I do this before? Ah, yes. Rupert? I have a job for you.”

“Buffy?” Joyce was shocked to see Buffy out of her room. She frowned seeing that Buffy was still wearing William’s clothing. “Are you alright, dear?”

She said nothing and wiped her puffy eyes with the sleeve of the uniform shirt. She was wearing his black shirt underneath and his pajama pants.

“Buffy?” Joyce was shocked, never seeing Buffy so out of it. Her eyes were glassy and her hands were loaded with small rectangle boxes. “Oh God, Buffy.”

“Yeah.” She sobbed once and held her breath, looking at the ceiling she tried to calm herself down. She walked to the trash. “I’m pregnant. I’m leaving tomorrow. I need to see him. I need to tell him.”

Buffy ripped out the page in the Yellow Pages and kissed her mom goodbye. “He mentioned a friend named Alexander Harris. I’ll look for him first, but if William’s smart, which I know he is, he’ll be hiding out somewhere.”

“Don’t stay away so long this time. Bring your William around so I can meet him and I want to see my grandchild.” Joyce smiled and waved. “Don’t worry about returning the car.”

“I’ll be back, Mom, I promise. Thank you for everything.”

“Tonight was good even with the rain, yeah?” William mopped as Al cleaned off the counter.

“It was. Can you break down the boxes in back before you close up?”


William didn’t pay attention to the knocking at the front door, knowing Al would take care of the person.

“Hey, lady read the sign, we’re closed!”

Buffy banged on the door again, she was freezing and soaking wet.

“What the--.” Al went to the door and recognized the young woman as Hank Summers’s missing daughter. He opened the door. “William, I’m off. Lock up when you’re done. It’s nice to see you, Miss Summers.”

Buffy smiled at the man and scanned the room. When she saw William, stopped.

“I have your story. I tried to keep it dry.” She pulled the notebook out from where she had it against her stomach. “But the damn rain, it’s ah, wet.”


She stepped deeper into the diner and gave him a nervous grin. “Yeah. I hope I waited long enough; I wasn’t sure how long you planned on thinking. God, that sounded snotty. I’m not trying to be, I just--”

“How’d you find me?”

“I remembered you mentioning Xander and I went to every Harris in the LA area, you never mentioned that he lived in a basement, not that I’m complaining, it just would have been more helpful.” She smiled, knowing she was rambling. “Please stop me.”

“Where’ve you been? You look good.”

“Thanks. I went to my mom’s.”


She nodded and placed the notebook on the nearest table. “It’s really good. I hope you’re proud of it.”

“You read it?”

“I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all. Thank you for bringing it to me. That was thoughtful of you.”

Buffy looked down and gasped. “Oh, shit! I’m dripping on your floor. I’m sorry.”

“You should take off your coat, ah, that’s what’s dripping. But that’s only if you plan on staying, of course. Do you plan on staying?”

“Would you mind if I did? Just for a little while? I don’t like driving in the rain.”

“It’s dark too.”

“Yeah, double the scary.” She awkwardly struggled with the raincoat. “Sorry.”

“I’ll help.” He touched her shoulder and Buffy jumped. He inhaled deeply as if craving the scent of her. “Buffy.”

“Yeah?” Her eyes filled with tears and she brushed them away. “Um, where—where should I put my jacket?” She panicked, fearing what she’d do with him so close. Once she saw a coat rack near the door, she practically ran to it.

“We can sit if you’d like. I can get you a drink. Would you like anything?”

“No, thank you.” She sat at a booth and waited for him to follow. “I have something to tell you.”

He nodded and sat across from her.

“On the way over here I thought of all these creative ways that I could tell you, but they sounded so dumb, I’m just going to say it, alright?”

“Go ahead.”

“I know you still hate me, I still hate me too but that’s beside the point.” She sniffled and William provided her with a white handkerchief. “Thank you, see what I do without you, William? All I do is cry.” She laughed and avoided his eyes. “I’m pregnant.”

“You’re what?”

“You heard me.” She finally looked into his eyes. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

“Is it mine?”

“God, I guess I should have seen that coming.” She hiccupped and wiped her nose.


“Maybe this was a mistake.” She blew her nose and started for the door. “Maybe it was too soon or something.”


“I haven’t slept with anyone but you since we’ve meet. Sure, I gave Parker a blowjob but do you really think I did it by choice?” She stopped to catch her breath and she continued on in a quieter voice, she never turned to face him. “He was going to turn you in, William. Parker said he wouldn’t work for free. I did it because I didn’t want you to leave me, see how it all went to hell?” She stopped, when he said nothing after a long pause, Buffy grabbed her coat and she ran out into the rain.
Chapter 17 by facingthesun

Hi, everybody. How are you? :) This chapter is a long one and a lot of fun happens. It could be teary for you in the beginning… but don’t worry.

Tell me what you think, review please. It gets the chapters to you a lot faster.

Thank you for reading.

Chapter 17

“How stupid could I be?” Buffy searched through her purse in the pouring rain. She desperately wanted to hide.

Like he’d want me back after the things I did. She closed her eyes and let her tears fall freely as her hands blindly searched for her car keys. I don’t deserve him; I don’t deserve to have his baby, anyway.

Buffy’s body shook from a mixture of embarrassment and sadness.


Oh, please. Please God.

She swallowed and turned slowly to see William running towards her. She pulled her shirt from clinging to her soaked frame, feeling self-conscious. Holding her purse against her chest, she waited for him to come closer.

Please, please.

“Buffy! You forgot your keys.”

Buffy’s shoulders fell, her hopes shot down in an instant. “Oh. I must have dropped them.” Looking down and studying his boots, Buffy’s throat tightened and she struggled to control her tears. “Sorry.”

“They fell from your coat.”

“Oh,” she held out her hand and waited for the final sign that they were over: William supplying her with the means of leaving.

“Come inside Buffy.”

“I’d rather not,” she laughed sadly and felt stupid with her hand outreached so she ran her fingers through her tangled hair. “I just want to—I need to get out of here.” She forced a smile, “Can I have my keys please?”

William took a step closer and Buffy moved away, closer to the beat up car. “Buffy…”

“Don’t, I understand completely. You don’t trust me. I get that. I guess I just thought you needed to know about the baby. I know it’s yours, I really do, I can feel it--.” Buffy cringed, “Sorry, I’m rambling again. I should go before I make a bigger fool out of myself. I think I did that enough tonight.” She wiped her eyes, no longer caring about concealing her tears.

“Let’s go inside. We can talk.”

“No, no that would just make things worse.”

“You shouldn’t drive like this especially with the storm. It isn’t safe.”

Lightening cracked, as if proving his point but Buffy shook her head. “I’ll take my chances.”

“Buffy, don’t be stupid. Don’t go.”

“Give me my keys, William. Now.”

“I love you.”

Buffy heart swelled and she felt chest constrict. She finally looked him in the eye, “I love you too.”

“So don’t leave me then.”

She closed her eyes, afraid that what he was saying was too good to be true. “Are you serious because I don’t think I can handle the rejection again. I can handle two but three? Three would be too much.”

Buffy moaned out of surprise and relief once William’s body was pressing into hers. He pushed her against the car and grabbed the sides of her face between his palms. He brushed his lips against her forehead and Buffy broke down into sobs, clinging to his elbows for support. Without saying a word, he gathered Buffy’s trembling body into his arms and carried her out of the falling rain.

“God, pet, you’re killing me. Please stop crying.” William tried to lower Buffy onto a chair but she whined in protest and held him tighter. “Ok, I’ll sit then.”

After a bit of a struggle, he managed to sit with Buffy shaking in his lap. Her head was buried into his shoulder and her arms were securely wrapped around his neck.

“You have no reason to carry on like this.” He rubbed her back and worried about her catching a cold. “We need to get you dry--.”

“I’m so, so sorry. I just wanted to save you.”

“I get that...now.”

“Do you? Really?” She looked up, not believing him.

“Ok, answer this for me. Why did you do it? All of it?”

“Because I loved you and because I wanted to protect you. Everything was my fault…” She paused to hiccup and to cry harder.

“Stop. You heart was in the right place, now wasn’t it? I forgive you.”

“No you don’t. You just want me to stop crying.”

“Well that would be nice but I’m not lying.”

“You really want me back?”

“How can you ask that, sweetheart? I’m so happy you came to me. I was miserable without you.”

“I had to see you.”

“I’m glad. Buffy look at me.”

She sniffled and wiped her runny nose with the back of her hand. “You don’t want to see me. I look like crap.” She looked at him anyway and bit her lip. “Oh, you don’t look too hot either.”

“Thank you. You aren’t the only one allowed to have a good cry.” He grinned and touched the puffy area under her eyes with his fingertips.

“I’m sorry that I hurt you.”

“Hush, there was a great deal of hurt on both sides. I should’ve listened before but I was in shock and my leg hurt like hell--.”

“Oh! How’s your leg? I can’t believe I forgot to ask. I noticed you still limp. Is it healing alright?” She looked up concerned. “Should I get up?” She wiggled in his lap, scared that she was hurting him.

“No, you’re fine. It’s fine.”


“Buffy…” He held her hips and scooted her close again, needing the contact. “God, I’ve missed you.”

“You did?”

He snorted at her doubt and acted quickly. He nuzzled her neck and kissed her with soft, dry kisses. “Of course I missed you.” He whispered against her skin and slowly moved up to her lips. “Open your eyes. I want you back, Buffy. I want you with me again, love, always.”

