[Reviews - 188] LikedPrinter
Summary: William "Spike" Pratt is reluctantly performing a good deed when he meets Buffy Summers. He's enchanted. He's also stuck in the friend zone. Will he find a way to show her that he could be so much more before she marries someone else?

Thank you to the lovely person of persons for the nominations. :)
Rated: NC-17
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Buffy/Other, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 18 Completed: Yes
Word count: 53194 Read: 36536
Published: 06/03/2011 Updated: 12/30/2011

1. Chapter 1 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 12] Liked (2653 words)
Okay, before we get in deep with this story I should be up front about a couple of things. Mainly: Buffy is currently dating Angel. He is her boyfriend and will make the occasional appearance in the fic. This does not mean I will subject you to long or graphic romantic scenes between the two of them. I mean, seriously, yuck. That said, I've mapped out many chapters for this fic and will admit that the Angel situation won't go away for a little while. I think you will like it anyway. I just ask that nobody panic. You know me, you know I'm not going to try and sneak a Bangel fic on you. ;) So don't worry about the Angel thing, this is a love story and it will focus on the two people who make up the couple in this love story. If you've read any of my author's notes lately, then you know that I am in love with this fic--mad love-Spuffy love. I am hoping to get someone with graphic skills to make me a banner and an icon. I have a couple of ideas if anyone is game. :) Thanks for reading. I'm super excited to see what you all think of this one. :)

Oh-and Yeah-This fic was somewhat inspired by Jason Mraz's song entitled If it Kills Me. ;) It's a great song.

2. Chapter 2 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 12] Liked (3134 words)
I'm so excited to see this fic finding some love. I think it is going to be a fun ride.

3. Chapter 3 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 10] Liked (2174 words)
Hello! Thanks for reading and commenting! The book mentioned in this chapter is real. You can find it here and, if you have a little one in your life, you should check it out.

Oh and I'm still looking for a banner artist if anyone is interested. :)

4. Chapter 4 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 10] Liked (2106 words)
I think I need a better summary for this story. This one doesn't seem to be grabbing people. I think that's because it is kind of boring. Also, I'm still hoping to find a banner artist to make a story banner and icon for this one. Spike plays guitar in this fic, so I think that would open up some fun image options. (See how I evilly attempt to tempt the artists with the thought of handsome Spike with a guitar?) So--thank you to everyone who has been reading and commenting. You all rock. :) As you've probably noticed, this story will be told through a series of chronological scenes, some of which will be quite short. All of the scenes will involve at least one of our main two characters.

5. Chapter 5 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 8] Liked (2792 words)
First off, I am so sorry about the long delay in posting. The last week and a half has been crazy. My five year old niece came for a visit, which means we had a couple of epic-length car trips in order to collect her and return her and then in the middle of that my uncle got married in Connecticut so we had to drive up there and back. Our major car trips alone for the past ten days added up to nearly forty hours. Add in a wedding, a day at the zoo, a training for work, a cardboard boat regatta, a couple of kids movies and the general watching of an active five year old and I was crazy swamped. :( I've barely touched my laptop in days.
Next off, I think I confused people with my last author's note. I meant that I think my summary for this story is boring. I was thinking about adding more pizazz to the write up that attracts readers. I am actually in love with the story itself. Still, I thank everyone who assured me they weren't being bored to tears. It's always good to know. *hugs* You rock. :)
Finally, I am still searching for a banner artist. :)

6. Chapter 6 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 15] Liked (3838 words)
I have an extra long chapter for you all today. :) In the middle of this chapter, you will finally get to meet Angel. I'm interested to see what folks will think of him. No worries-the Angel scene is brief and surrounded by Spuffy fun. ;) Also, I suspect people are going to start growing impatient with Buffy soon, please give her a chance. Thank you.

Also-I haven't said it in a little while, but I still don't own any characters that were created By Joss Whedon and the Mutant Enemy crew. If I did I would be doing something other than writing fanfiction. :) This story is not intended to infringe on any coyrights and is not written for profit. Please don't sue me. That said, it is my little story and I like knowing where it goes, so please ask before reposting. (Linking is obviously fine and awesome.) Thanks.

