Rated: AO-AdultsOnly
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: Yes
Word count: 12181 Read: 13298
Published: 04/24/2007 Updated: 06/07/2007
1. Chapter 1 by Sarah Aless [Reviews - 19] (3136 words)
Hey people! That's assuming any of you remember me it's been so long!! So, RL has been CRAZY for me for a while but I'm hopefully back in the Spuffy fanfic fold now! T o celebrate my return I'm posting a new YKYWT fic. Hope you enjoy!
2. Chapter 2 by Sarah Aless [Reviews - 5] (2475 words)
Hey guys!! Thank you all sooo much for the encouragement and the 'welcome back's! Honestly, it's so lovely to have people not only remember you but be so effusive about their happiness that you're back!! Also apologies to those people here that got drunken responses to their reviews.........what can I say? It seemed like a good idea at the time (even if it didn't make much sense the next day!) Rest assured though, I was grateful for each and every review that was left. Thanks you guys........you rock!
3. Chapter 3 by Sarah Aless [Reviews - 11] (2240 words)
Hey guys!!! Thank you sooooo much for all the lovely reviews and support. As I said to lots of you it's just so nice to have people seem so genuinely pleased to see you writing again. You guys have really encouraged me to write more! In the next couple of months I should be writing and reading (and reviewing) a lot more too. Oh it's so nice to be getting back into the wonderful Spuffy world!
4. Chapter 4 by Sarah Aless [Reviews - 7] (2615 words)
Wow I can't believe the great response I'm getting! Especially here at Spuffy Realm!! YOu guys really do rock and keep me going like nothing else can. Thank you so so much for all the reviews and hope you enjoy this chapter........only one left after this!
5. Chapter 5 by Sarah Aless [Reviews - 12] (1715 words)
Thanks so much to everyone who reviewed!!! sorry anyone I didn't get round to replying to - gonna try to get caught up now! Hope you enjoy this last bit. Please let me know what you think. Sorry for the delay - been having a bit of a mad one lately!!