“Oh—Thank God--.”

He chuckled before kissing her sweetly with closed lipped kisses. Buffy moaned and opened her mouth wider for him, thankful to be in his arms and to have access to his kisses once again. Their tongues mingled naturally and Buffy gathered the courage to pet the sides of his face. She sighed, content.

“Always?” She whispered between kisses, a new set of tears falling from her eyes.

“Buffy,” he scolded her lightly and brushed her cheeks dry with a sigh. “The moment I stepped out of that bloody car I cursed myself; I knew that I had turned away the woman with whom I had spent the happiest, most exciting time of my life. You meant more to me than anything else on this earth then and I feel the same now.” William saw a glimpse of her smile before she rested her head on his shoulder. He felt her kiss the crook of his neck before her body finally relaxed in his arms.

“Al, it’s me. William.”

“That’s a nice looking woman you have there. You’re going to ask to leave early aren’t you?”

“Well, yes, actually. I finished the floors.”

“The boxes can wait. Should I expect you tomorrow night or will you be ah, busy?”

William looked over to Buffy who was sitting in a booth and staring at her fingernails while he spoke on the phone. Her eyes were puffy and her clothes were still damp, “Yeah, I don’t think I’ll be able to make it.”

“Got a lot of making up to do, huh?” Al laughed over the phone, “Remember William, you can only fight like you and Ms. Summers did when there’s something special to fight about. Don’t let her go again. And keep yourselves out of trouble. Kidnapping and bank raids, those aren’t things you should establish your relationship on.”

“Thank you, Al. I’ll be in on Monday.”

“Have a good weekend.”

“Let’s see. There’s only one bedroom and that’s Xander’s, I try to avoid it at all costs. He’s rarely here, though. Over there’s the bathroom and I sleep here.” William pointed to the sofa. “It converts into a bed and it’s pretty uncomfortable, the springs come up sometimes so I sleep on the floor too.”

Buffy nodded and took in the dark basement, “I was surprised to see that you lived here. You didn’t seem to like Xander very much when you told me about him.”

“Well, I was desperate and he helped me out, he even got me the job.”

“Where did you live before?”

“In an apartment across town but I gathered your father had it cleaned out. I knew I couldn’t stay there. I pretty much have nothing except some clothes.” He shrugged, “But considering I could be dead, it doesn’t seem so bad.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” William walked around and gathered a handful of clothes. “You can change and I’ll get the bed ready. You must be exhausted.”

“Do you always work so late?”

“Best way to hide, the graveyard shift. You need anything? Food or a drink?”

“No, thank you, I’m good.”

“Ok, go change and then we’ll sleep.”

“What are you doing?”

“Um, I thought maybe you’d like it if I slept--.”

“No. You’re sleeping with me.”

“Alright.” William scooped the blankets off the floor and started to fold them. “I didn’t want to you to think you were obligated to sleep with me.”

“You’re cute, William,” she crawled under the covers wearing his t-shirt and a pair of his sweatpants. “So very cute.” She inhaled into the pillow, her senses singing to be surrounded by his scent. “I wore your clothes everyday and I read your book so many times. I needed you with me in someway constantly. You said that you were miserable; I was pathetic. I never cried before I met you William. Hell, I never really felt loved before you either and I was never terrified until I thought that I had lost you. And you think I’d like for you to sleep on the floor?” She snorted and wiggled deeper under the blankets, pulling them to her neck. “I don’t think so. You’re sleeping with me, damn it.”

“You’re so bossy,” William grinned and turned off the light before joining her in bed. She was in his arms instantly. “I love you too, Buffy,” he whispered before kissing her brow.

“Thank you for everything tonight, William.”

“Mmmm.” Buffy hummed and kept her eyes closed, afraid to wake from her dream. She blindly reached and threaded her fingers into a head of soft curls. Warm lips and fingertips adorned her stomach with feathery touches. She gasped as her shirt was pushed higher, exposing her bare chest. He blew on her nipples and caused an outbreak of goosebumps that rushed all the way down to her toes.


“No, don’t wake me,” she whispered in a breathy voice.

“But you’ll enjoy it more if you’re not snoring.”

“I don’t snore.”

“You were a few minutes ago.”

“Shut up.”

He chuckled against her skin before licking around her nipple with the tip of his tongue. He tended to the other before moving up to kiss her lips. “Good morning, sweetheart.”

Buffy opened her eyes and at the sight of him, her heart jumped, “Thank God it wasn’t a dream.”

“I was thinking the same thing.”

“Is it really morning? What time is it?” She noticed the basement had an orange glow coming from its single tiny window.

“Don’t know. I didn’t bother to look. I can take this off, yeah?” She nodded and William pulled off her t-shirt with ease. His thumb circled her nipple as they kissed again. “You’re so beautiful, pet. My dreams never did you any justice.” He moved down her body and nuzzled her stomach with his face, kissing the perimeter of her belly button. “When are you due, love?”

“I don’t know exactly.”

“You haven’t gone to a doctor?”

“I came directly to you. You know those pregnancy tests that claim to be 99.9 percent correct? I took six of them and all of them were positive.”

“So it couldn’t be a false alarm.” He ran his fingers lovingly up and down her torso. William rested his head on her chest, deep in thought, “Buffy, is it really mine? I thought you were taking birth control pills,” he rolled down the elastic band of her sweatpants and held his hand to her lower belly. “Not that I’m unhappy about you being pregnant, I just hope I’ll be able to keep you and our baby safe—hell, Buffy, are you crying again? I didn’t want to upset you.”

“You didn’t. And I’m not crying.” She wiped her eyes and held back her need to sniffle. “That’s why I’m sure the baby’s yours; I was on the pill and I don’t think I missed any days but it’s possible that I could have forgot because everything was so crazy,” she took a deep breath, ashamed, “Don’t be mad at me. I wasn’t trying to get pregnant.”

“Buffy, I’m not mad,” he sat up and reached to get her Kleenex from the in-table. “Here. It’s just unexpected that’s all but that doesn’t mean that it won’t be wonderful. Everything will be fine and you won’t have to go through anything alone. I’ll be here for you.” He leaned down to give her a reassuring kiss.

“You’d better be careful or I’ll start the continuation of my ‘William you’re perfect speech,” Buffy wrapped her arms around his neck and brought him close again. “Kiss me again but quickly. I have to pee so bad I’m practically seeing yellow.”

William chuckled and followed his orders, pinning Buffy beneath him for as long as she could stand it before she squirmed away and ran to the bathroom.

“I pee all the time,” Buffy walked out of the bathroom, still topless and pouting. “It sucks.”

“Awww. Come here. I made us breakfast while you were gone.”

“You’re such a good cook, William.” Buffy grinned and accepted a bowl of cereal after getting under the covers. “Mmmm, sugary marshmallow-filled cereal, my fav.”

“It’s my specialty.” Buffy giggled and William smiled, enjoying her company. He couldn’t remember her acting so vulnerable before, laughing out loud and crying freely. “This is nice, sitting here and not having to worry about risking my life tomorrow. I could get used to this.”

“So everything’s been quiet? Hank hasn’t sent any more of his goons for you? I was really worried.”

“Not a one that I know of. Did you have any trouble at your mum’s?”


“Maybe your father gave up?”

“He won’t give up.”

“Now, that’s not very optimistic, pet.”

“He won’t give up. He sent Giles out for two years—it only took him two years to hunt down four men that were hiding all over the world.”

“Yeah, I remember, Ripper.” William shifted uncomfortably. “So are we doomed, then? I rather we weren’t. I hate to think we’ll always be looking for baddies lurking in the bushes especially with the baby on the way.”

“Um, Xander… he mentioned you were planning on leaving for England as soon as you made enough money. You think you could handle…maybe a travel buddy? Or two if you’re willing to wait for eight to nine months… I kinda promised Mom she could help me with the pregnancy stuff, but if you want to leave sooner, I’ll follow. I’ll follow you anywhere, William.”

“We can go anywhere you want, pet.” William took their empty bowls and sat them on the table before turning to her, speaking excitedly. “Anywhere, as soon as we need to, but until then we can stay around here and of course you can be with your mum.”

Buffy felt a weight lift from her shoulders. “She wants to meet you.”

“Oh? What awful lies did you tell your mum about me?” He pulled her over so she was curled along his body and facing him.

“That you’re beautiful and passionate and the sexiest janitor I’ve ever laid eyes on,” Buffy rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped an arm around William’s waist.

“Those are some vicious lies, love, nasty even.”

“I know but she didn’t believe them so you’re safe. She’s not too fond of men, which is understandable because she was married to my father, the asshole. I lived with my mom until Hank had her deemed unfit to raise me when I was eleven, by then I had it drilled in my head that men only wanted one thing, sure they wanted more than once but it was still only one thing…” She laughed, “I guess she raised me to be bitter and conniving.”

“You did her proud.”

“Until being around you ruined me. You proved to me that there was an alternative to the jerks I had dated before.”

“But wait, I only want one thing too, pet.”

“Oh? What?”


“You’re so corny, William.”

“Hey, you set me up for that one.”

“But you didn’t have to fall for it.”

“I did to. Like everything about you, I found it irresistible.”

“So are you saying you want me more than once?”

“Of course I am.”

“Are you saying you want me now?”

