Faith crinkled her nose at the filthy locals here in Gustor. It was mostly men who occupied this area, and they all seemed hygienically challenged. Angel led them towards a eatery. Faith glanced up at him, widening her eyes as if to silently tell him there was no way she was eating in there.

"Angel, can we just find this lion and get the hell out of here. I can eat later," Faith said.

"Are you sure? You haven't eaten in a while."

"Absolutely," Faith said, crinkling her nose again at the sight.

"Okay. We have to find out where this warrior guy is," Angel told her.

He approached a shifty guy sitting alone at one of the tables. The grossly overweight man did not notice Angel standing over him as he ate his food, hungrily. Angel looked back over at Faith, unsure of this was a good idea. She just nodded, letting him know to proceed.

"Excuse me, I have a few questions I thought maybe you could help me with."

The man just ignored him. Angel leaned in to get a better look at the guy. This man was obviously not going to talk to him. So he turned.

"Come on, Faith." They walked outside. Angel was pissed. He glanced around, hardening his focus on everyone that walked by them. "This is ridiculous. How are we going to find this damn warrior and lion?"

"Don't know. Maybe we just have to ask the right person. I'm sure this town has some decent people in it, right?"

"I wouldn't count on it," someone said behind them.

Faith and Angel turned to see Oz standing there. Their eyes bulged.

"Oz?" Faith asked.

"It is I. How did you guys get here?"

"Same way you did, I guess. Are you alone?" Faith asked him.

"Yea. Seems my band mates weren't worthy enough to come to this new, yet oddly cool dimension," Oz said.

"Weird. Why is it that only certain people were selected?" Faith asked.

Angel's eyes focused harder on their surroundings. It starting making sense. Why it was only them. Demons. Monsters. Them.

"These locals have never seen demons, vampires, anything supernatural. Now all of a sudden, we get dropped here, along with other demons..," Angel said.

"So, because all of us are a little bit more than human..," Faith cut in.

"We get sucked into this place, along with every other demon from our world," Oz finished.

"Damn. That means..." Faith looked at Angel.

"Connor." Angel said.

"And everyone else we know..." Faith was spooked. It all seem to come together. The mansion, Jean and The Immortal, now this. "Do you guys think The Immortal and Jean have something to do with this?"

"Or the Senior Partners. I know they weren't finished with us. Maybe they wanted to get rid of all of us once and for all," Angel said.

"Big company lay offs?" Oz jokingly asked.

"Looks like," Faith said.

After a few more minutes of contemplation, Angel advised them to start moving. He was anxious to get a hold of this gem piece and get the hell out of this place. They came across a more pleasant part of town. A woman stood near a cart of melons, packing up. Angel approached her, putting on his 'charm' face.

"Good evening. I was wondering if you can help me find someone," Angel asked her.

The woman turned to him, gasping at how handsome he was. "Yes, of course," she replied.

"I'm looking for a warrior type guy who has a pet lion. Do you know where they may be?" he asked her.

Her eyes widened. "Uh, are you sure? If it the same man I know of, you won't want to come in contact with him. He's brutal with a very nasty temperament."

"I'm sure. Can you help us?"

"He dwells over yonder. Up that hill and past the lake," she told him.

Angel looked in the direction she was pointing. It was kind of far away. Damn. "Thank you," Angel told her. He pulled a few coins out and bought two melons from her. She thank him and turned back to her packing.

Angel headed back towards Faith and Oz, holding the melons. Faith smirked, knowing he bought them for her.

"Thanks, Angel," she said.

"She said the guy lives up that hill and past a lake. It seems far. Did you guys want to start walking now?" Angel asked.

"Hell yea," Faith exclaimed.

Oz nodded. "No better time than the present."

As they walked, Angel and Faith filled Oz in on what was happening. Oz was shocked that they had all been thrown here, and now the only way back was to get some pieces of a gem that have been broken up for thousands of years. "So, how is everyone, anyway. Aside from being here?" Oz asked them.

"Okay, I guess. Spike's human now," Faith told him.

"Wow. I guess that's better, right?" Oz asked.

"Yea, he's digging it," Faith said.

"And Willow. How is she?"

"Good. She's dating a slayer now. Kennedy. They live in Brazil together. Kennedy runs her own training school. Like me."

