Author's Chapter Notes:
sorry for updating late last week, I hope you all found the chapter...just a few things:
1) Thank you so, so much for the reviews!
2) I was nominated at VK Awards (for Sam as best original character) so thank you so much whoever did that!
3) if I don't update next week, it will be because I lost power because of the scary hurricane possibly coming at Florida
4) I'm scared for both one of my friends and this hurricane now, so reviews would be very much appreciated...thank you.
Chapter 26: Decision Time

That weekend, Spike made his way to Buffy’s house (he’d quit referring it to Angel’s house a long time ago), he’d decided that tonight was the night. He let himself in, as she’d told him to do the previous day, and waited for her in the living room.

“You can do this, mate. She deserves to know and she won’t be mad at you just because you’re the one that told her…”William was talking to himself, “Or she could blame you and not believe you, there’s always that possibility.” He was really starting to think he’d made the wrong decision, “But she deserves to know and if she hates you for telling her, then so be it.” William nodded decisively before turning around and jumping when he saw Buffy in the doorway.

“Talking to yourself again?” She smiled at him before apologizing, “Sorry for scaring you.”

“You didn’t scare me, I’m just sort of out of it tonight, I guess. You know Buffy,” he said after a pause, “I’m right knackered, I think I’m going to have to cancel tonight, don’t think I’d be real good company.”

“Oh, yeah sure, I wouldn’t want to make you do anything that you didn’t want to or anything. William,” she said, waiting until she had his attention before continuing, “Maybe I’ve been reading this all wrong and you’ve only been spending time with me to appease Angel…if that’s the case,” she continued, as he just stood there, too stunned to say anything, “I can just tell Angel that I wasn’t having fun or something, then you know you can go out and actually have fun and there won’t be any repercussions with Angel. I’ll, um, let you go now. And, um, don’t apologize, okay? I’m just going to go check on Sam, I’ll see you Monday.” And she turned to leave the room, trying to hide how hurt she was at apparently having misinterpreted his actions.

“Um…” he called as she was nearly out of the room, waiting until she had turned around before going on, “Buffy…luv…there’s something I need to tell you.” He paused for a second, continuing once she’d walked back across the room, “You’re not going to like it and I just want you to promise me one thing.”

“Of course,” Buffy said nervously, knowing instinctively that this was something that she needed to pay attention to.

“Just promise me you’ll listen to everything I have to say…even if you don’t want to.” When she nodded that she would, William continued. “Okay, well it, um, it has to do with Angel. Remember when he told you that we should go out on Saturdays?” Not really giving her the opportunity to say anything—he’d lose his nerve his he took too much time—he continued, “Well when he brought it up with me, there was something that he told me, made me promise not to tell you…something that I should have told you a long time ago. And since I don’t know any better way to say it, I’m just going to come out and say it…I’m sorry, luv, but Angel…Angel, he’s been sleeping with Darla for some time now. That’s why he thought it was a good idea for us to go out on Saturdays; he wouldn’t have to explain where he was to you.”

“How long?” Buffy asked calmly.

“A few years now, he didn’t tell me exactly.” William was scared by how calmly she was taking this.

“Would you come upstairs with me?”

“Um, sure….Buffy? Kitten, are you okay?”

“Just come upstairs, huhok?”

“Sure.” William followed her upstairs, neither of them saying anything until they were in the master bedroom and Buffy had gone to her closet.

“I assume that’s where he is now, Buffy asked as she walked into her closet.

As she came out with a large suitcase, William answered her, “I’d assume so.”

“Good. Now here’s what you’re going to do: Call Darla’s, don’t let him know I know, and tell him you’re taking Sam on a field trip to L.A. for a few days, something very last minute, but you have to do it now—make something up, and tell him I’m coming with as a chaperone, okay. Once that’s done then you can help me get everything together.”

William had just stood there, shocked, the entire time she was talking, “Okay,” he said, deciding that maybe after he’d called Angel he’d be able to process things enough to ask her one of the million questions currently flying around his brain.