“It depends. Are you saying that you want me now?”

“I am, but I have to pee first.”

“Hurry then.”

Buffy gasped, her body would have flown up from the bed if William hadn’t been holding her thighs open so securely. She couldn’t see straight as his flat tongue slowly made its way up to her clit once again. When he inserted his finger into her depths, sliding it easily in and out with the help of her wetness, her body was already shaking, her breathing heavy.

“Don’t,” she squeezed her eyes and reached to pull up William’s head, “Stop.”

He stopped pleasing her with his mouth but kept his finger moving. “Why?”

“Because.” Buffy put her hand on his and moved it from between her legs. Without warning she stuck his glistening finger in her mouth and licked it clean. “I’d like for you to come with me.” She pulled William up her body and kissed him while pushing down his sweatpants once they were in her reach. William cooperated as if in a daze but Buffy was determined to pull him out of it, stroking his erection and bringing out his throaty moans. “Roll over, baby. Please?”

Once she had William on his back, she straddled his hips and took him inside her inch by inch. Keeping constant eye contact, their hips ground together at a steady pace. “William,” she took his hands from her hips and threaded their fingers together before leaning against his chest, “I love you, William.” She whispered in his ear before pressing her lips against the lobe. Setting their hands above his head, she aligned her face centimeters away from his, “I love you more than anything. More than everything.” Tears gathered in her eyes and she kissed him deeply, overcome by emotion.

“I love you too, Buffy.” He squeezed in the words between pants and kisses. He let go of her hands to cup her behind, giving him more control of the depth of his thrusts. When he knew he wasn’t going to last much longer, William snaked a hand between their bodies and rubbed Buffy’s clit until her inner walls began convulsing erratically, sending him immediately to his own release.

“Don’t move, baby,” Buffy whined when she thought William was going to slide out of her. “Stay with me. More kissing.”

“You really like kissing don’t you?”

“No, I really like your kisses,” she rubbed against him and dug her hands in his hair before attacking him with her mouth. “I missed you.”
Chapter 18 by facingthesun
Chapter 18

Buffy listened to the sounds of the basement: the stomping of feet, the water rushing through the noisy plumbing, and the muffled voices of the people living above. William’s heartbeat rang the loudest in Buffy’s ear as she lay on his body, her head on his chest.

Everything’s moving so quickly. Yesterday morning we were living in different zip codes and now… Oh God I should be freaking out. I’m going to have a baby. We’re going to England. My future seems to be all planned out... well the important stuff anyway…

I’ll be with William.

A wave of warm pleasure traveled down to her toes.

Everything feels so… so right.

Everything feels good.

Very, very good.

“Something funny, love?”

“Mmmm? No, I wasn’t laughing really, just basking, thinking and enjoying.”

“Oh, sounds like you were busy then.”

“I love multi-tasking. I’m good at it.”

“You’re good at a lot of things and that always amazes me. So what were you thinking about?”

“Nothing specific,” she pulled William’s head towards hers and sighed when their lips met. “Tell me about your story. Where are you now?”

“Our story, pet.” He corrected as he twirled a thin strand of her hair through his fingers, “And actually, I’m at the same spot.”

“You didn’t write any more?”

“I couldn’t. Not a word.”

“That’s awful.”

“Well…I did write… just other things,” William looked away sheepishly.

Buffy rolled on her side so she could see him better, “Oh, now I’m curious, William.”

“You don’t want to know, love.”

“Yes I do.”

“You’ll laugh.”

“I didn’t before.”

“This is…this is different.”


“Just forget about it.”

“Ok, but you brought it up,” Buffy frowned and felt tingles of annoyance. “Were you just teasing me?”

“You always tease me,” William held back his laugh. “You’re about to threaten to do me bodily harm, aren’t you, sweetheart?”

“I’m not that predictable, William.” She slid her hand between them and pressed against his semi-hard cock, “But you like the way I tease you. You enjoy it, besides you know I think your story is extraordinary. How could whatever you were writing be any different?”

“You’re too kind, love,” William groaned once Buffy circled his shaft, gently moving from head to base while applying the right amount of pressure to make him see stars.

“Tell me, baby.”

Her voice was dripping with affection and at her term of endearment, William rolled them over taking Buffy by surprise. He kissed her hard and hungrily, guiding himself inside before Buffy could anticipate his entrance. “I wrote these poems, Buffy,” he tore his mouth from hers and confessed. “Dreadful love poems.”

“Love poems? Oh God! That feels good.” She purred and wrapped her arms around his neck, holding on for dear life, determined to meet his hips with every quick, maddening stroke. “About me?”

“No, about the grocery lady. She has beautiful eyes.” Snorting, William dove into Buffy’s breasts headfirst.

Hissing and arching her back, Buffy gave William better access to her chest, “Recite me one.”

“I’m busy.” He pulled out, causing Buffy to whine and then he filled her again, reaching deeper, causing her to whimper.

“After then, please?” She guided his lips back to hers, “Please, William?”

“Oh, alright but you’ll owe me.”

“You’ll hate it.”

“Read it.”

William sighed and pulled on his pants before taking the envelope out from its hiding place, “I was going to mail it.” He explained, taking out the single sheet of white paper and unfolding it. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for embarrassment.

“Wait, give me a Kleenex.”

“You’re right. Good thinking. It’ll probably bore you to tears or you’ll laugh so hard your--.”

“Just give me the box. No one’s ever wrote me a poem before William.” She looked at him seriously and covered her nakedness with the blankets of the bed. She laid the box of tissues in her lap and motioned for him to start reading.

“It’s kinda short. Ok, here goes…” He cleared his throat, “Oh desert me, wretched loneliness, and bring me back my love. For she and I have parted and the sky is up above—Now that last part, it may sound as if I was just trying to rhyme there,” he dismissed the line quickly, “But, you see, it means that the world still goes on, even if we’re feeling ah…”

“Wretchedly lonely?”

“Yeah that’s right, it’s a conventional poetic technique to contrast the universe with the inner world.”

She nodded, “Continue please.”

“Your limbs so svelte and slender,” William groaned, hoping Buffy wouldn’t catch that both words had the same meaning. “Your touch so soft and tender, but the bit that I like best…” He closed his eyes and felt like an idiot, “Is the bit you keep hidden down deep in your chest. Now the last verse, I… I just can’t explain it, love. Ready? Just as the flower blossoms in the gaze of the shining sun, I would be most honored if you would bear my son. Now I understand it’s shit. I can’t write a fucking poem to save my life. And I want you to know that I’m perfectly aware it sounds like an ode to fertility but it wasn’t meant to be like that. It’s bloody terrible and with you actually pregnant, I feel like such a knob… Please Buffy say something or you can even hit me if you’d like.”

Buffy sat in a daze, her eyes soft, biting her lip. William knew she was just thinking of a way to bust him down painlessly. “Come on, pet, out with it. I’m ready; laugh, mock me.”

“You wrote me a poem.”

“I did and it’s crap.”

“Say it again but without your commentary and use your poet-voice.”

“My what?”

“You know what I’m talking about.”

William swallowed, taken back by Buffy’s genuine interest in the poem. “Alright, I’ll read it again.” He lowered his tone and spoke in the clear, formal voice that he’d perfected in his school days during that brief moment where he dreamed of being a world-famous lyricist.

“Oh desert me, wretched loneliness,
And bring me back my love.
For she and I have parted
And the sky is up above.

“Your limbs so svelte and slender,
Your touch so soft and tender,
But the bit I like best,
Is the bit you keep hidden down deep in your chest.

”Just as the flower blossoms
In the gaze of the shining sun,
I would be most honored
If you would bear my son.”

He looked up from the page, “Was that better, love?”

“You wrote me a poem,” Buffy whispered and dabbed her eyes with a tissue while making her way across the bed. She climbed into his lap and curled up against his chest.

“So it doesn’t sound like I’m stalking you? Or that I’m a dumb male chauvinist asshole?” He asked lightly, while rubbing her back.

“Or that you see me as nothing more than a test tube?”

“Fuck, I didn’t even think of that one. I’m sorry, I just wrote--.”

“I’m kidding. I love it, William. You’re so sweet. You may not be the best poet, baby, but you’re such a good man,” She caressed his face and cooed how much she loved him while covering his face with kisses.

“Buffy was living with Joyce. She and the kidnapper were reunited last night at the diner he’s been working at for the past four weeks,” Giles dropped photographs of the couple on the desk. “That was almost too easy, Hank.”

“So they really were working together… that little bitch,” Hank growled as he thumbed through the pictures. “Where are they now? Where’s my money?”

“I’ve got a clue where your money is but they are living in a house not to far from here. One of your employees, Alexander Harris, he’s letting them stay in his family’s basement.”

“He’s fired.”

“Your daughter and the young man make a rather attractive couple, are you certain you want them both dead?”

Hank glared at Giles, “That doesn’t even justify an answer Ripper, and you know it.”

“But Buffy, you’d do much more harm to her if you let her live. You could make her life miserable, especially if you killed the boy. Look at the photographs, she’s very fond of him.”

“You wouldn’t have a problem killing my daughter would you?”

“I practically raised her and I killed four people for her. I taught her how to defend herself, how to shoot, how to fight all the sods you set her up with…”


“I’m just watching and waiting for the right time to strike, Hank.”


“And what are you doing about that fool you told me about? What was his name? Finn?”

