Rated: 18
Categories: Serial Fics Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: Adult Language
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: No
Word count: 18194 Read: 13731
Published: 05/13/2007 Updated: 12/06/2008
1. 2021 by Ariel Dawn [Reviews - 5] (2873 words)
Disclaimer: Buffy, Spike and the Original Scoobies aren’t mine. All their kids...you bet.
Thanks to BTL for the betaing!
Previous installments of this series:
The Rest of our lives and Another Life
2. Angry Teenager by Ariel Dawn [Reviews - 3] (2389 words)
Disclaimer: Buffy, Spike and the Original Scoobies aren’t mine. All their kids...you bet.
Author’s note: Thanks to the lovely Bloodytearsoflife for the beta.
3. Potential by Ariel Dawn [Reviews - 3] (2640 words)
Disclaimer: Buffy, Spike and the Original Scoobies aren’t mine. All their kids...you bet.
Author’s note: Thanks and hugs to BTL for the beta.
4. Interpretation by Ariel Dawn [Reviews - 3] (2954 words)
Disclaimer: Buffy, Spike and the Original Scoobies aren’t mine. All their kids...you bet.
Author’s note: Thanks to Diane for letting me fulfill a whim and write her into this story. Thanks BTL for being a great beta.
5. Little Witch by Ariel Dawn [Reviews - 3] (2475 words)
Disclaimer: Buffy, Spike and the Original Scoobies aren’t mine. All their kids...you bet.
Author’s note: BTL, my beta, wonderful beyond the telling of it.
6. Vampires by Ariel Dawn [Reviews - 4] (2491 words)
Disclaimer: Buffy, Spike and the Original Scoobies aren’t mine. All their kids...you bet.
Author’s note: Beta’d by the wonderful BTL.
7. Ice cream by Ariel Dawn [Reviews - 3] (2372 words)
Thanks to the great BTL for the betaing.
Disclaimer: Buffy, Spike and the Original Scoobies aren’t mine. All their kids...you bet.