The next night, Willow walked into Spike's crypt just minutes before sunset. She climbed down the ladder and found him lying on his bed in nothing but his black jeans. She walked over to him and poked him in the shoulder.

"Spike!" She poked him again but he didn't even stir. "Spike!" she yelled even louder this time and grabbed his shoulders and started to shake him.

He sat up with his eyes only half open and his hair plastered to one side of his head. Willow tried to hide her amusement at his disheveled appearance.

"Willow?" he shot her a confused gaze and shook his head trying to get back to reality.

"Yeah, come on get dressed."

"For what?" he asked, still kind of grumpy.

"We're going to the Magic Box. I went to Xander's last night after we talked and I told him I wanted him to get everybody together to meet at the Magic Box for a meeting after sunset. It's about time you show yourself and if I had told you about it sooner you'd have more time to freak out about it so I thought it was best to wait until the last minute."

"I don't think this is such a good idea, pet. Did you tell Xander I was here?"

"No way! He'd totally freak!"

"Gee that really makes me wanna see him even more," he said sarcastically.

"Sorry, but you know he's still sore about the whole Anya thing. You really can't blame him for that, can you?" She handed him a shirt and he put it on.

"No, I guess not but who's to say he won't stake me right when I walk in the door."

"He won't. I promise. That's why it's better for us to go together. I'm just as nervous about seeing everyone again as you are. Having you with me will take some of the uncomfortable feeling away from me and I can be there to stop anyone who starts flying toward you with weapons." She had that way too cheery grin on her face and he just rolled his eyes.

"Fine." He groaned. "I might as well get this over with."


Xander and Anya sat at the table after setting down some munchies for their meeting. They sat in silence but kept stealing glances at each other after Xander started holding her hand under the table. They had recently gotten back together and they were in that lovey dovey shy with each other kind of stage. It was like starting all over again.

Buffy walked in the door and took a seat across from the lovebirds.

"Hey guys." Buffy said as she grabbed some chips from the bowl on the table. "What is this meeting all about anyway? You hung up so fast I didn't even get the chance to ask."

"Actually Buff, Willow came by last night and asked me to call this meeting."

"She's back? Why didn't she call or come see me?"

"I think she was afraid to. I can tell that the time in England has really helped her a lot but I'm sure she's still having a rough time with everything. She's probably just afraid that everything will be weird with us."

"I guess you're right. I mean, a lot has changed but I've gotten past that and no matter what she will always be one of my best friends. I just want to help her. I just don't know how."

Buffy stared off into space and started to get really nervous about seeing her again. She was never really good at comforting people. She never knew exactly what to say and it seemed that most of the time, whenever she tried to help, she'd just end up saying the wrong thing. This time she planned on watching her words carefully or just keeping her mouth shut all together. She decided it's probably best to let her do the talking and just let her know that she would be there for her.

Spike and Willow walked up to the Magic Box and paused in front of the door.

"You ready?" Willow asked looking up into a nervous Spike's deep blue eyes.

"Not really, no." he admitted.

"Good." Willow sighed. "Me neither. Shall we go then?" She grabbed Spike's hand and they made their way through the door.

Buffy heard the little bell on the door ring as it opened. She stood up and saw Willow walk in with Spike right behind her.

Buffy's breath caught in her throat and her heart began to beat wildly. She couldn't believe her eyes. The man that she never thought she'd see again was suddenly there. She had imagined this moment for a long time and her daydreams always had her running toward him and wrapping her arms around him but she didn't do that. She didn't do anything. She just stood there completely dumbfounded. Her eyes traveled down and she noticed Spike and Willow holding hands. She felt a pang of jealousy and looked up at Willow. Willow noticed the confusion in her eyes so she let go of Spike's hand and stood there uncomfortably, waiting for someone to say something.

Suddenly Xander leapt up from his chair, grabbed Spike by the shirt and slammed him against the wall.

"Dammit Spike, I thought we finally got rid of you. Why can't you just stay away? No one wants you here. How could you even show your face here again after what you've done to Buffy?"

Spike stole a glance over at Buffy and as soon as they locked eyes she quickly looked away and stared down at the floor.