“Yes, about him, I don’t need him around when this is over. He knows too much.”

“Right, maybe I can use him before I kill him.”

“Be careful though, he’s a fucking moron.”

“Even better.”

“You have experience in waiting on people?”

“No, but I’m a fast learner.”

“You could be recognized. Your face is still plastered in the news.”

“I can talk my way off of it,” Buffy ignored William’s muffled laugh as he cleaned behind them.

“Still, it’d be too risky,” Al paused and rubbed his chin. “You can do dishes, right?”

“I can.”

“You’ll be working the same hours as William and if you run out of dishes, you’ll help him.”

“That sounds good. Thank you so much Al,” Buffy flashed a wide smile and leaned across the counter, pecking him on the cheek.

“And I’ll be here during most of your shift counting the money so don’t think you both can slack off. I’ll be keeping an eye on you two.”

“You don’t have to worry about us, Al. I’ll make sure William behaves himself.”

“I brought you some gloves. How’s it going so far?” William glanced at the pile of dirty plates and the mound of crusted silverware. “I always hated washing the bloody dishes.”

“Well, I filled the sink with soapy water and that’s about it.”

“I’m still shocked you offered to work, pet. You don’t have to.”

“I want to. Just call me Working Buffy, besides I knew this day was coming sooner or later.” Buffy grimaced and picked up a dish with her bright yellow latex-protected fingers, “So I’m guessing I just drop them in the water, scrub them, then rinse, then dry, right?”

“You’ve only used a machine,” William sounded concerned.

“William, I’ve only watched the maid use a machine.” Keeping her hands busy, she grinned, “Now go back to your cleaning, baby, I’m working here.”

“Look at who isn’t working. I’m telling.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“I would too dare, but hold that thought.” Buffy ran into the nearest stall, “Do you always write in the bathroom? It’s kinda gross.”

“It’s clean, it’s usually quiet and the boss is rarely willing to check on me in here.”

Buffy flushed and walked over to wash her hands, “Well, he’s gone so you’re safe from my tattling.”

“For now.”

“Yeah.” She walked into the handicapped stall and sat next to William on the floor. “Consider this as my fifteen minute break.” She rested her head on his shoulder and scanned over his writing. “You’re still bringing her back from the dead right?”

“Yeah and I’m still going to have her with Spike.”

“I like Spike. Will she fall in love with him?”

“She’ll feel for him. He knows where’s she’s coming from with the undead connection, that’s what’ll make Spike much more appealing to her.”

“And the sex,” Buffy yawned and wrapped her arms around William’s waist. “The sex will also make him more appealing.”

“Right. Are you feeling alright, pet?”

“I’m fine, just a little tired, that’s all… Even if he loves her, you need to always remember that Spike’s a vampire. No matter what, he doesn’t have a conscience. He’s still evil first, he can’t change that even with the government chip thingy in his head.”

“Oh their affair won’t be all puppies and lollypops. It’ll be angsty.”

“Lollypops?” She giggled and wondered if William would consider their relationship worthy of lollypops.

“Shut up, princess. Tell me what you think… What if Spike raped her?”

“He doesn’t seem like the type, William.” She replied quickly, shocked and in defense of the fictitious man.

“But you pointed out the lack of a conscience--.”

“Fine, but…” Buffy thought for a few minutes, “Oh, what if he stops himself? Let’s say they break off the sexcapades for some reason, that would justify it I guess. He could go to her and be forceful and demanding… but I really don’t think he could do it.”

“You really like him.”

“I do.”

“I want him to get a soul.”

“William, you aren’t going to regurgitate the Angel storyline are you? By the way, I love your choice of character names.”

He snorted at her comment, “Just listen to this and then tell me how it melts your heart. Buffy and Spike have a relationship purely based on lust and using each other. Even if she trusts him to protect her friends and family, she never believes she can personally trust him with her feelings, with her heart… anyway, they shag like bunnies until they break up for reasons undecided. He attempts to rape her but he can’t… something clicks in Spike. He knows he was about to hurt the woman he loves and it scares the shit out of him. So what does he do? He goes to get himself a soul. He goes to get himself a bloody soul, Buffy.”


“I’m glad you asked, pet.” William smiled, excited, “He’ll find some sort of boogie man or demony thing that’ll do it, for a price of course. He’ll go through painful trails and all that because it’s what she deserves.”


“He’ll be a loony for awhile, haunted by the people he’s killed. But it’ll give Buffy a chance to help him…”

“A chance to love him.”


“Will he be as poofy as Angel was?”

William laughed, amused, hearing Buffy using his choice of words. “No, he won’t be like that poofter. Angel’s soul was a curse. Spike’s soul will be his prize.”

“Oh… that sounds good. If she had any doubts about his love… Ok, I’ll forgive you for thinking my Spike would be capable of becoming a rapist.”

“Your Spike, huh?”

“Yeah, you got a problem with that?”

“Should I be jealous?”

“Well, he does have that accent and he’s sooo good looking and athletic. It’s too bad really, that you don’t have those crosses to bear.” She pulled him in for a kiss before he could say anything, “You write. I have more dishes to wash.”

“The doctor called back and we have an appointment for early next week.”

“Oh that’s good,” Buffy yawned and got into bed. “This working thing, I don’t know if I like it. I spent six hours cleaning dishes that people will dirty tomorrow and then I’ll clean them again tomorrow night and they’ll be dirtied again the next day… What a vicious circle,” She groaned and took the cap off her lotion. “How annoying.”

“Let me,” William took the lotion from Buffy. “Off with your top and relax, pet.”

“You’re the best, you know that right?” Buffy moaned as William’s warm, scented hands spread the lotion with stroking motions starting at the base of her back. He moved up to her neck and then retraced his steps, “Don’t be offended if I fall asleep. It just feels so nice.”

“Sleep, Buffy,” he whispered in her ear before kneading her shoulders using his thumb and forefingers. Buffy mumbled incoherently with her face buried into the pillow when he glided over her arms and legs in smooth, circular motions.

She’s changed so much.

William sweep over her body again, a smile on his face.

For the better too, I think.

She was such a spoiled brat when we first met and now… Four weeks apart and she’s everything I dreamed about. Everything I thought I wanted, she is.

He finished caressing her body in a feathery downstroke, knowing that Buffy was sound asleep.

She’s everything to me; she’s all I think about. Dream about. And she knows it… she enjoys it.

Damn, she makes me feel good. I thought I had it bad before but now she’s giving it all back. Every twinkley eyed look, every accidental loving touch… She’s in my gut… in my throat… I’m drowning in her and I don’t want to be saved…

“I’m guessing I’d have to be at least four weeks pregnant.”

“That’d makes sense,” William finished his work early and decided to help Buffy with drying the dishes. “If you’re six weeks pregnant then we’d have something to worry about, yeah?”

Buffy cringed, “Angel.”

“But if you’re five then there’d be no doubt. I’m personally hoping for five.”

“Me too.”

“Have you thought of any names?”

“Well,” Buffy scrubbed the dish, deep in thought. “There’s a few people I wouldn’t mind naming the baby after: my mom, Giles… which it’s kinda weird the connection there Mr. William, you guys aren’t related are you? Long-lost twice removed, son of your uncle’s fifth--”

“No, I’m there is no relation. You’d name our child after that bloody—.”

“He wasn’t that bad before he went off to avenge my kidnapping. He was kinda, like my bodyguard, you know? My Mr. Protective Guy. We could have little baby Rupert and--.”

“Rupert? How about Percy or oooh, ‘Grown in some sort of greenhouse for dandies?’ Now that has a nice ring to it.”

Buffy struggled to keep a straight face, “I’ve always liked dandelions.”

William ignored her and continued to rant, “And besides, his job has been filled. I’m Buffy’s Mr. Protective Guy now so he can bloody-well sod off.” He grabbed Buffy and pulled her into his arms, tossing her sponge into the sudsy water causing a splash. “Just like I’m your--.”

Buffy cut him off, kissing him until they both stumbled back into the side of the sink. “How about Anne for a girl?”

“That was my mother’s name.”

“It’s my middle name.”



“That’d be perfect, pet.”

Buffy smiled and nodded, “What about boy names, though? Since Rupert is out of our options…” She unbuttoned his shirt; placing open kisses on his exposed chest. “Would you like a William junior?”

“Buffy,” His body tensed, involuntarily responding to her touches. “You’d better stop now, kitten.”

“Oooh, you’ve never called me that before, I like it.” She chuckled and released the last button, thoughtlessly pushing his shirt off his shoulders, “Al’s gone, William.”

“Ah…” William cleared his throat, “He is but Buffy…”

“I don’t think I can wait until we get home, baby. I want you now. Please?” She unfastened his jeans with ease, pushing her hands in his pants and cupping his ass, “Pretty please?”

William swallowed and licked his lips, his mouth feeling dry suddenly. He held her waist lightly, not pushing her away but not actively participating either. He groaned as Buffy pulled out his cock, making the head peek out of his pants. “It looks like you shouldn’t wait either, feels like it too,” she swirled her thumb in his pearly pre-come, causing William to jump and for his control to shatter.

“I can’t understand what they’re saying.” Riley took off his headphones and grabbed the binoculars from Giles’s fingers. “The Buffy I knew wouldn’t be caught dead with a loser like him. He’s nothing, just a cleaner.” His eyes grew wide, “That’s disgusting! I told you he was brainwashing her! I told you! He’s fucking her in a kitchen of a greasy diner! I think I’m going to be sick.”

