Author's Chapter Notes:
Okay, I'm finally able to put this one in. This just popped into my head out of nowhere and I figured I could do something with it. This is for everyone that has to deal with annoying siblings, younger or older. I know I do. I have to admit that I like how it came out and I hope you guys would like it as well. I had fun with this one. There is also much Spuffiness to be had, just gotta be patient with me. Any comments would be appreciated=)
Chapter 1
“Mom, she’s still on the phone. I need to call Willow,” Buffy Summers complained as she entered the kitchen, where she found her mother making dinner.
“You’ll just have to wait until she’s done,” Joyce Summers replied.
Buffy rolled her eyes. “She’s been on for over an hour. She can’t keep hogging the line; there are other people in this house.”
Joyce stopped what she was doing to look at her daughter. “Buffy, I’m a little busy right now. Why don’t you just ask your sister to let you use the phone?”
Buffy sighed and left the kitchen. “Yeah, that would be like talking to a wall,” she mumbled and walked over to her older sister, who still had the phone attached to her ear. She was talking about the latest fashions and Buffy could care less. It wasn’t like it was anything really important. She was tired of being polite and snatched the phone out of the older girl’s hand. She put it to her ear, ignoring the glare from her sister. “I’m sure this is a matter of life and death, but she’ll have to call you back,” she said into the phone, then hung up.
“God, you are such a brat! I was having a very important conversation.”
Buffy rolled her eyes again at what her sister thought was an important conversation. Sometimes it was hard to believe that they were related. “I’m sure whatever fashions you were talking about will be out of style by next week. I actually need to use the phone for something school related, but you would know nothing about that.”
“Like calling your geek friend is so important,” she retorted.
Buffy was about to comment, but Joyce suddenly came out of the kitchen to stop the fighting.
“Harmony, would you take out the trash?”
She looked repulsed by the idea. “Mom, I do not touch disgusting things.”
Buffy couldn’t help the smile that formed on her face. “What would you call your boyfriend, then?”
Harmony turned a glare on her. “At least I have a boyfriend,” she spat and glanced back at her mother. “I’m gonna have to take a rain check, Mom. I have a date tonight.” She took off up the stairs, without even waiting for a response.
Joyce then looked at Buffy.
She knew what that meant. “I guess I’ll be taking the trash out.”
Joyce gave her a smile. “Thanks, honey,” she replied and went back into the kitchen.
Buffy let out a sigh when her mother was gone. Her life was really unfair sometimes.
* * * * *
Buffy walked outside with the trash and put it down, then noticed that she wasn’t exactly alone. She looked up to see a very attractive man, with bleach blond hair and a leather coat. She smiled at him.
“Hey, Spike. What brings you over here?”
He shrugged. “Just getting some fresh air. How are things going, Buffy?”
She sighed again and thought about what to tell him. “Things are as good as they’re going to be.”
Spike only nodded, not sure what else to say. He moved to Sunnydale from England when he was fourteen. His dad was the librarian at the high school.
They have lived next door to each other for five years now and formed a close friendship, even though he was three years older than her.
Buffy was about to say something else, when a nuisance bounded out of the back door and pushed her out of the way. She glared at her sister, who chose to ignore it.
“Spike, I knew I heard a male voice out here. Did you come by to see me?” Harmony wondered in a sweet voice.
It caused Buffy to cringe at how fake she was.
Spike only gave her a friendly smile. “I was just talking to Buffy.”
The smile quickly fell from her face. “Why do you constantly talk to her? It’s not like she can ever hold an interesting conversation. She’s just a kid.”
Buffy felt like pulling her hair out for that comment. She was sixteen-years-old and still got treated like a kid. Harmony was only two years older than her. “I’ll just go back inside now,” she said and turned away, catching the smirk on Harmony’s face. It was obvious that her older sister had a crush on Spike, even though she had her own boyfriend. Buffy knew that she would never be able to compete with Harmony. She was a Barbie doll basically and all the guys were crazy for her. She figured they only wanted Harmony because she lacked any brain cells and would put out for anyone. She was a senior and one of the most popular girls in school. Buffy actually got good grades and was hardly popular. She was attractive, but it wasn’t enough. She has liked Spike since she was twelve, but he would never notice. He probably only saw her as a kid just like everyone else.
She broke out of her thoughts; a determined look forming on her face. Buffy walked up the stairs and knocked on her other sister’s door. She didn’t wait for a reply and just let herself into the room. “Did you do it, Dawn?” she asked the younger girl.
Dawn smiled. “It was a piece of cake. You need to give me a challenge next time.”
Buffy smiled as well. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
They then heard the sounds of footsteps coming up the stairs and Harmony was soon standing in the doorway.
“What are you two losers talking about?” she wondered with raised eyebrows.
Buffy rolled her eyes. “Nothing that your little brain would be able to comprehend.”
Dawn was trying not to laugh.
Harmony just looked annoyed. “Whatever, I’m taking a shower.” She turned and headed to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.
Buffy graced Dawn with another smile. “Phase one is complete.”
Dawn returned her older sister’s smile. “This should be fun.”