Xander pulled Spike forward and slammed his head into the wall.

"Xander no!" Willow yelled. "That's enough!"

Xander let go of him and faced Willow.

"I can't believe this! You're sticking up for him now! What is wrong with all you women? Am I the only one who can see that all Spike will ever be is an evil soulless monster?

Silence filled the air and Xander became enraged. Obviously no one was planning on joining his side. Not even Anya stuck up for him and that hurt more than anything. Buffy continued to stand there like a statue. She just stood there frozen as Xander grabbed his coat and headed for the door. He slammed the door so hard that some of the items on the shelves shook.

No one spoke for what felt like an eternity. Anya grabbed her coat and headed for the door.

"I better go after him." Anya said before she gave Spike an awkward glare and walked out the door.

Dawn walked toward the Magic Box and noticed an upset Anya running out the door and down the street. She strolled into the Magic Box and was about to ask what was going on when she spotted Spike and Willow. She walked up to Willow but completely ignored Spike.

"Willow, you're back." Dawn stated uncomfortably. "Um, how did everything go? Are you doing better?"

"Yeah Dawnie, I'm doing a lot better. I got a lot of help from Giles and a lot of other people in England and I just want you to know how sorry I am for everything that happened. I couldn't bare it if you hated me."

"I don't hate you." Dawn sighed. "But it's gonna take some time to get back to where we were. You said some pretty awful things to me and I just need some time before we can be friends again."

"I know Dawn. I am so sorry and I'll do anything to make it up to you. I was crazed. I swear, I didn't mean any of those things."

"I know." Dawn said and gave Willow a small smile. "I'm so sorry about Tara. We all miss her a lot."

Dawn knew she should be angrier with Willow but she loved Tara so much and in a way she understood how that could make Willow do what she did. Dawn couldn't stop thinking about finding Tara shot to death in the bedroom and not wanting to leave her there alone. She just sat there watching over her for hours until someone came home. She just huddled herself in a corner and watched over her body.

"Hey Niblet." Spike said interrupting Dawn's thoughts.

He reached out to touch her hair but Dawn backed away from him.

"Don't touch me!" she hissed.

Spike gave her a hurt look. Dawn turned to look at Buffy who was still standing in the same spot she had been since Spike first walked in the door.

Dawn walked over to Buffy.

"Buffy, I suddenly don't want to be here anymore so is it ok if I go to Janice's house."

Dawn shot a hateful glare at Spike and he looked away from her and turned toward Willow who gave him a sympathetic look.

"Sure Dawn, It's fine." She said flatly while continuing to look at the ground.

"Thanks." Dawn saw how distraught Buffy was so she leaned over and gave her a hug before quickly walking out the door.

Buffy finally looked up and her eyes traveled to Spike. He looked at her with hope in his eyes.

"Spike?" she continued to look at him as if not believing that he was really there.

Spike walked over and stood before her not exactly sure what to say. He just waited for her to take the lead. Buffy took a quick glance at Willow and then studied Spike's face. He couldn't quite read the emotion on her face. She was feeling so many things at once, but her sullen expression turned to anger and he watched her features harden. He suddenly saw disgust in her eyes as her arm swung back. She slapped him across the face so hard that he stumbled back a few feet. He saw tears start to form in her eyes and she ran out the door and away from him. She just couldn't handle this right now. All these memories came flooding back to her. The attempted rape, sleeping with Anya, and most of all leaving her with no word until she got the impression that he was gone for good, just like the others.

Spike rubbed his face where he was sure Buffy had left an imprint of her hand. He sighed and looked over at Willow.

With tears rolling down his cheeks and a pain in his heart he said, "Home sweet home."

To Be Continued....


I know….poor Spike. But don’t worry, things won’t be this bad for him for long. I know this story will never be as popular as Married By America but it was the first one I wrote and I knew how I was going to end it before I started writing it. I’m very proud of this one. There are a lot of twists and turns so hopefully you’ll like what I’ve done with this. I wrote this before season 7 so I guess it’s what I had imagined and hoped for these characters. Thank you ash, PhotographyNut, cordykitten and klylu for the reviews!
This story has 15 chapters and I will update one a day until it’s done.

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