“Oh settle down and enjoy the show.” Giles picked up binoculars and refocused the lenses. “I think our plan will work out very nicely. Once they’re apart, you’ll take her away--”

“And hopefully it won’t be too late. That bastard.” Riley growled and replaced his headphones only to hear Buffy’s moans and scrabbled words. “She loves him… my ass.”

“Then we’ll turn the tables a bit and offer him a trade. The money for his girlfriend.”

“But he’s not going to get Buffy. I am.”

Giles rolled his eyes, “Sure you are.”

“I want to watch when you shot him and Buffy should see it too maybe it’ll break the hold he has over her.”

“I’ll see what I can do.”

“Are they still going at it? Give me those binoculars.”

“This isn’t going to work.” Buffy laughed and tried desperately to hold on. “Next to the sink was too high and the stack of crates wasn’t sturdy enough and now you’re going to drop me.”

“Am not.”

“Are too. Let me go.”


“It’ll only take a second and we’ll both feel more comfortable.”

“Or I could just heave you over my shoulder and we could give it a proper go in the car.”

“That would involve getting dressed again and I don’t wanna.”

“How said anything about dressing?” He wiggled his brow suggestively, making her laugh again. “We’ve done worse.”

“Don’t remind me. Let me go, William.”


“Don’t pout.”

“Oh all right,” He slipped out her, mourning the loss of their connection and placing her gently on her feet. “Now, what’s your wonderful idea?”

Buffy led him back to the counter next to the sink and slid her shoes on, adding inches to her height. “You stay.” She stood in front of him and picked up his hands, placing them carefully on her body, “We’ll put one here and one here.”


“And then I’ll help you out down here.” She led him to her entrance, bending over slightly before taking him in. “Oh… How’s this working for you?”

“Very well. “ He nipped her ear and brought her closer, “You’re a genius, pet.”

“I’ve changed my mind. Working is fun.”

“I knew you’d have a change of heart,” William pushed Buffy back so he could open the door to the basement.

She adapted quickly, moving from kissing his lips from his neck, “God I still want you, hell, I always want you.” She slid her hands under his shirt needing to feel the smoothness of his abdomen. “I love you so much William.”

“And I love you—Xander?”

“You love Xander?” Buffy turned, confused until she saw him sitting on the sofa. “Oh. Xander.”

“Hey guys.”
Chapter 19 by facingthesun
For now, all these chapters are going up beta-free so bear with me. Love you guys. I'm taking you to the end. :)

Chapter 19

“He just gave me this,” Xander pulled out a white envelope from the pocket of his shirt. “Snyder said it had nothing to do with him, it came from the top, from Mr. Fancypants Summers himself.”

Buffy shifted uncomfortably in her seat next to Xander on the sofa. She read the short, brutal letter, cringing, “Increase efficiency…cut corporate fat—God Xander, I’m so sorry that you got fired.”

“And then to make my shitty life complete, I go to Anya for some comfort and for some sexual healing and she kicks me out,” Xander covered his face and burst into tears, shocking and taking Buffy by surprise.

“Oh…uh, there, there,” She patted him gently on the arm. “Um, you need a Kleenex?”

Xander nodded and blew his nose loudly before resting his head on Buffy’s shoulder. “You don’t understand how bad this is, for Anya to kick me out…she’s pissed, hell, she’s beyond pissed.”

“I’m sure she’ll calm down and besides you’ll get another job.” Buffy squirmed, Xander’s head weighing heavily against her. “Everything will be--.”

“Hey, Harris hands off my girl. Don’t make me kick your mopey ass.”

“William.” Buffy sighed in relief when he came down the basement stairs.

“You miss me, love?” William winked at Buffy.

“My hands weren’t near her, I swear. I was just borrowing her shoulder so I could cry on it,” Xander explained sitting up.

“Her shoulder is off limits to you too. Here you are. Your mum is letting you borrow her entire collection of weepy songs.” William handed Xander the box of albums. “But return ‘em by next week or she’ll come hunting for me.”

“Only the sweet sounds of country crooning can soothe my pain in a time like this,” Xander announced dramatically with a sniffle, holding the box to his chest and heading towards his bedroom. “If you need me, I’ll be laying on my bed, alone, staring at the ceiling, alone, and listening to Dolly.”


“Yeah.” Xander wiped his eyes, not finding William very funny. He walked into his room, shutting the door behind him.

“William, have you seen my shirt?” Buffy searched through the stacks of their folded clothes, finding nothing.


“Thank you.” She accepted the crumbled ball of fabric. “I can change out here, right? Xander shouldn’t be popping in for any reason?”

“I don’t think so.” When William finished setting up their bed, he sat on the edge. “I guess I’m going to talk to him.” He scratched the back of his head and sighed. “I owe him; the least I can do is get him drunk enough to pass out. If not, I fear he’ll just be up all night sniveling.”

“I feel so bad…do you think Anya will really dump him?”

“I don’t know.” William watched Buffy gracefully shift her balance from leg to leg as she slid out of her jeans. “The bird’s awfully involved with her money and now that Xander’s not going to be bringing any in…”

“Well that’s just stupid,” Buffy pulled off her sweatshirt and unhooked the clasp on her bra. “Not everything’s about money.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah, it’s not. Not for me anyway, not anymore. Money doesn’t make my world go ‘round.” Buffy pulled her hair out from underneath the collar of her t-shirt as she walked closer to William. “Hey you, wipe that smirk off your face.”

“So what is everything about now? Now that you’re reformed? What makes your world go ‘round?”

“Well I’m not going to say it’s you.”


“Nope.” She smiled and climbed into his lap, wrapping her legs causally around him. She tucked her head under his chin and hugged him tightly. “Don’t stay up too late with Xander, our appointment’s tomorrow.”

“You’re changing the subject.”

“I am. But only for your sake, so your ego won’t get inflated anymore than it already is.”

“How thoughtful of you, kitten.”

“I know.” She laughed lightly before holding and bringing his face close for a number of kisses. “I’m always thinking about you, baby.”

William reclined them back into a laying position, kissing Buffy deeply and sliding his hands under Buffy’s shirt, “Buffy, we shouldn’t. I need to…”

“Xander.” She nodded, taking his hands from her breasts and guiding them around her back. “Just stay with me till I fall asleep. Hold me.”

He inhaled sharply, overcome by emotion, the need in her voice and her warmth of her body radiating against him. “I think I can do that.”

“I left a few messages, at least sixty but probably closer to seventy, give or take a few.” Xander shrugged and popped open another beer can. “I filled up her answering machine but I’m still calling about every twenty minutes.”

“You’re practically stalking her, mate. She’s probably hiding from you.”

“What do you suggest that I do? Write Anya a fucking poem?”

“Hey now,” William glared at Xander’s laughter. “You’d better watch it, Harris or I’m outta here and I’m taking the booze with me. I’d rather be sleeping anyway.”

“With your sweetie pie Buffy… you know, you and Buffy make me wanna puke. I mean, you guys are fucking inseparable. You live together, you work together and…”

“And you’re jealous aren’t you?

“No—well…yes! You bastard! You’re like halfway to marital bliss and you’re getting a visit from Mr. Stork—I don’t want that…but…shit, I don’t know.” Xander pouted and he tried to ignore William’s proud smirk. “All I know is that I hate you guys.”

Awww. Aren’t they cute?

Buffy wrinkled her nose and dodged the empty beer cans that were scattered on the floor.

“Wake up,” She spoke softly while nudging William’s stomach with her barefoot. “William.” He was sprawled out on the floor still asleep. Xander was in a similar state on his bed, snoring loudly and clutching a pillow to his chest.

“We need to go soon.” Buffy dropped to her knees and ran her fingers through William’s hair.


Works every time, she smiled at the thought and she continued to stroke the side of his face. “Hey baby, how are you feeling?”

“I’ll let you know once I start moving around.” He groaned and rearranged his arms under his head. “What time is it, love?”

“A little after noon, I let you sleep for as long as I could.”

“Doctor’s appointment, yeah… I think I drank too much Buffy. I remember talking about weddings and…and that’s about it.”

“Weddings? What kind of man-talk is that?”

“Manly man-talk that you wouldn’t understand.”

“Oh, so who’s wedding were you planning or is that part foggy too?”

“Um,” William avoided her eyes. “That I can’t remember. How much time do we have?”

“Now who’s changing the subject?” Buffy laughed, seeing his guilty expression. “If we drive quickly, you definitely have twenty minutes.”

“You think you got enough brochures there, William?”

“No.” William carefully stacked the large pile and nervously looked around the waiting room. “You think I could take more stuff for my headache yet? It’s killing me.”

“You shouldn’t, it hasn’t been long enough. You shouldn’t drink so much--.”

“Yeah, yeah.” William shifted to the edge of his seat and searched the table for more information. “I hope we don’t have to wait much longer. I hate waiting. Do you think the doc will give us more pamphlets? I want everything available. I haven’t got a clue about any of this baby stuff.”

“William, settle down. You’re making me nervous.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, love.” He sighed and wrapped an arm around Buffy. She rested her head on his shoulder.

“I called Mom while you were in the shower. She named off all these tests that I’d have to go through and then she started telling me all of her best pregnancy stories about swelling feet, back pain and about puking in planters…”

“Planters, eh?”

