Author's Chapter Notes:
yes, i know there are 29 reviews and i said 30, but I got one from my site too, so I'm saying it's 30....and I had a whole bunch of other stuff to say, but i"m in the midst of writing my NaNoWriMo book, so I can't remember.

Hope you enjoy the chapter and thank you to each and every one of you who reviewed...and I guess to those that didn't as well ;-)
Chapter 31:

“You, you love me?” Buffy asked, tears forming in her eyes.

“I said that, huh?” Spike asked, scratching his neck. It wasn’t so much that he hadn’t wanted to say it, just that he hadn’t wanted to say it quite like that.

“You did.”

“Well, then, how about I help you pack?” he asked getting up and walking over to Sam’s closet.

Buffy just sat there for a moment before she shook off her shock and spoke up, “Think you could maybe say it again? Or, you know, tell me if you at least meant it?”

Turning around with a bit of a smirk on his face, just to hide his insecurity, Spike asked, “You sure that’s what you want, luv? Once I say it, no way I’m going to take it back, just don’t want you to…don’t’ want you to hear it for real if you don’t want to deal with it.”

“Not sure how well I’ll deal with it,” Buffy said with a small smile. “But even for me, it’s a little harder to be Denial Girl once I hear it spoken out loud.”

“Well in that case…I am one hundred percent, completely, truly, infinitively, forever in love with you Buffy Summers.”

Buffy decided that kissing him wouldn’t be that bad. Slowly she walked over to where he was standing by the closet, “I’m going to kiss you now, okay?”

But before he could reply, she decided that if he said no, for whatever reason, she just wouldn’t be able to take it, Buffy leaned in and kissed him.

She kept it light, just a brush of her lips over his, but it was quite possibly one of the best kisses of her life. She didn’t mean to sound like one of those corny, romantic novels, but it was honestly one of the most romantic things she’d ever experienced. Maybe it was because of everything he’d said, or maybe it was because he was everything Angel wasn’t, maybe…hell there was a laundry list of possible reasons, but when it came down to it, she really didn’t care about the why.

She just knew one thing, “Think we can do that again sometime?”

“That and then some, most definitely luv.” He wanted more right now, but understood that she’d want to wait. So, if all he could get were kisses like that? It would more than cover it. “Think we should get packing? Since Angel thinks we’ll be out of here in the morning…”

“Yeah, think I could get you to pack up Sam’s room? I want to be sure to get all of her stuff. And I’ll go pack my room, or the little bit of it that I actually consider mine.”

“That sounds like a great idea…and I don’t mean to push, but where exactly are you planning on going?”

“Yeah, I hadn’t quite gotten that far yet. Probably a hotel or my mom’s. Probably my mom’s.”

Trying to hide his disappointment, William answered her, “That sounds like a good idea. I’ll help you get the stuff over there, alright?”

“Thank you…and I hate to ask you this because I don’t have all of the money for it yet, but, um, do you maybe think you could keep up Sam’s schooling? At least until I can figure out getting her registered for school?”

“Don’t worry about that, luv. I can keep teaching her through the school year and don’t worry about the money. Just think about letting me see you two once in a while and that will more than cover it.”

“I’ll think about it,” Buffy said with a smile, not sure she was ready to accept that. “But right now I should really get packing. And,” she said, opening the closet and getting out three suitcases for William to use, “Try to be quiet if you can, I don’t want to wake Sam up.”

“I’ll be quiet as a mouse. You sure, you’re alright? I mean, obviously you’re not entirely alright, you’re packing up your stuff to leave your husband, but other than that are you alright?” William finished lamely.

“Actually I’m more than alright. Feel better than I have in years—feel like I’m finally doing something right.”

“Okay, than. Well, you go get your packing done and we’ll get all this talking out tomorrow, once you’re out of here.”

“Yeah, yeah, I get the point. Go pack Buffy!” She said, before walking out of the room and quietly packing up the few things in her room that she’d bought with her own money or that she’d had before they got married.

“She’s actually leaving him,” William said to himself aloud several minutes later, in the middle of filling a suitcase with Sam’s clothes. ‘She’s leaving him and she knows I’m in love with her…and she kissed me.”

Things were definitely looking up for him.

Now all he had to do was get her to fall in love with him—and acknowledge it. He had meant what he said though; he’d spend every day teaching Sam as long as he got to see Buffy sometimes as well (not that he didn’t like spending time with Sam, he just wanted to have some with Buffy as well).

Or really, if he had his way, more than just sometimes. More like all the time.

If he had his way, Buffy Summers O’Connor would be Buffy Summers-Giles before too long.


It was getting late by the time Buffy had her room and the attic packed up and ready to go. She just hoped William was done as well, she really wanted to get all of the stuff, Sam, and the two of them out of the house before Angel got home in the morning.

“Ready to get this stuff moved?” William asked, finishing closing up the last box as Buffy came into the room.

“Yeah, think I could get you to stay here with Sam? She probably won’t wake up, but I kind of want to explain this to my mom before I take Sam over there…it will be a bit of surprise, me just showing up at nearly four in the morning with all of my stuff.”

“Yeah, I’ll stay with the bit. But try to hurry back, don’t really favor telling her why all your stuff is packed up and her mum and da’ aren’t home. She might like me, but that might just test it a bit.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll hurry…” She kissed him once more on the lips before taking one more box with her and putting it with the other six in the car and heading off for her mother’s.

She just hoped that her mother dealt well with what she was about to drop on her.


“Buffy?” Joyce asked as she opened the door. All of the knocking and doorbell ringing had finally woken her up. “What’s the matter honey? Is Sam okay? Oh, god! What happened to her? Where is she?”

“Mom,” Buffy said as soon as she could get a word in, “Sam’s okay…”

When she didn’t continue, Joyce pushed a bit, “Then what happened? Where’s Sam? Why are you here? Now?”

“Oh mommy,” Buffy said, “I’m leaving Angel.” When her mother didn’t say anything, Buffy continued, “I’ve got all our stuff packed up and I was hoping Sam and I could stay here…and maybe keep our stuff here. Just ‘til we found somewhere more permanent.”

“Of course you can honey. Do you have stuff with you now?”

“Yeah, it’s in the car.”

“Then let’s get that inside. Where’s Sam, by the way?”

“She’s back at the house—William’s there with her.”


“Yeah, William,” Buffy said with a smile, “Oh, mom, I have so much to tell you, but let’s get this done, then we can talk. That okay?”

“Of course honey, as long as you do in fact tell me. I knew there was something about him…” Joyce said to herself as she carried a box into the house.

TBC…………..please review, i love to know what people think

knew I'd forget it: I hope everyone who it applies to has a happy Thanksgiving :-) or at least enjoys the time from work/school

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