Author's Chapter Notes:
Just a short little interlude, I made you all wait for so long and I got such nice reviews that I thought I should give it to you now. I wasn't too sure about how well tis worked out, but decided to post it, please let me konw what you think.

And thank you, thank you, thank you to Allison for reminding me of thisl...the song in this chap was originally in one of William's Girl's fics (In the Still of the Night) and that's where I found out about it.......meant to include that earlier, sorry
Interlude: Learning

“Okay, pet, put that finger there,” William showed her where to put her finger, “And this one here and that one there.” Once she had them all in all the right places, he put his hands over hers and said, “Now see how I bend my fingers, and can move them back and forth without really moving my hand?”

“Uh huh,” she mumbled still watching intently.

“Pretty soon you’ll be able to do that too, as long as we work everyday and you practice even on the days I’m not here. Okay, cookie?”

“I can really be as good as you?” Sam asked him in wonder, finally looking up from the keyboard.

“Sure you can, sweetheart,” Buffy said from the doorway, where she’d stood unnoticed for five minutes. “You just have to do like William says and practice every day, even on days that aren’t school days.”

“I will! I will! I promise,” Sam grinned at first her mother and then William before looking at her mother again, “Did you know that William can play a very pretty song? He played it for me, but he said it takes a lot of practice to be able to play it.”

“Would you play it for me?” Buffy had no idea where that had come from. She hadn’t even registered thinking it, let alone deciding to ask it. “You know what, never mind, I’m sure you two are busy, I’ll just be getting back to what it was I was doing.” ‘Whatever that was,’ she thought.

“Hold up, luv,” William called as she turned and left the room. “I think it would be good for Sam to hear it again and this way you’ll know that I can play at least a little bit. Wouldn’t want you thinking your daughter had an inept pianist as a teacher.”

“What’s inn-eh-put mean?” Sam broke in before Buffy could say anything.

“Inn-ep-tuh, means not good enough, like if I couldn’t play the piano, then I’d be an inept piano teacher because I wouldn’t be good enough to teach you. That make sense, cutie?”

“I think so.” Sam seemed to think about it for a few seconds before nodding her head, “It makeses sense. And you’re not inn-eh-pt, you’re a very good piano player.”

“Thank you, sweetheart, think I should play for your mum then?”

“Yep. I wanna hear it again.”

“Want to,” Buffy corrected before giving in, “If you’re sure that it won’t be a problem, then I’d love to hear you play.”

“Not a problem at all.” After Buffy sat down in one of the chairs near the piano, he began to play. []

Now Buffy had dated a few musicians in college, but they had all been of the “rock” variety. Hearing someone play the piano like this was something totally new for her. He played with so much passion. And, though she was loathe to admit it, it was way sexier than any of her guitar playing boyfriends could have even hoped to be.

Thank god he didn’t play the guitar or sing—or anything like that, or she might just have to leave Angel and run away with William. Along Sam of course.

‘Woah, Buffy! What are you thinking, just because the man can play the piano, don’t go deciding to throw away your marriage.’

“And guess what mommy?” Sam said when William had finished playing, “He can play the guitar, too.”

‘Oh, hell,’ Buffy thought, ‘I have to get out of here!’ “That was great William, really.” Buffy insisted, “But I really do need to get back to my work now.”

“Of course,” William said, trying to pretend that he wasn’t disappointed that he hadn’t seemed to impress Buffy in the least. “Sam and I should be getting back to our work, anyway.”

As Buffy left the room, never noticing the crestfallen look that William tried to hide, she heard Sam ask, “Can you teach me a song?”

“Sure, cupcake,” William said, with a genuine smile on his face. “How about this one, it’s not too hard for someone starting off, but it’s fun too. And I’m sure your mum will love it.” ‘Even if I don’t seem to be able to impress her, I’m sure you will,’ he added silently. “Okay, bit here’s what you do: put these fingers here and then put those fingers there.,” he pointed out the correct keys to her. “That’s right, now do what I do.” And he proceeded to teach her how to play “chopsticks,” all but forgetting his disappointment regarding Buffy.

It wasn’t like he wanted her to fall to his feet and proclaim, “Oh, William, you’re the sexiest man alive! Let’s run away together and start a family. I’ll leave Angel and you, Sam, and I can be together forever.”

Well, okay, he wouldn’t exactly hate if she did that, but it wasn’t like he was expecting it either. While it was no secret, to him at least, that he was quickly falling in love with Ms. Buffy Summers-O’Connor, he also hadn’t forgotten the fact that she was married. ,

He wasn’t trying to change that, not necessarily, but would it have been so hard for her to just say, “That was beautiful William, I’ve never heard anything like it before’?

Okay, so maybe that was a stretch too, but if she’d just said that it was great—which she did—and sounded like she meant it—which she didn’t and then had stuck around for a few minutes, instead of running away like he were the most vile thing on Earth, that would have been enough for him.

Just to know that she could stand to be in his company, could maybe even enjoy it……that would have been enough.

He knew he was playing with fire, falling in love with a married woman, being employed by her husband, and teaching their daughter…but it wasn’t something he saw himself getting out of anytime soon.

TBC … Pretty Please Review

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