“I don’t want to throw up all the time. I don’t want to get fat.”

“You won’t be fat, princess, you’ll be pregnant. You’ll have that beautiful mother-to-be glow that people about. But the part about tossing your cookies, I doubt that that is avoidable--.”

“Hell, didn’t I glow enough before? I used to spend a small fortune on makeup, William.”

“Is that a trick question? Because I don’t think my head can handle one of those right now--.”

“Lucille? Lucille Vanderlow?”

“Come on Richie, it’s showtime.” Buffy grabbed William’s hand and they followed the nurse out of the waiting room.

William’s head pounded and he couldn’t pay attention to anything that the doctor was saying.

She’s seven weeks pregnant.

As soon as William heard the number it was all he could think about.

We talked and she said if the baby were Angel’s she’d be about six weeks pregnant, so her being seven must mean… Sure I didn’t demand to know her entire sexual history but if there was a chance of the baby having different father…she didn’t tell me.

I need to get out of here. I need to think.

“Um, excuse me is there a bathroom nearby?”

Buffy frowned, “What time is it?”

“He’s been gone for twenty minutes, Lucille. Don’t worry he’s probably just waiting in the lobby. Besides a lot of guys would rather not stick around for the pelvic and physical exams.” The doctor laughed and gave Buffy a reassuring pat on the knee before scribbling out Buffy’s prescription for prenatal vitamins. “So how long have you and Richie been married?”

“Not long.”

“Oh a whirlwind romance?”

“I guess you can call it that. Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure that’s what I’m here for Lucille.”

Buffy cleared her throat and thought of the best way to word her question. “Before I meet…Richie, I slept with another guy, just once and it happened while I was on the pill.”

“Did you use a condom?”

“No. But when Richie and I got together I forgot to take the pill for awhile, maybe even over a week.”

“So you have doubts if the baby is Richie’s?”

“Yes. Is there anyway of knowing for sure before the baby’s born?”

“Well I’m guessing you didn’t have your period between both encounters, so you can’t be one hundred percent positive of who the father is without paternity testing. We’ll be able to make a better guess after your ultrasound but still nothing can be guaranteed. We can look into having the paternity tested by amnio or after your baby is born. Have you asked your husband how he feels about the possibility of him not being the father?”

“He says he won’t have a problem with raising the baby either way.” Buffy said quietly.

“Lucille, you should also remember that only eight out of one hundred women get pregnant while taking birth control pills and with consistent and correct use of the pill that number of pregnant women declines even more.”

“So the baby could definitely be William’s and I’m just losing my mind for no reason?” Buffy thought out loud, forgetting about the doctor for a moment.


“Oh, I meant Richie, it’s his middle name, and he goes by both names. Speaking of Richie, I think I need to find him now.”

Buffy found William sitting in a corner. His notebook was in his lap and he looked deep in thought, biting on the cap of his pen.

Does he go anywhere without that notebook? Buffy wondered as she made her way across the waiting room.

“William, I’m done. We can go home now.”

“Ok,” He gathered his things, quickly and followed Buffy out of the doctor’s office and to the car. “How’d everything go?”

“Good, thanks for asking.”

“You still want to go out for dinner?”


William ran to the passenger side and opened the door for Buffy. “No? You sure?”

“Positive.” Without looking at him, she got in and buckled her seatbelt. “I just want to go home, William.”

“Ok, we’ll do whatever you want, Buffy.” William got behind the wheel, knowing it would be a long and quiet ride back to Xander’s basement.

“Why did you leave?”

Or maybe the ride won’t be so quiet after all. William took a deep breath, “You’re seven weeks pregnant Buffy.”


“So? You said it yourself that if you were six weeks along the baby would probably be the poof’s and now that your seven weeks…”

“Did you pay attention to the doctor, William?”

“I tried to but--.”

“William, the baby can only be yours or Angel’s. There isn’t another ‘could be’ daddy out there somewhere. My last period ended seven weeks ago and that is considered when my pregnancy started.”

“I can still be the father?”

“William, is that what made you upset?”

“Of course that’s what made me upset. I want to be the father of your baby Buffy. Haven’t I made that clear? Just the possibility of the baby being Angel’s makes me insanely jealous because he doesn’t deserve the honor just like he didn’t deserve you.”

“You’ve made it very clear, William.” Buffy unhooked her seatbelt and scooted to the middle seat. “Very, very clear and I couldn’t love you more for it.”

“You’re not mad at me anymore?”

“No, besides soon after you left came the blood tests.”

“I’m happy to miss that. Are you sure you still don’t want to go out tonight? We have the night off from work, we should take advantage of it.”

“Nope, I just want a quiet night in the basement. It looks like it’s going to rain anyway. It’s nice snuggling weather.”

“Snuggling we can do but quiet? Remember Harris is still down there.”

“Well then maybe it will just have to be your job to get him out of there because Xander’s definitely not going to have his drinking buddy with him tonight.”

“Oooh really?”

“Really. You’re mine tonight William.”

“Aren’t I always? Yours, Buffy?”

“You order the food and I’ll see what Xander’s up to.” William squeezed Buffy’s hand before letting go and heading to Xander’s bedroom.

That ended nicely, I’m so glad we didn’t fight. Buffy sat on the sofa with the phonebook and cell in her lap. With a smile on her face, she searched for the number for her favorite take-out pizza place.

I know I saw coupons around here somewhere… Buffy scanned the room before remembering that she had put them into her purse.

“Crap.” Buffy mumbled under her breath. “William?”

“Yeah, love?”

“I forgot that I had a prescription to drop off.”

“We can go later.” William appeared in the living room. “Or I’ll go.”

“How’s Xander?” Buffy whispered before getting to her feet.

“I’m trying to talk him into giving Anya a surprise visit.” William winked, “So far, so good, with a little more prodding he’ll be good to go.”

“Why don’t you just continue with Xander and I’ll go to Walgreens. I can drop of the prescription and pick up something for dinner.”

“You sure? It sounds like it’s raining out there.”

“It won’t take me too long and Walgreens is just down the street. You can set the table while I’m gone. Keys please.”

“That sounds like a date.” William dropped the car keys in Buffy’s outreached hand. “Be careful, pet.”

“I’m always careful,” Buffy smiled before kissing William goodbye.

Buffy twisted the key in the ignition one more time, the motor turned over but it wouldn’t kick into life.

“Stupid car.” She pushed off the radio and pulled out her cell phone, not willing to get out into the rain again.


“No, Xander I’m sorry it’s just Buffy. Can I talk to William?”

“Yeah, wait a sec.”

Buffy turned on the windshield wipers and stared as the rain continued to fall. “Buffy? Is something wrong?”

“I can’t get Mom’s car to start. You were right; it’s raining a lot out here. I’m thinking something got flooded.”

“Ok, I’ll check on the car and if we can get it to start, I’ll drive you where ever you need to go, alright? I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

“Ok. Love you, William.”

“Love you too.”

“It’s bloody pouring.” William turned up is collar and stepped out of the house. Because of the rain, it was darker than usual for that time of night. He squinted ahead and a strange van caught his attention.

“Firm but Fair Collection and Eviction Agency?” He read the printing on the vehicle, wondering why it was pulled up close to Buffy’s parking place.

Maybe someone’s helping her with the car—

William froze in shock hearing Buffy’s muffled cries and watching as a man tried to drag her out of the car and into the van. “No, no.” William whispered helplessly before running towards the van. “No! Stop! Buffy!”

“Will, you’re not making any sense. You need to clam down.”

“He took her! The guy that was in the trunk, her ex, he took her. What as his name Rodney? Rory?” William paced the living room as angry, scared tears fell down his face. His brain was working against him, sending William a variety of thoughts and memories of the day he kidnapped her, of the intoxicated insanity of their first night together, and of the relaxed pleasure of their recent days. William couldn’t focus on any one thought. He couldn’t sit still. “If he hurts her… if he touches her I’ll kill him!”

“Hey, whoa there cowboy. You need to find the guy first before you can kill him. You also need a car or someway to get where ever he has taken her.”

“I’ll ride a bloody tricycle if I have to.”

Xander rubbed his chin, “We can’t call the police… Damn, this could be difficult, man. Maybe you’ll find resources you never knew you had. On the other hand, maybe not. Maybe the woman you love and your unborn child will die a slow, miserable death at the hands on some guy, leaving you to feel guilty for the rest of your life.”

“Xander! You’re not helping! Not in the slightest!”

“Just telling you straight, Will.”

“Well you can just shut your bloody trap if you’re going to be spouting shit like that… Let me think, what would Buffy do? She was—is always better at this stuff.”

“You said that you read the side of the van. Can you remember what it said?”

“Sure I remember but what good would the name on the van be? What kind of idiot would kidnap Buffy in a company van and then take her back to the family business?”

“Maybe the same guy who found himself tied up in a trunk of a car driven by bounty hunters?”

“Give me that phonebook.”

“Thank you. No message. I’ll call later.” Riley replaced the receiver. “Your father’s not in his office and Giles isn’t answering his phone either.”

A few feet few in a large warehouse, Buffy sat at a wooden table. She was tied to a ratty lounge chair and thick tape had been strapped across her mouth. A tennis sweatband was stretched over her forehead.