7. Chapter 7 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 8] Liked (3044 words)
I am so sorry about the long delay. I've started teaching science camps-which I'll be doing all summer and I'm still adjusting to the schedule. I'm going to continue writing and posting as often as I can, but the updates won't come as often as either of us will like. :(
I do a couple of things in this chapter that I don't normally do. First off, I include the lyrics for a few songs. I worry that this can seem like filler, but the songs in this fic have all been selected carefully and are usually meaningful to the plot. Song credits for this chapter include: Tom Petty, The Postal Service, Frank Churchill and Oliver Wallace, and James Marsters. Any song that Spike claims as his own are songs written and sung by Marsters either solo or with his band, Ghost of the Robot. This will continue throughout the fic.
I'm compiling the songs in this fic here if anyone wants to give them a listen. :) http://dorians-kitten.livejournal.com/63752.html#cutid1

8. Chapter 8 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 10] Liked (2524 words)
Hi all. I've got an update for you. :) And I just update the Soundtrack post to include the new songs. Thanks for reading, let me know what you like. Thanks.

Check out the soundtrack here: http://dorians-kitten.livejournal.com/63752.html#cutid1

9. Chapter 9 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 10] Liked (2995 words)
Hello all. A couple of people were thrown by the time jump in the last chapter. We did move from November to January. I really want to follow a realistic strangers to friends to more pattern with this fic. Buffy is with someone and isn't looking to change that, so it would take a little time for the two of them to be reasonably brought together. I hope people aren't getting bored with the pace. I think these two are fun even while they are trying to stay just friends. :) Thanks for reading and commenting. This chapter is odd in that it only covers one long scene/night instead of a few shorter ones. I hope you like it.
P.S. I am still looking for a banner artist if anyone is feeling creative. :)

10. Chapter 10 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 9] Liked (2912 words)
Hi. I'm happy to have a quick update for you. :) People are going to have mixed feelings here, but I ask that you trust me. There's a plan in play. :) Thanks for reading and commenting. It means a lot to me.

11. Chapter 11 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 7] Liked (4186 words)
Wow. I am getting some seriously mixed reactions! I'm kind of enjoying the controversy. ;) I hope some of you are sticking around. Things will start looking....more complicated soon. :) Thanks for reading and reviewing. You all rock. This is an extra long update!

12. Chapter 12 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 13] Liked (3306 words)
I think this chapter will please a few people. I hope so. :) Thank you very much for reading and even more for leaving a quick comment.

13. Chapter 13 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 15] Liked (2493 words)
This was a challenging chapter to write. I hope you all like it. Thanks for reading and commenting.

14. Chapter 14 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 11] Liked (2405 words)
I am dreadfully behind on responding to comments. I am so sorry. I will be answering as many as I can this evening. It has been a crazy week. I want to get this chapter up so that people aren't waiting any longer. Thank you all for the support. You rock.

15. Chapter 15 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 11] Liked (3795 words)
Two weeks is a long time to wait for an update. I'm sorry. Thank you to everyone who is sticking around despite the delays. I love this story and wish sincerely that my life would open up big chunks of writing and posting time everyday. Lately that has not been the case. I think this chapter will surprise a few people-hopefully in a good way. At least one person guessed the twist that comes near the end. Congrats to them. ;)
Also, this story was nominated in a few categories at the Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards site. Thank you very much to whomever nominated it and me (I'm honored to be in the best author category with some excellent writers). Voting has started, so if you like this story or any of the many other great fics that have been nominated, please take the time to go vote. Thank you.

16. Chapter 16 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 7] Liked (2540 words)
Have you all seen the pretty banners this fic just received from the lovely folks over at Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards? I was feeling pretty damn honored by the nominations, so three runner-ups awards kinda blew my mind. Thank you tons!!! I am really behind on everything and have lots of stuff and stories to share, but I am going to simply post a chapter right now and tell you that this story is getting close to its end. :)

Also-I will have another chapter up VERY soon.

17. Chapter 17 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 9] Liked (2603 words)
You can expect one (possibly two if I get wordy) more chapters for this fic and you can expect to see them soon. By the way, you all read chapter sixteen, right? It just went up two days ago, so if you're not sure go read that one first. Seriously. Don't try to skip ahead to the smut you dirty little girls. ;) Did I say smut? No way, not me.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter. As always, I try to do something new. I'd love to hear if you think I succeeded. Thanks to Puddinhead for some much needed early feedback on this chapter. :)

18. Chapter 18 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 11] Liked (3694 words)
This is it, the final chapter.I can't imagine that is was worth the wait, but I hope you like it nonetheless. Thank you for reading and for all the supportive words along the way. Happy New Year!