"Good for them. And you. Where are you now?"

"Cleveland. Another Hellmouth is there."

"Oh yea? And here I thought Sunnydale was the chosen place for evil," Oz joked. "How about you Angel. Other than working for Wolfram and Hart, what have you been up to?"

"Things. Taking down the Black Thorn. Averting another apocalypse."

"Ah, the usual, except, the Black Thorn?" Oz asked.

"Yup, The one and only. They're all dead," Angel proudly declared.

"And after a big battle, slayage of a dragon, and Spike's humanity, we ended up in a mansion owned by some crazy warlock, who was teaming up with Drusilla to turn Spike back, and well...chaos ensues," Faith told him.

"Wow, you guys have been through a lot. I can't really say the same. I've just been settling in with my new band, touring around here and there," Oz said.

"Well, when we get back to our world, I'll come see ya play," Faith told him.

"Sounds cool."

After an hour, they reached the lake. In the distance Angel could make a some sort of house. Smoke came from the chimney. Must be the place, since there wasn't anything else around. Oz and Faith followed him towards the front door. Angel knocked. No response. He knocked again. This time, a bit harder.

"Guess no one is home," Oz said. Just then he felt a heavy object came in contact with the back of his head. Darkness engulfed him.

Faith and Angel turned in shock to see a huge man standing over Oz with a mallet. Angel rushed him, only to be knocked to the ground. The man raised the mallet over his head and brought it down towards Angel. It stopped, inches away from his head. Faith's hands were around it, and she threw it, with the man still holding on to it.

"What the hell are you doing?" she shouted at him.

Angel rose to his feet and joined Faith. They approached the man, now rising from the ground. He swung his mallet at Faith and Angel. Angel caught it and pulled it from his hands. He threw it far away enough so the man couldn't see where it landed.

"What the hell are you people? How did you throw that so far?" the huge man asked.

"Look, we need something from you. We didn't come here to fight. You have a lion, right?" Angel asked him.

The man stared at them in shock. "I do. What is it to you?" he asked.

Oz wearily made it to his feet, fighting off the headache this man gave him. Faith ran over to him, holding his arm to help him up. "You okay?" she asked him.

"Well, aside from the seething pain in my head, yea. I'm fine," he replied.

They turned to Angel who was arguing with the huge man. Angel was relieved when Faith and Oz joined him. This man took notice of the odds and gave in.

"What do you need from Shemp?" he asked them.

Oz looked at Faith and chuckled. "Shemp?"

"Yeah, what do you want?" the man asked again.

"He has a collar, there is a piece we need from it," Angel told him.

"Oh," the man said. He slowly walked past them and walked inside his house.

Faith glanced at Angel and Oz , shrugging her shoulders. She followed the man inside, motioning for Angel and Oz to come with.

Inside, his house was immaculate. Quite a shock, seeing as he seemed the type to probably live in filth. A fire was lit in the den where he led them. They each sat down on the nice leather couch he had. The man walked over to a bar in the corner and made drinks.

"You guys like scotch?" he asked them.

"Sure!" Faith said eagerly.

"The Gem of Anu, huh?" the man said, walking to Faith. He handed her the drink.

"So, you know all about it?" Angel asked.

"Most of it," the man replied, handing Angel and Oz a glass of scotch. "I know once together with the other pieces, it opens up a portal. Is that right?"

"Pretty much," Faith said.

"And you are somehow ordered to retrieve these pieces?"

"Sort of," Angel said.

"Why would I let you open the portal?" the man asked them.

"Because it was opened a few days ago, letting demons into this dimension. Now in order to send them back, we need to reopen it."

Angel was becoming impatient. He wanted more action, and less talking. He noticed Oz was sniffing the air as if he detected something. Oz gave him a shrug.

"And you all. Are you from this dimension as well? Is that why you are so strong?"

"Yes," Faith told him. No sense beating around the bush. They needed what they needed, and in order to do that, she had to be straight with this guy.

"I see," the man said. He joined them on the couch. A fluffy orange cat jumped on to his lap. "Hey there, Shemp."

Angel's looked in shock. He noticed Faith and Oz did too. Then he chuckled to himself when he saw the collar around the cute cat's neck. A small green gem was lodged in the center. Angel looked at Faith and she laughed.

"Ferocious creature," Oz joked.

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