“But use your cell phone. It’ll solve the caller ID problem and I need to use the phone.” Buffy walked to the small sitting area of the bedroom and sat in the chair before picking up the phone and calling Cordelia, “Cordy? Hey, hun, listen I need a favor from you, but you can’t tell anyone about it. Okay?... Good. Now here’s the deal, I need the name of your divorce attorney…Yeah, I’m leaving Angel…Don’t say ‘It’s about time’…no, he’s been sleeping with Darla for awhile…yeah, I think I’ve known for a while, subconsciously at least, but now I have some proof…he told William and William told me…no I don’t know what I’m going to do now, but I’m leaving, so I need that name so I can get things going as quickly as possible, not give Angel the chance to get ahead of me. And Cordy? Angel thinks Sam, William, and I are going to L.A. for a field trip for a few days so don’t say anything to him…No of course, I don’t think you would, just wanted to make sure I covered all my bases…Simon Chopin…thanks hun. I’ll be giving Mr. Chopin, divorce attorney extraordinaire a call soon…Talk to you soon Cordy and thanks…bye.”


Meanwhile William was busy making his own phone call, out of range of both Buffy and Sam, should she wake up. “Darla? Hi it’s Spike…Angel’s kid’s teacher guy, right…Listen is Angel there?... Fine,” He said when she acted as if there was no reason Angel would be there at 8:30 on a Saturday night, “Let me rephrase that, I know Angel’s there, he told me about you two and normally I wouldn’t call him at your house, but there’s something I need to talk to him about that can’t wait ‘til morning.” He waited as Darla gave the phone to Angel who seemed to be in very close proximity to her. “Angel, hey, it’s Spike…Well, that’s what I want you to call me so get over it,” Not sure where this boldness was coming from, he continued, “Listen, I need to take Sam to L.A. for a few days, starting tomorrow, Buffy’s going to come with as a chaperone, okay?... Hey, it’ll give you more time with your mistress…Yeah, I know you hate when I call her that, but it is what she is, can’t exactly be your girlfriend seeing as you have a wife already and all…Just some museum, nothing you’d be interested in…Being rude? Huh? Didn’t realize it, guess I just don’t like calling you at your mistress’ house to explain to you why I need to take your daughter out of town for a few days.” Angel didn’t say anything to that so he just continued, “So the trip’s fine, right? We’ll probably leave tonight so that we can start all the school stuff tomorrow morning, Samantha can sleep in the car.”

After getting the all clear from Angel, William returned to Buffy’s room, hearing the tail end of her conversation with Cordelia, “I’ll be giving Mr. Chopin, divorce attorney extraordinaire a call …Talk to you soon Cordy and thanks…bye.”

As she hung up the phone, William walked over to her, concern etched on his face, “Don’t you think that might be a little hasty love, maybe you should try to talk to Angel about some things first.”

“You want me to work things out with Angel?” Buffy asked incredulously.

“No!” William assured her, “It’s just…I’m just…I’m worried alright, Angel makes a lot more money than you and he’s a lot more powerful than you…He could get full custody of Sam, couldn’t he?”

“So you really don’t want me to work things out with Angel?” Buffy checked.

“Hell no! I’ve been hoping you’d divorce that wanker since the first day I met you; you’re too good for him Buffy. I’d offer to pay for the divorce myself if I didn’t think it would cause problems. But I am honestly worried that he might get custody of Sam.”

“I can assure you William, although you’ve been a lot more like Spike tonight…I can assure you William, that Angel won’t get custody of Sam, assuming he even wants it.”

“I admire you conviction, kitten, but how can you be so sure?”

“Remember when we had that conversation about wasn’t I worried about Angel spending so many nights over at the office?”

“Of course I do, I tried to tell you all of this then, but Angel came home before I could.”

“And you remember what I said about why I wasn’t worried even if he was?”

“Yeah you said because he wouldn’t be able to get anyone pregnant…and I said that it might not be likely, but it was possible because he got you pregnant with Sam.”

“Well, you see William, the thing is…” Buffy wasn’t sure she could do this.

“The thing is…” William prompted her.

“He didn’t.”


I hope it was all you wanted...and please do review (and read the author's note if you haven't already, please)

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