“Oh well, we’ll call them again later.” Riley pulled up a chair and sat across from Buffy, who was openly glaring at him. “I’m sorry it had to come to this, Buffy but you need help. You’ve been brainwashed by a criminal mastermind. Hopefully it’s not too late for you.” He have her a reassuring smile before stroking her face. “Watch it, jerking like that will make you fall back. I won’t hurt you, you’ve been hurt enough already.”

Buffy closed her eyes, exhausted. Being kidnapped wasn’t too distressing for her. She was more worried about William. She hoped he’d be smart and that he’d stay away.

Buffy was almost asleep before the doorbell rang.
Chapter 20 by facingthesun
Chapter 20

William waited beyond the door, hidden to one side. He hoped that Riley wouldn’t see him and that he’d open the door.

When I see him I’m just going to charge at him, fists flying.

William nodded satisfied with his simple plan. It was the most coherent thought he could gather after a long night of worrying without food or sleep.

I hope I’m not too late.

When the door opened, William pounced.

Riley peeked his head out of the warehouse and within seconds his gun was torn from his grip and Riley found the barrel pushed into his forehead.

“Let Buffy go.”

“Um, o-ok.” Riley stuttered. “She’s in the back.”

“Take me to her.”

William walked through the packed warehouse, paranoid and waiting for another goon to strike at any moment.

This is just too easy.

“So where are the others?” William poked Riley in the shoulder with the gun. “Because if this is a trap, I’m taking you out no matter what.”

Riley swallowed, not saying a word.

Oh, Buffy.

William saw her tied up and he fought the need to run to her. He took a deep breath before demanding, “Cut her free.”

“I can’t wait until Ripper kills you. I hope it will be painful.” Riley spoke in dangerous even tones as he peeled the tape off Buffy’s mouth.

“You asshole!” Buffy screamed as soon as her lips were unleashed. “What the hell is wrong with you?!”

William and Riley stood still for a moment, not sure of who Buffy was yelling at.

“I hate you!”

“Oh well, now, that settles it. She’s talking to you, mate. Because she loves me.” William gloated but his smirk was cut short. Riley growled, tackling and knocking William to the ground. Riley held William’s wrist and smacked his hand on the floor until the gun was loosened from his grip. He tried to catch hold of it, but William pushed it away.

“And you know what, Riley?” Buffy thrashed, still attached to the chair. Her arms were tied behind her back and the sweatband was pulled over her eyes as a blindfold. “I didn’t just dump you because you wanted to marry me, I couldn’t stand you!”

“You tell him, love.” William found it difficult to speak with Riley’s knees stabbing him in the back. Just breathing was becoming a struggle.

“I was just using you for—for something different… the thought of spending my life with you makes me want to puke and I’d enjoy it! I can tell you with all the puking I’ve been doing lately, that’s really saying something. Besides if I’m marrying anyone--.”

“Buffy, you don’t know what you’re talking about.” Riley spoke over William’s sharp yelp. Riley had William in a headlock and they both stumbled around the room as he tried to guide William’s head into collision with a range of hard and pointed objects.

“Yes, I do!” Buffy paused, listening for only William’s voice as it traveled around the room. She could also hear random noises of the boys fighting. “William? Are you ok, baby?”

There was a large crash followed by a grunt of pain. “Been…better.”

“William, will you marry me, baby?”

“Huh?” The boys responded in unison; both of them stopped fighting.

“Please? William?” Buffy waited, hearing nothing but panting in response. “I love you more than anything and I--.”

“Yes, Buffy—of course—I’ll marry you—but do you think now is the appropriate time for--.” William gasped for breath between the words but he never finished his sentence.

The room became silent.

‘William? What? What is it? What’s happening?”

“Don’t worry, Buffy, everything’s going to be just fine.” Buffy stiffened recognizing Ripper’s voice.

William saw the ex-butler standing in the doorway with an automatic pistol in his hand.

Somehow I think he’s lying.

He blinked as one single shot was fired. When William opened his eyes, he saw Riley lying dead in front of him with a neat hole in the center of his forehead. Giles put the gun away and through the door behind him came another man: Hank Summers.

“Well if you’re going to vomit, boy, get on with it because we can’t just leave him there, now can we?”

Buffy heard the body drop and for a brief, terrifying moment, she feared that William was the victim of the gunshot. She started to breathe again once she heard Giles order William to drag the body to the car.

Poor Riley. Sure I hated him but still…

Hearing footsteps traveling close, Buffy froze, “William?”

“Buffy, my dear, you disappoint me. I lavish upon you the gifts of fatherly love and how do you repay me? With hurt and malice. I have worried so much about you in the hands of this creep, yet, when freed, do you return home? No. I even have reason to believe that you’ve been working along side of this dangerous criminal. But shacking up with him didn’t help you in the end, now did it? You managed to get kidnapped. Again. You see, my girl, this is what happens when you stray from my protection and authority. You must learn, Buffy, you must learn.”

With that, Buffy felt strong arms around her. She struggled and fought as she was lifted into the air.

“There’s no reason to have her in the trunk.” William protested quietly, fearing for Buffy’s safety, hearing her kick and shout. “She didn’t do anything wrong, Mr. Summers. If anyone should be tied up in the trunk it should be me.”

“Buffy is being punished for being disrespectful and for dismissing my paternal authority. Now, William, I’m going to ask you one more time, and remember, your life depends on this: Where is the money?”

William looked out of the window of limousine. Riley’s corpse lay in the seat next to him and with every sharp turn, the body fell on him. William swallowed, feeling sick. “The cabin.”

“Cabin? Which cabin?”

“Where I held your daughter captive. It’s a long drive but that’s where it is, I hid the money there.” William lied; pushing away memories of the suitcase of millions taking a two hundred foot leap off a bridge in the middle of Arizona desert.

Giles drew his gun again, “Where is it?”

“Kill me and you’ll never know. Only I know where the money was hidden.”

“I’ll get the money. It’s in the house.” William slid out of the car, his legs stiff after the ride that lasted for hours. “What…what about Buffy? She’s been in the trunk for ages. Hasn’t she been punished enough?”

“No.” Hank answered without hesitation. “So here we are then, at the scene of the crime.” He inspected the outside of the house. It still looked as empty and abandoned as the day Buffy and William had moved in. “How… quaint. Ripper the door if you will.”

Giles nodded, using his gun to blast a hole into the wooden door.

“But you have so many crimes to your name William.” Hank continued scanning the interior of the home. “And all of them, you’ve committed against me. Let’s recall, shall we? You invaded my office without an appointment, insulted me, assaulted me, damaged company property, stole a gun belonging to the company, and oh yes, shot me in the arm, kidnapped my daughter, killed my bounty hunters, and stole my money. Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

“I’ll get the money.”

“That’s what I want to hear.”

“I promise.”

“Get it.”

William stood nervously in the center of the room, disappointed to see that the house had fewer escape routes than he had imagined on the ride over. All the windows looked too far away and Giles standing in doorway blocked his only other option for a getaway.

“Well?” Hank asked, as he impatiently drummed his fingers against the table where Buffy had served William a burnt homemade dinner.

How the bloody hell am I going to get out of this… There has to be some way…

“It’s under the floor, Mr. Summers!” William dropped down and began scraping at the planks of wood. “If only I could remember which board it was. One of them was loose, you see. I’m sure I’ll find it. Just wait a moment.”

Giles sighed loudly, “Hank, I think he’s bluffing. I don’t think he has your money. He’s just wasting our time.”

“I think you may be right, Ripper.”

Giles stepped toward William, finger on the trigger. His foot fell hard on a plank, his weight causing one end to sink and the other to raise an inch higher than the other boards that made up the flooring.

Oh, thank God.

“That’s it! That’s the one!” William scrambled to the plank, pulling it up. He repeated the action until there was a good-sized hole was in the floor. “It’s down there, Mr. Summers, I’ll just get it for you.”

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

William panicked in the tiny space under the floorboards. The two-foot deep area of bug-infested dirt disgusted him. He was losing all hope until he saw a hint of light shinning through the brick wall of the home’s foundation.

“I see it, Mr. Summers, I see your money. I’m just going to get it. I just need to free it from the rubble down here.” William kicked at the wall. A brick came loose and he kicked it again.

In the room above, Hank smiled and Giles shook his head as they listened to the wall being kicked away.

“Ripper, I think the boy may need your assistance.”

Buffy gave up as soon as she heard the shoots fill the air, tears damping the blindfold that covered her eyes.

“William…God, I’m so sorry.”

A bullet shot through the floor just in front of William’s face. He screamed and continued to kick at the small hole, desperate to break out. He dodged several more bullets until he could see Hank leaning above him threw the shredded planks.

“Face it, William, you don’t have my money. But what you have to understand is that it’s not the money that matters now: It’s the principle. Ripper, kill him.”

Buffy didn’t respond to the sound of nearing footsteps. She didn’t kick or scream as something scraped against the lid of the trunk.

“Lucille? Lucille? It’s me, Todd, from up the hill. Are you in there? I think young Richie’s in trouble.”

Giles pulled William out of the hole by gripping onto the collar of his jacket. William flinched as Giles pointed the gun to his heart.

I should be getting used to this by now…

“So William, you see, what happened was this: you shot Riley Finn.” Hank walked around William, pointing to the crumpled body that was dumped on the couch in the living room. “You killed him, William. You shot him and then you shot yourself. And then, while you bled to death, you set fire to this house, destroying all the evidence. Didn’t you?”

“Sorry, Father, but that’s not going to happen.” Buffy stood in the doorway, holding Todd’s flintlock pistol in both hands. With one eye closed, she aimed for Giles. “Leave William alone, Giles or I’ll shoot you and you know I won’t miss.”

“Buffy, go.” William was relieved to see her but he didn’t want her to get hurt because of him. “Just go.”

“No, William, I’m going to save you just like in your dream.”

Hank stepped between the couple, not caring that he was in the way of the gun. “Buffy, put the gun down. You’re not in control of your actions. You’re unhinged, Buffy. You need the most expensive psychiatric care that money can buy.”

“No, Father, I need William and no one is taking him away from me, especially not you or because of you.” Buffy locked gazes with Giles, “I don’t want to kill you.”

“I give up!” Hank threw his arms up in frustration. “You’re crazier than Joyce now! Rupert, kill him. Now!”

Hank ran at Buffy knowing she’d never hurt her loving father.

Giles knew it would come to this. He watched, as father and daughter fought, never releasing William from his grasp. He knew someday he’d have to choose between his employer and the girl he had watched and taught since birth.

“Joyce.” Giles whispered the name of Buffy’s mother.

What a lovely woman and Hank put her through hell and now he’s doing the same to her daughter.

“You love her?”

“Huh? Are you talking to me?” William peeked open one eye. “I’ve never met the lady. She does sound nice and all but--”

“Not Joyce you idiot, Buffy. You really love her?” He pushed the gun into William’s chest, meaning to prod a truthful answer out of him.


Without saying another word, Giles turned his gun on Hank Summers and he fired.

“This is what happened: The girl eloped with the boy after a love-at-first-sight type situation. The boy was poor and from the wrong side of the tracks. The father was displeased with the daughter and the boy. He hired a number of bounty hunters to retrieve and dispose of the boy. However due to the many failures of the bounty hunters, the father took matters into his own hands, he kidnapped the girl and he boy followed finding himself in a trap. The father planed on killing the boy and destroying all useful evidence in a fire. The girl, with help from a friend, managed to save the boy from death. The father died in a fight.”

“And Riley Finn was?”

“Another bounty hunter.”

“All deaths were a matter of self-dense?”

“Yes, sir.”

“And no one was hurt?”

“Both were checked out by paramedics and no injuries were reported. The couple is staying at a local motel and they are available for questioning however Miss Summers would like matters cleared but as quickly as possible.”

“I think we can move the case along quickly. It sounds open and shut.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear.”

“There’s so many things that I don’t understand.” William mumbled watching the news coverage of what happened on the television.

“We’re on TV already?” Buffy stepped out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her body and another wrapped around her hair.

“Seems like Ripper works fast.”

“Everything can be moved along quicker when large amounts of money are involved.”

“Oh.” William felt Buffy get into bed behind him, “Buffy? Why did Giles have a sudden change of heart? I was positive that he was going to kill me. I could see it in his eyes.” He reached forward to turn off the TV, getting up from the edge of the bed.

“I was watching that,” Buffy protested but she was happy to see that William was going to be joining her under the covers.

“I’ll summarize it for you,” He cleared his voice and Buffy curled her body around his. “According to your butler, Hank was pissed because we eloped secretly. He also added a nice bit stating that your old man suffered from obsession, delusion and hallucination… It seems like it’s all over now. We’re getting away with it. Oh, and Buffy, you’re rich again, sweets.”

“I am?”

“You’re loaded, princess. Summers Enterprises, the cars, the homes, the yachts… the news had a list that ran for miles, all yours.”


“You’re not happy about inheriting a billon dollars?”

“It’s not just money and property and status. Just imagine the stress and responsibly.” Buffy hugged William tightly. “But we can talk about that later, right? I’m so tired, William.”

“Long day, huh?”

“Long and terrifying. I thought you were dead. Twice. I thought I’d never see you again.” Tears filled Buffy’s eyes and she ran her fingers along William’s chest. He was covered head to toe with bruises, scrapes and cuts. “And then, when we could hear the police sirens, I was positive that you were going to be taken away. I nearly died, baby.”

“Hey, it takes a lot to get rid of me, kitten.” Speaking lightly, he kissed her forehead. Buffy’s body shook as she cried in his arms. “Besides I know you’ll always be here to save me.” He whispered words of love into her ear, comforting her. “I’m never leaving you, Buffy. Shhh, let’s talk about something else. You didn’t answered my question about Ripper, sweetheart.”

“Giles… he had an affair with my mother when I was in high school. They were so cute and so in love. When Hank found out about the affair, he blackmailed Giles, using his “Ripper” days against him. Giles left town and today was the first time I’ve seen him in years.”

“So killing Hank, it was beneficial to him?”

“I’d say. No more blackmail. I slipped him Mom’s address and phone number too.”

“I just wish he wouldn’t have waited so long to see the light.”

“But he did in the end and that’s all that matters. I’m so glad this is over. I don’t think I could handle anymore.”

“Me too, Buffy.” William reached to turn off the light next to them, “Me too.” He changed their position slightly, spooning his body around Buffy’s. “Night, Buffy. I love you.”

Buffy felt her heart tighten and she threaded her fingers with his. “Love you, too. And thank you for bringing me back to our tee pee, this motel means so much to me.” Buffy closed her eyes as William placed his lips against her neck.

“Maybe tomorrow we can work on adding to the memories, yeah?”

“Maybe,” She grinned, feeling William’s hand cup her swelled breast.
And in the End... by facingthesun

The wedding took place about two months later, in a castle in Scotland. It was a simple affair attended only by a small handful of family and friends, including a newly engaged Xander Harris and Anya Jenkins, and a newly reunited Rupert Giles and Joyce Summers. Following the wedding, Buffy and William stayed in the castle for a two-week long honeymoon.

William and Buffy returned to the States until the birth of their first child, Anne. A paternity test proved that William was indeed Anne’s father. The couple moved out of Xander’s basement to a small but comfortable apartment. All plans of leaving for England were put on hold until future notice.

Buffy continued to help her husband write his novel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which ended up becoming a very popular mini-series. A few months after the first book’s release, a television show based on the adventures of the Slayer was put in the works. The show, also entitled, “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” ran for a full seven seasons, becoming a cult classic, spawning a number of spin-off shows and similar programming.

Buffy Summers ended up selling most of her father’s estate and company. The profits she gave to charity however she did retain a modest amount of wealth, allowing her to be able to support William in the early stages of publishing his novel.


Buffy brushed her hair while looking into the mirror, only the roaring fireplace lighted their cozy bedroom.

“So, William, you’re telling me that successful relationships are made only with help from divine intervention? We couldn’t have found each other by ourselves?”

“Oh, Buffy,” William appeared in the mirror’s reflection. He pulled her back against his body. “You’re so warm, love. I’ll miss our Anne but she’ll be in good hands, yeah? Rupert and Joyce will take good care of her.” He nipped at Buffy’s ear, before pushing his lips against the soft skin beneath her earlobe. “I get you all to myself…”

“You never answered my question, baby. We were having a deep conversion about the mystery of life and…love.” She moaned, as William’s hand slowly slid down her body. Her robe slid off her shoulders and pooled around her ankles.

“We don’t just have a ‘successful relationship.’ A successful relationship is nothing but two people being prepared to tolerate each other’s imperfections--.”

“And you don’t do that?” Buffy leaned into his touch. She put her hand over his as it rested on her curved, full belly.

“Sure we do but we have so much more than just that. We have love, Buffy. And it comes from somewhere wonderful, somewhere we don’t know about.”

“Like heaven?”

“Could be. Turn for me, kitten.”

Buffy smiled as William’s mouth traveled from her neck down to her full breasts. “And… and you don’t believe that love is just an emotional feeling that attaches itself to sex and to the need of being physical with another--.”

“Of course, I don’t. Fate intervenes in people’s lives.”

“In ours?” Buffy asked, pulling William’s face to hers.

“Yes.” He moaned between kisses. They continued to kiss as William nudged them closer to their unmade bed. “Fate brought us together and kept us together.”

“Fate had a strange way of making its point.” Once Buffy fell into bed, her hands concentrated on the tie of William’s flannel pajama pants.

“That’s part of the beauty of it,” William gasped as Buffy’s fingertips brushed and caressed his hard erection. “Love is a strange and beautiful creation, accountable to no one.”

“You were nearly killed.” Buffy added quietly.

“Buffy,” William pulled his pants off completely before lying beside her. “But I wasn’t. We have our Anne and another bit of sweetness on the way…and we are here Buffy. We were meant to be. We were written in the stars. All those romantic ideals and hogwash, all that applies to us, love.”

“It’s a nice thought but to many is may seem irrational, maybe a little bit absurd.”

“I know that, kitten. But I believe it and I can tell by your eyes that you do too.”

“Of course I do,” Buffy rolled over, straddling William’s hips. “And you said you were a rotten poet, baby.”

“Well, it comes and it goes, my poetic genius, you see. Now if I tried to put all that on paper…”

Buffy interrupted him, kissing him quiet, before guiding him deep into her wetness. “Mmmm, I love you, William.”

“I love you too, Buffy.”

And they lived happily ever after.

The End.

It's over. :( I loved it. I own nothing. All Joss and John. Special thanks to many. Especially leianneae, the super beta :D Please leave a review.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=3072